mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 03:15:58 -04:00
Add CPM.cmake, use it for external libraries
this removes submodules and external libraries in the code in favor of importing them as CPM packages. CPM_SOURCE_CACHE is recommended as codegen has to readd two of the same dependencies
This commit is contained in:
298 changed files with 60 additions and 39359 deletions
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
[submodule "loader/md4c"]
path = loader/md4c
url = https://github.com/mity/md4c
[submodule "loader/minhook"]
path = loader/minhook
url = https://github.com/TsudaKageyu/minhook
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ set(GEODE_LOADER_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/loader)
@ -81,10 +82,10 @@ target_link_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lo
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} INTERFACE filesystem fmt)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} INTERFACE ghc_filesystem fmt)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Expand relative path. This is important if the provided path contains a tilde (~)
message(STATUS "Downloading CPM.cmake to ${CPM_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION}")
@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ target_compile_features(Broma PRIVATE cxx_std_17)
target_include_directories(Broma PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
target_compile_definitions(Broma PUBLIC TAO_PEGTL_GHC_FILESYSTEM=1)
target_link_libraries(Broma taocpp::pegtl)
target_link_libraries(Broma taocpp::pegtl ghc_filesystem)
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
# the official .clang-format style for https://github.com/taocpp
# clang-format -i -style=file $(find . -name '[^.]*.[hc]pp')
Language: Cpp
Standard: Latest
AccessModifierOffset: -3
AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false
AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: false
AlignOperands: true
AlignTrailingComments: true
AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true
AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes
BinPackArguments: false
BinPackParameters: false
AfterClass: true
AfterControlStatement: false
AfterEnum : true
AfterFunction : true
AfterNamespace : true
AfterStruct : true
AfterUnion : true
AfterExternBlock: true
BeforeCatch : true
BeforeElse : true
IndentBraces : false
SplitEmptyFunction: false
SplitEmptyRecord: false
SplitEmptyNamespace: false
BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: All
BreakBeforeBraces: Custom
BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: false
BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon
BreakInheritanceList: BeforeColon
BreakStringLiterals: false
ColumnLimit: 0
CompactNamespaces: false
ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true
ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 3
ContinuationIndentWidth: 3
Cpp11BracedListStyle: false
DerivePointerAlignment: false
DisableFormat: false
ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
FixNamespaceComments: true
IncludeBlocks: Preserve
IndentCaseLabels: true
IndentPPDirectives: None
IndentWidth: 3
IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false
MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
NamespaceIndentation: All
PointerAlignment: Left
ReflowComments: false
SortIncludes: true
SortUsingDeclarations: false
SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: false
SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: false
SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true
SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true
SpaceBeforeParens: Never
SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true
SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 2
SpacesInAngles: true
SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
SpacesInParentheses: true
SpacesInSquareBrackets: true
TabWidth: 8
UseTab: Never
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
Checks: >-
- { key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassCase, value: lower_case }
- { key: readability-identifier-naming.FunctionCase, value: lower_case }
- { key: readability-identifier-naming.ParameterCase, value: lower_case }
- { key: readability-identifier-naming.StructCase, value: aNy_CasE } # PEGTL rules
- { key: readability-identifier-naming.VariableCase, value: lower_case }
WarningsAsErrors: '*'
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# When a dependency is added with add_subdirectory, but searched with find_package
# Redirect to the directory added with add_subdirectory
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
// This is a dummy program that just needs to compile and link to tell us if
// the C++17 std::filesystem API is available. Use CMake's configure_file
// command to replace the FILESYSTEM_HEADER and FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE tokens
// for each combination of headers and namespaces which we want to pass to the
// CMake try_compile command.
// clang-format off
int main()
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
try {
throw @FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE@::filesystem_error( "instantiate one to make sure it links", std::make_error_code( std::errc::function_not_supported ) );
catch( const @FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE@::filesystem_error& error ) {
return -1;
return !@FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE@::temp_directory_path().is_absolute();
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- src/example/**/*
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
name: Android
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
fail-fast: false
- r22
- android-27
- android-29
- armeabi-v7a
- arm64-v8a
build_type: [Debug, Release]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
image: bojoe/cpp-android-ndk-build-env-ubuntu:${{ matrix.image }}
options: --user root
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: cmake -H$GITHUB_WORKSPACE -B/home/developer/build -GNinja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_ABI=${{ matrix.abi }} -DANDROID_PLATFORM=${{ matrix.platform }} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.build_type }}
- run: cmake --build /home/developer/build
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
name: clang-analyze
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: sudo apt-get update -yq
- run: sudo apt-get install -yq clang-tools
- run: scan-build cmake -E make_directory build
- working-directory: build/
run: scan-build cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
- working-directory: build/
run: scan-build cmake --build .
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
name: clang-format
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: DoozyX/clang-format-lint-action@v0.13
extensions: 'hpp,cpp'
clangFormatVersion: 13
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
name: clang-tidy
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: sudo apt-get update -yq
- run: sudo apt-get install -yq clang-tidy
- run: find include/ -name '*.hpp' | grep -vF file_mapper_win32.hpp | grep -vF endian_win.hpp | xargs -I '{}' clang-tidy --quiet '{}' -- --std=c++17 -Iinclude
- run: find src/ -name '*.cpp' | xargs -I '{}' clang-tidy --quiet '{}' -- --std=c++17 -Iinclude
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
name: Code Coverage
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- working-directory: build/
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build .
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest --output-on-failure
- working-directory: build/
run: bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
# For most projects, this workflow file will not need changing; you simply need
# to commit it to your repository.
# You may wish to alter this file to override the set of languages analyzed,
# or to provide custom queries or build logic.
# ******** NOTE ********
# We have attempted to detect the languages in your repository. Please check
# the `language` matrix defined below to confirm you have the correct set of
# supported CodeQL languages.
name: "CodeQL"
branches: [ main, 3.x ]
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ main, 3.x ]
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
- cron: '31 6 * * 0'
name: Analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
language: [ 'cpp' ]
# CodeQL supports [ 'cpp', 'csharp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python' ]
# Learn more:
# https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/finding-security-vulnerabilities-and-errors-in-your-code/configuring-code-scanning#changing-the-languages-that-are-analyzed
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
# If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
# By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
# Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
# queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main
# Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java).
# If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
- name: Autobuild
uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1
# ℹ️ Command-line programs to run using the OS shell.
# 📚 https://git.io/JvXDl
# ✏️ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines
# and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project
# uses a compiled language
#- run: |
# make bootstrap
# make release
- name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
name: Linux
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
fail-fast: false
- g++-9
- g++-10
- clang++-10
- clang++-11
- clang++-12
build_type: [Debug, Release]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
CXX: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.build_type }}
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build .
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest --output-on-failure
fail-fast: false
- g++-11
- clang++-13
- clang++-14
build_type: [Debug, Release]
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
CXX: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.build_type }}
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build .
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest --output-on-failure
fail-fast: false
- g++-7
- g++-8
- clang++-6.0
- clang++-7
- clang++-8
- clang++-9
build_type: [Debug, Release]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
CXX: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: sudo apt-get update -yq
- run: sudo apt-get install -yq ${{ matrix.compiler }}
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.build_type }}
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build .
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest --output-on-failure
fail-fast: false
flags: ["-fno-rtti"]
build_type: [Debug, Release]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.build_type }} -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="${{ matrix.flags }}"
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build .
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest --output-on-failure
fail-fast: false
flags: ["-fno-rtti", "-fms-extensions"]
build_type: [Debug, Release]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
CXX: clang++
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.build_type }} -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="${{ matrix.flags }}"
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build .
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest --output-on-failure
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
name: macOS
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
fail-fast: false
xcode: ['11', '12', '13']
build_type: [Debug, Release]
runs-on: macos-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: maxim-lobanov/setup-xcode@v1
xcode-version: ${{ matrix.xcode }}
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- working-directory: build/
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build . --config ${{ matrix.build_type }}
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest --config ${{ matrix.build_type }} --output-on-failure
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
name: No-Exceptions
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
fail-fast: false
compiler: [g++, clang++]
build_type: [Debug, Release]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
CXX: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.build_type }} -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fno-exceptions"
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build .
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest --output-on-failure
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
name: Sanitizer
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
fail-fast: false
cxx: [g++, clang++]
sanitizer: [address, undefined]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
CXX: ${{ matrix.cxx }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -DPEGTL_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fsanitize=${{ matrix.sanitizer }}"
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build .
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest --output-on-failure
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
name: Windows
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
- 'README.md'
- 'doc/**'
fail-fast: false
build_type: [Debug, Release]
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- shell: bash
working-directory: build/
run: cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -G "Visual Studio 17 2022"
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build . --config ${{ matrix.build_type }}
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest -C ${{ matrix.build_type }} --output-on-failure
fail-fast: false
build_type: [Debug, Release]
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- shell: bash
working-directory: build/
run: cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -T ClangCL
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build . --config ${{ matrix.build_type }}
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest -C ${{ matrix.build_type }} --output-on-failure
fail-fast: false
build_type: [Debug, Release]
runs-on: windows-2019
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- shell: bash
working-directory: build/
run: cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -G "Visual Studio 16 2019"
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build . --config ${{ matrix.build_type }}
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest -C ${{ matrix.build_type }} --output-on-failure
fail-fast: false
build_type: [Debug, Release]
runs-on: windows-2019
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- run: cmake -E make_directory build
- shell: bash
working-directory: build/
run: cmake $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -T ClangCL
- working-directory: build/
run: cmake --build . --config ${{ matrix.build_type }}
- working-directory: build/
run: ctest -C ${{ matrix.build_type }} --output-on-failure
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8...3.19)
# Read version from version.hpp
file(READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/include/tao/pegtl/version.hpp" version_hpp_data)
string(REGEX MATCH "#define TAO_PEGTL_VERSION \"([^\"]+)\"" _ ${version_hpp_data})
# Multiple versions of PEGTL can't co-exist
message(FATAL_ERROR "Multiple mismatched PEGTL versions")
# Only include if this is the first include
# Keep track of pegtl version
# installation directories
set(PEGTL_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR "include" CACHE STRING "The installation include directory")
set(PEGTL_INSTALL_DOC_DIR "share/doc/tao/pegtl" CACHE STRING "The installation doc directory")
set(PEGTL_INSTALL_CMAKE_DIR "share/pegtl/cmake" CACHE STRING "The installation cmake directory")
# define a header-only library
add_library(pegtl INTERFACE)
add_library(taocpp::pegtl ALIAS pegtl)
target_include_directories(pegtl INTERFACE
target_link_libraries(pegtl INTERFACE filesystem)
# require C++17
target_compile_features(pegtl INTERFACE cxx_std_17)
option(PEGTL_USE_BOOST_FILESYSTEM "Override the auto-detection of std::filesystem and use Boost.Filesystem" OFF)
# Try compiling a test program with std::filesystem or one of its alternatives
set(TEST_FILE "test_${OUT_RESULT}.cpp")
configure_file(.cmake/test_filesystem.cpp.in ${TEST_FILE} @ONLY)
# Retry with each of the optional libraries
# Looks like the optional library was required, go ahead and add it to the link options.
message(STATUS "Adding ${OPTIONAL_LIB} to the PEGTL to build with ${FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE}.")
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} INTERFACE ${OPTIONAL_LIB})
# testing
option(PEGTL_BUILD_TESTS "Build test programs" ${PEGTL_IS_MAIN_PROJECT})
# examples
option(PEGTL_BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build example programs" ${PEGTL_IS_MAIN_PROJECT})
# Make package findable
configure_file(.cmake/pegtl-config.cmake.in pegtl-config.cmake @ONLY)
# Ignore pointer width differences since this is a header-only library
# Enable version checks in find_package
write_basic_package_version_file(pegtl-config-version.cmake COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion)
# install and export target
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
# The Art of C++
# Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
# Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
UNAME_S := $(OS)
ifeq ($(shell gcc -dumpmachine),mingw32)
UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
# For Darwin (Mac OS X / macOS) we assume that the default compiler
# clang++ is used; when $(CXX) is some version of g++, then
# $(CXXSTD) has to be set to -std=c++17 (or newer) so
# that -stdlib=libc++ is not automatically added.
ifeq ($(CXXSTD),)
CXXSTD := -std=c++17
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
CXXSTD += -stdlib=libc++
# Ensure strict standard compliance and no warnings, can be
# changed if desired.
CPPFLAGS ?= -pedantic
CXXFLAGS ?= -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Werror -O3 $(MINGW_CXXFLAGS)
HEADERS := $(shell find include -name '*.hpp')
SOURCES := $(shell find src -name '*.cpp')
DEPENDS := $(SOURCES:%.cpp=build/%.d)
BINARIES := $(SOURCES:%.cpp=build/%)
UNIT_TESTS := $(filter build/src/test/%,$(BINARIES))
.PHONY: all
all: compile check
.PHONY: compile
compile: $(BINARIES)
.PHONY: check
check: $(UNIT_TESTS)
@set -e; for T in $(UNIT_TESTS); do echo $$T; $$T > /dev/null; done
.PHONY: clean
@rm -rf build/*
@find . -name '*~' -delete
build/%.d: %.cpp Makefile
@mkdir -p $(@D)
$(CXX) $(CXXSTD) -Iinclude $(CPPFLAGS) -MM -MQ $@ $< -o $@
build/%: %.cpp build/%.d
$(CXX) $(CXXSTD) -Iinclude $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
.PHONY: amalgamate
amalgamate: build/amalgamated/pegtl.hpp
build/amalgamated/pegtl.hpp: $(HEADERS)
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@rm -rf build/include
@cp -a include build/
@rm -rf build/include/tao/pegtl/contrib/icu
@sed -i -e 's%^#%//#%g' $$(find build/include -name '*.hpp')
@sed -i -e 's%^//#include "%#include "%g' $$(find build/include -name '*.hpp')
@for i in $$(find build/include -name '*.hpp'); do echo "#pragma once" >tmp.out; echo "#line 1" >>tmp.out; cat $$i >>tmp.out; mv tmp.out $$i; done
@echo '#include "tao/pegtl.hpp"' >build/include/amalgamated.hpp
@( cd build/include ; for i in tao/pegtl/contrib/*.hpp; do echo "#include \"$$i\""; done ) >>build/include/amalgamated.hpp
@echo -e "/*\n\nWelcome to the Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library (PEGTL)." >$@
@echo -e "See https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/ for more information, documentation, etc.\n" >>$@
@echo -e "The library is licensed as follows:\n" >>$@
@cat LICENSE >>$@
@echo -e "\n*/\n" >>$@
@( cd build/include ; g++ -E -C -nostdinc amalgamated.hpp ) >>$@
@sed -i -e 's%^//#%#%g' $@
@sed -i -e 's%^# \([0-9]* "[^"]*"\).*%#line \1%g' $@
@sed -i -e 's%^// Copyright.*%%g' $@
@sed -i -e 's%^// Please.*%%g' $@
@echo "Generated/updated $@ successfully."
ifeq ($(findstring $(MAKECMDGOALS),clean),)
-include $(DEPENDS)
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
# Welcome to the PEGTL
The Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library (PEGTL) is a zero-dependency C++ header-only parser combinator library for creating parsers according to a [Parsing Expression Grammar](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsing_expression_grammar) (PEG).
## Documentation
* [Changelog](doc/Changelog.md)
* [Version 3.x](doc/README.md) (requires C++17)
* [Version 2.x](https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/blob/2.x/doc/README.md) (requires C++11)
* [Version 1.x](https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/blob/1.x/doc/README.md) (requires C++11)
## Contact
<a href="https://discord.gg/VQYkppcgqN"><img align="right" src="https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/790164930083028993/embed.png?style=banner2" alt="Join us on Discord"></a>
For questions and suggestions regarding the PEGTL, success or failure stories, and any other kind of feedback, please feel free to join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/VQYkppcgqN) server, open a [discussion](https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/discussions), an [issue](https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/issues) or a [pull request](https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/pulls) on GitHub or contact the authors at `taocpp(at)icemx.net`.
## Introduction
Grammars are written as regular C++ code, created with template programming (not template meta programming), i.e. nested template instantiations that naturally correspond to the inductive definition of PEGs (and other parser-combinator approaches).
A comprehensive set of [parser rules](doc/Rule-Reference.md) that can be combined and extended by the user is included, as are mechanisms for debugging grammars, and for attaching user-defined [actions](doc/Actions-and-States.md) to grammar rules.
Here is an example of how a PEG grammar rule is implemented as C++ class with the PEGTL.
// PEG rule for integers consisting of a non-empty
// sequence of digits with an optional sign:
// sign ::= '+' / '-'
// integer ::= sign? digit+
// The same parsing rule implemented with the PEGTL:
using namespace tao::pegtl;
struct sign : one< '+', '-' > {};
struct integer : seq< opt< sign >, plus< digit > > {};
PEGs are superficially similar to Context-Free Grammars (CFGs), however the more deterministic nature of PEGs gives rise to some very important differences.
The included [grammar analysis](doc/Grammar-Analysis.md) finds several typical errors in PEGs, including left recursion.
## Design
The PEGTL is designed to be "lean and mean", the core library consists of approximately 6000 lines of code.
Emphasis is on simplicity and efficiency, preferring a well-tuned simple approach over complicated optimisations.
The PEGTL is mostly concerned with parsing combinators and grammar rules, and with giving the user of the library (the possibility of) full control over all other aspects of a parsing run.
Whether/which actions are taken, and whether/which data structures are created during a parsing run, is entirely up to the user.
Included are some [examples](doc/Contrib-and-Examples.md#examples) for typical situation like unescaping escape sequences in strings, building a generic [JSON](http://www.json.org/) data structure, and on-the-fly evaluation of arithmetic expressions.
Through the use of template programming and template specialisations it is possible to write a grammar once, and use it in multiple ways with different (semantic) actions in different (or the same) parsing runs.
With the PEG formalism, the separation into lexer and parser stages is usually dropped -- everything is done in a single grammar.
The rules are expressed in C++ as template instantiations, and it is the compiler's task to optimise PEGTL grammars.
## Status
Each commit is automatically tested with multiple architectures, operating systems, compilers, and versions thereof.
Each commit is checked with GCC's and Clang's [sanitizers](https://github.com/google/sanitizers), Clang's [Static Analyzer](https://clang-analyzer.llvm.org/), and [`clang-tidy`](http://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/).
Additionally, we use [CodeQL](https://securitylab.github.com/tools/codeql) to scan for (security) issues.
Code coverage is automatically measured and the unit tests cover 100% of the core library code (for releases).
[Releases](https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/releases) are done in accordance with [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
Incompatible API changes are *only* allowed to occur between major versions.
## Thank You
In appreciation of all contributions here are the people that have [directly contributed](https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/graphs/contributors) to the PEGTL and/or its development.
[<img alt="amphaal" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13903151" width="120">](https://github.com/amphaal)
[<img alt="anand-bala" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/7420072" width="120">](https://github.com/anand-bala)
[<img alt="andoma" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/216384" width="120">](https://github.com/andoma)
[<img alt="barbieri" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1838" width="120">](https://github.com/barbieri)
[<img alt="bjoe" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/727911" width="120">](https://github.com/bjoe)
[<img alt="bwagner" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/447049" width="120">](https://github.com/bwagner)
[<img alt="cdiggins" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1759994" width="120">](https://github.com/cdiggins)
[<img alt="clausklein" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1833050" width="120">](https://github.com/clausklein)
[<img alt="delpinux" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/35096584" width="120">](https://github.com/delpinux)
[<img alt="dkopecek" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1353140" width="120">](https://github.com/dkopecek)
[<img alt="gene-hightower" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3957811" width="120">](https://github.com/gene-hightower)
[<img alt="irrequietus" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/231192" width="120">](https://github.com/irrequietus)
[<img alt="jedelbo" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/572755" width="120">](https://github.com/jedelbo)
[<img alt="joelfrederico" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/458871" width="120">](https://github.com/joelfrederico)
[<img alt="johelegp" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/21071787" width="120">](https://github.com/johelegp)
[<img alt="jovermann" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/6087443" width="120">](https://github.com/jovermann)
[<img alt="jubnzv" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/12023585" width="120">](https://github.com/jubnzv)
[<img alt="kelvinhammond" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1824682" width="120">](https://github.com/kelvinhammond)
[<img alt="kneth" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1225363" width="120">](https://github.com/kneth)
[<img alt="kuzmas" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1858553" width="120">](https://github.com/kuzmas)
[<img alt="lambdafu" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1138455" width="120">](https://github.com/lambdafu)
[<img alt="lichray" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/433009" width="120">](https://github.com/lichray)
[<img alt="michael-brade" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/8768950" width="120">](https://github.com/michael-brade)
[<img alt="mkrupcale" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13936020" width="120">](https://github.com/mkrupcale)
[<img alt="newproggie" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/162319" width="120">](https://github.com/newproggie)
[<img alt="obiwahn" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/741109" width="120">](https://github.com/obiwahn)
[<img alt="ohanar" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1442822" width="120">](https://github.com/ohanar)
[<img alt="pauloscustodio" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/70773" width="120">](https://github.com/pauloscustodio)
[<img alt="pleroux0" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/39619854" width="120">](https://github.com/pleroux0)
[<img alt="quadfault" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/30195320" width="120">](https://github.com/quadfault)
[<img alt="quarticcat" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/70888415" width="120">](https://github.com/quarticcat)
[<img alt="ras0219" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/533828" width="120">](https://github.com/ras0219)
[<img alt="redmercury" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4424222" width="120">](https://github.com/redmercury)
[<img alt="robertcampion" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4220569" width="120">](https://github.com/robertcampion)
[<img alt="samhocevar" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/245089" width="120">](https://github.com/samhocevar)
[<img alt="sanssecours" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/691989" width="120">](https://github.com/sanssecours)
[<img alt="sgbeal" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/235303" width="120">](https://github.com/sgbeal)
[<img alt="skyrich62" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/23705081" width="120">](https://github.com/skyrich62)
[<img alt="studoot" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/799344" width="120">](https://github.com/studoot)
[<img alt="svenjo" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1538181" width="120">](https://github.com/svenjo)
[<img alt="wickedmic" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/12001183" width="120">](https://github.com/wickedmic)
[<img alt="wravery" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/6502881" width="120">](https://github.com/wravery)
[<img alt="zhihaoy" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43971430" width="120">](https://github.com/zhihaoy)
## The Art of C++
The PEGTL is part of [The Art of C++](https://taocpp.github.io/).
[<img alt="colinh" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/113184" width="120">](https://github.com/colinh)
[<img alt="d-frey" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3956325" width="120">](https://github.com/d-frey)
[<img alt="uilianries" src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4870173" width="120">](https://github.com/uilianries)
## License
<a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"><img align="right" src="https://opensource.org/files/OSIApproved.png" width="150" hspace="20" alt="Open Source Initiative"></a>
The PEGTL is certified [Open Source](http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition.html) software.
It may be used for any purpose, including commercial purposes, at absolutely no cost.
It is distributed under the terms of the [MIT license](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html) reproduced here.
> Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "pegtl/config.hpp"
#include "pegtl/demangle.hpp"
#include "pegtl/parse.hpp"
#include "pegtl/version.hpp"
#include "pegtl/ascii.hpp"
#include "pegtl/rules.hpp"
#include "pegtl/utf8.hpp"
#include "pegtl/argv_input.hpp"
#include "pegtl/buffer_input.hpp"
#include "pegtl/cstream_input.hpp"
#include "pegtl/istream_input.hpp"
#include "pegtl/memory_input.hpp"
#include "pegtl/read_input.hpp"
#include "pegtl/string_input.hpp"
// This has to be included *after* the above inputs,
// otherwise the amalgamated header will not work!
