2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
* Scratch Project Editor and Player
* Copyright (C) 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package {
import com.adobe.utils.*;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Stage3D;
import flash.display3D.*;
import flash.events.ErrorEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.Vector3D;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.Endian;
* A display object container which renders in 3D instead
* @author Shane M. Clements, shane.m.clements@gmail.com
public class DisplayObjectContainerIn3D extends Sprite implements IRenderIn3D
private var contextRequested:Boolean = false;
/** Context to create textures on */
private var __context:Context3D;
private var program:Program3D;
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private var indexBuffer:IndexBuffer3D;
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private var vertexBuffer:VertexBuffer3D;
private var fragmentShaderAssembler:AGALMiniAssembler;
private var vertexShaderAssembler:AGALMiniAssembler;
private var spriteBitmaps:Dictionary;
private var spriteRenderOpts:Dictionary;
private var bitmapsByID:Object;
/** Texture data */
private var textures:Array;
private var testBMs:Array;
private var textureIndexByID:Object;
private static var texSize:int = 2048;
private var penPacked:Boolean;
/** Triangle index data */
//private var indexData:Vector.<uint> = new <uint>[];
private var indexData:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
/** Vertex data for all sprites */
//private var vertexData:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[];
private var vertexData:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
private var projMatrix:Matrix3D;
private var textureCount:int;
private var childrenChanged:Boolean;
private var movedChildren:Dictionary;
private var unrenderedChildren:Dictionary;
private var stampsByID:Object;
private var indexBufferUploaded:Boolean;
private var vertexBufferUploaded:Boolean;
private var uiContainer:StageUIContainer;
private var scratchStage:Sprite;
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private var globalScale:Number;
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private var stagePenLayer:DisplayObject;
private var stage3D:Stage3D;
private var pixelateAll:Boolean;
private var statusCallback:Function;
* Make the texture
* @param context Context to create textures on
* @param sprite Sprite to use for the texture
* @param bgColor Background color of the texture
public function DisplayObjectContainerIn3D()
uiContainer = new StageUIContainer();
spriteBitmaps = new Dictionary();
spriteRenderOpts = new Dictionary();
fragmentShaderAssembler = new AGALMiniAssembler();
vertexShaderAssembler = new AGALMiniAssembler();
bitmapsByID = {};
textureIndexByID = {};
textures = [];
cachedOtherRenderBitmaps = new Dictionary();
penPacked = false;
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globalScale = 1.0;
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testBMs = [];
textureCount = 0;
childrenChanged = false;
pixelateAll = false;
movedChildren = new Dictionary();
unrenderedChildren = new Dictionary();
stampsByID = {};
indexData.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
vertexData.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
indexBufferUploaded = false;
vertexBufferUploaded = false;
public function setStatusCallback(callback:Function):void {
statusCallback = callback;
public function setStage(stage:Sprite, penLayer:DisplayObject):void {
if(scratchStage) {
scratchStage.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStage);
scratchStage.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED, childAdded);
scratchStage.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED, childRemoved);
scratchStage.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removedFromStage);
