old_browser: "Uh oh, o teu navegador é demasiado antigo para que o CodeCombat funcione. Desculpa!"# Warning that shows up on really old Firefox/Chrome/Safari
old_browser_suffix: "Podes tentar na mesma, mas provavelmente não vai funcionar."
ipad_browser: "Más notícias: o CodeCombat não funciona no navegador do iPad. Boas notícias: a nossa aplicação nativa para iPad está à espera da aprovação da Apple."
# slogan: "The most engaging game for learning programming."
# classroom_edition: "Classroom Edition:"
# learn_to_code: "Learn to code:"
# teacher: "Teacher"
# student: "Student"
# play_now: "Play Now"
# im_a_teacher: "I'm a Teacher"
# im_a_student: "I'm a Student"
# learn_more: "Learn more"
# classroom_in_a_box: "A classroom in-a-box for teaching computer science."
# codecombat_is: "CodeCombat is a platform for students to learn computer science while playing through a real game."
# our_courses: "Our courses have been specifically playtested to excel in a classroom setting, even by teachers with little to no prior programming experience."
# designed_with: "Designed with teachers in mind"
# real_code: "Real, typed code"
# from_the_first_level: "from the first level"
# getting_students: "Getting students to typed code as quickly as possible is critical to learning programming syntax and proper structure."
# educator_resources: "Educator resources"
# course_guides: "and course guides"
# teaching_computer_science: "Teaching computer science does not require a costly degree, because we provide tools to support educators of all backgrounds."
# accessible_to: "Accessible to"
# everyone: "everyone"
# democratizing: "Democratizing the process of learning coding is at the core of our philosophy. Everyone should be able to learn to code."
# forgot_learning: "I think they actually forgot that they were actually learning something."
# wanted_to_do: " Coding is something I've always wanted to do, and I never thought I would be able to learn it in school."
# why_games: "Why is learning through games important?"
# games_reward: "Games reward the productive struggle."
# encourage: "Gaming is a medium that encourages interaction, discovery, and trial-and-error. A good game challenges the player to master skills over time, which is the same critical process students go through as they learn."
# excel: "Games excel at rewarding"
# struggle: "productive struggle"
# kind_of_struggle: "the kind of struggle that results in learning that’s engaging and"
# motivating: "motivating"
# not_tedious: "not tedious."
# gaming_is_good: "Studies suggest gaming is good for children’s brains. (it’s true!)"
# game_based: "When game-based learning systems are"
# compared: "compared"
# conventional: "against conventional assessment methods, the difference is clear: games are better at helping students retain knowledge, concentrate and"
# perform_at_higher_level: "perform at a higher level of achievement"
# feedback: "Games also provide real-time feedback that allows students to adjust their solution path and understand concepts more holistically, instead of being limited to just “correct” or “incorrect” answers."
# real_game: "A real game, played with real coding."
# great_game: "A great game is more than just badges and achievements - it’s about a player’s journey, well-designed puzzles, and the ability to tackle challenges with agency and confidence."
# agency: "CodeCombat is a game that gives players that agency and confidence with our robust typed code engine, which helps beginner and advanced students alike write proper, valid code."
# curious: "Curious? Request a demo and we'll show you the ropes"
# create_class: "Or create a class and see it for yourself!"
# request_demo: "Request a Demo"
# create_a_class: "Create a Class"
# have_an_account: "Already have an account?"
# logged_in_as: "You are currently logged in as"
# view_my_classes: "View my classes"
# computer_science: "Computer science courses for all ages"
# show_me_lesson_time: "Show me lesson time estimates for:"
# curriculum: "Total curriculum hours:"
# ffa: "Free for all students"
# lesson_time: "Lesson time:"
# coming_soon: "Coming soon!"
# courses_available_in: "Courses are available in JavaScript, Python, and Java (coming soon!)"
# boast: "Boasts riddles that are complex enough to fascinate gamers and coders alike."
# winning: "A winning combination of RPG gameplay and programming homework that pulls off making kid-friendly education legitimately enjoyable."
# run_class: "Everything you need to run a computer science class in your school today, no CS background required."
pitch_body: "Desenvolvemos o CodeCombat em Inglês, mas já temos jogadores de todo o mundo. Muitos deles querem jogar em Português, mas não falam Inglês, por isso, se sabes falar ambas, por favor considera registar-te como Diplomata para ajudares a traduzir o sítio do CodeCombat e todos os níveis para Português."
campaign_old_multiplayer_description: "Relíquias de uma era mais civilizada. Não há simulações em curso para estas arenas multijogador, mais antigas e sem heróis."
