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synced 2025-03-23 19:31:01 -04:00
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"general.accountSettings": "Configuració del compte",
"general.about": "A propòsit de",
"general.aboutScratch": "Quant a Scratch",
"general.apiError": "Vaja, Scratch ha patit un error.",
"general.back": "Enrere",
"general.birthMonth": "Mes de naixement",
"general.birthYear": "Any de naixement",
"general.donate": "Dóna",
"general.monthDecember": "Desembre",
"general.cancel": "Cancel·la",
"general.close": "Tanca",
"general.collaborators": "Col·laboradors",
"general.community": "Comunitat",
"general.confirmEmail": "Confirma l'adreça de correu electrònic",
"general.contactUs": "Contacta'ns",
"general.getHelp": "Get Help",
"general.contact": "Contacte",
"general.done": "Done",
"general.downloadPDF": "Descarrega PDF",
"general.emailUs": "Correu electrònic",
"general.conferences": "Congressos",
"general.country": "País",
"general.create": "Crea",
"general.credits": "Our Team",
"general.donors": "Donors",
"general.dmca": "DMCA",
"general.emailAddress": "Adreça de correu electrònic",
"general.english": "Anglès",
"general.error": "Vaja! Alguna cosa ha anat malament",
"general.errorIdentifier": "El teu error ha estat registrat amb l'id {errorId}",
"general.explore": "Explora",
"general.faq": "Preguntes freqüents FAQ",
"general.female": "Dona",
"general.forParents": "Per als pares",
"general.forEducators": "Per a docents",
"general.forDevelopers": "Pels desenvolupadors",
"general.getStarted": "Comença",
"general.gender": "Gènere",
"general.guidelines": "Normes de la Comunitat",
"general.invalidSelection": "Selecció no vàlida",
"general.jobs": "Treballs",
"general.joinScratch": "Uneix-te a Scratch",
"general.legal": "Avís legal",
"general.loadMore": "Carrega'n més",
"general.learnMore": "Conegueu-ne més detalls",
"general.male": "Home",
"general.messages": "Missatges",
"general.month": "Mes",
"general.monthJanuary": "Gener",
"general.monthFebruary": "Febrer",
"general.monthMarch": "Març",
"general.monthApril": "Abril",
"general.monthMay": "Maig",
"general.monthJune": "Juny",
"general.monthJuly": "Juliol",
"general.monthAugust": "Agost",
"general.monthSeptember": "Setembre",
"general.monthOctober": "Octubre",
"general.monthNovember": "Novembre",
"general.myClass": "La meva classe",
"general.myClasses": "Les meves classes",
"general.myStuff": "Les Meves Coses",
"general.next": "Següent",
"general.noDeletionTitle": "El teu compte no serà eliminat",
"general.noDeletionDescription": "El vostre compte estava programat per a l'eliminació, però heu iniciat la sessió. El vostre compte s'ha reactivat. Si no heu sol·licitat que se suprimiu el vostre compte, heu de {resetLink} per assegurar-vos que el vostre compte estigui protegit.",
"general.noDeletionLink": "canviar la contrasenya",
"general.nonBinary": "No-binari",
"general.notRequired": "No necessària",
"general.okay": "D'acord",
"general.other": "Altres",
"general.download": "Descarrega",
"general.password": "Contrasenya ",
"general.press": "Premsa",
"general.privacyPolicy": "Política de Privacitat",
"general.projects": "Projectes",
"general.profile": "Perfil",
"general.required": "Necessari",
"general.resourcesTitle": "Recursos per a educadors",
"general.scratchConference": "Congrés Scratch",
"general.scratchEd": "ScratchEd",
"general.scratchFoundation": "Scratch Foundation",
"general.scratchJr": "ScratchJr",
"general.scratchStore": "Botiga de Scratch",
"general.search": "Cerca",
"general.searchEmpty": "No s'ha trobat res",
"general.send": "Enviar",
"general.signIn": "Inicia la sessió",
"general.startOver": "Start over",
"general.statistics": "Estadístiques",
"general.studios": "Estudis",
"general.support": "Recursos",
"general.ideas": "Idees",
"general.tipsWindow": "Finestra de consells",
"general.termsOfUse": "Termes d'ús",
"general.tryAgain": "Prova de nou",
"general.unhandledError": "Ens sap greu, però sembla que Scratch s'ha penjat. Hem informat d'aquest error de funcionament a l'equip de Scratch.",
"general.username": "Nom d'usuari",
"general.validationEmail": "Introduïu una adreça de correu electrònic vàlida",