#include "pegtl/file_input.hpp"
#include "pegtl/change_action.hpp"
#include "pegtl/change_action_and_state.hpp"
#include "pegtl/change_action_and_states.hpp"
#include "pegtl/change_control.hpp"
#include "pegtl/change_state.hpp"
#include "pegtl/change_states.hpp"
#include "pegtl/disable_action.hpp"
#include "pegtl/enable_action.hpp"
#include "pegtl/discard_input.hpp"
#include "pegtl/discard_input_on_failure.hpp"
#include "pegtl/discard_input_on_success.hpp"
#include "pegtl/visit.hpp"
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
#include "pegtl/must_if.hpp"
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "config.hpp"
enum class apply_mode : bool
action = true,
nothing = false
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstddef>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "config.hpp"
#include "eol.hpp"
#include "memory_input.hpp"
#include "tracking_mode.hpp"
namespace internal
[[nodiscard]] inline std::string make_argv_source( const std::size_t argn )
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "argv[" << argn << ']';
return std::move( oss ).str();
} // namespace internal
template< tracking_mode P = tracking_mode::eager, typename Eol = eol::lf_crlf >
struct argv_input
: memory_input< P, Eol >
template< typename T >
argv_input( char** argv, const std::size_t argn, T&& in_source )
: memory_input< P, Eol >( static_cast< const char* >( argv[ argn ] ), std::forward< T >( in_source ) )
argv_input( char** argv, const std::size_t argn )
: argv_input( argv, argn, internal::make_argv_source( argn ) )
template< typename... Ts >
argv_input( Ts&&... ) -> argv_input<>;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "config.hpp"
#include "internal/result_on_found.hpp"
#include "internal/rules.hpp"
inline namespace ascii
// clang-format off
struct alnum : internal::ranges< internal::peek_char, 'a', 'z', 'A', 'Z', '0', '9' > {};
struct alpha : internal::ranges< internal::peek_char, 'a', 'z', 'A', 'Z' > {};
struct any : internal::any< internal::peek_char > {};
struct blank : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, ' ', '\t' > {};
struct digit : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, '0', '9' > {};
struct ellipsis : internal::string< '.', '.', '.' > {};
template< char... Cs > struct forty_two : internal::rep< 42, internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, Cs... > > {};
struct identifier_first : internal::identifier_first {};
struct identifier_other : internal::identifier_other {};
struct identifier : internal::identifier {};
template< char... Cs > struct istring : internal::istring< Cs... > {};
template< char... Cs > struct keyword : internal::seq< internal::string< Cs... >, internal::not_at< internal::identifier_other > > { static_assert( sizeof...( Cs ) > 0 ); };
struct lower : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, 'a', 'z' > {};
template< char... Cs > struct not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_char, Cs... > {};
template< char Lo, char Hi > struct not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_char, Lo, Hi > {};
struct nul : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, char( 0 ) > {};
struct odigit : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, '0', '7' > {};
template< char... Cs > struct one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, Cs... > {};
struct print : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, char( 32 ), char( 126 ) > {};
template< char Lo, char Hi > struct range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, Lo, Hi > {};
template< char... Cs > struct ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_char, Cs... > {};
struct seven : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, char( 0 ), char( 127 ) > {};
struct shebang : internal::seq< internal::string< '#', '!' >, internal::until< internal::eolf > > {};
struct space : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\v', '\f' > {};
template< char... Cs > struct string : internal::string< Cs... > {};
template< char C > struct three : internal::string< C, C, C > {};
template< char C > struct two : internal::string< C, C > {};
struct upper : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, 'A', 'Z' > {};
struct xdigit : internal::ranges< internal::peek_char, '0', '9', 'a', 'f', 'A', 'F' > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace ascii
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
#include "internal/pegtl_string.hpp"
@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cstdio>
#include <exception>
#include "config.hpp"
#include "eol.hpp"
#include "memory_input.hpp"
#include "position.hpp"
#include "tracking_mode.hpp"
#include "internal/action_input.hpp"
#include "internal/bump.hpp"
#include "internal/iterator.hpp"
#include "internal/marker.hpp"
template< typename Reader, typename Eol = eol::lf_crlf, typename Source = std::string, std::size_t Chunk = 64 >
class buffer_input
using reader_t = Reader;
using eol_t = Eol;
using source_t = Source;
using iterator_t = internal::iterator;
using action_t = internal::action_input< buffer_input >;
static constexpr std::size_t chunk_size = Chunk;
static constexpr tracking_mode tracking_mode_v = tracking_mode::eager;
template< typename T, typename... As >
buffer_input( T&& in_source, const std::size_t maximum, As&&... as )
: m_reader( std::forward< As >( as )... ),
m_maximum( maximum + Chunk ),
m_buffer( new char[ maximum + Chunk ] ),
m_current( m_buffer.get() ),
m_end( m_buffer.get() ),
m_source( std::forward< T >( in_source ) )
static_assert( Chunk != 0, "zero chunk size not implemented" );
assert( m_maximum > maximum ); // Catches overflow; change to >= when zero chunk size is implemented.
buffer_input( const buffer_input& ) = delete;
buffer_input( buffer_input&& ) = delete;
~buffer_input() = default;
buffer_input& operator=( const buffer_input& ) = delete;
buffer_input& operator=( buffer_input&& ) = delete;
[[nodiscard]] bool empty()
require( 1 );
return m_current.data == m_end;
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t size( const std::size_t amount )
require( amount );
return buffer_occupied();
[[nodiscard]] const char* current() const noexcept
return m_current.data;
[[nodiscard]] const char* end( const std::size_t amount )
require( amount );
return m_end;
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t byte() const noexcept
return m_current.byte;
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t line() const noexcept
return m_current.line;
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t column() const noexcept
return m_current.column;
[[nodiscard]] const Source& source() const noexcept
return m_source;
[[nodiscard]] char peek_char( const std::size_t offset = 0 ) const noexcept
return m_current.data[ offset ];
[[nodiscard]] std::uint8_t peek_uint8( const std::size_t offset = 0 ) const noexcept
return static_cast< std::uint8_t >( peek_char( offset ) );
void bump( const std::size_t in_count = 1 ) noexcept
internal::bump( m_current, in_count, Eol::ch );
void bump_in_this_line( const std::size_t in_count = 1 ) noexcept
internal::bump_in_this_line( m_current, in_count );
void bump_to_next_line( const std::size_t in_count = 1 ) noexcept
internal::bump_to_next_line( m_current, in_count );
void discard() noexcept
if( m_current.data > m_buffer.get() + Chunk ) {
const auto s = m_end - m_current.data;
std::memmove( m_buffer.get(), m_current.data, s );
m_current.data = m_buffer.get();
m_end = m_buffer.get() + s;
void require( const std::size_t amount )
if( m_current.data + amount <= m_end ) {
if( m_current.data + amount > m_buffer.get() + m_maximum ) {
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
throw std::overflow_error( "require() beyond end of buffer" );
std::fputs( "overflow error: require() beyond end of buffer\n", stderr );
if( const auto r = m_reader( m_end, ( std::min )( buffer_free_after_end(), ( std::max )( amount - buffer_occupied(), Chunk ) ) ) ) {
m_end += r;
template< rewind_mode M >
[[nodiscard]] internal::marker< iterator_t, M > mark() noexcept
return internal::marker< iterator_t, M >( m_current );
[[nodiscard]] TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::position position( const iterator_t& it ) const
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::position( it, m_source );
[[nodiscard]] TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::position position() const
return position( m_current );
[[nodiscard]] const iterator_t& iterator() const noexcept
return m_current;
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t buffer_capacity() const noexcept
return m_maximum;
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t buffer_occupied() const noexcept
assert( m_end >= m_current.data );
return std::size_t( m_end - m_current.data );
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t buffer_free_before_current() const noexcept
assert( m_current.data >= m_buffer.get() );
return std::size_t( m_current.data - m_buffer.get() );
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t buffer_free_after_end() const noexcept
assert( m_buffer.get() + m_maximum >= m_end );
return std::size_t( m_buffer.get() + m_maximum - m_end );
Reader m_reader;
std::size_t m_maximum;
std::unique_ptr< char[] > m_buffer;
iterator_t m_current;
char* m_end;
const Source m_source;
std::size_t private_depth = 0;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <type_traits>
#include "apply_mode.hpp"
#include "config.hpp"
#include "nothing.hpp"
#include "rewind_mode.hpp"
template< template< typename... > class NewAction >
struct change_action
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
static_assert( !std::is_same_v< Action< void >, NewAction< void > >, "old and new action class templates are identical" );
return Control< Rule >::template match< A, M, NewAction, Control >( in, st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <type_traits>
#include "apply_mode.hpp"
#include "config.hpp"
#include "match.hpp"
#include "nothing.hpp"
#include "rewind_mode.hpp"
#include "internal/dependent_false.hpp"
template< template< typename... > class NewAction, typename NewState >
struct change_action_and_state
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
static_assert( !std::is_same_v< Action< void >, NewAction< void > >, "old and new action class templates are identical" );
if constexpr( std::is_constructible_v< NewState, const ParseInput&, States... > ) {
NewState s( static_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), st... );
if( Control< Rule >::template match< A, M, NewAction, Control >( in, s ) ) {
if constexpr( A == apply_mode::action ) {
Action< Rule >::success( static_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), s, st... );
return true;
return false;
else if constexpr( std::is_default_constructible_v< NewState > ) {
NewState s;
if( Control< Rule >::template match< A, M, NewAction, Control >( in, s ) ) {
if constexpr( A == apply_mode::action ) {
Action< Rule >::success( static_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), s, st... );
return true;
return false;
else {
static_assert( internal::dependent_false< NewState >, "unable to instantiate new state" );
template< typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
static void success( const ParseInput& in, NewState& s, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( s.success( in, st... ) ) )
s.success( in, st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "apply_mode.hpp"
#include "config.hpp"
#include "match.hpp"
#include "nothing.hpp"
#include "rewind_mode.hpp"
template< template< typename... > class NewAction, typename... NewStates >
struct change_action_and_states
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
std::size_t... Ns,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( std::index_sequence< Ns... > /*unused*/, ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
auto t = std::tie( st... );
if( Control< Rule >::template match< A, M, NewAction, Control >( in, std::get< Ns >( t )... ) ) {
if constexpr( A == apply_mode::action ) {
Action< Rule >::success( static_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), st... );
return true;
return false;
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
static_assert( !std::is_same_v< Action< void >, NewAction< void > >, "old and new action class templates are identical" );
return match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( std::index_sequence_for< NewStates... >(), in, NewStates()..., st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "apply_mode.hpp"
#include "config.hpp"
#include "match.hpp"
#include "nothing.hpp"
#include "rewind_mode.hpp"
template< template< typename... > class NewControl >
struct change_control
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, NewControl >( in, st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <type_traits>
#include "apply_mode.hpp"
#include "config.hpp"
#include "match.hpp"
#include "nothing.hpp"
#include "rewind_mode.hpp"
#include "internal/dependent_false.hpp"
template< typename NewState >
struct change_state
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
if constexpr( std::is_constructible_v< NewState, const ParseInput&, States... > ) {
NewState s( static_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), st... );
if( TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, s ) ) {
if constexpr( A == apply_mode::action ) {
Action< Rule >::success( static_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), s, st... );
return true;
return false;
else if constexpr( std::is_default_constructible_v< NewState > ) {
NewState s;
if( TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, s ) ) {
if constexpr( A == apply_mode::action ) {
Action< Rule >::success( static_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), s, st... );
return true;
return false;
else {
static_assert( internal::dependent_false< NewState >, "unable to instantiate new state" );
template< typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
static void success( const ParseInput& in, NewState& s, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( s.success( in, st... ) ) )
s.success( in, st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "apply_mode.hpp"
#include "config.hpp"
#include "match.hpp"
#include "nothing.hpp"
#include "rewind_mode.hpp"
template< typename... NewStates >
struct change_states
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
std::size_t... Ns,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( std::index_sequence< Ns... > /*unused*/, ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
auto t = std::tie( st... );
if( TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, std::get< Ns >( t )... ) ) {
if constexpr( A == apply_mode::action ) {
Action< Rule >::success( static_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), st... );
return true;
return false;
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
return match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( std::index_sequence_for< NewStates... >(), in, NewStates()..., st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#if !defined( TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE )
#define TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE tao::pegtl
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/rules.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::abnf
// Core ABNF rules according to RFC 5234, Appendix B
// clang-format off
struct ALPHA : internal::ranges< internal::peek_char, 'a', 'z', 'A', 'Z' > {};
struct BIT : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, '0', '1' > {};
struct CHAR : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, char( 1 ), char( 127 ) > {};
struct CR : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, '\r' > {};
struct CRLF : internal::string< '\r', '\n' > {};
struct CTL : internal::ranges< internal::peek_char, char( 0 ), char( 31 ), char( 127 ) > {};
struct DIGIT : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, '0', '9' > {};
struct DQUOTE : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, '"' > {};
struct HEXDIG : internal::ranges< internal::peek_char, '0', '9', 'a', 'f', 'A', 'F' > {};
struct HTAB : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, '\t' > {};
struct LF : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, '\n' > {};
struct LWSP : internal::star< internal::sor< internal::string< '\r', '\n' >, internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, ' ', '\t' > >, internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, ' ', '\t' > > {};
struct OCTET : internal::any< internal::peek_char > {};
struct SP : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, ' ' > {};
struct VCHAR : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, char( 33 ), char( 126 ) > {};
struct WSP : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_char, ' ', '\t' > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::abnf
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <type_traits>
#include "../apply_mode.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../match.hpp"
#include "../nothing.hpp"
#include "../rewind_mode.hpp"
#include "../internal/dependent_false.hpp"
template< typename AddState >
struct add_state
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
if constexpr( std::is_constructible_v< AddState, const ParseInput&, States... > ) {
AddState s( static_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), st... );
if( TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, s, st... ) ) {
if constexpr( A == apply_mode::action ) {
Action< Rule >::success( static_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), s, st... );
return true;
return false;
else if constexpr( std::is_default_constructible_v< AddState > ) {
AddState s;
if( TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, s, st... ) ) {
if constexpr( A == apply_mode::action ) {
Action< Rule >::success( static_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), s, st... );
return true;
return false;
else {
static_assert( internal::dependent_false< AddState >, "unable to instantiate new state" );
template< typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
static void success( const ParseInput& in, AddState& s, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( s.success( in, st... ) ) )
s.success( in, st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::alphabet
static const char a = 'a';
static const char b = 'b';
static const char c = 'c';
static const char d = 'd';
static const char e = 'e';
static const char f = 'f';
static const char g = 'g';
static const char h = 'h';
static const char i = 'i';
static const char j = 'j';
static const char k = 'k';
static const char l = 'l';
static const char m = 'm';
static const char n = 'n';
static const char o = 'o';
static const char p = 'p';
static const char q = 'q';
static const char r = 'r';
static const char s = 's';
static const char t = 't';
static const char u = 'u';
static const char v = 'v';
static const char w = 'w';
static const char x = 'x';
static const char y = 'y';
static const char z = 'z';
static const char A = 'A'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char B = 'B'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char C = 'C'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char D = 'D'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char E = 'E'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char F = 'F'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char G = 'G'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char H = 'H'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char I = 'I'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char J = 'J'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char K = 'K'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char L = 'L'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char M = 'M'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char N = 'N'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char O = 'O'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char P = 'P'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char Q = 'Q'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char R = 'R'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char S = 'S'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char T = 'T'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char U = 'U'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char V = 'V'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char W = 'W'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char X = 'X'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char Y = 'Y'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
static const char Z = 'Z'; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::alphabet
@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../demangle.hpp"
#include "analyze_traits.hpp"
#include "internal/set_stack_guard.hpp"
#include "internal/vector_stack_guard.hpp"
namespace internal
struct analyze_entry
explicit analyze_entry( const analyze_type in_type ) noexcept
: type( in_type )
const analyze_type type;
std::vector< std::string_view > subs;
class analyze_cycles_impl
analyze_cycles_impl( analyze_cycles_impl&& ) = delete;
analyze_cycles_impl( const analyze_cycles_impl& ) = delete;
~analyze_cycles_impl() = default;
analyze_cycles_impl& operator=( analyze_cycles_impl&& ) = delete;
analyze_cycles_impl& operator=( const analyze_cycles_impl& ) = delete;
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t problems()
for( auto& i : m_entries ) {
assert( m_trace.empty() );
assert( m_stack.empty() );
m_results[ i.first ] = work( i, false );
// The number of problems returned is not very informative as some problems will be found multiple times.
return m_problems;
template< typename Rule >
[[nodiscard]] bool consumes() const
// The name "consumes" is a shortcut for "the analyze cycles algorithm could prove that this rule always consumes when it succeeds".
return m_results.at( demangle< Rule >() );
explicit analyze_cycles_impl( const int verbose ) noexcept
: m_verbose( verbose ),
m_problems( 0 )
[[nodiscard]] const std::pair< const std::string_view, analyze_entry >& find( const std::string_view name ) const noexcept
const auto iter = m_entries.find( name );
assert( iter != m_entries.end() );
return *iter;
[[nodiscard]] bool work( const std::pair< const std::string_view, analyze_entry >& entry, const bool accum )
if( const auto g = set_stack_guard( m_stack, entry.first ) ) {
const auto v = vector_stack_guard( m_trace, entry.first );
switch( entry.second.type ) {
case analyze_type::any: {
bool a = false;
for( const auto& r : entry.second.subs ) {
a = a || work( find( r ), accum || a );
return true;
case analyze_type::opt: {
bool a = false;
for( const auto& r : entry.second.subs ) {
a = a || work( find( r ), accum || a );
return false;
case analyze_type::seq: {
bool a = false;
for( const auto& r : entry.second.subs ) {
a = a || work( find( r ), accum || a );
return a;
case analyze_type::sor: {
bool a = true;
for( const auto& r : entry.second.subs ) {
a = a && work( find( r ), accum );
return a;
assert( false ); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
assert( !m_trace.empty() );
if( !accum ) {
if( ( m_verbose >= 0 ) && ( m_trace.front() == entry.first ) ) {
for( const auto& r : m_trace ) {
if( r < entry.first ) {
return accum;
std::cerr << "WARNING: Possible cycle without progress at rule " << entry.first << std::endl;
if( m_verbose > 0 ) {
for( const auto& r : m_trace ) {
std::cerr << "- involved (transformed) rule: " << r << std::endl;
return accum;
const int m_verbose;
std::size_t m_problems;
std::set< std::string_view > m_stack;
std::vector< std::string_view > m_trace;
std::map< std::string_view, bool > m_results;
std::map< std::string_view, analyze_entry > m_entries;
template< typename Name >
std::string_view analyze_insert( std::map< std::string_view, analyze_entry >& entry )
using Traits = analyze_traits< Name, typename Name::rule_t >;
const auto [ i, b ] = entry.try_emplace( demangle< Name >(), Traits::type_v );
if( b ) {
analyze_insert_impl( typename Traits::subs_t(), i->second.subs, entry );
return i->first;
template< typename... Subs >
void analyze_insert_impl( type_list< Subs... > /*unused*/, std::vector< std::string_view >& subs, std::map< std::string_view, analyze_entry >& entry )
( subs.emplace_back( analyze_insert< Subs >( entry ) ), ... );
template< typename Grammar >
struct analyze_cycles
: analyze_cycles_impl
explicit analyze_cycles( const int verbose )
: analyze_cycles_impl( verbose )
analyze_insert< Grammar >( m_entries );
} // namespace internal
template< typename Grammar >
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t analyze( const int verbose = 1 )
return internal::analyze_cycles< Grammar >( verbose ).problems();
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <type_traits>
#include "../ascii.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../rules.hpp"
#include "../type_list.hpp"
#include "forward.hpp"
namespace internal
enum class analyze_type
any, // Consumption-on-success is always true; assumes bounded repetition of conjunction of sub-rules.
opt, // Consumption-on-success not necessarily true; assumes bounded repetition of conjunction of sub-rules.
seq, // Consumption-on-success depends on consumption of (non-zero bounded repetition of) conjunction of sub-rules.
sor // Consumption-on-success depends on consumption of (non-zero bounded repetition of) disjunction of sub-rules.
} // namespace internal
template< typename... Rules >
struct analyze_any_traits
static constexpr internal::analyze_type type_v = internal::analyze_type::any;
using subs_t = type_list< Rules... >;
template< typename... Rules >
struct analyze_opt_traits
static constexpr internal::analyze_type type_v = internal::analyze_type::opt;
using subs_t = type_list< Rules... >;
template< typename... Rules >
struct analyze_seq_traits
static constexpr internal::analyze_type type_v = internal::analyze_type::seq;
using subs_t = type_list< Rules... >;
template< typename... Rules >
struct analyze_sor_traits
static constexpr internal::analyze_type type_v = internal::analyze_type::sor;
using subs_t = type_list< Rules... >;
template< typename Name, template< typename... > class Action, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::action< Action, Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename seq< Rules... >::rule_t >
template< typename Name, typename Peek >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::any< Peek > >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename... Actions >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::apply< Actions... > >
: analyze_opt_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename... Actions >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::apply0< Actions... > >
: analyze_opt_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::at< Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename opt< Rules... >::rule_t >
template< typename Name >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::bof >
: analyze_opt_traits<>
template< typename Name >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::bol >
: analyze_opt_traits<>
template< typename Name, unsigned Cnt >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::bytes< Cnt > >
: std::conditional_t< ( Cnt != 0 ), analyze_any_traits<>, analyze_opt_traits<> >
template< typename Name, template< typename... > class Control, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::control< Control, Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename seq< Rules... >::rule_t >
template< typename Name, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::disable< Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename seq< Rules... >::rule_t >
template< typename Name >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::discard >
: analyze_opt_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::enable< Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename seq< Rules... >::rule_t >
template< typename Name >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::eof >
: analyze_opt_traits<>
template< typename Name >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::eol >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::eolf >
: analyze_opt_traits<>
template< typename Name >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::failure >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename Rule, typename... Actions >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::if_apply< Rule, Actions... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename Rule::rule_t >
template< typename Name, typename Cond, typename Then, typename Else >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::if_then_else< Cond, Then, Else > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename sor< seq< Cond, Then >, Else >::rule_t >
template< typename Name, char... Cs >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::istring< Cs... > >
: std::conditional_t< ( sizeof...( Cs ) != 0 ), analyze_any_traits<>, analyze_opt_traits<> >
template< typename Name, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::not_at< Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename opt< Rules... >::rule_t >
template< typename Name, internal::result_on_found R, typename Peek, typename Peek::data_t... Cs >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::one< R, Peek, Cs... > >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename Rule, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::opt< Rule, Rules... > >
: analyze_opt_traits< Rule, Rules... >
template< typename Name, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::plus< Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename seq< Rules..., opt< Name > >::rule_t >
template< typename Name, internal::result_on_found R, typename Peek, typename Peek::data_t Lo, typename Peek::data_t Hi >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::range< R, Peek, Lo, Hi > >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename Peek, typename Peek::data_t... Cs >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::ranges< Peek, Cs... > >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename Head, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::rematch< Head, Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename sor< Head, sor< seq< Rules, any >... > >::rule_t > // TODO: Correct (enough)?
template< typename Name, unsigned Cnt, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::rep< Cnt, Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, std::conditional_t< ( Cnt != 0 ), typename seq< Rules... >::rule_t, typename opt< Rules... >::rule_t > >
template< typename Name, unsigned Min, unsigned Max, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::rep_min_max< Min, Max, Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, std::conditional_t< ( Min != 0 ), typename seq< Rules... >::rule_t, typename opt< Rules... >::rule_t > >
template< typename Name, unsigned Max, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::rep_opt< Max, Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename opt< Rules... >::rule_t >
template< typename Name, unsigned Amount >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::require< Amount > >
: analyze_opt_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename Rule, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::seq< Rule, Rules... > >
: analyze_seq_traits< Rule, Rules... >
template< typename Name, typename Rule, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::sor< Rule, Rules... > >
: analyze_sor_traits< Rule, Rules... >
template< typename Name, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::star< Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename opt< Rules..., Name >::rule_t >
template< typename Name, typename State, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::state< State, Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename seq< Rules... >::rule_t >
template< typename Name, char... Cs >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::string< Cs... > >
: std::conditional_t< ( sizeof...( Cs ) != 0 ), analyze_any_traits<>, analyze_opt_traits<> >
template< typename Name >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::success >
: analyze_opt_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename Cond >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::until< Cond > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename Cond::rule_t >
template< typename Name, typename Cond, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::until< Cond, Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename seq< star< Rules... >, Cond >::rule_t >
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
template< typename Name, typename Cond, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::if_must< true, Cond, Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename opt< Cond, Rules... >::rule_t >
template< typename Name, typename Cond, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::if_must< false, Cond, Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename seq< Cond, Rules... >::rule_t >
template< typename Name, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::must< Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename seq< Rules... >::rule_t >
template< typename Name, typename T >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::raise< T > >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename Exception, typename... Rules >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::try_catch_type< Exception, Rules... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename seq< Rules... >::rule_t >
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../apply_mode.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../match.hpp"
#include "../nothing.hpp"
#include "../rewind_mode.hpp"
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
#include "../parse_error.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
#include <exception>
template< std::size_t Maximum >
struct check_bytes
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
pegtl::apply_mode A,
pegtl::rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
const auto* start = in.current();
if( TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, st... ) ) {
if( std::size_t( in.current() - start ) > Maximum ) {
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
throw TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse_error( "maximum allowed rule consumption exceeded", in );
std::fputs( "maximum allowed rule consumption exceeded\n", stderr );
return true;
return false;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <utility>
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../match.hpp"
#include "../nothing.hpp"
namespace internal
template< typename, typename Rule, template< typename... > class Action, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
inline constexpr bool action_has_unwind = false;
template< typename Rule, template< typename... > class Action, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
inline constexpr bool action_has_unwind< decltype( (void)Action< Rule >::unwind( std::declval< const ParseInput& >(), std::declval< States&& >()... ) ), Rule, Action, ParseInput, States... > = true;
} // namespace internal
struct control_action
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
if constexpr( internal::action_has_unwind< void, Rule, Action, ParseInput, States... > ) {
try {
return control_action::match_impl< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, st... );
catch( ... ) {
Action< Rule >::unwind( const_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), st... );
else {
return control_action::match_impl< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, st... );
return control_action::match_impl< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, st... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void start( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void success( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void failure( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match_impl( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
Action< Rule >::start( const_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), st... );
if( TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, st... ) ) {
Action< Rule >::success( const_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), st... );
return true;
Action< Rule >::failure( const_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), st... );
return false;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "state_control.hpp"
#include "../apply_mode.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../demangle.hpp"
#include "../normal.hpp"
#include "../nothing.hpp"
#include "../parse.hpp"
#include "../rewind_mode.hpp"
#include "../type_list.hpp"
#include "../visit.hpp"
struct coverage_info
std::size_t start = 0;
std::size_t success = 0;
std::size_t failure = 0;
std::size_t unwind = 0;
std::size_t raise = 0;
struct coverage_entry
: coverage_info
std::map< std::string_view, coverage_info > branches;
using coverage_result = std::map< std::string_view, coverage_entry >;
namespace internal
template< typename Rule >
struct coverage_insert
static void visit( std::map< std::string_view, coverage_entry >& map )
visit_branches( map.try_emplace( demangle< Rule >() ).first->second.branches, typename Rule::subs_t() );
template< typename... Ts >
static void visit_branches( std::map< std::string_view, coverage_info >& branches, type_list< Ts... > /*unused*/ )
( branches.try_emplace( demangle< Ts >() ), ... );
struct coverage_state
template< typename Rule >
static constexpr bool enable = true;
explicit coverage_state( coverage_result& in_result )
: result( in_result )
coverage_result& result;
std::vector< std::string_view > stack;
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void start( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ )
const auto name = demangle< Rule >();
++result.at( name ).start;
if( !stack.empty() ) {
++result.at( stack.back() ).branches.at( name ).start;
stack.push_back( name );
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void success( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ )
const auto name = demangle< Rule >();
++result.at( name ).success;
if( !stack.empty() ) {
++result.at( stack.back() ).branches.at( name ).success;
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void failure( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ )
const auto name = demangle< Rule >();
++result.at( name ).failure;
if( !stack.empty() ) {
++result.at( stack.back() ).branches.at( name ).failure;
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void raise( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ )
const auto name = demangle< Rule >();
++result.at( name ).raise;
if( !stack.empty() ) {
++result.at( stack.back() ).branches.at( name ).raise;
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void unwind( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ )
const auto name = demangle< Rule >();
++result.at( name ).unwind;
if( !stack.empty() ) {
++result.at( stack.back() ).branches.at( name ).unwind;
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void apply( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void apply0( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
} // namespace internal
template< typename Rule,
template< typename... > class Action = nothing,
template< typename... > class Control = normal,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
bool coverage( ParseInput&& in, coverage_result& result, States&&... st )
internal::coverage_state state( result );
visit< Rule, internal::coverage_insert >( state.result ); // Fill map with all sub-rules of the grammar.
return parse< Rule, Action, state_control< Control >::template type >( in, st..., state );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
template< typename Name, typename Rule, typename = void >
struct analyze_traits;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../apply_mode.hpp"
#include "../rewind_mode.hpp"
#include "../type_list.hpp"
#include "../internal/enable_control.hpp"
namespace internal
template< typename F, F U >
struct function;
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States, bool ( *U )( ParseInput&, States... ) >
struct function< bool ( * )( ParseInput&, States... ), U >
using rule_t = function;
using subs_t = empty_list;
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States... st ) noexcept( noexcept( U( in, st... ) ) )
return U( in, st... );
template< typename F, F U >
inline constexpr bool enable_control< function< F, U > > = false;
} // namespace internal
template< auto F >
struct function
: internal::function< decltype( F ), F >
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#if !defined( __cpp_exceptions )
#error "Exception support required for tao/pegtl/contrib/http.hpp"
#include "../ascii.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../nothing.hpp"
#include "../rules.hpp"
#include "../utf8.hpp"
#include "abnf.hpp"
#include "forward.hpp"
#include "remove_first_state.hpp"
#include "uri.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::http
// HTTP 1.1 grammar according to RFC 7230.
