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synced 2025-03-28 13:50:07 -04:00
Update pt-PT.coffee
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 11 additions and 11 deletions
@ -317,12 +317,12 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
tip_brute_force: "Quando em dúvida, usa a força bruta. - Ken Thompson"
tip_extrapolation: "Há apenas dois tipos de pessoas: aquelas que conseguem tirar uma conclusão a partir de dados reduzidos..."
tip_superpower: "A programação é a coisa mais próxima de um superpoder que temos."
# tip_control_destiny: "In real open source, you have the right to control your own destiny. - Linus Torvalds"
# tip_no_code: "No code is faster than no code."
# tip_code_never_lies: "Code never lies, comments sometimes do. — Ron Jeffries"
# tip_reusable_software: "Before software can be reusable it first has to be usable."
# tip_optimization_operator: "Every language has an optimization operator. In most languages that operator is ‘//’"
# tip_lines_of_code: "Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight. — Bill Gates"
tip_control_destiny: "Em open source a sério, tens o direito de controlares o teu próprio destino. - Linus Torvalds"
tip_no_code: "Nenhum código é mais rápido que código não existente."
tip_code_never_lies: "O código nunca mente, mas os comentários às vezes sim. — Ron Jeffries"
tip_reusable_software: "Antes de um software poder ser reutilizável, primeiro tem de ser utilizável."
tip_optimization_operator: "Todas as linguagens têm um operador de otimização. Na maior parte delas esse operador é ‘//’."
tip_lines_of_code: "Medir o progresso em programação pelo número de linhas de código é como medir o progresso da construção de um avião pelo peso. — Bill Gates"
inventory_tab: "Inventário"
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
# scribe_introduction_pref: "CodeCombat isn't just going to be a bunch of levels. It will also include a resource for knowledge, a wiki of programming concepts that levels can hook into. That way rather than each Artisan having to describe in detail what a comparison operator is, they can simply link their level to the Article describing them that is already written for the player's edification. Something along the lines of what the "
# scribe_introduction_url_mozilla: "Mozilla Developer Network"
# scribe_introduction_suf: " has built. If your idea of fun is articulating the concepts of programming in Markdown form, then this class might be for you."
# scribe_attribute_1: "Skill in words is pretty much all you need. Not only grammar and spelling, but able to convey complicated ideas to others."
scribe_attribute_1: "Habilidade com palavras é basicamente do que precisas. Não apenas gramática e ortografia, mas seres capaz de explicar ideias complicadas a outros."
contact_us_url: "Contacta-nos"
scribe_join_description: "fala-nos um bocado de ti, a tua experiência com a programação e o tipo de coisas sobre o qual gostavas de escrever. Começamos a partir daí!"
scribe_subscribe_desc: "Receber e-mails sobre anúncios relativos à escrita de artigos."
@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
# ambassador_introduction: "This is a community we're building, and you are the connections. We've got forums, emails, and social networks with lots of people to talk with and help get acquainted with the game and learn from. If you want to help people get involved and have fun, and get a good feel of the pulse of CodeCombat and where we're going, then this class might be for you."
# ambassador_attribute_1: "Communication skills. Be able to identify the problems players are having and help them solve them. Also, keep the rest of us informed about what players are saying, what they like and don't like and want more of!"
# ambassador_join_desc: "tell us a little about yourself, what you've done and what you'd be interested in doing. We'll go from there!"
# ambassador_join_note_strong: "Note"
ambassador_join_note_strong: "Nota"
# ambassador_join_note_desc: "One of our top priorities is to build multiplayer where players having difficulty solving levels can summon higher level wizards to help them. This will be a great way for ambassadors to do their thing. We'll keep you posted!"
ambassador_subscribe_desc: "Receber e-mails relativos a novidades do suporte e desenvolvimentos do modo multijogador."
changes_auto_save: "As alterações são guardadas automaticamente quando clicas nas caixas."
@ -1108,8 +1108,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
# education_degree: "Degree"
# education_degree_help: "What was your degree and field of study?"
# education_duration: "Dates"
# education_duration_help: "When?"
# education_description: "Description"
education_duration_help: "Quando?"
education_description: "Descrição"
# education_description_help: "Highlight anything about this educational experience. (140 chars; optional)"
# our_notes: "CodeCombat's Notes"
# remarks: "Remarks"
@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Português (Portugal)", englishDescription:
project_picture: "Imagem"
# project_picture_help: "Upload a 230x115px or larger image showing off the project."
project_link: "Ligação"
# project_link_help: "Link to the project."
project_link_help: "Ligação para o projeto."
player_code: "Código do Jogador"
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