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synced 2025-01-08 13:42:11 -05:00
pull new editor translations from Transifex
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5 changed files with 317 additions and 317 deletions
@ -1,233 +1,233 @@
"annualReport.subnavMessage": "Message",
"annualReport.subnavMission": "Mission",
"annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Milestones",
"annualReport.subnavReach": "Reach",
"annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Initiatives",
"annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Financials",
"annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
"annualReport.subnavTeam": "Team",
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "Rhoi",
"annualReport.mastheadYear": "2019 Annual Report",
"annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivating a World of Creative Learning",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Message from the Scratch Team",
"annualReport.messageP1": "2019 was a year of great progress for Scratch. We started the year with the launch of Scratch 3.0, our newest generation of Scratch, designed to spark children’s creativity and engage children with diverse interests and backgrounds. We celebrated the end of the year with our team moving from MIT into its new home at the Scratch Foundation, in a playful first-floor space near South Station in Boston. Throughout the year, the Scratch community continued to thrive and grow: More than 20 million young people created projects with Scratch in 2019, an increase of 48% over the year before.",
"annualReport.messageP2": "The impact and importance of Scratch have been highlighted in 2020 as the COVID pandemic forced schools to close. Activity in the Scratch online community more than doubled as young people, confined to their homes, turned to Scratch to express themselves creatively and connect with one another. Scratchers have also been actively engaged in Black Lives Matter and other movements for racial justice and equity, creating animated projects and studios to spread awareness and demand change.",
"annualReport.messageP3": "From the time we launched Scratch in 2007, we have always seen Scratch as more than a programming language. Scratch provides opportunities for all young people, from all backgrounds, to develop their voices, express their ideas, and create with one another. We love to see the ways that Scratchers have responded to recent societal challenges with creativity, collaboration, caring, and kindness.",
"annualReport.messageP4": "In this Annual Report, we’ll share more about the mission, plans, impact, and reach of Scratch, supported with examples of how Scratch is expanding learning opportunities for a broad diversity of young people around the world, both in schools and throughout their lives.",
"annualReport.messageP5": "We’re proud of what young people are creating and learning with Scratch today, and we’re committed to providing more opportunities for more young people in the future.",
"annualReport.messageSignature": "— The Scratch Team",
"annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch Responds to COVID",
"annualReport.covidResponseP1": "As we write this annual report, we are months into the COVID pandemic. Since the middle of March 2020, the Scratch office has been closed and Scratch Team members have been actively working from home to support children and educators around the world whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP2": "On March 17, we launched the #ScratchAtHome initiative to provide children, families, and educators with ideas for engaging in creative learning activities with Scratch at home. We continue to add video tutorials and other resources to the {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtHome page",
"annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Activity in the {scratchCommunityLink} has more than doubled from last year. Scratchers are creating and sharing projects to support and inspire others through the pandemic—with projects and studios that offer ideas for exercising at home, tips for staying healthy, humor to cheer up one another, and thanks to essential workers.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch online community",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "Our Mission",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and collaborate with new technologies — so they can shape the world of tomorrow.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "We are committed to prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators furthest from educational justice.",
"annualReport.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
"annualReport.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the {fourPsItalics}:",
"annualReport.fourPs": "Four P’s of Creative Learning",
"annualReport.subnavMessage": "Neges",
"annualReport.subnavMission": "Cenhadaeth",
"annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Cerrig milltir",
"annualReport.subnavReach": "Ymestyn",
"annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Mentrau",
"annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Cyllid",
"annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Cefnogwyr",
"annualReport.subnavTeam": "Tîm",
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "Cyfrannu",
"annualReport.mastheadYear": "Adroddiad Blynyddol 2019",
"annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Meithrin Byd o Ddysgu Creadigol",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Neges gan Tîm Scratch",
"annualReport.messageP1": "Roedd 2019 yn flwyddyn o gynnydd mawr i Scratch. Dechreuon ni'r flwyddyn gyda lansiad Scratch 3.0, ein cenhedlaeth fwyaf newydd o Scratch, a ddyluniwyd i danio creadigrwydd plant ac ennyn diddordeb plant sydd â diddordebau a chefndiroedd amrywiol. Fe wnaethon ni ddathlu diwedd y flwyddyn gyda'n tîm yn symud o MIT i'w gartref newydd yn Sefydliad Scratch, mewn gofod chwareus ar y llawr cyntaf ger South Station yn Boston. Trwy gydol y flwyddyn, parhaodd y gymuned Scratch i ffynnu a thyfu: Creodd mwy nag 20 miliwn o bobl ifanc brosiectau gyda Scratch yn 2019, cynnydd o 48 % dros y flwyddyn flaenorol.",
"annualReport.messageP2": "Amlygwyd effaith a phwysigrwydd Scratch yn 2020 wrth i bandemig COVID orfodi ysgolion i gau. Fe wnaeth gweithgaredd yng nghymuned ar-lein Scratch fwy na dyblu wrth i bobl ifanc, wedi'u cyfyngu i'w cartrefi, droi at Scratch i fynegi eu hunain yn greadigol a chysylltu â'i gilydd. Mae Scratchers hefyd wedi bod yn cymryd rhan weithredol yn Black Lives Matter a symudiadau eraill ar gyfer cyfiawnder hiliol a thegwch, gan greu projectau a stiwdios animeiddiedig i ledaenu ymwybyddiaeth a newid galw.",
"annualReport.messageP3": "O'r amser y gwnaethom lansio Scratch yn 2007, rydym bob amser wedi gweld Scratch fel mwy nag iaith raglennu. Mae Scratch yn darparu cyfleoedd i bob person ifanc, o bob cefndir, ddatblygu eu lleisiau, mynegi eu syniadau, a chreu gyda'i gilydd. Rydyn ni wrth ein bodd yn gweld y ffyrdd y mae Scratchers wedi ymateb i heriau cymdeithasol diweddar gyda chreadigrwydd, cydweithredu, gofalu a charedigrwydd.",
"annualReport.messageP4": "Yn yr Adroddiad Blynyddol hwn, byddwn yn rhannu mwy am genhadaeth, cynlluniau, effaith a chyrhaeddiad Scratch, ynghyd ag enghreifftiau o sut mae Scratch yn ehangu cyfleoedd dysgu ar gyfer amrywiaeth eang o bobl ifanc ledled y byd, mewn ysgolion a thrwy gydol eu bywydau.",
"annualReport.messageP5": "Rydyn ni'n falch o'r hyn mae pobl ifanc yn ei greu ac yn ei ddysgu gyda Scratch heddiw, ac rydyn ni wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu mwy o gyfleoedd i fwy o bobl ifanc yn y dyfodol.",
"annualReport.messageSignature": "--- Tîm Scratch",
"annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Ymateb Scratch i COVID",
"annualReport.covidResponseP1": "Wrth i ni ysgrifennu'r adroddiad blynyddol hwn, rydyn ni fisoedd i mewn i bandemig COVID. Ers canol mis Mawrth 2020, mae swyddfa Scratch wedi cau ac mae aelodau Tîm Scratch wedi bod yn gweithio gartref i gefnogi plant ac addysgwyr ledled y byd y mae'r pandemig wedi tarfu ar eu bywydau.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP2": "Ar Fawrth 17, lansiwyd y fenter #ScratchAtHome i roi syniadau i blant, teuluoedd ac addysgwyr i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau dysgu creadigol adref gyda Scratch. Rydym yn parhau i ychwanegu tiwtorialau fideo ac adnoddau eraill i'r {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "Tudalen #ScratchAtHome",
"annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Mae gweithgaredd yn y {scratchCommunityLink} wedi mwy na dyblu ers y llynedd. Mae Scratchers yn creu ac yn rhannu projectau i gefnogi ac ysbrydoli eraill trwy'r pandemig - gyda phrosiectau a stiwdios sy'n cynnig syniadau ar gyfer ymarfer gartref, awgrymiadau ar gyfer cadw'n iach, hiwmor i godi calon ei gilydd, a diolch i weithwyr hanfodol.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Cymuned ar-lein Scratch",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "Ein Cenhadaeth",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Ein cenhadaeth yw rhoi cyfleoedd i bob plentyn, o bob cefndir, ddychmygu, creu a chydweithio â thechnolegau newydd - fel y gallant lunio byd yfory.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "Rydym wedi ymrwymo i flaenoriaethu tegwch ar draws pob agwedd o'n gwaith, gan ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar fentrau a dulliau sy'n cefnogi plant, teuluoedd ac addysgwyr sydd bellaf o gyfiawnder addysgol.",
"annualReport.missionP2": "Rydyn ni wedi datblygu Scratch fel amgylchedd dysgu rhad ac am ddim, diogel, chwareus sy'n ennyn diddordeb pob plentyn i feddwl yn greadigol, rhesymu yn systematig, a chydweithio - sgiliau hanfodol i bawb yn y gymdeithas heddiw. Rydym yn gweithio gydag addysgwyr a theuluoedd i gynorthwyo plant i archwilio, rhannu a dysgu.",
"annualReport.missionP3": "Wrth ddatblygu technolegau, gweithgareddau a deunyddiau dysgu newydd, rydym yn cael ein harwain gan yr hyn rydym yn ei alw'n {fourPsItalics}:",
"annualReport.fourPs": "Pedwar Pwynt Addysgu Creadigol",
"annualReport.missionProjectsTitle": "Projectau",
"annualReport.missionPeersTitle": "Cyfoedion",
"annualReport.missionPassionTitle": "Brwdfrydedd",
"annualReport.missionPassionTitle": "Angerdd",
"annualReport.missionPlayTitle": "Chwarae",
"annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "Engage children in designing, creating, and expressing themselves creatively",
"annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring",
"annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects",
"annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate",
"annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Milestones",
"annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Here are some key events and accomplishments in the history of Scratch and the global Scratch community.",
"annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Awarded a National Science Foundation grant to start development of Scratch",
"annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Offered first Scratch workshop at Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
"annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Public launch of Scratch programming language and online community",
"annualReport.milestones2008Message": "Organized first Scratch Conference for educators and developers",
"annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Released Scratch 1.4, translated into more than 40 languages",
"annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "Hosted first Scratch Day event for children and families",
"annualReport.milestones2010Message": "Scratch online community reaches 1 million members",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Established Code-to-Learn Foundation (later renamed Scratch Foundation)",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Launch of Scratch 2.0, providing new opportunities for collaboration",
"annualReport.milestones2014Message": "Launch of ScratchJr for younger children, ages 5 to 7",
"annualReport.milestones2016Message": "Scratch online community reaches 10 million members",
"annualReport.milestones2017Message": "Scratch Day grows to 1,100 events in 60 countries",
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Launch of Scratch 3.0, expanding what kids can create with code",
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "Scratch Team moves from MIT into Scratch Foundation",
"annualReport.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World",
"annualReport.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.",
"annualReport.reachMillion": "million",
"annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "Ymgysylltu plant â dylunio, creu a mynegi eu hunain yn greadigol",
"annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Cefnogi plant i gydweithio, rhannu, ailgymysgu a mentora",
"annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Galluogi plant i adeiladu ar eu diddordebau a gweithio ar brojectau sy'n ystyrlon yn bersonol",
"annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Annog plant i dincro, arbrofi ac ailadrodd",
"annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Cerrig milltir",
"annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Dyma rai digwyddiadau a chyflawniadau allweddol yn hanes Scratch a'r gymuned Scratch fyd-eang.",
"annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Dyfarnwyd grant y National Science Foundation i ddechrau datblygu Scratch",
"annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Cynigiwyd gweithdy Scratch cyntaf yn y Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
"annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Lansiad cyhoeddus o iaith raglennu Scratch a'r gymuned ar-lein",