// This grammar is a direct PEG translation of the original HTTP grammar.
// It should be considered experimental -- in case of any issues, in particular
// missing rules for attached actions, please contact the developers.
using OWS = star< abnf::WSP >; // optional whitespace
using RWS = plus< abnf::WSP >; // required whitespace
using BWS = OWS; // "bad" whitespace
using obs_text = not_range< 0x00, 0x7F >;
using obs_fold = seq< abnf::CRLF, plus< abnf::WSP > >;
// clang-format off
struct tchar : sor< abnf::ALPHA, abnf::DIGIT, one< '!', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '*', '+', '-', '.', '^', '_', '`', '|', '~' > > {};
struct token : plus< tchar > {};
struct field_name : token {};
struct field_vchar : sor< abnf::VCHAR, obs_text > {};
struct field_content : list< field_vchar, plus< abnf::WSP > > {};
struct field_value : star< sor< field_content, obs_fold > > {};
struct header_field : seq< field_name, one< ':' >, OWS, field_value, OWS > {};
struct method : token {};
struct absolute_path : plus< one< '/' >, uri::segment > {};
struct origin_form : seq< absolute_path, uri::opt_query > {};
struct absolute_form : uri::absolute_URI {};
struct authority_form : uri::authority {};
struct asterisk_form : one< '*' > {};
struct request_target : sor< origin_form, absolute_form, authority_form, asterisk_form > {};
struct status_code : rep< 3, abnf::DIGIT > {};
struct reason_phrase : star< sor< abnf::VCHAR, obs_text, abnf::WSP > > {};
struct HTTP_version : if_must< string< 'H', 'T', 'T', 'P', '/' >, abnf::DIGIT, one< '.' >, abnf::DIGIT > {};
struct request_line : if_must< method, abnf::SP, request_target, abnf::SP, HTTP_version, abnf::CRLF > {};
struct status_line : if_must< HTTP_version, abnf::SP, status_code, abnf::SP, reason_phrase, abnf::CRLF > {};
struct start_line : sor< status_line, request_line > {};
struct message_body : star< abnf::OCTET > {};
struct HTTP_message : seq< start_line, star< header_field, abnf::CRLF >, abnf::CRLF, opt< message_body > > {};
struct Content_Length : plus< abnf::DIGIT > {};
struct uri_host : uri::host {};
struct port : uri::port {};
struct Host : seq< uri_host, opt< one< ':' >, port > > {};
// PEG are different from CFGs! (this replaces ctext and qdtext)
using text = sor< abnf::HTAB, range< 0x20, 0x7E >, obs_text >;
struct quoted_pair : if_must< one< '\\' >, sor< abnf::VCHAR, obs_text, abnf::WSP > > {};
struct quoted_string : if_must< abnf::DQUOTE, until< abnf::DQUOTE, sor< quoted_pair, text > > > {};
struct transfer_parameter : seq< token, BWS, one< '=' >, BWS, sor< token, quoted_string > > {};
struct transfer_extension : seq< token, star< OWS, one< ';' >, OWS, transfer_parameter > > {};
struct transfer_coding : sor< istring< 'c', 'h', 'u', 'n', 'k', 'e', 'd' >,
istring< 'c', 'o', 'm', 'p', 'r', 'e', 's', 's' >,
istring< 'd', 'e', 'f', 'l', 'a', 't', 'e' >,
istring< 'g', 'z', 'i', 'p' >,
transfer_extension > {};
struct rank : sor< seq< one< '0' >, opt< one< '.' >, rep_opt< 3, abnf::DIGIT > > >,
seq< one< '1' >, opt< one< '.' >, rep_opt< 3, one< '0' > > > > > {};
struct t_ranking : seq< OWS, one< ';' >, OWS, one< 'q', 'Q' >, one< '=' >, rank > {};
struct t_codings : sor< istring< 't', 'r', 'a', 'i', 'l', 'e', 'r', 's' >, seq< transfer_coding, opt< t_ranking > > > {};
struct TE : opt< sor< one< ',' >, t_codings >, star< OWS, one< ',' >, opt< OWS, t_codings > > > {};
template< typename T >
using make_comma_list = seq< star< one< ',' >, OWS >, T, star< OWS, one< ',' >, opt< OWS, T > > >;
struct connection_option : token {};
struct Connection : make_comma_list< connection_option > {};
struct Trailer : make_comma_list< field_name > {};
struct Transfer_Encoding : make_comma_list< transfer_coding > {};
struct protocol_name : token {};
struct protocol_version : token {};
struct protocol : seq< protocol_name, opt< one< '/' >, protocol_version > > {};
struct Upgrade : make_comma_list< protocol > {};
struct pseudonym : token {};
struct received_protocol : seq< opt< protocol_name, one< '/' > >, protocol_version > {};
struct received_by : sor< seq< uri_host, opt< one< ':' >, port > >, pseudonym > {};
struct comment : if_must< one< '(' >, until< one< ')' >, sor< comment, quoted_pair, text > > > {};
struct Via : make_comma_list< seq< received_protocol, RWS, received_by, opt< RWS, comment > > > {};
struct http_URI : if_must< istring< 'h', 't', 't', 'p', ':', '/', '/' >, uri::authority, uri::path_abempty, uri::opt_query, uri::opt_fragment > {};
struct https_URI : if_must< istring< 'h', 't', 't', 'p', 's', ':', '/', '/' >, uri::authority, uri::path_abempty, uri::opt_query, uri::opt_fragment > {};
struct partial_URI : seq< uri::relative_part, uri::opt_query > {};
// clang-format on
struct chunk_size
using rule_t = plus< abnf::HEXDIG >::rule_t;
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, std::size_t& size, States&&... /*unused*/ )
size = 0;
std::size_t i = 0;
while( in.size( i + 1 ) >= i + 1 ) {
const auto c = in.peek_char( i );
if( ( '0' <= c ) && ( c <= '9' ) ) {
size <<= 4;
size |= std::size_t( c - '0' );
if( ( 'a' <= c ) && ( c <= 'f' ) ) {
size <<= 4;
size |= std::size_t( c - 'a' + 10 );
if( ( 'A' <= c ) && ( c <= 'F' ) ) {
size <<= 4;
size |= std::size_t( c - 'A' + 10 );
in.bump_in_this_line( i );
return i > 0;
// clang-format off
struct chunk_ext_name : token {};
struct chunk_ext_val : sor< quoted_string, token > {};
struct chunk_ext : star_must< one< ';' >, chunk_ext_name, if_must< one< '=' >, chunk_ext_val > > {};
// clang-format on
struct chunk_data
using rule_t = star< abnf::OCTET >::rule_t;
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, const std::size_t size, States&&... /*unused*/ )
if( in.size( size ) >= size ) {
in.bump( size );
return true;
return false;
namespace internal::chunk_helper
template< typename Base >
struct control;
template< template< typename... > class Control, typename Rule >
struct control< Control< Rule > >
: Control< Rule >
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
typename ParseInput,
typename State,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, State&& /*unused*/, States&&... st )
return Control< Rule >::template match< A, M, Action, Control >( in, st... );
template< template< typename... > class Control >
struct control< Control< chunk_size > >
: remove_first_state< Control< chunk_size > >
template< template< typename... > class Control >
struct control< Control< chunk_data > >
: remove_first_state< Control< chunk_data > >
template< template< typename... > class Control >
struct bind
template< typename Rule >
using type = control< Control< Rule > >;
} // namespace internal::chunk_helper
struct chunk
using impl = seq< chunk_size, chunk_ext, abnf::CRLF, chunk_data, abnf::CRLF >;
using rule_t = impl::rule_t;
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
std::size_t size{};
return impl::template match< A, M, Action, internal::chunk_helper::bind< Control >::template type >( in, size, st... );
// clang-format off
struct last_chunk : seq< plus< one< '0' > >, not_at< digit >, chunk_ext, abnf::CRLF > {};
struct trailer_part : star< header_field, abnf::CRLF > {};
struct chunked_body : seq< until< last_chunk, chunk >, trailer_part, abnf::CRLF > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::http
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <unicode/uchar.h>
#include "../analyze_traits.hpp"
#include "../../config.hpp"
#include "../../type_list.hpp"
#include "../../internal/enable_control.hpp"
namespace internal
namespace icu
template< typename Peek, UProperty P, bool V = true >
struct binary_property
using peek_t = Peek;
using data_t = typename Peek::data_t;
using rule_t = binary_property;
using subs_t = empty_list;
[[nodiscard]] static bool test( const data_t c ) noexcept
return u_hasBinaryProperty( c, P ) == V;
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in ) noexcept( noexcept( Peek::peek( in ) ) )
if( const auto t = Peek::peek( in ) ) {
if( test( t.data ) ) {
in.bump( t.size );
return true;
return false;
template< typename Peek, UProperty P, int V >
struct property_value
using peek_t = Peek;
using data_t = typename Peek::data_t;
using rule_t = property_value;
using subs_t = empty_list;
[[nodiscard]] static bool test( const data_t c ) noexcept
return u_getIntPropertyValue( c, P ) == V;
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in ) noexcept( noexcept( Peek::peek( in ) ) )
if( const auto t = Peek::peek( in ) ) {
if( test( t.data ) ) {
in.bump( t.size );
return true;
return false;
} // namespace icu
template< typename Peek, UProperty P, bool V >
inline constexpr bool enable_control< icu::binary_property< Peek, P, V > > = false;
template< typename Peek, UProperty P, int V >
inline constexpr bool enable_control< icu::property_value< Peek, P, V > > = false;
} // namespace internal
template< typename Name, typename Peek, UProperty P, bool V >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::icu::binary_property< Peek, P, V > >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename Peek, UProperty P, int V >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::icu::property_value< Peek, P, V > >
: analyze_any_traits<>
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "internal.hpp"
#include "../../config.hpp"
#include "../utf16.hpp"
#include "../internal/peek_utf16.hpp"
namespace utf16_be::icu
template< UProperty P, bool V = true >
struct binary_property
: internal::icu::binary_property< internal::peek_utf16_be, P, V >
template< UProperty P, int V >
struct property_value
: internal::icu::property_value< internal::peek_utf16_be, P, V >
// clang-format off
struct alphabetic : binary_property< UCHAR_ALPHABETIC > {};
struct ascii_hex_digit : binary_property< UCHAR_ASCII_HEX_DIGIT > {};
struct bidi_control : binary_property< UCHAR_BIDI_CONTROL > {};
struct bidi_mirrored : binary_property< UCHAR_BIDI_MIRRORED > {};
struct case_sensitive : binary_property< UCHAR_CASE_SENSITIVE > {};
struct dash : binary_property< UCHAR_DASH > {};
struct default_ignorable_code_point : binary_property< UCHAR_DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_CODE_POINT > {};
struct deprecated : binary_property< UCHAR_DEPRECATED > {};
struct diacritic : binary_property< UCHAR_DIACRITIC > {};
struct extender : binary_property< UCHAR_EXTENDER > {};
struct full_composition_exclusion : binary_property< UCHAR_FULL_COMPOSITION_EXCLUSION > {};
struct grapheme_base : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_BASE > {};
struct grapheme_extend : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_EXTEND > {};
struct grapheme_link : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_LINK > {};
struct hex_digit : binary_property< UCHAR_HEX_DIGIT > {};
struct hyphen : binary_property< UCHAR_HYPHEN > {};
struct id_continue : binary_property< UCHAR_ID_CONTINUE > {};
struct id_start : binary_property< UCHAR_ID_START > {};
struct ideographic : binary_property< UCHAR_IDEOGRAPHIC > {};
struct ids_binary_operator : binary_property< UCHAR_IDS_BINARY_OPERATOR > {};
struct ids_trinary_operator : binary_property< UCHAR_IDS_TRINARY_OPERATOR > {};
struct join_control : binary_property< UCHAR_JOIN_CONTROL > {};
struct logical_order_exception : binary_property< UCHAR_LOGICAL_ORDER_EXCEPTION > {};
struct lowercase : binary_property< UCHAR_LOWERCASE > {};
struct math : binary_property< UCHAR_MATH > {};
struct nfc_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFC_INERT > {};
struct nfd_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFD_INERT > {};
struct nfkc_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFKC_INERT > {};
struct nfkd_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFKD_INERT > {};
struct noncharacter_code_point : binary_property< UCHAR_NONCHARACTER_CODE_POINT > {};
struct pattern_syntax : binary_property< UCHAR_PATTERN_SYNTAX > {};
struct pattern_white_space : binary_property< UCHAR_PATTERN_WHITE_SPACE > {};
struct posix_alnum : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_ALNUM > {};
struct posix_blank : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_BLANK > {};
struct posix_graph : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_GRAPH > {};
struct posix_print : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_PRINT > {};
struct posix_xdigit : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_XDIGIT > {};
struct quotation_mark : binary_property< UCHAR_QUOTATION_MARK > {};
struct radical : binary_property< UCHAR_RADICAL > {};
struct s_term : binary_property< UCHAR_S_TERM > {};
struct segment_starter : binary_property< UCHAR_SEGMENT_STARTER > {};
struct soft_dotted : binary_property< UCHAR_SOFT_DOTTED > {};
struct terminal_punctuation : binary_property< UCHAR_TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION > {};
struct unified_ideograph : binary_property< UCHAR_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPH > {};
struct uppercase : binary_property< UCHAR_UPPERCASE > {};
struct variation_selector : binary_property< UCHAR_VARIATION_SELECTOR > {};
struct white_space : binary_property< UCHAR_WHITE_SPACE > {};
struct xid_continue : binary_property< UCHAR_XID_CONTINUE > {};
struct xid_start : binary_property< UCHAR_XID_START > {};
template< UCharDirection V > struct bidi_class : property_value< UCHAR_BIDI_CLASS, V > {};
template< UBlockCode V > struct block : property_value< UCHAR_BLOCK, V > {};
template< UDecompositionType V > struct decomposition_type : property_value< UCHAR_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE, V > {};
template< UEastAsianWidth V > struct east_asian_width : property_value< UCHAR_EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH, V > {};
template< UCharCategory V > struct general_category : property_value< UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY, V > {};
template< UGraphemeClusterBreak V > struct grapheme_cluster_break : property_value< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_BREAK, V > {};
template< UHangulSyllableType V > struct hangul_syllable_type : property_value< UCHAR_HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TYPE, V > {};
template< UJoiningGroup V > struct joining_group : property_value< UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP, V > {};
template< UJoiningType V > struct joining_type : property_value< UCHAR_JOINING_TYPE, V > {};
template< ULineBreak V > struct line_break : property_value< UCHAR_LINE_BREAK, V > {};
// UNormalizationCheckResult requires an additional header <unicode/unorm2.h>:
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfc_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFC_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfd_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFD_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfkc_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFKC_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfkd_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFKD_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
template< UNumericType V > struct numeric_type : property_value< UCHAR_NUMERIC_TYPE, V > {};
template< USentenceBreak V > struct sentence_break : property_value< UCHAR_SENTENCE_BREAK, V > {};
template< UWordBreakValues V > struct word_break : property_value< UCHAR_WORD_BREAK, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct lead_canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_LEAD_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct trail_canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_TRAIL_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace utf16_be::icu
namespace utf16_le::icu
template< UProperty P, bool V = true >
struct binary_property
: internal::icu::binary_property< internal::peek_utf16_le, P, V >
template< UProperty P, int V >
struct property_value
: internal::icu::property_value< internal::peek_utf16_le, P, V >
// clang-format off
struct alphabetic : binary_property< UCHAR_ALPHABETIC > {};
struct ascii_hex_digit : binary_property< UCHAR_ASCII_HEX_DIGIT > {};
struct bidi_control : binary_property< UCHAR_BIDI_CONTROL > {};
struct bidi_mirrored : binary_property< UCHAR_BIDI_MIRRORED > {};
struct case_sensitive : binary_property< UCHAR_CASE_SENSITIVE > {};
struct dash : binary_property< UCHAR_DASH > {};
struct default_ignorable_code_point : binary_property< UCHAR_DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_CODE_POINT > {};
struct deprecated : binary_property< UCHAR_DEPRECATED > {};
struct diacritic : binary_property< UCHAR_DIACRITIC > {};
struct extender : binary_property< UCHAR_EXTENDER > {};
struct full_composition_exclusion : binary_property< UCHAR_FULL_COMPOSITION_EXCLUSION > {};
struct grapheme_base : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_BASE > {};
struct grapheme_extend : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_EXTEND > {};
struct grapheme_link : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_LINK > {};
struct hex_digit : binary_property< UCHAR_HEX_DIGIT > {};
struct hyphen : binary_property< UCHAR_HYPHEN > {};
struct id_continue : binary_property< UCHAR_ID_CONTINUE > {};
struct id_start : binary_property< UCHAR_ID_START > {};
struct ideographic : binary_property< UCHAR_IDEOGRAPHIC > {};
struct ids_binary_operator : binary_property< UCHAR_IDS_BINARY_OPERATOR > {};
struct ids_trinary_operator : binary_property< UCHAR_IDS_TRINARY_OPERATOR > {};
struct join_control : binary_property< UCHAR_JOIN_CONTROL > {};
struct logical_order_exception : binary_property< UCHAR_LOGICAL_ORDER_EXCEPTION > {};
struct lowercase : binary_property< UCHAR_LOWERCASE > {};
struct math : binary_property< UCHAR_MATH > {};
struct nfc_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFC_INERT > {};
struct nfd_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFD_INERT > {};
struct nfkc_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFKC_INERT > {};
struct nfkd_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFKD_INERT > {};
struct noncharacter_code_point : binary_property< UCHAR_NONCHARACTER_CODE_POINT > {};
struct pattern_syntax : binary_property< UCHAR_PATTERN_SYNTAX > {};
struct pattern_white_space : binary_property< UCHAR_PATTERN_WHITE_SPACE > {};
struct posix_alnum : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_ALNUM > {};
struct posix_blank : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_BLANK > {};
struct posix_graph : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_GRAPH > {};
struct posix_print : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_PRINT > {};
struct posix_xdigit : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_XDIGIT > {};
struct quotation_mark : binary_property< UCHAR_QUOTATION_MARK > {};
struct radical : binary_property< UCHAR_RADICAL > {};
struct s_term : binary_property< UCHAR_S_TERM > {};
struct segment_starter : binary_property< UCHAR_SEGMENT_STARTER > {};
struct soft_dotted : binary_property< UCHAR_SOFT_DOTTED > {};
struct terminal_punctuation : binary_property< UCHAR_TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION > {};
struct unified_ideograph : binary_property< UCHAR_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPH > {};
struct uppercase : binary_property< UCHAR_UPPERCASE > {};
struct variation_selector : binary_property< UCHAR_VARIATION_SELECTOR > {};
struct white_space : binary_property< UCHAR_WHITE_SPACE > {};
struct xid_continue : binary_property< UCHAR_XID_CONTINUE > {};
struct xid_start : binary_property< UCHAR_XID_START > {};
template< UCharDirection V > struct bidi_class : property_value< UCHAR_BIDI_CLASS, V > {};
template< UBlockCode V > struct block : property_value< UCHAR_BLOCK, V > {};
template< UDecompositionType V > struct decomposition_type : property_value< UCHAR_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE, V > {};
template< UEastAsianWidth V > struct east_asian_width : property_value< UCHAR_EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH, V > {};
template< UCharCategory V > struct general_category : property_value< UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY, V > {};
template< UGraphemeClusterBreak V > struct grapheme_cluster_break : property_value< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_BREAK, V > {};
template< UHangulSyllableType V > struct hangul_syllable_type : property_value< UCHAR_HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TYPE, V > {};
template< UJoiningGroup V > struct joining_group : property_value< UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP, V > {};
template< UJoiningType V > struct joining_type : property_value< UCHAR_JOINING_TYPE, V > {};
template< ULineBreak V > struct line_break : property_value< UCHAR_LINE_BREAK, V > {};
// UNormalizationCheckResult requires an additional header <unicode/unorm2.h>:
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfc_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFC_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfd_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFD_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfkc_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFKC_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfkd_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFKD_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
template< UNumericType V > struct numeric_type : property_value< UCHAR_NUMERIC_TYPE, V > {};
template< USentenceBreak V > struct sentence_break : property_value< UCHAR_SENTENCE_BREAK, V > {};
template< UWordBreakValues V > struct word_break : property_value< UCHAR_WORD_BREAK, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct lead_canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_LEAD_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct trail_canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_TRAIL_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace utf16_le::icu
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "internal.hpp"
#include "../../config.hpp"
#include "../utf32.hpp"
#include "../internal/peek_utf32.hpp"
namespace utf32_be::icu
template< UProperty P, bool V = true >
struct binary_property
: internal::icu::binary_property< internal::peek_utf32_be, P, V >
template< UProperty P, int V >
struct property_value
: internal::icu::property_value< internal::peek_utf32_be, P, V >
// clang-format off
struct alphabetic : binary_property< UCHAR_ALPHABETIC > {};
struct ascii_hex_digit : binary_property< UCHAR_ASCII_HEX_DIGIT > {};
struct bidi_control : binary_property< UCHAR_BIDI_CONTROL > {};
struct bidi_mirrored : binary_property< UCHAR_BIDI_MIRRORED > {};
struct case_sensitive : binary_property< UCHAR_CASE_SENSITIVE > {};
struct dash : binary_property< UCHAR_DASH > {};
struct default_ignorable_code_point : binary_property< UCHAR_DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_CODE_POINT > {};
struct deprecated : binary_property< UCHAR_DEPRECATED > {};
struct diacritic : binary_property< UCHAR_DIACRITIC > {};
struct extender : binary_property< UCHAR_EXTENDER > {};
struct full_composition_exclusion : binary_property< UCHAR_FULL_COMPOSITION_EXCLUSION > {};
struct grapheme_base : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_BASE > {};
struct grapheme_extend : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_EXTEND > {};
struct grapheme_link : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_LINK > {};
struct hex_digit : binary_property< UCHAR_HEX_DIGIT > {};
struct hyphen : binary_property< UCHAR_HYPHEN > {};
struct id_continue : binary_property< UCHAR_ID_CONTINUE > {};
struct id_start : binary_property< UCHAR_ID_START > {};
struct ideographic : binary_property< UCHAR_IDEOGRAPHIC > {};
struct ids_binary_operator : binary_property< UCHAR_IDS_BINARY_OPERATOR > {};
struct ids_trinary_operator : binary_property< UCHAR_IDS_TRINARY_OPERATOR > {};
struct join_control : binary_property< UCHAR_JOIN_CONTROL > {};
struct logical_order_exception : binary_property< UCHAR_LOGICAL_ORDER_EXCEPTION > {};
struct lowercase : binary_property< UCHAR_LOWERCASE > {};
struct math : binary_property< UCHAR_MATH > {};
struct nfc_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFC_INERT > {};
struct nfd_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFD_INERT > {};
struct nfkc_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFKC_INERT > {};
struct nfkd_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFKD_INERT > {};
struct noncharacter_code_point : binary_property< UCHAR_NONCHARACTER_CODE_POINT > {};
struct pattern_syntax : binary_property< UCHAR_PATTERN_SYNTAX > {};
struct pattern_white_space : binary_property< UCHAR_PATTERN_WHITE_SPACE > {};
struct posix_alnum : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_ALNUM > {};
struct posix_blank : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_BLANK > {};
struct posix_graph : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_GRAPH > {};
struct posix_print : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_PRINT > {};
struct posix_xdigit : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_XDIGIT > {};
struct quotation_mark : binary_property< UCHAR_QUOTATION_MARK > {};
struct radical : binary_property< UCHAR_RADICAL > {};
struct s_term : binary_property< UCHAR_S_TERM > {};
struct segment_starter : binary_property< UCHAR_SEGMENT_STARTER > {};
struct soft_dotted : binary_property< UCHAR_SOFT_DOTTED > {};
struct terminal_punctuation : binary_property< UCHAR_TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION > {};
struct unified_ideograph : binary_property< UCHAR_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPH > {};
struct uppercase : binary_property< UCHAR_UPPERCASE > {};
struct variation_selector : binary_property< UCHAR_VARIATION_SELECTOR > {};
struct white_space : binary_property< UCHAR_WHITE_SPACE > {};
struct xid_continue : binary_property< UCHAR_XID_CONTINUE > {};
struct xid_start : binary_property< UCHAR_XID_START > {};
template< UCharDirection V > struct bidi_class : property_value< UCHAR_BIDI_CLASS, V > {};
template< UBlockCode V > struct block : property_value< UCHAR_BLOCK, V > {};
template< UDecompositionType V > struct decomposition_type : property_value< UCHAR_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE, V > {};
template< UEastAsianWidth V > struct east_asian_width : property_value< UCHAR_EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH, V > {};
template< UCharCategory V > struct general_category : property_value< UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY, V > {};
template< UGraphemeClusterBreak V > struct grapheme_cluster_break : property_value< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_BREAK, V > {};
