2014-09-30 19:17:54 -04:00
@import "app/styles/mixins"
@import "app/styles/bootstrap/variables"
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-02-01 16:56:55 -05:00
@mixin editor-height ( $extraHeight )
width : 98 %
height : 83 %
2014-11-07 19:04:35 -05:00
height : unquote ( " -webkit-calc(100% - 100px - " ) $extraHeight unquote ( " ) " )
height : unquote ( " calc(100% - 100px - " ) $extraHeight unquote ( " ) " )
2014-02-01 16:56:55 -05:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
# spell-view
2014-11-07 19:04:35 -05:00
margin-top : 10 px
padding-top : 20 px
padding-left : 30 px
padding-bottom : 95 px
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
display : none
2014-11-07 19:04:35 -05:00
position : relative
z-index : 1
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
& . shown
display : block
. code-background
position : absolute
2014-11-07 19:04:35 -05:00
top : -68 px
left : 0 px
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
height : 100 %
2014-11-07 19:04:35 -05:00
right : -10 px
2014-11-30 17:42:48 -05:00
border : 1 px solid transparent
2014-11-30 19:03:23 -05:00
2014-07-09 16:41:42 -04:00
span . code-background
2014-11-07 19:04:35 -05:00
border-width : 124 px 76 px 64 px 40 px
border-image : url( /images/level/code_editor_background_border.png ) 124 76 64 40 fill round
2014-07-09 16:41:42 -04:00
img . code-background
display : none
2014-11-07 19:04:35 -05:00
width : 100 %
2014-01-15 14:58:39 -05:00
2014-01-16 13:10:27 -05:00
. save-status
2014-02-02 13:26:42 -05:00
display : none
2014-01-25 18:11:29 -05:00
position : absolute
2014-02-01 16:56:55 -05:00
top : 1 %
right : 4 %
2014-01-15 14:58:39 -05:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
. firepad
2014-01-25 18:11:29 -05:00
/ / When Firepad is active , it wraps . ace_editor in . firepad .
2014-02-01 16:56:55 -05:00
@ include editor-height ( 0px )
2014-11-07 19:04:35 -05:00
width : 94 %
2014-01-25 18:11:29 -05:00
. ace_editor
width : 100 %
height : 100 %
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-04-29 18:25:59 -04:00
. powered-by-firepad
display : none
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
. ace_editor
2014-01-25 18:11:29 -05:00
/ / When Firepad isn ' t active, .ace_editor needs the width/height set itself.
2014-02-01 16:56:55 -05:00
@ include editor-height ( 0px )
2014-11-07 19:04:35 -05:00
width : 94 %
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
position : relative
background-color : transparent
line-height : 20 px
overflow : visible
2014-10-25 14:47:04 -04:00
// https : //github.com/codecombat/codecombat/issues/1411#issuecomment-60492750 -- trying to make sure system defaults don't mess up our monospace font.
font-family : Monaco , Menlo , Ubuntu Mono , Consolas , " source-code-pro " , monospace !important
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
& . disabled
2014-11-08 11:58:36 -05:00
@ include opacity ( 0 . 8 )
. ace_cursor , . executing , . ace_active-line , . ace_gutter-active-line
2014-11-21 14:07:46 -05:00
@ include opacity ( 0 . 1 )
2014-03-12 06:26:56 -04:00
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
. ace_gutter
2014-11-07 19:04:35 -05:00
background-color : transparent
border-right : 1 px solid rgb ( 195 , 178 , 156 )
//background-color : rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 .25 )
2014-07-09 16:41:42 -04:00
width : 47 px
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
margin-left : 4 px
2014-11-07 16:58:02 -05:00
/ / override ace visible to get the experimental large current line executing arrow visible
. ace_gutter
overflow : visible
. ace_layer
overflow : visible
/ / End experiment . . . .
