2018-08-10 09:25:02 -04:00
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.alerts.lostPeripheralConnection" : "Scratch lost connection to {extensionName}." ,
"gui.alerts.tryAgain" : "Try Again" ,
"gui.alerts.download" : "Download" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.connection.reconnect" : "Reconnect" ,
"gui.backpack.header" : "Bakpoki" ,
"gui.backpack.errorBackpack" : "Villa kom upp þegar reynt var að sækja bakpokann" ,
"gui.backpack.loadingBackpack" : "Hleð inn ..." ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.backpack.more" : "More" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.backpack.emptyBackpack" : "Bakpokinn er tómur" ,
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.label" : "Styður ekki vafra" ,
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.description" : "Því miður styður Scratch 3.0 ekki Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera eða Silk. Við mælum með að prófa nýrri vafra eins og Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox eða Microsoft Edge. " ,
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.back" : "Til baka" ,
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaq" : "Til að læra meira {previewFaqLink}." ,
"gui.unsupportedBrowser.previewfaqlinktext" : "Spurt & svarað" ,
"gui.cameraModal.cameraModalTitle" : "Taka mynd" ,
"gui.cameraModal.loadingCameraMessage" : "Hleð inn myndavél ..." ,
"gui.cameraModal.permissionRequest" : "Við þurfum leyfi frá þér til að nota myndavélina þína" ,
"gui.cameraModal.retakePhoto" : "Endurtaka mynd" ,
"gui.cameraModal.save" : "Vista" ,
"gui.cameraModal.takePhoto" : "Taka mynd" ,
"gui.cameraModal.loadingCaption" : "Hleð inn ..." ,
"gui.cameraModal.enableCameraCaption" : "Leyfa myndavél" ,
"gui.cards.all-tutorials" : "Kennsluefni" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.cards.close" : "Close" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.cards.more-things-to-try" : "Fleiri hlutir til að prófa!" ,
"gui.cards.see-more" : "Sjá fleiri" ,
"gui.comingSoon.message1" : "Ekki hafa áhyggjur, við erum að vinna í þessu {emoji}" ,
"gui.comingSoon.message2" : "Kemur bráðlega..." ,
"gui.comingSoon.message3" : "Við erum að vinna í þessu {emoji}" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.noPeripheralsFound" : "No devices found" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.prescan" : "Have your device nearby, then begin searching." ,
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.pressbutton" : "Press the button on your device." ,
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.start-search" : "Start Searching" ,
"gui.connection.connecting-searchbutton" : "Searching..." ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.connection.auto-scanning.try-again" : "Try again" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.connection.connected" : "Tengt" ,
"gui.connection.disconnect" : "Aftengja" ,
"gui.connection.go-to-editor" : "Fara til baka í ritil" ,
"gui.connection.connecting-cancelbutton" : "Að tengjast..." ,
"gui.connection.error.errorMessage" : "Úps, eitthvað fór úrskeiðis" ,
"gui.connection.error.tryagainbutton" : "Reyna aftur" ,
"gui.connection.error.helpbutton" : "Hjálp" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.connection.peripheral-name-label" : "Device name" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.connection.connect" : "Tengjast" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.connection.scanning.lookingforperipherals" : "Looking for devices" ,
"gui.connection.scanning.noPeripheralsFound" : "No devices found" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.connection.scanning.instructions" : "Veldu tækið þitt í listanum að ofan." ,
"gui.connection.search" : "Endurhlaða" ,
"gui.connection.unavailable.installscratchlink" : "Vertu viss um að hafa sett upp Scratch Link og það sé í gangi" ,
"gui.connection.unavailable.enablebluetooth" : "Athugaðu hvort að það sé kveikt á Bluetooth" ,
"gui.connection.unavailable.tryagainbutton" : "Reyna aftur" ,
"gui.connection.unavailable.helpbutton" : "Hjálp" ,
"gui.controls.go" : "Keyra" ,
"gui.controls.stop" : "Stopp" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.crashMessage.label" : "Oops! Something went wrong." ,
"gui.crashMessage.description" : "We are so sorry, but it looks like Scratch has crashed. This bug has been automatically reported to the Scratch Team. Please refresh your page to try again." ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.crashMessage.reload" : "Reload" ,
"gui.customProcedures.myblockModalTitle" : "Búa til kubb" ,