template< UHangulSyllableType V > struct hangul_syllable_type : property_value< UCHAR_HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TYPE, V > {};
template< UJoiningGroup V > struct joining_group : property_value< UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP, V > {};
template< UJoiningType V > struct joining_type : property_value< UCHAR_JOINING_TYPE, V > {};
template< ULineBreak V > struct line_break : property_value< UCHAR_LINE_BREAK, V > {};
// UNormalizationCheckResult requires an additional header <unicode/unorm2.h>:
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfc_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFC_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfd_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFD_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfkc_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFKC_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfkd_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFKD_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
template< UNumericType V > struct numeric_type : property_value< UCHAR_NUMERIC_TYPE, V > {};
template< USentenceBreak V > struct sentence_break : property_value< UCHAR_SENTENCE_BREAK, V > {};
template< UWordBreakValues V > struct word_break : property_value< UCHAR_WORD_BREAK, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct lead_canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_LEAD_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct trail_canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_TRAIL_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace utf32_be::icu
namespace utf32_le::icu
template< UProperty P, bool V = true >
struct binary_property
: internal::icu::binary_property< internal::peek_utf32_le, P, V >
template< UProperty P, int V >
struct property_value
: internal::icu::property_value< internal::peek_utf32_le, P, V >
// clang-format off
struct alphabetic : binary_property< UCHAR_ALPHABETIC > {};
struct ascii_hex_digit : binary_property< UCHAR_ASCII_HEX_DIGIT > {};
struct bidi_control : binary_property< UCHAR_BIDI_CONTROL > {};
struct bidi_mirrored : binary_property< UCHAR_BIDI_MIRRORED > {};
struct case_sensitive : binary_property< UCHAR_CASE_SENSITIVE > {};
struct dash : binary_property< UCHAR_DASH > {};
struct default_ignorable_code_point : binary_property< UCHAR_DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_CODE_POINT > {};
struct deprecated : binary_property< UCHAR_DEPRECATED > {};
struct diacritic : binary_property< UCHAR_DIACRITIC > {};
struct extender : binary_property< UCHAR_EXTENDER > {};
struct full_composition_exclusion : binary_property< UCHAR_FULL_COMPOSITION_EXCLUSION > {};
struct grapheme_base : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_BASE > {};
struct grapheme_extend : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_EXTEND > {};
struct grapheme_link : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_LINK > {};
struct hex_digit : binary_property< UCHAR_HEX_DIGIT > {};
struct hyphen : binary_property< UCHAR_HYPHEN > {};
struct id_continue : binary_property< UCHAR_ID_CONTINUE > {};
struct id_start : binary_property< UCHAR_ID_START > {};
struct ideographic : binary_property< UCHAR_IDEOGRAPHIC > {};
struct ids_binary_operator : binary_property< UCHAR_IDS_BINARY_OPERATOR > {};
struct ids_trinary_operator : binary_property< UCHAR_IDS_TRINARY_OPERATOR > {};
struct join_control : binary_property< UCHAR_JOIN_CONTROL > {};
struct logical_order_exception : binary_property< UCHAR_LOGICAL_ORDER_EXCEPTION > {};
struct lowercase : binary_property< UCHAR_LOWERCASE > {};
struct math : binary_property< UCHAR_MATH > {};
struct nfc_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFC_INERT > {};
struct nfd_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFD_INERT > {};
struct nfkc_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFKC_INERT > {};
struct nfkd_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFKD_INERT > {};
struct noncharacter_code_point : binary_property< UCHAR_NONCHARACTER_CODE_POINT > {};
struct pattern_syntax : binary_property< UCHAR_PATTERN_SYNTAX > {};
struct pattern_white_space : binary_property< UCHAR_PATTERN_WHITE_SPACE > {};
struct posix_alnum : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_ALNUM > {};
struct posix_blank : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_BLANK > {};
struct posix_graph : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_GRAPH > {};
struct posix_print : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_PRINT > {};
struct posix_xdigit : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_XDIGIT > {};
struct quotation_mark : binary_property< UCHAR_QUOTATION_MARK > {};
struct radical : binary_property< UCHAR_RADICAL > {};
struct s_term : binary_property< UCHAR_S_TERM > {};
struct segment_starter : binary_property< UCHAR_SEGMENT_STARTER > {};
struct soft_dotted : binary_property< UCHAR_SOFT_DOTTED > {};
struct terminal_punctuation : binary_property< UCHAR_TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION > {};
struct unified_ideograph : binary_property< UCHAR_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPH > {};
struct uppercase : binary_property< UCHAR_UPPERCASE > {};
struct variation_selector : binary_property< UCHAR_VARIATION_SELECTOR > {};
struct white_space : binary_property< UCHAR_WHITE_SPACE > {};
struct xid_continue : binary_property< UCHAR_XID_CONTINUE > {};
struct xid_start : binary_property< UCHAR_XID_START > {};
template< UCharDirection V > struct bidi_class : property_value< UCHAR_BIDI_CLASS, V > {};
template< UBlockCode V > struct block : property_value< UCHAR_BLOCK, V > {};
template< UDecompositionType V > struct decomposition_type : property_value< UCHAR_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE, V > {};
template< UEastAsianWidth V > struct east_asian_width : property_value< UCHAR_EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH, V > {};
template< UCharCategory V > struct general_category : property_value< UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY, V > {};
template< UGraphemeClusterBreak V > struct grapheme_cluster_break : property_value< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_BREAK, V > {};
template< UHangulSyllableType V > struct hangul_syllable_type : property_value< UCHAR_HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TYPE, V > {};
template< UJoiningGroup V > struct joining_group : property_value< UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP, V > {};
template< UJoiningType V > struct joining_type : property_value< UCHAR_JOINING_TYPE, V > {};
template< ULineBreak V > struct line_break : property_value< UCHAR_LINE_BREAK, V > {};
// UNormalizationCheckResult requires an additional header <unicode/unorm2.h>:
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfc_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFC_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfd_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFD_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfkc_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFKC_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfkd_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFKD_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
template< UNumericType V > struct numeric_type : property_value< UCHAR_NUMERIC_TYPE, V > {};
template< USentenceBreak V > struct sentence_break : property_value< UCHAR_SENTENCE_BREAK, V > {};
template< UWordBreakValues V > struct word_break : property_value< UCHAR_WORD_BREAK, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct lead_canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_LEAD_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct trail_canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_TRAIL_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace utf32_le::icu
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "internal.hpp"
#include "../../config.hpp"
#include "../../utf8.hpp"
#include "../../internal/peek_utf8.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::utf8::icu
template< UProperty P, bool V = true >
struct binary_property
: internal::icu::binary_property< internal::peek_utf8, P, V >
template< UProperty P, int V >
struct property_value
: internal::icu::property_value< internal::peek_utf8, P, V >
// clang-format off
struct alphabetic : binary_property< UCHAR_ALPHABETIC > {};
struct ascii_hex_digit : binary_property< UCHAR_ASCII_HEX_DIGIT > {};
struct bidi_control : binary_property< UCHAR_BIDI_CONTROL > {};
struct bidi_mirrored : binary_property< UCHAR_BIDI_MIRRORED > {};
struct case_sensitive : binary_property< UCHAR_CASE_SENSITIVE > {};
struct dash : binary_property< UCHAR_DASH > {};
struct default_ignorable_code_point : binary_property< UCHAR_DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_CODE_POINT > {};
struct deprecated : binary_property< UCHAR_DEPRECATED > {};
struct diacritic : binary_property< UCHAR_DIACRITIC > {};
struct extender : binary_property< UCHAR_EXTENDER > {};
struct full_composition_exclusion : binary_property< UCHAR_FULL_COMPOSITION_EXCLUSION > {};
struct grapheme_base : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_BASE > {};
struct grapheme_extend : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_EXTEND > {};
struct grapheme_link : binary_property< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_LINK > {};
struct hex_digit : binary_property< UCHAR_HEX_DIGIT > {};
struct hyphen : binary_property< UCHAR_HYPHEN > {};
struct id_continue : binary_property< UCHAR_ID_CONTINUE > {};
struct id_start : binary_property< UCHAR_ID_START > {};
struct ideographic : binary_property< UCHAR_IDEOGRAPHIC > {};
struct ids_binary_operator : binary_property< UCHAR_IDS_BINARY_OPERATOR > {};
struct ids_trinary_operator : binary_property< UCHAR_IDS_TRINARY_OPERATOR > {};
struct join_control : binary_property< UCHAR_JOIN_CONTROL > {};
struct logical_order_exception : binary_property< UCHAR_LOGICAL_ORDER_EXCEPTION > {};
struct lowercase : binary_property< UCHAR_LOWERCASE > {};
struct math : binary_property< UCHAR_MATH > {};
struct nfc_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFC_INERT > {};
struct nfd_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFD_INERT > {};
struct nfkc_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFKC_INERT > {};
struct nfkd_inert : binary_property< UCHAR_NFKD_INERT > {};
struct noncharacter_code_point : binary_property< UCHAR_NONCHARACTER_CODE_POINT > {};
struct pattern_syntax : binary_property< UCHAR_PATTERN_SYNTAX > {};
struct pattern_white_space : binary_property< UCHAR_PATTERN_WHITE_SPACE > {};
struct posix_alnum : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_ALNUM > {};
struct posix_blank : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_BLANK > {};
struct posix_graph : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_GRAPH > {};
struct posix_print : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_PRINT > {};
struct posix_xdigit : binary_property< UCHAR_POSIX_XDIGIT > {};
struct quotation_mark : binary_property< UCHAR_QUOTATION_MARK > {};
struct radical : binary_property< UCHAR_RADICAL > {};
struct s_term : binary_property< UCHAR_S_TERM > {};
struct segment_starter : binary_property< UCHAR_SEGMENT_STARTER > {};
struct soft_dotted : binary_property< UCHAR_SOFT_DOTTED > {};
struct terminal_punctuation : binary_property< UCHAR_TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION > {};
struct unified_ideograph : binary_property< UCHAR_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPH > {};
struct uppercase : binary_property< UCHAR_UPPERCASE > {};
struct variation_selector : binary_property< UCHAR_VARIATION_SELECTOR > {};
struct white_space : binary_property< UCHAR_WHITE_SPACE > {};
struct xid_continue : binary_property< UCHAR_XID_CONTINUE > {};
struct xid_start : binary_property< UCHAR_XID_START > {};
template< UCharDirection V > struct bidi_class : property_value< UCHAR_BIDI_CLASS, V > {};
template< UBlockCode V > struct block : property_value< UCHAR_BLOCK, V > {};
template< UDecompositionType V > struct decomposition_type : property_value< UCHAR_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE, V > {};
template< UEastAsianWidth V > struct east_asian_width : property_value< UCHAR_EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH, V > {};
template< UCharCategory V > struct general_category : property_value< UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY, V > {};
template< UGraphemeClusterBreak V > struct grapheme_cluster_break : property_value< UCHAR_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_BREAK, V > {};
template< UHangulSyllableType V > struct hangul_syllable_type : property_value< UCHAR_HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TYPE, V > {};
template< UJoiningGroup V > struct joining_group : property_value< UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP, V > {};
template< UJoiningType V > struct joining_type : property_value< UCHAR_JOINING_TYPE, V > {};
template< ULineBreak V > struct line_break : property_value< UCHAR_LINE_BREAK, V > {};
// UNormalizationCheckResult requires an additional header <unicode/unorm2.h>:
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfc_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFC_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfd_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFD_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfkc_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFKC_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
// template< UNormalizationCheckResult V > struct nfkd_quick_check : property_value< UCHAR_NFKD_QUICK_CHECK, V > {};
template< UNumericType V > struct numeric_type : property_value< UCHAR_NUMERIC_TYPE, V > {};
template< USentenceBreak V > struct sentence_break : property_value< UCHAR_SENTENCE_BREAK, V > {};
template< UWordBreakValues V > struct word_break : property_value< UCHAR_WORD_BREAK, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct lead_canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_LEAD_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
template< std::uint8_t V > struct trail_canonical_combining_class : property_value< UCHAR_TRAIL_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, V > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::utf8::icu
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <type_traits>
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/enable_control.hpp"
#include "../internal/failure.hpp"
#include "../internal/if_then_else.hpp"
#include "../internal/seq.hpp"
#include "../internal/success.hpp"
namespace internal
template< typename Cond, typename Then >
struct if_pair
template< typename... Pairs >
struct if_then;
template< typename Cond, typename Then, typename... Pairs >
struct if_then< if_pair< Cond, Then >, Pairs... >
: if_then_else< Cond, Then, if_then< Pairs... > >
template< typename ElseCond, typename... Thens >
using else_if_then = if_then< if_pair< Cond, Then >, Pairs..., if_pair< ElseCond, seq< Thens... > > >;
template< typename... Thens >
using else_then = if_then_else< Cond, Then, if_then< Pairs..., if_pair< success, seq< Thens... > > > >;
struct if_then<>
: failure
template< typename... Pairs >
inline constexpr bool enable_control< if_then< Pairs... > > = false;
} // namespace internal
template< typename Cond, typename... Thens >
struct if_then
: internal::if_then< internal::if_pair< Cond, internal::seq< Thens... > > >
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../apply_mode.hpp"
#include "../match.hpp"
#include "../nothing.hpp"
#include "../rewind_mode.hpp"
template< typename T >
struct instantiate
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
const T t( static_cast< const ParseInput& >( in ), st... );
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#if !defined( __cpp_exceptions )
#error "Exception support required for tao/pegtl/contrib/integer.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <limits>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../ascii.hpp"
#include "../parse.hpp"
#include "../parse_error.hpp"
#include "../rules.hpp"
#include "analyze_traits.hpp"
struct unsigned_rule_old
: plus< digit >
// Pre-3.0 version of this rule.
struct unsigned_rule_new
: if_then_else< one< '0' >, not_at< digit >, plus< digit > >
// New version that does not allow leading zeros.
struct signed_rule_old
: seq< opt< one< '-', '+' > >, plus< digit > >
// Pre-3.0 version of this rule.
struct signed_rule_new
: seq< opt< one< '-', '+' > >, if_then_else< one< '0' >, not_at< digit >, plus< digit > > >
// New version that does not allow leading zeros.
struct signed_rule_bis
: seq< opt< one< '-' > >, if_then_else< one< '0' >, not_at< digit >, plus< digit > > >
struct signed_rule_ter
: seq< one< '-', '+' >, if_then_else< one< '0' >, not_at< digit >, plus< digit > > >
namespace internal
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool is_digit( const char c ) noexcept
// We don't use std::isdigit() because it might
// return true for other values on MS platforms.
return ( '0' <= c ) && ( c <= '9' );
template< typename Integer, Integer Maximum = ( std::numeric_limits< Integer >::max )() >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool accumulate_digit( Integer& result, const char digit ) noexcept
// Assumes that digit is a digit as per is_digit(); returns false on overflow.
static_assert( std::is_integral_v< Integer > );
constexpr Integer cutoff = Maximum / 10;
constexpr Integer cutlim = Maximum % 10;
const Integer c = digit - '0';
if( ( result > cutoff ) || ( ( result == cutoff ) && ( c > cutlim ) ) ) {
return false;
result *= 10;
result += c;
return true;
template< typename Integer, Integer Maximum = ( std::numeric_limits< Integer >::max )() >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool accumulate_digits( Integer& result, const std::string_view input ) noexcept
// Assumes input is a non-empty sequence of digits; returns false on overflow.
for( char c : input ) {
if( !accumulate_digit< Integer, Maximum >( result, c ) ) {
return false;
return true;
template< typename Integer, Integer Maximum = ( std::numeric_limits< Integer >::max )() >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool convert_positive( Integer& result, const std::string_view input ) noexcept
// Assumes result == 0 and that input is a non-empty sequence of digits; returns false on overflow.
static_assert( std::is_integral_v< Integer > );
return accumulate_digits< Integer, Maximum >( result, input );
template< typename Signed >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool convert_negative( Signed& result, const std::string_view input ) noexcept
// Assumes result == 0 and that input is a non-empty sequence of digits; returns false on overflow.
static_assert( std::is_signed_v< Signed > );
using Unsigned = std::make_unsigned_t< Signed >;
constexpr Unsigned maximum = static_cast< Unsigned >( ( std::numeric_limits< Signed >::max )() ) + 1;
Unsigned temporary = 0;
if( accumulate_digits< Unsigned, maximum >( temporary, input ) ) {
result = static_cast< Signed >( ~temporary ) + 1;
return true;
return false;
template< typename Unsigned, Unsigned Maximum = ( std::numeric_limits< Unsigned >::max )() >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool convert_unsigned( Unsigned& result, const std::string_view input ) noexcept
// Assumes result == 0 and that input is a non-empty sequence of digits; returns false on overflow.
static_assert( std::is_unsigned_v< Unsigned > );
return accumulate_digits< Unsigned, Maximum >( result, input );
template< typename Signed >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool convert_signed( Signed& result, const std::string_view input ) noexcept
// Assumes result == 0 and that input is an optional sign followed by a non-empty sequence of digits; returns false on overflow.
static_assert( std::is_signed_v< Signed > );
if( input[ 0 ] == '-' ) {
return convert_negative< Signed >( result, std::string_view( input.data() + 1, input.size() - 1 ) );
const auto offset = unsigned( input[ 0 ] == '+' );
return convert_positive< Signed >( result, std::string_view( input.data() + offset, input.size() - offset ) );
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] bool match_unsigned( ParseInput& in ) noexcept( noexcept( in.empty() ) )
if( !in.empty() ) {
const char c = in.peek_char();
if( is_digit( c ) ) {
if( c == '0' ) {
return in.empty() || ( !is_digit( in.peek_char() ) );
while( ( !in.empty() ) && is_digit( in.peek_char() ) ) {
return true;
return false;
template< typename ParseInput,
typename Unsigned,
Unsigned Maximum = ( std::numeric_limits< Unsigned >::max )() >
[[nodiscard]] bool match_and_convert_unsigned_with_maximum_throws( ParseInput& in, Unsigned& st )
// Assumes st == 0.
if( !in.empty() ) {
char c = in.peek_char();
if( is_digit( c ) ) {
if( c == '0' ) {
return in.empty() || ( !is_digit( in.peek_char() ) );
do {
if( !accumulate_digit< Unsigned, Maximum >( st, c ) ) {
throw TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse_error( "integer overflow", in );
} while( ( !in.empty() ) && is_digit( c = in.peek_char() ) );
return true;
return false;
template< typename ParseInput,
typename Unsigned,
Unsigned Maximum = ( std::numeric_limits< Unsigned >::max )() >
[[nodiscard]] bool match_and_convert_unsigned_with_maximum_nothrow( ParseInput& in, Unsigned& st )
// Assumes st == 0.
if( !in.empty() ) {
char c = in.peek_char();
if( c == '0' ) {
if( ( in.size( 2 ) < 2 ) || ( !is_digit( in.peek_char( 1 ) ) ) ) {
return true;
return false;
if( is_digit( c ) ) {
unsigned b = 0;
do {
if( !accumulate_digit< Unsigned, Maximum >( st, c ) ) {
return false;
} while( ( !in.empty() ) && is_digit( c = in.peek_char( b ) ) );
in.bump_in_this_line( b );
return true;
return false;
} // namespace internal
struct unsigned_action
// Assumes that 'in' contains a non-empty sequence of ASCII digits.
template< typename ActionInput, typename Unsigned >
static void apply( const ActionInput& in, Unsigned& st )
// This function "only" offers basic exception safety.
st = 0;
if( !internal::convert_unsigned( st, in.string_view() ) ) {
throw parse_error( "unsigned integer overflow", in );
struct unsigned_rule
using rule_t = unsigned_rule;
using subs_t = empty_list;
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in ) noexcept( noexcept( in.empty() ) )
return internal::match_unsigned( in ); // Does not check for any overflow.
struct unsigned_rule_with_action
using rule_t = unsigned_rule_with_action;
using subs_t = empty_list;
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static auto match( ParseInput& in, States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept( noexcept( in.empty() ) ) -> std::enable_if_t< A == apply_mode::nothing, bool >
return internal::match_unsigned( in ); // Does not check for any overflow.
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename Unsigned >
[[nodiscard]] static auto match( ParseInput& in, Unsigned& st ) -> std::enable_if_t< ( A == apply_mode::action ) && std::is_unsigned_v< Unsigned >, bool >
// This function "only" offers basic exception safety.
st = 0;
return internal::match_and_convert_unsigned_with_maximum_throws( in, st ); // Throws on overflow.
template< typename Unsigned, Unsigned Maximum >
struct maximum_action
// Assumes that 'in' contains a non-empty sequence of ASCII digits.
static_assert( std::is_unsigned_v< Unsigned > );
template< typename ActionInput, typename Unsigned2 >
static void apply( const ActionInput& in, Unsigned2& st )
// This function "only" offers basic exception safety.
st = 0;
if( !internal::convert_unsigned< Unsigned, Maximum >( st, in.string_view() ) ) {
throw parse_error( "unsigned integer overflow", in );
template< typename Unsigned, Unsigned Maximum = ( std::numeric_limits< Unsigned >::max )() >
struct maximum_rule
using rule_t = maximum_rule;
using subs_t = empty_list;
static_assert( std::is_unsigned_v< Unsigned > );
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in )
Unsigned st = 0;
return internal::match_and_convert_unsigned_with_maximum_nothrow< ParseInput, Unsigned, Maximum >( in, st );
template< typename Unsigned, Unsigned Maximum = ( std::numeric_limits< Unsigned >::max )() >
struct maximum_rule_with_action
using rule_t = maximum_rule_with_action;
using subs_t = empty_list;
static_assert( std::is_unsigned_v< Unsigned > );
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static auto match( ParseInput& in, States&&... /*unused*/ ) -> std::enable_if_t< A == apply_mode::nothing, bool >
Unsigned st = 0;
return internal::match_and_convert_unsigned_with_maximum_throws< ParseInput, Unsigned, Maximum >( in, st );
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename Unsigned2 >
[[nodiscard]] static auto match( ParseInput& in, Unsigned2& st ) -> std::enable_if_t< ( A == apply_mode::action ) && std::is_same_v< Unsigned, Unsigned2 >, bool >
// This function "only" offers basic exception safety.
st = 0;
return internal::match_and_convert_unsigned_with_maximum_throws< ParseInput, Unsigned, Maximum >( in, st );
struct signed_action
// Assumes that 'in' contains a non-empty sequence of ASCII digits,
// with optional leading sign; with sign, in.size() must be >= 2.
template< typename ActionInput, typename Signed >
static void apply( const ActionInput& in, Signed& st )
// This function "only" offers basic exception safety.
st = 0;
if( !internal::convert_signed( st, in.string_view() ) ) {
throw parse_error( "signed integer overflow", in );
struct signed_rule
using rule_t = signed_rule;
using subs_t = empty_list;
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in ) noexcept( noexcept( in.empty() ) )
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse< signed_rule_new >( in ); // Does not check for any overflow.
namespace internal
template< typename Rule >
struct signed_action_action
: nothing< Rule >
struct signed_action_action< signed_rule_new >
: signed_action
} // namespace internal
struct signed_rule_with_action
using rule_t = signed_rule_with_action;
using subs_t = empty_list;
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static auto match( ParseInput& in, States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept( noexcept( in.empty() ) ) -> std::enable_if_t< A == apply_mode::nothing, bool >
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse< signed_rule_new >( in ); // Does not check for any overflow.
