
1793 lines
98 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
module.exports = nativeDescription: "Türkçe", englishDescription: "Turkish", translation:
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
slogan: "Oyun oynayarak kodlamayı öğrenin"
no_ie: "CodeCombat maalesef Internet Explorer 8 veya daha eski sürümlerde çalışmaz." # Warning that only shows up in IE8 and older
no_mobile: "CodeCombat mobil cihazlar için tasarlanmamıştır bu sebeple mobil cihazlarda çalışmayabilir." # Warning that shows up on mobile devices
2015-01-06 11:01:42 -05:00
play: "Oyna" # The big play button that opens up the campaign view.
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
play_campaign_version: "Sefer Sürümünü Oyna" # Shows up under big play button if you only play /courses
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
old_browser: "Olamaz, Tarayıcınız CodeCombat'ı çalıştırmak için çok eski. Üzgünüz!" # Warning that shows up on really old Firefox/Chrome/Safari
old_browser_suffix: "Deneyebilirsiniz, ama muhtemelen oyun çalışmayacaktır."
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
ipad_browser: "Kötü haber: CodeCombat iPad üzerinde tarayıcıda çalışmıyor. İyi haber: İstemci Apple'ın onayını bekliyor."
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
campaign: "Senaryo Kipi"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
for_beginners: "Yeni Başlayanlar için"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
multiplayer: "Çoklu-oyuncu Kipi" # Not currently shown on home page
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
for_developers: "Geliştiriciler için" # Not currently shown on home page.
2014-11-25 14:23:43 -05:00
or_ipad: "Ya da iPad için indir"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
slogan: "Programlama öğrenmek için en çekici oyun."
classroom_edition: "Sınıf Sürümü:"
learn_to_code: "Kodlama öğren:"
teacher: "Öğretmen"
student: "Öğrenci"
play_now: "Şimdi Oyna"
im_a_teacher: "Ben bir öğretmenim"
im_a_student: "Ben bir öğrenciyim"
learn_more: "Daha fazla öğren"
classroom_in_a_box: "Bilgisayar bilimleri öğrenmek için kutuda bir sınıf."
codecombat_is: "CodeCombat <strong>öğrenciler için</strong> hazırlanmış, gerçek bir oyun oynarken bilgisayar bilimleri öğrenmeyi sağlayan bir platformdur."
our_courses: "Kurslarımız özellikle, önceden hiç programlama tecrübesi olmayan öğretmenler tarafından bile, oynanarak test edilmiştir."
top_screenshots_hint: "Öğrenciler kodlar ve gelişimlerini gerçek zamanlı olarak güncellenerek görürler"
designed_with: "Öğretmenler düşünülerek tasarlanmıştır"
real_code: "Gerçek, yazılmış kod"
from_the_first_level: "ilk levelden itibaren"
getting_students: "Öğrencileri olabildiğince hızlı bir şekilde kodlamaya başlatmak, programlama sözdizimi ve uygun yapıları öğrenmesi için kritiktir."
educator_resources: "Eğitim kaynakları"
course_guides: "ve kurs kılavuzları"
teaching_computer_science: "Bilgisayar bilimleri öğretmek pahalı bir diploma gerektirmez, çünkü her farklı geçmiş deneyimden öğretmeni desteklemek için araçlar sunuyoruz."
accessible_to: "Erişilebilir"
everyone: "herkes"
democratizing: "Kodlamayı öğrenme işlemini demokratikleştirmek felsefemizin temelidir. Herkes kodlama öğrenebilmeli."
forgot_learning: "Aslında birşeyler öğrenmeye çalıştıklarını unuttuklarını düşünüyorum."
wanted_to_do: " Kodlama her zaman yapmak istediğim birşeydi ve hiçbir zaman bunu okulda öğrenebileceğimi düşünmemiştim."
why_games: "Neden oyun ile öğrenmek önemlidir?"
games_reward: "Oyun üretken mücadeleyi ödüllendirir."
encourage: "Oyun etkileşimi, keşfetmeyi ve deneme yanılmayı teşvik eden bir ortamdır. İyi bir oyun oyuncuya, zamanla yeteneklerinde ustalaşması için meydan okur, bu da öğrencinin öğrenirken geçirdiği kritik süreçler ile aynıdır."
excel: "Oyunlar ödüllendirme için mükemmeldir"
struggle: "üretken mücadele"
kind_of_struggle: " öğrenmeye şunları katan bir mücadele: etkileşim ve"
motivating: "motive edici"
not_tedious: "sıkıcı değil."
gaming_is_good: "Araştırmalar oyun oynamanın çocuğum beyin gelişimi için iyi olduğunu söyler. (Bu doğru!)"
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# game_based: "When game-based learning systems are"
# compared: "compared"
# conventional: "against conventional assessment methods, the difference is clear: games are better at helping students retain knowledge, concentrate and"
# perform_at_higher_level: "perform at a higher level of achievement"
# feedback: "Games also provide real-time feedback that allows students to adjust their solution path and understand concepts more holistically, instead of being limited to just “correct” or “incorrect” answers."
# real_game: "A real game, played with real coding."
# great_game: "A great game is more than just badges and achievements - its about a players journey, well-designed puzzles, and the ability to tackle challenges with agency and confidence."
# agency: "CodeCombat is a game that gives players that agency and confidence with our robust typed code engine, which helps beginner and advanced students alike write proper, valid code."
# curious: "Curious? Request a demo and we'll show you the ropes"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# request_demo_title: "Get your students started today!"
# request_demo_subtitle: "Request a demo and get your students started in less than an hour."
# get_started_title: "Set up your class today"
# get_started_subtitle: "Set up a class, add your students, and monitor their progress as they learn computer science."
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# create_class: "Or create a class and see it for yourself!"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# teacher_screenshots_hint: "Students write code and see their changes update in real-time"
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# request_demo: "Request a Demo"
# create_a_class: "Create a Class"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# setup_a_class: "Set Up a Class"
# have_an_account: "Have an account?"
# log_in: "Log In"
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# logged_in_as: "You are currently logged in as"
# view_my_classes: "View my classes"
# computer_science: "Computer science courses for all ages"
# show_me_lesson_time: "Show me lesson time estimates for:"
# curriculum: "Total curriculum hours:"
# ffa: "Free for all students"
# lesson_time: "Lesson time:"
# coming_soon: "Coming soon!"
# courses_available_in: "Courses are available in JavaScript, Python, and Java (coming soon!)"
# boast: "Boasts riddles that are complex enough to fascinate gamers and coders alike."
# winning: "A winning combination of RPG gameplay and programming homework that pulls off making kid-friendly education legitimately enjoyable."
# run_class: "Everything you need to run a computer science class in your school today, no CS background required."
# teachers: "Teachers!"
# teachers_and_educators: "Teachers & Educators"
# class_in_box: "Learn how our classroom-in-a-box platform fits into your curriculum."
# get_started: "Get Started"
# students: "Students:"
# join_class: "Join Class"
# role: "Your role:"
# student_count: "Number of students:"
# start_playing_for_free: "Start Playing for Free!"
# students_and_players: "Students & Players"
# goto_classes: "Go to My Classes" # {change}
# educator_wiki: "Educator wiki"
# view_profile: "View My Profile"
# view_progress: "View Progress"
# login_switch: "Have an account?"
# check_out_wiki: "Check out our new educator Wiki"
# want_coco: "Want CodeCombat at your school?"
# form_select_role: "Select primary role"
# form_select_range: "Select class size"
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
play: "Oyna" # The top nav bar entry where players choose which levels to play
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
community: "Topluluk"
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
courses: "Kurslar"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
editor: "Düzenleyici"
blog: "Blog"
forum: "Forum"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
account: "Hesap"
profile: "Profil"
stats: "İstatistikler"
code: "Kod"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
home: "Anasayfa"
contribute: "Katkıda bulun"
legal: "Yasal"
about: "Hakkında"
contact: "İletişim"
twitter_follow: "Takip et"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
teachers: "Öğretmenler"
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
careers: "Kariyer"
facebook: "Facebook"
twitter: "Twitter"
create_a_class: "Bir sınıf oluştur"
other: "Diğer"
learn_to_code: "Kodlama öğren!"
toggle_nav: "Menü aç kapa"
jobs: "İşler"
schools: "Schools"
educator_wiki: "Eğitimci Wiki"
get_involved: "Katıl"
open_source: "ık Kaynak (GitHub)"
support: "Destek"
faqs: "SSS"
help_pref: "Yardım mı lazım? Emaille"
help_suff: "ve bizimle irtibat kur!"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
close: "Kapat"
okay: "Tamam"
page_not_found: "Sayfa bulunamadı"
title: "CodeCombat'in tercüme edilmesine yardımcı olabilirsiniz!" # This shows up when a player switches to a non-English language using the language selector.
sub_heading: "Dil yeteneklerinize ihtiyacımız var."
pitch_body: "Biz her ne kadar CodeCombat'i İngilizce olarak geliştirsek de, dünyanın her yerinden oyunculara sahibiz. Oyuncuların bir kısmı oyunu Türkçe oynamak istiyor ve İngilizce bilmiyor. Bu yüzden, eğer her iki dili de biliyorsanız, lütfen kaydolup bir Diplomat olmayı ve CodeCombat ile tüm seviyeleri Türkçe diline çevirmeyi göz önünde bulundurun."
missing_translations: "Biz her şeyi Türkçe diline tercüme edene kadar, Türkçe diline tercüme edilemeyen her şey İngilizce olarak gözükecek."
learn_more: "Diplomat olmakla ilgili dahası için..."
subscribe_as_diplomat: "Diplomat olarak katkıda bulun"
play_as: "Olarak Oyna" # Ladder page
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
compete: "Tamamla!" # Course details page
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
spectate: "İzleyici olarak katıl" # Ladder page
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
players: "oyuncu" # Hover over a level on /play
hours_played: "saat oynandı" # Hover over a level on /play
items: "Ögeler" # Tooltip on item shop button from /play
2014-11-26 22:09:39 -05:00
unlock: "Kilidi aç" # For purchasing items and heroes
confirm: "Devam et"
owned: "Sahipsin" # For items you own
locked: "Kilitli"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
purchasable: "Satın alınabilir" # For a hero you unlocked but haven't purchased
2014-11-26 22:09:39 -05:00
available: "ık"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
skills_granted: "Edinilen Yetenekler" # Property documentation details
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
heroes: "Kahramanlar" # Tooltip on hero shop button from /play
achievements: "Başarımlar" # Tooltip on achievement list button from /play
account: "Hesap" # Tooltip on account button from /play
settings: "Ayarlar" # Tooltip on settings button from /play
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
poll: "Anket" # Tooltip on poll button from /play
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
next: "İleri" # Go from choose hero to choose inventory before playing a level
change_hero: "Kahramanı Değiştir" # Go back from choose inventory to choose hero
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
buy_gems: "Değerli Taş Satın Al"
subscription_required: "Abonelik Gerekli"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
anonymous: "Anonim Oyuncu"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
level_difficulty: "Zorluk: "
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
play_classroom_version: "Sınıf Sürümünü Oyna" # Choose a level in campaign version that you also can play in one of your courses
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
campaign_beginner: "Acemi Seferi"
2015-04-24 16:50:30 -04:00
awaiting_levels_adventurer_prefix: "Haftada beş bölüm yayınlıyoruz." # {change}
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
awaiting_levels_adventurer: "Yeni oyunları ilk oynayan olmak için"
awaiting_levels_adventurer_suffix: "Maceracı olarak kayıt ol."
adjust_volume: "Sesi ayarla"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
campaign_multiplayer: "Çok Oyunculu Meydanlar"
campaign_multiplayer_description: "Diğer oyuncularla kafa kafaya verip kodlamak için..."
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
campaign_old_multiplayer: "(Kaldırıldı) Eski Çok Oyunculu Arenalar"
2015-07-07 14:45:41 -04:00
# campaign_old_multiplayer_description: "Relics of a more civilized age. No simulations are run for these older, hero-less multiplayer arenas."
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2015-02-18 12:31:15 -05:00
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
blurb: "Harika iş çıkarıyorsun! Birine CodeCombat ile ne kadar öğrendiğinden bahset."
email_invalid: "E-posta adresi geçersiz."
form_blurb: "E-posta adreslerini aşağıya gir ve onlara göstereceğiz!"
form_label: "E-posta Adresi"
placeholder: "e-posta adresi"
title: "Harika İş, Çaylak"
2015-02-09 14:31:42 -05:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
sign_up: "Hesap Oluştur"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
log_in: "Giriş Yap"
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
logging_in: "Giriş Yapılıyor"
log_out: "Çıkış Yap"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
forgot_password: "Parolanı mı unuttun?"
authenticate_gplus: "G+'ı Yetkilendir"
load_profile: "G+ Profilini Yükle"
finishing: "Tamamlanıyor"
sign_in_with_facebook: "Facebook ile Oturum Aç"
sign_in_with_gplus: "G+ ile Oturum Aç"
signup_switch: "Hesap oluşturmak istiyor musun?"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
email_announcements: "E-posta duyurularını almak istiyorum"
creating: "Hesap oluşturuluyor..."
sign_up: "Kaydol"
log_in: "buradan giriş yapabilirsiniz."
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
required: "Buraya gidebilmeniz için oturum açmanız gerekli."
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
login_switch: "Zaten bir hesabın var mı?"