"gui.customProcedures.addAnInputNumberText" : "Bæta við inntaki" ,
"gui.customProcedures.numberTextType" : "Tala eða texti" ,
"gui.customProcedures.addAnInputBoolean" : "Bæta við inntaki" ,
"gui.customProcedures.booleanType" : "boolean" ,
"gui.customProcedures.addALabel" : "Bæta við merki" ,
"gui.customProcedures.runWithoutScreenRefresh" : "Keyra án þess að uppfæra skjámynd" ,
"gui.customProcedures.cancel" : "Hætta við" ,
"gui.customProcedures.ok" : "Í lagi" ,
"gui.SpriteInfo.direction" : "Átt" ,
"gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.allAround" : "Allt í kring" ,
"gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.leftRight" : "Vinstri/hægri" ,
"gui.directionPicker.rotationStyles.dontRotate" : "Ekki snúast" ,
"gui.gui.addExtension" : "Bæta við viðbót" ,
"gui.gui.codeTab" : "Kóði" ,
"gui.gui.backdropsTab" : "Bakgrunnar" ,
"gui.gui.costumesTab" : "Búningar" ,
"gui.gui.soundsTab" : "Hljóð" ,
"gui.importInfo.title" : "Skoða Scratch 2.0 verkefni" ,
"gui.importInfo.betamessage" : "Settu inn hlekk af Sratch verkefni sem þú hefur deilt. Breytingar gerðar í 3.0 sýnishorninu verða ekki vistaðar." ,
"gui.importInfo.message" : "Settu inn hlekk af Sratch verkefni sem þú hefur deilt. Breytingar gerðar í 3.0 sýnishorninu verða ekki vistaðar. " ,
"gui.importInfo.invalidFormatError" : "Uh, ó, þessi hlekkur eða einkenni á verkefni er ekki alveg réttur. " ,
"gui.importModal.viewproject" : "Sjá" ,
"gui.importInfo.goback" : "Til baka" ,
"gui.importInfo.previewfaq" : "Til að læra meira {previewFaqLink}." ,
"gui.importInfo.previewfaqlinktext" : "Spurt & svarað" ,
"gui.extensionLibrary.comingSoon" : "Kemur bráðlega" ,
"gui.extensionLibrary.requires" : "Requires" ,
"gui.extensionLibrary.collaboration" : "Collaboration with" ,
"gui.library.filterPlaceholder" : "Leita" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.library.allTag" : "All" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.loader.message1" : "Verið að búa til kubba ..." ,
"gui.loader.message2" : "Sæki teikningu ..." ,
"gui.loader.message3" : "Sæki hljóð ..." ,
"gui.loader.message4" : "Sæki viðbætur ..." ,
"gui.loader.message5" : "Safna saman köttunum ..." ,
"gui.loader.message6" : "Erum að vinna í þessu ..." ,
"gui.loader.message7" : "Erum að blása upp gobos ..." ,
"gui.loader.message8" : "Undirbúið broskalla ..." ,
"gui.loader.headline" : "Hleð inn verkefni " ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.accountMenu.profile" : "Profile" ,
"gui.accountMenu.myStuff" : "My Stuff" ,
"gui.accountMenu.myClasses" : "My Classes" ,
"gui.accountMenu.myClass" : "My Class" ,
"gui.accountMenu.accountSettings" : "Account settings" ,
"gui.accountMenu.signOut" : "Sign out" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.authorInfo.byUser" : "by {username}" ,
"gui.menuBar.seeCommunity" : "Sjá samfélag" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"general.username" : "Username" ,
"general.password" : "Password" ,
"general.signIn" : "Sign in" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"login.needHelp" : "Need Help?" ,
"gui.menuBar.LanguageSelector" : "velja tungumál" ,
"gui.menuBar.tutorialsLibrary" : "Kennsluefni" ,
"gui.menuBar.restoreSprite" : "Restore Sprite" ,
"gui.menuBar.restoreSound" : "Restore Sound" ,
"gui.menuBar.restoreCostume" : "Restore Costume" ,
"gui.menuBar.restore" : "Restore" ,
"gui.menuBar.saveNow" : "Vista núna" ,
"gui.menuBar.saveAsCopy" : "Vista sem afrit" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.remix" : "Remix" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.new" : "Ný" ,
"gui.menuBar.file" : "Skrá" ,
"gui.menuBar.uploadFromComputer" : "Sækja úr tölvunni þinni" ,
"gui.menuBar.downloadToComputer" : "Vista á tölvuna þína" ,
"gui.menuBar.edit" : "Breyta" ,
"gui.menuBar.turboModeOff" : "Slökkva á snöggham" ,
"gui.menuBar.turboModeOn" : "Kveikja á snöggham" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.joinScratch" : "Join Scratch" ,
"gui.menuBar.signIn" : "Sign in" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.giveFeedback" : "Gefa endurgjöf" ,
"gui.gui.projectTitlePlaceholder" : "Project title here" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.isShared" : "Shared" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.menuBar.share" : "Deila" ,
"gui.modal.help" : "Hjálp" ,
"gui.modal.back" : "Til baka" ,
"gui.monitor.listMonitor.empty" : "(empty)" ,
"gui.monitor.listMonitor.listLength" : "length {length}" ,
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.default" : "venjuleg leturgerð" ,
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.large" : "Stór leturgerð" ,
