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synced 2025-03-25 12:20:33 -04:00
clean up
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 0 additions and 198 deletions
@ -459,202 +459,4 @@ export default class IO {
// Receive a base64-encoded zip from iOS (upon open a project)
static loadProjectFromSjr (b64data) {
// Together, these two provide a "progress" indication
// that lets us know when to refresh the lobby (when sE/sA = 1)
var saveExpected = 0; // How many assets we expect to save - updated as we process the zip
var saveActual = 0; // How many assets actually saved - updated as we make IO saves
var receivedZip = JSZip();
receivedZip.load(b64data, {
'base64': true
// To store character MD5 -> character name map
// The character name is stored in the project JSON; when we load
// the actual SVG asset, we need the associated name for storage in the DB
var characterNames = {};
// First find the data.json project file
receivedZip.filter(function (relativePath, file) {
if (file.dir) {
var fullName = relativePath.split('/').pop();
if (fullName == 'data.json') {
var jsonData = JSON.parse(file.asText());
// To require an upgrade, change the major version numbers in .html files and here...
var currentVersion = 1;
var projectVersion = parseInt(jsonData.version.replace('iOSv', '')) || 0;
if (projectVersion > currentVersion) {
throw new Error('Project created in a new version of ScratchJr. Please upgrade ScratchJr.');
IO.uniqueProjectName(jsonData, function (jsonData) {
jsonData.isgift = '1'; // Project will display with a bow and ribbon
IO.createProject(jsonData, function () {});
// Build map of character filename -> character name
var projectData = jsonData.json;
for (var p = 0; p < projectData.pages.length; p++) {
var pageReference = projectData.pages[p];
var page = projectData[pageReference];
for (var s = 0; s < page.sprites.length; s++) {
var spriteReference = page.sprites[s];
var sprite = page[spriteReference];
// Store a database-friendly sprite name
if (sprite.type == 'sprite') {
characterNames[sprite.md5] = (
((unescape(sprite.name)).replace(/[0-9]/g, '')).replace(/\s*/g, '')
// Filter out each asset type for storage
receivedZip.filter(function (relativePath, file) {
if (file.dir) {
saveExpected++; // We expect to save something for each non-directory
var subFolder = relativePath.split('/')[1]; // should be {backgrounds, characters, thumbnails, sounds}
// Filename processing
var fullName = relativePath.split('/').pop(); // e.g. Cat.svg
var name = fullName.split('.')[0]; // e.g. Cat
var ext = fullName.split('.').pop(); // e.g. svg
if (!name || !ext) {
// Don't save items we already have in the MediaLib
if (fullName in MediaLib.keys) {
// File data and base64-encoded data
var data = file.asBinary();
var b2data = btoa(data);
if (subFolder == 'thumbnails' || subFolder == 'sounds') {
// Save these immediately to the filesystem - no additional processing necessary
OS.setmedianame(b2data, name, ext, function () {
} else if (subFolder == 'characters') {
// This code is messy - needs a refactor sometime for all the database calls/duplication for bkgs...
// Save the character, generate its thumbnail, and add entry to the database
OS.setmedianame(b2data, name, ext, function () { // Saves the SVG
// Parse SVG to determine width/height
var svgParser = new DOMParser().parseFromString(data, 'text/xml');
var width = svgParser.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0].width.baseVal.value;
var height = svgParser.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0].height.baseVal.value;
var scale = '0.5'; // fixed value - see PaintIO
IO.getImagesInSVG(data, gotSVGImages);
function gotSVGImages () {
var thumbnailDataURL = IO.getThumbnail(data, width, height, 120, 90);
var thumbnailPngBase64 = thumbnailDataURL.split(',')[1];
var charName = characterNames[fullName];
OS.setmedia(thumbnailPngBase64, 'png', function (thumbnailMD5) {
// Sprite thumbnail is saved - save character to the DB
// First ensure that this character doesn't already exist in the exact form
var json = {};
json.cond = ('ext = ? AND md5 = ? AND altmd5 = ? AND name = ? ' +
'AND scale = ? AND width = ? AND height = ?');
json.items = ['*'];
json.values = ['svg', fullName, thumbnailMD5,
charName, scale, width.toString(), height.toString()];
json.order = 'ctime desc';
IO.query('usershapes', json, function (results) {
results = JSON.parse(results);
if (results.length == 0) {
// This character doesn't already exist - insert it
var json = {};
var keylist = ['scale', 'md5', 'altmd5',
'version', 'width', 'height', 'ext', 'name'];
var values = '?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?';
json.values = [scale, fullName, thumbnailMD5, 'iOSv01',
width.toString(), height.toString(), 'svg', charName];
json.stmt = 'insert into usershapes ('
+ keylist.toString() + ') values (' + values + ')';
OS.stmt(json, function () {
} else {
} else if (subFolder == 'backgrounds') {
// Same idea as characters, but the dimensions are fixed
OS.setmedianame(b2data, name, ext, function () {
IO.getImagesInSVG(data, gotSVGImages);
function gotSVGImages () {
var thumbnailDataURL = IO.getThumbnail(data, 480, 360, 120, 90);
var thumbnailPngBase64 = thumbnailDataURL.split(',')[1];
OS.setmedia(thumbnailPngBase64, 'png', function (thumbnailMD5) {
// First ensure that this bg doesn't already exist in the exact form
var json = {};
json.cond = 'ext = ? AND md5 = ? AND altmd5 = ?';
json.items = ['*'];
json.values = ['svg', fullName, thumbnailMD5];
json.order = 'ctime desc';
IO.query('userbkgs', json, function (results) {
results = JSON.parse(results);
if (results.length == 0) {
// Background is unique, insert into the library
var json = {};
var keylist = ['md5', 'altmd5', 'version', 'width', 'height', 'ext'];
var values = '?,?,?,?,?,?';
json.values = [fullName, thumbnailMD5, 'iOSv01', '480', '360', 'svg'];
json.stmt = 'insert into userbkgs (' + keylist.toString() +
') values (' + values + ')';
OS.stmt(json, function () {
} else {
} else {
saveActual++; // Ignore this file - someone messed with the SJR...
// For updating the Lobby UI - if we're on the lobby page when receiving a project, refresh it
function refreshLobby () {
if (gn('hometab') !== null) { // Check if we're on the lobby page
if (saveActual == saveExpected) {
} else { // Waiting for assets to be saved
setTimeout(refreshLobby, 100);
Add table
Reference in a new issue