scratchStage.stage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize);
scratchStage.cacheAsBitmap = true;
(scratchStage as Object).img.cacheAsBitmap = true;
scratchStage.visible = true;
for(var i:int=0; i<textures.length; ++i)
textures.length = 0;
spriteBitmaps = new Dictionary();
spriteRenderOpts = new Dictionary();
boundsDict = new Dictionary();
cachedOtherRenderBitmaps = new Dictionary();
stampsByID = {};
scratchStage = stage;
stagePenLayer = penLayer;
if(scratchStage) {
scratchStage.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStage, false, 0, true);
scratchStage.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, childAdded, false, 0, true);
scratchStage.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, childRemoved, false, 0, true);
scratchStage.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removedFromStage, false, 0, true);
scratchStage.stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize, false, 0, true);
if(__context) scratchStage.visible = false;
scratchStage.cacheAsBitmap = false;
(scratchStage as Object).img.cacheAsBitmap = true;
else {
stage3D.removeEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, context3DCreated);
private function addedToStage(e:Event = null):void {
if(e && e.target != scratchStage) return;
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globalScale = ('contentsScaleFactor' in scratchStage.stage ? scratchStage.stage['contentsScaleFactor'] : 1.0);
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scratchStage.parent.addChildAt(uiContainer, scratchStage.parent.getChildIndex(scratchStage)+1);
for(var i:uint=0; i<scratchStage.numChildren; ++i) {
var dispObj:DisplayObject = scratchStage.getChildAt(i);
if(isUI(dispObj)) {
else if(!('img' in dispObj)) {
// Set the bounds of any non-ScratchSprite display objects
boundsDict[dispObj] = dispObj.getBounds(dispObj);
uiContainer.transform.matrix = scratchStage.transform.matrix.clone();
scratchStage.stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize, false, 0, true);
// scratchStage.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, toggleTextureDebug, false, 0, true);
scratchStage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onRender, false, 0, true);
penPacked = false;
if(!__context) {
stage3D = scratchStage.stage.stage3Ds[0];
callbackCalled = false;
else setRenderView();
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//childrenChanged = true;
tlPoint = scratchStage.localToGlobal(originPt);
private function removedFromStage(e:Event):void {
if(e.target != scratchStage) return;
if(testBMs && testBMs.length) {
for(var i:int=0; i<testBMs.length; ++i)
testBMs = [];
for(var id:String in bitmapsByID)
if(bitmapsByID[id] is ChildRender)
bitmapsByID = {};
for(var o:Object in cachedOtherRenderBitmaps)
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cachedOtherRenderBitmaps = new Dictionary();
scratchStage.stage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize);
// scratchStage.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, toggleTextureDebug);
scratchStage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onRender);
if(__context) {
__context = null;
private static var originPt:Point = new Point();
public function onStageResize(e:Event = null):void {
scissorRect = null;
if(uiContainer && scratchStage)
uiContainer.transform.matrix = scratchStage.transform.matrix.clone();
private var scissorRect:Rectangle;
public function setRenderView():void {
var p:Point = scratchStage.localToGlobal(originPt);
stage3D.x = p.x;
stage3D.y = p.y;
var width:uint = Math.ceil(480*scratchStage.scaleX), height:uint = Math.ceil(360*scratchStage.scaleX);
var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
if(stage3D.context3D && (!scissorRect || !scissorRect.equals(rect))) {
scissorRect = rect;
projMatrix = createOrthographicProjectionMatrix(480, 360, 0, 0);