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename Signed >
[[nodiscard]] static auto match( ParseInput& in, Signed& st ) -> std::enable_if_t< ( A == apply_mode::action ) && std::is_signed_v< Signed >, bool >
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse< signed_rule_new, internal::signed_action_action >( in, st ); // Throws on overflow.
template< typename Name >
struct analyze_traits< Name, unsigned_rule >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name >
struct analyze_traits< Name, unsigned_rule_with_action >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename Integer, Integer Maximum >
struct analyze_traits< Name, maximum_rule< Integer, Maximum > >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name, typename Integer, Integer Maximum >
struct analyze_traits< Name, maximum_rule_with_action< Integer, Maximum > >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name >
struct analyze_traits< Name, signed_rule >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name >
struct analyze_traits< Name, signed_rule_with_action >
: analyze_any_traits<>
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include "../../config.hpp"
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( __MINGW32__ ) && !defined( __CYGWIN__ )
#include "endian_win.hpp"
#include "endian_gcc.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
enum class endian
#if defined( _WIN32 )
little = 0,
big = 1,
native = little
#elif defined( __BYTE_ORDER__ )
native = __BYTE_ORDER__
#error Unknown endianness.
template< typename N >
[[nodiscard]] N h_to_be( const N n ) noexcept
return N( to_and_from_be< sizeof( N ) >::convert( n ) );
template< typename N >
[[nodiscard]] N be_to_h( const N n ) noexcept
return h_to_be( n );
template< typename N >
[[nodiscard]] N be_to_h( const void* p ) noexcept
N n;
std::memcpy( &n, p, sizeof( n ) );
return internal::be_to_h( n );
template< typename N >
[[nodiscard]] N h_to_le( const N n ) noexcept
return N( to_and_from_le< sizeof( N ) >::convert( n ) );
template< typename N >
[[nodiscard]] N le_to_h( const N n ) noexcept
return h_to_le( n );
template< typename N >
[[nodiscard]] N le_to_h( const void* p ) noexcept
N n;
std::memcpy( &n, p, sizeof( n ) );
return internal::le_to_h( n );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
#if !defined( __BYTE_ORDER__ )
#error No byte order defined!
template< std::size_t S >
struct to_and_from_be
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] static T convert( const T n ) noexcept
return n;
template< std::size_t S >
struct to_and_from_le;
struct to_and_from_le< 1 >
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint8_t convert( const std::uint8_t n ) noexcept
return n;
[[nodiscard]] static std::int8_t convert( const std::int8_t n ) noexcept
return n;
struct to_and_from_le< 2 >
[[nodiscard]] static std::int16_t convert( const std::int16_t n ) noexcept
return static_cast< std::int16_t >( __builtin_bswap16( static_cast< std::uint16_t >( n ) ) );
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint16_t convert( const std::uint16_t n ) noexcept
return __builtin_bswap16( n );
struct to_and_from_le< 4 >
[[nodiscard]] static float convert( float n ) noexcept
std::uint32_t u;
std::memcpy( &u, &n, 4 );
u = convert( u );
std::memcpy( &n, &u, 4 );
return n;
[[nodiscard]] static std::int32_t convert( const std::int32_t n ) noexcept
return static_cast< std::int32_t >( __builtin_bswap32( static_cast< std::uint32_t >( n ) ) );
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint32_t convert( const std::uint32_t n ) noexcept
return __builtin_bswap32( n );
struct to_and_from_le< 8 >
[[nodiscard]] static double convert( double n ) noexcept
std::uint64_t u;
std::memcpy( &u, &n, 8 );
u = convert( u );
std::memcpy( &n, &u, 8 );
return n;
[[nodiscard]] static std::int64_t convert( const std::int64_t n ) noexcept
return static_cast< std::int64_t >( __builtin_bswap64( static_cast< std::uint64_t >( n ) ) );
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint64_t convert( const std::uint64_t n ) noexcept
return __builtin_bswap64( n );
template< std::size_t S >
struct to_and_from_le
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] static T convert( const T n ) noexcept
return n;
template< std::size_t S >
struct to_and_from_be;
struct to_and_from_be< 1 >
[[nodiscard]] static std::int8_t convert( const std::int8_t n ) noexcept
return n;
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint8_t convert( const std::uint8_t n ) noexcept
return n;
struct to_and_from_be< 2 >
[[nodiscard]] static std::int16_t convert( const std::int16_t n ) noexcept
return static_cast< std::int16_t >( __builtin_bswap16( static_cast< std::uint16_t >( n ) ) );
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint16_t convert( const std::uint16_t n ) noexcept
return __builtin_bswap16( n );
struct to_and_from_be< 4 >
[[nodiscard]] static float convert( float n ) noexcept
std::uint32_t u;
std::memcpy( &u, &n, 4 );
u = convert( u );
std::memcpy( &n, &u, 4 );
return n;
[[nodiscard]] static std::int32_t convert( const std::int32_t n ) noexcept
return static_cast< std::int32_t >( __builtin_bswap32( static_cast< std::uint32_t >( n ) ) );
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint32_t convert( const std::uint32_t n ) noexcept
return __builtin_bswap32( n );
struct to_and_from_be< 8 >
[[nodiscard]] static double convert( double n ) noexcept
std::uint64_t u;
std::memcpy( &u, &n, 8 );
u = convert( u );
std::memcpy( &n, &u, 8 );
return n;
[[nodiscard]] static std::int64_t convert( const std::int64_t n ) noexcept
return static_cast< std::int64_t >( __builtin_bswap64( static_cast< std::uint64_t >( n ) ) );
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint64_t convert( const std::uint64_t n ) noexcept
return __builtin_bswap64( n );
#error Unknown host byte order!
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
template< std::size_t S >
struct to_and_from_le
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] static T convert( const T t ) noexcept
return t;
template< std::size_t S >
struct to_and_from_be;
struct to_and_from_be< 1 >
[[nodiscard]] static std::int8_t convert( const std::int8_t n ) noexcept
return n;
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint8_t convert( const std::uint8_t n ) noexcept
return n;
struct to_and_from_be< 2 >
[[nodiscard]] static std::int16_t convert( const std::int16_t n ) noexcept
return std::int16_t( _byteswap_ushort( std::uint16_t( n ) ) );
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint16_t convert( const std::uint16_t n ) noexcept
return _byteswap_ushort( n );
struct to_and_from_be< 4 >
[[nodiscard]] static float convert( float n ) noexcept
std::uint32_t u;
std::memcpy( &u, &n, 4 );
u = convert( u );
std::memcpy( &n, &u, 4 );
return n;
[[nodiscard]] static std::int32_t convert( const std::int32_t n ) noexcept
return std::int32_t( _byteswap_ulong( std::uint32_t( n ) ) );
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint32_t convert( const std::uint32_t n ) noexcept
return _byteswap_ulong( n );
struct to_and_from_be< 8 >
[[nodiscard]] static double convert( double n ) noexcept
std::uint64_t u;
std::memcpy( &u, &n, 8 );
u = convert( u );
std::memcpy( &n, &u, 8 );
return n;
[[nodiscard]] static std::int64_t convert( const std::int64_t n ) noexcept
return std::int64_t( _byteswap_uint64( std::uint64_t( n ) ) );
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint64_t convert( const std::uint64_t n ) noexcept
return _byteswap_uint64( n );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "../../config.hpp"
#include "../../internal/input_pair.hpp"
#include "read_uint.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
template< typename R, typename R::type M >
struct peek_mask_uint_impl
using data_t = typename R::type;
using pair_t = input_pair< data_t >;
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static pair_t peek( ParseInput& in ) noexcept( noexcept( in.size( sizeof( data_t ) ) ) )
if( in.size( sizeof( data_t ) ) < sizeof( data_t ) ) {
return { 0, 0 };
const data_t data = R::read( in.current() ) & M;
return { data, sizeof( data_t ) };
template< std::uint16_t M >
using peek_mask_uint16_be = peek_mask_uint_impl< read_uint16_be, M >;
template< std::uint16_t M >
using peek_mask_uint16_le = peek_mask_uint_impl< read_uint16_le, M >;
template< std::uint32_t M >
using peek_mask_uint32_be = peek_mask_uint_impl< read_uint32_be, M >;
template< std::uint32_t M >
using peek_mask_uint32_le = peek_mask_uint_impl< read_uint32_le, M >;
template< std::uint64_t M >
using peek_mask_uint64_be = peek_mask_uint_impl< read_uint64_be, M >;
template< std::uint64_t M >
using peek_mask_uint64_le = peek_mask_uint_impl< read_uint64_le, M >;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "../../config.hpp"
#include "../../internal/input_pair.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
template< std::uint8_t M >
struct peek_mask_uint8
using data_t = std::uint8_t;
using pair_t = input_pair< std::uint8_t >;
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static pair_t peek( ParseInput& in ) noexcept( noexcept( in.empty() ) )
if( in.empty() ) {
return { 0, 0 };
return { std::uint8_t( in.peek_uint8() & M ), 1 };
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "../../config.hpp"
#include "../../internal/input_pair.hpp"
#include "read_uint.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
template< typename R >
struct peek_uint_impl
using data_t = typename R::type;
using pair_t = input_pair< data_t >;
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static pair_t peek( ParseInput& in ) noexcept( noexcept( in.size( sizeof( data_t ) ) ) )
if( in.size( sizeof( data_t ) ) < sizeof( data_t ) ) {
return { 0, 0 };
const data_t data = R::read( in.current() );
return { data, sizeof( data_t ) };
using peek_uint16_be = peek_uint_impl< read_uint16_be >;
using peek_uint16_le = peek_uint_impl< read_uint16_le >;
using peek_uint32_be = peek_uint_impl< read_uint32_be >;
using peek_uint32_le = peek_uint_impl< read_uint32_le >;
using peek_uint64_be = peek_uint_impl< read_uint64_be >;
using peek_uint64_le = peek_uint_impl< read_uint64_le >;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "../../config.hpp"
#include "../../internal/input_pair.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
struct peek_uint8
using data_t = std::uint8_t;
using pair_t = input_pair< std::uint8_t >;
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static pair_t peek( ParseInput& in ) noexcept( noexcept( in.empty() ) )
if( in.empty() ) {
return { 0, 0 };
return { in.peek_uint8(), 1 };
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <type_traits>
#include "../../config.hpp"
#include "../../internal/input_pair.hpp"
#include "read_uint.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
template< typename R >
struct peek_utf16_impl
using data_t = char32_t;
using pair_t = input_pair< char32_t >;
using short_t = std::make_unsigned< char16_t >::type;
static_assert( sizeof( short_t ) == 2 );
static_assert( sizeof( char16_t ) == 2 );
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static pair_t peek( ParseInput& in ) noexcept( noexcept( in.size( 4 ) ) )
if( in.size( 2 ) < 2 ) {
return { 0, 0 };
const char32_t t = R::read( in.current() );
if( ( t < 0xd800 ) || ( t > 0xdfff ) ) {
return { t, 2 };
if( ( t >= 0xdc00 ) || ( in.size( 4 ) < 4 ) ) {
return { 0, 0 };
const char32_t u = R::read( in.current() + 2 );
if( ( u >= 0xdc00 ) && ( u <= 0xdfff ) ) {
const auto cp = ( ( ( t & 0x03ff ) << 10 ) | ( u & 0x03ff ) ) + 0x10000;
return { cp, 4 };
return { 0, 0 };
using peek_utf16_be = peek_utf16_impl< read_uint16_be >;
using peek_utf16_le = peek_utf16_impl< read_uint16_le >;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstddef>
#include "../../config.hpp"
#include "../../internal/input_pair.hpp"
#include "read_uint.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
template< typename R >
struct peek_utf32_impl
using data_t = char32_t;
using pair_t = input_pair< char32_t >;
static_assert( sizeof( char32_t ) == 4 );
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static pair_t peek( ParseInput& in ) noexcept( noexcept( in.size( 4 ) ) )
if( in.size( 4 ) < 4 ) {
return { 0, 0 };
const char32_t t = R::read( in.current() );
if( ( t <= 0x10ffff ) && !( t >= 0xd800 && t <= 0xdfff ) ) {
return { t, 4 };
return { 0, 0 };
using peek_utf32_be = peek_utf32_impl< read_uint32_be >;
using peek_utf32_le = peek_utf32_impl< read_uint32_le >;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstdint>
#include "../../config.hpp"
#include "endian.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
struct read_uint16_be
using type = std::uint16_t;
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint16_t read( const void* d ) noexcept
return be_to_h< std::uint16_t >( d );
struct read_uint16_le
using type = std::uint16_t;
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint16_t read( const void* d ) noexcept
return le_to_h< std::uint16_t >( d );
struct read_uint32_be
using type = std::uint32_t;
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint32_t read( const void* d ) noexcept
return be_to_h< std::uint32_t >( d );
struct read_uint32_le
using type = std::uint32_t;
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint32_t read( const void* d ) noexcept
return le_to_h< std::uint32_t >( d );
struct read_uint64_be
using type = std::uint64_t;
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint64_t read( const void* d ) noexcept
return be_to_h< std::uint64_t >( d );
struct read_uint64_le
using type = std::uint64_t;
[[nodiscard]] static std::uint64_t read( const void* d ) noexcept
return le_to_h< std::uint64_t >( d );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "../../config.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
template< typename... Cs >
class [[nodiscard]] set_stack_guard
template< typename... Ts >
set_stack_guard( std::set< Cs... >& set, Ts&&... ts )
: m_i( set.emplace( std::forward< Ts >( ts )... ) ),
m_s( set )
set_stack_guard( set_stack_guard&& ) = delete;
set_stack_guard( const set_stack_guard& ) = delete;
set_stack_guard& operator=( set_stack_guard&& ) = delete;
set_stack_guard& operator=( const set_stack_guard& ) = delete;
if( m_i.second ) {
m_s.erase( m_i.first );
explicit operator bool() const noexcept
return m_i.second;
const std::pair< typename std::set< Cs... >::iterator, bool > m_i;
std::set< Cs... >& m_s;
template< typename... Cs >
set_stack_guard( std::set< Cs... >&, const typename std::set< Cs... >::value_type& ) -> set_stack_guard< Cs... >;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "../../config.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
template< typename... Cs >
class [[nodiscard]] vector_stack_guard
template< typename... Ts >
vector_stack_guard( std::vector< Cs... >& vector, Ts&&... ts )
: m_s( vector )
m_s.emplace_back( std::forward< Ts >( ts )... );
vector_stack_guard( vector_stack_guard&& ) = delete;
vector_stack_guard( const vector_stack_guard& ) = delete;
vector_stack_guard& operator=( vector_stack_guard&& ) = delete;
vector_stack_guard& operator=( const vector_stack_guard& ) = delete;
std::vector< Cs... >& m_s;
template< typename... Cs >
vector_stack_guard( std::vector< Cs... >&, const typename std::vector< Cs... >::value_type& ) -> vector_stack_guard< Cs... >;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Kelvin Hammond
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#if !defined( __cpp_exceptions )
#error "Exception support required for tao/pegtl/contrib/iri.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../rules.hpp"
#include "../utf8.hpp"
#include "abnf.hpp"
#include "uri.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::iri
// IRI grammar according to RFC 3987.
// This grammar is a direct PEG translation of the original URI grammar.
// It should be considered experimental -- in case of any issues, in particular
// missing rules for attached actions, please contact the developers.
// Note that this grammar has multiple top-level rules.
using uri::scheme;
using uri::port;
using uri::dslash;
using uri::IP_literal;
using uri::IPv4address;
using uri::pct_encoded;
using uri::sub_delims;
using uri::colon;
// clang-format off
struct ucschar : utf8::ranges<
0xA0, 0xD7FF,
0xF900, 0xFDCF,
0xFDF0, 0xFFEF,
0x10000, 0x1FFFD,
0x20000, 0x2FFFD,
0x30000, 0x3FFFD,
0x40000, 0x4FFFD,
0x50000, 0x5FFFD,
0x60000, 0x6FFFD,
0x70000, 0x7FFFD,
0x80000, 0x8FFFD,
0x90000, 0x9FFFD,
0xA0000, 0xAFFFD,
0xB0000, 0xBFFFD,
0xC0000, 0xCFFFD,
0xD0000, 0xDFFFD,
0xE1000, 0xEFFFD > {};
struct iprivate : utf8::ranges< 0xE000, 0xF8FF, 0xF0000, 0xFFFFD, 0x100000, 0x10FFFD > {};
struct iunreserved : sor< abnf::ALPHA, abnf::DIGIT, one< '-', '.', '_', '~' >, ucschar > {};
struct ipchar : sor< iunreserved, pct_encoded, sub_delims, one< ':', '@' > > {};
struct isegment : star< ipchar > {};
struct isegment_nz : plus< ipchar > {};
// non-zero-length segment without any colon ":"
struct isegment_nz_nc : plus< sor< iunreserved, pct_encoded, sub_delims, one< '@' > > > {};
struct ipath_abempty : star< one< '/' >, isegment > {};
struct ipath_absolute : seq< one< '/' >, opt< isegment_nz, star< one< '/' >, isegment > > > {};
struct ipath_noscheme : seq< isegment_nz_nc, star< one< '/' >, isegment > > {};
struct ipath_rootless : seq< isegment_nz, star< one< '/' >, isegment > > {};
struct ipath_empty : success {};
struct ipath : sor< ipath_noscheme, // begins with a non-colon segment
ipath_rootless, // begins with a segment
ipath_absolute, // begins with "/" but not "//"
ipath_abempty > // begins with "/" or is empty
struct ireg_name : star< sor< iunreserved, pct_encoded, sub_delims > > {};
struct ihost : sor< IP_literal, IPv4address, ireg_name > {};
struct iuserinfo : star< sor< iunreserved, pct_encoded, sub_delims, colon > > {};
struct opt_iuserinfo : opt< iuserinfo, one< '@' > > {};
struct iauthority : seq< opt_iuserinfo, ihost, opt< colon, port > > {};
struct iquery : star< sor< ipchar, iprivate, one< '/', '?' > > > {};
struct ifragment : star< sor< ipchar, one< '/', '?' > > > {};
struct opt_iquery : opt_must< one< '?' >, iquery > {};
struct opt_ifragment : opt_must< one< '#' >, ifragment > {};
struct ihier_part : sor< if_must< dslash, iauthority, ipath_abempty >, ipath_rootless, ipath_absolute, ipath_empty > {};
struct irelative_part : sor< if_must< dslash, iauthority, ipath_abempty >, ipath_noscheme, ipath_absolute, ipath_empty > {};
struct irelative_ref : seq< irelative_part, opt_iquery, opt_ifragment > {};
struct IRI : seq< scheme, one< ':' >, ihier_part, opt_iquery, opt_ifragment > {};
struct IRI_reference : sor< IRI, irelative_ref > {};
struct absolute_IRI : seq< scheme, one< ':' >, ihier_part, opt_iquery > {};
// clang-format off
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::iri
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../ascii.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../rules.hpp"
#include "../utf8.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::json
// JSON grammar according to RFC 8259
// clang-format off
struct ws : one< ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r' > {};
template< typename R, typename P = ws >
struct padr : seq< R, star< P > > {};
struct begin_array : padr< one< '[' > > {};
struct begin_object : padr< one< '{' > > {};
struct end_array : one< ']' > {};
struct end_object : one< '}' > {};
struct name_separator : pad< one< ':' >, ws > {};
struct value_separator : padr< one< ',' > > {};
struct false_ : string< 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e' > {}; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
struct null : string< 'n', 'u', 'l', 'l' > {};
struct true_ : string< 't', 'r', 'u', 'e' > {}; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
struct digits : plus< digit > {};
struct exp : seq< one< 'e', 'E' >, opt< one< '-', '+'> >, digits > {};
struct frac : seq< one< '.' >, digits > {};
struct int_ : sor< one< '0' >, plus< digit > > {}; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
struct number : seq< opt< one< '-' > >, int_, opt< frac >, opt< exp > > {};
struct xdigit : pegtl::xdigit {};
struct unicode : list< seq< one< 'u' >, rep< 4, xdigit > >, one< '\\' > > {};
struct escaped_char : one< '"', '\\', '/', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't' > {};
struct escaped : sor< escaped_char, unicode > {};
struct unescaped : utf8::range< 0x20, 0x10FFFF > {};
struct char_ : if_then_else< one< '\\' >, escaped, unescaped > {}; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
struct string_content : until< at< one< '"' > >, char_ > {};
struct string : seq< one< '"' >, string_content, any >
using content = string_content;
struct key_content : until< at< one< '"' > >, char_ > {};
struct key : seq< one< '"' >, key_content, any >
using content = key_content;
struct value;
struct array_element;
struct next_array_element : seq< array_element > {};
struct array_content : opt< array_element, star< value_separator, next_array_element > > {};
struct array : seq< begin_array, array_content, end_array >
using begin = begin_array;
using end = end_array;
using element = array_element;
using content = array_content;
struct member_value : padr< value > {};
struct member : seq< key, name_separator, member_value > {};
struct next_member : seq< member > {};
struct object_content : opt< member, star< value_separator, next_member > > {};
struct object : seq< begin_object, object_content, end_object >
using begin = begin_object;
using end = end_object;
using element = member;
using content = object_content;
struct value : sor< string, number, object, array, false_, true_, null > {};
struct array_element : padr< value > {};
struct text : pad< value, ws > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::json
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../ascii.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../rules.hpp"
#include "../utf8.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::json_pointer
// JSON pointer grammar according to RFC 6901
// clang-format off
struct unescaped : utf8::ranges< 0x0, 0x2E, 0x30, 0x7D, 0x7F, 0x10FFFF > {};
struct escaped : seq< one< '~' >, one< '0', '1' > > {};
struct reference_token : star< sor< unescaped, escaped > > {};
struct json_pointer : star< one< '/' >, reference_token > {};
// clang-format on
// relative JSON pointer, see ...
// clang-format off
struct non_negative_integer : sor< one< '0' >, plus< digit > > {};
struct relative_json_pointer : seq< non_negative_integer, sor< one< '#' >, json_pointer > > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::json_pointer
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <algorithm>
#include "../apply_mode.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../match.hpp"
#include "../nothing.hpp"
#include "../rewind_mode.hpp"
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
#include "../parse_error.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
#include <exception>
namespace internal
template< std::size_t Maximum, typename MemoryInput >
struct [[nodiscard]] bytes_guard
MemoryInput& m_in;
const char* m_end;
explicit bytes_guard( MemoryInput& in_in ) noexcept
: m_in( in_in ),
m_end( in_in.end() )
m_in.private_set_end( m_in.begin() + std::min( m_in.size(), Maximum ) );
bytes_guard( bytes_guard&& ) = delete;
bytes_guard( const bytes_guard& ) = delete;
m_in.private_set_end( m_end );
bytes_guard& operator=( bytes_guard&& ) = delete;
bytes_guard& operator=( const bytes_guard& ) = delete;
// C++17 does not allow for partial deduction guides.
} // namespace internal
template< std::size_t Maximum >
struct limit_bytes
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
internal::bytes_guard< Maximum, ParseInput > bg( in );
if( TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, st... ) ) {
if( in.empty() && ( bg.m_end != in.current() ) ) {
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
throw TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse_error( "maximum allowed rule consumption reached", in );
std::fputs( "maximum allowed rule consumption reached\n", stderr );
return true;
return false;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../apply_mode.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../match.hpp"
#include "../nothing.hpp"
#include "../rewind_mode.hpp"
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
#include "../parse_error.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
#include <exception>
namespace internal
struct [[nodiscard]] depth_guard
std::size_t& m_depth;
explicit depth_guard( std::size_t& depth ) noexcept
: m_depth( depth )
depth_guard( depth_guard&& ) = delete;
depth_guard( const depth_guard& ) = delete;
depth_guard& operator=( depth_guard&& ) = delete;
depth_guard& operator=( const depth_guard& ) = delete;
} // namespace internal
template< std::size_t Maximum >
struct limit_depth
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
if constexpr( Control< Rule >::enable ) {
const internal::depth_guard dg( in.private_depth );
if( in.private_depth > Maximum ) {
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
throw TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse_error( "maximum parser rule nesting depth exceeded", in );
std::fputs( "maximum parser rule nesting depth exceeded\n", stderr );
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, st... );
else {
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <typeindex>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "remove_first_state.hpp"
#include "shuffle_states.hpp"
#include "../apply_mode.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../demangle.hpp"
#include "../memory_input.hpp"
#include "../normal.hpp"
#include "../nothing.hpp"
#include "../parse.hpp"
#include "../rewind_mode.hpp"
#include "../internal/enable_control.hpp"
#include "../internal/has_unwind.hpp"
#include "../internal/iterator.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse_tree
template< typename T, typename Source = std::string_view >
struct basic_node
using node_t = T;
using children_t = std::vector< std::unique_ptr< node_t > >;
children_t children;
std::string_view type;
Source source;
TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::iterator m_begin;
TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::iterator m_end;
// each node will be default constructed
basic_node() = default;
// no copy/move is necessary
// (nodes are always owned/handled by a std::unique_ptr)
basic_node( const basic_node& ) = delete;
basic_node( basic_node&& ) = delete;
~basic_node() = default;
// no assignment either
basic_node& operator=( const basic_node& ) = delete;
basic_node& operator=( basic_node&& ) = delete;
[[nodiscard]] bool is_root() const noexcept
return type.empty();
template< typename U >
[[nodiscard]] bool is_type() const noexcept
const auto u = demangle< U >();
return ( ( type.data() == u.data() ) && ( type.size() == u.size() ) ) || ( type == u );
template< typename U >
void set_type() noexcept
type = demangle< U >();
[[nodiscard]] position begin() const
return position( m_begin, source );
[[nodiscard]] position end() const
return position( m_end, source );
[[nodiscard]] bool has_content() const noexcept
return m_end.data != nullptr;
[[nodiscard]] std::string_view string_view() const noexcept
assert( has_content() );
return std::string_view( m_begin.data, m_end.data - m_begin.data );
[[nodiscard]] std::string string() const
assert( has_content() );
return std::string( m_begin.data, m_end.data );
template< tracking_mode P = tracking_mode::eager, typename Eol = eol::lf_crlf >
[[nodiscard]] memory_input< P, Eol > as_memory_input() const
assert( has_content() );
return { m_begin.data, m_end.data, source, m_begin.byte, m_begin.line, m_begin.column };
template< typename... States >
void remove_content( States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
m_end = TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::iterator();
// all non-root nodes are initialized by calling this method
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void start( const ParseInput& in, States&&... /*unused*/ )
set_type< Rule >();
source = in.source();
m_begin = TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::iterator( in.iterator() );
// if parsing of the rule succeeded, this method is called
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void success( const ParseInput& in, States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
m_end = TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::iterator( in.iterator() );
// if parsing of the rule failed, this method is called
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void failure( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
// if parsing succeeded and the (optional) transform call
// did not discard the node, it is appended to its parent.
