pull new editor translations from Transifex

This commit is contained in:
Travis CI User 2020-05-05 21:32:36 +00:00
parent 7df7dff0a9
commit 959b74cfed
210 changed files with 801 additions and 305 deletions

View file

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
"boost.addExtension": "Add the BOOST extension.",
"boost.thingsToTry": "Игәаҭатәу",
"boost.makeAMotorMove": "Иаԥҵатәуп амотор аиҭаҵра",
"boost.findTurnMotorOnForSeconds": "Find the {turnMotorOnForSeconds} block and click on it.",
"boost.turnMotorOnForSeconds": "“turn motor A on for 1 seconds”",
"boost.findTurnMotorOnForSeconds": "Ишәыԥшаа аблок {turnMotorOnForSeconds}, нас иара шәақәыӷәӷәа. ",
"boost.turnMotorOnForSeconds": "\"иаҿактәуп амотор A 1 секундк\"",
"boost.connectALegoBeam": "Connect a LEGO beam with an axle to motor A and click the block again to make it spin.",
"boost.starterProjects": "Ахалагаратә проектқәа",
"boost.troubleshootingTitle": "Агхақәа раԥыхра",

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"conference-2020.registrationFee": "Coût de la conférence: 250$",
"conference-2020.registrationOpen": "Le prix de la conférence comprend 7 repas (3 déjeuners, 3 dîners, 1 souper) ainsi que des rafraîchissements tout au long de la journée.",
"conference-2020.registrationDelayed": "En réponse à la crise de coronavirus (COVID-19), nous avons décidé de postposer la conférence Scratch à l'année prochaine, du 22 au 24 juillet 2021. Nous envoyons nos meilleurs vœux à toute notre communauté mondiale et espérons que vous pourrez nous rejoindre !",
"conference-2020.connectNow": "Want to connect now? We invite you to learn more about our online conversations, resources, and events at {scratchInPracticeLink}.",
"conference-2020.connectNow": "Tu veux te connecter maintenant ? Nous t'invitons à en apprendre plus à propose de nos conversation en ligne, ressources, et évènements sur {scratchInPracticeLink}.",
"conference-2020.scratchInPracticeText": "Scratch en Pratique",
"conference-2020.register": "Aller à la page d'inscription",
"conference-2020.stayDesc1": "Nous publierons des nouvelles options d'hébergement au début 2021.",

View file

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
"conference-2020.title": "Scratch Conference 2021:",
"conference-2020.subtitle": "Let's Create Together!",
"conference-2020.dateDesc": "July 22-24, 2021 | Cambridge, MA, USA",
"conference-2020.dateDescMore": " (with opening reception the evening of July 21)",
"conference-2020.title": "Scratchカンファレンス 2021",
"conference-2020.subtitle": "いっしょにそうぞうしましょう!",
"conference-2020.dateDesc": "2021ねん7がつ22にち-24にち | アメリカ、マサチューセッツしゅう、ケンブリッジ",
"conference-2020.dateDescMore": "(7がつ21にちゆうがたのオープニング・レセプションつき)",
"conference-2020.locationDetails": "マサチューセッツ州、ケンブリッジ、MITメディアラボ",
"conference-2020.date": "開催日:",
"conference-2020.location": "場所:",
"conference-2020.desc1": "Join us for the Scratch Conference, an international gathering where educators, researchers, and developers share ideas for supporting creative learning with Scratch.",
"conference-2020.desc1a": "Due to the global health crisis, we have delayed the conference for one year, to July 22-24, 2021.",
"conference-2020.desc2": "Scratch has become the world's largest coding community for children around the world. The conference offers hands-on workshops, panel discussions, and interactive demonstrations to explore ways for using Scratch to expand creative learning experiences for diverse learners across subject areas.",
"conference-2020.desc3": "Together we'll exchange ideas and strategies on how to use Scratch to engage students in learning to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively—essential skills for everyone in todays society.",
"conference-2020.desc1": "きょういくかんけいしゃ、けんきゅうしゃ、かいはつしゃがScratchでのクリエイティブラーニングをささえるためのアイデアをきょうゆうするせかいてきなつどいであるScratchカンファレンスにさんかしましょう。",
"conference-2020.desc1a": "せかいてきなけんこうききにより、カンファレンスは2021ねん7がつ22にち-24にちへ、1ねんえんきされました。",
"conference-2020.desc2": "Scratchは、せかいでさいだいの、せかいじゅうのこどもむけのコーディングコミュニティーとなりました。カンファレンスでは、Scratchをつかって、いろいろなちいきでのたようながくしゅうしゃのクリエイティブラーニングのけいけんをひろげるほうほうをたんさくするためのワークショップ、パネルディスカッション、そしてインタラクティブなデモンストレーションがおこなわれます。",
"conference-2020.desc3": "Scratchをつかってせいとをそうぞうてきにかんがえ、たいけいてきにりゆうづけ、そしてきょうどうでさぎょうするようひきこむためのアイデアやせんりゃくをこうかんします。これらはこんにちのしゃかいにおいてひつようふかけつなスキルです。",
"conference-2020.registrationTitle": "参加費:",
"conference-2020.registrationFee": "Conference Fee: $250",
"conference-2020.registrationOpen": "The conference fee includes 7 meals (3 breakfast, 3 lunches, 1 dinner) plus refreshments during the day.",
"conference-2020.registrationDelayed": "In response to the coronavirus crisis (COVID-19), we have decided to delay the Scratch conference for one year, to July 22-24, 2021. We are sending well wishes to our entire global community and hope you can join us then!",
"conference-2020.connectNow": "Want to connect now? We invite you to learn more about our online conversations, resources, and events at {scratchInPracticeLink}.",
"conference-2020.registrationFee": "カンファレンスさんかひ:250ドル",
"conference-2020.registrationOpen": "カンファレンスのさんかひには7しょく(ちょうしょく3、ちゅうしょく3、ゆうしょく1)とにっちゅうのけいしょくがふくまれます。",
"conference-2020.registrationDelayed": "しんがたコロナウイルスかんせんしょう(COVID-19)のききにたいおうするため、Scratchカンファレンスを1ねんえんきし、2021ねん7がつ22にち-24にちにかいさいすることをけっていしました。すべてのせかいじゅうのコミュニティーにこううんをおくっていて、みなさんがさんかするのをたのしみにしています!",
"conference-2020.connectNow": "いまつながりたいですか?{scratchInPracticeLink}にて、オンラインでのかいわ、リソース、イベントについてもっとふかくまなびましょう。",
"conference-2020.scratchInPracticeText": "Scratch in Practice",
"conference-2020.register": "Go to registration page",
"conference-2020.stayDesc1": "We will be posting revised lodging options at the beginning of 2021.",
"conference-2020.stayDesc2": "For additional questions, contact the Scratch Conference Team at {emailLink}",
"conference-2020.organizedBy": "The Scratch Conference is organized by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab in collaboration with the Scratch Foundation."
"conference-2020.register": "とうろくページにいく",
"conference-2020.stayDesc1": "かいていごのしゅくはくにかんするじこうは2021ねんのはじめにとうこうします。",
"conference-2020.stayDesc2": "そのほかのしつもんにかんしては、{emailLink}にてScratchカンファレンスチームにれんらくしてください。",
"conference-2020.organizedBy": "ScratchカンファレンスはMITメディアラボのライフロングキンダーガーテングループがScratchざいだんのきょうりょくによりかいさいしています。"