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
school_name: "Okul İsmi ve Şehir"
optional: "isteğe bağlı"
school_name_placeholder: "Örnek İsim Okul, Çankaya, Ankara"
or_sign_up_with: "ya da şuradan üye ol"
connected_gplus_header: "Google+ ile başarıyla bağlandın!"
connected_gplus_p: "Kayıt işlemini bitir, artık Google+ hesabınla giriş yapabilirsin."
gplus_exists: "Zaten Goolge+ ile ilişkilendirilmiş bir hesabın bulunuyor!"
connected_facebook_header: "Facebook ile başarı ile bağlandın!"
connected_facebook_p: "Kayıt işlemini bitir, artık Facebook hesabınla giriş yapabilirsin."
facebook_exists: "Zaten Facebook ile ilişkilendirilmiş bir hesabın bulunuyor!"
hey_students: "Öğrenciler, öğretmeninizin verdiği sınıf kodunu girin."
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
recover_account_title: "Hesabı Kurtar"
send_password: "Kurtarma Parolası Gönder"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
recovery_sent: "Kurtarma e-postası gönderildi."
2014-09-20 01:17:06 -04:00
2014-10-20 19:51:52 -04:00
2014-11-26 22:09:39 -05:00
primary: "Birincil"
secondary: "İkincil"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
armor: "Zırh"
accessories: "Aksesuarlar"
misc: "Çeşitli"
2014-11-26 22:09:39 -05:00
books: "Kitaplar"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
back: "Geri" # When used as an action verb, like "Navigate backward"
continue: "Devam et" # When used as an action verb, like "Continue forward"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
loading: "Yükleniyor..."
saving: "Kaydediliyor..."
sending: "Gönderiliyor..."
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
send: "Gönder"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
cancel: "İptal"
save: "Kaydet"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
publish: "Yayınla"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
create: "Oluştur"
fork: "Çatalla"
2014-11-29 13:38:55 -05:00
play: "Oyna" # When used as an action verb, like "Play next level"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
retry: "Yeniden Dene"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
actions: "Eylemler"
info: "Bilgi"
help: "Yardım"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
watch: "İzle"
unwatch: "İzlemeyi Bırak"
submit_patch: "Yama Gönder"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
submit_changes: "Değişiklikleri Gönder"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
save_changes: "Değişiklikleri Kaydet"
# required_field: "Required field"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
and: "ve"
name: "İsim"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
date: "Tarih"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
body: "Gövde"
version: "Sürüm"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
pending: "Bekliyor"
accepted: "Kabul Edildi"
rejected: "Reddedildi"
withdrawn: "İptal Edildi"
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
accept: "Kabul Et"
reject: "Reddet"
withdraw: "Ayrıl"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
submitter: "Gönderen"
submitted: "Gönderilme"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
commit_msg: "Gönderme İletisi"
version_history: "Geçmiş"
version_history_for: "Sürüm Geçmişi: "
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
select_changes: "Farkı görmek için aşağıdan iki fark seçin."
undo_prefix: "Geri Al"
undo_shortcut: "(Ctrl+Z)"
redo_prefix: "Yenile"
redo_shortcut: "(Ctrl+Shift+Z)"
play_preview: "Geçerli bölümün önizlemesini oyna"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
result: "Sonuç"
results: "Sonuçlar"
description: "ıklama"
or: "veya"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
subject: "Konu"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
email: "E-posta"
password: "Şifre"
# confirm_password: "Confirm Password"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
message: "İleti"
code: "Kod"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
ladder: "Merdiven"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
when: "iken"
opponent: "Rakip"
rank: "Sıra"
score: "Skor"
win: "Zafer"
loss: "Yenilgi"
tie: "Berabere"
easy: "Kolay"
medium: "Normal"
hard: "Zor"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
player: "Oyuncu"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
player_level: "Seviye" # Like player level 5, not like level: Dungeons of Kithgard
warrior: "Savaşçı"
ranger: "Korucu"
wizard: "Sihirbaz"
# first_name: "First Name"
# last_name: "Last Name"
# username: "Username"
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
second: "saniye"
seconds: "saniye"
minute: "dakika"
minutes: "dakika"
hour: "saat"
hours: "saat"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
day: "gün"
days: "gün"
week: "hafta"
weeks: "hafta"
month: "ay"
months: "ay"
year: "yıl"
years: "yıl"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
# level_complete: "Level Complete"
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
completed_level: "Seviyeyi Tamamladın:"
course: "Kurs:"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
done: "Bitti"
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
next_level: "Sonraki Seviye:"
next_game: "Sonraki Oyun"
show_menu: "Oyun Menüsünü Göster"
2014-11-05 17:35:02 -05:00
home: "Anasayfa" # Not used any more, will be removed soon.
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
level: "Bölüm" # Like "Level: Dungeons of Kithgard"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
skip: "Atla"
game_menu: "Oyun Menüsü"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
guide: "Rehber"
restart: "Yeniden başlat"
goals: "Hedefler"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
goal: "Amaç"
2014-11-25 14:23:43 -05:00
running: "Çalıştırılıyor..."
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
success: "Başarılı!"
incomplete: "Tamamlanmamış"
timed_out: "Süre bitti"
failing: "Başarısız"
2014-11-25 14:23:43 -05:00
control_bar_multiplayer: "Çoklu Oyuncu"
control_bar_join_game: "Oyuna Katıl"
reload: "Yeniden Yükle"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
reload_title: "Tüm kod yeniden yüklensin mi?"
reload_really: "Bu seviyeyi en baştan yüklemek istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
reload_confirm: "Tümünü Yeniden Yükle"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
victory: "Zafer"
2014-03-13 00:16:16 -04:00
victory_title_prefix: ""
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
victory_title_suffix: "Tamamlandı "
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
victory_sign_up: "İlerlemeyi Kaydetmek için Kaydolun"
victory_sign_up_poke: "Kodu kaydetmek ister misiniz? Ücretsiz bir hesap oluşturun!"
2015-11-25 19:52:10 -05:00
victory_rate_the_level: "Seviyeyi oyla:" # {change}
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
victory_return_to_ladder: "Merdivene Dön"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
victory_saving_progress: "İlerleme Kaydediliyor"
2015-08-08 14:29:48 -04:00
victory_go_home: "Anasayfaya Git"
victory_review: "Daha fazla söyleyin!"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
victory_review_placeholder: "Seviye nasıldı?"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Bitirdiniz mi?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Evet, Kod Saatimi (Hour of Code) bitirdim!"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
victory_experience_gained: "Kazanılan XP"
victory_gems_gained: "Kazanılan Taş"
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
victory_new_item: "Yeni Öğe"
2015-04-16 21:35:40 -04:00
# victory_viking_code_school: "Holy smokes, that was a hard level you just beat! If you aren't already a software developer, you should be. You just got fast-tracked for acceptance with Viking Code School, where you can take your skills to the next level and become a professional web developer in 14 weeks."
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
victory_become_a_viking: "Viking Ol"
# victory_no_progress_for_teachers: "Progress is not saved for teachers. But, you can add a student account to your classroom for yourself."
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
guide_title: "Rehber"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
tome_cast_button_run: "Çalıştır"
tome_cast_button_running: "Çalıştırılıyor"
tome_cast_button_ran: "Çalıştırıldı"
tome_submit_button: "Gönder"
tome_reload_method: "Bu yöntem için özgün kodu yeniden yükle" # Title text for individual method reload button.
tome_select_method: "Bir Yöntem Seçin"
2015-05-15 17:11:37 -04:00
tome_see_all_methods: "Düzenleyebileceğiniz tüm yöntemleri görün" # Title text for method list selector (shown when there are multiple programmable methods).
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
tome_select_a_thang: "Birini seç..."
tome_available_spells: "Kullanılabilir Büyüler"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
tome_your_skills: "Yetenekleriniz"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
tome_current_method: "Geçerli Metod"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
code_saved: "Kod Kaydedildi"
skip_tutorial: "Atla (ESC)"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
keyboard_shortcuts: "Klavye Kısayolları"
2014-04-09 05:31:25 -04:00
loading_ready: "Hazır!"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
loading_start: "Seviyeyi Başlat"
2014-11-26 22:09:39 -05:00
problem_alert_title: "Kodunu Düzelt"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
time_current: "Şimdi:"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
time_total: "Azami:"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
time_goto: "Git:"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
non_user_code_problem_title: "Seviye yüklenemiyor"
infinite_loop_title: "Sonsuz döngü tespit edildi"
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
infinite_loop_description: "Dünyayı oluştururken girilen kodun çalışması durmadı. Muhtemelen ya çok yavaştı ya da sonsuz döngü vardı. Veya belki de bir hata vardır. Kodu tekrar çalıştırmayı deneyebilirsin ya da kodu ilk haline resetleyebilirsin. Bu da işe yaramazsa lütfen bizi bilgilendir."
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
check_dev_console: "Neyin hatali olduğunu görmek icin geliştirici konsolunu da açabilirsin."
check_dev_console_link: "(yönergeler)"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
infinite_loop_try_again: "Yeniden Dene"
infinite_loop_reset_level: "Bölümü Sıfırla"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "Kodumu Yorum Yap"
tip_toggle_play: "Ctrl+P ile oynat/beklet."
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
tip_scrub_shortcut: "Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] kullanarak geriye veya ileriye sar."
tip_guide_exists: "Gerekli bilgiler için oyun menüsünün içindeki (sayfanın başında) rehbere tıkla."
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat %100 açık kaynaktır!"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
tip_tell_friends: "CodeCombat'ı sevdin mi? Arkadaşlarına bizden bahset!"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat ilk beta sürümünü Ekim 2013'te başlattı."
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
tip_think_solution: "Sorunu değil, çözümü düşün."
tip_theory_practice: "Teoride, teori ve pratik arasında fark yoktur. Ama pratikte vardır. - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "Hatasız program yazmanın 2 yolu vardır; sadece üçüncüsü işe yarar. - Alan Perlis"
tip_debugging_program: "Eğer hataları ayıklamak programı düzeltmekse, o zaman programlama da hataları bir araya getirmektir. - Edsger W. Dijkstra"
tip_forums: "Forumları dolaş ve bize ne düşündüğünü söyle!"
tip_baby_coders: "Gelecekte bebekler bile Archmage olacak."
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
tip_morale_improves: "Moral artana kadar yükleme devam edecek."
tip_all_species: "Programlama öğrenme fırsatlarının her tür için eşit fırsatlarda olması gerektiğine inanıyoruz."
2014-03-22 14:30:56 -04:00
# tip_reticulating: "Reticulating spines."
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
tip_harry: "Sen Bir Büyücüsün, "
tip_great_responsibility: "Güçlü kodlama yeteneği, güçlü hata ayıklama sorumluluğu ile birlikte gelir."
2014-03-29 19:48:31 -04:00
# tip_munchkin: "If you don't eat your vegetables, a munchkin will come after you while you're asleep."
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
tip_binary: "Dünyada sadece 10 çeşit insan vardır: Ikilileri anlayabilenler ve anlayamayanlar."
2014-03-29 19:48:31 -04:00
# tip_commitment_yoda: "A programmer must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. ~ Yoda"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
tip_no_try: "Yap ya da yapma. Denemek diye bir şey yok. - Yoda"
tip_patience: "Sabırlı olmalısın genç Padawan. - Yoda"
tip_documented_bug: "Dökümante edilmiş bir hata, hata değildir; olsa olsa yeni bir özelliktir."
tip_impossible: "Her şey tamamlanana kadar imkansız görünür. - Nelson Mandela"
tip_talk_is_cheap: "Konuşmak kolaydır. Kodunu göster. - Linus Torvalds"
tip_first_language: "Hayatta öğrenebilecegin en feci şey ilk programlama dilindir. - Alan Kay"
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
tip_hardware_problem: "S: Bir lambayı değiştirmek için kaç programcı gereklidir? C: Hiç, bu bir donanım sorunudur."
tip_hofstadters_law: "Hofstadter Yasası: Her zaman tahmin ettiğinden daha uzun sürer, Hofstadter yasasını hesaba kattığında bile."
2014-09-23 20:48:02 -04:00
# tip_premature_optimization: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil. - Donald Knuth"
2015-09-27 14:21:37 -04:00
tip_brute_force: "Süpheye düstüğünde kaba kuvveti kullan. - Ken Thompson"
2014-12-04 18:35:31 -05:00
# tip_extrapolation: "There are only two kinds of people: those that can extrapolate from incomplete data..."
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
tip_superpower: "Kodlama, süper güç sahibi olmaya en çok benzeyen şeydir."
tip_control_destiny: "Gerçekten açık kaynaklı olan bir kodda, kendi kaderinizi kontrol edebilirsiniz. - Linus Torvalds"
2015-01-22 13:45:51 -05:00
# tip_no_code: "No code is faster than no code."
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
tip_code_never_lies: "Kod yalan söylemez, yorumlar bazen söyler. — Ron Jeffries"
tip_reusable_software: "Yazılımın tekrar kullanılabilir olması için öncelikle kullanılabilir olması gerekmektedir."
tip_optimization_operator: "Her dilin optimizasyon operatörü vardır. Çogu dilde bu operator // şeklindedir"
2015-01-22 13:45:51 -05:00
# tip_lines_of_code: "Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight. — Bill Gates"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
tip_source_code: "Dünyayı değiştirmek istiyorum ancak kaynak kodunu vermiyorlar."
tip_javascript_java: "Java ile JavaScript arasındaki ilişki, kafes ile kavanoz arasındaki kadardır. - Chris Heilmann"
tip_move_forward: "Ne yaparsan yap, ilerlemeye devam et. - Martin Luther King Jr."
tip_google: "Çözemediğin bir problemin mi var? Google'a sor!"
tip_adding_evil: "Bir tutam kötülük ekle."