# victory_viking_code_school: "Holy smokes, that was a hard level you just beat! If you aren't already a software developer, you should be. You just got fast-tracked for acceptance with Viking Code School, where you can take your skills to the next level and become a professional web developer in 14 weeks."
non_user_code_problem_title: "Impossível Carregar o Nível"
infinite_loop_title: "'Loop' Infinito Detetado"
infinite_loop_description: "O código inicial para construir o mundo nunca parou de ser executado. Provavelmente é muito lento ou contém um 'loop' infinito. Ou talvez haja um erro. Podes tentar executar este código novamente ou reiniciá-lo para o estado predefinido. Se isso não resultar, avisa-nos, por favor."
check_dev_console: "Também podes abrir a consola para programadores para veres o que possa estar a correr mal."
tip_no_code: "Nenhum código é mais rápido que código não existente."
tip_code_never_lies: "O código nunca mente, mas os comentários às vezes sim. — Ron Jeffries"
tip_reusable_software: "Antes de um software poder ser reutilizável, primeiro tem de ser utilizável."
tip_optimization_operator: "Todas as linguagens têm um operador de otimização. Na maior parte delas esse operador é ‘//’."
tip_lines_of_code: "Medir o progresso em programação pelo número de linhas de código é como medir o progresso da construção de um avião pelo peso. — Bill Gates"
parents_blurb1: "O seu educando já jogou __nLevels__ níveis e aprendeu as bases da programação. Ajude a desenvolver o interesse dele, comprando-lhe uma subscrição para que ele possa continuar a jogar."
parents_blurb1a: "A programação de computadores é uma habilidade fundamental que o seu educando vai usar incontestavelmente quando for adulto. Em 2020, habilidades de programação básicas serão requisitadas por 77% dos empregos e, atualmente, há uma grande procura por engenheiros informáticos no mundo. Sabia que os cursos universitários ligados às Ciências da Computação são os mais bem pagos?"
parents_blurb2: "Por ${{price}} USD/mês, o seu educando recebe novos desafios todas as semanas e suporte pessoal, via e-mail, de programadores profissionais."
payment_methods_blurb1: "Atualmente aceitamos cartões de crédito e Alipay. Também podes enviar ${{three_month_price}} para nick@codecombat.com com o e-mail da tua conta para adquirires uma subscrição e gemas por três meses ou ${{year_price}} por um ano."
level_to_unlock: "Nível para desbloquear:"# Label for which level you have to beat to unlock a particular hero (click a locked hero in the store to see)
# main_title: "If you want to learn to program, you need to write (a lot of) code."
# main_description: "At CodeCombat, our job is to make sure you're doing that with a smile on your face."
# mission_link: "Mission"
# team_link: "Team"
# community_link: "Community"
# story_link: "Story"
# careers_link: "Careers"
# press_link: "Press"
# mission_title: "Our mission: make programming accessible to every student on Earth."
# mission_description_1: "<strong>Programming is magic</strong>. It's the ability to create things from pure imagination. We started CodeCombat to give learners the feeling of wizardly power at their fingertips by using <strong>typed code</strong>." # {change}
# mission_description_2: "As it turns out, that enables them to learn faster too. WAY faster. It's like having a conversation instead of reading a manual. We want to bring that conversation to every school and to <strong>every student</strong>, because everyone should have the chance to learn the magic of programming." # {change}
# team_title: "Meet the CodeCombat team"
# team_values: "We value open and respectful dialog, where the best idea wins. Our decisions are grounded in customer research and our process is focused on delivering tangible results for them. Everyone is hands-on, from our CEO to our Github contributors, because we value growth and learning in our team."