"gui.monitor.contextMenu.slider" : "renna" ,
"gui.previewInfo.label" : "Prófaðu Scratch 3.0" ,
"gui.previewInfo.welcome" : "Velkomin/n í Scratch 3.0 Beta" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.previewModal.notnowtooltip" : "Not Now" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.previewModal.tryittooltip" : "Try It" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.previewModal.viewprojecttooltip" : "View 2.0 Project" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.previewInfo.betawelcome" : "Velkomin/n í Scratch 3.0 Beta" ,
"gui.previewInfo.invitation" : "Við erum að vinna í næstu kynslóð af Scratch. Við erum spennt fyrir þig að prófa!" ,
"gui.previewInfo.notnow" : "Ekki núna" ,
"gui.previewModal.tryit" : "Prófaðu! {caticon}" ,
"gui.previewModal.viewproject" : "Skoða 2.0 verkefni" ,
"gui.previewInfo.previewfaq" : "Til að vita meira {previewFaqLink}." ,
"gui.previewInfo.previewfaqlinktext" : "Spurt & svarað" ,
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionAllSprites" : "Fyrir allar teikningar" ,
"gui.gui.variableScopeOptionSpriteOnly" : "Aðeins fyrir þessa teikningu" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.gui.cloudVariableOption" : "Cloud variable (stored on server)" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.gui.variablePromptAllSpritesMessage" : "Þessi breyta verður aðgengileg öllum teikningunum." ,
"gui.prompt.cancel" : "Hætta við" ,
"gui.prompt.ok" : "Í lagi" ,
"gui.playbackStep.stopMsg" : "Stopp" ,
"gui.playbackStep.playMsg" : "Spila" ,
"gui.playbackStep.loadingMsg" : "Hleð inn ..." ,
"gui.playbackStep.saveMsg" : "Vista" ,
"gui.playbackStep.reRecordMsg" : "Taka upp aftur" ,
"gui.recordModal.title" : "Taka upp hljóð" ,
"gui.recordingStep.beginRecord" : "Begin recording by clicking the button below" ,
"gui.recordingStep.permission" : "{arrow}We need your permission to use your microphone" ,
"gui.recordingStep.stop" : "Stop recording" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.recordingStep.record" : "Record" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.soundEditor.sound" : "Hljóð" ,
"gui.soundEditor.play" : "Spila" ,
"gui.soundEditor.stop" : "Stopp" ,
"gui.soundEditor.trim" : "Klippa" ,
"gui.soundEditor.save" : "Vista" ,
"gui.soundEditor.undo" : "Afgera" ,
"gui.soundEditor.redo" : "Endurgera" ,
"gui.soundEditor.faster" : "Hraðar" ,
"gui.soundEditor.slower" : "Hægar" ,
"gui.soundEditor.echo" : "Bergmál" ,
"gui.soundEditor.robot" : "Vélmenni" ,
"gui.soundEditor.louder" : "Hærra" ,
"gui.soundEditor.softer" : "Mýkja" ,
"gui.soundEditor.reverse" : "Snúa við" ,
"gui.SpriteInfo.spritePlaceholder" : "Nafn" ,
"gui.SpriteInfo.sprite" : "Teikning" ,
"gui.SpriteInfo.show" : "Sýna" ,
"gui.SpriteInfo.size" : "Stærð" ,
"gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDuplicate" : "tvöfalda" ,
"gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuDelete" : "eyða" ,
"gui.spriteSelectorItem.contextMenuExport" : "flytja út" ,
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromLibrary" : "Veldu teikningu" ,
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromPaint" : "Mála" ,
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromSurprise" : "Koma á óvart" ,
"gui.spriteSelector.addSpriteFromFile" : "Sækja teikningu" ,
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeLarge" : "Skipta yfir á stórt svið" ,
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeSmall" : "Skipta yfir á lítið svið" ,
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeFull" : "Fylla í skjáinn" ,
"gui.stageHeader.stageSizeUnFull" : "Minnka skjáinn" ,
"gui.stageHeader.fullscreenControl" : "Fylla í skjá stýring" ,
"gui.spriteSelector.addBackdropFromLibrary" : "Veldu bakgrunn" ,
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromPaint" : "Málning" ,
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromSurprise" : "Koma á óvart" ,
"gui.stageSelector.addBackdropFromFile" : "Sækja bakgrunn" ,
"gui.stageSelector.stage" : "Svið" ,
"gui.stageSelector.backdrops" : "Bakgrunnar" ,
"gui.turboMode.active" : "Snögghamur" ,
"gui.webglModal.label" : "Vafrinn þinn styður ekki WebGL" ,
"gui.webglModal.description" : "Því miður vantar vafrann þinn eða tölvuna {webGlLink}. Það þarf þessa tækni til að nota Scratch 3.0." ,
"gui.webglModal.webgllink" : "styður ekki WebGL" ,
"gui.webglModal.back" : "Til baka" ,
"gui.webglModal.previewfaq" : "Til að læra meira {previewFaqLink}." ,
"gui.webglModal.previewfaqlinktext" : "Spurt & svarað" ,
"gui.costumeLibrary.chooseABackdrop" : "Veldu bakgrunn" ,