View file

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
"conference-2020.title": "Scratch Conference 2021:",
"conference-2020.subtitle": "Laten we samen creëren!",
"conference-2020.dateDesc": "July 22-24, 2021 | Cambridge, MA, USA",
"conference-2020.dateDescMore": " (with opening reception the evening of July 21)",
"conference-2020.dateDesc": "22-24 juli 2021 | Cambridge, MA, USA",
"conference-2020.dateDescMore": "(met een openingsreceptie op de avond van 21 juli)",
"conference-2020.locationDetails": "MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA",
"conference-2020.date": "Wanneer:",
"conference-2020.location": "Waar:",
"conference-2020.desc1": "Doe mee met de Scratch Conference, een internationale bijeenkomst waar docenten, onderzoekers en ontwikkelaars ideeën delen voor het ondersteunen van creatief leren met Scratch.",
"conference-2020.desc1a": "Due to the global health crisis, we have delayed the conference for one year, to July 22-24, 2021.",
"conference-2020.desc1a": "Vanwege de wereldwijde gezondheidscrisis hebben we de conferentie een jaar uitgesteld, tot 22-24 juli 2021.",
"conference-2020.desc2": "Scratch is 's werelds grootste codeergemeenschap voor kinderen over de hele wereld geworden. De conferentie biedt hands-on workshops, paneldiscussies en interactieve demonstraties om manieren te verkennen om Scratch te gebruiken om creatieve leerervaringen uit te breiden voor verschillende leerlingen in verschillende vakgebieden.",
"conference-2020.desc3": "Samen gaan we ideeën en strategieën uitwisselen over hoe Scratch te gebruiken om leerlingen te betrekken bij het leren creatief denken, systematisch redeneren en samenwerken — essentiële vaardigheden voor iedereen in de huidige samenleving.",
"conference-2020.registrationTitle": "Aanmelding:",
"conference-2020.registrationFee": "Kosten van de conferentie: $250",
"conference-2020.registrationOpen": "Inbegrepen zijn 7 maaltijden (3 ontbijt, 3 lunches, 1 diner) plus versnaperingen gedurende de dag.",
"conference-2020.registrationDelayed": "In response to the coronavirus crisis (COVID-19), we have decided to delay the Scratch conference for one year, to July 22-24, 2021. We are sending well wishes to our entire global community and hope you can join us then!",
"conference-2020.connectNow": "Want to connect now? We invite you to learn more about our online conversations, resources, and events at {scratchInPracticeLink}.",
"conference-2020.scratchInPracticeText": "Scratch in Practice",
"conference-2020.registrationDelayed": "Als reactie op de coronaviruscrisis (COVID-19) hebben we besloten de Scratch-conferentie met één jaar uit te stellen, tot 22-24 juli 2021. We sturen onze hele wereldwijde gemeenschap goede wensen en hopen dat je je dan bij ons kunt aansluiten!",
"conference-2020.connectNow": "Nu verbinding maken? We nodigen je uit om meer te leren over onze online gesprekken, bronnen en evenementen op {scratchInPracticeLink}.",
"conference-2020.scratchInPracticeText": "Scratch in praktijk",
"conference-2020.register": "Ga naar registratiepagina",
"conference-2020.stayDesc1": "We will be posting revised lodging options at the beginning of 2021.",
"conference-2020.stayDesc2": "For additional questions, contact the Scratch Conference Team at {emailLink}",
"conference-2020.stayDesc1": "We zullen begin 2021 herziene accommodatiemogelijkheden publiceren.",
"conference-2020.stayDesc2": "Neem voor verdere vragen contact op met het Scratch Conference Team op {emailLink}",
"conference-2020.organizedBy": "De Scratch Conference wordt georganiseerd door de Lifelong Kindergarten groep in het MIT Media Lab in samenwerking met de Scratch Foundation."

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Лассы-лассы изызҵаауа",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Афорумқәа",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Scratch иазку азҵаарақәа",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": " Апрограммақәа ирызку ацхыраагӡа",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Агхақәеи аиԥҟьарақәеи",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "ተደጋግሞ የሚነሱ ጥያቄዎች",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "የመወያያ መድረኮች",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "الأسئلة متكررة الطرح",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "المنتديات",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "أسئلة عن سكراتش",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "مساعدة بالمقاطع البرمجية",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Tez-tez Verilən Suallar",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Diskussiya Forumu",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Частыя пытанні",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Форумы",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Пытанні пра Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Често задавани въпроси",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Форуми за дискусии",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Въпроси за Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Помощ със Скриптовете",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Проблеми и неизправности",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Preguntes Més Freqüents",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Fòrums de discussió",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Preguntes sobre Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Ajuda amb els Programes",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs i Errades",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "پرسیارە دووبارەبووەکان",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "مەکۆکانی گفتوگۆ",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "پرسیارەکان دەربارەی سكڕچ",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Často kladené otázky",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Diskuzní fóra",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Dotazy ke Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Pomoc se scénáři",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Chyby a závady",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Cwestiynau Cyffredin",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Os nad oes modd i chi ganfod ateb yn y Cwestiynau Cyffredin, mae yna Scratchwyr profiadol ar y Fforymau Trafod sy'n hapus i helpu.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Fforymau Trafod",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Gofynnwch yn y gymuned am unrhywbeth perthnasol i Scratch",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Gallwch ofyn cwestiynau cyffredinol ar sut i wneud pethau ar fforwm {questionsLink}.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Cwestiynau am Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Cael cymorth gyda blociau neu god i wneud i'ch project weithio.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Os ydych chi angen cymorth ar broject penodol, gofynnwch ar fforwm {scriptsLink}.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Cymorth gyda Sgriptiau",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Dod i ddeall sut mae delio gyda materion technegol fyddwch yn do ar eu traws ar wefan Scratch neu olygydd y project.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Os ydych am nodi gwall yn Scratch, ewch i fforwm {bugsLink}. Dyma'r lle gorau i gofnodi gwall a gweld os yw pobl eraill yn cael yr un anhawster.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Gwallau a Gwendidau",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Os oes angen i chi gysylltu â ni, llanwch y ffurflen isod gyda chymaint o fanylion ag y mae modd. Os oes gennych luniau sgrin, atodiadau neu ddolenni sy'n gymorth i esbonio'ch anhawster, cofiwch eu cynnwys. Rydym yn derbyn lot o e-byst, felly maen bosib na fyddwn yn gallu ateb eich neges.",

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@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
"contactUs.title": "Kontakt os",
"contactUs.intro": "You can find answers to most questions about Scratch on our {faqLink} page.",
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Ofte Stillede Spørgsmål (FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.intro": "Du kan finde svar på mange spørgsmål om Scratch på vores {faqLink} side.",
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Ofte Stillede Spørgsmål",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Hvis du ikke kan finde svaret i FAQ så er der mange erfarne Scratchere i vores Diskussions Fora, som er glade for at kunne hjælpe.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Diskussions Fora",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Du kan stille spørgsmål om hvordan man gør ting i dette forum {questionsLink}.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Spørgsmål Om Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Hvis du har brug for hjælp til et af dine projekter, kan du prøve at skrive om det i dette forum {scriptsLink}.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Hjælp med Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Fejl og Uheld",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",
"contactUs.findHelp": "Where to find help:",
"contactUs.contactScratch": "Contact the Scratch Team",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Hvis du vil melde en fejl i Scratch, tjek dette forum {bugsLink} forum. Det er det bedste sted til at melde fejl og at se om andre har oplevet lignende udfordringer. ",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs og fejl",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Hvis du stadig har brug for at komme i kontakt med os, kan du udfylde formularen nederst med så mange detaljer som muligt. Hvis du har nogle skærmbilleder, filer eller links som kan hjælpe med at forklare dit problem, skal du vedhæfte dem. Vi modtager rigtig mange mails, så det er ikke sikkert, at du får et svar på dit spørgsmål.",
"contactUs.findHelp": "Her kan du få hjælp:",
"contactUs.contactScratch": "Kontakt Scratch Teamet",
"contactUs.qTitle": "Spørgsmål",
"contactUs.seeFaq": "See the FAQ",
"contactUs.faqInfo": "You can find a list of answers to many questions about Scratch on our {faqLink} page.",
"contactUs.askCommunity": "Ask the Community",
"contactUs.forumsIntro": "You can also look through and post questions in the Scratch Discussion forums.",
"contactUs.forumsHelp": "There are many friendly and experienced Scratch community members who can help with the following topics and more:",
"contactUs.needSupport": "Need Support?",
"contactUs.supportInfo": "Click {helpLink} to type in a question about anything related to Scratch or to contact us. The Scratch Team receives lots of messages each day and is not able to answer each one individually, so we encourage you to read our online support articles and participate in the Discussion forums."
"contactUs.seeFaq": "Se FAQ",
"contactUs.faqInfo": "Du kan finde en liste over svar til mange spørgsmål om Scratch på vores {faqLink} side.",
"contactUs.askCommunity": "Spørg fællesskabet",
"contactUs.forumsIntro": "Du kan også kigge på og indsende spørgsmål i Scratch Diskussions fora.",
"contactUs.forumsHelp": "Der er mange venlige og erfarne medlemmer af Scratch fællesskabet som kan hjælpe med følgende emner og flere:",
"contactUs.needSupport": "Har du brug for hjælp?",
"contactUs.supportInfo": "Klik {helpLink} for at skrive et spørgsmål om alt muligt relateret til Scratch eller for at kontakte os. Scratch Teamet modtager rigtigt mange beskeder hver dag og kan desværre ikke svare på alle, derfor opfordrer vi dig til at læse vores online hjælpeartikler og deltage i vores Diskussions fora."

