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@header GAIDictionaryBuilder.h
@abstract Google Analytics iOS SDK Hit Format Header
@copyright Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "GAIEcommerceProduct.h"
#import "GAIEcommerceProductAction.h"
#import "GAIEcommercePromotion.h"
* Helper class to build a dictionary of hit parameters and values.
* <br>
* Examples:
* <code>
* id<GAITracker> t = // get a tracker.
* [t send:[[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createEventWithCategory:@"EventCategory"
* action:@"EventAction"
* label:nil
* value:nil]
* set:@"dimension1" forKey:[GAIFields customDimensionForIndex:1]] build]];
* </code>
* This will send an event hit type with the specified parameters
* and a custom dimension parameter.
* <br>
* If you want to send a parameter with all hits, set it on GAITracker directly.
* <code>
* [t set:kGAIScreenName value:@"Home"];
* [t send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createSocialWithNetwork:@"Google+"
* action:@"PlusOne"
* target:@"SOME_URL"] build]];
* [t send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createSocialWithNetwork:@"Google+"
* action:@"Share"
* target:@"SOME_POST"] build]];
* [t send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createSocialWithNetwork:@"Google+"
* action:@"HangOut"
* target:@"SOME_CIRCLE"]
* build]];
* </code>
* You can override a value set on the tracker by adding it to the dictionary.
* <code>
* [t set:kGAIScreenName value:@"Home"];
* [t send:...];
* [t send[[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createEventWithCategory:@"click"
* action:@"popup"
* label:nil
* value:nil]
* set:@"popup title" forKey:kGAIScreenName] build]];
* </code>
* The values set via [GAIDictionaryBuilder set] or
* [GAIDictionaryBuilder setAll] will override any existing values in the
* GAIDictionaryBuilder object (i.e. initialized by
* [GAIDictionaryBuilder createXYZ]). e.g.
* <code>
* GAIDictionaryBuilder *m =
* GAIDictionaryBuilder createTimingWithCategory:@"category"
* interval:@0
* name:@"name"
* label:nil];
* [t send:[m.set:@"10" forKey:kGAITimingVar] build];
* [t send:[m.set:@"20" forKey:kGAITimingVar] build];
* </code>
@interface GAIDictionaryBuilder : NSObject
- (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)set:(NSString *)value
forKey:(NSString *)key;
* Copies all the name-value pairs from params into this object, ignoring any
* keys that are not NSString and any values that are neither NSString or
* NSNull.
- (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)setAll:(NSDictionary *)params;
* Returns the value for the input parameter paramName, or nil if paramName
* is not present.
- (NSString *)get:(NSString *)paramName;
* Return an NSMutableDictionary object with all the parameters set in this
- (NSMutableDictionary *)build;
* Parses and translates utm campaign parameters to analytics campaign param
* and returns them as a map.
* @param params url containing utm campaign parameters.
* Valid campaign parameters are:
* <ul>
* <li>utm_id</li>
* <li>utm_campaign</li>
* <li>utm_content</li>
* <li>utm_medium</li>
* <li>utm_source</li>
* <li>utm_term</li>
* <li>dclid</li>
* <li>gclid</li>
* <li>gmob_t</li>
* <li>aclid</li>
* <li>anid</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Example:
* http://my.site.com/index.html?utm_campaign=wow&utm_source=source
* utm_campaign=wow&utm_source=source.
* <p>
* For more information on auto-tagging, see
* http://support.google.com/googleanalytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=55590
* <p>
* For more information on manual tagging, see
* http://support.google.com/googleanalytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=55518
- (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)setCampaignParametersFromUrl:(NSString *)urlString;
Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to an appview
Note that using this method will not set the screen name for followon hits. To
do that you need to call set:kGAIDescription value:<screenName> on the
GAITracker instance.
This method is deprecated. Use createScreenView instead.
+ (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createAppView DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Use createScreenView instead.");
Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to a screenview
Note that using this method will not set the screen name for followon hits. To
do that you need to call set:kGAIDescription value:<screenName> on the
GAITracker instance.
+ (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createScreenView;
Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to an event hit.
+ (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createEventWithCategory:(NSString *)category
action:(NSString *)action
label:(NSString *)label
value:(NSNumber *)value;
Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to an exception
+ (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createExceptionWithDescription:(NSString *)description
withFatal:(NSNumber *)fatal;
Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to an item hit.
+ (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createItemWithTransactionId:(NSString *)transactionId
name:(NSString *)name
sku:(NSString *)sku
category:(NSString *)category
price:(NSNumber *)price
quantity:(NSNumber *)quantity
currencyCode:(NSString *)currencyCode;
Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to a social hit.
+ (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createSocialWithNetwork:(NSString *)network
action:(NSString *)action
target:(NSString *)target;
Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to a timing hit.
+ (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createTimingWithCategory:(NSString *)category
interval:(NSNumber *)intervalMillis
name:(NSString *)name
label:(NSString *)label;
Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to a transaction
+ (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createTransactionWithId:(NSString *)transactionId
affiliation:(NSString *)affiliation
revenue:(NSNumber *)revenue
tax:(NSNumber *)tax
shipping:(NSNumber *)shipping
currencyCode:(NSString *)currencyCode;
Set the product action field for this hit.
- (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)setProductAction:(GAIEcommerceProductAction *)productAction;
Adds a product to this hit.
- (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)addProduct:(GAIEcommerceProduct *)product;
Add a product impression to this hit.
- (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)addProductImpression:(GAIEcommerceProduct *)product
impressionList:(NSString *)name
impressionSource:(NSString *)source;
Add a promotion to this hit.
- (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)addPromotion:(GAIEcommercePromotion *)promotion;