"gui.costumeLibrary.chooseACostume" : "Velja búning" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addBackdropFromLibrary" : "Veldu bakgrunn" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addCostumeFromLibrary" : "Velja búning" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addBlankCostume" : "Málning" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addSurpriseCostume" : "Koma á óvart" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addFileBackdrop" : "Sækja bakgrunn" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addFileCostume" : "Sækja búning" ,
"gui.costumeTab.addCameraCostume" : "Myndavél" ,
"gui.extensionLibrary.chooseAnExtension" : "Veldu viðbót" ,
"gui.extensionLibrary.extensionUrl" : "Sett inn hlekk á viðbótinni" ,
"gui.gui.defaultProjectTitle" : "Scratch Project" ,
"gui.recordingStep.alertMsg" : "Gat ekki hafið upptöku" ,
"gui.projectLoader.loadError" : "Tókst ekki að hlaða skránni með verkefninu sem var valið." ,
"gui.soundLibrary.chooseASound" : "Veldu hljóð" ,
"gui.soundTab.fileUploadSound" : "Sækja hljóð" ,
"gui.soundTab.surpriseSound" : "Koma á óvart" ,
"gui.soundTab.recordSound" : "Taka upp" ,
"gui.soundTab.addSoundFromLibrary" : "Veldu hljóð" ,
"gui.spriteLibrary.chooseASprite" : "Veldu teikningu" ,
"gui.tipsLibrary.tutorials" : "Veldu kennsuefni" ,
"gui.alerts.createsuccess" : "Successfully created." ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.alerts.creating" : "Creating..." ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.alerts.creatingError" : "Could not create the project. Please try again!" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.alerts.savingError" : "Project could not save." ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.alerts.savesuccess" : "Successfully saved." ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.alerts.saving" : "Saving..." ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.defaultProject.meow" : "Meow" ,
"gui.defaultProject.variable" : "my variable" ,
"gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name" : "Hefjast handa" ,
"gui.howtos.intro-move.step_stepMove" : "Bættu við hreyfi kubb" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepMoveSayHello" : "Ýttu á græna fánann til að byrja" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud" : "Create Animations That Talk" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_AddTXTextension" : "Add the Text to Speech blocks" ,
"gui.howtos. say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpeech" : "Say Something" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud_TXTSetVoice" : "Set a Voice" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTMove" : "Move Around" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTBackdrop" : "Add a Backdrop" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTAddSprite" : "Add Another Character" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSong" : "Perform a Song" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTColor" : "Change Color" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTSpin" : "Spin Around" ,
"gui.howtos.say-it-out-loud.step_TXTGrow" : "Grow and Shrink" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network" : "Animate an Adventure Game" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcharacter" : "Choose a Character to Show" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNsay" : "Say Something" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNglide" : "Glide Around" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNpicksprite" : "Choose an Object to Chase" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNcollect" : "Collect Objects" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNvariable" : "Make a Score Variable" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNscore" : "Keep Score" ,
"gui.howtos.cartoon-network.step_CNbackdrop" : "Level Up: Change Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.name" : "Hreyfa nafn" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePickLetter" : "Veldu stafa teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePlaySound" : "Spila hljóð þegar það er klikkað" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimatePickLetter2" : "Veldu aðra stafa teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateChangeColor" : "Breyta lit" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateSpin" : "Veldu aðra stafa teikningu & láttu hana snúast" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-a-name.step_AnimateGrow" : "Veldu aðra stafa teikningu & láttu hana vaxa" ,
