2018-08-10 09:25:02 -04:00
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.alerts.lostPeripheralConnection" : "Scratch lost connection to {extensionName}." ,
"gui.alerts.tryAgain" : "Try Again" ,
"gui.alerts.download" : "Download" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.connection.reconnect" : "Reconnect" ,
2020-09-29 23:07:01 -04:00
"gui.backpack.costumeLabel" : "costume" ,
"gui.backpack.soundLabel" : "sound" ,
"gui.backpack.scriptLabel" : "script" ,
"gui.backpack.spriteLabel" : "sprite" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.backpack.header" : "Bakpoki" ,
"gui.backpack.errorBackpack" : "Villa kom upp þegar reynt var að sækja bakpokann" ,
"gui.backpack.loadingBackpack" : "Hleð inn ..." ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.backpack.more" : "More" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.backpack.emptyBackpack" : "Bakpokinn er tómur" ,
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.label" : "Styður ekki vafra" ,
2019-01-16 09:23:16 -05:00
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.errorLabel" : "An Error Occurred" ,
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.notRecommended" : "We are very sorry, but it looks like you are using a browser version that Scratch does not support. We recommend updating to the latest version of a supported browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari." ,
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.description" : "We are very sorry, but Scratch does not support this browser. We recommend updating to the latest version of a supported browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari." ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.back" : "Til baka" ,
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaq" : "Til að læra meira {previewFaqLink}." ,
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaqlinktext" : "Spurt & svarað" ,
"gui.cards.all-tutorials" : "Kennsluefni" ,
2019-05-15 10:35:26 -04:00
"gui.cards.shrink" : "Shrink" ,
"gui.cards.expand" : "Expand" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.cards.close" : "Close" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.cards.more-things-to-try" : "Fleiri hlutir til að prófa!" ,
"gui.cards.see-more" : "Sjá fleiri" ,
"gui.comingSoon.message1" : "Ekki hafa áhyggjur, við erum að vinna í þessu {emoji}" ,
"gui.comingSoon.message2" : "Kemur bráðlega..." ,
"gui.comingSoon.message3" : "Við erum að vinna í þessu {emoji}" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.noPeripheralsFound" : "No devices found" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.prescan" : "Have your device nearby, then begin searching." ,
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.pressbutton" : "Press the button on your device." ,
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.start-search" : "Start Searching" ,
"gui.connection.connecting-searchbutton" : "Searching..." ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.try-again" : "Try again" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.connection.connected" : "Tengt" ,
"gui.connection.disconnect" : "Aftengja" ,
"gui.connection.go-to-editor" : "Fara til baka í ritil" ,
"gui.connection.connecting-cancelbutton" : "Að tengjast..." ,
"gui.connection.error.errorMessage" : "Úps, eitthvað fór úrskeiðis" ,
"gui.connection.error.tryagainbutton" : "Reyna aftur" ,
"gui.connection.error.helpbutton" : "Hjálp" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.connection.peripheral-name-label" : "Device name" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.connection.connect" : "Tengjast" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.connection.scanning.lookingforperipherals" : "Looking for devices" ,
"gui.connection.scanning.noPeripheralsFound" : "No devices found" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.connection.scanning.instructions" : "Veldu tækið þitt í listanum að ofan." ,
"gui.connection.search" : "Endurhlaða" ,
"gui.connection.unavailable.installscratchlink" : "Vertu viss um að hafa sett upp Scratch Link og það sé í gangi" ,
"gui.connection.unavailable.enablebluetooth" : "Athugaðu hvort að það sé kveikt á Bluetooth" ,
"gui.connection.unavailable.tryagainbutton" : "Reyna aftur" ,
"gui.connection.unavailable.helpbutton" : "Hjálp" ,
"gui.controls.go" : "Keyra" ,
"gui.controls.stop" : "Stopp" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.crashMessage.label" : "Oops! Something went wrong." ,
"gui.crashMessage.description" : "We are so sorry, but it looks like Scratch has crashed. This bug has been automatically reported to the Scratch Team. Please refresh your page to try again." ,
2018-12-20 13:40:25 -05:00
