2013-05-03 19:16:52 -04:00
* Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting.
* http://paperjs.org/
* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey
* http://lehni.org/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/
* Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
* All rights reserved.
* Geometric Vector Boolean Operations
* This is mostly written for clarity and compatibility, not optimised for
* performance, and has to be tested heavily for stability.
* Supported
* - paperjs Path and CompoundPath objects
* - Boolean Union
* - Boolean Intersection
* - Boolean Subtraction
* - Resolving a self-intersecting Path
* Not supported yet
* - Boolean operations on self-intersecting Paths
* - Paths are clones of each other that ovelap exactly on top of each other!
* @author Harikrishnan Gopalakrishnan
* http://hkrish.com/playground/paperjs/booleanStudy.html
* A boolean operator is a binary operator function of the form
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* f(isPath1:boolean, isInsidePath1:Boolean, isInsidePath2:Boolean) :Boolean
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* Boolean operator determines whether a curve segment in the operands is part
* of the boolean result, and will be called for each curve segment in the graph after
* all the intersections between the operands are calculated and curves in the operands
* are split at intersections.
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* These functions should have a name ("union", "subtraction" etc. below), if we need to
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* do operator specific operations on paths inside the computeBoolean function.
* for example: if the name of the operator is "subtraction" then we need to reverse the second
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* operand. Subtraction is neither associative nor commutative.
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* The boolean operator should return a Boolean value indicating whether to keep the curve or not.
* return true - keep the curve
* return false - discard the curve
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unite: function(path, _cache) {
var unionOp = function union(isPath1, isInsidePath1, isInsidePath2) {
return (isInsidePath1 || isInsidePath2)? false : true;
return this._computeBoolean(this, path, unionOp, _cache);
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intersect: function(path, _cache) {
var intersectionOp = function intersection(isPath1, isInsidePath1, isInsidePath2) {
return (!isInsidePath1 && !isInsidePath2)? false : true;
return this._computeBoolean(this, path, intersectionOp, _cache);
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subtract: function(path, _cache) {
var subtractionOp = function subtraction(isPath1, isInsidePath1, isInsidePath2) {
return ((isPath1 && isInsidePath2) || (!isPath1 && !isInsidePath1))? false : true;
return this._computeBoolean(this, path, subtractionOp, _cache);
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* Compound boolean operators combine the basic boolean operations such as union, intersection,
* subtract etc.
* TODO: cache the split objects and find a way to properly clone them!
// a.k.a. eXclusiveOR
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exclude: function(path) {
var res1 = this.subtract(path);
var res2 = path.subtract(this);
var res = new Group([res1, res2]);
return res;
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// Divide path1 by path2
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divide: function(path) {
var res1 = this.subtract(path);
var res2 = this.intersect(path);
var res = new Group([res1, res2]);
return res;
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_splitPath: function(_ixs, other) {
// Sort function for sorting intersections in the descending order
function sortIx(a, b) { return b.parameter - a.parameter; }
other = other || false;
var i, j, k, l, len, ixs, ix, path, crv, vals;
var ixPoint, nuSeg;
var paths = {}, lastPathId = null;
for (i = 0, l = _ixs.length; i < l; i++) {
ix = (other)? _ixs[i].getIntersection() : _ixs[i];
if (!paths[ix.path.id]) {
paths[ix.path.id] = ix.path;
if (!ix.curve._ixParams) {ix.curve._ixParams = []; }
ix.curve._ixParams.push({ parameter: ix.parameter, pair: ix.getIntersection() });
