
833 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "legoanimpresenter.h"
#include "legoanimmmpresenter.h"
#include "legocharactermanager.h"
#include "legovideomanager.h"
#include "legoworld.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "mxcompositepresenter.h"
#include "mxdsanim.h"
#include "mxmisc.h"
#include "mxstreamchunk.h"
#include "mxtimer.h"
#include "mxvideomanager.h"
2024-03-10 10:29:16 -04:00
#include "realtime/realtime.h"
DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoAnimPresenter, 0xbc)
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10068420
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10068670
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100686f0
void LegoAnimPresenter::Init()
m_anim = NULL;
m_unk0x68 = NULL;
m_unk0x6c = 0;
m_unk0x74 = NULL;
m_unk0x70 = NULL;
m_unk0x78 = NULL;
m_unk0x7c = 0;
m_unk0xa4 = 0;
m_currentWorld = NULL;
m_unk0x95 = 0;
m_unk0x88 = -1;
m_unk0x98 = 0;
m_unk0x9c = 0;
m_unk0x8c = NULL;
m_unk0x90 = NULL;
m_unk0x94 = 0;
m_unk0x96 = TRUE;
m_unk0xa0 = 0;
// STUB: LEGO1 0x10068770
void LegoAnimPresenter::Destroy(MxBool p_fromDestructor)
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10068fb0
2024-02-25 09:14:39 -05:00
MxResult LegoAnimPresenter::CreateAnim(MxStreamChunk* p_chunk)
MxResult result = FAILURE;
LegoMemory storage(p_chunk->GetData());
MxS32 magicSig;
LegoS32 parseScene = 0;
MxS32 val3;
if (storage.Read(&magicSig, sizeof(magicSig)) != SUCCESS || magicSig != 0x11) {
goto done;
if (storage.Read(&m_unk0xa4, sizeof(m_unk0xa4)) != SUCCESS) {
goto done;
if (storage.Read(&m_unk0xa8[0], sizeof(m_unk0xa8[0])) != SUCCESS) {
goto done;
if (storage.Read(&m_unk0xa8[1], sizeof(m_unk0xa8[1])) != SUCCESS) {
goto done;
if (storage.Read(&m_unk0xa8[2], sizeof(m_unk0xa8[2])) != SUCCESS) {
goto done;
if (storage.Read(&parseScene, sizeof(parseScene)) != SUCCESS) {
goto done;
if (storage.Read(&val3, sizeof(val3)) != SUCCESS) {
goto done;
m_anim = new LegoAnim();
if (!m_anim) {
goto done;
if (m_anim->Read(&storage, parseScene) != SUCCESS) {
goto done;
result = SUCCESS;
if (result != SUCCESS) {
delete m_anim;
return result;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10069150
LegoChar* LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_10069150(const LegoChar* p_und1)
LegoChar* str;
if (LegoCharacterManager::Exists(p_und1 + 1)) {
str = new LegoChar[strlen(p_und1)];
if (str != NULL) {
strcpy(str, p_und1 + 1);
else {
LegoChar buffer[32];
sprintf(buffer, "%d", m_action->GetUnknown24());
str = new LegoChar[strlen(p_und1) + strlen(buffer) + strlen(GetActionObjectName()) + 1];
if (str != NULL) {
strcpy(str, p_und1);
strcat(str, buffer);
strcat(str, GetActionObjectName());
return str;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100692b0
void LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_100692b0()
m_unk0x74 = new LegoROIList();
if (m_unk0x74) {
LegoU32 numActors = m_anim->GetNumActors();
for (LegoU32 i = 0; i < numActors; i++) {
LegoChar* str = FUN_100697c0(m_anim->GetActorName(i), NULL);
undefined4 unk0x04 = m_anim->GetActorUnknown0x04(i);
LegoROI* roi = NULL;
if (unk0x04 == 2) {
LegoChar* src;
if (str[0] == '*') {
src = str + 1;
else {
src = str;
roi = CharacterManager()->GetROI(src, TRUE);
if (roi != NULL && str[0] == '*') {
else if (unk0x04 == 4) {
LegoChar* baseName = new LegoChar[strlen(str)];
strcpy(baseName, str + 1);
LegoChar* und = FUN_10069150(str);
roi = CharacterManager()->FUN_10085a80(und, baseName, TRUE);
if (roi != NULL) {
delete[] baseName;
delete[] und;
else if (unk0x04 == 3) {
LegoChar* lodName = new LegoChar[strlen(str)];
strcpy(lodName, str + 1);
for (LegoChar* i = &lodName[strlen(lodName) - 1]; i > lodName; i--) {
if ((*i < '0' || *i > '9') && *i != '_') {
*i = '\0';
LegoChar* und = FUN_10069150(str);