"gui.crashMessage.errorNumber" : "Your error was logged with id {errorId}" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.crashMessage.reload" : "Reload" ,
"gui.customProcedures.myblockModalTitle" : "Búa til kubb" ,
"gui.customProcedures.addAnInputNumberText" : "Bæta við inntaki" ,
"gui.customProcedures.numberTextType" : "Tala eða texti" ,
"gui.customProcedures.addAnInputBoolean" : "Bæta við inntaki" ,
"gui.customProcedures.booleanType" : "boolean" ,
"gui.customProcedures.addALabel" : "Bæta við merki" ,
"gui.customProcedures.runWithoutScreenRefresh" : "Keyra án þess að uppfæra skjámynd" ,
"gui.customProcedures.cancel" : "Hætta við" ,
"gui.customProcedures.ok" : "Í lagi" ,
"gui.SpriteInfo.direction" : "Átt" ,
"gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.allAround" : "Allt í kring" ,
"gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.leftRight" : "Vinstri/hægri" ,
"gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.dontRotate" : "Ekki snúast" ,
"gui.gui.addExtension" : "Bæta við viðbót" ,
"gui.gui.codeTab" : "Kóði" ,
"gui.gui.backdropsTab" : "Bakgrunnar" ,
"gui.gui.costumesTab" : "Búningar" ,
"gui.gui.soundsTab" : "Hljóð" ,
"gui.extensionLibrary.comingSoon" : "Kemur bráðlega" ,
"gui.extensionLibrary.requires" : "Requires" ,
"gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration" : "Collaboration with" ,
"gui.library.filterPlaceholder" : "Leita" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.library.allTag" : "All" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.loader.message1" : "Verið að búa til kubba ..." ,
"gui.loader.message2" : "Sæki teikningu ..." ,
"gui.loader.message3" : "Sæki hljóð ..." ,
"gui.loader.message4" : "Sæki viðbætur ..." ,
"gui.loader.message5" : "Safna saman köttunum ..." ,
"gui.loader.message6" : "Erum að vinna í þessu ..." ,
"gui.loader.message7" : "Erum að blása upp gobos ..." ,
"gui.loader.message8" : "Undirbúið broskalla ..." ,
"gui.loader.headline" : "Hleð inn verkefni " ,
2018-12-20 13:40:25 -05:00
"gui.loader.creating" : "Creating Project" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.accountMenu.profile" : "Profile" ,
"gui.accountMenu.myStuff" : "My Stuff" ,
"gui.accountMenu.myClasses" : "My Classes" ,
"gui.accountMenu.myClass" : "My Class" ,
"gui.accountMenu.accountSettings" : "Account settings" ,
"gui.accountMenu.signOut" : "Sign out" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.authorInfo.byUser" : "by {username}" ,
2018-12-20 13:40:25 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.seeProjectPage" : "See Project Page" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"general.username" : "Username" ,
"general.password" : "Password" ,
"general.signIn" : "Sign in" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"login.needHelp" : "Need Help?" ,
2019-01-16 09:23:16 -05:00
"form.validationRequired" : "This field is required" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.LanguageSelector" : "velja tungumál" ,
"gui.menuBar.tutorialsLibrary" : "Kennsluefni" ,
"gui.menuBar.restoreSprite" : "Restore Sprite" ,
"gui.menuBar.restoreSound" : "Restore Sound" ,
"gui.menuBar.restoreCostume" : "Restore Costume" ,
"gui.menuBar.restore" : "Restore" ,
"gui.menuBar.saveNow" : "Vista núna" ,
"gui.menuBar.saveAsCopy" : "Vista sem afrit" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.remix" : "Remix" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.new" : "Ný" ,
"gui.menuBar.file" : "Skrá" ,
"gui.menuBar.downloadToComputer" : "Vista á tölvuna þína" ,
"gui.menuBar.edit" : "Breyta" ,
"gui.menuBar.turboModeOff" : "Slökkva á snöggham" ,
"gui.menuBar.turboModeOn" : "Kveikja á snöggham" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.joinScratch" : "Join Scratch" ,
"gui.menuBar.signIn" : "Sign in" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.gui.projectTitlePlaceholder" : "Project title here" ,
2018-12-20 13:40:25 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.saveNowLink" : "Save Now" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.isShared" : "Shared" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.share" : "Deila" ,
"gui.modal.help" : "Hjálp" ,
"gui.modal.back" : "Til baka" ,
"gui.monitor.listMonitor.empty" : "(empty)" ,
"gui.monitor.listMonitor.listLength" : "length {length}" ,
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default" : "venjuleg leturgerð" ,
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large" : "Stór leturgerð" ,
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider" : "renna" ,
2019-03-21 06:01:04 -04:00
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.sliderRange" : "change slider range" ,
2019-01-16 09:23:16 -05:00
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.import" : "import" ,
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.export" : "export" ,
2019-08-07 10:42:22 -04:00
"gui.playButton.play" : "Play" ,