"annualReport.milestones2008Message": "Cynhadledd Scratch gyntaf wedi'i threfnu ar gyfer addysgwyr a datblygwyr",
"annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Rhyddhawyd Scratch 1.4, wedi'i gyfieithu i fwy na 40 o ieithoedd",
"annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "Wedi cynnal digwyddiad Diwrnod Scratch cyntaf ar gyfer plant a theuluoedd",
"annualReport.milestones2010Message": "Mae cymuned ar-lein Scratch yn cyrraedd 1 miliwn o aelodau",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Sefydlu'r Code-to-Learn Foundation (a ailenwyd yn ddiweddarach yn Scratch Foundation)",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Lansio Scratch 2.0, gan ddarparu cyfleoedd newydd ar gyfer cydweithredu",
"annualReport.milestones2014Message": "Lansio ScratchJr ar gyfer plant iau, 5 i 7 oed",
"annualReport.milestones2016Message": "Mae cymuned ar-lein Scratch yn cyrraedd 10 miliwn o aelodau",
"annualReport.milestones2017Message": "Mae Diwrnod Scratch yn tyfu i 1,100 o ddigwyddiadau mewn 60 gwlad",
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Lansio Scratch 3.0, gan ehangu'r hyn y gall plant ei greu gyda chod",
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "Tîm Scratch yn symud o MIT i'r Scratch Foundation",
"annualReport.reachTitle": "Cyrraedd Plant o amgylch y Byd",
"annualReport.reachSubtitle": "Scratch yw cymuned godio fwyaf y byd ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc, 8 oed a hŷn.",
"annualReport.reachMillion": "miliwn",
"annualReport.reach170million": "170 {million}",
"annualReport.reach60million": "60 {million}",
"annualReport.reach20million": "20 {million}",
"annualReport.reach48million": "48 {million}",
"annualReport.reachUniqueVisitors": "Unique Visitors",
"annualReport.reachProjectsCreated": "Projects Created",
"annualReport.reachProjectCreators": "People Created Projects",
"annualReport.reachComments": "Comments Posted in the Online Community",
"annualReport.reachGrowthTitle": "Community Growth",
"annualReport.reachGrowthBlurb": "New accounts created in the Scratch Online Community within the last 5 years.",
"annualReport.reachGlobalCommunity": "Our Global Community",
"annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Total accounts registered in the Scratch Online Community from the launch of Scratch through 2019",
"annualReport.reachUniqueVisitors": "Ymwelwyr Unigryw",
"annualReport.reachProjectsCreated": "Prosiectau wedi'u Creu",
"annualReport.reachProjectCreators": "Prosiectau a Grëwyd gan Bobl",
"annualReport.reachComments": "Sylwadau Wedi'i Cofnodi yn y Gymuned Ar-lein",
"annualReport.reachGrowthTitle": "Twf Cymunedol",
"annualReport.reachGrowthBlurb": "Cyfrifon newydd wedi'u creu yng Nghymuned Scratch Ar-lein o fewn y 5 mlynedd diwethaf.",
"annualReport.reachGlobalCommunity": "Ein Cymuned Fyd-eang",
"annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Cyfanswm y cyfrifon a gofrestrwyd yn y Gymuned Scratch Ar-lein o lansiad Scratch trwy 2019",
"annualReport.reachMap20M": "20M",
"annualReport.reachMapLog": "on a logarithmic scale",
"annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 60+ Languages",
"annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "Thanks to volunteer translators from around the world.",
"annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
"annualReport.reachMapLog": "ar raddfa logarithmig",
"annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "Mae Scratch yn cael ei Gyfieithu i 60+ o Ieithoedd ",
"annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "Diolch i gyfieithwyr gwirfoddol o bob cwr o'r byd.",
"annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "Mae ScratchJr yn amgylchedd rhaglennu rhagarweiniol sy'n galluogi plant ifanc (5-7 oed) i greu eu straeon a'u gemau rhyngweithiol eu hunain.",
"annualReport.reach22million": "22 {million}",
"annualReport.reachDownloads": "Downloads Since Launching in 2014",
"annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Initiatives",
"annualReport.initiativesDescription": "The work at the Scratch Foundation centers on three strategic areas: creative tools, community, and schools. Each area prioritizes the voice and needs of children who are underrepresented in creative computing and seeks to support children in diverse settings and cultures around the world.",
"annualReport.equity": "Equity",
"annualReport.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy",
"annualReport.toolsTitle": "Creative Tools",
"annualReport.toolsIntro": "We are constantly experimenting and innovating with new technologies and new designs — always striving to provide children with new ways to create, collaborate, and learn.",
"annualReport.toolsSpotlight": "Creative Tools — Spotlight Story",
"annualReport.toolsLaunch": "Launch of Scratch 3.0",
"annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro1": "We designed Scratch 3.0 to expand how, what, and where kids can create with Scratch. Released at the start of 2019, Scratch 3.0 led to a surge of activity in the Scratch community, with more projects — and a greater variety of projects — than ever before.",
"annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro2": "Scratch 3.0 includes a library of extensions — extra collections of coding blocks that add new capabilities to Scratch. Some extensions provide access to web services and other software features, while others connect Scratch with physical-world devices like motors and sensors.",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "Text-to-Speech",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "With the Text-to-Speech extension, kids can program their Scratch characters to speak out loud, in a variety of different voices.",
"annualReport.reachDownloads": "Llwytho i Lawr Ers ei Lansio yn 2014",
"annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Mentrau",
"annualReport.initiativesDescription": "Mae gwaith y Scratch Foundation yn canolbwyntio ar dri maes strategol: offer creadigol, cymuned ac ysgolion. Mae pob ardal yn blaenoriaethu llais ac anghenion plant sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol mewn cyfrifiadura creadigol ac yn ceisio cefnogi plant mewn lleoliadau a diwylliannau amrywiol ledled y byd.",
"annualReport.equity": "Ecwiti",
"annualReport.globalStrategy": "Strategaeth Fyd-eang",
"annualReport.toolsTitle": "Offer Creadigol",
"annualReport.toolsIntro": "Rydym bob amser yn arbrofi ac yn arloesi gyda thechnolegau newydd a dyluniadau newydd - bob amser yn ymdrechu i ddarparu ffyrdd newydd i blant greu, cydweithredu a dysgu.",
"annualReport.toolsSpotlight": "Offer Creadigol - Stori i Amlygu",
"annualReport.toolsLaunch": "Lansio Scratch 3.0",
"annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro1": "Fe wnaethon ni ddylunio Scratch 3.0 i ehangu sut, beth, a lle y gall plant greu gyda Scratch. Wedi'i ryddhau ar ddechrau 2019, arweiniodd Scratch 3.0 at ymchwydd o weithgaredd yn y gymuned Scratch, gyda mwy o brojectau - a mwy o amrywiaeth o brojectau - nag erioed o'r blaen.",
"annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro2": "Mae Scratch 3.0 yn cynnwys llyfrgell o estyniadau - casgliadau ychwanegol o flociau codio sy'n ychwanegu galluoedd newydd i Scratch. Mae rhai estyniadau yn darparu mynediad at wasanaethau gwe a nodweddion meddalwedd eraill, tra bod eraill yn cysylltu Scratch â dyfeisiau byd corfforol fel moduron a synwyryddion.",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "Testun-i-Leferydd",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "Gyda'r estyniad Testun-i-Leferydd, gall plant raglennu eu cymeriadau Scratch i siarad yn uchel, mewn amrywiaeth o leisiau gwahanol.",
"annualReport.toolsNumProjects": "330,000+",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "{numProjects} projects in 2019 used Text-to-Speech",
"annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "Most Popular",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "{mostPopular} new Scratch Extension in the community",
"annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "Collaboration with Amazon Web Services",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "Defnyddiodd {numProjects} o brosiectau Testun-i-Leferydd yn 2019",
"annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "Mwyaf Poblogaidd",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "{mostPopular} Estyniad Scratch newydd yn y gymuned",
"annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "Cydweithrediad ag Amazon Web Services",
"annualReport.toolsTranslate": "Cyfieithu",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateIntro": "With the Translate extension, built on the Google Translate API, kids can incorporate automatic translation into their projects, supporting language learning and global communication.",
"annualReport.toolsNumLanguages": "50+",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateLanguages": "{numLanguages} languages translated in the extension",
"annualReport.toolsSupportsLiteracy": "Supports Literacy",
"annualReport.toolsCSandLanguageArts": "computer science and language arts",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy} across {CSandLanguageArtsLink}",
"annualReport.toolsCollabGoogle": "Collaboration with Google",
"annualReport.toolsPhysicalWorld": "Physical World Connections",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateIntro": "Gyda'r estyniad Translate, wedi'i adeiladu ar API Google Translate, gall plant ymgorffori cyfieithu awtomatig yn eu projectau, gan gefnogi dysgu iaith a chyfathrebu byd-eang.",
"annualReport.toolsNumLanguages": "50%",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateLanguages": "{numLanguages} ieithoedd wedi'u cyfieithu yn yr estyniad",
"annualReport.toolsSupportsLiteracy": "Yn Cefnogi Llythrennedd",
"annualReport.toolsCSandLanguageArts": "gwyddoniaeth gyfrifiadurol a'r celfyddydau iaith",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateLiteracy": "{supportsLiteracy} ar draws {CSandLanguageArtsLink}",
"annualReport.toolsCollabGoogle": "Cydweithio â Google",
"annualReport.toolsPhysicalWorld": "Cysylltiadau Byd Ffisegol",
"annualReport.toolsMindstormsLink": "LEGO Mindstorms EV3",
"annualReport.toolsWeDoLink": "WeDo 2.0",
"annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "Students can create dancing robots, interactive sculptures, and data-collection experiments using Scratch with LEGO robotics kits. The new LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Set features an app based on Scratch. In addition, Scratch extensions are available for {mindstormsLink} and {weDoLink}.",
"annualReport.toolsCollabLEGO": "Collaboration with LEGO Education",
"annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "Gall myfyrwyr greu robotiaid dawnsio, cerfluniau rhyngweithiol, ac arbrofion casglu data gan ddefnyddio Scratch gyda chitiau roboteg LEGO. Mae'r LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Set newydd yn cynnwys ap yn seiliedig ar Scratch. Yn ogystal, mae estyniadau Scratch ar gael ar gyfer {mindstormsLink} a {weDoLink}.",
"annualReport.toolsCollabLEGO": "Cydweithio gyda LEGO Education",
"annualReport.toolsVideoTutorials": "Tiwtorialau Fideo",
"annualReport.toolsTutorialsIntro": "Scratch 3.0 introduced a diverse collection of video tutorials to help kids get started with Scratch. The tutorials are open-ended and designed to encourage students to experiment, follow their interests, and express their own ideas.",
"annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25 new tutorials",
"annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials} available in Scratch 3.0",
"annualReport.toolsNumViews": "23 million",
"annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews} views in 2019",
"annualReport.toolsApp": "Scratch App Supports Learning Offline",
"annualReport.toolsDownloadLink": "downloadable app",
"annualReport.toolsRaspberryLink": "use on Raspberry Pi 4",
"annualReport.toolsAppIntro": "During 2019, the Scratch Team released Scratch 3.0 as a {downloadableLink} for use on multiple platforms, including Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS, and Android tablets. In addition, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released Scratch 3.0 for {raspberryLink}. These downloadable versions are especially important for millions of learners in areas where internet connectivity is unavailable or unreliable.",
"annualReport.toolsAbhiTitle": "Abhi at Cartoon Network",
"annualReport.toolsAbhiIntro": "To highlight what kids can do with Scratch 3.0, we collaborated with Cartoon Network to create a video featuring Abhi, a 12-year-old Scratcher who loves to make animations and games. In the video, Abhi meets with Ian Jones-Quartey, creator of OK K.O. and other Cartoon Network shows. Abhi introduces Ian to key features of the new version of Scratch, and together they draw and program an animation of a Cartoon Network character jumping up and down.",
"annualReport.toolsAbhiQuote": "My favorite thing about Scratch is the community, because they are nice and helpful to me. That’s why I’m always happy to share every project that’s in my dreams.",
"annualReport.toolsTutorialsIntro": "Cyflwynodd Scratch 3.0 gasgliad amrywiol o diwtorialau fideo i helpu plant i ddechrau gyda Scratch. Mae'r tiwtorialau yn benagored ac wedi'u cynllunio i annog myfyrwyr i arbrofi, dilyn eu diddordebau, a mynegi eu syniadau eu hunain.",
"annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25 o diwtorialau newydd",
"annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials} ar gael yn Scratch 3.0",
"annualReport.toolsNumViews": "23 miliwn",
"annualReport.toolsTutorialsViews": "{numViews} golwg yn 2019",
"annualReport.toolsApp": "Mae'r Ap Scratch yn Cefnogi Dysgu All-lein",
"annualReport.toolsDownloadLink": "ap y mae modd ei lwytho i lawr",
"annualReport.toolsRaspberryLink": "ei ddefnyddio ar Raspberry Pi 4",