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
. ace_scroller
background-color : transparent
2014-11-07 19:04:35 -05:00
//padding-left : 10 px // Interrupts gutter and line highlighting
. ace_active-line , . ace_gutter-active-line
background-color : rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 .4 )
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
. ace_content
2014-11-18 13:03:02 -05:00
. executing , . executed , . problem-marker-info , . problem-marker-warning , . problem-marker-error , . problem-line
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
position : absolute
. executing
2014-03-27 16:10:14 -04:00
// https : //github.com/codecombat/codecombat/issues/6
2014-10-27 18:54:49 -04:00
background-color : rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 .75 )
2014-03-04 20:00:38 -05:00
@ include gradient-striped ( )
2014-10-27 18:54:49 -04:00
outline : 2 px outset #0099ff
@ include box-shadow ( 1px 1px 4px black )
2014-11-19 19:05:00 -05:00
& . playback-ended . executing , & . user-code-problem . executing
2014-11-05 20:47:23 -05:00
background-color : rgba ( 50 , 255 , 80 , 0 .65 )
outline : 0
@ include box-shadow ( 0 0 0px black )
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
. executed
2014-03-05 11:06:46 -05:00
background-color : rgba ( 110 , 110 , 110 , 0 .12 )
2014-11-09 01:04:10 -05:00
+ keyframes ( pulseRedBackground )
2014-11-18 13:03:02 -05:00
background-color : rgba ( 255 , 45 , 27 , 0 .4 )
2014-11-09 01:04:10 -05:00
50 %
2014-11-18 13:03:02 -05:00
background-color : rgba ( 255 , 45 , 27 , 0 .2 )
2014-11-09 01:04:10 -05:00
2014-11-18 13:03:02 -05:00
background-color : rgba ( 255 , 45 , 27 , 0 .4 )
2014-11-09 01:04:10 -05:00
2014-11-09 00:51:54 -05:00
/ / problem-marker- # { @ aetherProblem . level } set in Problem . coffee
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
. problem-marker-info
2014-02-24 13:36:00 -05:00
background-color : rgba ( 196 , 163 , 184 , 0 .25 )
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
. problem-marker-warning
background-color : rgba ( 100 , 65 , 20 , 0 .25 )
. problem-marker-error
2014-11-18 13:03:02 -05:00
background-color : rgba ( 255 , 45 , 27 , 0 .5 )
. problem-line
2014-11-09 00:51:54 -05:00
// TODO : Pulses too quickly during playback
@ include animation ( pulseRedBackground 1s infinite )
2014-11-19 19:05:00 -05:00
& : not ( . playback-ended ) : not ( . user-code-problem )
2014-11-05 20:47:23 -05:00
. executing : not ( . ace_gutter-cell )
background-size : 40 px 40 px
@ include animation ( progress-bar-stripes 0 . 5s linear infinite )
2014-03-04 20:00:38 -05:00
2014-11-19 19:05:00 -05:00
& : not ( . user-code-problem )
2014-11-30 19:03:23 -05:00
. ace_gutter-cell . executing : not ( . ace_error ) : not ( . ace_warning ) : not ( . ace_info )
margin-left : 1 px
background-image : url(  )
background-position : 0 px center
/ / . ace_gutter-cell . executing : not ( . ace_error ) : not ( . ace_warning ) : not ( . ace_info ) : after
/ /
/ / / / Experimenting with a larger executing-line-pointer
// content : " \e072 "
// position : relative
// left : -39 px
// font-family : ' Glyphicons Halflings '
// font-style : normal
// font-weight : normal
// color : white
// text-shadow : 0 0 5 px black , 0 0 5 px black , 0 0 5 px black
// -webkit-font-smoothing : antialiased
// -moz-osx-font-smoothing : grayscale
/ /
/ / / / Chrome likes these , but Firefox does not
// // TODO : Figure out how to make the executing gutter arrow big , and compatible
// display : inline - block
// top : -31 px
// line-height : 1
// font-size : 39 px
2014-01-03 13:32:13 -05:00
2014-03-12 06:26:56 -04:00
. ace_gutter-cell . executed : not ( . ace_error ) : not ( . ace_warning ) : not ( . ace_info )
2014-03-04 20:00:38 -05:00
margin-left : 1 px
2014-03-05 11:06:46 -05:00
2014-03-04 20:00:38 -05:00
background-position : 0 px center
2014-02-20 19:14:31 -05:00
. ace_gutter-cell . comment-line
background-position : 0 px center
2014-01-09 21:02:16 -05:00
. ace_marker-layer
. ace_bracket
/ / Override faint gray
2014-01-24 20:48:11 -05:00
border-color : #BFF
2014-01-21 12:03:04 -05:00
2014-04-29 18:25:59 -04:00
/ / Decided it wasn ' t useful to show what can be hovered, since almost anything can, so we have to make it too faint to be useful if we don ' t want it to be really distracting .
/ / . ace_identifier
// border-bottom : 1 px dotted rgba ( 0 , 51 , 255 , 0 .25 )
2014-02-19 17:00:54 -05:00
. ace_text-layer . ace_comment
2014-09-23 21:29:04 -04:00
color : rgb ( 78 , 38 , 226 )
2014-03-27 16:10:14 -04:00
. ace_text-layer . ace_variable
// https : //github.com/codecombat/codecombat/issues/6
color : rgb ( 145 , 48 , 50 )
2014-05-01 13:44:17 -04:00
. ace_search
background-color : rgba ( 216 , 187 , 165 , 1 )
border : 0
@ include box-shadow ( 1px 2px 1px # 444 )
. ace_search_field
width : 190 px
. ace_searchbtn , . ace_replacebtn
padding : 0 px 4 px
2014-07-09 16:41:42 -04:00
2014-11-07 19:04:35 -05:00
2014-07-09 16:41:42 -04:00
html . no-borderimage
# spell-view
span . code-background
display : none
img . code-background
display : block