Merge branch 'develop' into feature/extension-serialization

This commit is contained in:
Connor Hudson 2018-06-19 17:01:13 -04:00
commit 68215664ec
16 changed files with 658 additions and 152 deletions

View file

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
}, },
"dependencies": { "dependencies": {
"arraybuffer-loader": "^1.0.3", "arraybuffer-loader": "^1.0.3",
"atob": "2.1.1",
"btoa": "1.2.1",
"canvas-toBlob": "1.0.0", "canvas-toBlob": "1.0.0",
"decode-html": "2.0.0", "decode-html": "2.0.0",
"diff-match-patch": "1.0.0", "diff-match-patch": "1.0.0",
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@
"jszip": "^3.1.5", "jszip": "^3.1.5",
"minilog": "3.1.0", "minilog": "3.1.0",
"nets": "3.2.0", "nets": "3.2.0",
"scratch-parser": "4.1.1", "scratch-parser": "4.2.0",
"scratch-translate-extension-languages": "0.0.20180521154850", "scratch-translate-extension-languages": "0.0.20180521154850",
"": "2.0.4", "": "2.0.4",
"text-encoding": "0.6.4", "text-encoding": "0.6.4",

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
const ArgumentType = require('../../extension-support/argument-type'); const ArgumentType = require('../../extension-support/argument-type');
const BlockType = require('../../extension-support/block-type'); const BlockType = require('../../extension-support/block-type');
const log = require('../../util/log'); const log = require('../../util/log');
const ScratchBLE = require('../../io/scratchBLE');
const Base64Util = require('../../util/base64-util');
/** /**
* Icon svg to be displayed at the left edge of each extension block, encoded as a data URI. * Icon svg to be displayed at the left edge of each extension block, encoded as a data URI.
@ -17,38 +19,54 @@ const blockIconURI = '
const menuIconURI = ''; const menuIconURI = '';
/** /**
* Manage communication with a MicroBit device over a Device Manager client socket. * Enum for micro:bit BLE command protocol.
* @readonly
* @enum {number}
const BLECommand = {
* Enum for micro:bit protocol.
* @readonly
* @enum {string}
const BLEUUID = {
service: 0xf005,
rxChar: '5261da01-fa7e-42ab-850b-7c80220097cc',
txChar: '5261da02-fa7e-42ab-850b-7c80220097cc'
* Manage communication with a MicroBit device over a Scrath Link client socket.
*/ */
class MicroBit { class MicroBit {
* @return {string} - the type of Device Manager device socket that this class will handle.
static get DEVICE_TYPE () {
return 'ble';
/** /**
* Construct a MicroBit communication object. * Construct a MicroBit communication object.
* @param {Socket} socket - the socket for a MicroBit device, as provided by a Device Manager client.
* @param {Runtime} runtime - the Scratch 3.0 runtime * @param {Runtime} runtime - the Scratch 3.0 runtime
*/ */
constructor (socket, runtime) { constructor (runtime) {
* The socket-IO socket used to communicate with the Device Manager about this device.
* @type {Socket}
* @private
this._socket = socket;
/** /**
* The Scratch 3.0 runtime used to trigger the green flag button * The Scratch 3.0 runtime used to trigger the green flag button.
* @type {Runtime} * @type {Runtime}
* @private * @private
*/ */
this._runtime = runtime; this._runtime = runtime;
* The ScratchBLE connection session for reading/writing device data.
* @type {ScratchBLE}
* @private
this._ble = new ScratchBLE();
/** /**
* The most recently received value for each sensor. * The most recently received value for each sensor.
* @type {Object.<string, number>} * @type {Object.<string, number>}
@ -64,6 +82,11 @@ class MicroBit {
ledMatrixState: new Uint8Array(5) ledMatrixState: new Uint8Array(5)
}; };
* The most recently received value for each gesture.
* @type {Object.<string, Object>}
* @private
this._gestures = { this._gestures = {
moving: false, moving: false,
move: { move: {
@ -80,17 +103,32 @@ class MicroBit {
} }
}; };
// this._onRxChar = this._onRxChar.bind(this); // TODO: Temporary until the gui requests a device connection
// this._onDisconnect = this._onDisconnect.bind(this); this._ble.waitForSocket()
// TODO: remove pinging once no longer needed
.then(() => this._ble.sendRemoteRequest('pingMe'))
.then(() => this._onBLEReady());
// TODO: Add ScratchBLE 'disconnect' handling
} }
/** /**
* Manually dispose of this object. * @param {string} text - the text to display.
*/ */