// note that "child" is the node whose Rule just succeeded
// and "*this" is the parent where the node should be appended.
template< typename... States >
void emplace_back( std::unique_ptr< node_t >&& child, States&&... /*unused*/ )
assert( child );
children.emplace_back( std::move( child ) );
struct node
: basic_node< node >
namespace internal
template< typename Node >
struct state
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Node > > stack;
void emplace_back()
stack.emplace_back( std::make_unique< Node >() );
[[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr< Node >& back() noexcept
assert( !stack.empty() );
return stack.back();
void pop_back() noexcept
assert( !stack.empty() );
return stack.pop_back();
template< typename Selector, typename... Parameters >
void transform( Parameters&&... /*unused*/ ) noexcept
template< typename Selector, typename ParseInput, typename Node, typename... States >
auto transform( const ParseInput& in, std::unique_ptr< Node >& n, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( Selector::transform( in, n, st... ) ) )
-> decltype( (void)Selector::transform( in, n, st... ) )
Selector::transform( in, n, st... );
template< typename Selector, typename ParseInput, typename Node, typename... States >
auto transform( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, std::unique_ptr< Node >& n, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( Selector::transform( n, st... ) ) )
-> decltype( (void)Selector::transform( n, st... ) )
Selector::transform( n, st... );
template< typename Rule, template< typename... > class Selector >
inline constexpr bool is_selected_node = ( TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::enable_control< Rule > && Selector< Rule >::value );
template< unsigned Level, typename Subs, template< typename... > class Selector >
inline constexpr bool is_leaf{};
template< typename... Rules, template< typename... > class Selector >
inline constexpr bool is_leaf< 0, type_list< Rules... >, Selector > = ( sizeof...( Rules ) == 0 );
template< unsigned Level, typename Rule, template< typename... > class Selector >
inline constexpr bool is_unselected_branch = ( !is_selected_node< Rule, Selector > && is_leaf< Level, typename Rule::subs_t, Selector > );
template< unsigned Level, typename... Rules, template< typename... > class Selector >
inline constexpr bool is_leaf< Level, type_list< Rules... >, Selector > = ( is_unselected_branch< Level - 1, Rules, Selector > && ... );
template< typename Node, template< typename... > class Selector, template< typename... > class Control >
struct make_control
template< typename Rule, bool, bool >
struct state_handler;
template< typename Rule >
using type = rotate_states_right< state_handler< Rule, is_selected_node< Rule, Selector >, is_leaf< 8, typename Rule::subs_t, Selector > > >;
template< typename, typename, typename... >
inline constexpr bool node_has_unwind = false;
template< typename Node, typename Rule, typename... States >
inline constexpr bool node_has_unwind< Node,
decltype( std::declval< Node >().template unwind< Rule >( std::declval< States >()... ) ),
States... > = true;
template< typename Control, typename... States >
inline constexpr bool control_has_unwind = TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal::has_unwind< Control, void, States... >;
template< typename Node, template< typename... > class Selector, template< typename... > class Control >
template< typename Rule >
struct make_control< Node, Selector, Control >::state_handler< Rule, false, true >
: remove_first_state< Control< Rule > >
template< typename Node, template< typename... > class Selector, template< typename... > class Control >
template< typename Rule >
struct make_control< Node, Selector, Control >::state_handler< Rule, false, false >
: remove_first_state< Control< Rule > >
static constexpr bool enable = true;
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void start( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, state< Node >& state, States&&... /*unused*/ )
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void success( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, state< Node >& state, States&&... /*unused*/ )
auto n = std::move( state.back() );
for( auto& c : n->children ) {
state.back()->children.emplace_back( std::move( c ) );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void failure( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, state< Node >& state, States&&... /*unused*/ )
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void unwind( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, state< Node >& state, States&&... /*unused*/ )
template< typename Node, template< typename... > class Selector, template< typename... > class Control >
template< typename Rule, bool B >
struct make_control< Node, Selector, Control >::state_handler< Rule, true, B >
: remove_first_state< Control< Rule > >
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void start( const ParseInput& in, state< Node >& state, States&&... st )
Control< Rule >::start( in, st... );
state.back()->template start< Rule >( in, st... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void success( const ParseInput& in, state< Node >& state, States&&... st )
auto n = std::move( state.back() );
n->template success< Rule >( in, st... );
transform< Selector< Rule > >( in, n, st... );
if( n ) {
state.back()->emplace_back( std::move( n ), st... );
Control< Rule >::success( in, st... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void failure( const ParseInput& in, state< Node >& state, States&&... st )
state.back()->template failure< Rule >( in, st... );
Control< Rule >::failure( in, st... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void unwind( [[maybe_unused]] const ParseInput& in, [[maybe_unused]] state< Node >& state, States&&... st )
if constexpr( node_has_unwind< Node, Rule, void, const ParseInput&, States... > ) {
state.back()->template unwind< Rule >( in, st... );
if constexpr( control_has_unwind< Control< Rule >, const ParseInput&, States... > ) {
Control< Rule >::unwind( in, st... );
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
( (void)st,
... );
template< typename >
using store_all = std::true_type;
template< typename >
struct selector;
template< typename T >
struct selector< std::tuple< T > >
using type = typename T::type;
template< typename... Ts >
struct selector< std::tuple< Ts... > >
static_assert( sizeof...( Ts ) == 0, "multiple matches found" );
using type = std::false_type;
template< typename T >
using selector_t = typename selector< T >::type;
template< typename Rule, typename Collection >
using select_tuple = std::conditional_t< Collection::template contains< Rule >, std::tuple< Collection >, std::tuple<> >;
} // namespace internal
template< typename Rule, typename... Collections >
using selector = internal::selector_t< decltype( std::tuple_cat( std::declval< internal::select_tuple< Rule, Collections > >()... ) ) >;
template< typename Base >
struct apply
: std::true_type
template< typename... Rules >
struct on
using type = Base;
template< typename Rule >
static constexpr bool contains = ( std::is_same_v< Rule, Rules > || ... );
struct store_content
: apply< store_content >
// some nodes don't need to store their content
struct remove_content
: apply< remove_content >
template< typename Node, typename... States >
static void transform( std::unique_ptr< Node >& n, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( n->Node::remove_content( st... ) ) )
n->remove_content( st... );
// if a node has only one child, replace the node with its child, otherwise remove content
struct fold_one
: apply< fold_one >
template< typename Node, typename... States >
static void transform( std::unique_ptr< Node >& n, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( n->children.size(), n->Node::remove_content( st... ) ) )
if( n->children.size() == 1 ) {
n = std::move( n->children.front() );
else {
n->remove_content( st... );
// if a node has no children, discard the node, otherwise remove content
struct discard_empty
: apply< discard_empty >
template< typename Node, typename... States >
static void transform( std::unique_ptr< Node >& n, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( (void)n->children.empty(), n->Node::remove_content( st... ) ) )
if( n->children.empty() ) {
else {
n->remove_content( st... );
template< typename Rule,
typename Node,
template< typename... > class Selector = internal::store_all,
template< typename... > class Action = nothing,
template< typename... > class Control = normal,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr< Node > parse( ParseInput&& in, States&&... st )
internal::state< Node > state;
if( !TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse< Rule, Action, internal::make_control< Node, Selector, Control >::template type >( in, st..., state ) ) {
return nullptr;
assert( state.stack.size() == 1 );
return std::move( state.back() );
template< typename Rule,
template< typename... > class Selector = internal::store_all,
template< typename... > class Action = nothing,
template< typename... > class Control = normal,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr< node > parse( ParseInput&& in, States&&... st )
return parse< Rule, node, Selector, Action, Control >( in, st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse_tree
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cassert>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include "parse_tree.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse_tree
namespace internal
inline void escape( std::ostream& os, const std::string_view s )
static const char* h = "0123456789abcdef";
const char* p = s.data();
const char* l = p;
const char* const e = s.data() + s.size();
while( p != e ) {
const unsigned char c = *p;
if( c == '\\' ) {
os.write( l, p - l );
l = ++p;
os << "\\\\\\\\";
else if( c == '"' ) {
os.write( l, p - l );
l = ++p;
os << "\\\\\\\"";
else if( c < 32 ) {
os.write( l, p - l );
l = ++p;
switch( c ) {
case '\a':
os << "\\\\a";
case '\b':
os << "\\\\b";
case '\f':
os << "\\\\f";
case '\n':
os << "\\\\n";
case '\r':
os << "\\\\r";
case '\t':
os << "\\\\t";
case '\v':
os << "\\\\v";
os << "\\\\u00" << h[ ( c & 0xf0 ) >> 4 ] << h[ c & 0x0f ];
else if( c == 127 ) {
os.write( l, p - l );
l = ++p;
os << "\\\\u007f";
else {
os.write( l, p - l );
template< typename Node >
void print_dot_node( std::ostream& os, const Node& n, const std::string_view s )
os << " x" << &n << " [ label=\"";
escape( os, s );
if( n.has_content() ) {
os << "\\n\\\"";
escape( os, n.string_view() );
os << "\\\"";
os << "\" ]\n";
if( !n.children.empty() ) {
os << " x" << &n << " -> { ";
for( auto& up : n.children ) {
os << "x" << up.get() << ( ( up == n.children.back() ) ? " }\n" : ", " );
for( auto& up : n.children ) {
print_dot_node( os, *up, up->type );
} // namespace internal
template< typename Node >
void print_dot( std::ostream& os, const Node& n )
os << "digraph parse_tree\n{\n";
internal::print_dot_node( os, n, n.is_root() ? "ROOT" : n.type );
os << "}\n";
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse_tree
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Daniel Deptford
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <tao/pegtl.hpp>
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::peg
// PEG grammar from https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/~baford/packrat/popl04/peg-popl04.pdf
namespace grammar
// clang-format off
struct AND;
struct Char;
struct Class;
struct CLOSE;
struct Comment;
struct Definition;
struct DOT;
struct EndOfFile;
struct EndOfLine;
struct Expression;
struct QUESTION;
struct IdentCont;
struct Identifier;
struct IdentStart;
struct Literal;
struct NOT;
struct OPEN;
struct PLUS;
struct Prefix;
struct Primary;
struct Range;
struct Sequence;
struct SLASH;
struct Space;
struct Spacing;
struct STAR;
struct Suffix;
struct Grammar : seq< Spacing, plus< Definition >, EndOfFile > {};
struct Definition : seq< Identifier, LEFTARROW, Expression > {};
struct Expression : list< Sequence, SLASH > {};
struct Sequence : star< Prefix > {};
struct Prefix : seq< opt< sor< AND, NOT > >, Suffix > {};
struct Suffix : seq< Primary, opt< sor< QUESTION, STAR, PLUS > > > {};
struct Primary : sor<
seq< Identifier, not_at< LEFTARROW > >,
seq< OPEN, Expression, CLOSE >,
> {};
struct Identifier : seq< IdentStart, star< IdentCont >, Spacing > {};
struct IdentStart : identifier_first {};
struct IdentCont : identifier_other {};
struct Literal : sor<
seq< one< '\'' >, until< one< '\'' >, Char >, Spacing >,
seq< one< '"' >, until< one< '"' >, Char >, Spacing >
> {};
struct Class : seq< one< '[' >, until< one< ']' >, Range >, Spacing > {};
struct Range : sor<
seq< Char, one< '-' >, Char >,
> {};
struct Char : sor<
one< '\\' >,
one< 'n', 'r', 't', '\'', '"', '[', ']', '\\' > >,
one< '\\' >,
range< '0', '2' >,
range< '0', '7' >,
range< '0', '7' > >,
one< '\\' >,
range< '0','7' >,
opt< range< '0','7' > > >,
not_at< one< '\\' > >,
any >
> {};
struct LEFTARROW : seq< string< '<','-' >, Spacing > {};
struct SLASH : seq< one< '/' >, Spacing > {};
struct AND : seq< one< '&' >, Spacing > {};
struct NOT : seq< one< '!' >, Spacing > {};
struct QUESTION : seq< one< '?' >, Spacing > {};
struct STAR : seq< one< '*' >, Spacing > {};
struct PLUS : seq< one< '+' >, Spacing > {};
struct OPEN : seq< one< '(' >, Spacing > {};
struct CLOSE : seq< one< ')' >, Spacing > {};
struct DOT : seq< one< '.' >, Spacing > {};
struct Spacing : star< sor< Space, Comment > > {};
struct Comment : seq< one< '#' >, until< EndOfLine > > {};
struct Space : sor< one< ' ', '\t' >, EndOfLine > {};
struct EndOfLine : sor< string< '\r', '\n' >, one< '\n' >, one< '\r' > > {};
struct EndOfFile : eof {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace grammar
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::peg
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../type_list.hpp"
#include "../internal/bump_help.hpp"
#include "../internal/dependent_false.hpp"
#include "../internal/enable_control.hpp"
#include "../internal/failure.hpp"
#include "../internal/peek_char.hpp"
#include "../internal/peek_utf8.hpp"
#include "analyze_traits.hpp"
namespace internal
template< typename Peek, typename... Ps >
struct predicates_and_test
using peek_t = Peek;
using data_t = typename Peek::data_t;
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr bool test( const data_t c ) noexcept
return ( Ps::test( c ) && ... ); // TODO: Static assert that Ps::peek_t is the same as peek_t?!
template< typename Peek, typename P >
struct predicate_not_test
using peek_t = Peek;
using data_t = typename Peek::data_t;
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr bool test( const data_t c ) noexcept
return !P::test( c ); // TODO: Static assert that P::peek_t is the same as peek_t?!
template< typename Peek, typename... Ps >
struct predicates_or_test
using peek_t = Peek;
using data_t = typename Peek::data_t;
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr bool test( const data_t c ) noexcept
return ( Ps::test( c ) || ... ); // TODO: Static assert that Ps::peek_t is the same as peek_t?!
template< template< typename, typename... > class Test, typename Peek, typename... Ps >
struct predicates
: private Test< Peek, Ps... >
using peek_t = Peek;
using data_t = typename Peek::data_t;
using rule_t = predicates;
using subs_t = empty_list;
using base_t = Test< Peek, Ps... >;
using base_t::test;
template< int Eol >
static constexpr bool can_match_eol = test( Eol );
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in ) noexcept( noexcept( Peek::peek( in ) ) )
if( const auto t = Peek::peek( in ) ) {
if( test( t.data ) ) {
bump_help< predicates >( in, t.size );
return true;
return false;
template< template< typename, typename... > class Test, typename Peek >
struct predicates< Test, Peek >
static_assert( dependent_false< Peek >, "Empty predicate list is not allowed!" );
template< template< typename, typename... > class Test, typename Peek, typename... Ps >
inline constexpr bool enable_control< predicates< Test, Peek, Ps... > > = false;
} // namespace internal
inline namespace ascii
// clang-format off
template< typename... Ps > struct predicates_and : internal::predicates< internal::predicates_and_test, internal::peek_char, Ps... > {};
template< typename P > struct predicate_not : internal::predicates< internal::predicate_not_test, internal::peek_char, P > {};
template< typename... Ps > struct predicates_or : internal::predicates< internal::predicates_or_test, internal::peek_char, Ps... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace ascii
namespace utf8
// clang-format off
template< typename... Ps > struct predicates_and : internal::predicates< internal::predicates_and_test, internal::peek_utf8, Ps... > {};
template< typename P > struct predicate_not : internal::predicates< internal::predicate_not_test, internal::peek_utf8, P > {};
template< typename... Ps > struct predicates_or : internal::predicates< internal::predicates_or_test, internal::peek_utf8, Ps... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace utf8
template< typename Name, template< typename, typename... > class Test, typename Peek, typename... Ps >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::predicates< Test, Peek, Ps... > >
: analyze_any_traits<>
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <ostream>
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../demangle.hpp"
#include "../type_list.hpp"
#include "../visit.hpp"
namespace internal
template< typename Name >
struct print_names
static void visit( std::ostream& os )
os << demangle< Name >() << '\n';
template< typename Name >
struct print_debug
static void visit( std::ostream& os )
const auto first = demangle< Name >();
os << first << '\n';
const auto second = demangle< typename Name::rule_t >();
if( first != second ) {
os << " (aka) " << second << '\n';
print_subs( os, typename Name::subs_t() );
os << '\n';
template< typename... Rules >
static void print_subs( std::ostream& os, type_list< Rules... > /*unused*/ )
( print_sub< Rules >( os ), ... );
template< typename Rule >
static void print_sub( std::ostream& os )
os << " (sub) " << demangle< Rule >() << '\n';
} // namespace internal
template< typename Grammar >
void print_names( std::ostream& os )
visit< Grammar, internal::print_names >( os );
template< typename Grammar >
void print_debug( std::ostream& os )
visit< Grammar, internal::print_debug >( os );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <ostream>
#include "coverage.hpp"
inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const coverage_result& result )
os << "[\n";
bool f = true;
for( const auto& [ k, v ] : result ) {
if( f ) {
f = false;
else {
os << ",\n";
os << " {\n"
<< " \"rule\": \"" << k << "\",\n"
<< " \"start\": " << v.start << ", \"success\": " << v.success << ", \"failure\": " << v.failure << ", \"unwind\": " << v.unwind << ", \"raise\": " << v.raise << ",\n";
if( v.branches.empty() ) {
os << " \"branches\": []\n";
else {
os << " \"branches\": [\n";
bool f2 = true;
for( const auto& [ k2, v2 ] : v.branches ) {
if( f2 ) {
f2 = false;
else {
os << ",\n";
os << " { \"branch\": \"" << k2 << "\", \"start\": " << v2.start << ", \"success\": " << v2.success << ", \"failure\": " << v2.failure << ", \"unwind\": " << v2.unwind << ", \"raise\": " << v2.raise << " }";
os << "\n ]\n";
os << " }";
os << "\n";
os << "]\n";
return os;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../ascii.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../rules.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::proto3
// protocol buffer v3
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/proto3-spec
// clang-format off
struct comment_sl : seq< two< '/' >, until< eolf > > {};
struct comment_ml : if_must< string< '/', '*' >, until< string< '*', '/' > > > {};
struct sp : sor< space, comment_sl, comment_ml > {};
struct sps : star< sp > {};
struct comma : one< ',' > {};
struct dot : one< '.' > {};
struct equ : one< '=' > {};
struct semi : one< ';' > {};
struct option;
struct message;
struct extend;
struct ident_first : ranges< 'a', 'z', 'A', 'Z' > {}; // NOTE: Yes, no '_'.
struct ident_other : ranges< 'a', 'z', 'A', 'Z', '0', '9', '_' > {};
struct ident : seq< ident_first, star< ident_other > > {};
struct full_ident : list_must< ident, dot > {};
struct hex_lit : seq< one< '0' >, one< 'x', 'X' >, plus< xdigit > > {};
struct oct_lit : seq< one< '0' >, plus< odigit > > {};
struct dec_lit : seq< range< '1', '9' >, star< digit > > {};
struct int_lit : sor< hex_lit, oct_lit, dec_lit > {};
struct sign : one< '+', '-' > {};
struct exp : seq< one< 'E', 'e' >, opt< sign >, plus< digit > > {};
struct float_lit : sor<
seq< plus< digit >, dot, exp >,
seq< plus< digit >, dot, star< digit >, opt< exp > >,
seq< dot, plus< digit >, opt< exp > >,
keyword< 'i', 'n', 'f' >,
keyword< 'n', 'a', 'n' > > {};
struct bool_lit : sor< keyword< 't', 'r', 'u', 'e' >,
keyword< 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e' > > {};
struct hex_escape : if_must< one< 'x', 'X' >, xdigit, xdigit > {};
struct oct_escape : if_must< odigit, odigit, odigit > {};
struct char_escape : one< 'a', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v', '\\', '\'', '"' > {};
struct escape : if_must< one< '\\' >, hex_escape, oct_escape, char_escape > {};
struct char_value : sor< escape, not_one< '\n', '\0' > > {}; // NOTE: No need to exclude '\' from not_one<>, see escape rule.
template< char Q >
struct str_impl : if_must< one< Q >, until< one< Q >, char_value > > {};
struct str_lit : sor< str_impl< '\'' >, str_impl< '"' > > {};
struct constant : sor< bool_lit, seq< opt< sign >, float_lit >, seq< opt< sign >, int_lit >, str_lit, full_ident > {};
struct option_name : seq< sor< ident, if_must< one< '(' >, full_ident, one< ')' > > >, star_must< dot, ident > > {};
struct option : if_must< keyword< 'o', 'p', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n' >, sps, option_name, sps, equ, sps, constant, sps, semi > {};
struct bool_type : keyword< 'b', 'o', 'o', 'l' > {};
struct bytes_type : keyword< 'b', 'y', 't', 'e', 's' > {};
struct double_type : keyword< 'd', 'o', 'u', 'b', 'l', 'e' > {};
struct float_type : keyword< 'f', 'l', 'o', 'a', 't' > {};
struct string_type : keyword< 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g' > {};
struct int32_type : keyword< 'i', 'n', 't', '3', '2' > {};
struct int64_type : keyword< 'i', 'n', 't', '6', '4' > {};
struct sint32_type : keyword< 's', 'i', 'n', 't', '3', '2' > {};
struct sint64_type : keyword< 's', 'i', 'n', 't', '6', '4' > {};
struct uint32_type : keyword< 'u', 'i', 'n', 't', '3', '2' > {};
struct uint64_type : keyword< 'u', 'i', 'n', 't', '6', '4' > {};
struct fixed32_type : keyword< 'f', 'i', 'x', 'e', 'd', '3', '2' > {};
struct fixed64_type : keyword< 'f', 'i', 'x', 'e', 'd', '6', '4' > {};
struct sfixed32_type : keyword< 's', 'f', 'i', 'x', 'e', 'd', '3', '2' > {};
struct sfixed64_type : keyword< 's', 'f', 'i', 'x', 'e', 'd', '6', '4' > {};
struct builtin_type : sor< bool_type, bytes_type, double_type, float_type, string_type, int32_type, int64_type, sint32_type, sint64_type, uint32_type, uint64_type, fixed32_type, fixed64_type, sfixed32_type, sfixed64_type > {};
struct defined_type : seq< opt< dot >, full_ident > {}; // NOTE: This replaces both message_type and enum_type -- they have the same syntax.
struct type : sor< builtin_type, defined_type > {};
struct field_option : if_must< option_name, sps, equ, sps, constant > {};
struct field_options : if_must< one< '[' >, sps, list< field_option, comma, sp >, sps, one< ']' > > {};
struct field_name : ident {};
struct field_number : int_lit {};
struct field : seq< opt< sor< keyword< 'o', 'p', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'a', 'l' >, keyword< 'r', 'e', 'p', 'e', 'a', 't', 'e', 'd' > >, sps >, type, sps, field_name, sps, equ, sps, field_number, sps, opt< field_options, sps >, semi > {};
struct oneof_name : ident {};
struct oneof_field : if_must< type, sps, field_name, sps, equ, sps, field_number, sps, opt< field_options, sps >, semi > {};
struct oneof_body : sor< oneof_field, semi > {};
struct oneof : if_must< keyword< 'o', 'n', 'e', 'o', 'f' >, sps, oneof_name, sps, one< '{' >, sps, until< one< '}' >, oneof_body, sps >, sps > {};
struct key_type : seq< sor< bool_type, string_type, int32_type, int64_type, sint32_type, sint64_type, uint32_type, uint64_type, fixed32_type, fixed64_type, sfixed32_type, sfixed64_type >, not_at< ident_other > > {};
struct map_name : ident {};
struct map_field : if_must< keyword< 'm', 'a', 'p' >, sps, one< '<' >, sps, key_type, sps, comma, sps, type, sps, one< '>' >, sps, map_name, sps, equ, sps, field_number, sps, opt< field_options, sps >, semi > {};
struct range : if_must< int_lit, sps, keyword< 't', 'o' >, sps, sor< int_lit, keyword< 'm', 'a', 'x' > > > {};
struct ranges : list_must< range, comma, sp > {};
struct field_names : list_must< field_name, comma, sp > {};
struct reserved : if_must< keyword< 'r', 'e', 's', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'e', 'd' >, sps, sor< ranges, field_names >, sps, semi > {};
struct enum_name : ident {};
struct enum_value_option : seq< option_name, sps, equ, sps, constant > {};
struct enum_field : seq< ident, sps, equ, sps, int_lit, sps, opt_must< one< '[' >, sps, list_must< enum_value_option, comma, sp >, sps, one< ']' >, sps >, semi > {};
struct enum_body : if_must< one< '{' >, sps, star< sor< option, enum_field, semi >, sps >, one< '}' > > {};
struct enum_def : if_must< keyword< 'e', 'n', 'u', 'm' >, sps, enum_name, sps, enum_body > {};
struct message_thing : sor< field, enum_def, message, option, oneof, map_field, reserved, extend, semi > {};
struct message_body : seq< one<'{'>, sps, star< message_thing, sps >, one<'}'> > {};
struct message : if_must< keyword< 'm', 'e', 's', 's', 'a', 'g', 'e' >, sps, defined_type, sps, message_body > {};
struct extend : if_must< keyword< 'e', 'x', 't', 'e', 'n', 'd' >, sps, defined_type, sps, message_body > {};
struct package : if_must< keyword< 'p', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e' >, sps, full_ident, sps, semi > {};
struct import_option : opt< sor< keyword< 'w', 'e', 'a', 'k' >, keyword< 'p', 'u', 'b', 'l', 'i', 'c' > > > {};
struct import : if_must< keyword< 'i', 'm', 'p', 'o', 'r', 't' >, sps, import_option, sps, str_lit, sps, semi > {};
struct rpc_name : ident {};
struct rpc_type : if_must< one< '(' >, sps, opt< keyword< 's', 't', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'm' >, sps >, defined_type, sps, one< ')' > > {};
struct rpc_options : if_must< one< '{' >, sps, star< sor< option, semi >, sps >, one< '}' > > {};
struct rpc : if_must< keyword< 'r', 'p', 'c' >, sps, rpc_name, sps, rpc_type, sps, keyword< 'r', 'e', 't', 'u', 'r', 'n', 's' >, sps, rpc_type, sps, sor< semi, rpc_options > > {};
struct service_name : ident {};
struct service : if_must< keyword< 's', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'i', 'c', 'e' >, sps, service_name, sps, one< '{' >, sps, star< sor< option, rpc, semi >, sps >, one< '}' > > {};
struct body : sor< import, package, option, message, enum_def, service, extend, semi > {};
struct quote : one< '\'', '"' > {};
struct head : if_must< keyword< 's', 'y', 'n', 't', 'a', 'x' >, sps, equ, sps, quote, string< 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', '3' >, quote, sps, semi > {};
struct proto : must< sps, head, sps, star< body, sps >, eof > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::proto3
@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../apply_mode.hpp"
#include "../ascii.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../rewind_mode.hpp"
#include "../rules.hpp"
#include "analyze_traits.hpp"
namespace internal
template< char Open, char Marker >
struct raw_string_open
using rule_t = raw_string_open;
using subs_t = empty_list;
template< apply_mode A,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, std::size_t& marker_size ) noexcept( noexcept( in.size( 0 ) ) )
if( in.empty() || ( in.peek_char( 0 ) != Open ) ) {
return false;
for( std::size_t i = 1; i < in.size( i + 1 ); ++i ) {
switch( const auto c = in.peek_char( i ) ) {
case Open:
marker_size = i + 1;
in.bump_in_this_line( marker_size );
(void)eol::match( in );
return true;
case Marker:
return false;
return false;
template< char Open, char Marker >
inline constexpr bool enable_control< raw_string_open< Open, Marker > > = false;
template< char Marker, char Close >
struct at_raw_string_close
using rule_t = at_raw_string_close;
using subs_t = empty_list;
template< apply_mode A,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, const std::size_t& marker_size ) noexcept( noexcept( in.size( 0 ) ) )
if( in.size( marker_size ) < marker_size ) {
return false;
if( in.peek_char( 0 ) != Close ) {
return false;
if( in.peek_char( marker_size - 1 ) != Close ) {
return false;
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < ( marker_size - 2 ); ++i ) {
if( in.peek_char( i + 1 ) != Marker ) {
return false;
return true;
template< char Marker, char Close >
inline constexpr bool enable_control< at_raw_string_close< Marker, Close > > = false;
template< typename Cond, typename... Rules >
struct raw_string_until
: raw_string_until< Cond, seq< Rules... > >
template< typename Cond >
struct raw_string_until< Cond >
using rule_t = raw_string_until;
using subs_t = type_list< Cond >;
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, const std::size_t& marker_size, States&&... /*unused*/ )
auto m = in.template mark< M >();
while( !Control< Cond >::template match< A, rewind_mode::required, Action, Control >( in, marker_size ) ) {
if( in.empty() ) {
return false;
return m( true );
template< typename Cond, typename Rule >
struct raw_string_until< Cond, Rule >
using rule_t = raw_string_until;
using subs_t = type_list< Cond, Rule >;
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, const std::size_t& marker_size, States&&... st )
auto m = in.template mark< M >();
using m_t = decltype( m );
while( !Control< Cond >::template match< A, rewind_mode::required, Action, Control >( in, marker_size ) ) {
if( !Control< Rule >::template match< A, m_t::next_rewind_mode, Action, Control >( in, st... ) ) {
return false;
return m( true );
template< typename Cond, typename... Rules >
inline constexpr bool enable_control< raw_string_until< Cond, Rules... > > = false;
} // namespace internal
// raw_string matches Lua-style long literals.