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@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Wird deine Frage in den FAQ nicht beantwortet, wende dich an die vielen erfahrenen Scratcher in den Diskussionsforen, sie helfen dir gerne weiter!",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Diskussionsforen",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Allgemeine Fragen zum Umgang mit Scratch stellst du am besten im Forum {questionsLink}.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Fragen zu Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Brauchst du Hilfe zu einem bestimmten Projekt, versuche es mit einem Post im Forum {scriptsLink}.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Hilfe bei Skripten",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Möchtest du einen Bug in Scratch melden, schau ins Forum {bugsLink}. Dieses Forum ist der beste Ort, um Bugs zu melden bzw. zu erfahren, ob bei anderen ähnliche Probleme auftreten.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Fehler und Mängel",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Wenn dein Anliegen trotz all dieser Hilfen nicht gelöst werden kann und du uns kontaktieren musst, fülle bitte das untenstehende Kontaktformular so genau wie möglich aus. Zur Bearbeitung deines Anliegens sind auch Screenshots, Anhänge oder Links hilfreich, bitte hänge sie an, sofern vorhanden. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass wir aufgrund der Flut an E-Mails, die wir erhalten, leider nicht alle persönlich beantworten können.",

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@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Συχνές Ερωτήσεις",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Αν δεν μπορείτε να βρείτε απαντήσεις στις Συχνές Ερωτήσεις, υπάρχουν έμπειροι χρήστες Scratch στους Χώρους Συζητήσεων που θα χαρούν να βοηθήσουν.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Χώροι Συζητήσεων",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Μπορείτε να κάνετε γενικές ερωτήσεις σχετικά με το πώς κάνετε πράγματα στο χώρο συζητήσεων {questionsLink}.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Ερωτήσεις σχετικά με το Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Αν χρειάζεστε βοήθεια για συγκεκριμένο έργο, δοκιμάστε να ρωτήσετε στο χώρο συζητήσεων {scriptsLink}.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Βοήθεια με τα Σενάρια",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Αν θέλετε αναφέρετε ένα σφάλμα στο Scratch, ελέγξτε το χώρος συζητήσεων {bugsLink}. Είναι το καλύτερο μέρος για να αναφέρετε σφάλματα και να δείτε αν άλλοι αντιμετωπίζουν παρόμοιες δυσκολίες.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Σφάλματα και μικροπροβλήματα",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Αν ακόμη χρειάζεστε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας, παρακαλούμε συμπληρώστε την παρακάτω φόρμα με όσο περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες μπορείτε. Αν έχετε στιγμιότυπα οθόνης, συννημένα ή συνδέσμους που βοηθούν να εξηγήσετε το πρόβλημα σας, παρακαλούμε συμπεριλάβετέ τους. Λαμβάνουμε πολλά μηνύματα, οπότε μπορεί να μην μπορούμε να απαντήσουμε στο μήνυμα σας.",

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@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Frequently Asked Questions",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Discussion Forums",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Preguntas Frecuentes",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Si no encuentras una respuesta entre las Preguntas Frecuentes, hay muchos Scratchers dispuestos a ayudarte en los foros de discusión.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Foros de discusión",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Puedes preguntar cómo hacer cosas en general en el foro {questionsLink}.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Preguntas sobre Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Si necesitas ayuda con un proyecto en específico, intenta escribir en el foro {scriptsLink}.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Ayuda con programas",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Si quieres reportar un error o \"bug\" en Scratch, revisa el foro {bugsLink}. Es el mejor lugar para reportar \"bugs\" y ver si otros tienen dificultades similares.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs y fallos",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Si aún necesitas contactarnos, por favor rellena el siguiente formulario con todos los detalles posibles. Si tienes capturas de pantalla, archivos o enlaces que ayuden a explicar tu problema, por favor adjúntalos. Recibimos muchos correos, por lo que quizás no podamos responder tu mensaje.",

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@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Foros de discusión",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Preguntas sobre Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Ayuda con programas",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs y fallos",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Korduma Kippuvad Küsimused (KKK)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Foorumid mõtetevahetuseks",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Küsimused Scratchi kohta",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Abiinfo skriptide kohta",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Vead ja tõrked",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Ohiko Galderak",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Eztabaida foroak",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Scratchi buruzko galderak",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Skriptei buruzko laguntza",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Akatsak eta erroreak",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "سوالات متداول",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "اگر نمی‌توانید در بخش سوالات متداول پاسخی پیدا کنید، بسیاری از اسکرچرها‌ی با تجربه در انجمن بحث و گفتگو هستند و خوشحال خواهند شد تا به شما کمک کنند.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "انجمن گفتگو",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "شما می‌توانید سوالات عمومی در مورد چگونگی انجام مسائل در انجمن {questionsLink} بپرسید.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "سوالات در مورد اسکرچ",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "اگر شما نیاز به کمک در یک پروژه خاص دارید، می توانید در انجمن {scriptsLink} درخواست راهنمایی کنید.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "راهنمایی با دستور‌ها",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "اگر می‌خواهید یک اشکال را در اسکرچ گزارش کنید، انجمن {bugsLink} را بررسی کنید. این بهترین مکان برای گزارش مشکلات نرم‌افزاری است و ببینید که آیا دیگران هم موارد مشابه‌ای را تجربه کرده‌اند.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "اشکال‌های نرم افزاری و فنی",
"contactUs.formIntro": "اگر هنوز نیاز به تماس با ما دارید، لطفا از طریق پر کردن فرم زیر با شرح حداکثر جزئیات اقدام کنید. لطفا هر تصویر، فایل و یا لینکی که به توضیح مشکل شما کمکی می‌کند را هم پیوست نمایید. ما ایمیل‌های زیادی دریافت می‌کنیم، بنابراین ممکن است نتوانیم به پیام شما پاسخ دهیم.",

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@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "usein kysyttyihin kysymyksiin",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "keskustelufoorumeilla",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Kysymyksiä Scratchista",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Apua skripteissä",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugit ja häiriöt",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Foire Aux Questions",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Si vous n'avez pas trouvé de réponse dans la FAQ, il y a beaucoup de scratcheurs expérimentés sur les forums de discussion qui seront ravis de vous aider.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Forums de discussion",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Vous pouvez poser des questions générales sur comment faire quelque chose sur le forum {questionsLink}.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions sur Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Si vous avez besoin d'aide avec un projet spécifique, postez dans le forum {scriptsLink}.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Aide avec les scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Si vous voulez rapporter un bug sur Scratch, allez faire un tour sur le forum {bugsLink}. C'est le meilleur endroit pour rapporter des bugs et voir si d'autres ont aussi le même problème.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs et problèmes",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Si vous avez encore besoin de nous contacter, veuillez remplir ce formulaire ci-dessous avec autant de détails que possible. Vous vous avez des captures d'écran, des fichiers attachés ou des liens qui pourraient aider à expliquer votre problème, nhésitez pas à les inclure. Nous recevons généralement beaucoup de mails, donc il est possible que ne répondions pas à votre message.",

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@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Ceisteanna Coitianta",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Cláir Phlé",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Ceisteanna Maidir le Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Cabhair le Scripteanna",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Fabhtanna agus Fadhbanna",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Ceistean àbhaisteach (CÀBHA)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Bòrd-brath",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Ceistean mu Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Cobhair le sgriobtaichean",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugaichean is mearachdan-obrachaidh",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Se non atopas unha resposta nas preguntas frecuentes, hai moitas e moitos Scratchers experimentadas/os nos foros de debate que están encantados de axudar.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Foros de Discusión",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Podes facer preguntas xerais sobre como facer cousas no foro{questionsLink}.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Preguntas sobre Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Se necesitas axuda cun proxecto específico, proba publicar no foro {scriptsLink} .",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Axuda con programas",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Se queres informar dun erro en Scratch, comproba o foro {bugsLink}. É o mellor lugar para informar de erros e ver se outras persoas teñen dificultades similares.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Fallos e Funcionamentos Anómalos",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Se aínda tes que poñerse en contacto con nos, enche o seguinte formulario co maior detalle posible. Se tes capturas de pantalla, anexos ou ligazóns que che poden axudar a explicar o teu problema, inclúeo. Recibimos moitos correos, polo que é posible que non poidamos responder á túa mensaxe.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "שאלות נפוצות",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "קבוצות דיון",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "שאלות על סקראץ'",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "עזרה עם תסריטים",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "באגים ותקלות",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Pomoć",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Discussion Forums",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Pitanja o Scratchu",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Kesyon yo Poze Souvan",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Discussion Forums",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Gyakran intézett kérdések (GYIK)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Fórumok",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Pertanyaan Sering Diajukan",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Forum Perdiskusian",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Pertanyaan Tentang Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Bantuan dengan Skrip",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bug dan Glitch",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Spurt og svarað",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Spjallþræðir",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Domande Frequenti",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Se non trovi la risposta nelle FAQ, ci sono molti utenti esperti di Scratch nei Forum di Discussione che saranno felici di aiutarti.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Forum di Discussione",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Chiedi ai membri della comunità qualunque cosa ti interessi di Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Nel forum {questionsLink}puoi porre domande generali su come fare qualcosa.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Domande su Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Ricevi aiuto sui blocchi o sul codice del tuo progetto per farlo funzionare.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Se hai bisogno di aiuto con un progetto specifico, prova a porre una domanda nel forum {scriptsLink}.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Aiuto con gli Script",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Scopri come risolvere i problemi tecnici che incontri sul sito di Scratch o nell'editor di progetti.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Se vuoi segnalare un bug di Scratch, usa il forum {bugsLink}. E' il posto migliore dove segnalare bug e capire se anche altri stanno avendo lo stesso problema.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Errori e Difetti",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Se queste informazioni non bastano e hai ancora necessità di contattarci, compila il modulo che trovi qui sotto inserendo il maggior numero possibile di dettagli. Se hai delle schermate, allegati o link che chiariscono il problema non dimenticare di includerli. Ricorda che riceviamo molte email, quindi potremmo non riuscire a rispondere al tuo messaggio.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "よくあるしつもんとこたえ(FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "ディスカッションフォーラム",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "スクリプトのヘルプ",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "よくある質問と答え(FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "よくある質問と答え(FAQ)に回答が見つからないときは、喜んで手助けしてくれる経験豊富なScratcherがディスカッションフォーラムにたくさんいます。",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "ディスカッションフォーラム",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Scratchに関する事柄についてコミュニティの他の人に尋ねる。",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "何かのやり方のような一般的な質問は、{questionsLink}フォーラムで聞いてください。(日本語フォーラムの場合は「質問コーナー」を使ってください)",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Scratchに関する質問",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: プロジェクトワークを組み立てるブロックやコードの助けを借りる。",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "特定のプロジェクトに手助けが必要ならば、{scriptsLink}フォーラムに投稿してみてください。(日本語フォーラムの場合は「質問コーナー」を使ってください)",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "スクリプトのヘルプ",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Scratchウェブサイトやプロジェクトエディターで発生する技術的な問題にどう対処したらよいか知る。",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Scratchのバグを報告したいならば、{bugsLink}フォーラムを確認してください。そこは、バグを報告したり、他の人が同じような困難を感じているかどうか確かめるのに最も適しています。(日本語フォーラムの場合は「Scratch 3.0用: バグ報告コーナー」を使ってください)",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "バグと不具合",
"contactUs.formIntro": "それでも解決せず、Scratchチームと連絡を取りたい場合は、できるかぎり詳しく以下のフォームに入力してください。あなたの問題を説明するのに役立つスクリーンショットや添付ファイル、リンクがあれば、それらも含めてください。Scratchチームには大量のメールが送られてくるため、問い合わせに返信できない場合もあります。",