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stage3D.context3D.configureBackBuffer(width, height, 0, false, true);
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//trace('Setting backbuffer and scissor rectangle');
// Re-render stuff that may have changed size
childrenChanged = true;
// 5 for x/y/z/u/v + 4 for u0/v0/w/h +
// 9 for alpha, mosaic, pixelation x, pixelation y, whirlRadians, hue, saturation, brightness, texture index
private var vStride:uint = 18;
private var ovStride:uint = 4 * vStride;
private function childAdded(e:Event):void {
if(e.target.parent != scratchStage) return;
// Check special properties to determine if the child is UI or not
var dispObj:DisplayObject = e.target as DisplayObject;
if(isUI(dispObj)) {
//trace(Dbg.printObj(this)+': Child '+Dbg.printObj(e.target)+' ADDED to ui layer');
childrenChanged = true;
if(!('img' in dispObj)) {
// Set the bounds of any non-ScratchSprite display objects
boundsDict[dispObj] = dispObj.getBounds(dispObj);
//trace(Dbg.printObj(this)+': Child '+Dbg.printObj(e.target)+' ADDED');
private function isUI(dispObj:DisplayObject):Boolean {
return ('target' in dispObj || 'answer' in dispObj || 'pointsLeft' in dispObj);
private function childRemoved(e:Event):void {
if(e.target.parent != scratchStage) return;
childrenChanged = true;
//trace(Dbg.printObj(this)+': Child '+Dbg.printObj(e.target)+' REMOVED');
var bmID:String = spriteBitmaps[e.target];
if(bmID) {
delete spriteBitmaps[e.target];
// if(bitmapsByID[bmID]) {
// if(bitmapsByID[bmID] is ChildRender)
// bitmapsByID[bmID].dispose();
// delete bitmapsByID[bmID];
// }
if(cachedOtherRenderBitmaps[e.target]) {
delete cachedOtherRenderBitmaps[e.target];
delete boundsDict[e.target];
public function getUIContainer():Sprite {
return uiContainer;
private function checkBuffers():void {
var resized:Boolean = false;
var numChildren:uint = scratchStage.numChildren;
var vertexDataMinSize:int = numChildren * ovStride << 2;
if(vertexDataMinSize > vertexData.length) {
// Increase and fill in the index buffer
var index:uint = indexData.length;
var base:int = (index/12)*4;
indexData.length = numChildren * 12;
indexData.position = index;
var numAdded:int = (indexData.length - index) / 12;
for(var i:int=0; i<numAdded; ++i) {
base += 4;
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vertexData.length = ovStride * numChildren << 2;
resized = true;
//trace('indexData resized');
if(__context) {
if(resized || indexBuffer == null) {
if (vertexBuffer) {
vertexBuffer = null;
//trace('indexBuffer disposed');
indexBuffer = null;
indexBuffer = __context.createIndexBuffer(indexData.length >> 1);
//trace('indexBuffer created');
indexBuffer.uploadFromByteArray(indexData, 0, 0, indexData.length >> 1);
indexBufferUploaded = true;
//trace('indexBuffer uploaded');
vertexBuffer = __context.createVertexBuffer((indexData.length/12)*4, vStride);
vertexBufferUploaded = false;
else {
indexBufferUploaded = false;
vertexBufferUploaded = false;
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private var childrenDrawn:int = 0;
private var tlPoint:Point;
private function draw():void {
var textureDirty:Boolean = false;
var numChildren:uint = scratchStage.numChildren;
var i:int;
var dispObj:DisplayObject;
if(childrenChanged) {
if(debugTexture) {
for(i=0; i<numChildren; ++i) {
dispObj = scratchStage.getChildAt(i);
textureDirty = checkChildRender(dispObj) || textureDirty;
for(var child:Object in unrenderedChildren)
if((child as DisplayObject).visible)
textureDirty = checkChildRender(child as DisplayObject) || textureDirty;
if(textureDirty) {
// TODO: put the pen layer into a 512x512 texture to be resent each frame
if(childrenChanged) {
vertexData.position = 0;
childrenDrawn = 0;
var skipped:uint = 0;
for(i=0; i<numChildren; ++i) {
dispObj = scratchStage.getChildAt(i);
if(!dispObj.visible) {
//trace('Skipping hidden '+Dbg.printObj(dispObj));
