"boost.headerText":"{boostLink}-sarja herättää LEGO-luomuksesi eloon tehokkailla moottoreilla, värisensoreilla ja niin edelleen. Yhdistämällä sen Scratchiin voi rakentaa omia robottiluomuksiasi, kertoa tarinoita, luoda uusia peliohjaimia tai mitä tahansa, mitä voit kuvitella.",
"boost.connectingBoost":"Connecting BOOST to Scratch",
"boost.powerBoost":"Turn on your sensor by pressing the power button.",
"boost.updateScratchLinkTitle":"Make sure you have the latest version of Scratch Link",
"boost.updateScratchLinkText":"Install Scratch Link using the button above. We recommend using the app store installation process to help keep your version up to date.",
"boost.checkOSVersionTitle":"Varmista, että käyttöjärjestelmäsi on yhteensopiva Scratch Linkin kanssa",
"boost.checkOSVersionText":"Laitteiston vähimmäisvaatimukset on listattu sivun ylälaidassa. Katso ohjeet, miten voit tarkistaa {winOSVersionLink}- tai {macOSVersionLink}-versiosi.",
"boost.macOSVersionLinkText":"Mac OS",
"boost.closeScratchCopiesTitle":"Sulje Scratchin muut kopiot",
"boost.closeScratchCopiesText":"Only one copy of Scratch can connect with a BOOST at a time. If you have Scratch open in other browser tabs, close it and try again.",
"boost.otherComputerConnectedTitle":"Make sure no other computer is connected to your sensor",
"boost.otherComputerConnectedText":"Only one computer can be connected to a BOOST at a time. If you have another computer connected to your sensor, disconnect the sensor or close Scratch on that computer and try again.",
"boost.imgAltBoostIllustration":"Illustration of the LEGO BOOST.",
"boost.imgAltConnectALegoBeam":"A LEGO BOOST hub with an axle and a short beam connected to motor A.",
"boost.feedTheCat":"Feed the Cat",
"boost.feedTheCatDescription":"Feed a robot cat with colored LEGO bricks.",
"boost.imgAltFeedTheCat":"A Scratch project with a white cat",
"boost.drivingDescription":"Drive around a wheeled robot and make music.",
"boost.imgAltDriving":"A Scratch project with a wheeled robot with eyes",
"boost.walkAround":"Walk Around",
"boost.walkAroundDescription":"Make your own controller to move a character on the screen.",
"boost.imgAltwalkAround":"A Scratch project with character on a green background"