dispose () { displayText (text) {
this._disconnectEvents(); const output = new Uint8Array(text.length);
for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
output[i] = text.charCodeAt(i);
this._writeBLE(BLECommand.CMD_DISPLAY_TEXT, output);
* @param {Uint8Array} matrix - the matrix to display.
displayMatrix (matrix) {
this._writeBLE(BLECommand.CMD_DISPLAY_LED, matrix);
} }
/** /**
@ -144,31 +182,38 @@ class MicroBit {
} }
/** /**
* Attach event handlers to the device socket. * Requests connection to a device when BLE session is ready.
* @private
*/ */
_connectEvents () { _onBLEReady () {
// this._socket.on(BLE_UUIDs.rx, this._onRxChar); this._ble.requestDevice({
// this._socket.on('deviceWasClosed', this._onDisconnect); filters: [
// this._socket.on('disconnect', this._onDisconnect); {services: [BLEUUID.service]}
}, this._onBLEConnect.bind(this), this._onBLEError);
} }
/** /**
* Detach event handlers from the device socket. * Starts reading data from device after BLE has connected to it.
* @private
*/ */
_disconnectEvents () { _onBLEConnect () {
//, this._onRxChar); const callback = this._processBLEData.bind(this);
//'deviceWasClosed', this._onDisconnect);, BLEUUID.rxChar, true, callback);
//'disconnect', this._onDisconnect); }
* @param {string} e - Error from BLE session.
_onBLEError (e) {
log.error(`BLE error: ${e}`);
} }
/** /**
* Process the sensor data from the incoming BLE characteristic. * Process the sensor data from the incoming BLE characteristic.
* @param {object} data - the incoming BLE data. * @param {object} base64 - the incoming BLE data.
* @private * @private
*/ */
_processData (data) { _processBLEData (base64) {
const data = Base64Util.base64ToUint8Array(base64);
this._sensors.tiltX = data[1] | (data[0] << 8); this._sensors.tiltX = data[1] | (data[0] << 8);
if (this._sensors.tiltX > (1 << 15)) this._sensors.tiltX -= (1 << 16); if (this._sensors.tiltX > (1 << 15)) this._sensors.tiltX -= (1 << 16);
@ -186,45 +231,22 @@ class MicroBit {
} }
/** /**
* React to device disconnection. May be called more than once. * Write a message to the device BLE session.
* @param {number} command - the BLE command hex.
* @param {Uint8Array} message - the message to write.
* @private * @private
*/ */
_onDisconnect () { _writeBLE (command, message) {
this._disconnectEvents(); const output = new Uint8Array(message.length + 1);
} output[0] = command; // attach command to beginning of message
for (let i = 0; i < message.length; i++) {
/** output[i + 1] = message[i];
* Send a message to the device socket. }
* @param {string} message - the name of the message, such as 'playTone'. const b64enc = Base64Util.uint8ArrayToBase64(output);
* @param {object} [details] - optional additional details for the message, such as tone duration and pitch. this._ble.write(BLEUUID.service, BLEUUID.txChar, b64enc, 'base64');
* @private
_send (message, details) {
this._socket.emit(message, details);
} }
} }
* const BLE_UUIDs = {
* uuid: '4cdbbd87d6e646c29d0bdf87551e159a',
* rx: '4cdb8702d6e646c29d0bdf87551e159a'
* };
* const DEV_SPEC = {
* info: {
* uuid: [BLE_UUIDs.uuid],
* read_characteristics: {
* '4cdb8702d6e646c29d0bdf87551e159a': {
* notify: true
* }
* }
* },
* type: 'ble'
* };
/** /**
* Enum for tilt sensor direction. * Enum for tilt sensor direction.
* @readonly * @readonly
@ -258,17 +280,6 @@ const symbols2hex = {
'?': 0xC91004 '?': 0xC91004
}; };
* Enum for micro:bit BLE command protocol.
* @readonly
* @enum {number}
const BLECommand = {
/** /**
* Scratch 3.0 blocks to interact with a MicroBit device. * Scratch 3.0 blocks to interact with a MicroBit device.
*/ */
@ -306,7 +317,8 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks {
*/ */
this.runtime = runtime; this.runtime = runtime;
this.connect(); // Create a new MicroBit device instance
this._device = new MicroBit(this.runtime);
} }
/** /**
@ -461,44 +473,6 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks {
}; };
} }
* Use the Device Manager client to attempt to connect to a MicroBit device.
connect () {
this._device = new MicroBit(null, this.runtime);
window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === 'data') {
this._device._processData(new Uint8Array(;
}, false);
* if (this._device || this._finder) {
* return;
* }
* const deviceManager = this.runtime.ioDevices.deviceManager;