"gui.playButton.stop" : "Stop" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites" : "Fyrir allar teikningar" ,
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionSpriteOnly" : "Aðeins fyrir þessa teikningu" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.gui.cloudVariableOption" : "Cloud variable (stored on server)" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage" : "Þessi breyta verður aðgengileg öllum teikningunum." ,
"gui.prompt.cancel" : "Hætta við" ,
"gui.prompt.ok" : "Í lagi" ,
"gui.playbackStep.stopMsg" : "Stopp" ,
"gui.playbackStep.playMsg" : "Spila" ,
"gui.playbackStep.loadingMsg" : "Hleð inn ..." ,
"gui.playbackStep.saveMsg" : "Vista" ,
"gui.playbackStep.reRecordMsg" : "Taka upp aftur" ,
"gui.recordModal.title" : "Taka upp hljóð" ,
"gui.recordingStep.beginRecord" : "Begin recording by clicking the button below" ,
"gui.recordingStep.permission" : "{arrow}We need your permission to use your microphone" ,
"gui.recordingStep.stop" : "Stop recording" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.recordingStep.record" : "Record" ,
2019-03-21 06:01:04 -04:00
"gui.sliderModal.min" : "Minimum value" ,
"gui.sliderModal.max" : "Maximum value" ,
"gui.sliderModal.title" : "Change slider range" ,
"gui.sliderPrompt.cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"gui.sliderPrompt.ok" : "OK" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.soundEditor.sound" : "Hljóð" ,
"gui.soundEditor.play" : "Spila" ,
"gui.soundEditor.stop" : "Stopp" ,
2019-07-31 12:07:37 -04:00
"gui.soundEditor.copy" : "Copy" ,
"gui.soundEditor.paste" : "Paste" ,
"gui.soundEditor.copyToNew" : "Copy to New" ,
"gui.soundEditor.delete" : "Delete" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.soundEditor.save" : "Vista" ,
"gui.soundEditor.undo" : "Afgera" ,
"gui.soundEditor.redo" : "Endurgera" ,
"gui.soundEditor.faster" : "Hraðar" ,
"gui.soundEditor.slower" : "Hægar" ,
"gui.soundEditor.echo" : "Bergmál" ,
"gui.soundEditor.robot" : "Vélmenni" ,
"gui.soundEditor.louder" : "Hærra" ,
"gui.soundEditor.softer" : "Mýkja" ,
"gui.soundEditor.reverse" : "Snúa við" ,
2019-07-31 12:07:37 -04:00
"gui.soundEditor.fadeOut" : "Fade out" ,
"gui.soundEditor.fadeIn" : "Fade in" ,
"gui.soundEditor.mute" : "Mute" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.SpriteInfo.spritePlaceholder" : "Nafn" ,
"gui.SpriteInfo.sprite" : "Teikning" ,
"gui.SpriteInfo.show" : "Sýna" ,
"gui.SpriteInfo.size" : "Stærð" ,
"gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDuplicate" : "tvöfalda" ,
"gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuExport" : "flytja út" ,
2019-01-23 09:27:01 -05:00
"gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDelete" : "eyða" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromLibrary" : "Veldu teikningu" ,
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromPaint" : "Mála" ,
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromSurprise" : "Koma á óvart" ,
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromFile" : "Sækja teikningu" ,
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeLarge" : "Skipta yfir á stórt svið" ,
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeSmall" : "Skipta yfir á lítið svið" ,
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeFull" : "Fylla í skjáinn" ,
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeUnFull" : "Minnka skjáinn" ,
"gui.stageHeader.fullscreenControl" : "Fylla í skjá stýring" ,
"gui.spriteSelector.addBackdropFromLibrary" : "Veldu bakgrunn" ,
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromPaint" : "Málning" ,
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromSurprise" : "Koma á óvart" ,
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromFile" : "Sækja bakgrunn" ,
"gui.stageSelector.stage" : "Svið" ,
"gui.stageSelector.backdrops" : "Bakgrunnar" ,
2019-01-16 09:23:16 -05:00
"gui.telemetryOptIn.label" : "Report statistics to improve Scratch" ,
"gui.telemetryOptIn.body1" : "The Scratch Team is always looking to better understand how Scratch is used around the world. To help support this effort, you can allow Scratch to automatically send usage information to the Scratch Team." ,
"gui.telemetryOptIn.body2" : "The information we collect includes language selection, blocks usage, and some events like saving, loading, and uploading a project. We DO NOT collect any personal information. Please see our {privacyPolicyLink} for more information." ,
"gui.telemetryOptIn.privacyPolicyLink" : "Privacy Policy" ,
2021-01-26 20:17:28 -05:00
"gui.telemetryOptIn.optInText" : "Share my usage data with the Scratch Team" ,
"gui.telemetryOptIn.optInTooltip" : "Enable telemetry" ,
"gui.telemetryOptIn.optOutText" : "Do not share my usage data with the Scratch Team" ,