"annualReport.toolsAppIntro": "Yn ystod 2019, rhyddhaodd y Tîm Scratch Scratch 3.0 fel {downloadableLink} i'w ddefnyddio ar sawl platfform, gan gynnwys tabledi Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS ac Android. Yn ogystal, rhyddhaodd y Raspberry Pi Foundation Scratch 3.0 ar gyfer {raspberryLink}. Mae'r fersiynau hyn y mae modd eu lwytho i lawr yn arbennig o bwysig i filiynau o ddysgwyr mewn ardaloedd lle nad yw cysylltedd rhyngrwyd ar gael neu'n annibynadwy.",
"annualReport.toolsAbhiTitle": "Abhi o Cartoon Network",
"annualReport.toolsAbhiIntro": "Er mwyn tynnu sylw at yr hyn y gall plant ei wneud gyda Scratch 3.0, buom yn cydweithio â Cartoon Network i greu fideo yn cynnwys Abhi, Scratcher 12 oed sydd wrth ei fodd yn gwneud animeiddiadau a gemau. Yn y fideo, mae Abhi yn cwrdd ag Ian Jones-Quartey, crëwr OK K.O. a sioeau Cartoon Network eraill. Mae Abhi yn cyflwyno Ian i nodweddion allweddol y fersiwn newydd o Scratch, a gyda'i gilydd maen nhw'n darlunio ac yn rhaglennu animeiddiad o gymeriad Rhwydwaith Cartwnau yn neidio i fyny ac i lawr.",
"annualReport.toolsAbhiQuote": "Fy hoff beth am Scratch yw'r gymuned, oherwydd maen nhw'n braf ac yn ddefnyddiol i mi. Dyna pam rydw i bob amser yn hapus i rannu pob project sydd yn fy mreuddwydion.",
"annualReport.communityTitle": "Cymuned",
"annualReport.communityIntro": "The Scratch online community has always been an important part of the Scratch experience, providing opportunities for children to collaborate, share, and provide feedback to one another.",
"annualReport.communitySpotlight": "Community — Spotlight Story",
"annualReport.communityTeam": "Scratch Community Team",
"annualReport.communityTeamIntro1": "When asked why they use Scratch, most Scratchers talk about the importance of the online community for motivating their ongoing participation, providing a space where they can express their creativity, make friends, receive feedback, get new ideas, and learn new skills. Many Scratchers express their appreciation for the Scratch community as a safe and welcoming space to connect, share, and learn from one another.",
"annualReport.communityTeamIntro2": "With 40,000 new projects and 400,000 new comments in the Scratch online community each day, how can we ensure that the community remains safe and friendly, while also supporting and encouraging creative expression? Our Community Team, including full-time staff and a network of moderators, leads this essential work. There are two key dimensions of the Community Team's work: moderation and community engagement.",
"annualReport.communityModerationTitle": "Community Moderation",
"annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "When young people join the Scratch community, they agree to follow a set of Community Guidelines, which are designed to keep Scratch a safe and supportive place for young people from all backgrounds. Our Community Team uses a wide variety of tools and strategies to encourage good digital citizenship and maintain a positive environment for Scratchers to create in. Automated filters prevent private information from being shared or inappropriate content from being posted, and we allow anyone to report content they feel violates the Community Guidelines.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesTitle": "Canllawiau'r Gymuned",
"annualReport.communityIntro": "Mae cymuned ar-lein Scratch bob amser wedi bod yn rhan bwysig o brofiad Scratch, gan ddarparu cyfleoedd i blant gydweithio, rhannu a rhoi adborth i'w gilydd.",
"annualReport.communitySpotlight": "Cymuned - Stori yn Amlygu",
"annualReport.communityTeam": "Tîm Cymunedol Scratch",
"annualReport.communityTeamIntro1": "Pan mae rhywun yn gofyn iddyn nhw pam eu bod yn defnyddio Scratch, mae'r rhan fwyaf o Scratchers yn siarad am bwysigrwydd y gymuned ar-lein ar gyfer ysgogi eu cyfranogiad parhaus, gan ddarparu gofod lle gallan nhw fynegi eu creadigrwydd, gwneud ffrindiau, derbyn adborth, cael syniadau newydd, a dysgu sgiliau newydd. Mae llawer o Scratchers yn mynegi eu gwerthfawrogiad o'r gymuned Scratch fel gofod diogel a chroesawgar i gysylltu, rhannu a dysgu oddi wrth ei gilydd.",
"annualReport.communityTeamIntro2": "Gyda 40,000 o brosiectau newydd a 400,000 o sylwadau newydd yng nghymuned ar-lein Scratch bob dydd, sut allwn ni sicrhau bod y gymuned yn parhau i fod yn ddiogel ac yn gyfeillgar, tra hefyd yn cefnogi ac yn annog mynegiant creadigol? Mae ein Tîm Cymunedol, gan gynnwys staff amser llawn a rhwydwaith o gymedrolwyr, yn arwain y gwaith hanfodol hwn. Mae dau ddimensiwn allweddol yng ngwaith y Tîm Cymunedol: cymedroli ac ymgysylltu â'r gymuned.",
"annualReport.communityModerationTitle": "Cymedroli Cymunedol",
"annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "Pan fydd pobl ifanc yn ymuno â chymuned Scratch, mae nhw'n cytuno i ddilyn set o Ganllawiau Cymunedol, sydd wedi'u cynllunio i gadw Scratch yn lle diogel a chefnogol i bobl ifanc o bob cefndir. Mae ein Tîm Cymunedol yn defnyddio amrywiaeth eang o offer a strategaethau i annog dinasyddiaeth ddigidol dda a chynnal amgylchedd cadarnhaol i Scratchers ei greu. Mae hidlwyr awtomataidd yn atal gwybodaeth breifat rhag cael ei rhannu neu gynnwys amhriodol rhag cael ei phostio, ac rydym yn caniatáu i unrhyw un roi gwybod am gynnwys y mae nhw'n teimlo eu bod yn torri'r Canllawiau Cymunedol.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesTitle": "Canllawiau Cymunedol",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesInfo": "Mae Scratch yn croesawu pobl o bob oes, hil, ethnigrwydd, crefydd, tuedd rywiol, a hunaniaeth rywiol.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesRespect": "Dangos parch.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesShare": "Rhannu.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesRespect": "Mae Scratchwyr yn parchu eraill.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesShare": "Rhannu",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesHonest": "Byddwch yn onest.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesConstructive": "Byddwch yn adeiladol.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesPrivacy": "Cadw manylion personol yn breifat",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesFriendly": "Cynorthwywch i gadw'r wefan yn gyfeillgar.",
"annualReport.communityEngagementTitle": "Community Engagement",
"annualReport.storySwap": "Story Swap",
"annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "Another major role of the Community Team is to highlight and develop opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways. The team features projects and studios from community members to serve as inspiration, and it regularly posts Scratch Design Studios to encourage creative activity. Each summer, the team organizes an online Scratch Camp: the theme in 2019 was {storySwapLink}, with Scratchers building on one another’s stories.",
"annualReport.communitySDSTitle": "Scratch Design Studios",
"annualReport.communitySDSInfo": "Some Scratch Design Studios from 2019:",
"annualReport.communityDayintheLife": "Day in the Life",
"annualReport.communityDayintheLifeInfo": "Create a project about a day in the life of something",
"annualReport.communityYear3000": "Year 3000",
"annualReport.communityYear3000Info": "What might life be like in the year 3000?",
"annualReport.communityBounce": "Bounce",
"annualReport.communityBounceInfo": "Create a project that involves bouncing, jumping, boinging, or hopping.",
"annualReport.communityMonochromatic": "Monochromatic",
"annualReport.communityMonochromaticInfo": "How would things look if there were only one color?",
"annualReport.communityQuotes": "Community — Quotes",
"annualReport.communityQuote1": "I joined Scratch when I was 11 years old and the things I learned from using the platform and interacting with the community were really a vital part of my learning growing up.",
"annualReport.communityQuote2": "Scratch has allowed me to do things from home, like \n- Respect people and their projects\n- Make friends\n- Feel that I am not alone in this quarantine\n....and much more, so I want to say \n¡GRACIAS!",
"annualReport.communityQuote3": "I've been on Scratch for about 2 years, and it's been a life-changing experience! I've learned so many new things, such as coding, online etiquette, and art!",
"annualReport.communityQuote4": "Scratch was my favorite hobby in sixth grade. It secretly introduced me to Boolean logic, order of operations, and nested mathematical expressions—not to mention computer programming itself.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesPrivacy": "Cadwch wybodaeth bersonol yn breifat.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesFriendly": "Helpwch i gadw'r wefan yn gyfeillgar.",
"annualReport.communityEngagementTitle": "Ymgysylltu â'r Gymuned",
"annualReport.storySwap": "Cyfnewid Stori",
"annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "Rôl fawr arall y Tîm Cymunedol yw tynnu sylw a datblygu cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc fynegi eu syniadau a chymryd rhan mewn ffyrdd cadarnhaol. Mae'r tîm yn cynnwys projectau a stiwdios gan aelodau'r gymuned er mwyn ysbrydoli eraill, ac mae'n ryddhau Scratch Design Studios yn rheolaidd i annog gweithgaredd creadigol. Bob haf, mae’r tîm yn trefnu Scratch Camp ar-lein: y thema yn 2019 oedd {storySwapLink}, gyda Scratchers yn adeiladu ar straeon ei gilydd.",
"annualReport.communitySDSTitle": "Stiwdios Dylunio Scratch",
"annualReport.communitySDSInfo": "Rhai Stiwdios Dylunio Scratch o 2019:",
"annualReport.communityDayintheLife": "Diwrnod ym Mywyd",
"annualReport.communityDayintheLifeInfo": "Creu project am ddiwrnod ym mywyd rhywbeth",
"annualReport.communityYear3000": "Blwyddyn 3000",
"annualReport.communityYear3000Info": "Sut brofiad fyddai bywyd yn y flwyddyn 3000?",
"annualReport.communityBounce": "Bownsio",
"annualReport.communityBounceInfo": "Creu project sy'n cynnwys bownsio, neidio, boingio, neu hopian.",
"annualReport.communityMonochromatic": "Monocromatig",
"annualReport.communityMonochromaticInfo": "Sut fyddai pethau'n edrych pe bai dim ond un lliw?",
"annualReport.communityQuotes": "Cymuned - Dyfyniadau",
"annualReport.communityQuote1": "Ymunais â Scratch pan oeddwn yn 11 oed ac roedd y pethau a ddysgais o ddefnyddio'r platfform a rhyngweithio â'r gymuned yn rhan hanfodol o'm dysgu wrth dyfu i fyny.",
"annualReport.communityQuote2": "Mae Scratch wedi caniatáu imi wneud pethau o gartref, fel\n- Parchu pobl a'u projectau\n- Gwneud ffrindiau\n- Teimlo nad ydw i ar fy mhen fy hun yn y cwarantîn hwn\n.... a llawer mwy, felly rydw i eisiau dweud\n¡GRACIAS!",
"annualReport.communityQuote3": "Rydw i wedi bod ar Scratch ers tua 2 flynedd, ac mae wedi bod yn brofiad sy'n newid bywyd! Rydw i wedi dysgu cymaint o bethau newydd, fel codio, moesau ar-lein, a chelf!",
"annualReport.communityQuote4": "Scratch oedd fy hoff hobi yn y chweched radd. Fe gyflwynodd fi yn gyfrinachol i resymeg Boole, trefn gweithrediadau, ac ymadroddion mathemategol nythu - heb sôn am raglennu cyfrifiadurol ei hun.",
"annualReport.studio": "stiwdio",
"annualReport.communityBLMIntro": "As racial justice protests swept the United States after the tragic killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others in early 2020, many young people used Scratch as a way to express their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, creating projects and posting comments to speak out against racism and police violence. In a {BLMStudioLink} featured on the Scratch home page, Scratchers contributed hundreds of projects and thousands of comments. The Scratch Community Team was actively involved, to support Scratchers during a traumatic time and to ensure that all projects and conversations remained respectful.",
"annualReport.communityArtwork": "Artwork by the Scratcher OnionDipAnimations",
"annualReport.communityChangeTitle": "We see young people as agents of change.",
"annualReport.communityChangeInfo": "We are committed to working with them, and with the educators and families who support them, to ensure that they develop the skills, the motivation, and the confidence they’ll need to lead fulfilling lives and bring about meaningful change in society.",
"annualReport.watchVideo": "Gwylio Fideo",
"annualReport.schoolsTitle": "Schools",
"annualReport.schoolsIntro": "We provide programs and resources to support teachers and students in schools around the world, designed to achieve equity in creative computing experiences, based on projects, passion, peers, and play.",
"annualReport.schoolsSpotlight": "Schools — Spotlight Story",
"annualReport.cpsProjectTitle": "Creative Computing in Chicago Public Schools",
"annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP1": "In 2019, with funding from Google.org, the Scratch Team partnered with SocialWorks, CS4ALL Chicago and Chicago Public Schools to support seven elementary schools in the South Side of Chicago as they launched an initiative to incorporate creative coding into their curriculum.",
"annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP2": "As a part of this initiative, hundreds of students imagined and drew themselves as the superhero of their own video games. They brought those ideas to life in a collaborative Scratch project called SuperMe. Local Chicago hero and Grammy Award winning musician Chance the Rapper was so inspired by the students’ work that he named it the official video game for his hit song “I Love You So Much” and shared it with the world.",
"annualReport.familyCreativeNightsHeader": "Family Creative Coding Nights",
"annualReport.familyCreativeNightsDescription": "A key to the success of this initiative was to connect students, families, teachers, and other community members through Family Creative Coding Nights. These events brought together hundreds of family members of all ages—from young children to grandparents—in activities that mixed coding with art, dance, and music. These events strengthened connections between home and school, recognizing the important role of families in inspiring and supporting children's learning.",