"general.validationEmailMatch": "Les adreces de correu electrònic no coincideixen",
"general.viewAll": "Veure-ho tot",
"general.website": "Lloc web",
"general.whatsHappening": "Què està passant?",
"general.wiki": "Wiki de Scratch",
"general.copyLink": "Copia l'enllaç",
"general.report": "Denuncia",
"general.notAvailableHeadline": "Ai ai ai! El nostre servidor s'està gratant el cap",
"general.notAvailableSubtitle": "No s'ha pogut trobar la pàgina que buscaves. Assegura't d'haver-ne escrit correctament l'URL.",
"general.seeAllComments": "Mira tots els comentaris",
"general.all": "Tots",
"general.animations": "Animacions",
"general.art": "Art",
"general.games": "Jocs",
"general.music": "Música",
"general.results": "Resultats",
"general.stories": "Històries",
"general.tutorials": "Tutorials",
"general.teacherAccounts": "Comptes de docent",
"general.unsupportedBrowser": "Aquest navegador no és compatible",
"general.unsupportedBrowserDescription": "Ens sap greu, però Scratch 3.0 no suporta Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera o Silk. Recomanem provar un navegador més nou com Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox o Microsoft Edge.",
"general.3faq": "Si vols saber-ne més, vés a la {faqLink}.",
"general.year": "Any",
"footer.discuss": "Fòrums de discussió",
"footer.scratchFamily": "Família Scratch",
"footer.donorRecognition": "Scratch is available for free thanks to support from our {donorLink}. We are grateful to our Founding Partners:",
"footer.donors": "donors",
"footer.donorList": "{donor1}, {donor2}, {donor3}, and {donor4}.",
"form.validationRequired": "Aquest camp és necessari",
"login.needHelp": "Necessites ajuda?",
"navigation.signOut": "Finalitza la sessió",
"extensionHeader.requirements": "Requisits",
"extensionInstallation.addExtension": "En l'editor, fes clic al botó \"Afegeix una Extensió\" a baix a l'esquerra.",
"oschooser.choose": "Tria el teu SO:",
"installScratch.or": "o",
"installScratch.directDownload": "Descàrrega directa",
"installScratch.appHeaderTitle": "Install the Scratch app for {operatingsystem}",
"installScratch.getScratchAppPlay": "Get the Scratch app on the Google Play Store",
"installScratch.getScratchAppMacOs": "Get the Scratch app on the Mac App Store",
"installScratch.getScratchAppWindows": "Get the Scratch app on the Microsoft Store",
"installScratch.useScratchApp": "Open the Scratch app on your device.",
"installScratchLink.installHeaderTitle": "Instal·la Scratch Link",
"installScratchLink.downloadAndInstall": "Descarrega i instal·la Scratch Link.",
"installScratchLink.startScratchLink": "Inicia Scratch Link i comprova que està funcionant. Hauria d'aparèixer a la teva barra d'eines.",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeA": "Scratch, tot i estar dissenyat per a infants i joves d'entre 8 a 16 anys, també és utilitzat per persones de totes les edats, incloent-hi nens i nenes més petits amb els seus pares.",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeQ": "Quin és el rang d'edat per a Scratch?",
"parents.FaqResourcesQ": "Quins recursos estan disponibles per aprendre Scratch?",
"parents.introDescription": "Scratch és un llenguatge de programació i una comunitat en línia en la que infants i joves poden programar i compartir contingut interactiu com històries, jocs i animacions amb altres persones d'arreu del món. Quan infants i joves creen amb Scratch, aprenen a pensar de manera creativa, a treballar en grup i a raonar sistemàticament. Scratch està dissenyat i mantingut pel grup Lifelong Kindergarten del MIT Media Lab.",
"registration.birthDateStepInfo": "Això ens ajuda a comprendre el rang d’edat de les persones que utilitzen Scratch. Ho usem per confirmar la propietat del compte si contacteu amb el nostre equip. Aquesta informació no es farà pública al teu compte.",
"registration.birthDateStepTitle": "Quan vas néixer?",
"registration.cantCreateAccount": "Scratch could not create your account.",
"registration.checkOutResources": "Comença amb Recursos",
"registration.checkOutResourcesDescription": "Explora materials per educadors i facilitadors escrits per l'equip de Scratch, incloent <a href='/educators#resources'>consells, tutorials, i guies</a>.",