// The following description was taken from the Lua documentation
// (see http://www.lua.org/docs.html):
// - An "opening long bracket of level n" is defined as an opening square
// bracket followed by n equal signs followed by another opening square
// bracket. So, an opening long bracket of level 0 is written as `[[`,
// an opening long bracket of level 1 is written as `[=[`, and so on.
// - A "closing long bracket" is defined similarly; for instance, a closing
// long bracket of level 4 is written as `]====]`.
// - A "long literal" starts with an opening long bracket of any level and
// ends at the first closing long bracket of the same level. It can
// contain any text except a closing bracket of the same level.
// - Literals in this bracketed form can run for several lines, do not
// interpret any escape sequences, and ignore long brackets of any other
// level.
// - For convenience, when the opening long bracket is eagerly followed
// by a newline, the newline is not included in the string.
// Note that unlike Lua's long literal, a raw_string is customizable to use
// other characters than `[`, `=` and `]` for matching. Also note that Lua
// introduced newline-specific replacements in Lua 5.2, which we do not
// support on the grammar level.
template< char Open, char Marker, char Close, typename... Contents >
struct raw_string
// This is used for binding the apply()-method and for error-reporting
// when a raw string is not closed properly or has invalid content.
struct content
: internal::raw_string_until< internal::at_raw_string_close< Marker, Close >, Contents... >
using rule_t = raw_string;
using subs_t = empty_list; // type_list< internal::raw_string_open< Open, Marker >, content >;
template< apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
std::size_t marker_size;
if( Control< internal::raw_string_open< Open, Marker > >::template match< A, M, Action, Control >( in, marker_size ) ) {
if( Control< content >::template match< A, M, Action, Control >( in, marker_size, st... ) ) {
in.bump_in_this_line( marker_size );
return true;
return false;
template< typename Name, char Open, char Marker, char Close >
struct analyze_traits< Name, raw_string< Open, Marker, Close > >
: analyze_any_traits<>
template< typename Name, char Open, char Marker, char Close, typename... Contents >
struct analyze_traits< Name, raw_string< Open, Marker, Close, Contents... > >
: analyze_traits< Name, typename seq< any, star< Contents... >, any >::rule_t >
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <type_traits>
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/has_unwind.hpp"
// The first state is removed for most of the control functions forwarded to Base,
// start(), success(), failure(), unwind(), raise(), apply(), and apply0(). The call
// to match() is unchanged because it can call other grammar rules that require all
// states when starting their match to keep an even playing field.
template< typename Base >
struct remove_first_state
: Base
template< typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
static void start( const ParseInput& in, State&& /*unused*/, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::start( in, st... ) ) )
Base::start( in, st... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
static void success( const ParseInput& in, State&& /*unused*/, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::success( in, st... ) ) )
Base::success( in, st... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
static void failure( const ParseInput& in, State&& /*unused*/, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::failure( in, st... ) ) )
Base::failure( in, st... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
[[noreturn]] static void raise( const ParseInput& in, State&& /*unused*/, States&&... st )
Base::raise( in, st... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
static auto unwind( const ParseInput& in, State&& /*unused*/, States&&... st )
-> std::enable_if_t< internal::has_unwind< Base, void, const ParseInput&, States... > >
Base::unwind( in, st... );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename Iterator, typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
static auto apply( const Iterator& begin, const ParseInput& in, State&& /*unused*/, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::template apply< Action >( begin, in, st... ) ) )
-> decltype( Base::template apply< Action >( begin, in, st... ) )
return Base::template apply< Action >( begin, in, st... );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
static auto apply0( const ParseInput& in, State&& /*unused*/, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::template apply0< Action >( in, st... ) ) )
-> decltype( Base::template apply0< Action >( in, st... ) )
return Base::template apply0< Action >( in, st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/has_unwind.hpp"
// The last N states are removed for most of the control functions forwarded to Base,
// start(), success(), failure(), unwind(), raise(), apply(), and apply0(). The call
// to match() is unchanged because it can call other grammar rules that require all
// states when starting their match to keep an even playing field.
template< typename Base, std::size_t N >
struct remove_last_states
: Base
template< typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
static void start_impl( const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::start( in, std::get< Is >( t )... ) ) )
Base::start( in, std::get< Is >( t )... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void start( const ParseInput& in, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( start_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() ) ) )
start_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() );
template< typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
static void success_impl( const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::success( in, std::get< Is >( t )... ) ) )
Base::success( in, std::get< Is >( t )... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void success( const ParseInput& in, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( success_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() ) ) )
success_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() );
template< typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
static void failure_impl( const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::failure( in, std::get< Is >( t )... ) ) )
Base::failure( in, std::get< Is >( t )... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void failure( const ParseInput& in, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( failure_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() ) ) )
failure_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() );
template< typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
[[noreturn]] static void raise_impl( const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ )
Base::raise( in, std::get< Is >( t )... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
[[noreturn]] static void raise( const ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
raise_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() );
template< typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
static auto unwind_impl( const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ )
-> std::enable_if_t< internal::has_unwind< Base, void, const ParseInput&, std::tuple_element_t< Is, Tuple >... > >
Base::unwind( in, std::get< Is >( t )... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static auto unwind( const ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
-> decltype( unwind_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() ) )
unwind_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename Iterator, typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
static auto apply_impl( const Iterator& begin, const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::template apply< Action >( begin, in, std::get< Is >( t )... ) ) )
-> decltype( Base::template apply< Action >( begin, in, std::get< Is >( t )... ) )
return Base::template apply< Action >( begin, in, std::get< Is >( t )... );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename Iterator, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static auto apply( const Iterator& begin, const ParseInput& in, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( apply_impl< Action >( begin, in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() ) ) )
-> decltype( apply_impl< Action >( begin, in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() ) )
return apply_impl< Action >( begin, in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
static auto apply0_impl( const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::template apply0< Action >( in, std::get< Is >( t )... ) ) )
-> decltype( Base::template apply0< Action >( in, std::get< Is >( t )... ) )
return Base::template apply0< Action >( in, std::get< Is >( t )... );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static auto apply0( const ParseInput& in, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( apply0_impl< Action >( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() ) ) )
-> decltype( apply0_impl< Action >( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() ) )
return apply0_impl< Action >( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) - N >() );
template< typename Base >
using remove_last_state = remove_last_states< Base, 1 >;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../type_list.hpp"
#include "../internal/bump_help.hpp"
#include "../internal/bytes.hpp"
#include "../internal/enable_control.hpp"
#include "../internal/opt.hpp"
#include "analyze_traits.hpp"
namespace internal
template< unsigned Min, unsigned Max, char C >
struct rep_one_min_max
using rule_t = rep_one_min_max;
using subs_t = empty_list;
static_assert( Min <= Max );
template< int Eol >
static constexpr bool can_match_eol = ( C == Eol );
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in )
const auto size = in.size( Max + 1 );
if( size < Min ) {
return false;
std::size_t i = 0;
while( ( i < size ) && ( in.peek_char( i ) == C ) ) {
if( ( Min <= i ) && ( i <= Max ) ) {
bump_help< rep_one_min_max >( in, i );
return true;
return false;
template< unsigned Max, char C >
struct rep_one_min_max< 0, Max, C >
using rule_t = rep_one_min_max;
using subs_t = empty_list;
template< int Eol >
static constexpr bool can_match_eol = ( C == Eol );
template< typename ParseInput >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in )
const auto size = in.size( Max + 1 );
std::size_t i = 0;
while( ( i < size ) && ( in.peek_char( i ) == C ) ) {
if( i <= Max ) {
bump_help< rep_one_min_max >( in, i );
return true;
return false;
template< unsigned Min, unsigned Max, char C >
inline constexpr bool enable_control< rep_one_min_max< Min, Max, C > > = false;
} // namespace internal
inline namespace ascii
template< unsigned Min, unsigned Max, char C >
struct rep_one_min_max
: internal::rep_one_min_max< Min, Max, C >
} // namespace ascii
template< typename Name, unsigned Min, unsigned Max, char C >
struct analyze_traits< Name, internal::rep_one_min_max< Min, Max, C > >
: std::conditional_t< ( Min != 0 ), analyze_any_traits<>, analyze_opt_traits<> >
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstddef>
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/string.hpp"
namespace internal
template< std::size_t, typename, char... >
struct make_rep_string;
template< char... Ss, char... Cs >
struct make_rep_string< 0, string< Ss... >, Cs... >
using type = string< Ss... >;
template< std::size_t N, char... Ss, char... Cs >
struct make_rep_string< N, string< Ss... >, Cs... >
: make_rep_string< N - 1, string< Ss..., Cs... >, Cs... >
} // namespace internal
inline namespace ascii
template< std::size_t N, char... Cs >
struct rep_string
: internal::make_rep_string< N, internal::string<>, Cs... >::type
} // namespace ascii
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/seq.hpp"
#include "../type_list.hpp"
namespace internal
template< typename... >
struct sep;
template< typename... Ts, typename S, typename Rule, typename... Rules >
struct sep< type_list< Ts... >, S, Rule, Rules... >
: sep< type_list< Ts..., Rule, S >, S, Rules... >
template< typename... Ts, typename S, typename Rule >
struct sep< type_list< Ts... >, S, Rule >
using type = seq< Ts..., Rule >;
template< typename S >
struct sep< type_list<>, S >
using type = seq<>;
} // namespace internal
template< typename S, typename... Rules >
struct separated_seq
: internal::sep< type_list<>, S, Rules... >::type
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/has_unwind.hpp"
namespace internal
template< std::size_t N >
struct rotate_left
template< std::size_t I, std::size_t S >
static constexpr std::size_t value = ( I + N ) % S;
template< std::size_t N >
struct rotate_right
template< std::size_t I, std::size_t S >
static constexpr std::size_t value = ( I + S - N ) % S;
struct reverse
template< std::size_t I, std::size_t S >
static constexpr std::size_t value = ( S - 1 ) - I;
} // namespace internal
// Applies 'Shuffle' to the states of start(), success(), failure(), raise(), apply(), and apply0()
template< typename Base, typename Shuffle >
struct shuffle_states
: Base
template< typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
static void start_impl( const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::start( in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... ) ) )
Base::start( in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void start( const ParseInput& in, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( start_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() ) ) )
start_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State >
static void start( const ParseInput& in, State&& st ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::start( in, st ) ) )
Base::start( in, st );
template< typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
static void success_impl( const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::success( in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... ) ) )
Base::success( in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void success( const ParseInput& in, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( success_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() ) ) )
success_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State >
static void success( const ParseInput& in, State&& st ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::success( in, st ) ) )
Base::success( in, st );
template< typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
static void failure_impl( const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::failure( in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... ) ) )
Base::failure( in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static void failure( const ParseInput& in, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( failure_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() ) ) )
failure_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State >
static void failure( const ParseInput& in, State&& st ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::failure( in, st ) ) )
Base::failure( in, st );
template< typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
[[noreturn]] static void raise_impl( const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ )
Base::raise( in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
[[noreturn]] static void raise( const ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
raise_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State >
[[noreturn]] static void raise( const ParseInput& in, State&& st )
Base::raise( in, st );
template< typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
static auto unwind_impl( const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ )
-> std::enable_if_t< internal::has_unwind< Base, void, const ParseInput&, std::tuple_element_t< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) >, Tuple >... > >
Base::unwind( in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static auto unwind( const ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
-> decltype( unwind_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() ) )
unwind_impl( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State >
static auto unwind( const ParseInput& in, State&& st )
-> std::enable_if_t< internal::has_unwind< Base, void, const ParseInput&, State > >
Base::unwind( in, st );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename Iterator, typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
static auto apply_impl( const Iterator& begin, const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::template apply< Action >( begin, in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... ) ) )
-> decltype( Base::template apply< Action >( begin, in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... ) )
return Base::template apply< Action >( begin, in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename Iterator, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static auto apply( const Iterator& begin, const ParseInput& in, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( apply_impl< Action >( begin, in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() ) ) )
-> decltype( apply_impl< Action >( begin, in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() ) )
return apply_impl< Action >( begin, in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename Iterator, typename ParseInput, typename State >
static auto apply( const Iterator& begin, const ParseInput& in, State&& st ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::template apply< Action >( begin, in, st ) ) )
-> decltype( Base::template apply< Action >( begin, in, st ) )
return Base::template apply< Action >( begin, in, st );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename ParseInput, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is >
static auto apply0_impl( const ParseInput& in, const Tuple& t, std::index_sequence< Is... > /*unused*/ ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::template apply0< Action >( in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... ) ) )
-> decltype( Base::template apply0< Action >( in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... ) )
return Base::template apply0< Action >( in, std::get< Shuffle::template value< Is, sizeof...( Is ) > >( t )... );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
static auto apply0( const ParseInput& in, States&&... st ) noexcept( noexcept( apply0_impl< Action >( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() ) ) )
-> decltype( apply0_impl< Action >( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() ) )
return apply0_impl< Action >( in, std::tie( st... ), std::make_index_sequence< sizeof...( st ) >() );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename ParseInput, typename State >
static auto apply0( const ParseInput& in, State&& st ) noexcept( noexcept( Base::template apply0< Action >( in, st ) ) )
-> decltype( Base::template apply0< Action >( in, st ) )
return Base::template apply0< Action >( in, st );
template< typename Base, std::size_t N = 1 >
using rotate_states_left = shuffle_states< Base, internal::rotate_left< N > >;
template< typename Base, std::size_t N = 1 >
using rotate_states_right = shuffle_states< Base, internal::rotate_right< N > >;
template< typename Base >
using reverse_states = shuffle_states< Base, internal::reverse >;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <type_traits>
#include "shuffle_states.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/has_unwind.hpp"
template< template< typename... > class Control >
struct state_control
template< typename Rule >
struct control
: Control< Rule >
static constexpr bool enable = true;
template< typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
static void start( [[maybe_unused]] const ParseInput& in, [[maybe_unused]] State& state, [[maybe_unused]] States&&... st )
if constexpr( Control< Rule >::enable ) {
Control< Rule >::start( in, st... );
if constexpr( State::template enable< Rule > ) {
state.template start< Rule >( in, st... );
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
( (void)st,
... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
static void success( [[maybe_unused]] const ParseInput& in, [[maybe_unused]] State& state, [[maybe_unused]] States&&... st )
if constexpr( State::template enable< Rule > ) {
state.template success< Rule >( in, st... );
if constexpr( Control< Rule >::enable ) {
Control< Rule >::success( in, st... );
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
( (void)st,
... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
static void failure( [[maybe_unused]] const ParseInput& in, [[maybe_unused]] State& state, [[maybe_unused]] States&&... st )
if constexpr( State::template enable< Rule > ) {
state.template failure< Rule >( in, st... );
if constexpr( Control< Rule >::enable ) {
Control< Rule >::failure( in, st... );
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
( (void)st,
... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
[[noreturn]] static void raise( const ParseInput& in, [[maybe_unused]] State& state, States&&... st )
if constexpr( State::template enable< Rule > ) {
state.template raise< Rule >( in, st... );
Control< Rule >::raise( in, st... );
template< typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
static auto unwind( [[maybe_unused]] const ParseInput& in, [[maybe_unused]] State& state, [[maybe_unused]] States&&... st )
-> std::enable_if_t< State::template enable< Rule > || ( Control< Rule >::enable && internal::has_unwind< Control< Rule >, void, const ParseInput&, States... > ) >
if constexpr( State::template enable< Rule > ) {
state.template unwind< Rule >( in, st... );
if constexpr( Control< Rule >::enable && internal::has_unwind< Control< Rule >, void, const ParseInput&, States... > ) {
Control< Rule >::unwind( in, st... );
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
( (void)st,
... );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename Iterator, typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
static auto apply( const Iterator& begin, const ParseInput& in, [[maybe_unused]] State& state, States&&... st )
-> decltype( Control< Rule >::template apply< Action >( begin, in, st... ) )
if constexpr( State::template enable< Rule > ) {
state.template apply< Rule >( in, st... );
return Control< Rule >::template apply< Action >( begin, in, st... );
template< template< typename... > class Action, typename ParseInput, typename State, typename... States >
static auto apply0( const ParseInput& in, [[maybe_unused]] State& state, States&&... st )
-> decltype( Control< Rule >::template apply0< Action >( in, st... ) )
if constexpr( State::template enable< Rule > ) {
state.template apply0< Rule >( in, st... );
return Control< Rule >::template apply0< Action >( in, st... );
template< typename Rule >
using type = rotate_states_right< control< Rule > >;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <string>
#include "../config.hpp"
namespace internal
template< typename >
struct to_string;
template< template< char... > class X, char... Cs >
struct to_string< X< Cs... > >
[[nodiscard]] static std::string get()
const char s[] = { Cs..., 0 };
return std::string( s, sizeof...( Cs ) );
} // namespace internal
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] std::string to_string()
return internal::to_string< T >::get();
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstddef>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include "state_control.hpp"
#include "../apply_mode.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../demangle.hpp"
#include "../normal.hpp"
#include "../nothing.hpp"
#include "../parse.hpp"
#include "../rewind_mode.hpp"
template< bool HideInternal = false, bool UseColor = true, std::size_t IndentIncrement = 2, std::size_t InitialIndent = 8 >
struct tracer_traits
template< typename Rule >
static constexpr bool enable = ( HideInternal ? normal< Rule >::enable : true );
static constexpr std::size_t initial_indent = InitialIndent;
static constexpr std::size_t indent_increment = IndentIncrement;
static constexpr std::string_view ansi_reset = UseColor ? "\033[m" : "";
static constexpr std::string_view ansi_rule = UseColor ? "\033[36m" : "";
static constexpr std::string_view ansi_hide = UseColor ? "\033[37m" : "";
static constexpr std::string_view ansi_position = UseColor ? "\033[1;34m" : "";
static constexpr std::string_view ansi_success = UseColor ? "\033[32m" : "";
static constexpr std::string_view ansi_failure = UseColor ? "\033[31m" : "";
static constexpr std::string_view ansi_raise = UseColor ? "\033[1;31m" : "";
static constexpr std::string_view ansi_unwind = UseColor ? "\033[31m" : "";
static constexpr std::string_view ansi_apply = UseColor ? "\033[1;36m" : "";
using standard_tracer_traits = tracer_traits< true >;
using complete_tracer_traits = tracer_traits< false >;
template< typename TracerTraits >
struct tracer
const std::ios_base::fmtflags m_flags;
std::size_t m_count = 0;
std::vector< std::size_t > m_stack;
position m_position;
template< typename Rule >
static constexpr bool enable = TracerTraits::template enable< Rule >;
template< typename ParseInput >
explicit tracer( const ParseInput& in )
: m_flags( std::cerr.flags() ),
m_position( in.position() )
std::cerr << std::left;
tracer( const tracer& ) = delete;
tracer( tracer&& ) = delete;
std::cerr.flags( m_flags );
tracer& operator=( const tracer& ) = delete;
tracer& operator=( tracer&& ) = delete;
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t indent() const noexcept
return TracerTraits::initial_indent + TracerTraits::indent_increment * m_stack.size();
void print_position() const
std::cerr << std::setw( indent() ) << ' ' << TracerTraits::ansi_position << "position" << TracerTraits::ansi_reset << ' ' << m_position << '\n';
void update_position( const position& p )
if( m_position != p ) {
m_position = p;
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void start( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ )
std::cerr << '#' << std::setw( indent() - 1 ) << ++m_count << TracerTraits::ansi_rule << demangle< Rule >() << TracerTraits::ansi_reset << '\n';
m_stack.push_back( m_count );
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void success( const ParseInput& in, States&&... /*unused*/ )
const auto prev = m_stack.back();
std::cerr << std::setw( indent() ) << ' ' << TracerTraits::ansi_success << "success" << TracerTraits::ansi_reset;
if( m_count != prev ) {
std::cerr << " #" << prev << ' ' << TracerTraits::ansi_hide << demangle< Rule >() << TracerTraits::ansi_reset;
std::cerr << '\n';
update_position( in.position() );
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void failure( const ParseInput& in, States&&... /*unused*/ )
const auto prev = m_stack.back();
std::cerr << std::setw( indent() ) << ' ' << TracerTraits::ansi_failure << "failure" << TracerTraits::ansi_reset;
if( m_count != prev ) {
std::cerr << " #" << prev << ' ' << TracerTraits::ansi_hide << demangle< Rule >() << TracerTraits::ansi_reset;
std::cerr << '\n';
update_position( in.position() );
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void raise( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ )
std::cerr << std::setw( indent() ) << ' ' << TracerTraits::ansi_raise << "raise" << TracerTraits::ansi_reset << ' ' << TracerTraits::ansi_rule << demangle< Rule >() << TracerTraits::ansi_reset << '\n';
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void unwind( const ParseInput& in, States&&... /*unused*/ )
const auto prev = m_stack.back();
std::cerr << std::setw( indent() ) << ' ' << TracerTraits::ansi_unwind << "unwind" << TracerTraits::ansi_reset;
if( m_count != prev ) {
std::cerr << " #" << prev << ' ' << TracerTraits::ansi_hide << demangle< Rule >() << TracerTraits::ansi_reset;
std::cerr << '\n';
update_position( in.position() );
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void apply( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ )
std::cerr << std::setw( static_cast< int >( indent() - TracerTraits::indent_increment ) ) << ' ' << TracerTraits::ansi_apply << "apply" << TracerTraits::ansi_reset << '\n';
template< typename Rule, typename ParseInput, typename... States >
void apply0( const ParseInput& /*unused*/, States&&... /*unused*/ )
std::cerr << std::setw( static_cast< int >( indent() - TracerTraits::indent_increment ) ) << ' ' << TracerTraits::ansi_apply << "apply0" << TracerTraits::ansi_reset << '\n';
template< typename Rule,
template< typename... > class Action = nothing,
template< typename... > class Control = normal,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
bool parse( ParseInput&& in, States&&... st )
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse< Rule, Action, state_control< Control >::template type >( in, st..., *this );
template< typename Rule,
template< typename... > class Action = nothing,
template< typename... > class Control = normal,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
bool standard_trace( ParseInput&& in, States&&... st )
tracer< standard_tracer_traits > tr( in );
return tr.parse< Rule, Action, Control >( in, st... );
template< typename Rule,
template< typename... > class Action = nothing,
template< typename... > class Control = normal,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
bool complete_trace( ParseInput&& in, States&&... st )
tracer< complete_tracer_traits > tr( in );
return tr.parse< Rule, Action, Control >( in, st... );
template< typename Tracer >
struct trace
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
if constexpr( sizeof...( st ) == 0 ) {
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, state_control< Control >::template type >( in, st..., Tracer( in ) );
else if constexpr( !std::is_same_v< std::tuple_element_t< sizeof...( st ) - 1, std::tuple< States... > >, Tracer& > ) {
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, state_control< Control >::template type >( in, st..., Tracer( in ) );
else {
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, A, M, Action, Control >( in, st... );
using trace_standard = trace< tracer< standard_tracer_traits > >;
using trace_complete = trace< tracer< complete_tracer_traits > >;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/result_on_found.hpp"
#include "../internal/rules.hpp"
#include "internal/peek_mask_uint.hpp"
#include "internal/peek_uint.hpp"
namespace uint16_be
// clang-format off
struct any : internal::any< internal::peek_uint16_be > {};
template< std::uint16_t... Cs > struct not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint16_be, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint16_t Lo, std::uint16_t Hi > struct not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint16_be, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint16_t... Cs > struct one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint16_be, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint16_t Lo, std::uint16_t Hi > struct range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint16_be, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint16_t... Cs > struct ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_uint16_be, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint16_t... Cs > struct string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint16_be, Cs >... > {};
template< std::uint16_t M, std::uint16_t... Cs > struct mask_not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint16_be< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint16_t M, std::uint16_t Lo, std::uint16_t Hi > struct mask_not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint16_be< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint16_t M, std::uint16_t... Cs > struct mask_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint16_be< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint16_t M, std::uint16_t Lo, std::uint16_t Hi > struct mask_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint16_be< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint16_t M, std::uint16_t... Cs > struct mask_ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_mask_uint16_be< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint16_t M, std::uint16_t... Cs > struct mask_string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint16_be< M >, Cs >... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace uint16_be