"gui.howtos.make-music.name" : "Búa til tónlist" ,
"gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_PickInstrument" : "Veldu hljóðfæra teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_PlaySoundClick" : "Spila hljóð þegar það er smellt" ,
"gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_MakeSong" : "Búa til lag" ,
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_MakeBeat" : "Veldu trommu og búðu til takt" ,
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_MakeBeatBox" : "Veldu míkrafón teikninguna og taktkassa sem kemur á óvart" ,
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.name" : "Búðu til leik þar sem hægt er að smella á hluti" ,
"gui.howtos.Make-A-Game.step_GamePickSprite" : "Veldu teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GamePlaySound" : "Spila hljóð þegar það er smellt" ,
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GameAddScore" : "Búðu til stiga breytu" ,
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GameChangeScore" : "Hækka stig það er smellt" ,
"gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_Random" : "Fara á handahófskennda staðsetningu" ,
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_GameChangeColor" : "Breyta lit" ,
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_ResetScore" : "Endurstilla stig" ,
"gui.howtos.make-a-chase-game.name" : "Búðu til eltingarleik" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_BG" : "Bæta við bakgrunn" ,
"gui.howtos.chase-game.step_AddOcto" : "Bæta við teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.make-music.step_LeftRight" : "Færa til hægri og vinstri með örvatökkunum" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_UpDown" : "Færa upp og niður með örvatökkunum" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_AddStar" : "Bæta við annari teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_MoveRandom" : "Færa handahófskennt" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_WhenTouch" : "Kolkrabba teikningin á að spila hljóð þegar hún snertir einhvað" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_ScoreVariable" : "Búðu til stiga breytu" ,
"gui.howtos.Chase-Game.ScoreWhenTouch" : "Þegar kolkrabba teikningin snertir einhvað, er bætt við stigi" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.howtos.animate-char.name" : "Animate A Character" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_addbg" : "Add a Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_addsprite" : "Add a Sprite" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_saysomething" : "Say Something" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_addsound" : "Add Sound" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_animatetalking" : "Animate Talking" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_arrowkeys" : "Move Using Arrow Keys" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_jump" : "Jump" ,
"gui.howtos.animate-char.step_changecolor" : "Change Color" ,
"gui.howtos.story.name" : "Create A Story" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_addbg" : "Add a Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_addsprite" : "Add a Character" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_saysomething" : "Say Something" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_addanothersprite" : "Add Another Character" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_flip" : "Flip Direction" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_conversation" : "Have A Conversation" ,
"gui.howtos.story.addanotherbg" : "Add Another Backdrop" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_swithbg" : "Switch Backdrops" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_hidewizard" : "Hide a Character" ,
"gui.howtos.story.step_showwizard" : "Show a Character" ,
"gui.howtos.videosens.name" : "Video Sensing" ,
"gui.howtos.videosens.step_addextension" : "Add Extension" ,
"gui.howtos.videosens.step_pet" : "Pet the Cat" ,
"gui.howtos.videosens.step_animate" : "Animate" ,
"gui.howtos.videosens.step_pop" : "Pop a Balloon" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.howtos.add-sprite.name" : "Bæta við teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.add-sprite.step_addSprite" : "Bæta við teikningu" ,
"gui.howtos.add-a-backdrop.name" : "Bæta við bakgrunn" ,
"gui.howtos.change-size.name" : "Breyta stærð" ,
"gui.howtos.glide-around.name" : "Svífa um" ,
"gui.howtos.record-a-sound.name" : "Taka upp hljóð" ,
"gui.howtos.spin-video.name" : "Láta snúast" ,
"gui.howtos.hide-and-show.name" : "Fela og sýna" ,