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@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "კითხვა-პასუხი",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "განხილვის ფორუმები",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "សំណួរពេញនិយម",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "វេទិកាពិភាក្សា",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "សំណួរអំពី Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "ជំនួយសម្រាប់ស្គ្រីប",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "កំហុសនិងបញ្ហា",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "자주 묻는 질문(FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "FAQ에서 답을 찾을 수 없다면, 기꺼이 도와줄 수 있는 경험이 풍부한 스크래처가 토론방에 많습니다.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "토론방",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "어떤 일을 하는 방법에 대한 일반적인 질문은 {questionsLink} 토론방에서 할 수 있습니다.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "스크래치에 대한 질문",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "특정한 프로젝트에 도움이 필요하면 {scriptsLink} 토론방에 글을 써 보세요.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "스크립트 도움말",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "스크래치에 있는 버그를 신고하고 싶다면 {bugsLink} 토론방을 확인해 보세요. 버그를 신고하고 다른 사람이 비슷한 어려움을 겪고 있는지 볼 수 있는 최고의 장소입니다.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "버그와 오류",
"contactUs.formIntro": "여전히 문의해야 한다면, 자세한 정보를 최대한 많이 넣어서 아래에 있는 양식을 작성해 주세요. 문제를 설명하는 것을 도와주는 스크린샷, 첨부 파일, 링크를 가지고 있으면, 그것들을 포함해 주세요. 우리는 많은 메일을 받으므로, 메시지에 답하지 못할 수도 있습니다.",

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@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Pirsên Pir Tên Pirsîn",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Ger tu cewabekê nikaribî ji PPPyê peyda bikî, gelek Scratcherên xwedî-tecrûbe hene di Foruma Gotûbêjê de, ku wê kêfxweş bin bi alîkirina te.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Forumên Niqaşê",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Tu dikarî pirsên xwe yên giştî yên derbarê kirina tiştan de ser {questionsLink} bipirsî.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Pirsên Derbarê Scratchê de",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Ger ihtiyaciya te bi alîkariyeke bo projeyeke spesîfîk hebe, biceribîne ku di foruma {scriptsLink} de biweşînî.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Alîkariya derbarê Nivîstekan",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Ger tu bixwazî çewtiyeke di Scratchê de rapor bikî, here foruma {bugsLink}. Ew cihê herî baş e ji bo raporkirina çewtiyan û dîtina çareseriya kesên ku zehmetiyên wek vê tecrûbe kirine.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Kêşe û Çewtî",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Ger hê jî divê tu bi me re têkiliyê deyinî, xêra xwe forma li jêr tijî bike, li gel hemû detayên ku karibî bikevî. Ger skrînşût, pêvek an lînkên te yên ji bo îzahkirina problema te hebin, xêra xwe wan jî tevlî bike. Em gelek maîlan werdigirin, lewma dibe ku em nikaribin cewab bidin peyama te.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Dažnai užduodami klausimai",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Discussion Forums",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi (BUJ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Diskusiju forumi",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Jautājumi par Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Palīdzība par programmām",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Kļūdas un nepilnības",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "He Pātai Auau",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Ngā Huinga Matapaki",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "He Pātai mō Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Āwhina mō ngā Waehere",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Ngā Hapa me nga Hēhē",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Spørsmål og svar (FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Forum",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Spørsmål om Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Hjelp med skript",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Feil og mangler",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
"contactUs.title": "Contact",
"contactUs.intro": "You can find answers to most questions about Scratch on our {faqLink} page.",
"contactUs.intro": "Je kan de antwoorden op de meeste vragen over Scratch vinden op onze {faqLink} pagina.",
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Veelgestelde vragen (FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Als je het antwoord niet kan vinden in de FAQ, zijn er veel ervaren Scratchers in de Discussie Forums die je met plezier zullen helpen.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Discussieforums",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Vraag anderen in de community over alles wat met Scratch te maken heeft.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Je kan algemene vragen stellen over hoe dingen moet doen in het {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Vragen over Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Krijg hulp bij de blokken of code om je project te doen werken.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Als je hulp nodig hebt met een specifiek project, post het in het {scriptsLink}forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help met scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs en andere foutjes",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",
"contactUs.findHelp": "Waar vind je hulp:",
"contactUs.contactScratch": "Neem contact op met het Scratch Team",
"contactUs.qTitle": "Vragen",
"contactUs.seeFaq": "See the FAQ",
"contactUs.seeFaq": "Zie de FAQ",
"contactUs.faqInfo": "You can find a list of answers to many questions about Scratch on our {faqLink} page.",
"contactUs.askCommunity": "Ask the Community",
"contactUs.askCommunity": "Vraag het aan de community",
"contactUs.forumsIntro": "You can also look through and post questions in the Scratch Discussion forums.",
"contactUs.forumsHelp": "There are many friendly and experienced Scratch community members who can help with the following topics and more:",
"contactUs.needSupport": "Need Support?",
"contactUs.needSupport": "Hulp nodig?",
"contactUs.supportInfo": "Click {helpLink} to type in a question about anything related to Scratch or to contact us. The Scratch Team receives lots of messages each day and is not able to answer each one individually, so we encourage you to read our online support articles and participate in the Discussion forums."