"gui.telemetryOptIn.optOutTooltip" : "Disable telemetry" ,
"gui.telemetryOptIn.settingWasUpdated" : "Your setting was updated." ,
"gui.telemetryOptIn.buttonClose" : "Close" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.turboMode.active" : "Snögghamur" ,
"gui.webglModal.label" : "Vafrinn þinn styður ekki WebGL" ,
"gui.webglModal.description" : "Því miður vantar vafrann þinn eða tölvuna {webGlLink}. Það þarf þessa tækni til að nota Scratch 3.0." ,
"gui.webglModal.webgllink" : "styður ekki WebGL" ,
"gui.webglModal.back" : "Til baka" ,
"gui.webglModal.previewfaq" : "Til að læra meira {previewFaqLink}." ,
"gui.webglModal.previewfaqlinktext" : "Spurt & svarað" ,
"gui.costumeLibrary.chooseABackdrop" : "Veldu bakgrunn" ,
"gui.costumeLibrary.chooseACostume" : "Velja búning" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addBackdropFromLibrary" : "Veldu bakgrunn" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addCostumeFromLibrary" : "Velja búning" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addBlankCostume" : "Málning" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addSurpriseCostume" : "Koma á óvart" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addFileBackdrop" : "Sækja bakgrunn" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addFileCostume" : "Sækja búning" ,
"gui.extensionLibrary.chooseAnExtension" : "Veldu viðbót" ,
"gui.extensionLibrary.extensionUrl" : "Sett inn hlekk á viðbótinni" ,
2019-01-16 09:23:16 -05:00
"gui.monitors.importListColumnPrompt" : "Which column should be used (1-{numberOfColumns})?" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.recordingStep.alertMsg" : "Gat ekki hafið upptöku" ,
"gui.soundLibrary.chooseASound" : "Veldu hljóð" ,
"gui.soundTab.fileUploadSound" : "Sækja hljóð" ,
"gui.soundTab.surpriseSound" : "Koma á óvart" ,
"gui.soundTab.recordSound" : "Taka upp" ,
"gui.soundTab.addSoundFromLibrary" : "Veldu hljóð" ,
"gui.spriteLibrary.chooseASprite" : "Veldu teikningu" ,
"gui.tipsLibrary.tutorials" : "Veldu kennsuefni" ,
2018-12-20 13:40:25 -05:00
"gui.alerts.createsuccess" : "New project created." ,
"gui.alerts.createcopysuccess" : "Project saved as a copy." ,
"gui.alerts.createremixsuccess" : "Project saved as a remix." ,
"gui.alerts.creating" : "Creating new…" ,
"gui.alerts.creatingCopy" : "Copying project…" ,
"gui.alerts.creatingRemix" : "Remixing project…" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.alerts.creatingError" : "Could not create the project. Please try again!" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.alerts.savingError" : "Project could not save." ,
2018-12-20 13:40:25 -05:00
"gui.alerts.savesuccess" : "Project saved." ,
"gui.alerts.saving" : "Saving project…" ,
"gui.alerts.cloudInfo" : "Please note, cloud variables only support numbers, not letters or symbols. {learnMoreLink}" ,
"gui.alerts.cloudInfoLearnMore" : "Learn more." ,
2019-02-20 09:27:44 -05:00
"gui.alerts.importing" : "Importing…" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.defaultProject.meow" : "Meow" ,
"gui.defaultProject.variable" : "my variable" ,
"gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name" : "Hefjast handa" ,
"gui.howtos.intro-move.step_stepMove" : "Bættu við hreyfi kubb" ,
2020-10-20 23:07:08 -04:00
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepSay" : "Add a say block" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepGreenFlag" : "Click the green flag to start" ,
2021-11-03 23:14:48 -04:00
"gui.howtos.intro-getting-started-ASL.name" : "Getting Started - ASL" ,
2020-07-07 23:06:16 -04:00
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.name" : "Hreyfa nafn" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePickLetter" : "Veldu stafa teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePlaySound" : "Spila hljóð þegar það er klikkað" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePickLetter2" : "Veldu aðra stafa teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateChangeColor" : "Breyta lit" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateSpin" : "Veldu aðra stafa teikningu & láttu hana snúast" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateGrow" : "Veldu aðra stafa teikningu & láttu hana vaxa" ,
2019-10-08 18:42:35 -04:00
