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synced 2025-02-18 01:11:16 -05:00
176 lines
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176 lines
13 KiB
"Section","Test","Android Emulator 4.4.2","Notes"
"Stage","Drag characters around stage","PASS",
"Stage","Press and hold character and delete","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Home saves project","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Home returns to project library","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Presentation Mode expands to full-screen","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Can return back to project page from presentation mode","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Grid toggles on x-y coordinate grid","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Grid toggles off x-y coordinate grid","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Change background goes to background library","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Can return back to project page from background library","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Text editor allows adding text to stage","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Can change text size in text editor","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Can change color in text editor","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Text can be dragged around stage","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Reset resets all characters to their starting positions on stage.","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Tapping reset stops any script.","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Dragging characters after reset sets up new starting positions","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Green flag starts all scripts that begin with a “Start on Green Flag”","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Folded corner in top-right takes you to change title screen","PASS",
"Icons above stage","Change title screen allows you to change the title of the project and save it","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Can drag a block to programming area","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Connecting two blocks works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Breaking apart two blocks works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Repeat block connects in the right place","PASS",
"Programming blocks","All six block categories can be selected","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Numerical input feature works (type, delete)","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Negative numbers can be input and work","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Triggering: Green flag block works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Triggering: Tap block works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Triggering: Touch block works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Triggering: Start on message block works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Triggering: Send message works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Move left 1 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Move left 2 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Move left -3 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Move right 1 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Move right 2 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Move right -3 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Move up 1 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Move up 2 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Move up -3 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Move down 1 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Move down 2 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Move down -3 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Turn left 1 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Turn left 2 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Turn left -3 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Turn right 1 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Turn right 2 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Turn right -3 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Hop 1 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Hop 2 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Hop -3 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Motion: Go Home works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Looks: Grow 1 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Looks: Grow 2 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Looks: Grow -3 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Looks: Shrink 1 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Looks: Shrink 2 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Looks: Shrink -3 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Looks: Default size works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Looks: Hide works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Looks: Show works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Looks: Speech bubble works","FAIL","Text box is not visible when keyboard pops up"
"Programming blocks","Sounds: Record sound allows user to record sound",,
"Programming blocks","Sounds: Sound limit is up to 1 minute in sound editor","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Sounds: Can play back recorded sound in sound editor",,
"Programming blocks","Sounds: Sound editor saves on close",,
"Programming blocks","Sounds: Dragging play recorded sound block onto programming area plays",,
"Programming blocks","Sounds: Pre-set “pop” sound works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Sounds: Possible for user to disable microphone","FAIL","Not possible in this build"
"Programming blocks","Sounds: Can play back recorded sound in sound editor",,
"Programming blocks","Control: Wait for block waits indicated time","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Control: Stop block works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Control: Slow speed works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Control: Medium speed works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Control: Fast speed works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Control: Repeat 1 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Control: Repeat 3 works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","End Blocks: End block works (NOP)","PASS",
"Programming blocks","End Blocks: Repeat block works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","End Blocks: Jump to page works","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Undo reverses a block creation","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Redo reverses a block cration undo","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Undo reverses a changed value","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Redo reverses a changed value undo","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Undo reverses a character creation","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Redo reverses a character creation undo","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Undo reverses a character deletion","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Redo reverses a character deletion undo","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Undo reverses a page creation","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Redo reverses a page creation undo","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Undo reverses a page deletion","PASS",