# community_subtitle: "Over 450 contributors have helped build CodeCombat, with more joining every week!"
# community_description_1: "CodeCombat is a community project, with hundreds of players volunteering to create levels, contribute to our code to add features, fix bugs, playtest, and even translate the game into 50 languages so far. Employees, contributors and the site gain by sharing ideas and pooling effort, as does the open source community in general. The site is built on numerous open source projects, and we are open sourced to give back to the community and provide code-curious players a familiar project to explore and experiment with. Anyone can join the CodeCombat community! Check out our"
# community_description_link: "contribute page"
# community_description_2: "for more info."
# number_contributors: "Over 450 contributors have lent their support and time to this project."
# story_title: "Our story so far"
# story_subtitle: "Since 2013, CodeCombat has grown from a mere set of sketches to a living, thriving game."
# story_statistic_1a: "5,000,000+"
# story_statistic_1b: "total players"
# story_statistic_1c: "have started their programming journey through CodeCombat"
# story_statistic_2a: "We’ve been translated into over 50 languages — our players hail from"
# story_statistic_2b: "200+ countries"
# story_statistic_3a: "Together, they have written"
# story_statistic_3b: "1 billion lines of code and counting"
# story_statistic_3c: "across six different programming languages"
# story_long_way_1: "Though we've come a long way..."
# story_sketch_caption: "Nick's very first sketch depicting a programming game in action."
# story_long_way_2: "we still have much to do before we complete our quest, so..."
# jobs_title: "Come work with us and help write CodeCombat history!"
# jobs_subtitle: "Don't see a good fit but interested in keeping in touch? See our \"Create Your Own\" listing."
# jobs_benefits: "Employee Benefits"
# jobs_benefit_1: "Competitive salary and options"
# jobs_benefit_2: "15 day minimum vacation policy, excluding company holidays"
# jobs_benefit_3: "Work from home flexibility"
# jobs_benefit_4: "Unlimited sick/personal days"
# jobs_benefit_5: "Professional development and continuing education support"
# jobs_custom_description: "Are you passionate about CodeCombat but don't see a job listed that matches your qualifications? Write us and show how you think you can contribute to our team. We'd love to hear from you!"
# jobs_custom_contact_1: "Send us a note at"
# jobs_custom_contact_2: "introducing yourself and we might get in touch in the future!"
# contact_title: "Press & Contact"
# contact_subtitle: "Need more information? Get in touch with us at"
who_for_1: "Recomendamos o CodeCombat para estudantes com idade superior a 9. Não é necessária nenhuma experiência de programação prévia. O CodeCombat foi pensado de forma a ser apelativo tanto para rapazes como para raparigas."
who_for_2: "O nosso sistema de Cursos permite que os professores criem turmas, acompanhem o progresso e atribuam conteúdo adicional aos estudantes através de uma interface dedicada."
# subtitle: "Get CodeCombat in your classroom, club, school or district!"
# email_exists: "User exists with this email."
# phone_number: "Phone number"
# phone_number_help: "Where can we reach you during the workday?"
# role_label: "Your role"
# role_help: "Select your primary role."
# tech_coordinator: "Technology coordinator"
# advisor: "Advisor"
# principal: "Principal"
# superintendent: "Superintendent"
# parent: "Parent"
# organization_label: "Name of School/District"
# city: "City"
# state: "State"
# country: "Country"
# num_students_help: "How many do you anticipate enrolling in CodeCombat?"
# education_level_label: "Education Level of Students"
# education_level_help: "Choose as many as apply."
# elementary_school: "Elementary School"
# high_school: "High School"
# please_explain: "(please explain)"
# middle_school: "Middle School"
# college_plus: "College or higher"
# anything_else: "Anything else we should know?"
# thanks_header: "Thanks for requesting a quote!"
# thanks_p: "We'll be in touch soon. Questions? Email us:"
# thanks_anon: "Login or sign up with your account below to access your two free enrollments (we’ll notify you by email when they have been approved, which usually takes less than 48 hours). As always, the first hour of content is free for an unlimited number of students."
# thanks_logged_in: "Your two free enrollments are pending approval. We’ll notify you by email when they have been approved (usually within 48 hours). As always, the first hour of content is free for an unlimited number of students."
email_subscriptions_none: "Sem Subscições de E-mail."
email_announcements: "Anúncios"
email_announcements_description: "Recebe e-mails sobre as últimas novidades e desenvolvimentos no CodeCombat."
email_notifications: "Notificações"
email_notifications_summary: "Controla, de uma forma personalizada e automática, os e-mails de notificações relacionados com a tua atividade no CodeCombat."
level_editor_suffix: "do CodeCombat para criares e editares níveis. Os utilizadores já criaram níveis para aulas, amigos, maratonas hacker, estudantes e familiares. Se criar um nível novo parece intimidante, podes começar por bifurcar um dos nossos!"
thang_editor_suffix: "para modificares a arte do CodeCombat. Faz as unidades lançarem projéteis, altera a direção de uma animação, altera os pontos de vida de uma unidade ou anexa as tuas próprias unidades."
article_editor_prefix: "Vês um erro em alguns dos nossos documentos? Queres escrever algumas instruções para as tuas próprias criações? Confere o"
# designed_to: "Courses are designed to introduce computer science concepts using CodeCombat's fun and engaging environment. CodeCombat levels are organized around key topics to encourage progressive learning, over the course of 5 hours."