2015-02-10 17:14:14 -05:00
# tip_hate_computers: "That's the thing about people who think they hate computers. What they really hate is lousy programmers. - Larry Niven"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
tip_open_source_contribute: "CodeCombat'ı geliştirmeye yardım edebilirsin!"
# tip_recurse: "To iterate is human, to recurse divine. - L. Peter Deutsch"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
tip_free_your_mind: "Her şeyi bırakmalısın, Neo. Korku, şüphe, ve güvensizlik. Zihnini özgürleştir. - Morpheus"
tip_strong_opponents: "En güçlü rakiplerin bile zayıf noktası vardır. - Itachi Uchiha"
tip_paper_and_pen: "Kodlamaya başlamadan önce çalışmaya her zaman kağıt ve kalemle başlamalısın."
2015-10-28 09:26:01 -04:00
# tip_solve_then_write: "First, solve the problem. Then, write the code. - John Johnson"
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# tip_compiler_ignores_comments: "Sometimes I think that the compiler ignores my comments."
# tip_understand_recursion: "The only way to understand recursion is to understand recursion."
# tip_life_and_polymorphism: "Open Source is like a totally polymorphic heterogeneous structure: All types are welcome."
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# tip_mistakes_proof_of_trying: "Mistakes in your code are just proof that you are trying."
# tip_adding_orgres: "Rounding up ogres."
# tip_sharpening_swords: "Sharpening the swords."
# tip_ratatouille: "You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul. - Gusteau, Ratatouille"
# tip_nemo: "When life gets you down, want to know what you've gotta do? Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. - Dory, Finding Nemo"
# tip_internet_weather: "Just move to the internet, it's great here. We get to live inside where the weather is always awesome. - John Green"
# tip_nerds: "Nerds are allowed to love stuff, like jump-up-and-down-in-the-chair-can't-control-yourself love it. - John Green"
# tip_self_taught: "I taught myself 90% of what I've learned. And that's normal! - Hank Green"
# tip_luna_lovegood: "Don't worry, you're just as sane as I am. - Luna Lovegood"
# tip_good_idea: "The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. - Linus Pauling"
# tip_programming_not_about_computers: "Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. - Edsger Dijkstra"
# tip_mulan: "Believe you can, then you will. - Mulan"
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
inventory_tab: "Envanter"
save_load_tab: "Kaydet/Yükle"
options_tab: "Seçenekler"
guide_tab: "Rehber"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
guide_video_tutorial: "Video Öğreticisi"
guide_tips: "İpuçları"
multiplayer_tab: "Çoklu-oyuncu"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
auth_tab: "Kaydol"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
inventory_caption: "Kahramanınızı donatın"
choose_hero_caption: "Kahraman, dil seçin"
save_load_caption: "... ve geçmişe bak"
options_caption: "Ayarları yapılandır"
guide_caption: "Belgeler ve ipuçları"
multiplayer_caption: "Arkadaşlarla oyna!"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
auth_caption: "İlerlemenizi kaydedin."
2014-08-10 19:27:33 -04:00
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
view_other_solutions: "Skor tahtasını gör"
scores: "Skorlar"
top_players: "En İyi Oyuncular"
day: "Bugün"
week: "Bu Hafta"
all: "Tüm Zamanlar"
time: "Zaman"
damage_taken: "Alınan Hasar"
damage_dealt: "Verilen Hasar"
difficulty: "Zorluk"
gold_collected: "Toplanan Altın"
2015-02-02 14:51:15 -05:00
2014-10-20 19:51:52 -04:00
2014-11-26 22:09:39 -05:00
equipped_item: "Giyilmiş"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
required_purchase_title: "Gerekli"
2014-11-26 22:09:39 -05:00
available_item: "ık"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
restricted_title: "Kısıtlı"
2014-11-26 22:09:39 -05:00
should_equip: "(iki kere tıklayarak giy)"
equipped: "(giyildi)"
locked: "(kitli)"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
restricted: "(bu bölümde kısıtlı)"
2014-11-26 22:09:39 -05:00
equip: "Giy"
unequip: "Çıkar"
2014-11-15 10:40:58 -05:00
2014-11-26 22:09:39 -05:00
few_gems: "Bir avuç taş"
pile_gems: "Bir Torba"
chest_gems: "Sandık dolusu taş"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
purchasing: "Ödeniyor..."
declined: "Kartınız reddedildi"
retrying: "Sunucu hatası, tekrar deneniyor."
2016-04-09 10:48:11 -04:00
prompt_title: "Yetersiz Taş"
prompt_body: "Daha fazla almak ister misin?"
prompt_button: "Dükkana Gir"
recovered: "Previous gems purchase recovered. Please refresh the page."
price: "x{{gems}} / ay"
2014-08-10 19:27:33 -04:00
2014-12-04 17:34:35 -05:00
# subscribe:
2015-02-04 19:19:13 -05:00
# comparison_blurb: "Sharpen your skills with a CodeCombat subscription!"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# feature1: "125+ basic levels across 4 worlds"
2015-07-07 14:45:41 -04:00
# feature2: "10 powerful <strong>new heroes</strong> with unique skills!"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# feature3: "85+ bonus levels"
2016-01-11 12:52:46 -05:00
# feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} bonus gems</strong> every month!"
2015-02-04 19:19:13 -05:00
# feature5: "Video tutorials"
# feature6: "Premium email support"
2015-04-24 16:50:30 -04:00
# feature7: "Private <strong>Clans</strong>"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# feature8: "<strong>No ads!</strong>"
2015-02-04 19:19:13 -05:00
# free: "Free"
# month: "month"
2015-09-21 15:41:16 -04:00
# must_be_logged: "You must be logged in first. Please create an account or log in from the menu above."
2014-12-04 17:34:35 -05:00
# subscribe_title: "Subscribe"
2014-12-08 14:13:33 -05:00
# unsubscribe: "Unsubscribe"
2015-01-27 23:36:40 -05:00
# confirm_unsubscribe: "Confirm Unsubscribe"
# never_mind: "Never Mind, I Still Love You"
# thank_you_months_prefix: "Thank you for supporting us these last"
# thank_you_months_suffix: "months."
# thank_you: "Thank you for supporting CodeCombat."
# sorry_to_see_you_go: "Sorry to see you go! Please let us know what we could have done better."
# unsubscribe_feedback_placeholder: "O, what have we done?"
2015-02-04 19:19:13 -05:00
# parent_button: "Ask your parent"
# parent_email_description: "We'll email them so they can buy you a CodeCombat subscription."
# parent_email_input_invalid: "Email address invalid."
# parent_email_input_label: "Parent email address"
# parent_email_input_placeholder: "Enter parent email"
# parent_email_send: "Send Email"
# parent_email_sent: "Email sent!"
# parent_email_title: "What's your parent's email?"
2014-12-04 17:34:35 -05:00
# parents: "For Parents"
2015-04-16 21:35:40 -04:00
# parents_title: "Dear Parent: Your child is learning to code. Will you help them continue?"
# parents_blurb1: "Your child has played __nLevels__ levels and learned programming basics. Help cultivate their interest and buy them a subscription so they can keep playing."
# parents_blurb1a: "Computer programming is an essential skill that your child will undoubtedly use as an adult. By 2020, basic software skills will be needed by 77% of jobs, and software engineers are in high demand across the world. Did you know that Computer Science is the highest-paid university degree?"
2015-12-23 13:07:32 -05:00
# parents_blurb2: "For ${{price}} USD/mo, your child will get new challenges every week and personal email support from professional programmers."
2014-12-04 17:34:35 -05:00
# parents_blurb3: "No Risk: 100% money back guarantee, easy 1-click unsubscribe."
2015-04-09 14:51:01 -04:00
# payment_methods: "Payment Methods"
# payment_methods_title: "Accepted Payment Methods"
2015-12-23 13:07:32 -05:00
# payment_methods_blurb1: "We currently accept credit cards and Alipay. You can also PayPal {{three_month_price}} USD to with your account email in the memo to purchase three months' subscription and gems, or ${{year_price}} for a year."
2015-04-09 14:51:01 -04:00
# payment_methods_blurb2: "If you require an alternate form of payment, please contact"
2015-09-03 07:47:48 -04:00
# sale_button: "Sale!"
2015-11-30 13:57:45 -05:00
# sale_button_title: "Save $21 when you purchase a 1 year subscription"
2014-12-04 17:34:35 -05:00
# stripe_description: "Monthly Subscription"
2015-12-23 13:07:32 -05:00
# stripe_description_year_sale: "1 Year Subscription (${{discount}} discount)"
2014-12-04 17:34:35 -05:00
# subscription_required_to_play: "You'll need a subscription to play this level."
2015-02-02 14:51:15 -05:00
# unlock_help_videos: "Subscribe to unlock all video tutorials."
2015-03-16 16:51:51 -04:00
# personal_sub: "Personal Subscription" # Accounts Subscription View below
# loading_info: "Loading subscription information..."
# managed_by: "Managed by"
# will_be_cancelled: "Will be cancelled on"
# currently_free: "You currently have a free subscription"
2015-09-27 22:57:57 -04:00
# currently_free_until: "You currently have a subscription until"
2015-03-16 16:51:51 -04:00
# was_free_until: "You had a free subscription until"
# managed_subs: "Managed Subscriptions"
# subscribing: "Subscribing..."
# current_recipients: "Current Recipients"
2015-10-28 09:26:01 -04:00
# unsubscribing: "Unsubscribing"
2015-03-23 18:54:12 -04:00
# subscribe_prepaid: "Click Subscribe to use prepaid code"
# using_prepaid: "Using prepaid code for monthly subscription"
2014-12-04 17:34:35 -05:00
2014-10-20 19:51:52 -04:00
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
choose_hero: "Kahramanınızı Seçin"
programming_language: "Programlama Dili"
programming_language_description: "Hangi programlama dilini kullanmak istiyorsunuz?"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
default: "Öntanımlı"
experimental: "Deneysel"
2014-10-27 14:18:40 -04:00
python_blurb: "Basit ancak güçlü. Python mükemmel bir genel amaçlı dildir."
javascript_blurb: "Web'in dili."
coffeescript_blurb: "Daha iyi JavaScript sözdizimi."
clojure_blurb: "Modern bir Lisp."
lua_blurb: "Oyun betik dili."
io_blurb: "Basit fakat anlaşılması güç."
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
status: "Durum"
2015-02-23 19:01:06 -05:00
# hero_type: "Type"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
weapons: "Silahlar"
2014-11-09 23:20:01 -05:00
# weapons_warrior: "Swords - Short Range, No Magic"
# weapons_ranger: "Crossbows, Guns - Long Range, No Magic"
# weapons_wizard: "Wands, Staffs - Long Range, Magic"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
attack: "Saldırı" # Can also translate as "Attack"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
health: "Sağlık"
speed: "Hız"
2014-11-05 17:35:02 -05:00
# regeneration: "Regeneration"
2014-11-26 22:09:39 -05:00
range: "Menzil" # As in "attack or visual range"
blocks: "Blok" # As in "this shield blocks this much damage"
2014-12-11 10:02:08 -05:00
# backstab: "Backstab" # As in "this dagger does this much backstab damage"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
skills: "Yetenekler"
2015-02-27 17:37:05 -05:00
# attack_1: "Deals"
# attack_2: "of listed"
# attack_3: "weapon damage."
# health_1: "Gains"
# health_2: "of listed"
# health_3: "armor health."
# speed_1: "Moves at"
# speed_2: "meters per second."
2014-12-11 10:02:08 -05:00
# available_for_purchase: "Available for Purchase" # Shows up when you have unlocked, but not purchased, a hero in the hero store
# level_to_unlock: "Level to unlock:" # Label for which level you have to beat to unlock a particular hero (click a locked hero in the store to see)
2014-11-29 13:38:55 -05:00
# restricted_to_certain_heroes: "Only certain heroes can play this level."
2014-08-10 19:27:33 -04:00
2014-11-23 15:54:42 -05:00
# skill_docs:
# writable: "writable" # Hover over "attack" in Your Skills while playing a level to see most of this
# read_only: "read-only"
2015-09-21 15:41:16 -04:00
# action: "Action"
# spell: "Spell"
2014-11-23 15:54:42 -05:00
# action_name: "name"
# action_cooldown: "Takes"
# action_specific_cooldown: "Cooldown"
# action_damage: "Damage"
# action_range: "Range"
# action_radius: "Radius"
# action_duration: "Duration"
# example: "Example"
# ex: "ex" # Abbreviation of "example"
# current_value: "Current Value"
# default_value: "Default value"
# parameters: "Parameters"
# returns: "Returns"
# granted_by: "Granted by"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
granularity_saved_games: "Kaydedildi"
granularity_change_history: "Geçmiş"
2014-08-10 19:27:33 -04:00
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
general_options: "Genel Seçenekler" # Check out the Options tab in the Game Menu while playing a level
volume_label: "Ses"
music_label: "Müzik"
music_description: "Arkaplan müziğini aç/kapat."
editor_config_title: "Düzenleyici Yapılandırması"
editor_config_keybindings_label: "Tuş Atamaları"
2014-08-10 19:27:33 -04:00
editor_config_keybindings_default: "Varsayılan (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
# editor_config_invisibles_label: "Show Invisibles"
# editor_config_invisibles_description: "Displays invisibles such as spaces or tabs."
# editor_config_indentguides_label: "Show Indent Guides"
# editor_config_indentguides_description: "Displays vertical lines to see indentation better."
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
# editor_config_behaviors_description: "Autocompletes brackets, braces, and quotes."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# main_title: "If you want to learn to program, you need to write (a lot of) code."
