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synced 2025-03-22 19:05:26 -04:00
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"camp.title": "Scratch stovykla: vandenyno giluma",
"camp.dates": "Liepos 24 - rugpjūčio 13 dienomis",
"camp.welcome": "Sveiki atvykę į Scratch stovyklą 2017!",
"camp.welcomeIntro": "Nerk į vandenyną su mumis ir sukurk savo kūrinį. Tavo kūriniu gali būti bet kas, randamo vandenyne – tikro ar išgalvoto! <br /> Šių metų stovykloje nerk su mumis į gilumą trimis dalimis:",
"camp.welcomeIntroHTML": "Nerk į vandenyną su mumis ir sukurk savo kūrinį. Tavo kūriniu gali būti bet kas, randamo vandenyne – tikro ar išgalvoto! {br} Šių metų stovykloje nerk su mumis į gilumą trimis dalimis:",
"camp.part1Dates": "1 dalis (liepos 24 - liepos 30 dienomis)",
"camp.detailsTitle": "Išsamiau:",
"camp.part1Details": "Sukurkite projektą, kuriuo pristatysite mums egzistuojantį ar savo sugalvotą veikėją, kuris gyvena vandenyne. Galite sukurti gilumų monstrą, žavią jūrų žvaigždę, ryklį, kuris valgo tako, ar bet ką kitą, ką tik galite įsivaizduoti.",
"camp.particpateTitle": "Kaip dalyvauti:",
"camp.part1Particpate": "1-oji stovyklos dalis vyks <a href=\"https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4160302/\">Pagrindinėje stovyklos namuko studijoje</a>. Čia galite užduoti klausimus, pamatyti kitų Scratch vartotojų kūrinius, ir pateikti savuosius. Eikite į studiją ir sužinosite daugiau!",
"camp.part1ParticpateHTML": "1-oji stovyklos dalis vyks <a>Pagrindinėje stovyklos namuko studijoje</a>. Čia galite užduoti klausimus, pamatyti kitų Scratch vartotojų kūrinius, ir pateikti savuosius. Eikite į studiją ir sužinosite daugiau!",
"camp.part2Dates": "2 dalis (liepos 31 - rugpjūčio 6 dienomis)",
"camp.part2Details": "Now make your character interactive! Does your character have questions to ask us? What happens when you click on it? Does it have any special powers? And more!",
"camp.part2Particpate": "Part 2 of camp will also take place in the <a href=\"https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4160302/\">Main Camp Cabin studio</a>. Here you can ask questions, view other Scratchers' creations, and submit your own. Go to the studio to learn more!",
"camp.part2ParticpateHTML": "Part 2 of camp will also take place in the <a>Main Camp Cabin studio</a>. Here you can ask questions, view other Scratchers' creations, and submit your own. Go to the studio to learn more!",
"camp.part3Dates": "Part 3 (August 7th - August 13th)",
"camp.part3Details": "Create a project using your own creation along with other Scratchers’ creations. It could be a game, story, animation, or anything you come up with!",
"camp.part3Particpate": "The <a href=\"https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4160301/\">Final Projects Camp Cabin studio</a> will hold part 3 of this year's Scratch Camp. Here you can submit your final project, give feedback to others, and celebrate Scratch Camp! Swim on over to the studio when part 3 comes out!",
"camp.part3ParticpateHTML": "The <a>Final Projects Camp Cabin studio</a> will hold part 3 of this year's Scratch Camp. Here you can submit your final project, give feedback to others, and celebrate Scratch Camp! Swim on over to the studio when part 3 comes out!",
"camp.helpfulInfo": "Naudinga informacija",
"camp.infoCounselors": "The <a href=\"https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4160300/\">Camp Counselors studio</a> offers a variety of examples for your ocean creation. You can also directly communicate with the Counselors there.",
"camp.infoCounselorsHTML": "The <a>Camp Counselors studio</a> offers a variety of examples for your ocean creation. You can also directly communicate with the Counselors there.",
"camp.infoPart3": "Remember, in part 3, you must use some other creations made for this Scratch Camp. Use their part 2 project to learn about the character's personality!",
"camp.infoTime": "Don't worry if you aren't around the whole time, you can always participate in whatever part you are available for! Just have fun and dive deep!"
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