2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.headerMessage" : "O tla hlama eng?" ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.headerImageDescription" : "Outlandish creations from pixelated unicorns to drumbeat waveforms to levitating tacos to buckets of rainbows." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.headerButtonMessage" : "Kgetha thutišo" ,
"ideas.gettingStartedTitle" : "Go thomiša" ,
"ideas.gettingStartedText" : "O yo moswa go Scratch? Leka thutišo ya Go thoma." ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.gettingStartedImageDescription" : "An illustrated boy plants his flag on top of a freshly painted mountaintop." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.tryIt" : " E leke!" ,
"ideas.activityGuidesTitle" : "Ditlhahlo tša mešongwana" ,
"ideas.activityGuidesText" : "O nyaka go dira eng ka Scratch? Go mošomo wo mongwe le wo mongwe ka leka Thutišo, fegolla sete ya Dikarata tša go Khouta goba o lebelele Thlahlo ya Morutiši." ,
"ideas.animateANameTitle" : "Dira seswantšho sa leina" ,
"ideas.animateANameDescription" : "Dira seswantšho sa maletere a leina la gago, maletere a pele a leina goba lentšu leo o le ratago." ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.animateANameImageDescription" : "The name ANYA in all caps and blocked letters is poised to wiggle" ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.animateACharacterTitle" : "Dira seswantšho sa motšeakarolo" ,
"ideas.animateACharacterDescription" : "Dira gore batšeakarolo ba phele ka diswantšho." ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.animateACharacterImageDescription" : "An taco with a wand, wizard cap and flowing white beard floats enchantingly in low-Earth orbit." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.makeMusicTitle" : "Dira Mmino" ,
"ideas.makeMusicDescription" : "Kgetha diletšwa, oketša medumo, kgotla dikonope go bapala mmino." ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.makeMusicImageDescription" : "Strings vibrate on an illustrated Gibson explorer." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.createAStoryTitle" : "Hlama kanegelo" ,
"ideas.createAStoryDescription" : "Kgetha batšeakarolo, oketša poledišano gomme o dire gore kanegelo ya gago e be le bophelo." ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.createAStoryImageDescription" : "A wizard beckons a traveling witch towards a distant castle." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.chaseGameTitle" : "Dira papadi ya go kitimiša" ,
"ideas.chaseGameDescription" : "Dira papadi yeo o kitimišago motšeakarolo gore o humane dinthla." ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.chaseGameImageDescription" : "A happy interactive octopus passes over a star." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.videoSensingTitle" : "Sekwi sa Video" ,
"ideas.videoSensingDescription" : "Šomana le projeke o šomiša koketšo ya tšhomišo ya Sekwi sa Video." ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.videoSensingImageDescription" : "A virtual hand dodges a spurt of flame in an attempt to pet a dragon." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.seeAllTutorials" : "Bona dithutišo ka moka" ,
"ideas.cardsTitle" : "Hwetša kgoboketšo ka moka ya Dikarata tša go Khouta" ,
"ideas.cardsText" : "Ka Dikarata tša go Khouta tša Scratch o ka ithuta go hlama dipapadi tša go emaema, dikanegelo, mmino, diswantšho le go feta." ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.cardsIllustrationDescription" : "An assortment of fun, animated characters and objects leap out of a stack of cards." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.starterProjectsTitle" : "Diprojeke tša go thoma" ,
"ideas.starterProjectsText" : "O ka bapala ka diprojeke tša go thoma gomme o di kopanye go dira hlamo ya gago." ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.starterProjectsImageDescription" : "An illustration of the Scratch Code Editor." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.starterProjectsButton" : "Utulla diprojeke tša go thoma" ,
"ideas.tryTheTutorial" : "Leka thutišo" ,
"ideas.codingCards" : "Dikarata tša go khouta" ,
"ideas.educatorGuide" : "Thlahlo ya morutiši" ,
"ideas.desktopEditorHeader" : "Go fegolla Scratch App" ,
"ideas.desktopEditorBody" : "Go hlama diprojeke ntle le go tsena inthaneteng ,o ka <a href=\"/download\">fegolla Scratch app </a>." ,
2023-02-23 03:20:25 +00:00
"ideas.desktopEditorBodyHTML" : "Go hlama diprojeke ntle le go tsena inthaneteng ,o ka <a>fegolla Scratch app </a>." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.questionsHeader" : "Dipotšišo" ,
"ideas.questionsBody" : "O nale dipotšišo tše oketšegilego? Bona<a href=\"/info/faq\">Dipotšišo tšeo di tšwelelago kgafetša kgafetša</a>goba etela <a href=\"/discuss/7/\"> Foramo ya go thuša ka dingwalwa</a>." ,
2023-02-23 03:20:25 +00:00
"ideas.questionsBodyHTML" : "O nale dipotšišo tše oketšegilego? Bona<faq>Dipotšišo tšeo di tšwelelago kgafetša kgafetša</faq>goba etela <forum> Foramo ya go thuša ka dingwalwa</forum>." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.cardsPurchase" : "Reka Disete tšeo di Tlantšwego" ,
"ideas.MakeItFlyTitle" : "Dira gore e Fofe" ,
"ideas.MakeItFlyDescription" : "Kgetha motšeakarolo gomme o dire gore a fofe!" ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.MakeItFlyImageDescription" : "The scratch cat flies over the skyline. Alongside a flying taco." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.RaceTitle" : "Kitimela go Fetša" ,
"ideas.RaceDescription" : "Dira papadi moo batšeakarolo ba babedi ba šianago." ,
"ideas.HideAndSeekTitle" : "Go khutelana" ,
"ideas.HideAndSeekDescription" : "Dira papadi ya go khutelana moo batšeakarolo ba bonalago lego timelela." ,
"ideas.FashionTitle" : "Papadi ya fešene" ,
"ideas.FashionDescription" : "Dira papadi yeo o apešago motšeakarolo diaparo tša go fapana le tša mehuta ya go fapana." ,
"ideas.PongTitle" : "Papadi ya Pong" ,
"ideas.PongDescription" : "Dira papadi ya kgwele ya go bamba ya go ba le medumo, dinthla le tše dingwe." ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.PongImageDescription" : "A ball bounces off a digital paddle." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.ImagineTitle" : "Nagana lefase" ,
"ideas.ImagineDescription" : "Nagana lefase leo se sengwe le se sengwe se kgonagalago." ,
2023-04-08 03:20:30 +00:00
"ideas.ImagineImageDescription" : "A girl stands proudly in front of a thought bubble as big as the Earth and as intricate as butterfly wings." ,
2021-01-25 15:19:04 -05:00
"ideas.DanceTitle" : "A re Bineng" ,
"ideas.DanceDescription" : "Dira moakanyetšo wa karolo ya diswantšho tša go bina moo go nago le mmino le meragelo ya go bina." ,
"ideas.CatchTitle" : "Papadi ya go kaba" ,
"ideas.CatchDescription" : "Dira papadi yeo o kgonago go kaba dilo tšeo di wago go tšwa lefaufaung." ,
"ideas.VirtualPetTitle" : "Seruiwaratwa sa kgopolo" ,
"ideas.VirtualPetDescription" : "Hlama seruiwaratwa sa go emaema sa go kgona go ja, go nwa le go bapala."