for (k in paths) {
if (!paths.hasOwnProperty(k)) { continue; }
path = paths[k];
var lastNode = path.lastSegment, firstNode = path.firstSegment;
var nextNode = null, left = null, right = null, parts = null, isLinear;
var handleIn, handleOut;
while (nextNode !== firstNode) {
nextNode = (nextNode)? nextNode.previous: lastNode;
if (nextNode.curve._ixParams) {
ixs = nextNode.curve._ixParams;
crv = nextNode.getCurve();
isLinear = crv.isLinear();
crv = vals = null;
for (i = 0, l = ixs.length; i < l; i++) {
ix = ixs[i];
crv = nextNode.getCurve();
if (!vals) vals = crv.getValues();
if (ix.parameter === 0.0 || ix.parameter === 1.0) {
// Intersection is on an existing node
// no need to create a new segment,
// we just link the corresponding intersections together
nuSeg = (ix.parameter === 0.0)? crv.segment1 : crv.segment2;
nuSeg._ixPair = ix.pair;
nuSeg._ixPair._segment = nuSeg;
} else {
parts = Curve.subdivide(vals, ix.parameter);
left = parts[0];
right = parts[1];
handleIn = handleOut = null;
ixPoint = new Point(right[0], right[1]);
if (!isLinear) {
crv.segment1.handleOut = new Point(left[2] - left[0], left[3] - left[1]);
crv.segment2.handleIn = new Point(right[4] - right[6], right[5] - right[7]);
handleIn = new Point(left[4] - ixPoint.x, left[5] - ixPoint.y);
handleOut = new Point(right[2] - ixPoint.x, right[3] - ixPoint.y);
nuSeg = new Segment(ixPoint, handleIn, handleOut);
nuSeg._ixPair = ix.pair;
nuSeg._ixPair._segment = nuSeg;
path.insert(nextNode.index + 1, nuSeg);
for (j = i + 1; j < l; j++) {
ixs[j].parameter = ixs[j].parameter / ix.parameter;
vals = left;
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* To deal with a HTML canvas requirement where CompoundPaths' child contours
* has to be of different winding direction for correctly filling holes.
* But if some individual countours are disjoint, i.e. islands, we have to
* reorient them so that
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* the holes have opposit winding direction (already handled by paperjs)
* islands has to have same winding direction (as the first child of the path)
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* Does NOT handle selfIntersecting CompoundPaths.
* @param {CompoundPath} path - Input CompoundPath, Note: This path could be modified if need be.
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* @return {boolean} the winding direction of the base contour(true if clockwise)
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_reorientCompoundPath: function(path) {
if (!(path instanceof CompoundPath)) {
path.closed = true;
return path.clockwise;
var children = path.children, len = children.length, baseWinding;
var bounds = new Array(len);
var tmparray = new Array(len);
baseWinding = children[0].clockwise;
// Omit the first path
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
children[i].closed = true;
bounds[i] = children[i].bounds;
tmparray[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var p1 = children[i];
for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
var p2 = children[j];
if (i !== j && bounds[i].contains(bounds[j])) {
for (i = 1; i < len; i++) {
if (tmparray[i] % 2 === 0) {
children[i].clockwise = baseWinding;
return baseWinding;
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_reversePath: function(path) {
var baseWinding;
if (path instanceof CompoundPath) {
var children = path.children, i, len;
for (i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
children[i]._curves = null;
baseWinding = children[0].clockwise;
} else {
baseWinding = path.clockwise;
path._curves = null;
return baseWinding;
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2013-05-03 19:21:44 -04:00
_computeBoolean: function(path1, path2, operator, _splitCache) {
var _path1, _path2, path1Clockwise, path2Clockwise;
var ixs, path1Id, path2Id;
// We do not modify the operands themselves
// The result might not belong to the same type
// i.e. subtraction(A:Path, B:Path):CompoundPath etc.
_path1 = path1.clone();
_path2 = path2.clone();
_path1.style = _path2.style = null;
_path1.selected = _path2.selected = false;
path1Clockwise = this._reorientCompoundPath(_path1);
path2Clockwise = this._reorientCompoundPath(_path2);
path1Id = _path1.id;
path2Id = _path2.id;
// Calculate all the intersections
ixs = (_splitCache && _splitCache.intersections)?