# language_cannot_change: "Language cannot be changed once students join a class."
# back_classrooms: "Back to my classrooms"
# back_courses: "Back to my courses"
# edit_details: "Edit class details"
# enrolled_courses: "enrolled in paid courses:"
# purchase_enrollments: "Purchase Enrollments"
# remove_student: "remove student"
# assign: "Assign"
# to_assign: "to assign paid courses."
# teacher: "Teacher"
# complete: "Complete"
# none: "None"
# save: "Save"
# play_campaign_title: "Play the Campaign"
# play_campaign_description: "You’re ready to take the next step! Explore hundreds of challenging levels, learn advanced programming skills, and compete in multiplayer arenas!"
# create_account_title: "Create an Account"
# create_account_description: "Sign up for a FREE CodeCombat account and gain access to more levels, more programming skills, and more fun!"
# preview_campaign_title: "Preview Campaign"
# preview_campaign_description: "Take a sneak peek at all that CodeCombat has to offer before signing up for your FREE account."
# arena: "Arena"
# arena_soon_title: "Arena Coming Soon"
# arena_soon_description: "We are working on a multiplayer arena for classrooms at the end of"
# not_enrolled1: "Not enrolled"
# not_enrolled2: "Ask your teacher to enroll you in the next course."
# next_course: "Next Course"
# coming_soon1: "Coming soon"
# coming_soon2: "We are hard at work making more courses for you!"
# available_levels: "Available Levels"
# welcome_to_courses: "Adventurers, welcome to Courses!"
# ready_to_play: "Ready to play?"
# start_new_game: "Start New Game"
# play_now_learn_header: "Play now to learn"
# play_now_learn_1: "basic syntax to control your character"
# play_now_learn_2: "while loops to solve pesky puzzles"
# play_now_learn_3: "strings & variables to customize actions"
# play_now_learn_4: "how to defeat an ogre (important life skills!)"
# welcome_to_page: "Welcome to your Courses page!"
# completed_hoc: "Amazing! You've completed the Hour of Code course!"
# ready_for_more_header: "Ready for more? Play the campaign mode!"
# ready_for_more_1: "Use gems to unlock new items!"
# ready_for_more_2: "Play through brand new worlds and challenges"
# ready_for_more_3: "Learn even more programming!"
# saved_games: "Saved Games"
# hoc: "Hour of Code"
# my_classes: "My Classes"
# class_added: "Class successfully added!"
# view_class: "view class"
# view_levels: "view levels"
# join_class: "Join A Class"
# ask_teacher_for_code: "Ask your teacher if you have a CodeCombat class code! If so, enter it below:"
# enter_c_code: "<Enter Class Code>"
# join: "Join"
# joining: "Joining class"
# course_complete: "Course Complete"
# play_arena: "Play Arena"
# start: "Start"
# last_level: "Last Level"
# welcome_to_hoc: "Adventurers, welcome to our Hour of Code!"
# logged_in_as: "Logged in as:"
# not_you: "Not you?"
# welcome_back: "Hi adventurer, welcome back!"
# continue_playing: "Continue Playing"
# more_options: "More options:"
# option1_header: "Option 1: Invite students via email"
# option1_body: "Students will automatically be sent an invitation to join this class, and will need to create an account with a username and password."
# option2_header: "Option 2: Send URL to your students"
# option2_body: "Students will be asked to enter an email address, username and password to create an account."
# option3_header: "Option 3: Direct students to codecombat.com/courses"
# option3_body: "Give students the following passcode to enter along with an email address, username and password when they create an account."
