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synced 2024-12-19 12:02:28 -05:00
New of tips page, uses cards from new resources server (s3) * added get-localized-urls script to get the generated json from the s3 bucket * added /tips route * correct localized-urls for other pages * remove thingstotry * redirect /go * fix up /info/cards view to use resources (s3). * redirect /go to /tips * change /hoc redirect from /go to /tips * Add full set of cards pdf download to tips localization * removed cards and guides from static PDFs, they are all coming from resources.scratch.mit.edu now. * removed things to try view Corrections for reviews: * decided to pretty print the localized URLs * replaced console.errors with process.stdout and fail with exit(1) * formatted localized-urls to make it easier to read * moved link outside `<Button…` makes whole button clickable instead of just text * fixed up css styles, removed unnecessary classes * corrected “unused” resource links
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