# main_description: "At CodeCombat, our job is to make sure you're doing that with a smile on your face."
# mission_link: "Mission"
# team_link: "Team"
# community_link: "Community"
# story_link: "Story"
# careers_link: "Careers"
# press_link: "Press"
# mission_title: "Our mission: make programming accessible to every student on Earth."
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# mission_description_1: "<strong>Programming is magic</strong>. It's the ability to create things from pure imagination. We started CodeCombat to give learners the feeling of wizardly power at their fingertips by using <strong>typed code</strong>."
# mission_description_2: "As it turns out, that enables them to learn faster too. WAY faster. It's like having a conversation instead of reading a manual. We want to bring that conversation to every school and to <strong>every student</strong>, because everyone should have the chance to learn the magic of programming."
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# team_title: "Meet the CodeCombat team"
# team_values: "We value open and respectful dialog, where the best idea wins. Our decisions are grounded in customer research and our process is focused on delivering tangible results for them. Everyone is hands-on, from our CEO to our Github contributors, because we value growth and learning in our team."
nick_title: "Programcı" # {change}
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
# nick_blurb: "Motivation Guru"
2015-04-24 16:50:30 -04:00
matt_title: "Programcı" # {change}
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
# matt_blurb: "Bicyclist"
2016-01-11 15:59:28 -05:00
# cat_title: "Game Designer"
2015-02-27 17:37:05 -05:00
# cat_blurb: "Airbender"
2016-01-11 15:59:28 -05:00
scott_title: "Programcı" # {change}
# scott_blurb: "Reasonable One"
# maka_title: "Customer Advocate"
# maka_blurb: "Storyteller"
# rob_title: "Software Engineer"
# rob_blurb: "Codes things and stuff"
# josh_c_title: "Game Designer"
# josh_c_blurb: "Designs games"
# robin_title: "UX Design & Research"
# robin_blurb: "Scaffolding"
2015-02-27 17:37:05 -05:00
# josh_title: "Game Designer"
# josh_blurb: "Floor Is Lava"
# retrostyle_title: "Illustration"
# retrostyle_blurb: "RetroStyle Games"
2016-01-11 15:59:28 -05:00
# jose_title: "Music"
# jose_blurb: "Taking Off"
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# community_title: "...and our open-source community"
# community_subtitle: "Over 450 contributors have helped build CodeCombat, with more joining every week!"
# community_description_1: "CodeCombat is a community project, with hundreds of players volunteering to create levels, contribute to our code to add features, fix bugs, playtest, and even translate the game into 50 languages so far. Employees, contributors and the site gain by sharing ideas and pooling effort, as does the open source community in general. The site is built on numerous open source projects, and we are open sourced to give back to the community and provide code-curious players a familiar project to explore and experiment with. Anyone can join the CodeCombat community! Check out our"
# community_description_link: "contribute page"
# community_description_2: "for more info."
# number_contributors: "Over 450 contributors have lent their support and time to this project."
# story_title: "Our story so far"
# story_subtitle: "Since 2013, CodeCombat has grown from a mere set of sketches to a living, thriving game."
# story_statistic_1a: "5,000,000+"
# story_statistic_1b: "total players"
# story_statistic_1c: "have started their programming journey through CodeCombat"
# story_statistic_2a: "Weve been translated into over 50 languages — our players hail from"
# story_statistic_2b: "200+ countries"
# story_statistic_3a: "Together, they have written"
# story_statistic_3b: "1 billion lines of code and counting"
# story_statistic_3c: "across six different programming languages"
# story_long_way_1: "Though we've come a long way..."
# story_sketch_caption: "Nick's very first sketch depicting a programming game in action."
# story_long_way_2: "we still have much to do before we complete our quest, so..."
# jobs_title: "Come work with us and help write CodeCombat history!"
# jobs_subtitle: "Don't see a good fit but interested in keeping in touch? See our \"Create Your Own\" listing."
# jobs_benefits: "Employee Benefits"
# jobs_benefit_1: "Competitive salary and options"
# jobs_benefit_2: "15 day minimum vacation policy, excluding company holidays"
# jobs_benefit_3: "Flex time and flexible work-from-home"
# jobs_benefit_4: "Unlimited vacation/sick/personal days"
# jobs_benefit_5: "Professional development and continuing education support free books and games!"
# jobs_benefit_6: "Medical (gold), dental, vision"
# jobs_benefit_7: "Sit-stand desks for all"
# jobs_benefit_9: "10-year option exercise window"
# jobs_benefit_10: "Maternity leave: 10 weeks paid, next 6 @ 55% salary, next 12 remote working"
# jobs_benefit_11: "Paternity leave: 10 weeks paid, next 12 remote working"
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# learn_more: "Learn More"
# jobs_custom_title: "Create Your Own"
# jobs_custom_description: "Are you passionate about CodeCombat but don't see a job listed that matches your qualifications? Write us and show how you think you can contribute to our team. We'd love to hear from you!"
# jobs_custom_contact_1: "Send us a note at"
# jobs_custom_contact_2: "introducing yourself and we might get in touch in the future!"
# contact_title: "Press & Contact"
# contact_subtitle: "Need more information? Get in touch with us at"
# screenshots_title: "Game Screenshots"
# screenshots_hint: "(click to view full size)"
# downloads_title: "Download Assets & Information"
# about_codecombat: "About CodeCombat"
# logo: "Logo"
# screenshots: "Screenshots"
# character_art: "Character Art"
# download_all: "Download All"
# previous: "Previous"
# next: "Next"
# location_title: "We're located in downtown SF:"
2014-08-10 19:27:33 -04:00
2015-02-02 14:51:15 -05:00
# teachers:
2015-03-23 18:54:12 -04:00
# who_for_title: "Who is CodeCombat for?"
2015-12-23 13:07:32 -05:00
# who_for_1: "We recommend CodeCombat for students aged 9 and up. No prior programming experience is needed. We've designed CodeCombat to appeal to both boys and girls."
# who_for_2: "Our Courses system allows teachers to set up classrooms, track progress and assign additional content to students through a dedicated interface."
2015-05-17 17:05:23 -04:00
# more_info_title: "Where can I find more information?"
# more_info_1: "Our"
# more_info_2: "teachers forum"
# more_info_3: "is a good place to connect with fellow educators who are using CodeCombat."
2015-02-02 14:51:15 -05:00
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# teachers_quote:
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# name: "Demo Form"
# title: "Request a Demo"
# subtitle: "Get your students started in less than an hour. You'll be able to <strong>create a class, add students, and monitor their progress</strong> as they learn computer science."
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# email_exists: "User exists with this email."
# phone_number: "Phone number"
# phone_number_help: "Where can we reach you during the workday?"
# role_label: "Your role"
# role_help: "Select your primary role."
# role_default: "Select Role"
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# tech_coordinator: "Technology coordinator"
# advisor: "Advisor"
# principal: "Principal"
# superintendent: "Superintendent"
# parent: "Parent"
# organization_label: "Name of School/District"
# city: "City"
# state: "State"
# country: "Country"
# num_students_help: "How many do you anticipate enrolling in CodeCombat?"
# num_students_default: "Select Range"
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# education_level_label: "Education Level of Students"
# education_level_help: "Choose as many as apply."
# elementary_school: "Elementary School"
# high_school: "High School"
# please_explain: "(please explain)"
# middle_school: "Middle School"
# college_plus: "College or higher"
# anything_else: "Anything else we should know?"
# thanks_header: "Request Received!"
# thanks_sub_header: "Thanks for expressing interest in CodeCombat for your school."
# thanks_p: "We'll be in touch soon! If you need to get in contact, you can reach us at:"
# finish_signup: "Finish creating your teacher account:"
# finish_signup_p: "Create an account to set up a class, add your students, and monitor their progress as they learn computer science."
# signup_with: "Sign up with:"
# conversion_warning: "WARNING: Your current account is a <em>Student Account</em>. Once you submit this form, your account will be updated to a Teacher Account." # {change}
# learn_more_modal: "Teacher accounts on CodeCombat have the ability to monitor student progress, assign enrollments and manage classrooms. Teacher accounts cannot be a part of a classroom - if you are currently enrolled in a class using this account, you will no longer be able to access it once you update to a Teacher Account." # {change}
# create_account: "Create a Teacher Account"
# create_account_subtitle: "Get access to teacher-only tools for using CodeCombat in the classroom. <strong>Set up a class</strong>, add your students, and <strong>monitor their progress</strong>!"
# convert_account_title: "Update to Teacher Account" # {change}
# not: "Not"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# setup_a_class: "Set Up a Class"
2015-06-07 16:09:03 -04:00
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
save_version_title: "Yeni Sürümü Kaydet"
new_major_version: "Yeni Önemli Sürüm"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
submitting_patch: "Yama Gönderiliyor..."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
cla_prefix: "Değişiklikleri kaydetmek için ilk olarak"
cla_url: "KLA'mızı"
cla_suffix: "kabul etmelisiniz."
cla_agree: "KABUL EDİYORUM"
2015-06-30 14:29:18 -04:00
# owner_approve: "An owner will need to approve it before your changes will become visible."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
contact_us: "CodeCombat ile İletişim"
welcome: "Sizi dinlemek ne hoş! Bu form ile bize e-posta gönderebilirsiniz."
forum_prefix: "Daha kamuya açık soru ve görüşleriniz için "
forum_page: "forumumuzu"
forum_suffix: " kullanabilirsiniz."
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
faq_prefix: "Ayrıca bir"
faq: "SSS'de mevcut."
2014-12-19 18:36:16 -05:00
# subscribe_prefix: "If you need help figuring out a level, please"
# subscribe: "buy a CodeCombat subscription"
# subscribe_suffix: "and we'll be happy to help you with your code."
# subscriber_support: "Since you're a CodeCombat subscriber, your email will get our priority support."
2014-12-27 13:39:44 -05:00
# screenshot_included: "Screenshot included."
2014-12-12 11:40:57 -05:00
# where_reply: "Where should we reply?"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
send: "Gönder"
title: "Hesap Ayarları"
not_logged_in: "Ayarlarınızı değiştirmek için giriş yapın veya bir hesap oluşturun"
autosave: "Değişiklikler Kendiliğinden Kaydedilir"
me_tab: "Ben"
picture_tab: "Resim"
2015-02-27 17:37:05 -05:00
# delete_account_tab: "Delete Your Account"
# wrong_email: "Wrong Email"
2015-06-22 14:59:28 -04:00
# wrong_password: "Wrong Password"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
upload_picture: "Bir Resim Yükle"
2015-02-27 17:37:05 -05:00
# delete_this_account: "Delete this account permanently"
2015-11-12 19:42:23 -05:00
# reset_progress_tab: "Reset All Progress"
# reset_your_progress: "Clear all your progress and start over"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
god_mode: "Tanrı Kipi"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
password_tab: "Şifre"
emails_tab: "E-postalar"
admin: "Yönetici"
2015-11-30 13:57:45 -05:00
# manage_subscription: "Click here to manage your subscription."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
new_password: "Yeni Şifre"
new_password_verify: "Teyit Et"
2015-06-22 14:59:28 -04:00
# type_in_email: "Type in your email to confirm account deletion."
2015-11-12 19:42:23 -05:00
# type_in_email_progress: "Type in your email to confirm deleting your progress."
2015-06-22 14:59:28 -04:00
# type_in_password: "Also, type in your password."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
email_subscriptions: "E-posta Abonelikleri"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
email_subscriptions_none: "E-posta aboneliği yok."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
email_announcements: "Duyurular"
email_announcements_description: "CodeCombat ile ilgili son haberlere ve gelişmelere ulaşın."
email_notifications: "Bilgilendirme"
# email_notifications_summary: "Controls for personalized, automatic email notifications related to your CodeCombat activity."
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
email_any_notes: "Tüm Bildirimler"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
# email_any_notes_description: "Disable to stop all activity notification emails."
# email_news: "News"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
email_recruit_notes: "İş Fırsatları"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
# email_recruit_notes_description: "If you play really well, we may contact you about getting you a (better) job."
contributor_emails: "İştirakçi Sınıfı E-postaları"
contribute_prefix: "Partimize katılmak üzere sizleri bekliyoruz ! Detaylı bilgi için "
contribute_page: "katkı sayfasını"
contribute_suffix: " ziyaret edebilirsiniz."
email_toggle: "Tümünü Değiştir"
error_saving: "Kayıt Esnasında Hata"
saved: "Değişiklikler Kaydedildi"
password_mismatch: "Şifreler Uyuşmuyor"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
password_repeat: "Lütfen şifrenizi yenileyin."
2014-08-10 19:27:33 -04:00
2014-10-20 19:51:52 -04:00
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
keyboard_shortcuts: "Klavye Kısayolları"
space: "Boşluk"
enter: "Enter"
2015-06-22 14:59:28 -04:00
# press_enter: "press enter"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
escape: "Escape"
shift: "ÜstKarakter"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
run_code: "Geçerli kodu çalıştır."
