mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 16:24:18 -05:00
* start building ev3 landing page structure * Inject translations, add more content and structure to ev3 landing page * Add ev3 route * add active styles for os chooser buttons * Add ev3 assets * Add content and intial styles for everything down to "Sample Projects" * Add correct padding to all sections on ev3 page * Add more margins to match the mockup * Create os chooser component for reuse on other landing pages * Make EV3 page stateful, add OS logic, change step styles, fix images on Chrome * Add sample project cards and styles * Add fixed ev3 icon svg * Add app store badges (no href on links yet) * Add section separator, fix sample project card margins * Add border to project cards, make project cards clickable links * Add FAQ boilerplate and styling from InformationPage component * Add indented ol style, example * Add link style with underline * Add EV3 retail link * Content updates * Fix some z-index issues with os chooser * micro:bit page mega-commit * os chooser should not have a higher z-index than nav * Update starter projects * Localize OS chooser * Add localization configuration for EV3 page * Localize section titles on ev3 page * Add starter project images and descriptions * Add link to microbit.org * Fix tip box width on microbit and ev3 pages * add l10n strings up to things to try on ev3 page * Fix lint error in ev3.scss * Add download link style to ev3 * microbit getting started text and images * Remove tip about microbit name * Hex file and starter project download links * microbit wording updates * update images * Fix issues with download link style * text fix * Add ev3 starter project downloads * Add microbit l10n file and config * Add l10n strings for microbit header and scratch link sections * Add l10n strings for microbit page up to faq * content updates * Fix some page overflow issues * microbit faq content and style * Use zipped version of microbit hex file * Add platform name to scratch link download button * Add EV3 faq to l10n.json * Add final strings from micro:bit and EV3 pages to l10n.json files * Add white download asset * Tweak styles for ev3 and microbit * Add some final tweaks to the EV3 page styles * Add TODO comments about refactoring duplicate code
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