_splitCache.intersections : _path1.getIntersections(_path2);
// if we have a empty _splitCache object as an operand,
// skip calculating boolean and cache the intersections
if (_splitCache && !_splitCache.intersections) {
_splitCache.intersections = ixs;
this._splitPath(ixs, true);
path1Id = _path1.id;
path2Id = _path2.id;
// Do operator specific calculations before we begin
if (operator.name === "subtraction") {
path2Clockwise = this._reversePath(_path2);
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var i, j, len, path, crv;
var paths = [];
if (_path1 instanceof CompoundPath) {
paths = paths.concat(_path1.children);
} else {
paths = [ _path1 ];
if (_path2 instanceof CompoundPath) {
paths = paths.concat(_path2.children);
} else {
// step 1: discard invalid links according to the boolean operator
var lastNode, firstNode, nextNode, midPoint, insidePath1, insidePath2;
var thisId, thisWinding, contains, subtractionOp = (operator.name === 'subtraction');
for (i = 0, len = paths.length; i < len; i++) {
insidePath1 = insidePath2 = false;
path = paths[i];
thisId = (path.parent instanceof CompoundPath)? path.parent.id : path.id;
thisWinding = path.clockwise;
lastNode = path.lastSegment;
firstNode = path.firstSegment;
nextNode = null;
while (nextNode !== firstNode) {
nextNode = (nextNode)? nextNode.previous: lastNode;
crv = nextNode.curve;
midPoint = crv.getPoint(0.5);
if (thisId !== path1Id) {
contains = _path1.
insidePath1 = (thisWinding === path1Clockwise || subtractionOp)? contains :
contains && !this._testOnCurve(_path1, midPoint);
if (thisId !== path2Id) {
contains = _path2.contains(midPoint);
insidePath2 = (thisWinding === path2Clockwise)? contains :
contains && !this._testOnCurve(_path2, midPoint);
if (!operator(thisId === path1Id, insidePath1, insidePath2)) {
crv._INVALID = true;
// markPoint(midPoint, '+');
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// Final step: Retrieve the resulting paths from the graph
var boolResult = new CompoundPath();
var node, nuNode, nuPath, nodeList = [], handle;
for (i = 0, len = paths.length; i < len; i++) {
nodeList = nodeList.concat(paths[i].segments);
for (i = 0, len = nodeList.length; i < len; i++) {
node = nodeList[i];
if (node.curve._INVALID || node._visited) { continue; }
path = node.path;
thisId = (path.parent instanceof CompoundPath)? path.parent.id : path.id;
thisWinding = path.clockwise;
nuPath = new Path();
firstNode = null;
firstNode_ix = null;
if (node.previous.curve._INVALID) {
node.handleIn = (node._ixPair)?
node._ixPair.getIntersection()._segment.handleIn : [ 0, 0 ];
while (node && !node._visited && (node !== firstNode && node !== firstNode_ix)) {
node._visited = true;
firstNode = (firstNode)? firstNode: node;
firstNode_ix = (!firstNode_ix && firstNode._ixPair)?
firstNode._ixPair.getIntersection()._segment: firstNode_ix;
// node._ixPair is this node's intersection CurveLocation object
// node._ixPair.getIntersection() is the other CurveLocation object this node intersects with
nextNode = (node._ixPair && node.curve._INVALID)? node._ixPair.getIntersection()._segment : node;
if (node._ixPair) {
nextNode._visited = true;
nuNode = new Segment(node.point, node.handleIn, nextNode.handleOut);
node = nextNode;
path = node.path;
thisWinding = path.clockwise;
} else {
node = node.next;
if (nuPath.segments.length > 1) {
// avoid stray segments and incomplete paths
if (nuPath.segments.length > 2 || !nuPath.curves[0].isLinear()) {
nuPath.closed = true;
boolResult.addChild(nuPath, true);
// Delete the proxies
// And then, we are done.
return boolResult.reduce();
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_testOnCurve: function(path, point) {
var res = 0;
var crv = path.getCurves();
var i = 0;
var bounds = path.bounds;
if (bounds && bounds.contains(point)) {
for(i = 0; i < crv.length && !res; i++) {
var crvi = crv[i];
if (crvi.bounds.contains(point) && crvi.getParameterOf(point)) {
res = 1;
return res;
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