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
run_real_time: "Eşzamanlı çalış."
2014-05-19 13:11:18 -04:00
# continue_script: "Continue past current script."
# skip_scripts: "Skip past all skippable scripts."
# toggle_playback: "Toggle play/pause."
# scrub_playback: "Scrub back and forward through time."
# single_scrub_playback: "Scrub back and forward through time by a single frame."
2014-05-19 13:11:18 -04:00
# scrub_execution: "Scrub through current spell execution."
# toggle_debug: "Toggle debug display."
# toggle_grid: "Toggle grid overlay."
# toggle_pathfinding: "Toggle pathfinding overlay."
# beautify: "Beautify your code by standardizing its formatting."
2014-08-28 12:29:38 -04:00
# maximize_editor: "Maximize/minimize code editor."
2014-05-19 13:11:18 -04:00
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
main_title: "CodeCombat Topluluğu"
2014-08-14 13:57:49 -04:00
# introduction: "Check out the ways you can get involved below and decide what sounds the most fun. We look forward to working with you!"
# level_editor_prefix: "Use the CodeCombat"
# level_editor_suffix: "to create and edit levels. Users have created levels for their classes, friends, hackathons, students, and siblings. If create a new level sounds intimidating you can start by forking one of ours!"
# thang_editor_prefix: "We call units within the game 'thangs'. Use the"
# thang_editor_suffix: "to modify the CodeCombat source artwork. Allow units to throw projectiles, alter the direction of an animation, change a unit's hit points, or upload your own vector sprites."
# article_editor_prefix: "See a mistake in some of our docs? Want to make some instructions for your own creations? Check out the"
# article_editor_suffix: "and help CodeCombat players get the most out of their playtime."
# find_us: "Find us on these sites"
2015-08-08 14:29:48 -04:00
# social_github: "Check out all our code on GitHub"
2014-09-15 13:24:13 -04:00
# social_blog: "Read the CodeCombat blog on Sett"
# social_discource: "Join the discussion on our Discourse forum"
# social_facebook: "Like CodeCombat on Facebook"
# social_twitter: "Follow CodeCombat on Twitter"
# social_gplus: "Join CodeCombat on Google+"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# social_slack: "Chat with us in the public CodeCombat Slack channel"
2014-08-14 13:57:49 -04:00
# contribute_to_the_project: "Contribute to the project"
2015-05-17 17:05:23 -04:00
# clans:
# clan: "Clan"
# clans: "Clans"
# new_name: "New clan name"
# new_description: "New clan description"
# make_private: "Make clan private"
# subs_only: "subscribers only"
# create_clan: "Create New Clan"
2015-07-07 14:45:41 -04:00
# private_preview: "Preview"
2015-12-23 13:07:32 -05:00
# private_clans: "Private Clans"
2015-05-17 17:05:23 -04:00
# public_clans: "Public Clans"
# my_clans: "My Clans"
# clan_name: "Clan Name"
# name: "Name"
# chieftain: "Chieftain"
# type: "Type"
# edit_clan_name: "Edit Clan Name"
# edit_clan_description: "Edit Clan Description"
# edit_name: "edit name"
# edit_description: "edit description"
# private: "(private)"
# summary: "Summary"
# average_level: "Average Level"
# average_achievements: "Average Achievements"
# delete_clan: "Delete Clan"
# leave_clan: "Leave Clan"
# join_clan: "Join Clan"
# invite_1: "Invite:"
# invite_2: "*Invite players to this Clan by sending them this link."
# members: "Members"
# progress: "Progress"
# not_started_1: "not started"
# started_1: "started"
# complete_1: "complete"
# exp_levels: "Expand levels"
# rem_hero: "Remove Hero"
# status: "Status"
# complete_2: "Complete"
# started_2: "Started"
# not_started_2: "Not Started"
# view_solution: "Click to view solution."
2015-11-30 13:57:45 -05:00
# view_attempt: "Click to view attempt."
2015-05-17 17:05:23 -04:00
# latest_achievement: "Latest Achievement"
# playtime: "Playtime"
# last_played: "Last played"
2015-09-03 07:47:48 -04:00
# leagues_explanation: "Play in a league against other clan members in these multiplayer arena instances."
2015-10-28 12:08:05 -04:00
# track_concepts1: "Track concepts"
# track_concepts2a: "learned by each student"
# track_concepts2b: "learned by each member"
# track_concepts3a: "Track levels completed for each student"
# track_concepts3b: "Track levels completed for each member"
# track_concepts4a: "See your students'"
# track_concepts4b: "See your members'"
# track_concepts5: "solutions"
# track_concepts6a: "Sort students by name or progress"
# track_concepts6b: "Sort members by name or progress"
# track_concepts7: "Requires invitation"
# track_concepts8: "to join"
# private_require_sub: "Private clans require a subscription to create or join."
2015-05-17 17:05:23 -04:00
2015-09-27 22:57:57 -04:00
# courses:
# course: "Course"
# courses: "courses"
2015-12-09 09:58:33 -05:00
# create_new_class: "Create New Class"
2015-09-27 22:57:57 -04:00
# not_enrolled: "You are not enrolled in this course."
# visit_pref: "Please visit the"
# visit_suf: "page to enroll."
# select_class: "Select one of your classes"
# unnamed: "*unnamed*"
# select: "Select"
# unnamed_class: "Unnamed Class"
# edit_settings: "edit class settings"
# edit_settings1: "Edit Class Settings"
# progress: "Class Progress"
# add_students: "Add Students"
# stats: "Statistics"
# total_students: "Total students:"
# average_time: "Average level play time:"
# total_time: "Total play time:"
# average_levels: "Average levels completed:"
# total_levels: "Total levels completed:"
# furthest_level: "Furthest level completed:"
# students: "Students"
# students1: "students"
# concepts: "Concepts"
# levels: "levels"
# played: "Played"
# play_time: "Play time:"
# completed: "Completed:"
# invite_students: "Invite students to join this class."
# invite_link_header: "Link to join course"
# invite_link_p_1: "Give this link to students you would like to have join the course."
# invite_link_p_2: "Or have us email them directly:"
# capacity_used: "Course slots used:"
2015-09-27 22:57:57 -04:00
# enter_emails: "Enter student emails to invite, one per line"
# send_invites: "Send Invites"
# creating_class: "Creating class..."
# purchasing_course: "Purchasing course..."
# buy_course: "Buy Course"
# buy_course1: "Buy this course"
# select_all_courses: "Select 'All Courses' for a 50% discount!"
# all_courses: "All Courses"
# number_students: "Number of students"
# enter_number_students: "Enter the number of students you need for this class."
# name_class: "Name your class"
# displayed_course_page: "This will be displayed on the course page for you and your students. It can be changed later."
# buy: "Buy"
# purchasing_for: "You are purchasing a license for"
# creating_for: "You are creating a class for"
# for: "for" # Like in 'for 30 students'
# receive_code: "Afterwards you will receive an unlock code to distribute to your students, which they can use to enroll in your class."
# free_trial: "Free trial for teachers!"
# get_access: "to get individual access to all courses for evalutaion purposes."
# questions: "Questions?"
# teachers_click: "Teachers Click Here"
# students_click: "Students Click Here"
# courses_on_coco: "Courses on CodeCombat"
# designed_to: "Courses are designed to introduce computer science concepts using CodeCombat's fun and engaging environment. CodeCombat levels are organized around key topics to encourage progressive learning, over the course of 5 hours."
# more_in_less: "Learn more in less time"
# no_experience: "No coding experience necesssary"
# easy_monitor: "Easily monitor student progress"
# purchase_for_class: "Purchase a course for your entire class. It's easy to sign up your students!"
# see_the: "See the"
# more_info: "for more information."
# choose_course: "Choose Your Course:"
2015-10-13 15:32:51 -04:00
# enter_code: "Enter an unlock code to join an existing class"
2015-09-27 22:57:57 -04:00
# enter_code1: "Enter unlock code"
# enroll: "Enroll"
# pick_from_classes: "Pick from your current classes"
# enter: "Enter"
# or: "Or"
# topics: "Topics"
# hours_content: "Hours of content:"
# get_free: "Get FREE course"
2015-12-09 09:58:33 -05:00
# enroll_paid: "Enroll Students in Paid Courses"
# you_have1: "You have"
# you_have2: "unused paid enrollments"
# use_one: "Use 1 paid enrollment for"
# use_multiple: "Use paid enrollments for the following students:"
# already_enrolled: "already enrolled"
# licenses_remaining: "licenses remaining:"
# insufficient_enrollments: "insufficient paid enrollments"
# enroll_students: "Enroll Students"
# get_enrollments: "Get More Enrollments"
# change_language: "Change Course Language"
# keep_using: "Keep Using"
# switch_to: "Switch To"
# greetings: "Greetings!"
# back_classrooms: "Back to my classrooms"
# back_courses: "Back to my courses"
# edit_details: "Edit class details"
# enrolled_courses: "enrolled in paid courses:"
# purchase_enrollments: "Purchase Enrollments"
# remove_student: "remove student"
# assign: "Assign"
# to_assign: "to assign paid courses."
# teacher: "Teacher"
# complete: "Complete"
# none: "None"
# save: "Save"
# play_campaign_title: "Play the Campaign"
# play_campaign_description: "Youre ready to take the next step! Explore hundreds of challenging levels, learn advanced programming skills, and compete in multiplayer arenas!"
# create_account_title: "Create an Account"
# create_account_description: "Sign up for a FREE CodeCombat account and gain access to more levels, more programming skills, and more fun!"
# preview_campaign_title: "Preview Campaign"
# preview_campaign_description: "Take a sneak peek at all that CodeCombat has to offer before signing up for your FREE account."
# arena: "Arena"
# arena_soon_title: "Arena Coming Soon"
# arena_soon_description: "We are working on a multiplayer arena for classrooms at the end of"
# not_enrolled1: "Not enrolled"
# not_enrolled2: "Ask your teacher to enroll you in the next course."
# next_course: "Next Course"
# coming_soon1: "Coming soon"
# coming_soon2: "We are hard at work making more courses for you!"
# available_levels: "Available Levels"
# welcome_to_courses: "Adventurers, welcome to Courses!"
# ready_to_play: "Ready to play?"
# start_new_game: "Start New Game"
# play_now_learn_header: "Play now to learn"
# play_now_learn_1: "basic syntax to control your character"
# play_now_learn_2: "while loops to solve pesky puzzles"
# play_now_learn_3: "strings & variables to customize actions"
# play_now_learn_4: "how to defeat an ogre (important life skills!)"
# welcome_to_page: "Welcome to your Courses page!"
# completed_hoc: "Amazing! You've completed the Hour of Code course!"
# ready_for_more_header: "Ready for more? Play the campaign mode!"
# ready_for_more_1: "Use gems to unlock new items!"
# ready_for_more_2: "Play through brand new worlds and challenges"
# ready_for_more_3: "Learn even more programming!"
# saved_games: "Saved Games"
# hoc: "Hour of Code"
# my_classes: "My Classes"
# class_added: "Class successfully added!"
# view_class: "view class"
# view_levels: "view levels"
# join_class: "Join A Class"
# ask_teacher_for_code: "Ask your teacher if you have a CodeCombat class code! If so, enter it below:"
# enter_c_code: "<Enter Class Code>"
# join: "Join"
# joining: "Joining class"
# course_complete: "Course Complete"
# play_arena: "Play Arena"
# start: "Start"
# last_level: "Last Level"
# welcome_to_hoc: "Adventurers, welcome to our Hour of Code!"
# logged_in_as: "Logged in as:"
# not_you: "Not you?"
# welcome_back: "Hi adventurer, welcome back!"
# continue_playing: "Continue Playing"
# more_options: "More options:"
# option1_header: "Option 1: Invite students via email"
# option1_body: "Students will automatically be sent an invitation to join this class, and will need to create an account with a username and password."
# option2_header: "Option 2: Send URL to your students"
# option2_body: "Students will be asked to enter an email address, username and password to create an account."
# option3_header: "Option 3: Direct students to"
# option3_body: "Give students the following passcode to enter along with an email address, username and password when they create an account."
# thank_you_pref: "Thank you for your purchase! You can now assign"
# thank_you_suff: "more students to paid courses."
# return_to_class: "Return to classroom"
# return_to_course_man: "Return to course management."
# students_not_enrolled: "students not enrolled"
# total_all_classes: "Total Across All Classes"
# how_many_enrollments: "How many additional paid enrollments do you need?"
# each_student_access: "Each student in a class will get access to Courses 2-4 once they are enrolled in paid courses. You may assign each course to each student individually."
# purchase_now: "Purchase Now"
# enrollments: "enrollments"
# remove_student1: "Remove Student"
# are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to remove this student from this class?"
# remove_description1: "Student will lose access to this classroom and assigned classes. Progress and gameplay is NOT lost, and the student can be added back to the classroom at any time."