# thank_you_pref: "Thank you for your purchase! You can now assign"
# thank_you_suff: "more students to paid courses."
# return_to_class: "Return to classroom"
# return_to_course_man: "Return to course management."
# students_not_enrolled: "students not enrolled"
# total_all_classes: "Total Across All Classes"
# how_many_enrollments: "How many additional paid enrollments do you need?"
# each_student_access: "Each student in a class will get access to Courses 2-4 once they are enrolled in paid courses. You may assign each course to each student individually."
# purchase_now: "Purchase Now"
# enrollments: "enrollments"
# remove_student1: "Remove Student"
# are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to remove this student from this class?"
# remove_description1: "Student will lose access to this classroom and assigned classes. Progress and gameplay is NOT lost, and the student can be added back to the classroom at any time."
# remove_description2: "The activated paid license will not be returned."
# keep_student: "Keep Student"
# removing_user: "Removing user"
# to_join_ask: "To join a class, ask your teacher for an unlock code."
# join_this_class: "Join Class"
# enter_here: "<enter unlock code here>"
# successfully_joined: "Successfully joined"
# click_to_start: "Click here to start taking"
# my_courses: "My Courses"
# classroom: "Classroom"
# use_school_email: "use your school email if you have one"
# unique_name: "a unique name no one has chosen"
# pick_something: "pick something you can remember"
# class_code: "Class Code"
# optional_ask: "optional - ask your teacher to give you one!"
# optional_school: "optional - what school do you go to?"
# start_playing: "Start Playing"
# skip_this: "Skip this, I'll create an account later!"
# welcome: "Welcome"
# getting_started: "Getting Started with Courses"
# download_getting_started: "Download Getting Started Guide [PDF]"
# getting_started_1: "Create a new class by clicking the green 'Create New Class' button below."
# getting_started_2: "Once you've created a class, click the blue 'Add Students' button."
# getting_started_3: "You'll see student's progress below as they sign up and join your class."
# students_access: "All students get access to Introduction to Computer Science for free. One enrollment per student is required to assign them to paid CodeCombat courses. A single student does not need multiple enrollments to access all paid courses."
artisan_summary: "Constrói e partilha níveis para tu e os teus amigos jogarem. Torna-te um Artesão para aprenderes a arte de ensinar outros a programar."
adventurer_summary: "Recebe os nossos novos níveis (até o conteúdo para subscritores) de graça, uma semana antes, e ajuda-nos a descobrir erros antes do lançamento para o público."
ambassador_summary: "Amansa os nossos utilizadores do fórum e direciona aqueles que têm questões. Os nossos Embaixadores representam o CodeCombat perante o mundo."
intro_blurb: "O CodeCombat é 100% open source! Centenas de jogadores dedicados ajudaram-nos a transformar o jogo naquilo que ele é hoje. Junta-te a nós e escreve o próximo capítulo da aventura do CodeCombat para ensinar o mundo a programar!"
archmage_introduction: "Uma das melhores partes da construção de jogos é que eles sintetizam muitas coisas diferentes. Gráficos, som, rede em tempo real, redes sociais, e, claro, muitos dos aspectos mais comuns da programação, desde a gestão de bases de dados de baixo nível, e administração do servidor até à construção do design e da interface do utilizador. Há muito a fazer, e se és um programador experiente com um verdadeiro desejo de mergulhar nas entranhas do CodeCombat, esta classe pode ser para ti. Gostaríamos muito de ter a tua ajuda para construir o melhor jogo de programação de sempre."
archmage_attribute_1_suf: ", ou vontade de aprender. A maioria do nosso código está nesta linguagem. Se és um fã de Ruby ou Python, vais sentir-te em casa. É igual ao JavaScript, mas com uma sintaxe melhor."
archmage_attribute_2: "Alguma experiência em programação e iniciativa pessoal. Nós ajudamos-te a orientares-te, mas não podemos gastar muito tempo a treinar-te."
join_desc_1: "Qualquer um pode ajudar! Só tens de conferir o nosso "
join_desc_2: "para começares, e assinalar a caixa abaixo para te declarares um bravo Arcomago e receberes as últimas notícias por e-mail. Queres falar sobre o que fazer ou como te envolveres mais profundamente no projeto? "
artisan_introduction_pref: "Temos de construir mais níveis! As pessoas estão a pedir mais conteúdo, e nós mesmos só podemos construir estes tantos. Neste momento, a tua estação de trabalho é o nível um; o nosso editor de nível é pouco utilizável, até mesmo pelos seus criadores, por isso fica atento. Se tens visões de campanhas que abranjam 'for-loops' para o"
artisan_introduction_suf: ", então esta classe pode ser para ti."