"gui.howtos.imagine" : "Imagine a World" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineTypeWhatYouWant" : "Type What You Want to Say" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineClickGreenFlag" : "Click the Green Flag to Start" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineChooseBackdrop" : "Choose Any Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineChooseSprite" : "Choose Any Sprite" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineFlyAround" : "Press the Space Key to Glide" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineChooseAnotherSprite" : "Choose Another Sprite" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineLeftRight" : "Move Left-Right" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineUpDown" : "Move Up-Down" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineChangeCostumes" : "Change Costumes" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineGlideToPoint" : "Glide to a Point" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineGrowShrink" : "Grow and Shrink" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineChooseAnotherBackdrop" : "Choose Another Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineSwitchBackdrops" : "Switch Backdrops" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineRecordASound" : "Add a Sound" ,
"gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineChooseSound" : "Choose Your Sound" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.make-music.name" : "Búa til tónlist" ,
"gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_PickInstrument" : "Veldu hljóðfæra teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_PlaySoundClick" : "Spila hljóð þegar það er smellt" ,
"gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_MakeSong" : "Búa til lag" ,
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_MakeBeat" : "Veldu trommu og búðu til takt" ,
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_MakeBeatBox" : "Veldu míkrafón teikninguna og taktkassa sem kemur á óvart" ,
2019-06-26 11:30:45 -04:00
"gui.howtos.story.name" : "Create A Story" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_addbg" : "Add a Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_addsprite" : "Add a Character" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_saysomething" : "Say Something" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_addanothersprite" : "Add Another Character" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_flip" : "Flip Direction" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_conversation" : "Have A Conversation" ,
"gui.howtos.story.addanotherbg" : "Add Another Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_swithbg" : "Switch Backdrops" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_hidewizard" : "Hide a Character" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_showwizard" : "Show a Character" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.make-a-chase-game.name" : "Búðu til eltingarleik" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_BG" : "Bæta við bakgrunn" ,
"gui.howtos.chase-game.step_AddOcto" : "Bæta við teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_LeftRight" : "Færa til hægri og vinstri með örvatökkunum" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_UpDown" : "Færa upp og niður með örvatökkunum" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_AddStar" : "Bæta við annari teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_MoveRandom" : "Færa handahófskennt" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_WhenTouch" : "Kolkrabba teikningin á að spila hljóð þegar hún snertir einhvað" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_ScoreVariable" : "Búðu til stiga breytu" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.ScoreWhenTouch" : "Þegar kolkrabba teikningin snertir einhvað, er bætt við stigi" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.howtos.animate-char.name" : "Animate A Character" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_addbg" : "Add a Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_addsprite" : "Add a Sprite" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_saysomething" : "Say Something" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_addsound" : "Add Sound" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_animatetalking" : "Animate Talking" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_arrowkeys" : "Move Using Arrow Keys" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_jump" : "Jump" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_changecolor" : "Change Color" ,
2019-06-26 11:30:45 -04:00
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.name" : "Búðu til leik þar sem hægt er að smella á hluti" ,
"gui.howtos.Make-A-Game.step_GamePickSprite" : "Veldu teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GamePlaySound" : "Spila hljóð þegar það er smellt" ,
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GameAddScore" : "Búðu til stiga breytu" ,
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GameChangeScore" : "Hækka stig það er smellt" ,
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_Random" : "Fara á handahófskennda staðsetningu" ,
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_GameChangeColor" : "Breyta lit" ,
