2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
2024-12-04 22:33:12 -05:00
"ideas.headerTitle" : "Looking for a project idea?" ,
"ideas.headerDescription" : "Try Scratch’ s Project Idea Generator! Pick as many ideas as you’ d like. Mix and match ideas! <a>Remix your own</a> idea generator! The possibilities are endless." ,
"ideas.headerImageDescription" : "Scratch cat holding a lightning bulb and a block" ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"ideas.headerButtonMessage" : "選個教程" ,
2024-12-04 22:33:12 -05:00
"ideas.startHereText" : "New to Scratch? Start here!" ,
"ideas.gettingStartedButtonText" : "Try Getting Started Tutorial" ,
"ideas.seeTutorialsLibraryButtonText" : "See Tutorials Library" ,
2023-07-31 23:21:01 -04:00
"ideas.gettingStartedImageDescription" : "一个画插画的男孩把他的旗帜插在新画好的山顶上。" ,
2024-12-04 22:33:12 -05:00
"ideas.seeTutorialsLibraryImageDescription" : "An illustration of three tutorial thumbnails." ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"ideas.animateANameTitle" : "姓名動畫" ,
"ideas.animateANameDescription" : "讓你的姓名、綽號或喜愛的字動起來。" ,
2023-07-31 23:21:01 -04:00
"ideas.animateANameImageDescription" : "ANYA这个用大写字母和黑体字母拼成的名字正准备摇摆" ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"ideas.animateACharacterTitle" : "讓角色動起來" ,
"ideas.animateACharacterDescription" : "用動畫賦予角色生命力。" ,
2023-07-31 23:21:01 -04:00
"ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription" : "一个拿着魔杖、戴着巫师帽、留着飘逸白胡子的墨西哥卷饼,迷人地漂浮在近地轨道上。" ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"ideas.makeMusicTitle" : "音樂創作" ,
2019-02-20 09:27:44 -05:00
"ideas.makeMusicDescription" : "選擇樂器、加入音效、按下按鍵,開始演奏音樂。" ,
2023-07-31 23:21:01 -04:00
"ideas.makeMusicImageDescription" : "琴弦在探险家吉布森手里颤动。" ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"ideas.createAStoryTitle" : "創作一個故事" ,
"ideas.createAStoryDescription" : "選擇角色、加入對話,生動表達你的故事。" ,
2023-07-31 23:21:01 -04:00
"ideas.createAStoryImageDescription" : "一个男巫招呼一个正在旅行的女巫前往远处的城堡。" ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"ideas.chaseGameTitle" : "創作一個追逐遊戲" ,
"ideas.chaseGameDescription" : "做個像是貓捉老鼠的遊戲。" ,
2023-07-03 23:20:53 -04:00
"ideas.chaseGameImageDescription" : "一只快乐的章鱼互动地经过一颗星星。" ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"ideas.videoSensingTitle" : "視訊偵測" ,
"ideas.videoSensingDescription" : "利用視訊偵測來與專案有進一步的互動。" ,
2023-07-03 23:20:53 -04:00
"ideas.videoSensingImageDescription" : "一只虚拟的手躲避火焰,试图抚摸一条龙。" ,
"ideas.cardsIllustrationDescription" : "各种有趣的动画人物和物体从一堆卡片中跳出来。" ,
2023-07-31 23:21:01 -04:00
"ideas.starterProjectsImageDescription" : "一张 Scratch 代码编辑器的插图。" ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"ideas.starterProjectsButton" : "探索入門專案" ,
"ideas.tryTheTutorial" : "試試入門教程" ,
"ideas.codingCards" : "編程卡片" ,
"ideas.educatorGuide" : "教育者指南" ,
2024-12-04 22:33:12 -05:00
"ideas.scratchYouTubeChannel" : "ScratchTeam channel" ,