namespace uint16_le
// clang-format off
struct any : internal::any< internal::peek_uint16_le > {};
template< std::uint16_t... Cs > struct not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint16_le, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint16_t Lo, std::uint16_t Hi > struct not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint16_le, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint16_t... Cs > struct one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint16_le, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint16_t Lo, std::uint16_t Hi > struct range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint16_le, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint16_t... Cs > struct ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_uint16_le, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint16_t... Cs > struct string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint16_le, Cs >... > {};
template< std::uint16_t M, std::uint16_t... Cs > struct mask_not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint16_le< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint16_t M, std::uint16_t Lo, std::uint16_t Hi > struct mask_not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint16_le< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint16_t M, std::uint16_t... Cs > struct mask_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint16_le< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint16_t M, std::uint16_t Lo, std::uint16_t Hi > struct mask_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint16_le< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint16_t M, std::uint16_t... Cs > struct mask_ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_mask_uint16_le< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint16_t M, std::uint16_t... Cs > struct mask_string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint16_le< M >, Cs >... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace uint16_le
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/result_on_found.hpp"
#include "../internal/rules.hpp"
#include "internal/peek_mask_uint.hpp"
#include "internal/peek_uint.hpp"
namespace uint32_be
// clang-format off
struct any : internal::any< internal::peek_uint32_be > {};
template< std::uint32_t... Cs > struct not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint32_be, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint32_t Lo, std::uint32_t Hi > struct not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint32_be, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint32_t... Cs > struct one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint32_be, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint32_t Lo, std::uint32_t Hi > struct range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint32_be, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint32_t... Cs > struct ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_uint32_be, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint32_t... Cs > struct string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint32_be, Cs >... > {};
template< std::uint32_t M, std::uint32_t... Cs > struct mask_not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint32_be< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint32_t M, std::uint32_t Lo, std::uint32_t Hi > struct mask_not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint32_be< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint32_t M, std::uint32_t... Cs > struct mask_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint32_be< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint32_t M, std::uint32_t Lo, std::uint32_t Hi > struct mask_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint32_be< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint32_t M, std::uint32_t... Cs > struct mask_ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_mask_uint32_be< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint32_t M, std::uint32_t... Cs > struct mask_string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint32_be< M >, Cs >... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace uint32_be
namespace uint32_le
// clang-format off
struct any : internal::any< internal::peek_uint32_le > {};
template< std::uint32_t... Cs > struct not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint32_le, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint32_t Lo, std::uint32_t Hi > struct not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint32_le, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint32_t... Cs > struct one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint32_le, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint32_t Lo, std::uint32_t Hi > struct range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint32_le, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint32_t... Cs > struct ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_uint32_le, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint32_t... Cs > struct string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint32_le, Cs >... > {};
template< std::uint32_t M, std::uint32_t... Cs > struct mask_not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint32_le< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint32_t M, std::uint32_t Lo, std::uint32_t Hi > struct mask_not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint32_le< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint32_t M, std::uint32_t... Cs > struct mask_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint32_le< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint32_t M, std::uint32_t Lo, std::uint32_t Hi > struct mask_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint32_le< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint32_t M, std::uint32_t... Cs > struct mask_ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_mask_uint32_le< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint32_t M, std::uint32_t... Cs > struct mask_string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint32_le< M >, Cs >... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace uint32_le
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/result_on_found.hpp"
#include "../internal/rules.hpp"
#include "internal/peek_mask_uint.hpp"
#include "internal/peek_uint.hpp"
namespace uint64_be
// clang-format off
struct any : internal::any< internal::peek_uint64_be > {};
template< std::uint64_t... Cs > struct not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint64_be, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint64_t Lo, std::uint64_t Hi > struct not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint64_be, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint64_t... Cs > struct one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint64_be, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint64_t Lo, std::uint64_t Hi > struct range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint64_be, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint64_t... Cs > struct ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_uint64_be, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint64_t... Cs > struct string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint64_be, Cs >... > {};
template< std::uint64_t M, std::uint64_t... Cs > struct mask_not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint64_be< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint64_t M, std::uint64_t Lo, std::uint64_t Hi > struct mask_not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint64_be< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint64_t M, std::uint64_t... Cs > struct mask_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint64_be< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint64_t M, std::uint64_t Lo, std::uint64_t Hi > struct mask_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint64_be< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint64_t M, std::uint64_t... Cs > struct mask_ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_mask_uint64_be< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint64_t M, std::uint64_t... Cs > struct mask_string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint64_be< M >, Cs >... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace uint64_be
namespace uint64_le
// clang-format off
struct any : internal::any< internal::peek_uint64_le > {};
template< std::uint64_t... Cs > struct not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint64_le, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint64_t Lo, std::uint64_t Hi > struct not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint64_le, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint64_t... Cs > struct one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint64_le, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint64_t Lo, std::uint64_t Hi > struct range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint64_le, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint64_t... Cs > struct ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_uint64_le, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint64_t... Cs > struct string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint64_le, Cs >... > {};
template< std::uint64_t M, std::uint64_t... Cs > struct mask_not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint64_le< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint64_t M, std::uint64_t Lo, std::uint64_t Hi > struct mask_not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint64_le< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint64_t M, std::uint64_t... Cs > struct mask_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint64_le< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint64_t M, std::uint64_t Lo, std::uint64_t Hi > struct mask_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint64_le< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint64_t M, std::uint64_t... Cs > struct mask_ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_mask_uint64_le< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint64_t M, std::uint64_t... Cs > struct mask_string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint64_le< M >, Cs >... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace uint64_le
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/result_on_found.hpp"
#include "../internal/rules.hpp"
#include "internal/peek_mask_uint8.hpp"
#include "internal/peek_uint8.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::uint8
// clang-format off
struct any : internal::any< internal::peek_uint8 > {};
template< std::uint8_t... Cs > struct not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint8, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint8_t Lo, std::uint8_t Hi > struct not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_uint8, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint8_t... Cs > struct one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint8, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint8_t Lo, std::uint8_t Hi > struct range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint8, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint8_t... Cs > struct ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_uint8, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint8_t... Cs > struct string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_uint8, Cs >... > {};
template< std::uint8_t M, std::uint8_t... Cs > struct mask_not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint8< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint8_t M, std::uint8_t Lo, std::uint8_t Hi > struct mask_not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_mask_uint8< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint8_t M, std::uint8_t... Cs > struct mask_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint8< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint8_t M, std::uint8_t Lo, std::uint8_t Hi > struct mask_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint8< M >, Lo, Hi > {};
template< std::uint8_t M, std::uint8_t... Cs > struct mask_ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_mask_uint8< M >, Cs... > {};
template< std::uint8_t M, std::uint8_t... Cs > struct mask_string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_mask_uint8< M >, Cs >... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::uint8
@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cassert>
#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include "../ascii.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../parse_error.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::unescape
// Utility functions for the unescape actions.
[[nodiscard]] inline bool utf8_append_utf32( std::string& string, const unsigned utf32 )
if( utf32 <= 0x7f ) {
string += char( utf32 & 0xff );
return true;
if( utf32 <= 0x7ff ) {
char tmp[] = { char( ( ( utf32 & 0x7c0 ) >> 6 ) | 0xc0 ),
char( ( ( utf32 & 0x03f ) ) | 0x80 ) };
string.append( tmp, sizeof( tmp ) );
return true;
if( utf32 <= 0xffff ) {
if( utf32 >= 0xd800 && utf32 <= 0xdfff ) {
// nope, this is a UTF-16 surrogate
return false;
char tmp[] = { char( ( ( utf32 & 0xf000 ) >> 12 ) | 0xe0 ),
char( ( ( utf32 & 0x0fc0 ) >> 6 ) | 0x80 ),
char( ( ( utf32 & 0x003f ) ) | 0x80 ) };
string.append( tmp, sizeof( tmp ) );
return true;
if( utf32 <= 0x10ffff ) {
char tmp[] = { char( ( ( utf32 & 0x1c0000 ) >> 18 ) | 0xf0 ),
char( ( ( utf32 & 0x03f000 ) >> 12 ) | 0x80 ),
char( ( ( utf32 & 0x000fc0 ) >> 6 ) | 0x80 ),
char( ( ( utf32 & 0x00003f ) ) | 0x80 ) };
string.append( tmp, sizeof( tmp ) );
return true;
return false;
// This function MUST only be called for characters matching TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::ascii::xdigit!
template< typename I >
[[nodiscard]] I unhex_char( const char c )
switch( c ) {
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
return I( c - '0' );
case 'a':
case 'b':
case 'c':
case 'd':
case 'e':
case 'f':
return I( c - 'a' + 10 );
case 'A':
case 'B':
case 'C':
case 'D':
case 'E':
case 'F':
return I( c - 'A' + 10 );
default: // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
std::terminate(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
template< typename I >
[[nodiscard]] I unhex_string( const char* begin, const char* end )
I r = 0;
while( begin != end ) {
r <<= 4;
r += unhex_char< I >( *begin++ );
return r;
// Actions for common unescape situations.
struct append_all
template< typename ActionInput >
static void apply( const ActionInput& in, std::string& s )
s.append( in.begin(), in.size() );
// This action MUST be called for a character matching T which MUST be TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::one< ... >.
template< typename T, char... Rs >
struct unescape_c
template< typename ActionInput >
static void apply( const ActionInput& in, std::string& s )
assert( in.size() == 1 );
s += apply_one( in, static_cast< const T* >( nullptr ) );
template< typename ActionInput, char... Qs >
[[nodiscard]] static char apply_one( const ActionInput& in, const one< Qs... >* /*unused*/ )
static_assert( sizeof...( Qs ) == sizeof...( Rs ), "size mismatch between escaped characters and their mappings" );
return apply_two( in, { Qs... }, { Rs... } );
template< typename ActionInput >
[[nodiscard]] static char apply_two( const ActionInput& in, const std::initializer_list< char >& q, const std::initializer_list< char >& r )
const char c = *in.begin();
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < q.size(); ++i ) {
if( *( q.begin() + i ) == c ) {
return *( r.begin() + i );
std::terminate(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
// See src/example/pegtl/unescape.cpp for why the following two actions
// skip the first input character. They also MUST be called
// with non-empty matched inputs!
struct unescape_u
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
template< typename ActionInput >
static void apply( const ActionInput& in, std::string& s )
assert( !in.empty() ); // First character MUST be present, usually 'u' or 'U'.
if( !utf8_append_utf32( s, unhex_string< unsigned >( in.begin() + 1, in.end() ) ) ) {
throw parse_error( "invalid escaped unicode code point", in );
template< typename ActionInput >
static bool apply( const ActionInput& in, std::string& s )
assert( !in.empty() ); // First character MUST be present, usually 'u' or 'U'.
return utf8_append_utf32( s, unhex_string< unsigned >( in.begin() + 1, in.end() ) );
struct unescape_x
template< typename ActionInput >
static void apply( const ActionInput& in, std::string& s )
assert( !in.empty() ); // First character MUST be present, usually 'x'.
s += unhex_string< char >( in.begin() + 1, in.end() );
// The unescape_j action is similar to unescape_u, however unlike
// unescape_u it
// (a) assumes exactly 4 hexdigits per escape sequence,
// (b) accepts multiple consecutive escaped 16-bit values.
// When applied to more than one escape sequence, unescape_j
// translates UTF-16 surrogate pairs in the input into a single
// UTF-8 sequence in s, as required for JSON by RFC 8259.
struct unescape_j
template< typename ActionInput >
static bool apply( const ActionInput& in, std::string& s )
assert( ( ( in.size() + 1 ) % 6 ) == 0 ); // Expects multiple "\\u1234", starting with the first "u".
for( const char* b = in.begin() + 1; b < in.end(); b += 6 ) {
const auto c = unhex_string< unsigned >( b, b + 4 );
if( ( 0xd800 <= c ) && ( c <= 0xdbff ) && ( b + 6 < in.end() ) ) {
const auto d = unhex_string< unsigned >( b + 6, b + 10 );
if( ( 0xdc00 <= d ) && ( d <= 0xdfff ) ) {
b += 6;
(void)utf8_append_utf32( s, ( ( ( c & 0x03ff ) << 10 ) | ( d & 0x03ff ) ) + 0x10000 );
if( !utf8_append_utf32( s, c ) ) {
#if defined( __cpp_exceptions )
throw parse_error( "invalid escaped unicode code point", in );
return false;
return true;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::unescape
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#if !defined( __cpp_exceptions )
#error "Exception support required for tao/pegtl/contrib/uri.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include "../ascii.hpp"
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../rules.hpp"
#include "../utf8.hpp"
#include "abnf.hpp"
#include "integer.hpp"
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::uri
// URI grammar according to RFC 3986.
// This grammar is a direct PEG translation of the original URI grammar.
// It should be considered experimental -- in case of any issues, in particular
// missing rules for attached actions, please contact the developers.
// Note that this grammar has multiple top-level rules.
using dot = one< '.' >;
using colon = one< ':' >;
// clang-format off
struct dec_octet : maximum_rule< std::uint8_t > {};
struct IPv4address : seq< dec_octet, dot, dec_octet, dot, dec_octet, dot, dec_octet > {};
struct h16 : rep_min_max< 1, 4, abnf::HEXDIG > {};
struct ls32 : sor< seq< h16, colon, h16 >, IPv4address > {};
struct dcolon : two< ':' > {};
struct IPv6address : sor< seq< rep< 6, h16, colon >, ls32 >,
seq< dcolon, rep< 5, h16, colon >, ls32 >,
seq< opt< h16 >, dcolon, rep< 4, h16, colon >, ls32 >,
seq< opt< h16, opt< colon, h16 > >, dcolon, rep< 3, h16, colon >, ls32 >,
seq< opt< h16, rep_opt< 2, colon, h16 > >, dcolon, rep< 2, h16, colon >, ls32 >,
seq< opt< h16, rep_opt< 3, colon, h16 > >, dcolon, h16, colon, ls32 >,
seq< opt< h16, rep_opt< 4, colon, h16 > >, dcolon, ls32 >,
seq< opt< h16, rep_opt< 5, colon, h16 > >, dcolon, h16 >,
seq< opt< h16, rep_opt< 6, colon, h16 > >, dcolon > > {};
struct gen_delims : one< ':', '/', '?', '#', '[', ']', '@' > {};
struct sub_delims : one< '!', '$', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', ';', '=' > {};
struct unreserved : sor< abnf::ALPHA, abnf::DIGIT, one< '-', '.', '_', '~' > > {};
struct reserved : sor< gen_delims, sub_delims > {};
struct IPvFuture : if_must< one< 'v', 'V' >, plus< abnf::HEXDIG >, dot, plus< sor< unreserved, sub_delims, colon > > > {};
struct IP_literal : if_must< one< '[' >, sor< IPvFuture, IPv6address >, one< ']' > > {};
struct pct_encoded : if_must< one< '%' >, abnf::HEXDIG, abnf::HEXDIG > {};
struct pchar : sor< unreserved, pct_encoded, sub_delims, one< ':', '@' > > {};
struct query : star< sor< pchar, one< '/', '?' > > > {};
struct fragment : star< sor< pchar, one< '/', '?' > > > {};
struct segment : star< pchar > {};
struct segment_nz : plus< pchar > {};
struct segment_nz_nc : plus< sor< unreserved, pct_encoded, sub_delims, one< '@' > > > {}; // non-zero-length segment without any colon ":"
struct path_abempty : star< one< '/' >, segment > {};
struct path_absolute : seq< one< '/' >, opt< segment_nz, star< one< '/' >, segment > > > {};
struct path_noscheme : seq< segment_nz_nc, star< one< '/' >, segment > > {};
struct path_rootless : seq< segment_nz, star< one< '/' >, segment > > {};
struct path_empty : success {};
struct path : sor< path_noscheme, // begins with a non-colon segment
path_rootless, // begins with a segment
path_absolute, // begins with "/" but not "//"
path_abempty > {}; // begins with "/" or is empty
struct reg_name : star< sor< unreserved, pct_encoded, sub_delims > > {};
struct port : star< abnf::DIGIT > {};
struct host : sor< IP_literal, IPv4address, reg_name > {};
struct userinfo : star< sor< unreserved, pct_encoded, sub_delims, colon > > {};
struct opt_userinfo : opt< userinfo, one< '@' > > {};
struct authority : seq< opt_userinfo, host, opt< colon, port > > {};
struct scheme : seq< abnf::ALPHA, star< sor< abnf::ALPHA, abnf::DIGIT, one< '+', '-', '.' > > > > {};
using dslash = two< '/' >;
using opt_query = opt_must< one< '?' >, query >;
using opt_fragment = opt_must< one< '#' >, fragment >;
struct hier_part : sor< if_must< dslash, authority, path_abempty >, path_rootless, path_absolute, path_empty > {};
struct relative_part : sor< if_must< dslash, authority, path_abempty >, path_noscheme, path_absolute, path_empty > {};
struct relative_ref : seq< relative_part, opt_query, opt_fragment > {};
struct URI : seq< scheme, one< ':' >, hier_part, opt_query, opt_fragment > {};
struct URI_reference : sor< URI, relative_ref > {};
struct absolute_URI : seq< scheme, one< ':' >, hier_part, opt_query > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::uri
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/result_on_found.hpp"
#include "../internal/rules.hpp"
#include "internal/peek_utf16.hpp"
namespace utf16_be
// clang-format off
struct any : internal::any< internal::peek_utf16_be > {};
struct bom : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf16_be, 0xfeff > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_utf16_be, Cs... > {};
template< char32_t Lo, char32_t Hi > struct not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_utf16_be, Lo, Hi > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf16_be, Cs... > {};
template< char32_t Lo, char32_t Hi > struct range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf16_be, Lo, Hi > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_utf16_be, Cs... > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf16_be, Cs >... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace utf16_be
namespace utf16_le
// clang-format off
struct any : internal::any< internal::peek_utf16_le > {};
struct bom : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf16_le, 0xfeff > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_utf16_le, Cs... > {};
template< char32_t Lo, char32_t Hi > struct not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_utf16_le, Lo, Hi > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf16_le, Cs... > {};
template< char32_t Lo, char32_t Hi > struct range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf16_le, Lo, Hi > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_utf16_le, Cs... > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf16_le, Cs >... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace utf16_le
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( __MINGW32__ ) && !defined( __CYGWIN__ )
namespace utf16 = utf16_le;
namespace utf16 = utf16_le;
namespace utf16 = utf16_be;
#error Unknown endianness.
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "../config.hpp"
#include "../internal/result_on_found.hpp"
#include "../internal/rules.hpp"
#include "internal/peek_utf32.hpp"
namespace utf32_be
// clang-format off
struct any : internal::any< internal::peek_utf32_be > {};
struct bom : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf32_be, 0xfeff > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_utf32_be, Cs... > {};
template< char32_t Lo, char32_t Hi > struct not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_utf32_be, Lo, Hi > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf32_be, Cs... > {};
template< char32_t Lo, char32_t Hi > struct range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf32_be, Lo, Hi > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_utf32_be, Cs... > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf32_be, Cs >... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace utf32_be
namespace utf32_le
// clang-format off
struct any : internal::any< internal::peek_utf32_le > {};
struct bom : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf32_le, 0xfeff > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct not_one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_utf32_le, Cs... > {};
template< char32_t Lo, char32_t Hi > struct not_range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::failure, internal::peek_utf32_le, Lo, Hi > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct one : internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf32_le, Cs... > {};
template< char32_t Lo, char32_t Hi > struct range : internal::range< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf32_le, Lo, Hi > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct ranges : internal::ranges< internal::peek_utf32_le, Cs... > {};
template< char32_t... Cs > struct string : internal::seq< internal::one< internal::result_on_found::success, internal::peek_utf32_le, Cs >... > {};
// clang-format on
} // namespace utf32_le
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( __MINGW32__ ) && !defined( __CYGWIN__ )
namespace utf32 = utf32_le;
namespace utf32 = utf32_le;
namespace utf32 = utf32_be;
#error Unknown endianness.
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <cstdio>
#include "buffer_input.hpp"
#include "config.hpp"
#include "eol.hpp"
#include "internal/cstream_reader.hpp"
template< typename Eol = eol::lf_crlf, std::size_t Chunk = 64 >
struct cstream_input
: buffer_input< internal::cstream_reader, Eol, std::string, Chunk >
template< typename T >
cstream_input( std::FILE* in_stream, const std::size_t in_maximum, T&& in_source )
: buffer_input< internal::cstream_reader, Eol, std::string, Chunk >( std::forward< T >( in_source ), in_maximum, in_stream )
template< typename... Ts >
cstream_input( Ts&&... ) -> cstream_input<>;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include <string_view>
#include "config.hpp"
// ensure a consistent interface
#if !defined( __clang__ ) && defined( __GNUC__ ) && ( __GNUC__ == 7 )
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] std::string_view demangle() noexcept;
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view demangle() noexcept;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
#if defined( __clang__ )
#if defined( _LIBCPP_VERSION )
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::demangle() noexcept
constexpr std::string_view sv = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
constexpr auto begin = sv.find( '=' );
static_assert( begin != std::string_view::npos );
return sv.substr( begin + 2, sv.size() - begin - 3 );
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
// When using libstdc++ with clang, std::string_view::find is not constexpr :(
template< char C >
constexpr const char* string_view_find( const char* p, std::size_t n ) noexcept
while( n ) {
if( *p == C ) {
return p;
return nullptr;
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::demangle() noexcept
constexpr std::string_view sv = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
constexpr auto begin = internal::string_view_find< '=' >( sv.data(), sv.size() );
static_assert( begin != nullptr );
return { begin + 2, sv.data() + sv.size() - begin - 3 };
#elif defined( __GNUC__ )
#if( __GNUC__ == 7 )
// GCC 7 wrongly sometimes disallows __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ in constexpr functions,
// therefore we drop the 'constexpr' and hope for the best.
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] std::string_view TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::demangle() noexcept
const std::string_view sv = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
const auto begin = sv.find( '=' );
const auto tmp = sv.substr( begin + 2 );
const auto end = tmp.rfind( ';' );
return tmp.substr( 0, end );
#elif( __GNUC__ == 9 ) && ( __GNUC_MINOR__ < 3 )
#if !defined( __cpp_rtti )
#error "RTTI support required for GCC 9.1/9.2"
#include <typeinfo>
// GCC 9.1 and 9.2 have a bug that leads to truncated __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ names,
// see https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=91155
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::demangle() noexcept
// fallback: requires RTTI, no demangling
return typeid( T ).name();
namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::special
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view demangle() noexcept
constexpr std::string_view sv = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
constexpr auto begin = sv.find( '=' );
static_assert( begin != std::string_view::npos );
constexpr auto tmp = sv.substr( begin + 2 );
constexpr auto end = tmp.rfind( ';' );
static_assert( end != std::string_view::npos );
return tmp.substr( 0, end );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::special
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::demangle() noexcept
return special::demangle< T >();
#elif defined( _MSC_VER )
#if( _MSC_VER < 1920 )
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::demangle() noexcept
const std::string_view sv = __FUNCSIG__;
const auto begin = sv.find( "demangle<" );
const auto tmp = sv.substr( begin + 9 );
const auto end = tmp.rfind( '>' );
return tmp.substr( 0, end );
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::demangle() noexcept
// we can not add static_assert for additional safety,
// see issues #296, #301 and #308
constexpr std::string_view sv = __FUNCSIG__;
constexpr auto begin = sv.find( "demangle<" );
constexpr auto tmp = sv.substr( begin + 9 );
constexpr auto end = tmp.rfind( '>' );
return tmp.substr( 0, end );
#if !defined( __cpp_rtti )
#error "RTTI support required for unknown compilers"
#include <typeinfo>
template< typename T >
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::demangle() noexcept
// fallback: requires RTTI, no demangling
return typeid( T ).name();
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey
// Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/
#include "apply_mode.hpp"
#include "config.hpp"
#include "match.hpp"
#include "nothing.hpp"
#include "rewind_mode.hpp"
struct disable_action
: maybe_nothing
template< typename Rule,
apply_mode A,
rewind_mode M,
template< typename... >
class Action,
template< typename... >
class Control,
typename ParseInput,
typename... States >
[[nodiscard]] static bool match( ParseInput& in, States&&... st )
return TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::match< Rule, apply_mode::nothing, M, Action, Control >( in, st... );
} // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE
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