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_ResetScore" : "Endurstilla stig" ,
"gui.howtos.make-it-fly.name" : "Make it Fly" ,
"gui.howtos.fly.step_stepflyChooseBackdrop" : "Choose a Sky Background" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflyChooseCharacter" : "Choose a Character" ,
"gui.howtos.fly.step_stepflySaySomething" : "Say Something" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflyMoveArrows" : "Move With Arrow Keys" ,
"gui.howtos.fly.step_stepflyChooseObject" : "Choose an Object to Collect" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflyFlyingObject" : "Make the Object Move" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflySelectFlyingSprite" : "Select Your Character" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflyAddScore" : "Add a Score" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflyKeepScore" : "Keep Score" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflyAddScenery" : "Add Scenery" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflyMoveScenery" : "Move the Scenery" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflySwitchLooks" : "Next Costume" ,
"gui.howtos.pong" : "Pong Game" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongAddBackdrop" : "Add a Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongAddBallSprite" : "Add a Ball Sprite" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongBounceAround" : "Bounce Around" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongAddPaddle" : "Add a Paddle" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongMoveThePaddle" : "Move the Paddle" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongSelectBallSprite" : "Select the Ball Sprite" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongAddMoreCodeToBall" : "Add Code to Bounce the Ball Off the Paddle" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongAddAScore" : "Add a Score" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongChooseScoreFromMenu" : "Choose 'Score' from the Menu" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongInsertChangeScoreBlock" : "Insert the 'Change Score' Block" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongResetScore" : "Reset Score" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongAddLineSprite" : "Add the Line Sprite" ,
"gui.howtos.pong.step_pongGameOver" : "Game Over" ,
2020-07-07 23:06:16 -04:00
"gui.howtos.code-cartoon" : "Code a Cartoon" ,
"gui.howtos.code-cartoon.step_codeCartoonSaySomething" : "Say Something When You Click the Green Flag" ,
"gui.howtos.code-cartoon.step_codeCartoonAnimate" : "Animate a Character When You Click It" ,
"gui.howtos.code-cartoon.step_codeCartoonSelectDifferentCharacter" : "Select a Different Character" ,
"gui.howtos.code-cartoon.step_codeCartoonUseMinusSign" : "Use a Minus Sign to Get Smaller" ,
"gui.howtos.code-cartoon.step_codeCartoonGrowShrink" : "Make a Character Grow and Shrink" ,
"gui.howtos.code-cartoon.step_codeCartoonSelectDifferentCharacter2" : "Select a Different Character" ,
"gui.howtos.code-cartoon.step_codeCartoonJump" : "Jump Up and Down" ,
"gui.howtos.code-cartoon.step_codeCartoonChangeScenes" : "Click a Character to Change Scenes" ,
"gui.howtos.code-cartoon.step_codeCartoonGlideAround" : "Glide Around" ,
"gui.howtos.code-cartoon.step_codeCartoonChangeCostumes" : "Change Costumes" ,
"gui.howtos.code-cartoon.step_codeCartoonChooseMoreCharacters" : "Choose More Characters to Add to Your Cartoon" ,
2019-10-29 18:37:03 -04:00
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network" : "Animate an Adventure Game" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter" : "Choose a Character to Show" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay" : "Say Something" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNglide" : "Glide Around" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite" : "Choose an Object to Chase" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect" : "Collect Objects" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable" : "Make a Score Variable" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore" : "Keep Score" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop" : "Level Up: Change Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.videosens.name" : "Video Sensing" ,
"gui.howtos.videosens.step_addextension" : "Add Extension" ,
"gui.howtos.videosens.step_pet" : "Pet the Cat" ,
"gui.howtos.videosens.step_animate" : "Animate" ,
"gui.howtos.videosens.step_pop" : "Pop a Balloon" ,
2020-07-07 23:06:16 -04:00