# artisan_attribute_1: "Any experience in building content like this would be nice, such as using Blizzard's level editors. But not required!"
# artisan_attribute_2: "A hankering to do a whole lot of testing and iteration. To make good levels, you need to take it to others and watch them play it, and be prepared to find a lot of things to fix."
# artisan_attribute_3: "For the time being, endurance en par with an Adventurer. Our Level Editor is super preliminary and frustrating to use. You have been warned!"
# adventurer_introduction: "Let's be clear about your role: you are the tank. You're going to take heavy damage. We need people to try out brand-new levels and help identify how to make things better. The pain will be enormous; making good games is a long process and no one gets it right the first time. If you can endure and have a high constitution score, then this class might be for you."
# adventurer_attribute_1: "A thirst for learning. You want to learn how to code and we want to teach you how to code. You'll probably be doing most of the teaching in this case, though."
# adventurer_attribute_2: "Charismatic. Be gentle but articulate about what needs improving, and offer suggestions on how to improve."
# adventurer_join_pref: "Either get together with (or recruit!) an Artisan and work with them, or check the box below to receive emails when there are new levels to test. We'll also be posting about levels to review on our networks like"
# adventurer_forum_url: "our forum"
# adventurer_join_suf: "so if you prefer to be notified those ways, sign up there!"
# scribe_introduction_pref: "CodeCombat isn't just going to be a bunch of levels. It will also include a resource for knowledge, a wiki of programming concepts that levels can hook into. That way rather than each Artisan having to describe in detail what a comparison operator is, they can simply link their level to the Article describing them that is already written for the player's edification. Something along the lines of what the "
# scribe_introduction_suf: " has built. If your idea of fun is articulating the concepts of programming in Markdown form, then this class might be for you."
scribe_attribute_1: "Habilidade com palavras é basicamente o que precisas. Não apenas gramática e ortografia, mas seres capaz de explicar ideias complicadas a outros."
scribe_join_description: "fala-nos um bocado de ti, da tua experiência com a programação e do tipo de coisas sobre as quais gostarias de escrever. Começamos a partir daí!"
diplomat_introduction_suf: "é que há um interesse considerável no CodeCombat noutros países! Estamos a construir um exército de tradutores dispostos a transformar um conjunto de palavras num outro conjuto de palavras, para conseguir que o CodeCombat fique o mais acessível quanto posível em todo o mundo. Se gostas de dar espreitadelas a conteúdos futuros e disponibilizar os níveis para os teus colegas nacionais o mais depressa possível, então esta classe talvez seja para ti."
diplomat_attribute_1: "Fluência em Inglês e no idioma para o qual gostarias de traduzir. Quando são tentadas passar ideias complicadas, é importante uma excelente compreensão das duas!"
diplomat_join_suf_github: ", edita-o online e submete um 'pull request'. Assinala ainda a caixa abaixo para ficares atualizado em relação a novos desenvolvimentos da internacionalização!"
# ambassador_introduction: "This is a community we're building, and you are the connections. We've got forums, emails, and social networks with lots of people to talk with and help get acquainted with the game and learn from. If you want to help people get involved and have fun, and get a good feel of the pulse of CodeCombat and where we're going, then this class might be for you."
# ambassador_attribute_1: "Communication skills. Be able to identify the problems players are having and help them solve them. Also, keep the rest of us informed about what players are saying, what they like and don't like and want more of!"
# ambassador_join_desc: "tell us a little about yourself, what you've done and what you'd be interested in doing. We'll go from there!"
ambassador_join_note_desc: "Uma das nossas maiores prioridades é construir níveis multijogador onde os jogadores com dificuldade para passar níveis possam invocar feiticeiros mais experientes para os ajudarem. Esta será uma ótima forma de os embaixadores fazerem o que sabem. Vamos manter-te atualizado!"
code_being_simulated: "O teu novo código está a ser simulado por outros jogadores, para ser classificado. Isto será atualizado quando surgirem novas partidas."