"annualReport.familyNightsPhotoCredit": "Photos by Jordan Macy, SocialWorks",
"annualReport.teacherPDHeader": "Investing in Professional Development for Teachers",
"annualReport.teacherPDDescription": "Teachers across the participating elementary schools came together for professional development workshops, gaining first-hand experience in creating their own Scratch projects and finding meaningful ways to use Scratch to support student learning across the curriculum.",
"annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName}, CPS Educator",
"annualReport.teacherPDQuote": "What surprised me most was the intrinsic collaboration that came with using Scratch in my classroom. Often, students themselves would discover something in the Scratch platform, show me, and then spread it among themselves.",
"annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "Extending the Reach",
"annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "To expand the reach of this partnership, CS4ALL Chicago built on the Family Creative Coding Night model and has made it available to all Chicago Public Schools. Google CS First produced {codeYourHeroLink} guides for students and teachers, available free online in English and Spanish.",
"annualReport.codeYourHero": "Code Your Hero",
"annualReport.inTheNewsHeader": "In the News",
"annualReport.chicagoSunTimesArticle": "Chicago Sun Times Article",
"annualReport.rollingStoneArticle": "Rolling Stone Article",
"annualReport.conferencesTitle": "Scratch Conferences around the World",
"annualReport.conferencesIntro": "In 2008, the Scratch Team hosted the first Scratch conference at MIT, bringing together educators, researchers, and developers to share ideas and experiences for using Scratch to support creative learning. Since then, the Scratch Team has organized and hosted a Scratch conference at MIT every two years. In addition, members of the global Scratch community have organized and hosted more than a dozen conferences—stretching across oceans, continents, cultures, and languages.",
"annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Scratch Africa Conference, photo by {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "Latin America",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "In May 2019, educators from across Chile and other areas of Latin America came together for the second {scratchAlSurLink} conference in Santiago, Chile. Following the conference, Scratch al Sur released a {spanishVersionLink} of the {creativeComputingCurriculumLink} guide, developed by the Creative Computing group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.",
"annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "Spanish version",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "Europe",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "In August 2019, the Raspberry Pi Foundation organized the fourth {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}, held in Cambridge, UK. The conference brought together formal and informal educators from more than 25 countries for hands-on workshops, presentations, and demonstrations by students, educators, researchers, and community-based organizations.",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Photo provided by {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "Africa",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "In October 2019, the first {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} was held in Nairobi, Kenya, drawing more than 250 educators and students from across Africa to share lessons, empower young people, and celebrate accomplishments in creative coding. At the conference, the Scratch Team launched a Swahili version of Scratch, available for use both online and offline.",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Photo by {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.financialsTitle": "Financials - 2019",
"annualReport.financialsButton": "2019 Audited Financials",
"annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "Note: Financials in future years will be significantly different, since the Scratch staff has now transitioned from MIT to the Scratch Foundation.",
"annualReport.supportersTitle": "Thank You to Our Supporters",
"annualReport.supportersIntro": "Thank you to our generous supporters. Your contribution helps us expand creative learning opportunities for children of all ages, from all backgrounds, around the globe.",
"annualReport.supportersSpotlightTitle": "Donor - Spotlight Story",
"annualReport.supportersSFETitle": "Siegel Family Endowment",
"annualReport.supportersSFEDescription1": "In May 2012, David Siegel attended Scratch Day at the MIT Media Lab with his son Zach, an active and enthusiastic Scratcher. Watching Zach and other children using Scratch to code their own games, animations, and robotic creatures, David saw how much potential Scratch had to help children both learn practical coding skills, and develop as computational thinkers.",
"annualReport.supportersSFEDescription2": "David knows the importance of computational thinking firsthand, and his career as a computer scientist and entrepreneur has been shaped by the same curiosity that Scratch helps young learners explore every day. It's the same exploratory instinct that led him to study computer science at Princeton, and earn a PhD based on work completed at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab. In 2001, he co-founded Two Sigma, which has grown to become a world leader in applying machine learning and data science to investment management.",
"annualReport.supportersSFEDescription3": "In 2011, David founded Siegel Family Endowment (SFE) to support organizations working to help people adapt to the demands of new technology, and to better understand and mitigate the powerful disruptions that technology has driven in almost every sector. He is also a co-founder of the Scratch Foundation, and is a strong advocate for the organization's mission to keep Scratch free and accessible to learners all over the world.",
"annualReport.supportersCoFounder": "Co-Founder and Co-Chairman",
"annualReport.supportersQuote": "Making sure that Scratch remains free and accessible for kids everywhere is one of the most impactful ways we can help young learners engage and thrive in an increasingly digital world. Supporting Scratch is more important today than ever before.",
"annualReport.supportersThankYou": "Thank you to our supporters",
"annualReport.supportersAllDescription": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and share with new technologies. We want to thank all Scratch supporters who, since we started working on Scratch in 2002, have helped us create amazing learning experiences for millions of young people around the world. The following list is based on cumulative giving to Scratch (at both MIT and Scratch Foundation) through December 31, 2019.",
"annualReport.supportersFoundingDescription": "We are especially grateful to our Founding Partners who supported us from the early days of Scratch, each providing at least $10,000,000 of cumulative support, in various forms.",
"annualReport.supportersFoundingTitle": "Founding Partners",
"annualReport.supportersCreativityTitle": "Creativity Circle — $1,000,000+",
"annualReport.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Collaboration Circle — $200,000+",
"annualReport.supportersImaginationTitle": "Imagination Circle — $50,000+",
"annualReport.supportersInspirationTitle": "Inspiration Circle — $20,000+",
"annualReport.supportersExplorationTitle": "Exploration Circle — $5,000+",
"annualReport.supportersInKindTitle": "In-Kind Supporters",
"annualReport.leadershipTitle": "Our Team",
"annualReport.leadershipBoard": "Board of Directors",
"annualReport.leadershipChair": "Chair",
"annualReport.leadershipProfessor": "Professor of Learning Research",
"annualReport.leadershipViceChair": "Vice-Chair",
"annualReport.leadershipBoardMember": "Board Member",
"annualReport.leadershipPresidentCEO": "President and CEO",
"annualReport.leadershipFormerPresident": "Former President",
"annualReport.leadershipFounderCEO": "Founder and CEO",
"annualReport.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Former Chair and CEO",
"annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Board Secretary & Treasurer",
"annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Board Secretary",
"annualReport.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Board Treasurer",
"annualReport.communityBLMIntro": "Wrth i brotestiadau cyfiawnder hiliol ysgubo’r Unol Daleithiau ar ôl llofruddiaethau trasig George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, ac eraill yn gynnar yn 2020, defnyddiodd llawer o bobl ifanc Scratch fel ffordd i fynegi eu cefnogaeth i fudiad Black Lives Matter, gan greu projectau a cofnodi sylwadau i godi llais yn erbyn hiliaeth a thrais yr heddlu. Yn {BLMStudioLink} sydd i'w weld ar dudalen gartref Scratch, cyfrannodd Scratchers gannoedd o brojectau a miloedd o sylwadau. Roedd Tîm Cymunedol Scratch yn cymryd rhan weithredol, i gefnogi Scratchers yn ystod cyfnod trawmatig ac i sicrhau bod pob project a sgwrs yn parhau i fod yn barchus.",
"annualReport.communityArtwork": "Gwaith celf gan y Scratcher OnionDipAnimations",
"annualReport.communityChangeTitle": "Rydym yn gweld pobl ifanc fel asiantau newid.",
"annualReport.communityChangeInfo": "Rydym wedi ymrwymo i weithio gyda nhw, a chyda'r addysgwyr a'r teuluoedd sy'n eu cefnogi, i sicrhau eu bod yn datblygu'r sgiliau, y cymhelliant a'r hyder y bydd eu hangen arnyn nhw i fyw bywydau boddhaus a sicrhau newid ystyrlon mewn cymdeithas.",
"annualReport.watchVideo": "Gwyliwch fideo am greu projectau hip-hop.",
"annualReport.schoolsTitle": "Scratch mewn Ysgolion",
"annualReport.schoolsIntro": "Rydym yn darparu rhaglenni ac adnoddau i gefnogi athrawon a myfyrwyr mewn ysgolion ledled y byd, wedi'u cynllunio i sicrhau tegwch mewn profiadau cyfrifiadurol creadigol, yn seiliedig ar brosiectau, angerdd, cyfoedion a chwarae.",
"annualReport.schoolsSpotlight": "Ysgolion - Stori yn Amlygu",
"annualReport.cpsProjectTitle": "Cyfrifiadura Creadigol yn Ysgolion Cyhoeddus Chicago",
"annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP1": "Yn 2019, gyda chyllid gan Google.org, partneriaethodd Tîm Scratch â SocialWorks, CS4ALL Chicago a Chicago Public Schools i gefnogi saith ysgol elfennol yn South Side Chicago wrth iddynt lansio menter i ymgorffori codio creadigol yn eu cwricwlwm.",
"annualReport.cpsProjectIntroP2": "Fel rhan o'r fenter hon, dychmygodd a thynnodd cannoedd o fyfyrwyr eu hunain fel archarwr eu gemau fideo eu hunain. Fe ddaethon nhw â'r syniadau hynny yn fyw mewn project Scratch cydweithredol o'r enw SuperMe. Cafodd arwr lleol yn Chicago a’r cerddor sydd wedi ennill Gwobr Grammy, Chance the Rapper, ei ysbrydoli gymaint gan waith y myfyrwyr nes iddo ei enwi’n gêm fideo swyddogol ar gyfer ei gân boblogaidd “I Love You So Much” a’i rhannu gyda’r byd.",
"annualReport.familyCreativeNightsHeader": "Nosweithiau Codio Creadigol Teuluol",
"annualReport.familyCreativeNightsDescription": "Allwedd i lwyddiant y fenter hon oedd cysylltu myfyrwyr, teuluoedd, athrawon ac aelodau eraill o'r gymuned trwy Nosweithiau Codio Creadigol Teulu. Daeth y digwyddiadau hyn â channoedd o aelodau teulu o bob oed ynghyd - o blant ifanc i neiniau a theidiau - mewn gweithgareddau a oedd yn cymysgu codio â chelf, dawns a cherddoriaeth. Cryfhaodd y digwyddiadau hyn gysylltiadau rhwng y cartref a'r ysgol, gan gydnabod rôl bwysig teuluoedd wrth ysbrydoli a chefnogi dysgu plant.",
"annualReport.familyNightsPhotoCredit": "Lluniau gan Jordan Macy, SocialWorks",
"annualReport.teacherPDHeader": "Buddsoddi mewn Datblygiad Proffesiynol i Athrawon",
"annualReport.teacherPDDescription": "Daeth athrawon ar draws yr ysgolion elfennol a gymerodd ran ynghyd ar gyfer gweithdai datblygiad proffesiynol, gan ennill profiad uniongyrchol o greu eu projectau Scratch eu hunain a dod o hyd i ffyrdd ystyrlon o ddefnyddio Scratch i gefnogi dysgu myfyrwyr ar draws y cwricwlwm.",
"annualReport.teacherPDQuoteAttribution": "{teacherName}, Addysgwr CPS",
"annualReport.teacherPDQuote": "Yr hyn a'm synnodd fwyaf oedd y cydweithrediad cynhenid a ddaeth yn sgil defnyddio Scratch yn fy ystafell ddosbarth. Yn aml, byddai'r myfyrwyr eu hunain yn darganfod rhywbeth yn y platfform Scratch, yn ei ddangos i mi, ac yna'n ei ledaenu ymysg ei gilydd.",
"annualReport.extendingReachHeader": "Ymestyn y Cyrhaeddiad",
"annualReport.extendingReachDescription": "Er mwyn ehangu cyrhaeddiad y bartneriaeth hon, adeiladodd CS4ALL Chicago ar fodel Noson Codio Creadigol Teulu ac mae wedi sicrhau ei fod ar gael i holl Ysgolion Cyhoeddus Chicago. Cynhyrchodd Google CS First {codeYourHeroLink} ganllaw ar gyfer myfyrwyr ac athrawon, ar gael am ddim ar-lein yn Saesneg a Sbaeneg.",
"annualReport.codeYourHero": "Codwch eich Arwr",
"annualReport.inTheNewsHeader": "Yn y Newyddion",
"annualReport.chicagoSunTimesArticle": "Erthygl Chicago Sun Times",
"annualReport.rollingStoneArticle": "Erthygl Rolling Stone",
"annualReport.conferencesTitle": "Cynadleddau Scratch ledled y Byd",
"annualReport.conferencesIntro": "Yn 2008, cynhaliodd y Tîm Scratch y gynhadledd Scratch gyntaf yn MIT, gan ddod ag addysgwyr, ymchwilwyr a datblygwyr ynghyd i rannu syniadau a phrofiadau ar gyfer defnyddio Scratch i gefnogi dysgu creadigol. Ers hynny, mae'r Tîm Scratch wedi trefnu a chynnal cynhadledd Scratch yn MIT bob dwy flynedd. Yn ogystal, mae aelodau o'r gymuned Scratch fyd-eang wedi trefnu a chynnal mwy na dwsin o gynadleddau - yn ymestyn ar draws cefnforoedd, cyfandiroedd, diwylliannau ac ieithoedd.",