roi = CharacterManager()->FUN_10085210(und, lodName, TRUE);
if (roi != NULL) {
delete[] lodName;
delete[] und;
if (roi != NULL) {
delete[] str;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100695c0
void LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_100695c0()
m_unk0x70 = new LegoROIList();
if (m_unk0x70) {
const CompoundObject& rois = VideoManager()->Get3DManager()->GetLego3DView()->GetViewManager()->GetROIs();
LegoU32 numActors = m_anim->GetNumActors();
for (LegoU32 i = 0; i < numActors; i++) {
if (FUN_100698b0(rois, m_anim->GetActorName(i)) == FALSE) {
undefined4 unk0x04 = m_anim->GetActorUnknown0x04(i);
if (unk0x04 == 5 || unk0x04 == 6) {
LegoChar lodName[256];
const LegoChar* actorName = m_anim->GetActorName(i);
LegoU32 len = strlen(actorName);
strcpy(lodName, actorName);
for (LegoChar* i = &lodName[len - 1]; isdigit(*i) || *i == '_'; i--) {
*i = '\0';
CharacterManager()->FUN_10085210(actorName, lodName, FALSE);
FUN_100698b0(rois, actorName);
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100697c0
LegoChar* LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_100697c0(const LegoChar* p_und1, const LegoChar* p_und2)
const LegoChar* str = p_und1;
const char* var = VariableTable()->GetVariable(p_und1);
if (*var) {
str = var;
LegoU32 len = strlen(str) + (p_und2 ? strlen(p_und2) : 0) + 2;
LegoChar* result = new LegoChar[len];
if (result != NULL) {
*result = '\0';
if (p_und2) {
strcpy(result, p_und2);
strcat(result, ":");
strcat(result, str);
return result;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100698b0
LegoBool LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_100698b0(const CompoundObject& p_rois, const LegoChar* p_und2)
LegoBool result = FALSE;
LegoChar* str;
if (*(str = FUN_100697c0(p_und2, NULL)) == '*') {
LegoChar* tmp = FUN_10069150(str);
delete[] str;
str = tmp;
if (str != NULL && *str != '\0' && p_rois.size() > 0) {
for (CompoundObject::const_iterator it = p_rois.begin(); it != p_rois.end(); it++) {
LegoROI* roi = (LegoROI*) *it;
const char* name = roi->GetName();
if (name != NULL) {
if (!strcmpi(name, str)) {
result = TRUE;
delete[] str;
return result;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100699e0
LegoROI* LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_100699e0(const LegoChar* p_und)
LegoROIListCursor cursor(m_unk0x70);
LegoROI* roi;
while (cursor.Next(roi)) {
LegoChar* und = FUN_100697c0(roi->GetName(), NULL);
if (und != NULL && !strcmpi(und, p_und)) {
delete[] und;
return roi;
delete[] und;
return NULL;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10069b10
void LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_10069b10()
LegoAnimPresenterMap map;
if (m_unk0x8c != NULL) {
memset(m_unk0x8c, 0, m_unk0x94 * sizeof(*m_unk0x8c));
FUN_1006a3c0(map, m_anim->GetRoot(), NULL);
if (m_unk0x68 != NULL) {
delete[] m_unk0x68;
m_unk0x6c = 0;
m_unk0x6c = 0;
m_unk0x68 = new LegoROI*[map.size() + 1];
memset(m_unk0x68, 0, (map.size() + 1) * sizeof(*m_unk0x68));
for (LegoAnimPresenterMap::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end();) {
MxU32 index = (*it).second.m_index;
m_unk0x68[index] = (*it).second.m_roi;
if (m_unk0x68[index]->GetName() != NULL) {
for (MxS32 i = 0; i < m_unk0x94; i++) {
if (m_unk0x8c[i] == NULL && m_unk0x90[i] != NULL) {
if (!strcmpi(m_unk0x90[i], m_unk0x68[index]->GetName())) {
m_unk0x8c[i] = m_unk0x68[index];
delete[] const_cast<char*>((*it).first);
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006a3c0
void LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_1006a3c0(LegoAnimPresenterMap& p_map, LegoTreeNode* p_node, LegoROI* p_roi)
LegoROI* roi = p_roi;
LegoChar* und = NULL;
LegoChar* und2 = NULL;
LegoAnimNodeData* data = (LegoAnimNodeData*) p_node->GetData();