"registration.choosePasswordStepDescription": "Escriu una nova contrasenya per al teu compte. Utilitzaràs aquesta contrasenya la propera vegada que et connectis a Scratch.",
"registration.choosePasswordStepTitle": "Crea una contrasenya",
"registration.choosePasswordStepTooltip": "No usis el teu nom o quelcom que permeti identificar-te.",
"registration.classroomApiGeneralError": "Disculpeu, no podem trobar la informació de registre per aquesta classe",
"registration.countryStepTitle": "A quin país vius?",
"registration.generalError": "Perdona, ha succeït un error inesperat.",
"registration.classroomInviteExistingStudentStepDescription": "has estat convidat a unir-te a la classe:",
"registration.classroomInviteNewStudentStepDescription": "El teu professor t'ha convidat a unir-te a la classe:",
"registration.confirmPasswordInstruction": "Escriu la contrasenya de nou",
"registration.confirmYourEmail": "Confirma la teva adreça de correu electrònic",
"registration.confirmYourEmailDescription": "Si no ho has fet, si us plau fes clic a l'enllaç del correu electrònic de confirmació enviat a:",
"registration.createAccount": "Crea el teu compte",
"registration.createUsername": "Crea un nom d'usuari",
"registration.errorBadUsername": "The username you chose is not allowed. Try again with a different username.",
"registration.errorCaptcha": "There was a problem with the CAPTCHA test.",
"registration.errorPasswordTooShort": "Your password is too short. It needs to be at least 6 letters long.",
"registration.errorUsernameExists": "The username you chose already exists. Try again with a different username.",
"registration.genderStepTitle": "Quin és el teu gènere?",
"registration.genderStepDescription": "Scratch welcomes people of all genders.",
"registration.genderStepInfo": "Això ens ajuda a entendre qui utilitza Scratch, de manera que puguem ampliar la participació. Aquesta informació no es farà pública al teu compte.",
"registration.genderOptionAnother": "Un altre gènere:",
"registration.genderOptionPreferNotToSay": "M'estimo més no dir-ho",
"registration.emailStepTitle": "Quin és el teu correu electrònic?",
"registration.emailStepInfo": "This will help if you forget your password. This information will not be made public on your account.",
"registration.goToClass": "Accedeix a la classe",
"registration.invitedBy": "ha estat convidat per",
"registration.lastStepTitle": "Gràcies pel teu interès en un compte de docent de Scratch",
"registration.lastStepDescription": "Estem processant la teva sol·licitud. ",
"registration.makeProject": "Make a project",
"registration.mustBeNewStudent": "Cal que siguis un nou estudiant per completar el registre",
"registration.nameStepTooltip": "Aquesta informació és usada per a la verificació i per a estadístiques d'ús global.",
"registration.newPassword": "Nova Contrasenya",
"registration.nextStep": "Següent pas",
"registration.notYou": "No ets tu? Inicia la sessió amb un altre usuari",
"registration.optIn": "Envia'm actualitzacions sobre els usos de Scratch en contextos educatius",
"registration.passwordAdviceShort": "Anota-ho perquè te'n recordis. No ho comparteixis amb altres persones!",
"registration.personalStepTitle": "Informació Personal",
"registration.personalStepDescription": "Les teves respostes no es mostraran públicament, i les mantindrem confidencials i segures",
"registration.private": "We will keep this information private.",
"registration.problemsAre": "The problems are:",
"registration.selectCountry": "Select country",
"registration.startOverInstruction": "Click \"Start over.\"",
"registration.studentPersonalStepDescription": "Aquesta informació no apareixerà al web de Scratch.",
"registration.showPassword": "Mostra la contrasenya",
"registration.troubleReload": "Scratch is having trouble finishing registration. Try reloading the page or try again in another browser.",
"registration.tryAgainInstruction": "Click \"Try again\".",
"registration.usernameStepDescription": "Omple el següent formulari per sol·licitar un compte. El procés d'aprovació pot trigar fins a un dia.",