"ideas.scratchYouTubeChannelDescription" : "This is the official <a>Youtube Channel</a> of Scratch. We share resources, tutorials, and stories about Scratch." ,
"ideas.spritesAndVector" : "Sprites & Vector Drawing" ,
"ideas.tipsAndTricks" : "Tips & Tricks" ,
"ideas.advancedTopics" : "Advanced Topics" ,
"ideas.physicalPlayIdeas" : "Physical Play Ideas" ,
"ideas.microBitHeader" : "Have a micro:bit?" ,
"ideas.microBitBody" : "Connect your Scratch project to the real world." ,
"ideas.makeyMakeyHeader" : "Have a MakeyMakey?" ,
"ideas.makeyMakeyBody" : "Turn anything into a key that connects with your Scratch project!" ,
2020-02-04 17:42:35 -05:00
"ideas.desktopEditorHeader" : "Scratch App 下載" ,
2023-02-22 22:20:25 -05:00
"ideas.desktopEditorBodyHTML" : "當沒有網路連線時,你可以使用<a>Scratch app</a>來創作專案。" ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"ideas.questionsHeader" : "問題" ,
2023-02-22 22:20:25 -05:00
"ideas.questionsBodyHTML" : "有其他問題嗎? 看看 <faq>常見問題</faq>,或是造訪 <forum>Help with Scripts 論壇</forum>。" ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"ideas.MakeItFlyTitle" : "飛起來吧" ,
2020-02-04 17:42:35 -05:00
"ideas.MakeItFlyDescription" : "選擇一個角色,讓它飛起來!" ,
2023-07-31 23:21:01 -04:00
"ideas.MakeItFlyImageDescription" : "Scratch 小猫和 Taco 一起在天际线上飞行。" ,
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00
"ideas.PongTitle" : "乒乓球遊戲" ,
"ideas.PongDescription" : "製作一個有音效、有計分功能等效果的彈跳球遊戲。" ,
2023-07-03 23:20:53 -04:00
"ideas.PongImageDescription" : "一个球从数字球拍上弹了回来。" ,
2019-12-24 17:43:24 -05:00
"ideas.ImagineTitle" : "想像的世界" ,
2020-02-04 17:42:35 -05:00
"ideas.ImagineDescription" : "想像你可以創造一個一切都有可能發生的世界!" ,
2023-07-03 23:20:53 -04:00
"ideas.ImagineImageDescription" : "一个女孩骄傲地站在一个像地球一样大、像蝴蝶翅膀一样复杂的思想泡泡前。" ,
2024-12-04 22:33:12 -05:00
"ideas.modalTitle" : "Written Guides" ,
"ideas.modalSectionTitleSpritesAndSounds" : "Sprites and Sounds" ,
"ideas.modalSectionTitleAdvancedTopics" : "Advanced Topics" ,
"ideas.modalCardNameCreateSprite" : "Create a Sprite with the Paint Editor" ,
"ideas.modalCardNameRemix" : "Remix and Re-Imagine Sprites" ,
"ideas.modalCardNameBringDrawingsIntoScratch" : "Bring Your Drawings Into Scratch" ,
"ideas.modalCardNameSound" : "Sound: Add, Record, and Use Text to Speech Blocks" ,
"ideas.modalCardNameCreateAsset" : "Create Your Own Asset Pack" ,
"ideas.modalCardNameConditionalStatements" : "Conditional Statements" ,
"ideas.modalCardNameVariablesLists" : "Variables and Lists" ,
"ideas.modalCardNameCustomBlocks" : "Make Your Custom My Blocks" ,
"ideas.modalCardNameFaceSensing" : "Scratch Lab Face Sensing Coding Cards" ,
"ideas.modalCardNameComputationalConcepts" : "Turtle Graphics Coding Cards" ,
"ideas.downloadGuides" : "<strong>Computer doesn’ t allow Youtube?</strong> Download <a>written guides</a> for these topics."
2019-02-12 04:55:07 -05:00