const LegoChar* name = data->GetName();
if (name != NULL && *name != '-') {
if (*name == '*') {
name = und2 = FUN_10069150(name);
und = FUN_100697c0(name, p_roi != NULL ? p_roi->GetName() : NULL);
if (p_roi == NULL) {
roi = FUN_100699e0(und);
if (roi != NULL) {
FUN_1006a4f0(p_map, data, und, roi);
else {
else {
LegoROI* child = p_roi->FindChildROI(name, p_roi);
if (child != NULL) {
FUN_1006a4f0(p_map, data, und, child);
else {
if (FUN_100699e0(name) != NULL) {
FUN_1006a3c0(p_map, p_node, NULL);
delete[] und;
delete[] und2;
delete[] und;
delete[] und2;
MxS32 count = p_node->GetNumChildren();
for (MxS32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
FUN_1006a3c0(p_map, p_node->GetChild(i), roi);
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006a4f0
void LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_1006a4f0(
LegoAnimPresenterMap& p_map,
LegoAnimNodeData* p_data,
const LegoChar* p_und,
LegoROI* p_roi
LegoAnimPresenterMap::iterator it;
it = p_map.find(p_und);
if (it == p_map.end()) {
LegoAnimStruct animStruct;
animStruct.m_index = p_map.size() + 1;
animStruct.m_roi = p_roi;
LegoChar* und = new LegoChar[strlen(p_und) + 1];
strcpy(und, p_und);
p_map[und] = animStruct;
else {
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006aba0
LegoBool LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_1006aba0()
return FUN_1006abb0(m_anim->GetRoot(), 0);
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006abb0
MxBool LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_1006abb0(LegoTreeNode* p_node, LegoROI* p_roi)
MxBool result = FALSE;
LegoROI* roi = p_roi;
LegoChar* und = NULL;
const LegoChar* name = ((LegoAnimNodeData*) p_node->GetData())->GetName();
MxS32 i, count;
if (name != NULL && *name != '-') {
und = FUN_100697c0(name, p_roi != NULL ? p_roi->GetName() : NULL);
if (p_roi == NULL) {
roi = FUN_100699e0(und);
if (roi == NULL) {
goto done;
else {
LegoROI* child = p_roi->FindChildROI(name, p_roi);
if (child == NULL) {
if (FUN_100699e0(name) != NULL) {
if (FUN_1006abb0(p_node, NULL)) {
result = TRUE;
goto done;
count = p_node->GetNumChildren();
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (!FUN_1006abb0(p_node->GetChild(i), roi)) {
goto done;
result = TRUE;
if (und != NULL) {
delete[] und;
return result;
// STUB: LEGO1 0x1006ac90
void LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_1006ac90()
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006ad30
void LegoAnimPresenter::PutFrame()
if (m_currentTickleState == e_streaming) {
MxLong time;
if (m_action->GetStartTime() <= m_action->GetElapsedTime()) {
time = m_action->GetElapsedTime() - m_action->GetStartTime();
else {
time = 0;
FUN_1006b9a0(m_anim, time, m_unk0x78);
if (m_unk0x8c != NULL && m_currentWorld != NULL && m_currentWorld->GetCamera() != NULL) {
for (MxS32 i = 0; i < m_unk0x94; i++) {
if (m_unk0x8c[i] != NULL) {
MxMatrix mat(m_unk0x8c[i]->GetLocal2World());
Vector3 pos(mat[0]);
Vector3 dir(mat[1]);
Vector3 up(mat[2]);
Vector3 und(mat[3]);
float possqr = sqrt(pos.LenSquared());
float dirsqr = sqrt(dir.LenSquared());
float upsqr = sqrt(up.LenSquared());
up = und;
Mx3DPointFloat location = m_currentWorld->GetCamera()->GetWorldLocation();
((Vector3&) up).Sub(&location);
((Vector3&) up).Sub(&m_currentWorld->GetCamera()->GetWorldLocation());
((Vector3&) dir).Div(dirsqr);
pos.EqualsCross(&dir, &up);
up.EqualsCross(&pos, &dir);
((Vector3&) pos).Mul(possqr);
((Vector3&) dir).Mul(dirsqr);
((Vector3&) up).Mul(upsqr);
// STUB: LEGO1 0x1006b140
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100507e0
MxResult LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_1006b140(LegoROI* p_roi)
return FAILURE;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006b550
void LegoAnimPresenter::ReadyTickle()
m_currentWorld = CurrentWorld();