"annualReport.conferencesHeroImageCaption": "Cynhadledd Scratch Africa, llun gan {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaTitle": "Defnyddwyr Scratch, athrawon, athrawon coleg, darpar Scratchwyr, myfyrwyr prifysgol (athrawon y dyfodol a datblygwyr meddalwedd) yn Costa Rica ac America Ladin sy'n siarad Sbaeneg.",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaDescription": "Ym mis Mai 2019, daeth addysgwyr o bob rhan o Chile ac ardaloedd eraill o America Ladin ynghyd ar gyfer yr ail gynhadledd {scratchAlSurLink} yn Santiago, Chile. Yn dilyn y gynhadledd, rhyddhaodd Scratch al Sur {spanishVersionLink} o'r canllaw {creativeComputingCurriculumLink}, a ddatblygwyd gan y grŵp Cyfrifiadura Creadigol yn Ysgol Addysg i Raddedigion Harvard.",
"annualReport.conferencesSpanishVersionLinkText": "Fersiwn Sbaeneg",
"annualReport.conferencesLatinAmericaImageCaption": "Llun wedi'i ddarparu gan {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeTitle": "Ewrop",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeDescription": "Ym mis Awst 2019, trefnodd Sefydliad Raspberry Pi y pedwerydd {scratchConferenceEuropeLink}, a gynhaliwyd yng Nghaergrawnt, y DU. Daeth y gynhadledd ag addysgwyr ffurfiol ac anffurfiol ynghyd o fwy na 25 o wledydd ar gyfer gweithdai ymarferol, cyflwyniadau ac arddangosiadau gan fyfyrwyr, addysgwyr, ymchwilwyr a sefydliadau cymunedol.",
"annualReport.conferencesEuropeImageCaption": "Llun wedi'i ddarparu gan {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaTitle": "Affrica",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaDescription": "Ym mis Hydref 2019, cynhaliwyd y {scratchAfricaConferenceLink} cyntaf yn Nairobi, Kenya, gan dynnu mwy na 250 o addysgwyr a myfyrwyr o bob rhan o Affrica i rannu gwersi, grymuso pobl ifanc, a dathlu cyflawniadau mewn codio creadigol. Yn y gynhadledd, lansiodd y Tîm Scratch fersiwn Swahili o Scratch, sydd ar gael i'w ddefnyddio ar-lein ac oddi ar-lein.",
"annualReport.conferencesAfricaImageCaption": "Llun gan {photoCredit}",
"annualReport.financialsTitle": "Cyllid - 2019",
"annualReport.financialsButton": "Cyllid a Archwiliwyd 2019",
"annualReport.financialsFutureYears": "Nodyn: Bydd cyllid yn y blynyddoedd i ddod yn sylweddol wahanol, gan fod staff Scratch bellach wedi trosglwyddo o MIT i Sefydliad Scratch.",
"annualReport.supportersTitle": "Diolch i'n Cefnogwyr",
"annualReport.supportersIntro": "Diolch i'n cefnogwyr hael. Mae eich cyfraniad yn ein helpu i ehangu cyfleoedd dysgu creadigol i blant o bob oed, o bob cefndir, ledled y byd.",
"annualReport.supportersSpotlightTitle": "Rhoddwr - Stori yn Amlygu",
"annualReport.supportersSFETitle": "Gwaddol Teulu Siegel",
"annualReport.supportersSFEDescription1": "Ym mis Mai 2012, mynychodd David Siegel Ddiwrnod Scratch yn Lab Cyfryngau MIT gyda'i fab Zach, Scratcher gweithgar a brwdfrydig. Wrth wylio Zach a phlant eraill yn defnyddio Scratch i godio eu gemau, eu hanimeiddiadau a'u creaduriaid robotig eu hunain, gwelodd David faint o botensial oedd gan Scratch i helpu plant i ddysgu sgiliau codio ymarferol, a datblygu fel meddylwyr cyfrifiadurol.",
"annualReport.supportersSFEDescription2": "Mae David yn gwybod pa mor bwysig yw meddwl cyfrifiadurol yn uniongyrchol, ac mae ei yrfa fel gwyddonydd cyfrifiadurol ac entrepreneur wedi cael ei siapio gan yr un chwilfrydedd ag y mae Scratch yn helpu dysgwyr ifanc i'w archwilio bob dydd. Yr un reddf archwiliadol a barodd iddo astudio gwyddoniaeth gyfrifiadurol yn Princeton, ac ennill PhD yn seiliedig ar waith a gwblhawyd yn Lab Deallusrwydd Artiffisial MIT. Yn 2001, cyd-sefydlodd Two Sigma, sydd wedi tyfu i ddod yn arweinydd byd-eang wrth gymhwyso dysgu peiriannau a gwyddor data i reoli buddsoddiad.",
"annualReport.supportersSFEDescription3": "Yn 2011, sefydlodd David Waddol Teulu Siegel (SFE) i gefnogi sefydliadau sy'n gweithio i helpu pobl i addasu i ofynion technoleg newydd, ac i ddeall a lliniaru'r aflonyddwch pwerus y mae technoleg wedi'i yrru ym mron pob sector yn well. Mae hefyd yn gyd-sylfaenydd Sefydliad Scratch, ac mae'n eiriolwr cryf dros genhadaeth y sefydliad i gadw Scratch yn rhydd ac yn hygyrch i ddysgwyr ledled y byd.",
"annualReport.supportersCoFounder": "Cyd-sylfaenydd a Chyd-Gadeirydd",
"annualReport.supportersQuote": "Mae sicrhau bod Scratch yn parhau i fod yn rhad ac am ddim ac yn hygyrch i blant ym mhobman yn un o'r ffyrdd mwyaf effeithiol y gallwn helpu dysgwyr ifanc i ymgysylltu a ffynnu mewn byd cynyddol ddigidol. Mae cefnogi Scratch yn bwysicach heddiw nag erioed o'r blaen.",
"annualReport.supportersThankYou": "Diolch i'n cefnogwyr",
"annualReport.supportersAllDescription": "Ein cenhadaeth yw rhoi cyfleoedd i bob plentyn, o bob cefndir, ddychmygu, creu a rhannu gyda thechnolegau newydd. Rydyn ni am ddiolch i holl gefnogwyr Scratch sydd, ers i ni ddechrau gweithio ar Scratch yn 2002, wedi ein helpu i greu profiadau dysgu anhygoel i filiynau o bobl ifanc ledled y byd. Mae'r rhestr ganlynol yn seiliedig ar roi cronnus i Scratch (yn MIT a Scratch Foundation) trwy Ragfyr 31, 2019.",
"annualReport.supportersFoundingDescription": "Rydym yn arbennig o ddiolchgar i'n Partneriaid Sefydlu a gefnogodd ni o ddyddiau cynnar Scratch, pob un yn darparu o leiaf $ 10,000,000 o gefnogaeth gronnus, ar sawl ffurf.",
"annualReport.supportersFoundingTitle": "Partneriaid Sefydlu",
"annualReport.supportersCreativityTitle": "Cylch Creadigrwydd - $ 1,000,000 +",
"annualReport.supportersCollaborationTitle": "Cylch Cydweithio - $ 200,000 +",
"annualReport.supportersImaginationTitle": "Cylch Dychymyg - $ 50,000 +",
"annualReport.supportersInspirationTitle": "Cylch Ysbrydoliaeth - $ 20,000 +",
"annualReport.supportersExplorationTitle": "Cylch Archwilio - $ 5,000 +",
"annualReport.supportersInKindTitle": "Cefnogwyr Mewn Nwyddau",
"annualReport.leadershipTitle": "Ein Tîm",
"annualReport.leadershipBoard": "Bwrdd Cyfarwyddwyr",
"annualReport.leadershipChair": "Cadeirydd",
"annualReport.leadershipProfessor": "Athro Ymchwil Dysgu",
"annualReport.leadershipViceChair": "Is-gadeirydd",
"annualReport.leadershipBoardMember": "Aelod o'r Bwrdd",
"annualReport.leadershipPresidentCEO": "Llywydd a Phrif Swyddog Gweithredol",
"annualReport.leadershipFormerPresident": "Cyn-lywydd",
"annualReport.leadershipFounderCEO": "Sylfaenydd a Phrif Swyddog Gweithredol",
"annualReport.leadershipFormerChairCEO": "Cyn Gadeirydd a Phrif Swyddog Gweithredol",
"annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretaryTreasurer": "Ysgrifennydd a Thrysorydd y Bwrdd",
"annualReport.leadershipBoardSecretary": "Ysgrifennydd y Bwrdd",
"annualReport.leadershipBoardTreasurer": "Trysorydd y Bwrdd",
"annualReport.leadershipScratchTeam": "Tîm Scratch",
"annualReport.leadershipInterim": "Interim Executive Director",
"annualReport.donateTitle": "Support Us",
"annualReport.donateMessage": "Your support enables us to make Scratch free for everyone, keeps our servers running, and most importantly, we are able to provide kids around the world an opportunity to imagine, create and share. Thank you!",
"annualReport.donateButton": "Rhoi"
"annualReport.leadershipInterim": "Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol Dros Dro",
"annualReport.donateTitle": "Cefnogwch Ni",
"annualReport.donateMessage": "Mae eich cefnogaeth yn ein galluogi i wneud Scratch yn rhad ac am ddim i bawb, yn cadw ein gweinyddwyr i redeg, ac yn bwysicaf oll, rydym yn gallu rhoi cyfle i blant ledled y byd ddychmygu, creu a rhannu. Diolch!",
"annualReport.donateButton": "Cyfrannu"
@ -11,21 +11,21 @@
"annualReport.mastheadYear": "Rapport annuel 2019",
"annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Favoriser un monde basé sur l'apprentissage créatif",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Message de l'équipe Scratch",
"annualReport.messageP1": "2019 a été une année de grandes avancées pour le Scratch. Nous avons commencé l'année avec le lancement de Scratch 3.0, notre toute nouvelle version de Scratch, conçue pour stimuler la créativité des enfants et susciter l'intérêt d'enfants ayant des intérêts et des origines variés. Nous avons fêté la fin de l'année avec le déménagement de notre équipe depuis le MIT vers ses nouveaux locaux à la Fondation Scratch, dans un espace ludique au premier étage près de la gare de Boston. Tout au long de l'année, la communauté Scratch a continué à s'épanouir et à se développer : plus de 20 millions de jeunes ont créé des projets avec Scratch en 2019, soit une augmentation de 48 % par rapport à l'année précédente.",
"annualReport.messageP1": "2019 a été une année de grandes avancées pour Scratch. Nous avons commencé l'année avec le lancement de Scratch 3.0, notre toute nouvelle version de Scratch, conçue pour stimuler la créativité des enfants et faire participer des enfants ayant des intérêts et des origines diverses. Nous avons fêté la fin de l'année avec le déménagement de notre équipe depuis le MIT vers ses nouveaux locaux à la Scratch Foundation, dans un espace ludique au premier étage près de la gare de Boston. Tout au long de l'année, la communauté Scratch a continué à s'épanouir et à se développer : plus de 20 millions de jeunes ont créé des projets avec Scratch en 2019, soit une augmentation de 48 % par rapport à l'année précédente.",
"annualReport.messageP2": "L'impact et l'importance de Scratch ont été démontrés en 2020, lorsque la pandémie du COVID a obligé les écoles à fermer. L'activité de la communauté en ligne Scratch a plus que doublé lorsque les jeunes, confinés chez eux, se sont tournés vers Scratch pour s'exprimer de manière créative et se retrouver entre eux. Les scratchers se sont également engagés activement dans le mouvement Black Lives Matter et d'autres initiatives en faveur de la justice et de l'équité raciale, en créant des projets et des studios d'animation pour sensibiliser le public et réclamer du changement.",
"annualReport.messageP3": "Depuis le lancement de Scratch en 2007, nous avons toujours considéré Scratch comme étant bien plus qu'un langage de programmation. Scratch offre des opportunités à tous les jeunes, de tous les milieux, pour développer leur voix, exprimer leurs idées et créer les uns avec les autres. Nous aimons voir comment les Scratcheurs ont répondu aux récents défis de société avec créativité, collaboration, bienveillance et gentillesse.",
"annualReport.messageP4": "Dans ce rapport annuel, nous présenterons plus en détail la mission, les objectifs, l'impact et la portée de Scratch, en donnant des exemples de la façon dont Scratch développe les possibilités d'apprentissage pour un grand nombre de jeunes partout à travers le monde, tant à l'école que tout le long de leur vie.",
"annualReport.messageP3": "Depuis le lancement de Scratch en 2007, nous avons toujours considéré Scratch comme étant bien plus qu'un langage de programmation. Scratch offre des opportunités à tous les jeunes, de tous les milieux, pour développer leur voix, exprimer leurs idées et créer les uns avec les autres. Nous aimons voir comment les Scratchers ont répondu aux récents défis de société avec créativité, collaboration, bienveillance et gentillesse.",
"annualReport.messageP4": "Dans ce rapport annuel, nous en apprendrons davantage sur la mission, les projets, l'impact et la portée de Scratch, avec des exemples de la manière dont Scratch développe les possibilités d'apprentissage pour une grande diversité de jeunes dans le monde entier, tant à l'école que tout au long de leur vie.",
"annualReport.messageP5": "Nous sommes fiers de ce que les jeunes créent et apprennent aujourd'hui avec Scratch, et nous nous engageons à offrir plus d'opportunités à davantage de jeunes dans le futur.",
"annualReport.messageSignature": "- L'Équipe Scratch",
"annualReport.messageSignature": "— L'équipe Scratch",
"annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Réponse de Scratch au COVID",
"annualReport.covidResponseP1": "Alors que nous rédigeons ce rapport annuel, la pandémie du COVID dure depuis des mois. Depuis la mi-mars 2020, les bureaux de Scratch sont fermés et les membres de l'Équipe Scratch travaillent activement depuis leur domicile pour soutenir les enfants et les éducateurs du monde entier dont la vie a été bouleversée par la pandémie.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP1": "Alors que nous rédigeons ce rapport annuel, la pandémie du COVID dure depuis des mois. Depuis la mi-mars 2020, les bureaux de Scratch sont fermés et les membres de l'équipe Scratch travaillent activement depuis leur domicile pour soutenir les enfants et les éducateurs du monde entier dont la vie a été bouleversée par la pandémie.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP2": "Le 17 mars, nous avons lancé l'initiative #ScratchAtHome pour donner aux enfants, aux familles et aux éducateurs des pistes pour entreprendre à la maison des activités d'apprentissage créatives avec Scratch. Nous continuons à ajouter des tutoriels vidéo et d'autres ressources sur la {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "page #ScratchAtHome",
"annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Les activités dans la {scratchCommunityLink} ont plus que doublé par rapport à l'année dernière. Les Scratcheurs créent et partagent des projets pour soutenir et motiver les autres tout au long de la pandémie, avec des projets et des studios qui proposent des idées pour faire du sport à la maison, des conseils pour rester en bonne santé, de l'humour pour se remonter le moral et remercier les travailleurs essentiels.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Les activités dans la {scratchCommunityLink} ont plus que doublé par rapport à l'année dernière. Les Scratchers créent et partagent des projets pour soutenir et motiver les autres tout au long de la pandémie, avec des projets et des studios qui proposent des idées pour faire du sport à la maison, des conseils pour rester en bonne santé, de l'humour pour se remonter le moral et remercier les travailleurs essentiels.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "communauté en ligne Scratch",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "Notre mission",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Notre mission a pour but d'offrir à tous les enfants, de toutes origines, la possibilité d'imaginer, de créer et de collaborer grâce aux nouvelles technologies - afin qu'ils puissent façonner le monde de demain.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "We are committed to prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators furthest from educational justice.",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Notre mission a pour but d'offrir à tous les enfants, de toutes origines, la possibilité d'imaginer, de créer et de collaborer grâce aux nouvelles technologies — afin qu'ils puissent façonner le monde de demain.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "Nous nous engageons à donner priorité à l'équité dans tous les aspects de notre travail, en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur les initiatives et les approches qui soutiennent les enfants, les familles et les éducateurs les plus défavorisés en matière de justice éducative.",
"annualReport.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
"annualReport.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the {fourPsItalics}:",
"annualReport.fourPs": "Four P’s of Creative Learning",
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
"annualReport.toolsWeDoLink": "WeDo 2.0",
"annualReport.toolsLEGORoboticsIntro": "Students can create dancing robots, interactive sculptures, and data-collection experiments using Scratch with LEGO robotics kits. The new LEGO Education SPIKE Prime Set features an app based on Scratch. In addition, Scratch extensions are available for {mindstormsLink} and {weDoLink}.",
"annualReport.toolsCollabLEGO": "Collaboration with LEGO Education",
"annualReport.toolsVideoTutorials": "Tutoriaux vidéos",
"annualReport.toolsVideoTutorials": "Tutoriels vidéo",
"annualReport.toolsTutorialsIntro": "Scratch 3.0 introduced a diverse collection of video tutorials to help kids get started with Scratch. The tutorials are open-ended and designed to encourage students to experiment, follow their interests, and express their own ideas.",
"annualReport.toolsNumTutorials": "25 new tutorials",
"annualReport.toolsNewTutorials": "{numTutorials} available in Scratch 3.0",
@ -127,13 +127,13 @@
"annualReport.communityModerationTitle": "Community Moderation",
"annualReport.communityModerationInfo": "When young people join the Scratch community, they agree to follow a set of Community Guidelines, which are designed to keep Scratch a safe and supportive place for young people from all backgrounds. Our Community Team uses a wide variety of tools and strategies to encourage good digital citizenship and maintain a positive environment for Scratchers to create in. Automated filters prevent private information from being shared or inappropriate content from being posted, and we allow anyone to report content they feel violates the Community Guidelines.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesTitle": "Règles de conduite",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesInfo": "Scratch accueille des personnes de tous âges, races, ethnies, religions, capacités, orientations sexuelles et des identités de genre.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesInfo": "Scratch accueille des personnes de tous âges, races, ethnies, religions, orientations sexuelles et des identités de genre.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesRespect": "Soyez respectueux.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesShare": "Partagez.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesHonest": "Soyez sincère.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesConstructive": "Soyez constructifs.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesPrivacy": "Gardez vos informations personnelles privées.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesFriendly": "Aide à garder le site convivial.",
"annualReport.communityGuidelinesFriendly": "Aidez à garder le site convivial.",
"annualReport.communityEngagementTitle": "Community Engagement",
"annualReport.storySwap": "Story Swap",
"annualReport.communityEngagementInfo": "Another major role of the Community Team is to highlight and develop opportunities for young people to express their ideas and become engaged in positive ways. The team features projects and studios from community members to serve as inspiration, and it regularly posts Scratch Design Studios to encourage creative activity. Each summer, the team organizes an online Scratch Camp: the theme in 2019 was {storySwapLink}, with Scratchers building on one another’s stories.",
@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
"annualReport.subnavMessage": "Messaggio",
"annualReport.subnavMission": "Mission",
"annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Milestones",
"annualReport.subnavMission": "Missione",
"annualReport.subnavMilestones": "Stadi di avanzamento",
"annualReport.subnavReach": "Reach",
"annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Initiatives",
"annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Financials",
"annualReport.subnavInitiatives": "Iniziative",
"annualReport.subnavFinancials": "Aspetti finanziari",
"annualReport.subnavSupporters": "Supporters",
"annualReport.subnavTeam": "Team",
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "Donazioni",
"annualReport.mastheadYear": "2019 Annual Report",
"annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivating a World of Creative Learning",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Message from the Scratch Team",
"annualReport.messageP1": "2019 was a year of great progress for Scratch. We started the year with the launch of Scratch 3.0, our newest generation of Scratch, designed to spark children’s creativity and engage children with diverse interests and backgrounds. We celebrated the end of the year with our team moving from MIT into its new home at the Scratch Foundation, in a playful first-floor space near South Station in Boston. Throughout the year, the Scratch community continued to thrive and grow: More than 20 million young people created projects with Scratch in 2019, an increase of 48% over the year before.",
"annualReport.messageP2": "The impact and importance of Scratch have been highlighted in 2020 as the COVID pandemic forced schools to close. Activity in the Scratch online community more than doubled as young people, confined to their homes, turned to Scratch to express themselves creatively and connect with one another. Scratchers have also been actively engaged in Black Lives Matter and other movements for racial justice and equity, creating animated projects and studios to spread awareness and demand change.",
"annualReport.messageP3": "From the time we launched Scratch in 2007, we have always seen Scratch as more than a programming language. Scratch provides opportunities for all young people, from all backgrounds, to develop their voices, express their ideas, and create with one another. We love to see the ways that Scratchers have responded to recent societal challenges with creativity, collaboration, caring, and kindness.",
"annualReport.messageP4": "In this Annual Report, we’ll share more about the mission, plans, impact, and reach of Scratch, supported with examples of how Scratch is expanding learning opportunities for a broad diversity of young people around the world, both in schools and throughout their lives.",
"annualReport.messageP5": "We’re proud of what young people are creating and learning with Scratch today, and we’re committed to providing more opportunities for more young people in the future.",
"annualReport.messageSignature": "— The Scratch Team",
"annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch Responds to COVID",
"annualReport.covidResponseP1": "As we write this annual report, we are months into the COVID pandemic. Since the middle of March 2020, the Scratch office has been closed and Scratch Team members have been actively working from home to support children and educators around the world whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP2": "On March 17, we launched the #ScratchAtHome initiative to provide children, families, and educators with ideas for engaging in creative learning activities with Scratch at home. We continue to add video tutorials and other resources to the {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtHome page",
"annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Activity in the {scratchCommunityLink} has more than doubled from last year. Scratchers are creating and sharing projects to support and inspire others through the pandemic—with projects and studios that offer ideas for exercising at home, tips for staying healthy, humor to cheer up one another, and thanks to essential workers.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch online community",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "Our Mission",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and collaborate with new technologies — so they can shape the world of tomorrow.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "We are committed to prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators furthest from educational justice.",
"annualReport.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
"annualReport.mastheadYear": "Rapporto Annuale 2019",
"annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Sviluppare un Mondo fondato sull'Apprendimento Creativo",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Messaggio dal Team di Scratch",
"annualReport.messageP1": "Il 2019 è stato un anno di notevoli progressi per Scratch. Abbiamo iniziato l'anno con il lancio di Scratch 3.0, la nuova generazione di Scratch, progettato con lo scopo di stimolare la creatività dei ragazzi e di coinvolgere ragazzi con interessi e ambienti di provenienza diversi. Abbiamo celebrato la fine dell'anno nella nostra nuova sede ora ospitata dalla Scratch Foundation, in un ampio spazio al primo piano vicino a South Station a Boston. Durante tutto l'anno la comunità di Scratch ha continuato a svilupparsi e a crescere: Più di 20 million di giovani hanno creato i loro progetti con Scratch nel 2019, con un aumento del 48% rispetto all'anno precedente.",
"annualReport.messageP2": "L'impatto e l'importanza di Scratch sono stati evidenziati nel 2020 nel momento in cui la pandemia COVID ha imposto la chiusura delle scuole. L'attività nella comunità online di Scratch è più che raddoppiata nel momento in cui i più giovani, confinati nelle loro abitazioni, si sono rivolti a Scratch per esprimersi in modo creativo e per mettersi in contatto gli uni con gli altri. I membri della comunità sono stati anche attivamente coinvolti nel movimento Black Lives Matter e in altri movimenti che combattono per la giustizia razziale e l'uguaglianza, creando progetti animati e gallerie di progetti per diffondere la consapevolezza e per chiedere il cambiamento.",
"annualReport.messageP3": "Da momento in cui abbiamo lanciato Scratch nel 2007 abbiamo sempre visto Scratch come qualcosa di più di un linguaggio di programmazione. Scratch fornisce opportunità per tutti i giovani, da qualunque ambiente provengano, di sviluppare la loro voce, di esprimere le proprie idee e di creare gli uni insieme agli altri. Siamo entusiasti di vedere tutti i modo con cui i membri della comunità di Scratch hanno risposto alle recenti sfide della società attraverso la creatività, la collaborazione, il prendersi cura degli altri e la gentilezza.",
"annualReport.messageP4": "In questo Rapporto Annuale condivideremo con voi la missione, i piani, l'impatto e la diffusione di Scratch, supportati da esempi di come Scratch stia allargando le opportunità di apprendimento per giovani di tutto il mondo anche molto diversi tra loro, sia a scuola che nelle loro vite. ",
"annualReport.messageP5": "Siamo orgogliosi di quello che i giovani stanno creando e imparando oggi grazie a Scratch, e ci impegniamo a fornire ancora maggiori opportunità per un numero sempre maggiore di giovani in futuro.",
"annualReport.messageSignature": "— Il Team di Scratch",
"annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch Risponde al COVID",
"annualReport.covidResponseP1": "Mentre scriviamo questo rapporto annuale la pandemia COVID è iniziata già da alcuni mesi. A metà Marzo 2020 l'ufficio di Scratch è stato chiuso e i membri del Team di Scratch hanno continuato a lavorare da casa per supportare ragazzi ed educatori di tutto il mondo le cui vite sono state sconvolte dalla pandemia.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP2": "Il 17 Marzo abbiamo lanciato l'iniziativa #ScratchAtHome per fornire a ragazzi, famiglie ed educatori idee per attività di apprendimento creativo basate su Scratch da svolgere a casa. Continuiamo ad aggiungere video tutorial e altre risorse alla {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "pagina #ScratchAtHome",
"annualReport.covidResponseP3": "L'attività nella {scratchCommunityLink} è più che raddoppiata dall'ultimo anno. I membri della comunità creano e condividono progetti per supportare e inspirare gli altri durante la pandemia—con progetti e gallerie che offrono idee per fare esercizio a casa, suggerimenti per mantenersi in buona salute, umorismo per tirare su gli altri e che ringraziano i lavori essenziali per continuare a svolgere il loro lavoro.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "comunità online di Scratch",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "La Nostra Missione",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "La nostra missione è fornire a tutti ragazzi, qualunque sia loro provenienza, opportunità per immaginare, creare e collaborare attraverso le nuove tecnologie — in modo che possa plasmare il mondo di domani.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "Siamo impegnati a mettere in primo piano l'uguaglianza in tutti gli aspetti del nostro lavoro, con un'attenzione particolare verso le iniziative e gli approcci che supportano i ragazzi, le famiglie e gli educatori provenienti da ambienti in cui non c'è parità di educazione.",
