- Mod resource loading has been reworked again, with the intent of adding support for texture pack loaders
- Added `Loader::addTexturePath` and `Loader::removeTexturePath` to work with additional resource paths
- Mods that work with Cocos2d search paths directly should convert to using the above functions
- New header `Geode/ui/LayerBG.hpp` with `createLayerBG` function for creating the blue gradient background GD layers have
- All Cocos2d include paths have been changed to be relative
-`cocos2dx` folder has been removed, cocos2d is now directly inside `Geode/cocos`
- Loader resource updating has once again been changed to just verify filenames exist as there are some odd problems with CLI on MacOS
- More codegen optimizations, Geode mods should now compile faster
- Added `NewResult` class, which will eventually replace the old `Result`
- Add `deprecate` and `nodiscard` attributes to the old `Result` class
- Many more bindings on Mac and Windows
## v0.5.0
- Added `CCFileUtils::get`
- Fix crashes related to setting IDs in `MenuLayer`
- Remove `Loader::updateModResourcePaths` and `Loader::updateResourcePaths`. The minimum mod target version is still v0.4.0 however, as you should never have been using these functions.
- Rework how mod resources are added
- Deprecate `geode::utils::vector` and `geode::utils::container` namespaces and replace them with `geode::utils::ranges`
- Finally added a license to Geode! The framework is now licensed under BSL v1.0.
- Simplified the minimum and maximum loader versions, loader will now load any mod whose target version major and minor match. In practice, this means that for example mods whose target version is v0.4.8 can be loaded by loader of version v0.4.6.
- Add `Geode/ui/GeodeUI.hpp` header for exposing some access to internal Geode UI like opening a mod's settings popup
- Fix crash with settings that could have a slider control
## v0.4.2
- Moved SDK version to its own file so CLI can query it
Note that from here on, changes to the framework were not tracked by versions as the framework was still considered to be in heavy development and not released. Instead, major changes are listed by dates.