if (m_currentWorld) {
2024-02-17 10:35:10 -05:00
MxStreamChunk* chunk = m_subscriber->PeekData();
if (chunk && chunk->GetTime() + m_action->GetStartTime() <= m_action->GetElapsedTime()) {
2024-02-17 10:35:10 -05:00
chunk = m_subscriber->PopData();
2024-02-25 09:14:39 -05:00
MxResult result = CreateAnim(chunk);
2024-02-17 10:35:10 -05:00
if (result == SUCCESS) {
else {
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006b5e0
void LegoAnimPresenter::StartingTickle()
if (m_unk0x7c & c_bit2 && !FUN_1006aba0()) {
goto done;
if (m_unk0x78 == NULL) {
if (fabs(m_action->GetDirection().GetX()) >= 0.00000047683716F ||
fabs(m_action->GetDirection().GetY()) >= 0.00000047683716F ||
fabs(m_action->GetDirection().GetZ()) >= 0.00000047683716F) {
m_unk0x78 = new MxMatrix();
CalcLocalTransform(m_action->GetLocation(), m_action->GetDirection(), m_action->GetUp(), *m_unk0x78);
else if (m_unk0x68 != NULL) {
LegoROI* roi = m_unk0x68[1];
if (roi != NULL) {
MxMatrix mat;
mat = roi->GetLocal2World();
m_unk0x78 = new MxMatrix(mat);
if ((m_action->GetDuration() == -1 || ((MxDSMediaAction*) m_action)->GetSustainTime() == -1) &&
m_compositePresenter) {
else {
if (m_compositePresenter && m_compositePresenter->IsA("LegoAnimMMPresenter")) {
m_unk0x96 = ((LegoAnimMMPresenter*) m_compositePresenter)->FUN_1004b8b0();
if (m_unk0x70 != NULL) {
delete m_unk0x70;
m_unk0x70 = NULL;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006b840
void LegoAnimPresenter::StreamingTickle()
2024-02-17 10:35:10 -05:00
if (m_subscriber->PeekData()) {
MxStreamChunk* chunk = m_subscriber->PopData();
if (m_unk0x95) {
if (m_compositePresenter) {
if (m_compositePresenter->IsA("LegoAnimMMPresenter")) {
else {
if (m_action->GetElapsedTime() > m_anim->GetDuration() + m_action->GetStartTime()) {
m_unk0x95 = 1;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006b8c0
Enforce vtable match (#464) * vtable enforce * Vtable progress * IslePathActor subclasses * LegoState subclasses * LegoWorld subclasses * Presenter progress * Remaining presenters * All but two that need new files * Merge into vtable branch (#3) * Implement MxDisplaySurface::VTable0x44 (#467) * Update mxdisplaysurface.cpp * add arguments to header * Fix glitched bitmaps * WIP fixes * Match * Fix * Changes * Fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> * Implmement PoliceState::VTable0x1c (#468) * Implmement PoliceState::VTable0x1c * Fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> * Implement Lego3DView::Render (#470) * Implement Lego3DView::Render * use MxDouble * Revert "use MxDouble" This reverts commit a006b60e2066b79ded3e15e143a302d8fd707deb. * Begin work on Police class (#469) * Begin work on Police class * Use JukeBox::e_policeStation value * Fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> * Implement MxDisplaySurface::CreateCursorSurface (#471) * Update mxdisplaysurface.cpp * Fixes * Update legovideomanager.cpp * Match to 100% --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> --------- Co-authored-by: Misha <> Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> Co-authored-by: Joshua Peisach <> * Police fix * Finish * motocycle lower case * Update historybook.h * Update hospitalstate.h * Update jetski.h * Update legoinputmanager.h * Update legolocomotionanimpresenter.h * Update pizza.h * Update act3shark.h * Update ambulancemissionstate.h * Update bumpbouy.h * Update doors.h --------- Co-authored-by: Misha <> Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> Co-authored-by: Joshua Peisach <>
2024-01-20 18:04:46 -05:00
void LegoAnimPresenter::DoneTickle()