//if(skipped>0) trace('Skipped rendering '+skipped+' hidden children.');
// if(childrenChanged) {
// trace(indexData);
// trace(vertexData);
// }
//childrenChanged = false;
movedChildren = new Dictionary();
unrenderedChildren = new Dictionary();
private function uploadBuffers(quadCount:uint):void {
if(!indexBufferUploaded) {
indexBuffer.uploadFromByteArray(indexData, 0, 0, indexData.length >> 1);
//trace('indexBuffer uploaded');
indexBufferUploaded = true;
// trace('Uploading buffers for '+quadCount+' children');
vertexBuffer.uploadFromByteArray(vertexData, 0, 0, (indexData.length/12)*4);//quadCount*4);
vertexBufferUploaded = true;
private var boundsDict:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
private function drawChild(dispObj:DisplayObject):void {
// Setup the geometry data
var rot:Number = dispObj.rotation;
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsDict[dispObj];
var dw:Number = bounds.width * dispObj.scaleX;
var w:Number = dw * scaleX;
var dh:Number = bounds.height * dispObj.scaleY;
var h:Number = dh * scaleY;
var bmID:String = spriteBitmaps[dispObj];
var renderOpts:Object = spriteRenderOpts[dispObj];
var roundLoc:Boolean = (rot % 90 == 0 && dispObj.scaleX == 1.0 && dispObj.scaleY == 1.0);
// var forcePixelate:Boolean = pixelateAll || (renderOpts && renderOpts.bitmap && rot % 90 == 0);
var boundsX:Number = bounds.left, boundsY:Number = bounds.top;
var childRender:ChildRender = bitmapsByID[bmID] as ChildRender;
if(childRender && childRender.isPartial()) {
boundsX += childRender.inner_x * bounds.width;
boundsY += childRender.inner_y * bounds.height;
w *= childRender.inner_w;
h *= childRender.inner_h;
rot *= Math.PI/180;
var cos:Number = Math.cos(rot);
var sin:Number = Math.sin(rot);
var TLx:Number = dispObj.x + (boundsX * cos - boundsY * sin) * dispObj.scaleX;
var TLy:Number = dispObj.y + (boundsY * cos + boundsX * sin) * dispObj.scaleY;
var cosW:Number = cos * w;
var sinW:Number = sin * w;
var cosH:Number = cos * h;
var sinH:Number = sin * h;
if(roundLoc) {
TLx = Math.round(TLx);
TLy = Math.round(TLy);
var TRx:Number = TLx + cosW;
var TRy:Number = TLy + sinW;
var BRx:Number = TLx + cosW - sinH;
var BRy:Number = TLy + sinW + cosH;
var BLx:Number = TLx - sinH;
var BLy:Number = TLy + cosH;
//trace('UpdateTextureCoords() '+Dbg.printObj(dispObj)+' - '+rect);
//if(dispObj is ScratchSprite) trace(rect + ' ' + w + ','+h);
// Setup the texture data
var texIndex:int = textureIndexByID[bmID];
var texture:ScratchTextureBitmap = textures[texIndex];
var rect:Rectangle = texture.getRect(bmID);
var forcePixelate:Boolean = pixelateAll || (renderOpts && rot % 90 == 0 && (w == rect.width || renderOpts.bitmap!=null));
var left:Number = rect.left / texture.width;
var right:Number = rect.right / texture.width;
var top:Number = rect.top / texture.height;
var bottom:Number = rect.bottom / texture.height;
if(debugTexture) {
uiContainer.graphics.moveTo(TLx, TLy);
uiContainer.graphics.lineTo(TRx, TRy);
uiContainer.graphics.lineTo(BRx, BRy);
uiContainer.graphics.lineTo(BLx, BLy);
uiContainer.graphics.lineTo(TLx, TLy);
//if('objName' in dispObj && (dispObj as Object)['objName'] == 'delete_all') {
// trace('bmd.rect: '+rect+' dispObj @ ('+dispObj.x+','+dispObj.y+')');
// trace('bounds: '+bounds);
// trace('raw bounds: '+renderOpts.raw_bounds);
// Setup the shader data
var alpha:Number = dispObj.alpha;
//trace('dispObj.visible = '+dispObj.visible+' alpha = '+alpha);
var mosaic:Number = 1;
var pixelate:Number = 1;
var radians:Number = 0;
var hueShift:Number = 0;
var brightnessShift:Number = 0;
var fisheye:Number = 1;
//trace('dispObj = '+Dbg.printObj(dispObj));
var effects:Object = (renderOpts ? renderOpts.effects : null);
if(effects) {
var scale:Number = ('isStage' in dispObj && dispObj['isStage'] ? 1 : scratchStage.scaleX);
var srcWidth:Number = dw * scale; // Is this right?