"Programming blocks","Redo reverses a page deletion undo","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Tapping a character thumbnail selects the character","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Tapping plus adds a new character","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Tapping character's name allows you to rename it","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Tapping paintbrush allows editing character in paint editor","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Press and hold character thumbnail to delete","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Dragging character to a page thumbnail copies it and scripts to page","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Character thumbnails scroll vertically when more than four characters in project","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Tapping a page thumbnail selects the page","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Tapping plus adds a new page","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Each page has its own set of characters and a background","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Press and hold page thumbnail to delete page","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Dragging pages into a new position reorders pages","PASS",
"Thumbnails","Moving a character on the stage should be reflected in the page thumbnail","PASS",
"Libraries","Tapping plus on character thumbnails enters character library","PASS",
"Libraries","Double-tapping character thumbnail adds character to the stage","PASS",
"Libraries","Selecting the character and tapping the check mark adds character to stage","PASS",
"Libraries","Tapping paintbrush icon in top-right of character library opens the paint editor","PASS",
"Libraries","Selecting the blank character at the top-left and tapping paintbrush icon opens the paint editor","PASS",
"Libraries","Selecting a character and tapping the paintbrush icon enters the paint editor to edit selected character","PASS",
"Libraries","When character thumbnail selected, name of character is seen in character library","PASS",
"Libraries","Word “Character” for user-created characters should show at top of library if not named","PASS",
"Libraries","Character library can be scrolled vertically","PASS",
"Libraries","Tapping 'X' in top-right exits character library","PASS",
"Libraries","User-created characters are listed in front of the pre-set characters","PASS",
"Libraries","Double-tapping background thumbnail adds background to the stage","PASS",
"Libraries","Selecting the background and tapping the check mark adds background to stage","PASS",
"Libraries","Tapping paintbrush icon in top-right of background library opens the paint editor","PASS",
"Libraries","Selecting the blank background page at the top-left and tapping paintbrush icon opens the paint editor","PASS",
"Libraries","Selecting a background and tapping the paintbrush icon enters the paint editor to edit selected background","PASS",
"Libraries","When background thumbnail selected, name of background is seen in background library","PASS",
"Libraries","Word “background” for user-created backgrounds should show at top of library if not named","PASS",
"Libraries","Background library can be scrolled vertically","PASS",
"Libraries","Tapping 'X' in top-right exits background library","PASS",
"Libraries","User-created backgrounds are listed in front of the pre-set backgrounds","PASS",
"Libraries","On “My Projects” page, thumbnails show number of pages in project in a 'stack' behind each other","PASS",
"Libraries","On “My Projects” page, projects are ordered numerically if not named by the user","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Line tool draws freehand shapes and lines","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Tapping shape with line tool selected changes outline thickness","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Adjusting line thickness functions for both pre-set shapes and user-created shapes","FAIL","Only for user-created shapes"
"Paint Editor","Ellipse tool creates an ellipse","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Square tool creates a square / rectangle","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Triangle tool creates a triangle","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Arrow tool allows user to freely drag entire shape","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Tapping a shape with the arrow tool selected activates the warp tool and warp tool works","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Tapping on an existing warp tool point deletes the point","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Tapping and holding shape with rotate tool selected allows clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Stamp tool allows creating a copy of a shape","PASS",
"Paint Editor","After copy made, arrow tool selects automatically and copied shape can be moved","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Scissors tool allows user to delete shape","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Tapping a shape with the camera tool activates camera mode","PASS",
"Paint Editor","In camera mode, body of shape acts as a camera lens","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Tapping camera-rotate icon flips perspective of the lens","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Tapping X in top-left exits camera mode","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Tapping camera button in bottom-middle takes photo","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Tapping shape with paint-bucket tool adds or changes color of shape","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Undo reverses a mistake","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Redo reverses the last undo","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Drag 3 fingers in the paint editor to adjust and navigate the perspective",,
"Paint Editor","Selecting a color and a shape/line tool allows the user to create a colored shape / line","PASS",
"Paint Editor","Selecting a color and the paint-bucket tool allows the user to add or change the color of the shape","PASS",
"Help / About","Video tutorial plays","FAIL","Crashes emulator"
"Help / About","Sample project 1 works","PASS",
"Help / About","Sample project 2 works","PASS",
"Help / About","Sample project 3 works","PASS",
"Help / About","Sample project 4 works","PASS",
"Help / About","Sample project 5 works","PASS",
"Help / About","Sample project 6 works","PASS",
"Help / About","Sample project 7 works","PASS",
"Help / About","Sample project 8 works","PASS",
"Help / About","Tapping the question mark at top of screen accesses Help page","PASS",
"Help / About","Tutorials are interactive and can be changed","PASS",
"Help / About","No changes are saved to tutorial after exiting","PASS",
"Help / About","In tutorials, scripts can be deleted but characters cannot be deleted","PASS",
"Help / About","About page shows detailed guide to project editor","PASS",
"Help / About","About page shows detailed guide to paint editor","PASS",
"Help / About","About page shows detailed guide to blocks","PASS",
"Help / About","Book icon selects About page","PASS",
"Help / About","All of the circled numbers in the interface and paint editor guides can be tapped","FAIL","Circles don't select"
"Known Bugs","Encompassing blocks with repeat block if it has a red block attached to it will not work",,
"Known Bugs","Empty shapes created in the paint editor do not separate after being copied",,
"Additional Notes",,,"When there are not two cameras, adjust perspective still shows"