* const finder = this._finder =
* deviceManager.searchAndConnect(Scratch3MicroBitBlocks.EXTENSION_NAME, MicroBit.DEVICE_TYPE, DEV_SPEC);
* this._finder.promise.then(
* socket => {
* if (this._finder === finder) {
* this._finder = null;
* this._device = new MicroBit(socket, this.runtime);
* } else {
* log.warn('Ignoring success from stale MicroBit connection attempt');
* }
* },
* reason => {
* if (this._finder === finder) {
* this._finder = null;
* log.warn(`MicroBit connection failed: ${reason}`);
* } else {
* log.warn('Ignoring failure from stale MicroBit connection attempt');
* }
* });
/** /**
* Test whether the A or B button is pressed * Test whether the A or B button is pressed
* @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments.
@ -546,12 +520,7 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks {
*/ */
displayText (args) { displayText (args) {
const text = String(args.TEXT).substring(0, 19); const text = String(args.TEXT).substring(0, 19);
const output = new Uint8Array(text.length + 1); this._device.displayText(text);
output[0] = BLECommand.CMD_DISPLAY_TEXT;
for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
output[i + 1] = text.charCodeAt(i);
window.postMessage({type: 'command', buffer: output}, '*');
return; return;
} }
@ -562,14 +531,12 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks {
displaySymbol (args) { displaySymbol (args) {
const hex = symbols2hex[args.SYMBOL]; const hex = symbols2hex[args.SYMBOL];
if (!hex) return; if (!hex) return;
const output = new Uint8Array(6); this._device.ledMatrixState[0] = (hex >> 20) & 0x1F;
output[0] = BLECommand.CMD_DISPLAY_LED; this._device.ledMatrixState[1] = (hex >> 15) & 0x1F;
output[1] = (hex >> 20) & 0x1F; this._device.ledMatrixState[2] = (hex >> 10) & 0x1F;
output[2] = (hex >> 15) & 0x1F; this._device.ledMatrixState[3] = (hex >> 5) & 0x1F;
output[3] = (hex >> 10) & 0x1F; this._device.ledMatrixState[4] = hex & 0x1F;
output[4] = (hex >> 5) & 0x1F; this._device.displayMatrix(this._device.ledMatrixState);
output[5] = hex & 0x1F;
window.postMessage({type: 'command', buffer: output}, '*');
return; return;
} }
@ -583,7 +550,7 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks {
} else if (args.STATE === 'off') { } else if (args.STATE === 'off') {
this._device.ledMatrixState[args.Y - 1] &= ~(1 << 5 - args.X); this._device.ledMatrixState[args.Y - 1] &= ~(1 << 5 - args.X);
} else return; } else return;
this._displayLEDs(this._device.ledMatrixState); this._device.displayMatrix(this._device.ledMatrixState);
return; return;
} }
@ -594,23 +561,10 @@ class Scratch3MicroBitBlocks {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
this._device.ledMatrixState[i] = 0; this._device.ledMatrixState[i] = 0;
} }
this._displayLEDs(this._device.ledMatrixState); this._device.displayMatrix(this._device.ledMatrixState);
return; return;
} }
* Send value to the micro:bit LED matrix
* @param {Uin8array} matrix - the value to send to the matrix.
_displayLEDs (matrix) {
const output = new Uint8Array(matrix.length + 1);
output[0] = BLECommand.CMD_DISPLAY_LED;
for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
output[i + 1] = matrix[i];
window.postMessage({type: 'command', buffer: output}, '*');
/** /**
* Test whether the tilt sensor is currently tilted. * Test whether the tilt sensor is currently tilted.
* @param {object} args - the block's arguments. * @param {object} args - the block's arguments.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
class PeripheralChooser {
get chosenPeripheralId () {
return this._chosenPeripheralId;
constructor () {
this._availablePeripherals = []; // TODO for use in gui?
this._chosenPeripheralId = null;
* Launches a GUI menu to choose a peripheral.
* @return {Promise} - chosen peripheral promise.
choosePeripheral () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// TODO: Temporary: should launch gui instead.
this._tempPeripheralChosenCallback = resolve;
this._tempPeripheralChosenReject = reject;
* Adds the peripheral ID to list of available peripherals.
* @param {number} peripheralId - the id to add.
addPeripheral (peripheralId) {
// TODO: Temporary: calls chosen callback on whatever peripherals are added.
this._chosenPeripheralId = this._availablePeripherals[0];
module.exports = PeripheralChooser;

