1 Add methods for special server endpoints
Scott Erickson edited this page 2016-06-03 12:09:57 -07:00


You want the client to have a common way to access a server url which is not part of a standard RESTful API.


Find (or create) the Model or Collection which is what is returned by the API. Add a function to it that takes required arguments and (lastly) jQuery options and returns the jQuery jqxhr. Use this function anywhere in the codebase this endpoint is accessed.


Backbone comes with two network calls which can be modeled after: fetch and save. In both cases, the last argument is an options object which is passed through to jQuery's ajax function, and the functions return the jqxhr object. All other network requests should have these same characteristics, and can often build on them, fetch in particular. By building on Backbone's fetch, the network request responses also automatically update the Model or Collection which is executing the request.


Each of these functions:

  1. Overwrites options values that are required for the endpoint.
  2. Ends with a fetch which, in CoffeeScript, returns the result, the jqxhr.

GET with special URL

class Levels extends CocoCollection
  fetchForClassroom: (classroomID, options={}) ->
    options.url = "/db/classroom/#{classroomID}/levels"

GET by parameter

module.exports = class Campaigns extends CocoCollection
  fetchByType: (type, options={}) ->
    options.data ?= {}
    options.data.type = type

Non-GET action for a specific document

module.exports = class Classroom extends CocoModel
  removeMember: (userID, opts) ->
    options = {
      url: _.result(@, 'url') + '/members'
      type: 'DELETE'
      data: { userID: userID }
    _.extend options, opts