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Spørsmål og svar (FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "diskusjonsforuma",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Spørsmål om Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Hjelp med skript",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Feil og manglar",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Najczęściej zadawane pytania (FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Jeśli nie możesz znaleźć odpowiedzi w FAQ, na forach dyskusyjnych jest wielu doświadczonych Scratcherów, którzy chętnie Ci pomogą.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Fora dyskusyjne",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Możesz zadawać różne pytania na forum {questionsLink}.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Pytania o Scratcha",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy w konkretnym projekcie, spróbuj opublikować post na forum {scriptsLink}.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Pomoc do skryptów",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Jeśli chcesz zgłosić błąd w Scratchu, sprawdź forum {bugsLink} To najlepsze miejsce do zgłaszania błędów i sprawdzania, czy inni doświadczają podobnych trudności.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Błędy i glicze",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Jeśli jednak musisz się z nami skontaktować, wypełnij poniższy formularz, podając jak najwięcej szczegółów. Jeśli masz zrzuty ekranu, załączniki lub linki, które pomagają wyjaśnić problem, dołącz je. Dostajemy dużo poczty, więc możemy nie być w stanie odpowiedzieć na twoją wiadomość.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Perguntas Frequentes",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Se você não encontrar sua resposta nas Perguntas Frequentes, tem vários Scratchers experientes nos Fóruns de Discussão em inglês que podem te ajudar.\n\nSe você precisar de ajuda em português, você pode fazer sua pergunta no fórum Português: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/20/",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Fóruns de Discussão",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Você pode fazer perguntas gerais sobre como fazer coisas no fórum {questionsLink}.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Perguntas Sobre o Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Se você precisar de ajuda com um projeto específico, tente postar no fórum {scriptsLink}..",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Ajuda com Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Se você quer reportar um bug no Scratch, cheque o fórum {bugsLink}. É o melhor lugar para reportar bugs e ver se outros estão experienciando problemas parecidos.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Erros e Deslizes",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Se você ainda precisa falar conosco, por favor preencha o formulário abaixo o mais detalhadamente possível. Se você puder colocar prints, anexos ou links que ajudam a explicar seu problema, por favor inclua-os. Recebemos muitos emails, então pode ser que não respondamos à sua mensagem.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Perguntas Frequentes",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Se não conseguir encontrar uma resposta nas PF, nos Fóruns de Discussão há muitos Scratchadores experimentados que o ajudarão de bom grado.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Fóruns de Discussão",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Pergunte o que quiser sobre o Scratch a outros da comunidade.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Pode colocar questões gerais sobre como fazer coisas variadas no fórum {questionsLink}.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Perguntas Sobre o Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Obtenha ajuda com os blocos ou código de modo a fazer o seu projecto funcionar.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Se precisar de ajuda com um projecto em particular, tente colocar o seu problema no fórum {scriptsLink}.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Ajuda sobre Guiões",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Descubra como lidar com problemas técnicos que encontrar no sítio web do Scratch ou no editor de projectos.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Se quiser reportar um erro (bug) no Scratch, experimente o fórum {bugsLink}. É o melhor lugar para reportar erros e para ver se outras pessoas têm as mesmas dificuldades.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Erros e Deslizes",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Se ainda assim precisar de nos contactar, por favor preencha o formulário abaixo com tantos pormenores quanto for possível. Se tiver capturas de ecrã, anexos ou ligações que ajudem a explicar o seu problema, por favor inclua-os. Recebemos muitas mensagens, por isso podemos não ser capazes de lhe responder.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Te ʾui",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Foros de discusión",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Întrebări frecvente",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Forumuri de discutii",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Intrebari despre Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Ajutor cu script-uri",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bug-uri si Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Часто задаваемые вопросы",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Если вы не можете найти ответ в ЧаВО, на форуме есть много опытных скретчеров, готовых помочь.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Форумы",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Вопросы о Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Помощь со скриптами",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Ошибки и неправильная работа",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Často kladené otázky",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Diskusné fóra",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja (FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Če na strani s pogostimi vprašanji in odgovori (FAQ) ne najdeš odgovora, v pogovornih forumih sodeluje veliko izkušenih uporabnikov Scratcha pripravljenih pomagati.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Pogovorni forumi",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Za splošna vprašanja o tem, kako nekaj narediti, je namenjen ta {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Vprašanja o Scratchu",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Za pomoč pri določenem projektu poskusi postaviti vprašanje v tem {scriptsLink} forumu.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Pomoč pri programih",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Če opaziš napako v Scratchu, o tem poročaj v {bugsLink} forumu. To je najboljše mesto, da sporočiš o napaki in izveš, če imajo tudi drugi podobne težave.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Napake in pomanjkljivosti",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Če nam želiš pisati, izpolni spodnji obrazec in navedi čim več podatkov. Če imaš posnetke zaslona, priloge ali povezave, ki pomagajo pojasniti tvojo težavo, jih prosimo vključi. Ker dobimo veliko e-pošte, ti žal morda ne bomo mogli odgovoriti.",

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@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Често постављана питања (FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Ако не можеш да пронађеш одговоре међу одговорима на често постављана питања, постоји пуно искусних Скрачера на форумина за дискусију који ће са задовољством да ти помогну.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Форуми за дискусије",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "Можеш да постављаш општа питања, како нешто да урадиш, на {questionsLink} форуму.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Питања у вези Скрача",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Ако ти је потребна помоћ везано за одређени пројекат, покушај да пишеш на {scriptsLink} форуму.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Помоћ у вези кода",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Ако хоћеш да пријавиш грешку на Скрачу, погледај {bugsLink} форум. То је најбоље место да пријавиш грешке и видиш да ли други имају сличне проблеме.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Грешке и неправилности",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Vanliga frågor FAQ",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Diskussionsforum",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Frågor om Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Hjälp med Script",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Buggar och tekniska fel",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Maswali Yanayoulizwa Mara Kwa Mara",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Mabaraza ya majadiliano",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "คำถามที่พบบ่อย",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "ฟอรัมสนทนา",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Sık Sorulan Sorular (SSS)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Tartışma Forumları",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Scratch Hakkında Sorular",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Komutlarla İlgili Yardım",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Hatalar ve Aksaklıklar",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Найчастіше запитують",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Форуми обговорення",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Запитання про Скретч",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Довідка про скрипти",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Помилки та збої",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Savol-javoblar",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Agar Savol-javoblar sahifasidan javob topilmasa, Forumlardagi koʻplab tajribali Scratcherlar yordam berishga tayyor.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Forumlar",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "{questionsLink} forumida ishni qanday boshlash haqida umumiy savollar berishingiz mumkin.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Scratch haqida savollar",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "Agar muayyan loyiha boʻyicha yordam zarur boʻlsa, {scriptsLink} forumiga yozishingiz mumkin.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Skriptlar boʻyicha yordam",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Agar Scratch ichida xato haqida xabar bermoqchi boʻlsangiz, {bugsLink} forumiga kiring. Bu sahifa xatolar haqida xabar berish uchun eng yaxshi joy va boshqalar ham shunday muammolarga duch kelgan-kelmaganini tekshirishingiz mumkin.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Xatolar va nosozliklar",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Agar biz bilan hamon bogʻlanishni istasangiz, quyidagi shaklni batafsil tafsilotlar bilan toʻldiring. Agar sizda muammoni tushuntirish imkonini beruvchi skrinshotlar, biriktirmalar yoki havolalar boʻlsa, ularni ham joylang. Biz juda koʻplab xatlar olamiz, xabaringizga javob bera olmasligimiz mumkin.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Những câu hỏi thường gặp",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "Nếu bạn không thể tìm thấy câu trả lời trong Câu hỏi thường gặp, có rất nhiều Scratchers có kinh nghiệm trong Diễn đàn thảo luận sẵn lòng giúp đỡ.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Diễn đàn Thảo luận",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Câu hỏi về Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Giúp đỡ với Scratch",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "Nếu bạn muốn báo cáo lỗi trong Scratch, hãy kiểm tra {bugsLink}diễn đàn. Đây là nơi tốt nhất để báo cáo lỗi và xem những người khác đang gặp khó khăn tương tự.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Lỗi và Sự cố",
"contactUs.formIntro": "Nếu bạn vẫn cần liên hệ với chúng tôi, vui lòng điền vào mẫu dưới đây với càng nhiều chi tiết càng tốt. Nếu bạn có bất kỳ ảnh chụp màn hình, tệp đính kèm hoặc liên kết nào giúp giải thích vấn đề của bạn, vui lòng bao gồm chúng. Chúng tôi nhận được rất nhiều thư, vì vậy chúng tôi có thể không trả lời tất cả tin nhắn của bạn.",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "常见问题(FAQ)",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "假如你在常见问题(FAQ)页面找不到你想要的答案在讨论区会许多有经验的Scratcher乐意帮助你。",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "讨论区",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "你可以在{questionsLink}论坛询问关于制作作品的常规问题。",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "关于 Scratch 的问题",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "如果你需要关于特定项目的帮助,尝试在{scriptsLink}这发布帖子。",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "程序帮助",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "如果你要报告一个Scratch的bug看看这个{bugsLink}论坛。这是报告bug最好的地方而且你可以看看是不是有其他人跟你经历了同样的bug。",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs 和 Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "如果你还需要联系我们,请填写下面的表格,越详细越好。如果你有任何截图,附件或者链接可以帮助解释你的问题,请一并填写。我们每天都收到很多邮件,所以我们可能不会回复每一个邮件。",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "常見問答 FAQ",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "如果在 FAQ 頁面找不到解答,你可以前往討論區發問,那裡有許多經驗豐富的 Scratcher 可以給你幫助!",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "討論區",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}:向社群詢問任何與 Scratch 有關的事。",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "你可在 {questionsLink} 討論區找到或詢問一般問題的解決方法。",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "關於 Scratch 的問題",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}:尋求與專案作品有關的程式積木用法。",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "如果你是遇到專案上編程的問題,可以在 {scriptsLink} 討論區中發起討論。",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "程式幫助",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}:查找在 Scratch 網站或編輯器上遇到的技術問題。",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "如果你是要回報一個在 Scratch 發生的錯誤狀況,可以參閱 {bugsLink} 討論區,這裡是集中討論區,你可以看看其他人是否也遇到了類似的問題。",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs 和 Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "如果這些仍然不能解決你的問題,你可以用下列表單聯絡我們,請盡可能詳細地描述你遭遇的問題。如果能附上輔助的的畫面截圖、附件或連結就更好了。我們的信件處理量非常大,因此可能無法逐一回覆所有的訊息。",