"registration.usernameStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Crea projectes, comparteix idees, fes amics. És gratuït!",
"registration.usernameStepRealName": "Si us plau, no utilitzis el teu nom real ni tan sols un fragment a l'hora de triar nom d'usuari.",
"registration.usernameAdviceShort": "No facis servir el teu nom real",
"registration.studentUsernameStepDescription": "Pots crear jocs, animacions, i històries usant Scratch. Crear un compte és fàcil i gratuït. Omple el següent formulari per començar.",
"registration.studentUsernameStepHelpText": "Ja disposes d'un compte de Scratch?",
"registration.studentUsernameStepTooltip": "Has de crear un nou compte de Scratch per unir-te a aquesta classe.",
"registration.studentUsernameSuggestion": "Try your favorite food, hobby, or animal along with some numbers",
"registration.acceptTermsOfUse": "By creating an account, you acknowledge the {privacyPolicyLink} and you accept and agree to the {touLink}.",
"registration.usernameStepTitle": "Sol·licita un compte de docent",
"registration.usernameStepTitleScratcher": "Crea un compte de Scratch",
"registration.validationMaxLength": "Ho sentim, has superat el límit màxim de caràcters.",
"registration.validationPasswordConfirmNotEquals": "Les contrasenyes no coincideixen",
"registration.validationPasswordLength": "Ha de tenir 6 lletres o més",
"registration.validationPasswordNotEquals": "La contrasenya és massa fàcil d’endevinar. I si en proves una altra?",
"registration.validationPasswordNotUsername": "La contrasenya no pot coincidir amb el teu nom d’usuari",
"registration.validationUsernameRegexp": "Els noms d'usuari només poden tenir lletres, nombres, - i _",
"registration.validationUsernameMinLength": "Ha de tenir 3 lletres o més",
"registration.validationUsernameMaxLength": "Ha de tenir 20 lletres o menys",
"registration.validationUsernameExists": "Nom d'usuari ocupat. Prova'n un altre?",
"registration.validationUsernameNotAllowed": "Nom d'usuari no permès",
"registration.validationUsernameVulgar": "Vaja, això sembla poc apropiat",
"registration.validationUsernameInvalid": "El nom d'usuari no és vàlid",
"registration.validationUsernameSpaces": "Usernames can't have spaces",
"registration.validationEmailInvalid": "El correu electrònic no sembla correcte. Prova'n un altre?",
"registration.waitForApproval": "Espera l'aprovació",
"registration.waitForApprovalDescription": "Pots iniciar sessió amb el teu compte de Scratch, per les característiques específiques dels docents encara no estan disponibles. La teva informació està sent revisada. Preguem paciència, el procés d'aprovació pot portar-nos un dia. Rebràs un correu electrònic que notifiqui que el teu compte ha estat millorat una vegada sigui aprovat.",
"registration.welcomeStepDescription": "Has acabat de configurar un compte de Scratch! Ara ets un membre de la classe:",
"registration.welcomeStepDescriptionNonEducator": "Ja has entrat! Pots començar a explorar i crear projectes.",
"registration.welcomeStepInstructions": "Vols compartir i comentar? Fes clic a l’enllaç al correu electrònic que hem enviat a {email}.",
"registration.welcomeStepPrompt": "Per començar, fes clic al botó de sota.",
"registration.welcomeStepTitle": "Visca! Benvingut a Scratch!",
"registration.welcomeStepTitleNonEducator": "Benvingut/da a Scratch, {username}!",
"thumbnail.by": "per",
"report.error": "Alguna cosa ha anat malament a l'hora d'enviar el missatge. Si us plau torna a provar-ho.",
"report.project": "Informa d'un projecte",
"report.projectInstructions": "When you send a report, it lets the Scratch Team know about projects that break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}. Does something in this project break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}? If you think it does, please tell us more.",
"report.CommunityGuidelinesLinkText": "Normes d'ús de la Comunitat de l'Scratch",
"report.reasonPlaceHolder": "Tria un motiu",
"report.reasonCopy": "Còpia exacta de projecte",
"report.reasonUncredited": "Fa ús d'imatge/música sense donar crèdit",
"report.reasonScary": "Massa violent o fa por",