# remove_description2: "The activated paid license will not be returned."
# keep_student: "Keep Student"
# removing_user: "Removing user"
# to_join_ask: "To join a class, ask your teacher for an unlock code."
# join_this_class: "Join Class"
# enter_here: "<enter unlock code here>"
# successfully_joined: "Successfully joined"
# click_to_start: "Click here to start taking"
# my_courses: "My Courses"
# classroom: "Classroom"
# use_school_email: "use your school email if you have one"
# unique_name: "a unique name no one has chosen"
# pick_something: "pick something you can remember"
# class_code: "Class Code"
# optional_ask: "optional - ask your teacher to give you one!"
# optional_school: "optional - what school do you go to?"
# start_playing: "Start Playing"
# skip_this: "Skip this, I'll create an account later!"
# welcome: "Welcome"
# getting_started: "Getting Started with Courses"
# download_getting_started: "Download Getting Started Guide [PDF]"
# getting_started_1: "Create a new class by clicking the green 'Create New Class' button below."
# getting_started_2: "Once you've created a class, click the blue 'Add Students' button."
# getting_started_3: "You'll see student's progress below as they sign up and join your class."
# additional_resources: "Additional Resources"
# additional_resources_1_pref: "Download/print our"
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# additional_resources_1_mid: "Course 1"
# additional_resources_1_mid2: "and"
# additional_resources_1_mid3: "Course 2"
# additional_resources_1_suff: "teacher's guides with solutions for each level."
2015-12-09 09:58:33 -05:00
# additional_resources_2_pref: "Complete our"
2016-01-11 15:59:28 -05:00
# additional_resources_2_suff: "to get two free enrollments for the rest of our paid courses."
2015-12-09 09:58:33 -05:00
# additional_resources_3_pref: "Visit our"
# additional_resources_3_mid: "Teacher Forums"
# additional_resources_3_suff: "to connect to fellow educators who are using CodeCombat."
2015-12-23 13:07:32 -05:00
# additional_resources_4_pref: "Check out our"
# additional_resources_4_mid: "Schools Page"
# additional_resources_4_suff: "to learn more about CodeCombat's classroom offerings."
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# educator_wiki_pref: "Or check out our new"
# educator_wiki_mid: "educator wiki"
# educator_wiki_suff: "to browse the guide online."
2015-12-09 09:58:33 -05:00
# your_classes: "Your Classes"
# no_classes: "No classes yet!"
# create_new_class1: "create new class"
# available_courses: "Available Courses"
# unused_enrollments: "Unused enrollments available:"
# students_access: "All students get access to Introduction to Computer Science for free. One enrollment per student is required to assign them to paid CodeCombat courses. A single student does not need multiple enrollments to access all paid courses."
# active_courses: "active courses"
# no_students: "No students yet!"
# add_students1: "add students"
# view_edit: "view/edit"
# students_enrolled: "students enrolled"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# students_assigned: "students assigned"
2015-12-09 09:58:33 -05:00
# length: "Length:"
# title: "Courses" # Flat style redesign
# subtitle: "Review course guidelines, solutions, and levels"
# select_language: "Select language"
# select_level: "Select level"
# play_level: "Play Level"
# concepts_covered: "Concepts covered"
# print_guide: "Print Guide (PDF)"
# view_guide_online: "View Guide Online (PDF)"
# grants_lifetime_access: "Grants lifetime access to all Courses." # New enrollment modal
# enrollment_credits_available: "Enrollment Credits Available:"
# description: "Description" # ClassroomSettingsModal
# language_select: "Select a language"
# language_cannot_change: "Language cannot be changed once students join a class."
# learn_p: "Learn Python"
# learn_j: "Learn JavaScript"
# avg_student_exp_label: "Average Student Programming Experience"
# avg_student_exp_desc: "This will help us understand how to pace courses better."
# avg_student_exp_select: "Select the best option"
# avg_student_exp_none: "No Experience - little to no experience"
# avg_student_exp_beginner: "Beginner - some exposure or block-based"
# avg_student_exp_intermediate: "Intermediate - some experience with typed code"
# avg_student_exp_advanced: "Advanced - extensive experience with typed code"
# avg_student_exp_varied: "Varied Levels of Experience"
# student_age_range_label: "Student Age Range"
# student_age_range_younger: "Younger than 6"
# student_age_range_older: "Older than 18"
# student_age_range_to: "to"
# create_class: "Create Class"
# class_name: "Class Name"
# teacher_account_restricted: "Your account is a teacher account, and so cannot access student content."
# teacher:
# teacher_dashboard: "Teacher Dashboard" # Navbar
# my_classes: "My Classes"
# courses: "Courses"
# enrollments: "Enrollments"
# resources: "Resources"
# help: "Help"
# students: "Students" # Shared
# language: "Language"
# edit_class_settings: "edit class settings"
# complete: "Complete"
# access_restricted: "Access Restricted" # My Classes page
# teacher_account_required: "A teacher account is required to access this content."
# create_teacher_account: "Create Teacher Account"
# what_is_a_teacher_account: "What's a Teacher Account?"
# teacher_account_explanation: "A CodeCombat Teacher account allows you to set up classrooms, monitor students progress as they work through courses, manage enrollments and access resources to aid in your curriculum-building."
# current_classes: "Current Classes"
# archived_classes: "Archived Classes"
# archived_classes_blurb: "Classes can be archived for future reference. Unarchive a class to view it in the Current Classes list again."
# view_class: "view class"
# archive_class: "archive class"
# unarchive_class: "unarchive class"
# no_students_yet: "This class has no students yet."
# add_students: "Add Students"
# create_new_class: "Create a New Class"
# class_overview: "Class Overview" # View Class page
# avg_playtime: "Average level playtime"
# total_playtime: "Total play time"
# avg_completed: "Average levels completed"
# total_completed: "Total levels completed"
# concepts_covered: "Concepts covered"
# earliest_incomplete: "Earliest incomplete level"
# latest_complete: "Latest completed level"
# enroll_student: "Enroll student"
# adding_students: "Adding students"
# course_progress: "Course Progress"
# not_applicable: "N/A"
# edit: "edit"
# remove: "remove"
# latest_completed: "Latest Completed"
# sort_by: "Sort by"
# progress: "Progress"
# select_course: "Select course to view"
# course_overview: "Course Overview"
# copy_class_code: "Copy Class Code"
# class_code_blurb: "New students can enter this class code on their dashboard or visit to join the class."
# copy_class_url: "Copy Class URL"
# class_join_url_blurb: "New students can visit this URL while logged in to join the class."
# add_students_manually: "Add Students Manually"
# bulk_assign: "Bulk-assign"
# assign_to_selected_students: "Assign to Selected Students"
# assigned: "Assigned"
# enroll_selected_students: "Enroll Selected Students"
# guides_coming_soon: "Guides coming soon!" # Courses
# show_students_from: "Show students from" # Enroll students modal
# enroll_the_following_students: "Enroll the following students"
# all_students: "All Students"
# enrollments_blurb_1: "Students taking Computer Science" # Enrollments page
# enrollments_blurb_2: "require enrollments to access the courses."
# credits_available: "Credits Available"
# total_unique_students: "Total Unique Students"
# total_enrolled_students: "Total Enrolled Students"
# unenrolled_students: "Unenrolled Students"
# add_enrollment_credits: "Add Enrollment Credits"
# purchasing: "Purchasing..."
# purchased: "Purchased!"
# purchase_now: "Purchase Now"
# how_to_enroll: "How to Enroll Students"
# how_to_enroll_blurb_1: "If a student is not enrolled yet, there will be an \"Enroll\" button next to their course progress in your class."
# how_to_enroll_blurb_2: "To bulk-enroll multiple students, select them using the checkboxes on the left side of the classroom page and click the \"Enroll Selected Students\" button."
# how_to_enroll_blurb_3: "Once a student is enrolled, they will have access to all of the course content." # {change}
# bulk_pricing_blurb: "Purchasing for more than 15 students? Get in touch with us for bulk pricing quotes."
2015-09-27 22:57:57 -04:00
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
archmage_title: "Büyük Büyücü"
archmage_title_description: "(Kod Yazarı)"
2014-12-19 18:36:16 -05:00
# archmage_summary: "If you are a developer interested in coding educational games, become an archmage to help us build CodeCombat!"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
artisan_title: "Zanaatkar"
artisan_title_description: "(Bölüm Yapıcı)"
2014-12-19 18:36:16 -05:00
# artisan_summary: "Build and share levels for you and your friends to play. Become an Artisan to learn the art of teaching others to program."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
adventurer_title: "Maceracı"
adventurer_title_description: "(Bölüm Oynanabilirlik Testçisi)"
2014-12-19 18:36:16 -05:00
# adventurer_summary: "Get our new levels (even our subscriber content) for free one week early and help us work out bugs before our public release."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
scribe_title: "Katip"
scribe_title_description: "(Makale Editörü)"
2014-12-19 18:36:16 -05:00
# scribe_summary: "Good code needs good documentation. Write, edit, and improve the docs read by millions of players across the globe."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
diplomat_title: "Diplomat"
diplomat_title_description: "(Çevirmen)"
2014-12-19 18:36:16 -05:00
# diplomat_summary: "CodeCombat is localized in 45+ languages by our Diplomats. Help us out and contribute translations."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
ambassador_title: "Büyükelçi"
ambassador_title_description: "(Support)"
2014-12-19 18:36:16 -05:00
# ambassador_summary: "Tame our forum users and provide direction for those with questions. Our ambassadors represent CodeCombat to the world."
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# teacher_title: "Teacher"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
main_title: "CodeCombat Düzenleyici"
article_title: "Makale Düzenleyici"
thang_title: "Nesne Düzenleyici"
level_title: "Bölüm Düzenleyici"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
achievement_title: "Başarı Düzenleyici"
2015-03-10 17:41:53 -04:00
# poll_title: "Poll Editor"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
back: "Geri"
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
revert: "Geri al"
revert_models: "Önceki Modeller"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
pick_a_terrain: "Bir Arazi Seçin"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
dungeon: "Zindan"
indoor: "İç"
desert: "Çöl"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
grassy: "Çimli"
2015-08-02 17:16:26 -04:00
# mountain: "Mountain"
# glacier: "Glacier"
2015-01-15 12:08:13 -05:00
small: "Küçük"
2015-02-18 10:13:35 -05:00
large: "Büyük"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
fork_title: "Yeni Sürüm Çatalla"
fork_creating: "Çatal Oluşturuluyor..."
generate_terrain: "Arazi Oluştur"
more: "Daha Fazla"
wiki: "Viki"
live_chat: "Canlı Sohbet"
2014-12-12 19:13:18 -05:00
# thang_main: "Main"
# thang_spritesheets: "Spritesheets"
# thang_colors: "Colors"
level_some_options: "Bazı Seçenekler?"
level_tab_thangs: "Nesneler"
level_tab_scripts: "Betikler"
level_tab_settings: "Ayarlar"
level_tab_components: "Bileşenler"
level_tab_systems: "Sistemler"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
level_tab_docs: "Belgelendirme"
level_tab_thangs_title: "Geçerli Şartlar"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
level_tab_thangs_all: "Tüm"
level_tab_thangs_conditions: "Başlama Şartları"
level_tab_thangs_add: "Nesne Ekle"
2015-07-07 14:45:41 -04:00
# level_tab_thangs_search: "Search thangs"
2015-01-16 15:53:14 -05:00
# add_components: "Add Components"
# component_configs: "Component Configurations"
2015-01-15 12:37:08 -05:00
# config_thang: "Double click to configure a thang"
2014-10-20 19:44:36 -04:00
delete: "Sil"
duplicate: "Kopyala"
2015-01-15 12:37:08 -05:00
# stop_duplicate: "Stop Duplicate"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
rotate: "Döndür"
level_settings_title: "Ayarlar"
level_component_tab_title: "Geçerli Bileşenler"
level_component_btn_new: "Yeni Bileşen Oluştur"
level_systems_tab_title: "Geçerli Sistemler"
level_systems_btn_new: "Yeni Sistem Oluştur"
level_systems_btn_add: "Sistem Ekle"
level_components_title: "Tüm Nesneleri Geri Dön"
level_components_type: "Tür"
level_component_edit_title: "Bileşen Düzenle"
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
level_component_config_schema: "Yapılandırma Şeması"
level_component_settings: "Ayarlar"
level_system_edit_title: "Sistem Düzenle"
create_system_title: "Yeni Sistem Oluştur"
new_component_title: "Yeni Bileşen Oluştur"
new_component_field_system: "Sistem"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
new_article_title: "Yeni Bir Makale Oluştur"
# new_thang_title: "Create a New Thang Type"
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
new_level_title: "Yeni Bir Seviye Oluştur"
# new_article_title_login: "Log In to Create a New Article"
# new_thang_title_login: "Log In to Create a New Thang Type"
# new_level_title_login: "Log In to Create a New Level"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
new_achievement_title: "Yeni Bir Başarı Oluştur"
2014-06-13 11:50:52 -04:00
# new_achievement_title_login: "Log In to Create a New Achievement"
2015-03-10 17:41:53 -04:00
# new_poll_title: "Create a New Poll"
# new_poll_title_login: "Log In to Create a New Poll"
# article_search_title: "Search Articles Here"
# thang_search_title: "Search Thang Types Here"
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
level_search_title: "Seviye ara"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
achievement_search_title: "Başarı Ara"
2015-03-10 17:41:53 -04:00
# poll_search_title: "Search Polls"
2014-04-13 22:04:43 -04:00
# read_only_warning2: "Note: you can't save any edits here, because you're not logged in."
2014-08-14 13:57:49 -04:00
# no_achievements: "No achievements have been added for this level yet."
# achievement_query_misc: "Key achievement off of miscellanea"
# achievement_query_goals: "Key achievement off of level goals"
# level_completion: "Level Completion"
2014-11-01 18:58:14 -04:00
# pop_i18n: "Populate I18N"
2015-01-06 11:01:42 -05:00
# tasks: "Tasks"
2015-02-27 17:37:05 -05:00
# clear_storage: "Clear your local changes"
2015-06-30 14:29:18 -04:00
# add_system_title: "Add Systems to Level"
# done_adding: "Done Adding"
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
edit_btn_preview: "Önizleme"
edit_article_title: "Makaleyi Düzenle"
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
2015-03-10 17:41:53 -04:00
# polls:
# priority: "Priority"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
page_title: "Katkıda Bulunma"
2014-12-19 18:36:16 -05:00
# intro_blurb: "CodeCombat is 100% open source! Hundreds of dedicated players have helped us build the game into what it is today. Join us and write the next chapter in CodeCombat's quest to teach the world to code!"