View file

@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
"contactUs.faqLinkText": "Imibuzo Ejwayelekile",
"contactUs.forumsInfo": "If you cannot find an answer in the FAQ, there are many experienced Scratchers in the Discussion Forums who are happy to help.",
"contactUs.forumsLinkText": "Ingxoxo Forums",
"contactUs.questionsText": "{questionsLink}: Ask others in the community about anything related to Scratch.",
"contactUs.questionsForum": "You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the {questionsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.questionsLinkText": "Questions About Scratch",
"contactUs.scriptsText": "{scriptsLink}: Get help with the blocks or code to make your project work.",
"contactUs.scriptsForum": "If you need help with a specific project, try posting in the {scriptsLink} forum.",
"contactUs.scriptsLinkText": "Help with Scripts",
"contactUs.bugsText": "{bugsLink}: Find out how to deal with technical issues you encounter on the Scratch website or in the project editor.",
"contactUs.bugsForum": "If you want to report a bug in Scratch, check the {bugsLink} forum. It's the best place to report bugs and see if others are experiencing similar difficulties.",
"contactUs.bugsLinkText": "Bugs and Glitches",
"contactUs.formIntro": "If you still need to contact us, please fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. If you have any screenshots, attachments or links that help to explain your problem, please include them. We get a lot of mail, so we may not be able to respond to your message.",

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"download.appTitle": "Download the Scratch App",
"download.appTitle": "Иҭыгатәуп апрограмма Scratch ",
"download.appIntro": "Would you like to create and save Scratch projects without an internet connection? Download the free Scratch app.",
"download.requirements": "Аҭахрақәа",
"download.imgAltDownloadIllustration": "Scratch 3.0 Desktop асриншот",
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"download.yesAnswer": "Ааи.",
"download.onPhone": "Can I install Scratch on my Android phone?",
"download.onPhoneAnswer": "No. The current version of Scratch for Android only works on tablets.",
"download.howUpdateApp": "How do I update the Scratch app?",
"download.howUpdateApp": "Ишԥарҿыцтәу Scratch?",
"download.howUpdateAppAnswerPlayStore": "Open the Google Play store and check for updates. If your installation is managed by school administrators, they will need to update the version and make the update available to managed devices.",
"download.howUpdateAppAnswerDownload": "To update Scratch for {operatingsystem} from this page, download the latest version and install. To check which version you have, click the Scratch logo in the downloaded app.",
"download.canIShare": "Can I share from Scratch Desktop?",
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
"download.canIShareAnswerDownloaded": "Sharing directly to online community from the Scratch app for {operatingsystem} is not currently supported. For now, you can export a project from the Scratch app, then log onto the Scratch website, and upload and share your project there.",
"download.whyNoDevicesVisible": "Why doesn't Scratch show any devices when I try to connect hardware extensions?",
"download.whyNoDevicesVisibleAnswer": "Weve found that turning your {devicePosessive} bluetooth off and on again in the system settings usually allows you to see hardware devices again. If the problem persists, check that Location services are enabled for your device. If you still do not see any devices, please {whyNoDevicesContactUsLink}.",
"download.whyNoDevicesContactUsLink": "contact us",
"download.chromebookPossessive": "Chromebook's",
"download.whyNoDevicesContactUsLink": "ҳара шәыҽҳамажәда",
"download.chromebookPossessive": "Chromebook аҟны",
"download.androidPossessive": " Апланшет Android аҟны",
"download.whyAskForLocation": "Why is {operatingsystem} asking for my location?",
"download.whyAskForLocationAnswer": "Scratch uses bluetooth to connect to other devices, such as a micro:bit or LEGO BOOST. Bluetooth can be used to provide location data to the app, so Google requires every app that uses bluetooth ask users for permission to access their location. Scratch will not use bluetooth to track your location.",

View file

@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
"download.appTitle": "Download Scratch appen",
"download.appIntro": "Would you like to create and save Scratch projects without an internet connection? Download the free Scratch app.",
"download.appIntro": "Vil du lave og gemme Scratch projekter uden en internet forbindelse? Download den gratis Scratch app.",
"download.requirements": "Krav",
"download.imgAltDownloadIllustration": "Skærmbillede af Scratch 3.0 Desktop",
"download.troubleshootingTitle": "FAQ",
"download.startScratchDesktop": "Start Scratch Desktop",
"download.howDoIInstall": "Hvordan installerer jeg Scratch Desktop?",
"download.whenSupportLinuxApp": "When will you have the Scratch app available for Linux?",
"download.whenSupportLinuxApp": "Hvornår kan man få Scratch appen til Linux?",
"download.whenSupportLinux": "Hvornår laver I Scratch Desktop til Linux?",
"download.supportLinuxAnswer": "Det er ikke muligt at bruge Scratch Desktop på Linux endnu. Vi arbejder med partnere og vores open-source fællesskab for at finde ud af, om vi kan finde en løsning til Linux i fremtiden. Bliv hængende!",
"download.whenSupportLinuxAppAnswer": "The Scratch app is currently not supported on Linux. We are working with partners and the open-source community to determine if there is a way we can support Linux in the future. Stay tuned!",
"download.whenSupportLinuxAppAnswer": "Scratch appen kan i øjeblikket ikke bruges i Linux. Vi arbejder sammen med partnere og open-source-fællesskabet for at finde ud af, om der er en måde hvorpå vi kan understøtte Linux i fremtiden. Hold øje.",
"download.supportChromeOS": "Hvornår kan man bruge Scratch Desktop på Chromebooks?",
"download.supportChromeOSAnswer": "Scratch Desktop på Chromebooks er endnu ikke muligt. Vi arbejder på det og forventer at kunne gøre det muligt senere i 2019.",
"download.olderVersionsTitle": "Ældre versioner",
"download.olderVersions": "Looking for an earlier version of Scratch?",
"download.olderVersions": "Leder du efter en tidligere version af Scratch?",
"download.scratch1-4Desktop": "Scratch 1.4",
"download.scratch2Desktop": "Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor",
"download.cannotAccessMacStore": "Hvad nu hvis jeg ikke kan få adgang til Mac App Store?",
"download.cannotAccessWindowsStore": "Hvad nu hvis jeg ikke kan få adgang til Microsoft Store?",
"download.macMoveToApplications": "Åbn .dmg-filen. Flyt Scratch Desktop ind i programmer.",
"download.winMoveToApplications": "Kør .exe-filen.",
"download.doIHaveToDownload": "Do I have to download an app to use Scratch?",
"download.doIHaveToDownloadAnswer": "No. You can also use the Scratch project editor in most web browsers on most devices by going to scratch.mit.edu and clicking \"Create\".",
"download.doIHaveToDownload": "Skal jeg downloade en app for at bruge Scratch?",
"download.doIHaveToDownloadAnswer": "Nej. Du kan også bruge Scratch projekt editoren i de fleste web browsere på de fleste devices ved at gå ind på scratch.mit.edu og klik på \"FInd på\".",
"download.canIUseScratchLink": "Kan jeg bruge Scratch link til at forbinde til udvidelser?",
"download.canIUseScratchLinkAnswer": "Ja. Du skal bare være opmærksom på, at du skal bruge en internet forbindelse for at bruge Scratch Link.",
"download.canIUseExtensions": "Can I connect to hardware extensions?",
"download.canIUseExtensionsAnswer": "Yes. With the Scratch app you can connect to extensions, and you do not need Scratch Link.",
"download.howConnectHardwareDevices": "How do I connect the Scratch app to hardware devices?",
"download.canIUseExtensions": "Kan jeg forbinde til hardware udvidelser?",
"download.canIUseExtensionsAnswer": "Ja. Med Scratch appen kan du forbinde til udvidelser og du behøver ikke Scratch Link.",
"download.howConnectHardwareDevices": "Hvordan forbinder jeg Scratch appen til andet hardware?",
"download.howConnectHardwareDevicesAnswerLink": "You will need to install and run Scratch Link in order to connect to hardware devices when using Scratch app for {operatingsystem}. You will also need an internet connection to use Scratch Link.",
"download.howConnectHardwareDevicesAnswerApp": "With the Scratch app you can connect to hardware devices like the micro:bit or LEGO Boost. When using the Scratch app for {operatingsystem} you do not need Scratch Link.",
"download.desktopAndBrowser": "Kan jeg bruge Scratch Desktop og samtidig have Scratch åben i browseren?",