Enforce vtable match (#464) * vtable enforce * Vtable progress * IslePathActor subclasses * LegoState subclasses * LegoWorld subclasses * Presenter progress * Remaining presenters * All but two that need new files * Merge into vtable branch (#3) * Implement MxDisplaySurface::VTable0x44 (#467) * Update mxdisplaysurface.cpp * add arguments to header * Fix glitched bitmaps * WIP fixes * Match * Fix * Changes * Fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> * Implmement PoliceState::VTable0x1c (#468) * Implmement PoliceState::VTable0x1c * Fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> * Implement Lego3DView::Render (#470) * Implement Lego3DView::Render * use MxDouble * Revert "use MxDouble" This reverts commit a006b60e2066b79ded3e15e143a302d8fd707deb. * Begin work on Police class (#469) * Begin work on Police class * Use JukeBox::e_policeStation value * Fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> * Implement MxDisplaySurface::CreateCursorSurface (#471) * Update mxdisplaysurface.cpp * Fixes * Update legovideomanager.cpp * Match to 100% --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> --------- Co-authored-by: Misha <> Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> Co-authored-by: Joshua Peisach <> * Police fix * Finish * motocycle lower case * Update historybook.h * Update hospitalstate.h * Update jetski.h * Update legoinputmanager.h * Update legolocomotionanimpresenter.h * Update pizza.h * Update act3shark.h * Update ambulancemissionstate.h * Update bumpbouy.h * Update doors.h --------- Co-authored-by: Misha <> Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> Co-authored-by: Joshua Peisach <>
2024-01-20 18:04:46 -05:00
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006b8d0
Enforce vtable match (#464) * vtable enforce * Vtable progress * IslePathActor subclasses * LegoState subclasses * LegoWorld subclasses * Presenter progress * Remaining presenters * All but two that need new files * Merge into vtable branch (#3) * Implement MxDisplaySurface::VTable0x44 (#467) * Update mxdisplaysurface.cpp * add arguments to header * Fix glitched bitmaps * WIP fixes * Match * Fix * Changes * Fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> * Implmement PoliceState::VTable0x1c (#468) * Implmement PoliceState::VTable0x1c * Fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> * Implement Lego3DView::Render (#470) * Implement Lego3DView::Render * use MxDouble * Revert "use MxDouble" This reverts commit a006b60e2066b79ded3e15e143a302d8fd707deb. * Begin work on Police class (#469) * Begin work on Police class * Use JukeBox::e_policeStation value * Fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> * Implement MxDisplaySurface::CreateCursorSurface (#471) * Update mxdisplaysurface.cpp * Fixes * Update legovideomanager.cpp * Match to 100% --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> --------- Co-authored-by: Misha <> Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> Co-authored-by: Joshua Peisach <> * Police fix * Finish * motocycle lower case * Update historybook.h * Update hospitalstate.h * Update jetski.h * Update legoinputmanager.h * Update legolocomotionanimpresenter.h * Update pizza.h * Update act3shark.h * Update ambulancemissionstate.h * Update bumpbouy.h * Update doors.h --------- Co-authored-by: Misha <> Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> Co-authored-by: Joshua Peisach <>
2024-01-20 18:04:46 -05:00
MxResult LegoAnimPresenter::AddToManager()
return MxVideoPresenter::AddToManager();