"annualReport.missionP2": "Abbiamo sviluppato Scratch come un ambiente gratuito, sicuro e giocoso che impegna tutti i ragazzi nel pensare in modo creativo, ragionare in maniera sistematica e lavorare in modo collaborativo — abilità essenziali per chiunque nella società attuale. Lavoriamo con educatori e famiglie per supportare i ragazzi nell'esplorare, condividere e imparare.",
"annualReport.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the {fourPsItalics}:",
"annualReport.fourPs": "Four P’s of Creative Learning",
"annualReport.missionProjectsTitle": "Progetti",
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring",
"annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects",
"annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate",
"annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Milestones",
"annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Stadi di avanzamento",
"annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Here are some key events and accomplishments in the history of Scratch and the global Scratch community.",
"annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Awarded a National Science Foundation grant to start development of Scratch",
"annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Offered first Scratch workshop at Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
"annualReport.reach22million": "22 {million}",
"annualReport.reachDownloads": "Downloads Since Launching in 2014",
"annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Initiatives",
"annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Iniziative",
"annualReport.initiativesDescription": "The work at the Scratch Foundation centers on three strategic areas: creative tools, community, and schools. Each area prioritizes the voice and needs of children who are underrepresented in creative computing and seeks to support children in diverse settings and cultures around the world.",
"annualReport.equity": "Equity",
"annualReport.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy",
@ -10,20 +10,20 @@
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "寄付",
"annualReport.mastheadYear": "2019年 年次報告書",
"annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivating a World of Creative Learning",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Message from the Scratch Team",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Scratchチームからのメッセージ",
"annualReport.messageP1": "2019 was a year of great progress for Scratch. We started the year with the launch of Scratch 3.0, our newest generation of Scratch, designed to spark children’s creativity and engage children with diverse interests and backgrounds. We celebrated the end of the year with our team moving from MIT into its new home at the Scratch Foundation, in a playful first-floor space near South Station in Boston. Throughout the year, the Scratch community continued to thrive and grow: More than 20 million young people created projects with Scratch in 2019, an increase of 48% over the year before.",
"annualReport.messageP2": "The impact and importance of Scratch have been highlighted in 2020 as the COVID pandemic forced schools to close. Activity in the Scratch online community more than doubled as young people, confined to their homes, turned to Scratch to express themselves creatively and connect with one another. Scratchers have also been actively engaged in Black Lives Matter and other movements for racial justice and equity, creating animated projects and studios to spread awareness and demand change.",
"annualReport.messageP3": "From the time we launched Scratch in 2007, we have always seen Scratch as more than a programming language. Scratch provides opportunities for all young people, from all backgrounds, to develop their voices, express their ideas, and create with one another. We love to see the ways that Scratchers have responded to recent societal challenges with creativity, collaboration, caring, and kindness.",
"annualReport.messageP4": "In this Annual Report, we’ll share more about the mission, plans, impact, and reach of Scratch, supported with examples of how Scratch is expanding learning opportunities for a broad diversity of young people around the world, both in schools and throughout their lives.",
"annualReport.messageP5": "We’re proud of what young people are creating and learning with Scratch today, and we’re committed to providing more opportunities for more young people in the future.",
"annualReport.messageSignature": "— The Scratch Team",
"annualReport.messageSignature": "— Scratchチーム",
"annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch Responds to COVID",
"annualReport.covidResponseP1": "As we write this annual report, we are months into the COVID pandemic. Since the middle of March 2020, the Scratch office has been closed and Scratch Team members have been actively working from home to support children and educators around the world whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP2": "On March 17, we launched the #ScratchAtHome initiative to provide children, families, and educators with ideas for engaging in creative learning activities with Scratch at home. We continue to add video tutorials and other resources to the {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtHome page",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "#ScratchAtHome ページ",
"annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Activity in the {scratchCommunityLink} has more than doubled from last year. Scratchers are creating and sharing projects to support and inspire others through the pandemic—with projects and studios that offer ideas for exercising at home, tips for staying healthy, humor to cheer up one another, and thanks to essential workers.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch online community",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "Our Mission",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Scratch オンラインコミュニティー",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "私たちの使命",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and collaborate with new technologies — so they can shape the world of tomorrow.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "We are committed to prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators furthest from educational justice.",
"annualReport.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
@ -55,43 +55,43 @@
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "Scratch Team moves from MIT into Scratch Foundation",
"annualReport.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World",
"annualReport.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.",
"annualReport.reachMillion": "million",
"annualReport.reach170million": "170 {million}",
"annualReport.reach60million": "60 {million}",
"annualReport.reach20million": "20 {million}",
"annualReport.reach48million": "48 {million}",
"annualReport.reachUniqueVisitors": "Unique Visitors",
"annualReport.reachProjectsCreated": "Projects Created",
"annualReport.reachProjectCreators": "People Created Projects",
"annualReport.reachComments": "Comments Posted in the Online Community",
"annualReport.reachGrowthTitle": "Community Growth",
"annualReport.reachGrowthBlurb": "New accounts created in the Scratch Online Community within the last 5 years.",
"annualReport.reachGlobalCommunity": "Our Global Community",
"annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Total accounts registered in the Scratch Online Community from the launch of Scratch through 2019",
"annualReport.reachMap20M": "20M",
"annualReport.reachMapLog": "on a logarithmic scale",
"annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 60+ Languages",
"annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "Thanks to volunteer translators from around the world.",
"annualReport.reachMillion": "00万",
"annualReport.reach170million": "1億70{million}",
"annualReport.reach60million": "60{million}",
"annualReport.reach20million": "20{million}",
"annualReport.reach48million": "48{million}",
"annualReport.reachUniqueVisitors": "ユニークな訪問数",
"annualReport.reachProjectsCreated": "作成されたプロジェクト数",
"annualReport.reachProjectCreators": "プロジェクトの作成者数",
"annualReport.reachComments": "オンラインコミュニティーに投稿されたコメント数",
"annualReport.reachGrowthTitle": "コミュニティーの成長",
"annualReport.reachGrowthBlurb": "最近の5年間、Scratchオンラインコミュニティーにて作成されたアカウントの数",
"annualReport.reachGlobalCommunity": "グローバルコミュニティー",
"annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Scratch オンラインコミュニティーにてScratchの公開から2019年までに登録されたアカウントの数",
"annualReport.reachMap20M": "2000万",
"annualReport.reachMapLog": "対数スケール使用",
"annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratchは60以上の言語に翻訳されています",
"annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "世界中のボランティア翻訳者に感謝します。",
"annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
"annualReport.reach22million": "22 {million}",
"annualReport.reachDownloads": "Downloads Since Launching in 2014",
"annualReport.reach22million": "22{million}",
"annualReport.reachDownloads": "2014年の公開からのダウンロード数",
"annualReport.initiativesTitle": "Initiatives",
"annualReport.initiativesDescription": "The work at the Scratch Foundation centers on three strategic areas: creative tools, community, and schools. Each area prioritizes the voice and needs of children who are underrepresented in creative computing and seeks to support children in diverse settings and cultures around the world.",
"annualReport.equity": "Equity",
"annualReport.globalStrategy": "Global Strategy",
"annualReport.equity": "公正さ",
"annualReport.globalStrategy": "グローバル戦略",
"annualReport.toolsTitle": "Creative Tools",
"annualReport.toolsIntro": "We are constantly experimenting and innovating with new technologies and new designs — always striving to provide children with new ways to create, collaborate, and learn.",
"annualReport.toolsSpotlight": "Creative Tools — Spotlight Story",
"annualReport.toolsLaunch": "Launch of Scratch 3.0",
"annualReport.toolsLaunch": "Scratch 3.0の公開",
"annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro1": "We designed Scratch 3.0 to expand how, what, and where kids can create with Scratch. Released at the start of 2019, Scratch 3.0 led to a surge of activity in the Scratch community, with more projects — and a greater variety of projects — than ever before.",
"annualReport.toolsLaunchIntro2": "Scratch 3.0 includes a library of extensions — extra collections of coding blocks that add new capabilities to Scratch. Some extensions provide access to web services and other software features, while others connect Scratch with physical-world devices like motors and sensors.",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "Text-to-Speech",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeech": "音声合成拡張機能",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechIntro": "With the Text-to-Speech extension, kids can program their Scratch characters to speak out loud, in a variety of different voices.",
"annualReport.toolsNumProjects": "330,000+",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "{numProjects} projects in 2019 used Text-to-Speech",
"annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "Most Popular",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "{mostPopular} new Scratch Extension in the community",
"annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "Collaboration with Amazon Web Services",
"annualReport.toolsNumProjects": "330,000個以上",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechProjects": "2019年、{numProjects}のプロジェクトが音声合成拡張機能を使いました。",
"annualReport.toolsMostPopular": "最も人気な",
"annualReport.toolsTexttoSpeechPopular": "コミュニティー内で{mostPopular}新しい拡張機能です。",
"annualReport.toolsCollabAWS": "Amazon Web Serviceと協力して作りました。",
"annualReport.toolsTranslate": "翻訳",
"annualReport.toolsTranslateIntro": "With the Translate extension, built on the Google Translate API, kids can incorporate automatic translation into their projects, supporting language learning and global communication.",
"annualReport.toolsNumLanguages": "50+",
@ -9,52 +9,52 @@
"annualReport.subnavTeam": "Equipe",
"annualReport.subnavDonate": "Doações",
"annualReport.mastheadYear": "Relatório Anual de 2019",
"annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivating a World of Creative Learning",
"annualReport.mastheadTitle": "Cultivando um Mundo de Aprendizado Criativo",
"annualReport.messageTitle": "Mensagem da Equipe Scratch",
"annualReport.messageP1": "2019 was a year of great progress for Scratch. We started the year with the launch of Scratch 3.0, our newest generation of Scratch, designed to spark children’s creativity and engage children with diverse interests and backgrounds. We celebrated the end of the year with our team moving from MIT into its new home at the Scratch Foundation, in a playful first-floor space near South Station in Boston. Throughout the year, the Scratch community continued to thrive and grow: More than 20 million young people created projects with Scratch in 2019, an increase of 48% over the year before.",
"annualReport.messageP2": "The impact and importance of Scratch have been highlighted in 2020 as the COVID pandemic forced schools to close. Activity in the Scratch online community more than doubled as young people, confined to their homes, turned to Scratch to express themselves creatively and connect with one another. Scratchers have also been actively engaged in Black Lives Matter and other movements for racial justice and equity, creating animated projects and studios to spread awareness and demand change.",