src/io/scratchBLE.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
const JSONRPCWebSocket = require('../util/jsonrpc-web-socket');
const PeripheralChooser = require('./peripheralChooser');
const ScratchLinkWebSocket = 'ws://localhost:20110/scratch/ble';
class ScratchBLE extends JSONRPCWebSocket {
constructor () {
const ws = new WebSocket(ScratchLinkWebSocket);
this._ws = ws;
this.peripheralChooser = new PeripheralChooser(); // TODO: finalize gui connection
this._characteristicDidChange = null;
* Returns a promise for when the web socket opens.
* @return {Promise} - a promise when BLE socket is open.
waitForSocket () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._ws.onopen = resolve;
this._ws.onerror = reject;
* Request a device with the device options and optional gui options.
* @param {object} deviceOptions - list of device guiOptions.
* @param {object} onConnect - on connect callback.
* @param {object} onError - on error callbackk.
requestDevice (deviceOptions, onConnect, onError) {
this.sendRemoteRequest('discover', deviceOptions)
.then(() => this.peripheralChooser.choosePeripheral()) // TODO: use gui options?
.then(id => this.sendRemoteRequest(
{peripheralId: id}
* Handle a received call from the socket.
* @param {string} method - a received method label.
* @param {object} params - a received list of parameters.
* @return {object} - optional return value.
didReceiveCall (method, params) {
// TODO: Add peripheral 'undiscover' handling
switch (method) {
case 'didDiscoverPeripheral':
case 'characteristicDidChange':
case 'ping':
return 42;
* Start reading from the specified ble service.
* @param {number} serviceId - the ble service to read.
* @param {number} characteristicId - the ble characteristic to read.
* @param {boolean} optStartNotifications - whether to start receiving characteristic change notifications.
* @param {object} onCharacteristicChanged - callback for characteristic change notifications.
* @return {Promise} - a promise from the remote read request.
read (serviceId, characteristicId, optStartNotifications = false, onCharacteristicChanged) {
const params = {
if (optStartNotifications) {
params.startNotifications = true;
this._characteristicDidChange = onCharacteristicChanged;
return this.sendRemoteRequest('read', params);
* Write data to the specified ble service.
* @param {number} serviceId - the ble service to write.
* @param {number} characteristicId - the ble characteristic to write.
* @param {string} message - the message to send.
* @param {string} encoding - the message encoding type.
* @return {Promise} - a promise from the remote send request.
write (serviceId, characteristicId, message, encoding = null) {
const params = {serviceId, characteristicId, message};
if (encoding) {
params.encoding = encoding;
return this.sendRemoteRequest('write', params);
module.exports = ScratchBLE;