"report.reasonJumpscare": "Jumpscare",
"report.reasonWeapons": "Uses realistic weapons",
"report.reasonEvent": "Violent event happens",
"report.reasonScaryImages": "Scary images",
"report.reasonThreatening": "Threatens or bullies another Scratcher",
"report.reasonLanguage": "Llenguatge no adequat",
"report.reasonMusic": "Música no adequada",
"report.reasonMissing": "Si us plau tria un motiu",
"report.reasonImage": "Imatges inadequades",
"report.reasonPersonal": "Comparteix informació personal",
"report.reasonDontLikeIt": "I don't like this project",
"report.reasonDoesntWork": "This project does not work",
"report.reasonCouldImprove": "This project could be improved on",
"report.reasonTooHard": "This project is too hard",
"report.reasonMisleading": "The project is misleading or tricks the community",
"report.reasonFaceReveal": "It's a face reveal or is just trying to show someone's picture",
"report.reasonNoRemixingAllowed": "The project doesn't allow remixing",
"report.reasonCreatorsSafety": "I'm worried about the safety of the creator of this project",
"report.reasonSomethingElse": "Something else",
"report.reasonDisrespectful": "Mean or Disrespectful to a Scratcher or Group",
"report.receivedHeader": "Hem rebut el teu missatge!",
"report.receivedBody": "L'equip de Scratch revisarà el projecte d'acord amb les normes de la comunitat de Scratch.",
"report.promptPlaceholder": "Selecciona una raó.",
"report.promptCopy": "Si us plau proporciona un enllaç al projecte original",
"report.promptUncredited": "Si us plau proporciona enllaços al contingut sense acreditar",
"report.promptScary": "Please select the main reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptJumpscare1": "A \"jumpscare\" is when something unexpected flashes on the screen with the intent to scare someone.",
"report.promptJumpscare2": "Please let us know more about the \"jumpscare,\" such as what happens, and when does it happen in the project. Also, providing the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop, associated with the jumpscare is helpful.",
"report.promptWeapons1": "Please let us know where the image, drawing, or sound of realistic weapons occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.",
"report.promptWeapons2": "Tip: Scratch projects should not contain realistic weapons, such as photographs of guns, realistic drawings or sounds. However, cartoon or fictional items like laser beams are okay.",
"report.promptEvent1": "Please let us know more about the scary event or story in the project. Providing more details will help the Scratch Team better understand the issue and address it.",
"report.promptEvent2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. It’s important projects do not contain mature themes such as harming someone.",
"report.promptScaryImages1": "Please let us know why you feel this image is too scary for Scratch, and where the image occurs in the project, such as the name of the sprite, costume, or backdrop.",
"report.promptScaryImages2": "Tip: Scratch is used by all people of ages. It’s important projects do not contain blood, realistic violence, or anything that may feel scary or too mature for younger audiences.",
"report.promptThreatening": "Please let us know why you feel this project is threatening another Scratcher.",
"report.promptLanguage": "Si us plau indica on es troba el text no apropiat del projecte (Per exemple: Notes i Informació, noms de vestits, text del projecte, etc.)",
"report.promptMusic": "Si us plau indica el nom del fitxer d'àudio que conté música no apropiada",
"report.promptPersonal": "Si us plau indica on apareix informació personal (Per exemple: Notes & Informació, nom del vestit, text del projecte, etc.)",
"report.promptGuidelines": "Please select a reason why you feel this project may break the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} and the Scratch Team will review your report.",
"report.promptImage": "Digues el nom del personatge o fons amb la imatge inadequada",
"report.promptDontLikeIt": "Scratch projects are made by people of all ages and levels of experience. If you don't like this project because you feel it can be improved upon, we encourage you to share constructive feedback directly with the creator.",