"annualReport.messageP3": "From the time we launched Scratch in 2007, we have always seen Scratch as more than a programming language. Scratch provides opportunities for all young people, from all backgrounds, to develop their voices, express their ideas, and create with one another. We love to see the ways that Scratchers have responded to recent societal challenges with creativity, collaboration, caring, and kindness.",
"annualReport.messageP4": "In this Annual Report, we’ll share more about the mission, plans, impact, and reach of Scratch, supported with examples of how Scratch is expanding learning opportunities for a broad diversity of young people around the world, both in schools and throughout their lives.",
"annualReport.messageP5": "We’re proud of what young people are creating and learning with Scratch today, and we’re committed to providing more opportunities for more young people in the future.",
"annualReport.messageP1": "2019 foi um ano de muito progresso para o Scratch. Começamos o ano lançando o Scratch 3.0, a mais nova geração do Scratch, projetada para engajar e incentivar a criatividade de crianças com diversos interesses e origens. Celebramos o fim do ano mudando nossa equipe do MIT para o seu novo lar na Fundação Scratch, em um espaço divertido no andar térreo próximo à South Station em Boston. Durante este ano, a comunidade Scratch continuou a crescer e prosperar: Mais de 20 milhões de jovens criando projetos com Scratch em 2019, um aumento de 48% em relação ao ano anterior.",
"annualReport.messageP2": "O impacto e importância do Scratch foi destacado em 2020 já que a pandemia do COVID forçou escolas a fechar. A atividade na comunidade online do Scratch mais que dobrou quando jovens, confinados às suas casas, vieram ao Scratch para se expressar criativamente e conectar uns com os outros. Scratchers também estão ativamente engajados no Black Lives Matter e outros movimentos a favor de justiça racial e igualdade, criando projetos animados e estúdios para espalhar a mensagem e exigir mudança.",
"annualReport.messageP3": "Desde que lançamos o Scratch em 2007, sempre vimos o Scratch mais como linguagem de programação. O Scratch oferece oportunidades a toda criança, de toda origem, para desenvolver suas vozes, expressar suas ideias e criar juntos. Nós amamos ver como os Scratchers têm respondido aos desafios sociais recentes com criatividade, colaboração, amor e carinho.",
"annualReport.messageP4": "Neste Relatório Anual, compartilharemos mais sobre a missão, planos, impacto e alcance do Scratch, apoiados com exemplos de como o Scratch expande oportunidades de aprendizado para uma grande diversidade de jovens ao redor do mundo, nas escolas e em suas vidas.",
"annualReport.messageP5": "Temos orgulho do que jovens estão criando e aprendendo com o Scratch hoje em dia, e nos comprometemos em abrir mais oportunidades para mais jovens no futuro.",
"annualReport.messageSignature": "— A Equipe Scratch",
"annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "Scratch Responds to COVID",
"annualReport.covidResponseP1": "As we write this annual report, we are months into the COVID pandemic. Since the middle of March 2020, the Scratch office has been closed and Scratch Team members have been actively working from home to support children and educators around the world whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP2": "On March 17, we launched the #ScratchAtHome initiative to provide children, families, and educators with ideas for engaging in creative learning activities with Scratch at home. We continue to add video tutorials and other resources to the {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
"annualReport.covidResponseTitle": "O Scratch Responde ao COVID",
"annualReport.covidResponseP1": "Enquanto escrevemos este relatório anual, estamos há meses na pandemia do COVID. Desde a metade de março de 2020, o escritório do Scratch está fechado e os membros da Equipe Scratch trabalham ativamente de casa para apoiar as crianças e educadores ao redor do mundo cujas vidas foram perturbadas pela pandemia.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP2": "Em 17 de março, lançamos a iniciativa #ScratchEmCasa para dar ideias a crianças, famílias e educadores para participar de atividades de aprendizado criativo com o Scratch em casa. Ainda adicionamos tutoriais em vídeo e outros recursos à {scratchAtHomeLink}.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchAtHomePage": "Página #ScratchEmCasa",
"annualReport.covidResponseP3": "Activity in the {scratchCommunityLink} has more than doubled from last year. Scratchers are creating and sharing projects to support and inspire others through the pandemic—with projects and studios that offer ideas for exercising at home, tips for staying healthy, humor to cheer up one another, and thanks to essential workers.",
"annualReport.covidResponseP3": "A atividade na {scratchCommunityLink} aumentou mais que o dobro do ano passado. Scratchers estão criando e compartilhando projetos para apoiar e inspirar os outros na pandemia—com projetos e estúdios que oferecem ideias de exercícios em cada, dicas para se manter saudável, humor para animar uns aos outros e agradecimentos para os trabalhadores de serviços essenciais.",
"annualReport.covidResponseScratchCommunity": "Comunidade online Scratch",
"annualReport.missionTitle": "Nossa Missão",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Our mission is to provide all children, from all backgrounds, with opportunities to imagine, create, and collaborate with new technologies — so they can shape the world of tomorrow.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "We are committed to prioritizing equity across all aspects of our work, with a particular focus on initiatives and approaches that support children, families, and educators furthest from educational justice.",
"annualReport.missionP2": "We’ve developed Scratch as a free, safe, playful learning environment that engages all children in thinking creatively, reasoning systematically, and working collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today's society. We work with educators and families to support children in exploring, sharing, and learning.",
"annualReport.missionP3": "In developing new technologies, activities, and learning materials, we are guided by what we call the {fourPsItalics}:",
"annualReport.missionSubtitle": "Nossa missão é dar a todas as crianças, de todas as origens, oportunidades de imaginar, criar e colaborar com novas tecnologias — para que eles possam formar o mundo de amanhã.",
"annualReport.missionP1": "Nos comprometemos com a igualdade em todos os aspectos de nosso trabalho, com foco particular em iniciativas e abordagens que apoiem crianças, famílias e educadores mais distantes da justiça educacional.",
"annualReport.missionP2": "Desenvolvemos o Scratch como um ambiente de aprendizado livre, seguro e divertido que encoraja toda criança a pensar criativamente, raciocinar sobre sistemas e trabalhar em conjunto — habilidades essenciais na sociedade atual. Trabalhamos com educadores e famílias para apoiar crianças em sua exploração, compartilhamento e aprendizado.",
"annualReport.missionP3": "Ao desenvolver novas tecnologias, atividades e materiais de aprendizado, seguimos o que chamamos de {fourPsItalics}:",
"annualReport.fourPs": "Os 4 P's da Aprendizagem Criativa",
"annualReport.missionProjectsTitle": "Projetos",
"annualReport.missionPeersTitle": "Pares",
"annualReport.missionPassionTitle": "Paixão",
"annualReport.missionPlayTitle": "Pensar brincando",
"annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "Engage children in designing, creating, and expressing themselves creatively",
"annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Support children in collaborating, sharing, remixing, and mentoring",
"annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Enable children to build on their interests and work on personally meaningful projects",
"annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Encourage children to tinker, experiment, and iterate",
"annualReport.missionProjectsDescription": "Encoraje as crianças a projetar, criar e expressar a si mesmas criativamente",
"annualReport.missionPeersDescription": "Apoie as crianças em colaboração, compartilhamento, remixes e mentoria",
"annualReport.missionPassionDescription": "Permita às crianças a construção de seus interesses e trabalho em projetos que significam algo para elas.",
"annualReport.missionPlayDescription": "Encoraje as crianças a brincar, experimentar e iterar",
"annualReport.milestonesTitle": "Marcos históricos",
"annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Here are some key events and accomplishments in the history of Scratch and the global Scratch community.",
"annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Awarded a National Science Foundation grant to start development of Scratch",
"annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Offered first Scratch workshop at Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
"annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Public launch of Scratch programming language and online community",
"annualReport.milestones2008Message": "Organized first Scratch Conference for educators and developers",
"annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Released Scratch 1.4, translated into more than 40 languages",
"annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "Hosted first Scratch Day event for children and families",
"annualReport.milestones2010Message": "Scratch online community reaches 1 million members",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Established Code-to-Learn Foundation (later renamed Scratch Foundation)",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Launch of Scratch 2.0, providing new opportunities for collaboration",
"annualReport.milestones2014Message": "Launch of ScratchJr for younger children, ages 5 to 7",
"annualReport.milestones2016Message": "Scratch online community reaches 10 million members",
"annualReport.milestones2017Message": "Scratch Day grows to 1,100 events in 60 countries",
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Launch of Scratch 3.0, expanding what kids can create with code",
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "Scratch Team moves from MIT into Scratch Foundation",
"annualReport.reachTitle": "Reaching Children Around the World",
"annualReport.reachSubtitle": "Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and teens, ages 8 and up.",
"annualReport.milestonesDescription": "Aqui estão alguns eventos e conquistas importantes na história do Scratch e da comunidade global do Scratch.",
"annualReport.milestones2003Message": "Recebido subsídio da National Science Foundation para começar o desenvolvimento do Scratch",
"annualReport.milestones2004Message": "Primeira oficina de Scratch oferecida no Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit",
"annualReport.milestones2007Message": "Lançamento público da linguagem de programação e comunidade online do Scratch",
"annualReport.milestones2008Message": "Organizada primeira Conferência Scratch para educadores e desenvolvedores",
"annualReport.milestones2009Message1.4": "Lançamento do Scratch 1.4, traduzido para mais de 40 idiomas",
"annualReport.milestones2009MessageScratchDay": "Primeiro evento Scratch Day hospedado para crianças e famílias",
"annualReport.milestones2010Message": "A comunidade online do Scratch alcança 1 milhão de membros",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageFoundation": "Fundação Code-to-Learn estabelecida (atual Fundação Scratch)",
"annualReport.milestones2013MessageScratch2": "Lançamento do Scratch 2.0, oferecendo novas oportunidades de colaboração",
"annualReport.milestones2014Message": "Lançamento do ScratchJr para crianças mais novas, de 5 a 7 anos",
"annualReport.milestones2016Message": "A comunidade online do Scratch atinge 10 milhões de membros",
"annualReport.milestones2017Message": "1.100 eventos Scratch Day acontecem em 60 países",
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageScratch3": "Lançamento do Scratch 3.0, expande as possibilidades das crianças com código",
"annualReport.milestones2019MessageMove": "A Equipe Scratch se muda do MIT para a Fundação Scratch",
"annualReport.reachTitle": "Alcançando Crianças ao Redor do Mundo",
"annualReport.reachSubtitle": "O Scratch é a maior comunidade de programação para crianças e adolescentes, acima de 8 anos.",
"annualReport.reachMillion": "milhões",
"annualReport.reach170million": "170 {million}",
"annualReport.reach60million": "60 {million}",
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
"annualReport.reachMapBlurb": "Total de contas registradas na Comunidade Scratch Online desde o lançamento do Scratch até 2019",
"annualReport.reachMap20M": "20 milhões",
"annualReport.reachMapLog": "em uma escala logarítmica ",
"annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "Scratch is Translated into 60+ Languages",
"annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "Thanks to volunteer translators from around the world.",
"annualReport.reachTranslationTitle": "O Scratch é Traduzido em Mais de 60 Idiomas",
"annualReport.reachTranslationBlurb": "Graças a tradutores voluntários de todo o mundo",
"annualReport.reachScratchJrBlurb": "ScratchJr is an introductory programming environment that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.",
"annualReport.reach22million": "22 {million}",
"annualReport.reachDownloads": "Downloads Since Launching in 2014",
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