src/io/scratchBT.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
const JSONRPCWebSocket = require('../util/jsonrpc');
const ScratchLinkWebSocket = 'ws://localhost:20110/scratch/bt';
class ScratchBT extends JSONRPCWebSocket {
constructor () {
super(new WebSocket(ScratchLinkWebSocket));
requestDevice (options) {
return this.sendRemoteRequest('discover', options);
connectDevice (options) {
return this.sendRemoteRequest('connect', options);
sendMessage (options) {
return this.sendRemoteRequest('send', options);
didReceiveCall (method /* , params */) {
// TODO: Add peripheral 'undiscover' handling
switch (method) {
case 'didDiscoverPeripheral':
// TODO: do something on peripheral discovered
case 'didReceiveMessage':
// TODO: do something on received message
return 'nah';
module.exports = ScratchBT;

src/util/base64-util.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
const atob = require('atob');
const btoa = require('btoa');
class Base64Util {
* Convert a base64 encoded string to a Uint8Array.
* @param {string} base64 - a base64 encoded string.
* @return {Uint8Array} - a decoded Uint8Array.
static base64ToUint8Array (base64) {
const binaryString = atob(base64);
const len = binaryString.length;
const array = new Uint8Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
array[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
return array;
* Convert a Uint8Array to a base64 encoded string.
* @param {Uint8Array} array - the array to convert.
* @return {string} - the base64 encoded string.
static uint8ArrayToBase64 (array) {
const base64 = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array));
return base64;
module.exports = Base64Util;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
const JSONRPC = require('./jsonrpc');
class JSONRPCWebSocket extends JSONRPC {
constructor (webSocket) {
this._ws = webSocket;
this._ws.onmessage = e => this._onSocketMessage(e);
this._ws.onopen = e => this._onSocketOpen(e);
this._ws.onclose = e => this._onSocketClose(e);
this._ws.onerror = e => this._onSocketError(e);
dispose () {
this._ws = null;
_onSocketOpen () {
_onSocketClose () {
_onSocketError () {
_onSocketMessage (e) {
const json = JSON.parse(;
_sendMessage (message) {
const messageText = JSON.stringify(message);
module.exports = JSONRPCWebSocket;

src/util/jsonrpc.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
class JSONRPC {
constructor () {
this._requestID = 0;
this._openRequests = {};
* Make an RPC request and retrieve the result.
* @param {string} method - the remote method to call.
* @param {object} params - the parameters to pass to the remote method.
* @returns {Promise} - a promise for the result of the call.
sendRemoteRequest (method, params) {
const requestID = this._requestID++;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._openRequests[requestID] = {resolve, reject};
this._sendRequest(method, params, requestID);
return promise;
* Make an RPC notification with no expectation of a result or callback.
* @param {string} method - the remote method to call.
* @param {object} params - the parameters to pass to the remote method.
sendRemoteNotification (method, params) {
this._sendRequest(method, params);
* Handle an RPC request from remote, should return a result or Promise for result, if appropriate.
* @param {string} method - the method requested by the remote caller.
* @param {object} params - the parameters sent with the remote caller's request.
didReceiveCall (/* method , params */) {
throw new Error('Must override didReceiveCall');
_sendMessage (/* jsonMessageObject */) {
throw new Error('Must override _sendMessage');
_sendRequest (method, params, id) {
const request = {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
if (id !== null) { = id;
_handleMessage (json) {
if (json.jsonrpc !== '2.0') {
throw new Error(`Bad or missing JSON-RPC version in message: ${json}`);
if (json.hasOwnProperty('method')) {
} else {
_sendResponse (id, result, error) {
const response = {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
if (error) {
response.error = error;
} else {
response.result = result || null;
_handleResponse (json) {
const {result, error, id} = json;
const openRequest = this._openRequests[id];
delete this._openRequests[id];
if (error) {
} else {
_handleRequest (json) {
const {method, params, id} = json;
const rawResult = this.didReceiveCall(method, params);
if (id) {
result => {
this._sendResponse(id, result);
error => {
this._sendResponse(id, null, error);
module.exports = JSONRPC;