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"download.macMoveToApplications": "Oscail an comhad .dmg. Tarraing Scratch go dtí an fillteán Applications.",
"download.winMoveToApplications": "Rith an comhad .exe.",
"download.doIHaveToDownload": "An gcaithfidh mé aip a íoslódáil chun Scratch a úsáid?",
"download.doIHaveToDownloadAnswer": "No. You can also use the Scratch project editor in most web browsers on most devices by going to scratch.mit.edu and clicking \"Create\".",
"download.doIHaveToDownloadAnswer": "Ní chaithfidh. Is féidir eagarthóir Scratch a úsáid le beagnach gach brabhsálaí ar beagnach gach cineál gléis trí chuairt a thabhairt ar scratch.mit.edu agus \"Cruthaigh\" a chliceáil.",
"download.canIUseScratchLink": "An féidir liom Scratch Link a úsáid chun ceangal le breiseáin?",
"download.canIUseScratchLinkAnswer": "Is féidir. Ach teastaíonn ceangal Idirlín uait chun Scratch Link a úsáid.",
"download.canIUseExtensions": "An féidir liom ceangal le breiseáin chrua-earra?",
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
"download.yesAnswer": "Is féidir.",
"download.onPhone": "An féidir liom Scratch a shuiteáil ar m'fhón Android?",
"download.onPhoneAnswer": "Ní féidir. Feidhmíonn an leagan is déanaí de Scratch ar tháibléid amháin.",
"download.howUpdateApp": "How do I update the Scratch app?",
"download.howUpdateAppAnswerPlayStore": "Open the Google Play store and check for updates. If your installation is managed by school administrators, they will need to update the version and make the update available to managed devices.",
"download.howUpdateAppAnswerDownload": "To update Scratch for {operatingsystem} from this page, download the latest version and install. To check which version you have, click the Scratch logo in the downloaded app.",
"download.howUpdateApp": "Conas a dhéanaim nuashonrú ar aip Scratch?",
"download.howUpdateAppAnswerPlayStore": "Oscail an siopa Google Play agus lorg nuashonruithe. Más é riarthóir an chórais i do scoil a rinne an tsuiteáil, beidh air nó uirthi an aip a nuashonrú agus an leagan nua a chur ar fáil ar gach gléas faoina stiúir.",
"download.howUpdateAppAnswerDownload": "Chun Scratch a nuashonrú ar {operatingsystem} ón leathanach seo, íoslódáil agus suiteáil an leagan is déanaí. Le fáil amach cén leagan atá agat, cliceáil an lógó Scratch san aip tar éis duit é a íoslódáil.",
"download.canIShare": "An féidir liom tionscadal a chomhroinnt ó Scratch ar an Deasc?",
"download.canIShareAnswer": "Ní féidir faoi láthair. An rud amháin is féidir a dhéanamh ná tionscadal a shábháil ó Scratch ar an Deasc, é a uaslódáil go dtí do chuntas Scratch, agus é a chomhroinnt ansin. Beidh an cumas seo ar fáil i leaganacha amach anseo.",
"download.canIShareApp": "An féidir liom tionscadal a chomhroinnt leis an bpobal ar líne ó Aip Scratch ar {operatingsystem}?",

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"download.macMoveToApplications": "Open het .dmg bestand. Sleep Scratch Desktop naar Applications.",
"download.winMoveToApplications": "Start het .exe bestand.",
"download.doIHaveToDownload": "Moet ik een app downloaden om Scratch te gebruiken?",
"download.doIHaveToDownloadAnswer": "No. You can also use the Scratch project editor in most web browsers on most devices by going to scratch.mit.edu and clicking \"Create\".",
"download.doIHaveToDownloadAnswer": "Nee. Je kunt de Scratch-projecteditor in de meeste webbrowsers op de meeste apparaten ook gebruiken door naar scratch.mit.edu te gaan en op \"Maken\" te klikken.",
"download.canIUseScratchLink": "Kan ik Scratch Link gebruiken om verbinding te maken met de uitbreidingen?",
"download.canIUseScratchLinkAnswer": "Ja. Maar je hebt wel een Internet verbinding nodig om Scratch Link te gebruiken.",
"download.canIUseExtensions": "Kan ik verbinding maken met uitbreidingen?",

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"download.macMoveToApplications": "Abra o arquivo .dmg. Mova o Scratch de Secretária para Aplicações.",
"download.winMoveToApplications": "Execute o arquivo .exe.",
"download.doIHaveToDownload": "Tenho de descarregar uma aplicação para usar o Scratch?",
"download.doIHaveToDownloadAnswer": "No. You can also use the Scratch project editor in most web browsers on most devices by going to scratch.mit.edu and clicking \"Create\".",
"download.doIHaveToDownloadAnswer": "Não. Também pode usar o editor de projectos do Scratch na maioria dos navegadores web, na maioria dos dispositivos, indo a scratch.mit.edu e clicando em «Criar».",
"download.canIUseScratchLink": "Posso usar o Scratch Link para ligar a extensões?",
"download.canIUseScratchLinkAnswer": "Sim. No entanto, precisará de uma ligação à Internet para usar o Scratch Link.",
"download.canIUseExtensions": "Posso ligar a extensões para equipamento externo?",