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud" : "Create Animations That Talk" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension" : "Add the Text to Speech blocks" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech" : "Say Something" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice" : "Set a Voice" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove" : "Move Around" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop" : "Add a Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite" : "Add Another Character" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong" : "Perform a Song" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor" : "Change Color" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin" : "Spin Around" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow" : "Grow and Shrink" ,
"gui.howtos.talking" : "Talking Tales" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesAddExtension" : "Click to Add the Text-to-Speech Blocks" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesChooseSprite" : "Choose a Sprite" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesSaySomething" : "Make a Character Speak" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesChooseBackdrop" : "Choose a Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesSwitchBackdrop" : "Click a Character to Go to the Next Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesChooseAnotherSprite" : "Choose Another Sprite" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesMoveAround" : "Move Around" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesChooseAnotherBackdrop" : "Choose Another Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesAnimateTalking" : "Animate Talking" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesChooseThirdBackdrop" : "Choose Another Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesChooseSound" : "Choose a Song to Dance To" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesDanceMoves" : "Dance Moves" ,
"gui.howtos.talking.step_talesAskAnswer" : "Get the Ask and Answer Blocks from the Sensing Category" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.add-sprite.name" : "Bæta við teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.add-sprite.step_addSprite" : "Bæta við teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-backdrop.name" : "Bæta við bakgrunn" ,
2019-06-26 11:30:45 -04:00
"gui.howtos.add-a-backdrop.step_addBackdrop" : "Add a Backdrop" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.change-size.name" : "Breyta stærð" ,
2019-06-26 11:30:45 -04:00
"gui.howtos.change-size.step_changeSize" : "Change Size" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.glide-around.name" : "Svífa um" ,
2019-06-26 11:30:45 -04:00
"gui.howtos.change-size.step_glideAroundBackAndForth" : "Glide Around" ,
"gui.howtos.change-size.step_glideAroundPoint" : "Glide to a Point" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.record-a-sound.name" : "Taka upp hljóð" ,
2019-06-26 11:30:45 -04:00
"gui.howtos.change-size.step_recordASoundSoundsTab" : "Click on the 'Sounds' Tab" ,
"gui.howtos.change-size.step_recordASoundClickRecord" : "Click 'Record'" ,
"gui.howtos.change-size.step_recordASoundPressRecordButton" : "Press the Record Button" ,
"gui.howtos.change-size.step_recordASoundChooseSound" : "Choose Your Sound" ,
"gui.howtos.change-size.step_recordASoundPlayYourSound" : "Play Your Sound" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.spin-video.name" : "Láta snúast" ,
2019-06-26 11:30:45 -04:00
"gui.howtos.change-size.step_spinTurn" : "Turn" ,
"gui.howtos.change-size.step_spinPointInDirection" : "Set Direction" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.hide-and-show.name" : "Fela og sýna" ,
2019-06-26 11:30:45 -04:00
"gui.howtos.change-size.step_hideAndShow" : "Hide and Show" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.switch-costume.name" : "Hreyfa teikninguna" ,
2019-06-26 11:30:45 -04:00
"gui.howtos.change-size.step_switchCostumes" : "Animate a Sprite" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.move-around-with-arrow-keys.name" : "Nota örvatakka" ,
2019-06-26 11:30:45 -04:00
"gui.howtos.add-a-backdrop.step_moveArrowKeysLeftRight" : "Move Left and Right" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-backdrop.step_moveArrowKeysUpDown" : "Move Up and Down" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.add-effects.name" : "Bæta við effektum" ,
2019-06-26 11:30:45 -04:00
"gui.howtos.videosens.step_addEffects" : "Add Effects" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.extension.music.name" : "Tónlist" ,
"gui.extension.music.description" : "Spila hljóðfæri og trommur. " ,
"gui.extension.pen.name" : "Penni" ,
"gui.extension.pen.description" : "Teiknaðu með teikningunum þínum. " ,
"gui.extension.videosensing.name" : "Vídeó mæling" ,
"gui.extension.videosensing.description" : "Skynja hreyfingu með myndavélinni" ,
"gui.extension.text2speech.name" : "Text to Speech" ,
"gui.extension.text2speech.description" : "Make your projects talk." ,