"gui.howtos.switch-costume.name" : "Hreyfa teikninguna" ,
"gui.howtos.move-around-with-arrow-keys.name" : "Nota örvatakka" ,
"gui.howtos.add-effects.name" : "Bæta við effektum" ,
"gui.extension.music.name" : "Tónlist" ,
"gui.extension.music.description" : "Spila hljóðfæri og trommur. " ,
"gui.extension.pen.name" : "Penni" ,
"gui.extension.pen.description" : "Teiknaðu með teikningunum þínum. " ,
"gui.extension.videosensing.name" : "Vídeó mæling" ,
"gui.extension.videosensing.description" : "Skynja hreyfingu með myndavélinni" ,
"gui.extension.text2speech.name" : "Text to Speech" ,
"gui.extension.text2speech.description" : "Make your projects talk." ,
"gui.extension.translate.name" : "Translate" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.extension.translate.description" : "Translate text into many languages." ,
"gui.extension.makeymakey.description" : "Make anything into a key." ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.extension.microbit.description" : "Tengdu verkefnin þín við heiminn. " ,
"gui.extension.microbit.connectingMessage" : "Tengjast" ,
"gui.extension.ev3.description" : "Búðu til gagnvirk vélmenni og fleira. " ,
"gui.extension.ev3.connectingMessage" : "Tengist. Passaðu að pinnið í EV3 sé 1234." ,
"gui.extension.wedo2.description" : "Byggt með mótorum og skynjurum." ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.extension.wedo2.connectingMessage" : "Connecting" ,
"gui.libraryTags.all" : "All" ,
"gui.libraryTags.animals" : "Animals" ,
"gui.libraryTags.dance" : "Dance" ,
"gui.libraryTags.effects" : "Effects" ,
"gui.libraryTags.fantasy" : "Fantasy" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.fashion" : "Fashion" ,
"gui.libraryTags.food" : "Food" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.indoors" : "Indoors" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.loops" : "Loops" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.music" : "Music" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.notes" : "Notes" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.outdoors" : "Outdoors" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.patterns" : "Patterns" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.people" : "People" ,
"gui.libraryTags.percussion" : "Percussion" ,
"gui.libraryTags.space" : "Space" ,
"gui.libraryTags.sports" : "Sports" ,
"gui.libraryTags.underwater" : "Underwater" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.voice" : "Voice" ,
"gui.libraryTags.wacky" : "Wacky" ,
"gui.libraryTags.animation" : "Animation" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.libraryTags.art" : "Art" ,
"gui.libraryTags.games" : "Games" ,
"gui.libraryTags.stories" : "Stories" ,
"gui.libraryTags.letters" : "Letters" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.direction" : "direction" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.xposition" : "x position" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.yposition" : "y position" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.size" : "size" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.costumename" : "costume name" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.opcodeLabels.costumenumber" : "costume number" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.opcodeLabels.backdropname" : "backdrop name" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.opcodeLabels.backdropnumber" : "backdrop number" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.opcodeLabels.volume" : "volume" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.tempo" : "tempo" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.answer" : "answer" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.loudness" : "loudness" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.username" : "username" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.year" : "year" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.month" : "month" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.date" : "date" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.dayofweek" : "day of week" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.hour" : "hour" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.minute" : "minute" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.second" : "second" ,
"gui.opcodeLabels.timer" : "timer" ,
2018-11-27 11:39:31 -05:00
"gui.sharedMessages.backdrop" : "backdrop{index}" ,
"gui.sharedMessages.costume" : "costume{index}" ,
"gui.sharedMessages.sprite" : "Sprite{index}" ,
2018-12-06 11:46:21 -05:00
"gui.sharedMessages.pop" : "pop"
2018-08-10 09:25:02 -04:00