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
alert_account_message_intro: "Merhaba!"
# alert_account_message: "To subscribe for class emails, you'll need to be logged in first."
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
# archmage_introduction: "One of the best parts about building games is they synthesize so many different things. Graphics, sound, real-time networking, social networking, and of course many of the more common aspects of programming, from low-level database management, and server administration to user facing design and interface building. There's a lot to do, and if you're an experienced programmer with a hankering to really dive into the nitty-gritty of CodeCombat, this class might be for you. We would love to have your help building the best programming game ever."
# class_attributes: "Class Attributes"
# archmage_attribute_1_pref: "Knowledge in "
# archmage_attribute_1_suf: ", or a desire to learn. Most of our code is in this language. If you're a fan of Ruby or Python, you'll feel right at home. It's JavaScript, but with a nicer syntax."
# archmage_attribute_2: "Some experience in programming and personal initiative. We'll help you get oriented, but we can't spend much time training you."
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
how_to_join: "Nasıl Üye olunur?"
join_desc_1: "Herkes katkıda bulunabilir! Şimdi göz atın "
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
# join_desc_2: "to get started, and check the box below to mark yourself as a brave Archmage and get the latest news by email. Want to chat about what to do or how to get more deeply involved? "
# join_desc_3: ", or find us in our "
# join_desc_4: "and we'll go from there!"
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
join_url_email: "E-Posta ile Bize ulaşın"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
# join_url_slack: "public Slack channel"
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
# archmage_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on new coding opportunities and announcements."
# artisan_introduction_pref: "We must construct additional levels! People be clamoring for more content, and we can only build so many ourselves. Right now your workstation is level one; our level editor is barely usable even by its creators, so be wary. If you have visions of campaigns spanning for-loops to"
2014-03-31 19:02:56 -04:00
# artisan_introduction_suf: ", then this class might be for you."
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
# artisan_attribute_1: "Any experience in building content like this would be nice, such as using Blizzard's level editors. But not required!"
# artisan_attribute_2: "A hankering to do a whole lot of testing and iteration. To make good levels, you need to take it to others and watch them play it, and be prepared to find a lot of things to fix."
# artisan_attribute_3: "For the time being, endurance en par with an Adventurer. Our Level Editor is super preliminary and frustrating to use. You have been warned!"
# artisan_join_desc: "Use the Level Editor in these steps, give or take:"
# artisan_join_step1: "Read the documentation."
# artisan_join_step2: "Create a new level and explore existing levels."
# artisan_join_step3: "Find us in our public Slack channel for help."
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
# artisan_join_step4: "Post your levels on the forum for feedback."
# artisan_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on level editor updates and announcements."
# adventurer_introduction: "Let's be clear about your role: you are the tank. You're going to take heavy damage. We need people to try out brand-new levels and help identify how to make things better. The pain will be enormous; making good games is a long process and no one gets it right the first time. If you can endure and have a high constitution score, then this class might be for you."
# adventurer_attribute_1: "A thirst for learning. You want to learn how to code and we want to teach you how to code. You'll probably be doing most of the teaching in this case, though."
# adventurer_attribute_2: "Charismatic. Be gentle but articulate about what needs improving, and offer suggestions on how to improve."
# adventurer_join_pref: "Either get together with (or recruit!) an Artisan and work with them, or check the box below to receive emails when there are new levels to test. We'll also be posting about levels to review on our networks like"
# adventurer_forum_url: "our forum"
# adventurer_join_suf: "so if you prefer to be notified those ways, sign up there!"
# adventurer_subscribe_desc: "Get emails when there are new levels to test."
# scribe_introduction_pref: "CodeCombat isn't just going to be a bunch of levels. It will also include a resource for knowledge, a wiki of programming concepts that levels can hook into. That way rather than each Artisan having to describe in detail what a comparison operator is, they can simply link their level to the Article describing them that is already written for the player's edification. Something along the lines of what the "
# scribe_introduction_url_mozilla: "Mozilla Developer Network"
# scribe_introduction_suf: " has built. If your idea of fun is articulating the concepts of programming in Markdown form, then this class might be for you."
# scribe_attribute_1: "Skill in words is pretty much all you need. Not only grammar and spelling, but able to convey complicated ideas to others."
# contact_us_url: "Contact us"
# scribe_join_description: "tell us a little about yourself, your experience with programming and what sort of things you'd like to write about. We'll go from there!"
# scribe_subscribe_desc: "Get emails about article writing announcements."
# diplomat_introduction_pref: "So, if there's one thing we learned from the "
# diplomat_launch_url: "launch in October"
# diplomat_introduction_suf: "it's that there is sizeable interest in CodeCombat in other countries! We're building a corps of translators eager to turn one set of words into another set of words to get CodeCombat as accessible across the world as possible. If you like getting sneak peeks at upcoming content and getting these levels to your fellow nationals ASAP, then this class might be for you."
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
# diplomat_attribute_1: "Fluency in English and the language you would like to translate to. When conveying complicated ideas, it's important to have a strong grasp in both!"
2014-11-09 23:20:01 -05:00
# diplomat_i18n_page_prefix: "You can start translating our levels by going to our"
# diplomat_i18n_page: "translations page"
# diplomat_i18n_page_suffix: ", or our interface and website on GitHub."
# diplomat_join_pref_github: "Find your language locale file "
# diplomat_github_url: "on GitHub"
# diplomat_join_suf_github: ", edit it online, and submit a pull request. Also, check this box below to keep up-to-date on new internationalization developments!"
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
# diplomat_subscribe_desc: "Get emails about i18n developments and levels to translate."
2014-12-19 18:36:16 -05:00
# ambassador_introduction: "This is a community we're building, and you are the connections. We've got forums, emails, and social networks with lots of people to talk with and help get acquainted with the game and learn from. If you want to help people get involved and have fun, and get a good feel of the pulse of CodeCombat and where we're going, then this class might be for you."
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
# ambassador_attribute_1: "Communication skills. Be able to identify the problems players are having and help them solve them. Also, keep the rest of us informed about what players are saying, what they like and don't like and want more of!"
# ambassador_join_desc: "tell us a little about yourself, what you've done and what you'd be interested in doing. We'll go from there!"
# ambassador_join_note_strong: "Note"
# ambassador_join_note_desc: "One of our top priorities is to build multiplayer where players having difficulty solving levels can summon higher level wizards to help them. This will be a great way for ambassadors to do their thing. We'll keep you posted!"
# ambassador_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on support updates and multiplayer developments."
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# teacher_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on updates and announcements for teachers."
2014-01-14 13:30:18 -05:00
# changes_auto_save: "Changes are saved automatically when you toggle checkboxes."
# diligent_scribes: "Our Diligent Scribes:"
# powerful_archmages: "Our Powerful Archmages:"
# creative_artisans: "Our Creative Artisans:"
# brave_adventurers: "Our Brave Adventurers:"
# translating_diplomats: "Our Translating Diplomats:"
# helpful_ambassadors: "Our Helpful Ambassadors:"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
please_login: "Bir sıralama oyunu oynamadan önce lütfen oturum açın."
my_matches: "Karşılaşmalarım"
simulate: "Simüle Et"
simulation_explanation: "Oyunları simüle ederek oyun sıralamanızı daha hızlı edinebilirsiniz!"
2015-09-03 07:47:48 -04:00
# simulation_explanation_leagues: "You will mainly help simulate games for allied players in your clans and courses."
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
simulate_games: "Oyunları Simüle Et!"
2014-03-22 14:30:56 -04:00
# games_simulated_by: "Games simulated by you:"
# games_simulated_for: "Games simulated for you:"
2015-10-13 15:32:51 -04:00
# games_in_queue: "Games currently in the queue:"
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
games_simulated: "Simüle edilen oyunlar"
games_played: "Oynanan oyunlar"
ratio: "Oran"
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
leaderboard: "Sıralama"
# battle_as: "Battle as "
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
summary_your: "Sizin "
summary_matches: "Maçlarınız - "
summary_wins: " Galibiyet, "
summary_losses: " Mağlubiyet"
rank_no_code: "Sıralamak Üzere Yeni Kod Yok"
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
rank_my_game: "Oyunumu Derecelendir!"
rank_submitting: "Kayıt Ediliyor..."
# rank_submitted: "Submitted for Ranking"
# rank_failed: "Failed to Rank"
# rank_being_ranked: "Game Being Ranked"
# rank_last_submitted: "submitted "
# help_simulate: "Help simulate games?"
# code_being_simulated: "Your new code is being simulated by other players for ranking. This will refresh as new matches come in."
# no_ranked_matches_pre: "No ranked matches for the "
# no_ranked_matches_post: " team! Play against some competitors and then come back here to get your game ranked."
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
choose_opponent: "Bir Rakip Seçin"
select_your_language: "Dilinizi seçin!"
tutorial_play: "Öğreticiyi Oyna"
tutorial_recommended: "Hiç oynamadıysanız önerilir"
tutorial_skip: "Öğreticiyi Atla"
tutorial_not_sure: "Ne olduğundan emin değil misiniz?"
tutorial_play_first: "İlk olarak Öğreticiyi oynayın."
2015-12-09 09:58:33 -05:00
simple_ai: "Basit YZ" # {change}
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
warmup: "Isınma"
2014-05-02 14:02:48 -04:00
# friends_playing: "Friends Playing"
# log_in_for_friends: "Log in to play with your friends!"
2014-05-02 14:02:48 -04:00
# social_connect_blurb: "Connect and play against your friends!"
# invite_friends_to_battle: "Invite your friends to join you in battle!"
# fight: "Fight!"
# watch_victory: "Watch your victory"
# defeat_the: "Defeat the"
2015-10-13 15:32:51 -04:00
# watch_battle: "Watch the battle"
# tournament_started: ", started"
# tournament_ends: "Tournament ends"
2014-06-13 11:50:52 -04:00
# tournament_ended: "Tournament ended"
# tournament_rules: "Tournament Rules"
# tournament_blurb: "Write code, collect gold, build armies, crush foes, win prizes, and upgrade your career in our $40,000 Greed tournament! Check out the details"
2014-08-23 11:45:14 -04:00
# tournament_blurb_criss_cross: "Win bids, construct paths, outwit opponents, grab gems, and upgrade your career in our Criss-Cross tournament! Check out the details"
# tournament_blurb_zero_sum: "Unleash your coding creativity in both gold gathering and battle tactics in this alpine mirror match between red sorcerer and blue sorcerer. The tournament began on Friday, March 27 and will run until Monday, April 6 at 5PM PDT. Compete for fun and glory! Check out the details"
2015-09-21 15:41:16 -04:00
# tournament_blurb_ace_of_coders: "Battle it out in the frozen glacier in this domination-style mirror match! The tournament began on Wednesday, September 16 and will run until Wednesday, October 14 at 5PM PDT. Check out the details"
# tournament_blurb_blog: "on our blog"
2014-06-13 11:50:52 -04:00
# rules: "Rules"
# winners: "Winners"
2015-09-03 07:47:48 -04:00
# league: "League"
2015-12-09 09:58:33 -05:00
# red_ai: "Red CPU" # "Red AI Wins", at end of multiplayer match playback
# blue_ai: "Blue CPU"
2015-09-21 15:41:16 -04:00
# wins: "Wins" # At end of multiplayer match playback
# humans: "Red" # Ladder page display team name
# ogres: "Blue"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
# user:
# stats: "Stats"
# singleplayer_title: "Singleplayer Levels"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Levels"
# achievements_title: "Achievements"
# last_played: "Last Played"
# status: "Status"
# status_completed: "Completed"
# status_unfinished: "Unfinished"
# no_singleplayer: "No Singleplayer games played yet."
# no_multiplayer: "No Multiplayer games played yet."
# no_achievements: "No Achievements earned yet."
# favorite_prefix: "Favorite language is "
# favorite_postfix: "."
2015-05-17 17:05:23 -04:00
# not_member_of_clans: "Not a member of any clans yet."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
# achievements:
# last_earned: "Last Earned"
# amount_achieved: "Amount"
# achievement: "Achievement"
# current_xp_prefix: ""
# current_xp_postfix: " in total"
# new_xp_prefix: ""
# new_xp_postfix: " earned"
# left_xp_prefix: ""
# left_xp_infix: " until level "
# left_xp_postfix: ""
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
payments: "Ödemeler"
2015-10-13 15:32:51 -04:00
# prepaid_codes: "Prepaid Codes"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
purchased: "Ödendi"
subscription: "Üyelik"
invoices: "Faturalar"
service_apple: "Apple"
service_web: "Web"
2014-11-29 13:38:55 -05:00
# paid_on: "Paid On"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
service: "Servis"
price: "Fiyat"
gems: "Değerli Taş"
active: "Aktif"
subscribed: "Üye olundu"
unsubscribed: "Üyelikten ayrılındı"
2014-12-11 10:02:08 -05:00
# active_until: "Active Until"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
cost: "Tutar"
next_payment: "Bir sonraki ödeme"
card: "Kart"
2014-12-04 17:34:35 -05:00
# status_unsubscribed_active: "You're not subscribed and won't be billed, but your account is still active for now."
# status_unsubscribed: "Get access to new levels, heroes, items, and bonus gems with a CodeCombat subscription!"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
amount: "US doları cinsinden tutarı"
declined: "Kartınız reddedildi"
invalid_amount: "Lütfen US doları cinsinden tutar giriniz."
not_logged_in: "Faturalara erisim için lütfen giriş yapınız ya da hesap açınız"
pay: "Fatura Ödeme"
purchasing: "Ödeniyor..."
retrying: "Sunucu hatası, tekrar deneniyor."
success: "Başarıyla ödendi. Tesekkürler!"