Enforce vtable match (#464) * vtable enforce * Vtable progress * IslePathActor subclasses * LegoState subclasses * LegoWorld subclasses * Presenter progress * Remaining presenters * All but two that need new files * Merge into vtable branch (#3) * Implement MxDisplaySurface::VTable0x44 (#467) * Update mxdisplaysurface.cpp * add arguments to header * Fix glitched bitmaps * WIP fixes * Match * Fix * Changes * Fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> * Implmement PoliceState::VTable0x1c (#468) * Implmement PoliceState::VTable0x1c * Fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> * Implement Lego3DView::Render (#470) * Implement Lego3DView::Render * use MxDouble * Revert "use MxDouble" This reverts commit a006b60e2066b79ded3e15e143a302d8fd707deb. * Begin work on Police class (#469) * Begin work on Police class * Use JukeBox::e_policeStation value * Fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> * Implement MxDisplaySurface::CreateCursorSurface (#471) * Update mxdisplaysurface.cpp * Fixes * Update legovideomanager.cpp * Match to 100% --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> --------- Co-authored-by: Misha <> Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> Co-authored-by: Joshua Peisach <> * Police fix * Finish * motocycle lower case * Update historybook.h * Update hospitalstate.h * Update jetski.h * Update legoinputmanager.h * Update legolocomotionanimpresenter.h * Update pizza.h * Update act3shark.h * Update ambulancemissionstate.h * Update bumpbouy.h * Update doors.h --------- Co-authored-by: Misha <> Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <> Co-authored-by: Joshua Peisach <>
2024-01-20 18:04:46 -05:00
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006b8e0
void LegoAnimPresenter::Destroy()
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006b8f0
const char* LegoAnimPresenter::GetActionObjectName()
return m_action->GetObjectName();
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006b9a0
void LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_1006b9a0(LegoAnim* p_anim, MxLong p_time, Matrix4* p_matrix)
LegoTreeNode* root = p_anim->GetRoot();
MxMatrix mat;
LegoAnimNodeData* data = (LegoAnimNodeData*) root->GetData();
if (p_matrix != NULL) {
mat = *p_matrix;
else {
LegoROI* roi = m_unk0x68[data->GetUnknown0x20()];
if (roi != NULL) {
mat = roi->GetLocal2World();
else {
if (p_anim->GetScene() != NULL) {
MxMatrix transform(mat);
p_anim->GetScene()->FUN_1009f490(p_time, transform);
if (m_currentWorld != NULL && m_currentWorld->GetCamera() != NULL) {
m_currentWorld->GetCamera()->FUN_100123e0(transform, 0);
LegoROI::FUN_100a8e80(root, mat, p_time, m_unk0x68);
// STUB: LEGO1 0x1006bac0
void LegoAnimPresenter::ParseExtra()
// STUB: LEGO1 0x1006c570
void LegoAnimPresenter::VTable0xa0(Matrix4*)
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006c620
MxResult LegoAnimPresenter::StartAction(MxStreamController* p_controller, MxDSAction* p_action)
MxResult result = MxVideoPresenter::StartAction(p_controller, p_action);
m_displayZ = 0;
return result;
// STUB: LEGO1 0x1006c640
void LegoAnimPresenter::EndAction()
if (m_action) {
if (m_currentWorld) {
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006c7d0
void LegoAnimPresenter::VTable0x8c()
if (m_unk0x78) {
else {
if (m_currentWorld == NULL) {
m_currentWorld = m_unk0x88 != -1 ? FindWorld(m_animAtom, m_unk0x88) : CurrentWorld();
if (m_currentWorld) {
if (!m_compositePresenter || !m_compositePresenter->IsA("LegoAnimMMPresenter")) {
// STUB: LEGO1 0x1006c860
void LegoAnimPresenter::VTable0x90()
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1006c8a0
void LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_1006c8a0(MxBool p_bool)
if (m_unk0x6c != 0 && m_unk0x68 != NULL) {
for (MxU32 i = 1; i <= m_unk0x6c; i++) {
LegoEntity* entity = m_unk0x68[i]->GetEntity();
if (entity != NULL) {
if (p_bool) {
else {
// STUB: LEGO1 0x1006c8f0
MxResult LegoAnimPresenter::VTable0x94(Vector3&, Vector3&, float, float, Vector3&)
return SUCCESS;
// STUB: LEGO1 0x1006ca50
void LegoAnimPresenter::VTable0x98()
// STUB: LEGO1 0x1006d680
void LegoAnimPresenter::FUN_1006d680(LegoAnimActor* p_actor, MxFloat p_value)