/*! @header GAIDictionaryBuilder.h @abstract Google Analytics iOS SDK Hit Format Header @copyright Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved. */ #import #import "GAIEcommerceProduct.h" #import "GAIEcommerceProductAction.h" #import "GAIEcommercePromotion.h" /*! * Helper class to build a dictionary of hit parameters and values. *
* Examples: * * id t = // get a tracker. * [t send:[[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createEventWithCategory:@"EventCategory" * action:@"EventAction" * label:nil * value:nil] * set:@"dimension1" forKey:[GAIFields customDimensionForIndex:1]] build]]; * * This will send an event hit type with the specified parameters * and a custom dimension parameter. *
* If you want to send a parameter with all hits, set it on GAITracker directly. * * [t set:kGAIScreenName value:@"Home"]; * [t send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createSocialWithNetwork:@"Google+" * action:@"PlusOne" * target:@"SOME_URL"] build]]; * [t send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createSocialWithNetwork:@"Google+" * action:@"Share" * target:@"SOME_POST"] build]]; * [t send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createSocialWithNetwork:@"Google+" * action:@"HangOut" * target:@"SOME_CIRCLE"] * build]]; * * You can override a value set on the tracker by adding it to the dictionary. * * [t set:kGAIScreenName value:@"Home"]; * [t send:...]; * [t send[[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createEventWithCategory:@"click" * action:@"popup" * label:nil * value:nil] * set:@"popup title" forKey:kGAIScreenName] build]]; * * The values set via [GAIDictionaryBuilder set] or * [GAIDictionaryBuilder setAll] will override any existing values in the * GAIDictionaryBuilder object (i.e. initialized by * [GAIDictionaryBuilder createXYZ]). e.g. * * GAIDictionaryBuilder *m = * GAIDictionaryBuilder createTimingWithCategory:@"category" * interval:@0 * name:@"name" * label:nil]; * [t send:[m.set:@"10" forKey:kGAITimingVar] build]; * [t send:[m.set:@"20" forKey:kGAITimingVar] build]; * */ @interface GAIDictionaryBuilder : NSObject - (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)set:(NSString *)value forKey:(NSString *)key; /*! * Copies all the name-value pairs from params into this object, ignoring any * keys that are not NSString and any values that are neither NSString or * NSNull. */ - (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)setAll:(NSDictionary *)params; /*! * Returns the value for the input parameter paramName, or nil if paramName * is not present. */ - (NSString *)get:(NSString *)paramName; /*! * Return an NSMutableDictionary object with all the parameters set in this */ - (NSMutableDictionary *)build; /*! * Parses and translates utm campaign parameters to analytics campaign param * and returns them as a map. * * @param params url containing utm campaign parameters. * * Valid campaign parameters are: * *

* Example: * http://my.site.com/index.html?utm_campaign=wow&utm_source=source * utm_campaign=wow&utm_source=source. *

* For more information on auto-tagging, see * http://support.google.com/googleanalytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=55590 *

* For more information on manual tagging, see * http://support.google.com/googleanalytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=55518 */ - (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)setCampaignParametersFromUrl:(NSString *)urlString; /*! Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to an appview hit. Note that using this method will not set the screen name for followon hits. To do that you need to call set:kGAIDescription value: on the GAITracker instance. This method is deprecated. Use createScreenView instead. */ + (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createAppView DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Use createScreenView instead."); /*! Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to a screenview hit. Note that using this method will not set the screen name for followon hits. To do that you need to call set:kGAIDescription value: on the GAITracker instance. */ + (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createScreenView; /*! Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to an event hit. */ + (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createEventWithCategory:(NSString *)category action:(NSString *)action label:(NSString *)label value:(NSNumber *)value; /*! Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to an exception hit. */ + (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createExceptionWithDescription:(NSString *)description withFatal:(NSNumber *)fatal; /*! Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to an item hit. */ + (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createItemWithTransactionId:(NSString *)transactionId name:(NSString *)name sku:(NSString *)sku category:(NSString *)category price:(NSNumber *)price quantity:(NSNumber *)quantity currencyCode:(NSString *)currencyCode; /*! Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to a social hit. */ + (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createSocialWithNetwork:(NSString *)network action:(NSString *)action target:(NSString *)target; /*! Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to a timing hit. */ + (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createTimingWithCategory:(NSString *)category interval:(NSNumber *)intervalMillis name:(NSString *)name label:(NSString *)label; /*! Returns a GAIDictionaryBuilder object with parameters specific to a transaction hit. */ + (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)createTransactionWithId:(NSString *)transactionId affiliation:(NSString *)affiliation revenue:(NSNumber *)revenue tax:(NSNumber *)tax shipping:(NSNumber *)shipping currencyCode:(NSString *)currencyCode; /*! Set the product action field for this hit. */ - (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)setProductAction:(GAIEcommerceProductAction *)productAction; /*! Adds a product to this hit. */ - (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)addProduct:(GAIEcommerceProduct *)product; /*! Add a product impression to this hit. */ - (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)addProductImpression:(GAIEcommerceProduct *)product impressionList:(NSString *)name impressionSource:(NSString *)source; /*! Add a promotion to this hit. */ - (GAIDictionaryBuilder *)addPromotion:(GAIEcommercePromotion *)promotion; @end