"gui.extension.translate.name" : "Translate" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.extension.translate.description" : "Translate text into many languages." ,
"gui.extension.makeymakey.description" : "Make anything into a key." ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.extension.microbit.description" : "Tengdu verkefnin þín við heiminn. " ,
"gui.extension.microbit.connectingMessage" : "Tengjast" ,
"gui.extension.ev3.description" : "Búðu til gagnvirk vélmenni og fleira. " ,
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage" : "Tengist. Passaðu að pinnið í EV3 sé 1234." ,
2019-04-24 10:34:18 -04:00
"gui.extension.boost.description" : "Bring robotic creations to life." ,
"gui.extension.boost.connectingMessage" : "Connecting" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.extension.wedo2.description" : "Byggt með mótorum og skynjurum." ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage" : "Connecting" ,
2019-04-17 10:33:53 -04:00
"gui.extension.gdxfor.description" : "Sense push, pull, motion, and spin." ,
"gui.extension.gdxfor.connectingMessage" : "Connecting" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.all" : "All" ,
"gui.libraryTags.animals" : "Animals" ,
"gui.libraryTags.dance" : "Dance" ,
"gui.libraryTags.effects" : "Effects" ,
"gui.libraryTags.fantasy" : "Fantasy" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.fashion" : "Fashion" ,
"gui.libraryTags.food" : "Food" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.indoors" : "Indoors" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.loops" : "Loops" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.music" : "Music" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.notes" : "Notes" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.outdoors" : "Outdoors" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.patterns" : "Patterns" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.people" : "People" ,
"gui.libraryTags.percussion" : "Percussion" ,
"gui.libraryTags.space" : "Space" ,
"gui.libraryTags.sports" : "Sports" ,
"gui.libraryTags.underwater" : "Underwater" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.voice" : "Voice" ,
"gui.libraryTags.wacky" : "Wacky" ,
"gui.libraryTags.animation" : "Animation" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.art" : "Art" ,
"gui.libraryTags.games" : "Games" ,
"gui.libraryTags.stories" : "Stories" ,
"gui.libraryTags.letters" : "Letters" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.direction" : "direction" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.xposition" : "x position" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.yposition" : "y position" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.size" : "size" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.costumename" : "costume name" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.opcodeLabels.costumenumber" : "costume number" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.opcodeLabels.backdropname" : "backdrop name" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.opcodeLabels.backdropnumber" : "backdrop number" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.opcodeLabels.volume" : "volume" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.tempo" : "tempo" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.answer" : "answer" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.loudness" : "loudness" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.username" : "username" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.year" : "year" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.month" : "month" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.date" : "date" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek" : "day of week" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.hour" : "hour" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.minute" : "minute" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.second" : "second" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.timer" : "timer" ,
2021-01-11 22:13:40 -05:00
"gui.projectLoader.loadError" : "Tókst ekki að hlaða skránni með verkefninu sem var valið." ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.sharedMessages.backdrop" : "backdrop{index}" ,
"gui.sharedMessages.costume" : "costume{index}" ,
"gui.sharedMessages.sprite" : "Sprite{index}" ,
2019-02-20 09:27:44 -05:00
"gui.sharedMessages.pop" : "pop" ,
2019-04-24 10:34:18 -04:00
"gui.sharedMessages.replaceProjectWarning" : "Replace contents of the current project?" ,
2019-10-22 18:35:32 -04:00
"gui.sharedMessages.loadFromComputerTitle" : "Load from your computer" ,
"gui.gui.defaultProjectTitle" : "Scratch Project"
2018-08-10 09:25:02 -04:00