2015-03-10 17:41:53 -04:00
2015-09-27 22:57:57 -04:00
# account_prepaid:
# purchase_code: "Purchase a Subscription Code"
2015-10-28 12:08:05 -04:00
# purchase_code1: "Subscription Codes can be redeemed to add premium subscription time to one or more CodeCombat accounts."
# purchase_code2: "Each CodeCombat account can only redeem a particular Subscription Code once."
# purchase_code3: "Subscription Code months will be added to the end of any existing subscription on the account."
# users: "Users"
# months: "Months"
2015-09-27 22:57:57 -04:00
# purchase_total: "Total"
# purchase_button: "Submit Purchase"
2015-10-28 12:08:05 -04:00
# your_codes: "Your Codes"
2015-09-27 22:57:57 -04:00
# redeem_codes: "Redeem a Subscription Code"
2015-10-28 12:08:05 -04:00
# prepaid_code: "Prepaid Code"
# lookup_code: "Lookup prepaid code"
# apply_account: "Apply to your account"
# copy_link: "You can copy the code's link and send it to someone."
# quantity: "Quantity"
# redeemed: "Redeemed"
# no_codes: "No codes yet!"
2015-11-12 19:42:23 -05:00
# you_can1: "You can"
# you_can2: "purchase a prepaid code"
# you_can3: "that can be applied to your own account or given to others."
2015-09-27 22:57:57 -04:00
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
could_not_load: "Yüklenemiyor"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
connection_failure: "Bağlantı hatası."
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# connection_failure_desc: "It doesnt look like youre connected to the internet! Check your network connection and then reload this page."
# login_required: "Login Required"
# login_required_desc: "You need to be logged in to access this page."
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
unauthorized: "Giriş yapmalısınız. Çerezlere izin verdiniz mi?"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
forbidden: "Yetkiniz yok."
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# forbidden_desc: "Oh no, theres nothing we can show you here! Make sure youre logged into the correct account, or visit one of the links below to get back to programming!"
2016-03-25 13:54:28 -04:00
not_found: "Bulunamadı."
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# not_found_desc: "Hm, theres nothing here. Visit one of the following links to get back to programming!"
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
not_allowed: "Yönteme izin verilmiyor."
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
timeout: "Sunucu zamanaşımı." # {change}
2014-10-27 18:03:06 -04:00
conflict: "Kaynak çakışması."
bad_input: "Hatalı girdi."
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
server_error: "Sunucu hatası."
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
unknown: "Bilinmeyen hata." # {change}
2015-09-27 22:57:57 -04:00
# error: "ERROR"
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# general_desc: "Something went wrong, and its probably our fault. Try waiting a bit and then refreshing the page, or visit one of the following links to get back to programming!"
2014-04-07 17:40:25 -04:00
level: "Seviye"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
patch: "Yama"
patches: "Yamalar"
system: "Sistem"
systems: "Sistemler"
component: "Bileşen"
components: "Bileşenler"
hero: "Kahraman"
campaigns: "Kampanyalar"
2014-05-19 13:11:18 -04:00
2015-09-27 14:21:37 -04:00
2015-06-30 14:29:18 -04:00
# advanced_strings: "Advanced Strings"
2015-09-25 17:32:57 -04:00
algorithms: "Algoritmalar"
arguments: "Argümanlar"
arithmetic: "Aritmetik"
arrays: "Diziler"
basic_syntax: "Temel Söz Dizimi (Syntax)"
2015-06-30 14:29:18 -04:00
# boolean_logic: "Boolean Logic"
# break_statements: "Break Statements"
# classes: "Classes"
2015-09-03 07:47:48 -04:00
# continue_statements: "Continue Statements"
2015-06-30 14:29:18 -04:00
# for_loops: "For Loops"
# functions: "Functions"
2015-09-03 07:47:48 -04:00
# graphics: "Graphics"
2015-06-30 14:29:18 -04:00
# if_statements: "If Statements"
# input_handling: "Input Handling"
# math_operations: "Math Operations"
# object_literals: "Object Literals"
2015-09-03 07:47:48 -04:00
# parameters: "Parameters"
2015-06-30 14:29:18 -04:00
# strings: "Strings"
# variables: "Variables"
# vectors: "Vectors"
2016-03-04 18:51:16 -05:00
# while_loops: "While Loops"
2015-07-07 14:45:41 -04:00
# recursion: "Recursion"
2015-06-30 14:29:18 -04:00
2014-05-19 13:11:18 -04:00
# delta:
# added: "Added"
# modified: "Modified"
2015-08-02 17:16:26 -04:00
# not_modified: "Not Modified"
2014-05-19 13:11:18 -04:00
# deleted: "Deleted"
# moved_index: "Moved Index"
# text_diff: "Text Diff"
# merge_conflict_with: "MERGE CONFLICT WITH"
# no_changes: "No Changes"
2014-08-14 13:57:49 -04:00
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
multiplayer_title: "Çoklu-oyuncu Ayarları" # We'll be changing this around significantly soon. Until then, it's not important to translate.
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "Size katılmasını arzu ettiğiniz herhangi bir kişiye bu link verebilirsiniz."
multiplayer_hint_label: "İpucu:"
multiplayer_hint: " Kopyalamak için önce linke tıklayın, ardından CTRL+C veya ⌘+C kombinasyonuna basın."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Daha bir çok çoklu oyuncu özelliği eklenecek!"
# multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard."
2014-08-14 13:57:49 -04:00
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
page_title: "Hukuki"
opensource_intro: "CodeCombat ücretsiz oynanılabilir ve tamamen açık kaynaklıdır."
opensource_description_prefix: "İster "
github_url: "GitHub'ımıza"
opensource_description_center: "bakıver ve hoşuna giderse yardım edebilirsin! CodeCombat bir sürü açık kaynaklı projeden yararlanılarak inşa edilmiştir, hepsini seviyoruz. Bu projeleri görmek istersen "
archmage_wiki_url: "Başbüyücü wikisi"
opensource_description_suffix: "sayfamızı ziyaret edip ayrıntılı bilgi edinebilirsin."
practices_title: "Saygı Çerçevesinde En İyi Uygulamalar"
practices_description: "Saygıdeğer oyuncu, bunlar size verdiğimiz sözlerimizdir. Daha kolay anlaşılmasıısından özet haline indirgenmiştir."
privacy_title: "Mahremiyet"
2014-12-05 12:08:26 -05:00
# privacy_description: "We will not sell any of your personal information."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
security_title: "Güvenlik"
security_description: "Kişisel bilgilerinizi güvende tutmak için mücadele ediyoruz. Açık kaynaklı bir proje olarak, sitemiz herkesin görüşüne açıktır ve güvenlik sistemimizin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olabilirsiniz."
email_title: "Eposta"
email_description_prefix: "Sizi gereksiz epostaya boğmayacağız. İster"
email_settings_url: "eposta ayarları sayfasından,"
email_description_suffix: "ister size gönderdiğimiz epostadaki linklerden, tercihlerinizi değiştirebilir ve aboneliğinizi anında iptal edebilirsiniz."
cost_title: "Ücret"
2016-01-11 15:59:28 -05:00
# cost_description: "CodeCombat is free to play for all of its core levels, with a ${{price}} USD/mo subscription for access to extra level branches and {{gems}} bonus gems per month. You can cancel with a click, and we offer a 100% money-back guarantee."
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
copyrights_title: "Telif Hakları ve Lisanslar"
contributor_title: "Katılımcı Lisans Sözleşmesi"
contributor_description_prefix: "GitHub ve siteye yapılan tüm katılımlar, devam etmeden önce kabul etmeniz gereken"
cla_url: "KLS'ye"
contributor_description_suffix: "tabidir."
code_title: "Kod - MIT"
code_description_prefix: "CodeCombat tarafından sahip olunan veya sitesindeki tüm kodlar, GitHub deposu veya veritabanının her ikisindekiler de dahil olmak üzere belirtilen lisansa tabidir: "
mit_license_url: "MIT lisansı"
code_description_suffix: "Bu, CodeCombat tarafından oyun seviyelerini hayata geçirmek için kullanılan tüm sistem ve içeriği de kapsar."
art_title: "Sanat/Müzik - Creative Commons "
art_description_prefix: "Tüm müşterek içerik"
cc_license_url: "Creative Commons Alıntı 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı altındadır."
art_description_suffix: "Müşterek içerik CodeCombat tarafından oyun seviyelerini hayata geçirmek için kullanılan tüm sistem ve içeriktir. Bunlar sırasıyla:"
art_music: "Müzik"
art_sound: "Ses"
art_artwork: "Sanat eseri"
art_sprites: "Spritelar"
art_other: "Ve kod dışındaki, seviyelerde kullanılan tüm öğelerdir."
art_access: "Şu anda bu öğelerin tamamını kolayca getirecek uluslarası bir sistem bulunmamakta. Genel olarak, URL'den getirip, bizimle iletişime geçip, bu öğelerin daha kolay erişilebilir olması amacı için bize yardımcı olabilirsiniz."
art_paragraph_1: "Alıntı için, alıntının kullanıldığı yerde lütfen sitesini zikredip kaynak linki belirtin. Örneğin:"
use_list_1: "Bir filmde veya bir oyunda kullandıysanız, jeneriğe adresini ekleyin."
use_list_2: "Bir web sitesinde kullandıysanız, kullanımın yanına linki koyun. Örneğin, bir imajın altına, veya alıntıların tamamını belirttiğiniz Creative Commons bildirimi ile beraber yazabilirsiniz. CodeCombat'e bariz bir biçimde atıfta bulunan içeriğe, ilave olarak alıntı olduğunun belirtilmesine gerek yoktur."
art_paragraph_2: "Eğer kullanılan içerik CodeCombat tarafından değil de herhangi bir kullanıcısı tarafından oluşturulmuş ise, alıntıda kullanıcıya atıfta bulunun ve eğer kullanıcı alıntılamaya dair özel olarak bir talimat belirtmişse gerekli eylemleri uygulayın."
rights_title: "Saklı Olan Haklar"
rights_desc: "Seviyelerde kullanılan içeriğin her hakkı saklıdır. Bunlar sırasıyla:"
rights_scripts: "Betikler"
rights_unit: "Birim yapılandırmaları"
rights_description: "ıkamalar"
rights_writings: "Yazılar"
rights_media: "Ortam (sesler, müzik) ve ilgili seviye için özel olarak tasarlanmış ve herkese açık hale getirilmemiş içeriğin tamamıdır."
rights_clarification: "Aydınlatmak gerekirse, seviye editöründe kullanıma açık içerik Creative Commons lisansı altındadır fakat düzenleme sırasında oluşturulan ve ders sırasında yüklenen içerik bu lisansa tabi değildir."
nutshell_title: "Özetle"
nutshell_description: "Seviye editöründe sağladığımız tüm içerik, seviye düzenleme sırasında kullanmanız için uygundur. Fakat ileride bu öğelerin kullanımını kısıtlama hakkını saklı tutmaktayız."
canonical: "Belirleyici, hukuki nitelikte olan, bu dökümanın İngilizce sürümüdür. Çeviriler arasında tutarsızlık olması halinde İngilizce dökümanda yer alan hüküm dikkate alınacaktır."
2015-12-23 13:07:32 -05:00
# third_party_title: "Third Party Services"
# third_party_description: "CodeCombat uses the following third party services (among others):"
2014-10-02 15:12:51 -04:00
# ladder_prizes:
# title: "Tournament Prizes" # This section was for an old tournament and doesn't need new translations now.
# blurb_1: "These prizes will be awarded according to"
# blurb_2: "the tournament rules"
# blurb_3: "to the top human and ogre players."
# blurb_4: "Two teams means double the prizes!"
# blurb_5: "(There will be two first place winners, two second-place winners, etc.)"
# rank: "Rank"
# prizes: "Prizes"
# total_value: "Total Value"
# in_cash: "in cash"
# custom_wizard: "Custom CodeCombat Wizard"
# custom_avatar: "Custom CodeCombat avatar"
# heap: "for six months of \"Startup\" access"
# credits: "credits"
# one_month_coupon: "coupon: choose either Rails or HTML"
# one_month_discount: "discount, 30% off: choose either Rails or HTML"
# license: "license"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"