"report.promptTips": "Here are tips on sharing constructive feedback:",
"report.tipsSupportive": "Be supportive and encouraging.",
"report.tipsConstructive": "Leave a comment telling them what you like, but also what they could do to make the project better.",
"report.tipsSpecific": "Try to be specific with your feedback. For instance: The controls to move the character did not work.",
"report.promptDoesntWork": "A Scratch project, like any other application, may contain a few bugs. That is expected and completely okay!",
"report.promptDoesntWorkTips": "We encourage you to share any issues you discover directly with the creator of the project. It's also helpful to provide suggestions on how they may improve their project, if possible.",
"report.promptTooHard": "If you feel a project could be easier, we encourage you to share that feedback directly with the creator of the project. Or remix it yourself and make it as easy or hard as you like!",
"report.promptMisleading": "Tell us more about how it's tricking or misleading people",
"report.promptFaceReveal": "Scratch allows people to use pictures of their face in creative projects like games, stories, or animations. However, Scratch does not allow users to share projects which are just a picture of their face (known as a “face reveal”) or which focus entirely on their physical appearance. Please explain if you feel this project is a face reveal or focuses on the person's physical appearance.",
"report.promptNoRemixingAllowed": "Please let us know where the project says it is not okay to remix — such as in the Notes & Credits, project title, etc.",
"report.promptCreatorsSafety": "It's important that everyone on Scratch remains safe online and in real life. Please let us know why you are worried about the safety of this user.",
"report.promptSomethingElse": "We encourage you to double check if your report fits any of the other available categories. If you strongly feel it does not, please explain why this project breaks the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"report.promptDisrespectful1": "Please let us know why you feel this project is disrespectful to another Scratcher or group. Where does the disrespectful content occur in the project (project text, images, sounds, etc.)?",
"report.promptDisrespectful2": "Remember: Scratch welcomes people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. It’s important everyone feels welcomed and safe when sharing on Scratch.",
"report.tooLongError": "Aquest text és massa llarg! Si us plau, troba una manera més curta per explicar-te.",
"report.tooShortError": "Aquest text és massa curt. Si us plau, descriu en detall què és inapropiat o irrespectuós en aquest projecte.",
"report.send": "Enviar",
"report.sending": "Enviant...",
"report.textMissing": "Si us plau digues per què estàs informant d'aquest projecte",
"comments.delete": "Elimina",
"comments.restore": "Recupera",
"comments.reportModal.title": "Informa del comentari",
"comments.reportModal.reported": "El comentari ha estat reportat, i l'equip de Scratch ha estat notificat.",
"comments.reportModal.prompt": "De debò vols informar d'aquest comentari?",
"comments.deleteModal.title": "Esborra el comentari",
"comments.deleteModal.body": "Esborra aquest comentari? Si el comentari és irrespectuós, si us plau fes clic a Informar per a que l'equip de Scratch n'estigui al cas.",
"comments.reply": "respon",
"comments.isEmpty": "No pots publicar un comentari buit",
"comments.isFlood": "Vaja, sembla que estàs comentant molt ràpid. Si us plau espera una mica més entre publicacions.",
"comments.isBad": "Vaja... el detector de paraules mal sonants pensa que hi ha un problema amb el teu comentari. Si us plau canvia'l i recorda ser respectuós.",
"comments.hasChatSite": "Uh oh! El comentari conté un enllaç a un lloc web amb un xat sense moderar. Per raons de seguretat, si us plau no enllacis a aquestes pàgines!",
"comments.isSpam": "Hmm, sembla que has publicat el mateix comentari un munt de vegades. Si us plau no facis spam.",