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"teacherlanding.sip": "{sipName} ({abbreviatedSipName}) shares ideas and resources from Scratch Team and educators around the world. Each month, the {abbreviatedSipName} website features a new theme to explore and discuss.",
"teacherlanding.sipName": "Scratch апрактика аҟны",
"teacherlanding.abbreviatedSipName": "SiP",
"teacherlanding.howUsingScratch": "How Educators Are Using Scratch",
"teacherlanding.howUsingScratch": "Арҵаҩцәа Scratch рхы ишадырхәо",
"teacherlanding.seeLatest": "Шәрыхәаԥш зегь раасҭа иҿыцқәоу",
"teacherlanding.creativeComputing": "{scratchEdLink} from the ScratchEd Team at Harvard provides plans, activities, and strategies for introducing creative computing in the classroom.",
"teacherlanding.scratchEdLinkText": "Creative Computing",
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "арҿыцрақәеи абжьгарақәеи",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Scratch аҟны арҵаҩцәа раккаунтқәа",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Рҵаҩык иаҳасабала шәара ишәылшоит шәазыҳәарц арҵаҩы иаккаунт, аҵаҩцәа гәыԥлатәи раккаунтқәа раԥҵарази рпроектқәеи ркомментариқеи анапхгара аҭарази. Инарҭбааны аилкааразы, шәахәаԥш адаҟьа <a href=\"/educators/faq\"> ЛЛИ </a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": " Аккаунт иаҳәатәуп"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "የአስተማሪ አካውንቶች በስክራች",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "እንደ አስተማሪ፣ ለስክራች አስተማሪ አካውንት ጥያቄ ማቅረብ ትችላላችሁ፣ ለቡድን ተማሪዎች አካውንት ለመፍጠር እና የተማሪዎቻችሁን ፕሮገክቶችና አስተያየቶችን ለማየትን ያቀለዋል። የበለጥ ለማወቅ፣ <a href=\"/educators/faq\"> አስተማኢር አካውንት ብዙ ጊዜ የተጠየቁ ጥያቄዎች ገፅ </a>ን ይዩ።",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "ለአካውንት መጠየቅ"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Teacher Accounts in Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for groups of students and to manage your students projects and comments. To learn more, see the <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Teacher Account FAQ page</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Request Account"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Skreç-də müəllim hesabları",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Siz bir müəllim kimi tələbə qrupları üçün hesab yaratmağı və tələbələrinizin layihə və şərhlərini idarə etməyi asanlaşdıran Skreç Müəllim Hesabını tələb edə bilərsiniz. Daha çox öyrənmək üçün <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Müəllim Hesabı Tez-tes Soruşulan Suallar</a> səhifəsinə bax.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Tələb Hesabı"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Профілі настаўнікаў у Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for groups of students and to manage your students projects and comments. To learn more, see the <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Teacher Account FAQ page</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Запыт профілю"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Регистрирайте се, за да получавате {signupTipsLink} от Отбора на Scratch",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "актуализации и съвети",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Учителски акаунти в Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Като учител, Вие можете да подадете заявка за учителски акаунт в Scratch, чрез който ще можете по-лесно да създавате акаунти за групи ученици и да управлявате техните проекти и коментари. За да научите повече, прегледайте <a href=\"/educators/faq\">страницата с ЧЗВ за учителските акаунти</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Заявяване на акаунт"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Registra't per rebre {signupTipsLink} de l'equip de Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "novetats i consells",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Comptes de docent a Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Com a educador, pots sol·licitar un compte de docent de Scratch, que facilita la creació de comptes per a grups d'alumnes i l'administració dels seus projectes i comentaris. Per saber-ne més, accedeix a la pàgina de <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Preguntes Freqüents (FAQ) del compte de docent de Scratch</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Sol·licita el compte"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "هەژماری مامۆستا لە سکڕاچ",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for groups of students and to manage your students projects and comments. To learn more, see the <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Teacher Account FAQ page</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "داواکردنی هەژمار"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Registruj se, abys mohl dostávat {signupTipsLink} od Scratch týmu.",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "aktualizace a tipy",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Učitelské účty ve Scratchi",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Jako lektor můžeš zažádat o Scratch účet učitele, který umožňuje lehce zakládat účty pro skupiny studentů a spravovat projekty a komentáře tvých studentů. Pro víc informací klikni na stránku <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Často kladené otázky k účtům učitele</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Žádost o účet"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Cofrestrwch er mwyn derbyn {signupTipsLink} oddi wrth y Tîm Scratch",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "diweddariadau ac awgrymiadau",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Cyfrifon Athrawon yn Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Fel addysgwr gallwch ofyn am Gyfrif Athro Scratch, sy'n ei gwneud yn haws creu cyfrifon ar gyfer grwpiau o fyfyrwyr a rheoli projectau a sylwadau eich myfyrwyr. I ddysgu rhagor, ewch i <a href=\"/educators/faq\">dudalen Cwestiynau Cyffredin Cyfrif Athro</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Gofyn am Gyfrif"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Underviser konto i Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for groups of students and to manage your students projects and comments. To learn more, see the <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Teacher Account FAQ page</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Request Account"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Lehrer-Benutzerkonten in Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Als Lehrkraft kannst du ein Scratch-Benutzerkonto für Lehrer anfordern, dies erleichtert es dir Benutzerkonten für eine Gruppe von Lernenden zu erstellen und vereinfacht die Verwaltung von studentischen Projekte und von deren Kommentaren. Wechsele zur Seite <a href=\"/educators/faq\">FAQs zu Lehrer-Benutzerkonten</a> um mehr darüber zu erfahren.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Benutzerkonto beantragen"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Εγγραφείτε για να λαμβάνετε {signupTipsLink} από την Ομάδα του Scratch",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "ενημερώσεις και συμβουλές",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Λογαριασμοί Εκπαιδευτικών στο Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Ως εκπαιδευτικός, μπορείς να ζητήσεις έναν Λογαρισμό Εκπαιδευτικού στο Scratch, που απλουστεύει τη δημιουργία λογαριασμών σε ομάδες μαθητών και τη διαχείριση των έργων και των σχολίων των μαθητών σου. Για να μάθεις περισσότερα, δες τη σελίδα <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Συχνές Ερωτήσεις για τον Λογαριασμό Εκπαιδευτικού</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Αίτηση για Λογαριασμό"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Teacher Accounts in Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for groups of students and to manage your students projects and comments. To learn more, see the <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Teacher Account FAQ page</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Request Account"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Cuentas para docentes en Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Como educador, puedes solicitar una Cuenta para Docente Scratch, esta te permitirá crear cuentas para grupos de estudiantes y manejar los proyectos y comentarios de tus estudiantes fácilmente. Para aprender más, visita <a href=\\\"/educators/faq\\\">la página de preguntas frecuentes sobre Cuentas para Docentes</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Solicita una cuenta"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Regístrate para recibir {signupTipsLink} del Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "Actualizaciones y trucos",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Cuentas de profesores en Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Como educador, puedes pedir una cuenta de Profesor en Scratch, que facilita la creación de cuentas para grupos de estudiantes y la gestión de los proyectos y comentarios de los estudiantes. Para saber más, lee las <a href=\"/educators/faq\">preguntas frecuentes de la Cuenta de Profesor</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Solicitar una cuenta"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Teacher Accounts in Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for groups of students and to manage your students projects and comments. To learn more, see the <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Teacher Account FAQ page</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Request Account"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Irakasle-kontuak Scratchen",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Hezitzaile bezala, Scratch Irakasle Kontu bat eska dezakezu. Haren bidez erraz sortu ahal izango duzu kontuak ikasle taldeentzat eta ikasleon proiektuak eta iruzkinak kudeatu. Hortaz gehiago jakiteko ikusi <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Irakasle Kontuaren Ohiko Galderen orria</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Eskatu kontua"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "برای دریافت {signupTipsLink} از گروه اسکرچ ثبت نام کنید.",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "به‌روزرسانی‌ها و ترفندها",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "حساب‌کاربری معلم در اسکرچ",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "اگر معلم هستید، شما می‌توانید حساب کاربری ویژه معلمین را درخواست کنید، تا ساده‌تر بتوانید برای دانش آموزان حساب کاربری بسازید و همچنین پروژه‌ها و نظرات دانش آموزانتان را مدیریت نمایید. برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر <a href=\"/educators/faq\">صفحه سوالات متداول حساب کاربری معلمین</a> را مشاهده نمایید.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "درخواست حساب‌کاربری"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Rekisteröidy saadaksesi {signupTipsLink} Scratch-tiimiltä",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "päivityksiä ja vinkkejä",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Opettajatilit Scratchissa.",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Opettajana voit pyytää Scratch-opettajatiliä, joka helpottaa käyttäjätilien luontia oppilasryhmälle ja oppilaiden projektien ja kommenttien käsittelyä. Oppiaksesi lisää, katso <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Opettajatilin UKK-sivu</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Pyydä tiliä"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "S'inscrire pour recevoir des {signupTipsLink} de l'Équipe Scratch",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "mises-à-jour et astuces",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Les comptes enseignant dans Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "En tant qu'éducateur, vous pouvez demander un compte enseignant, ce qui facilitera la création de comptes pour un groupe d'élèves et la gestion de leurs projets et commentaires. Pour en savoir plus, consulter la <a href=\"/educators/faq\">FAQ des comptes enseignant</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Demander un compte"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "nuashonruithe agus leideanna",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Cuntais Mhúinteoirí ar Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for groups of students and to manage your students projects and comments. To learn more, see the <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Teacher Account FAQ page</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Iarr Cuntas"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Clàraich leinn ach am faigh thu {signupTipsLink} o sgioba Scratch",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "naidheachdan is gliocasan",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Cunntasan tidseir air Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Ma tha thu nad neach-fhoghlaim, s urrainn dhut cunntas tìdsear Scratch iarraidh ach am bi e nas fhasa dut cunntasan a chruthachadh airson buidhnean de dhoileanaich agus pròiseactan is beachdan nan oileanach agad a stiùireadh. Faic <a href=\"/educators/faq\">duilleag CÀBHA mu chunntasan tidseir Scratch</a> airson barrachd fiosrachaidh.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Iarr cunntas"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Rexístrese para recibir {signupTipsLink} do Equipo de Scratch",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "Actualizacións e consellos",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Contas de docente en Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Como docente, pode solicitar unha Conta de Docente de Scratch, que facilita a creación de contas para grupos de alumnos e a xestión dos proxectos e comentarios dos alumnos. Para saber máis, vexa a <a href=\"/educators/faq\">páxina de preguntas frecuentes da Conta de Docente</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Solicitar conta"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Teacher Accounts in Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for groups of students and to manage your students projects and comments. To learn more, see the <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Teacher Account FAQ page</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Request Account"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Scratchov račun za učitelje",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Učitelji mogu zatražiti kreiranje Scratchovog računa za učitelje što olakšava izradu računa za grupe učenika i upravljanje projektima i komentarima učenika. Za više detalja, vidi <a href=\"/educators/faq\"> Pomoć za Scratchov račun za učitelje </a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Zatraži račun"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Teacher Accounts in Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for groups of students and to manage your students projects and comments. To learn more, see the <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Teacher Account FAQ page</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Request Account"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Teacher Accounts in Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for groups of students and to manage your students projects and comments. To learn more, see the <a href=\"/educators/faq\">Teacher Account FAQ page</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Request Account"

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
"teacherlanding.signupTips": "Sign up to receive {signupTipsLink} from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.signupTipsLink": "updates and tips",
"teacherlanding.accountsTitle": "Akun Guru di Scratch",
"teacherlanding.accountsDescription": "Sebagai seorang pendidik, anda dapat mengajukan sebuah Akun Guru Scratch, yang akan memudahkan anda untuk membuat akun untuk sekelompok murid dan memanajemen karya dan komentar murid. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut, lihat <a href=\"/educators/faq\">halaman Tanya Jawab Akun Guru</a>.",
"teacherlanding.accountsRequestInfo": "As an educator, you can request a Scratch Teacher Account, which makes it easier to create accounts for students and to manage their projects and comments. To learn more, see the {setupGuideLink} and the {teacherAccountFaqLink}.",
"teacherlanding.accountsSetupGuide": "Teacher Account Setup Guide",
"teacherlanding.accountsFaqPage": "Teacher Account FAQ page",
"teacherlanding.requestAccount": "Ajukan Akun"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more