tournament_blurb: "Escreve código, recolhe ouro, constrói exércitos, esmaga inimigos, ganha prémios e melhora a tua carreira no nosso torneio $40,000 Greed! Confere os detalhes"
tournament_blurb_criss_cross: "Ganha ofertas, constrói caminhos, supera os adversários, apanha gemas e melhore a tua carreira no nosso torneio Criss-Cross! Confere os detalhes"
tournament_blurb_zero_sum: "Liberta a tua criatividade de programação tanto na recolha de ouro como em táticas de combate nesta batalha-espelhada na montanha, entre o feiticeiro vermelho e o feiticeiro azul. O torneio começou na Sexta-feira, 27 de Março, e decorrerá até às 00:00 de Terça-feira, 7 de Abril. Compete por diversão e glória! Confere os detalhes"
tournament_blurb_ace_of_coders: "Luta no glaciar congelado nesta partida espelhada do estilo domínio! O torneio começou Quarta-feira, 16 de Setembro, e decorrerá até Quarta-feira, 14 de Outubro às 23:00. Confere os detalhes"
# forbidden_desc: "Oh no, there’s nothing we can show you here! Make sure you’re logged into the correct account, or visit one of the links below to get back to programming!"
not_found: "Não encontrado."# {change}
# not_found_desc: "Hm, there’s nothing here. Visit one of the following links to get back to programming!"
# general_desc: "Something went wrong, and it’s probably our fault. Try waiting a bit and then refreshing the page, or visit one of the following links to get back to programming!"
opensource_description_center: "e ajuda se quiseres! O CodeCombat é construído tendo por base dezenas de projetos open source, os quais nós amamos. Vê "
archmage_wiki_url: "a nossa wiki dos Arcomagos"
opensource_description_suffix: "para uma lista do software que faz com que este jogo seja possível."
practices_title: "Melhores Práticas Respeitosas"
practices_description: "Estas são as nossas promessas para contigo, o jogador, com um pouco menos de politiquices."
security_description: "Nós lutamos para manter as tuas informações pessoais seguras. Sendo um projeto open source, o nosso sítio tem o código disponível, pelo que qualquer pessoa pode rever e melhorar os nossos sistemas de segurança."
email_description_prefix: "Nós não te inundaremos com spam. Através das"
email_settings_url: "tuas definições de e-mail"
email_description_suffix: "ou através de ligações presentes nos e-mails que enviamos, podes mudar as tuas preferências e parar a tua subscrição facilmente, em qualquer momento."
cost_description: "O CodeCombat é gratuito para os níveis fundamentais, com uma subscrição de ${{price}} USD/mês para acederes a ramos de níveis extra e {{gems}} gemas de bónus por mês. Podes cancelar com um clique, e oferecemos uma garantia de 100% de devolução do dinheiro."
code_description_prefix: "Todo o código do CodeCombat ou hospedado em codecombat.com, tanto no repositório do GitHub como na base de dados de codecombat.com, está resguardado sob a"
code_description_suffix: "Isto inclui todo o código dentro dos Sistemas e dos Componentes, o qual é disponibilizado pelo CodeCombat para a criação de níveis."
# art_access: "Currently there is no universal, easy system for fetching these assets. In general, fetch them from the URLs as used by the site, contact us for assistance, or help us in extending the site to make these assets more easily accessible."
# art_paragraph_1: "For attribution, please name and link to codecombat.com near where the source is used or where appropriate for the medium. For example:"
# use_list_2: "If used on a website, include a link near the usage, for example underneath an image, or in a general attributions page where you might also mention other Creative Commons works and open source software being used on the site. Something that's already clearly referencing CodeCombat, such as a blog post mentioning CodeCombat, does not need some separate attribution."
# art_paragraph_2: "If the content being used is created not by CodeCombat but instead by a user of codecombat.com, attribute them instead, and follow attribution directions provided in that resource's description if there are any."
rights_media: "Mídia (sons, música) e quaisquer outros conteúdos criativos feitos especificamente para esse Nível e que não foram disponibilizados para a criação de Níveis."
# rights_clarification: "To clarify, anything that is made available in the Level Editor for the purpose of making levels is under CC, whereas the content created with the Level Editor or uploaded in the course of creation of Levels is not."
nutshell_description: "Qualquer um dos recursos que fornecemos no Editor de Níveis são de uso livre para criares Níveis. Mas reservamos o direito de distribuição restrita dos próprios Níveis (que são criados em codecombat.com) pelo que podemos cobrar por eles no futuro, se for isso que acabar por acontecer."