"comments.isDisallowed": "Vaja, sembla que els comentaris han estat desactivats per a aquesta pàgina. :/",
"comments.isIPMuted": "Ho sentim, l'equip de Scratch ha hagut d'impedir que la teva xarxa comparteixi comentaris o projectes perquè s'ha fet servir per trencar moltes pautes de la nostra comunitat. Encara pots compartir comentaris i projectes d'una altra xarxa. Sivols apel·lar aquest bloqueig, contacta amb appeals@scratch.mit.edu fent referència al Número del cas {appealId}.",
"comments.isTooLong": "Aquest comentari és massa llarg! Si us plau escurça el teu text.",
"comments.isNotPermitted": "Sorry, you need to confirm your email address before commenting.",
"comments.error": "Vaja! Alguna cosa ha anat malament amb el teu comentari",
"comments.posting": "Publicant...",
"comments.post": "Article",
"comments.cancel": "Cancel·la",
"comments.lengthWarning": "{remainingCharacters, plural, one {1 caràcter restant} other {{remainingCharacters} caràcters restants}}",
"comments.loadMoreReplies": "Veure més respostes",
"comments.status.delbyusr": "Esborrat pel propietari del projecte",
"comments.status.censbyfilter": "Censurat pel filtre",
"comments.status.delbyparentcomment": "Comentari principal esborrat",
"comments.status.censbyadmin": "Censurat per un administrador",
"comments.status.delbyadmin": "Esborrat per un administrador",
"comments.status.parentcommentcensored": "Comentari principal censurat",
"comments.status.delbyclass": "Esborrat per classe",
"comments.status.hiddenduetourl": "Ocult degut a la URL",
"comments.status.markedbyfilter": "Marcat pel filtre",
"comments.status.censbyunconstructive": "Censurat per no constructiu",
"comments.status.suspended": "Suspès",
"comments.status.acctdel": "Compte eliminat",
"comments.status.deleted": "Esborrat",
"comments.status.reported": "Denunciat",
"comments.muted.duration": "You will be able to comment again {inDuration}.",
"comments.muted.commentingPaused": "Your account has been paused from commenting until then.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoGuidelines": "If you would like more information, you can read the {CommunityGuidelinesLink}.",
"comments.muted.moreInfoModal": "For more information, {clickHereLink}.",
"comments.muted.clickHereLinkText": "click here",
"comments.muted.warningBlocked": "If you continue to post comments like this, it will cause you to be blocked from using Scratch",
"comments.muted.warningCareful": "We don't want that to happen, so please be careful and make sure you have read and understand the {CommunityGuidelinesLink} before you try to post again!",
"comments.muted.mistake": "Think this was a mistake? {feedbackLink}.",
"comments.muted.feedbackLinkText": "Let us know",
"comments.muted.mistakeHeader": "Think this was a mistake?",
"comments.muted.mistakeInstructions": "Sometimes the filter catches things it shouldn't. Reporting a mistake won't change the wait time before you can comment again, but your feedback will help us prevent mistakes from happening in the future.",
"comments.muted.thanksFeedback": "Thanks for letting us know!",
"comments.muted.thanksInfo": "Your feedback will help us make Scratch better.",
"comments.muted.characterLimit": "500 characters max",
"comments.muted.feedbackEmpty": "Can't be empty",
"social.embedLabel": "Incrusta",
"social.copyEmbedLinkText": "Copia el codi",
"social.linkLabel": "Enllaç",
"social.copyLinkLinkText": "Copia l'enllaç",
"social.embedCopiedResultText": "Copiat",
"helpWidget.banner": "Welcome to Support",
"helpWidget.submit": "Enviar",
"helpWidget.confirmation": "Thank you for your message.",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesTitle": "Make sure you have location services enabled on Chromebooks or Android tablets",
"bluetooth.enableLocationServicesText": "Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app. In addition to granting the Scratch App permission to access location, location must be enabled in your general device settings. Search for 'Location' in your settings, and make sure it is on. On Chromebooks search for 'Location' in the Google Play Store Android preferences."
} |