View file

@ -935,6 +935,46 @@ class VirtualMachine extends EventEmitter {
target.blocks.updateTargetSpecificBlocks(target.isStage); target.blocks.updateTargetSpecificBlocks(target.isStage);
} }
* Called when costumes are dragged from editing target to another target.
* Sets the newly added costume as the current costume.
* @param {!number} costumeIndex Index of the costume of the editing target to share.
* @param {!string} targetId Id of target to add the costume.
* @return {Promise} Promise that resolves when the new costume has been loaded.
shareCostumeToTarget (costumeIndex, targetId) {
const originalCostume = this.editingTarget.getCostumes()[costumeIndex];
const clone = Object.assign({}, originalCostume);
const md5ext = `${clone.assetId}.${clone.dataFormat}`;
return loadCostume(md5ext, clone, this.runtime).then(() => {
const target = this.runtime.getTargetById(targetId);
if (target) {
target.getCostumes().length - 1
* Called when sounds are dragged from editing target to another target.
* @param {!number} soundIndex Index of the sound of the editing target to share.
* @param {!string} targetId Id of target to add the sound.
* @return {Promise} Promise that resolves when the new sound has been loaded.
shareSoundToTarget (soundIndex, targetId) {
const originalSound = this.editingTarget.getSounds()[soundIndex];
const clone = Object.assign({}, originalSound);
return loadSound(clone, this.runtime).then(() => {
const target = this.runtime.getTargetById(targetId);
if (target) {
/** /**
* Repopulate the workspace with the blocks of the current editingTarget. This * Repopulate the workspace with the blocks of the current editingTarget. This
* allows us to get around bugs like gui#413. * allows us to get around bugs like gui#413.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
const test = require('tap').test;
// const MicroBit = require('../../src/extensions/scratch3_microbit/index.js');
test('displayText', t => {
test('displayMatrix', t => {
// etc...

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
const test = require('tap').test;
// const ScratchBLE = require('../../src/io/scratchBLE');
test('constructor', t => {
test('waitForSocket', t => {
test('requestDevice', t => {
test('didReceiveCall', t => {
test('read', t => {
test('write', t => {

test/unit/io_scratchBT.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
const test = require('tap').test;
// const ScratchBT = require('../../src/io/scratchBT');
test('constructor', t => {
test('requestDevice', t => {
test('connectDevice', t => {
test('sendMessage', t => {
test('didReceiveCall', t => {

test/unit/util_base64.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
const test = require('tap').test;
// const Base64Util = require('../../src/util/base64-util');
test('base64ToUint8Array', t => {
test('uint8ArrayToBase64', t => {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
const test = require('tap').test;
// const JSONRPCWebSocket = require('../../src/util/jsonrpc-web-socket');
test('constructor', t => {
test('dispose', t => {

test/unit/util_jsonrpc.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
const test = require('tap').test;
// const JSONRPC = require('../../src/util/jsonrpc');
test('constructor', t => {
test('sendRemoteRequest', t => {
test('sendRemoteNotification', t => {
test('didReceiveCall', t => {

View file

@ -369,6 +369,55 @@ test('reorderSound', t => {
t.end(); t.end();
}); });
test('shareCostumeToTarget', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const spr1 = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime); = 'foo';
const target1 = spr1.createClone();
const costume1 = {name: 'costume1'};
const spr2 = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime); = 'foo';
const target2 = spr2.createClone();
const costume2 = {name: 'another costume'};
vm.runtime.targets = [target1, target2];
vm.editingTarget = vm.runtime.targets[0];
vm.emitWorkspaceUpdate = () => null;
vm.shareCostumeToTarget(0, => {
t.equal(target2.currentCostume, 1);
t.equal(target2.getCostumes()[1].name, 'costume1');
test('shareSoundToTarget', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const spr1 = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime); = 'foo';
const target1 = spr1.createClone();
const sound1 = {name: 'sound1'};
const spr2 = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime); = 'foo';
const target2 = spr2.createClone();
const sound2 = {name: 'another sound'};
vm.runtime.targets = [target1, target2];
vm.editingTarget = vm.runtime.targets[0];
vm.emitWorkspaceUpdate = () => null;
vm.shareSoundToTarget(0, => {
t.equal(target2.getSounds()[1].name, 'sound1');
test('reorderTarget', t => { test('reorderTarget', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine(); const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.emitTargetsUpdate = () => {}; vm.emitTargetsUpdate = () => {};