var srcHeight:Number = dh * scale;
hueShift = ((360.0 * effects["color"]) / 200.0) % 360.0;
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2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
var n:Number = Math.max(0, Math.min(effects['ghost'], 100));
alpha = 1.0 - (n / 100.0);
mosaic = Math.round((Math.abs(effects["mosaic"]) + 10) / 10);
mosaic = Math.floor(Math.max(1, Math.min(mosaic, Math.min(srcWidth, srcHeight))));
pixelate = (Math.abs(effects["pixelate"] * scale) / 10) + 1;
radians = (Math.PI * (effects["whirl"])) / 180;
fisheye = Math.max(0, (effects["fisheye"] + 100) / 100);
brightnessShift = Math.max(-100, Math.min(effects["brightness"], 100)) / 100;
if(renderOpts && renderOpts.costumeFlipped) {
var tmp:Number = right;
right = left;
left = tmp;
var pixelX:Number = (pixelate > 1 || forcePixelate ? pixelate / rect.width : -1);
var pixelY:Number = (pixelate > 1 || forcePixelate ? pixelate / rect.height : -1);
if(pixelate > 1) {
pixelX *= rect.width / srcWidth;
pixelY *= rect.height / srcHeight;
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vertexData.writeFloat(TLx); // x
vertexData.writeFloat(TLy); // y
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(0); // z - use index?
vertexData.writeFloat(0); // u
vertexData.writeFloat(0); // v
vertexData.writeFloat(left); // u0
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(top); // v0
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(right - left); // w
vertexData.writeFloat(bottom - top); // h
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(BLx); // x
vertexData.writeFloat(BLy); // y
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(0); // u
vertexData.writeFloat(1); // v
vertexData.writeFloat(left); // u0
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(top); // v0
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(right - left); // w
vertexData.writeFloat(bottom - top); // h
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(BRx); // x
vertexData.writeFloat(BRy); // y
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(1); // u
vertexData.writeFloat(1); // v
vertexData.writeFloat(left); // u0
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(top); // v0
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(right - left); // w
vertexData.writeFloat(bottom - top); // h
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(TRx); // x
vertexData.writeFloat(TRy); // y
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(1); // u
vertexData.writeFloat(0); // v
vertexData.writeFloat(left); // u0
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(top); // v0
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
vertexData.writeFloat(right - left); // w
vertexData.writeFloat(bottom - top); // h
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private function cleanupUnusedBitmaps():void {
var deletedBMs:Array = [];
for (var k:Object in bitmapsByID) {
var bmID:String = k as String;
var isUsed:Boolean = false;
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2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
for(var spr:Object in spriteBitmaps) {
if(spriteBitmaps[spr] == bmID) {
isUsed = true;
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if(!isUsed) {
//trace('Deleting bitmap '+bmID);
if(bitmapsByID[bmID] is ChildRender)
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for each(bmID in deletedBMs)
delete bitmapsByID[bmID];
public function updateRender(dispObj:DisplayObject, renderID:String = null, renderOpts:Object = null):void {
var setBounds:Boolean = false;
if(renderID && spriteBitmaps[dispObj] != renderID) {
spriteBitmaps[dispObj] = renderID;
setBounds = true;
unrenderedChildren[dispObj] = !bitmapsByID[renderID];
if(renderOpts) {
var oldEffects:Object = spriteRenderOpts[dispObj] ? spriteRenderOpts[dispObj].effects : null;
// var oldBM:BitmapData = spriteRenderOpts[dispObj] ? spriteRenderOpts[dispObj].bitmap : null;
var opts:Object = spriteRenderOpts[dispObj] || (spriteRenderOpts[dispObj] = {});
if(renderOpts.bounds) {
boundsDict[dispObj] = (renderOpts.raw_bounds && renderOpts.bitmap ? renderOpts.raw_bounds : renderOpts.bounds);
// Handle bitmaps that need cropping
// if(renderOpts.raw_bounds) {
// var bm:BitmapData = renderOpts.bitmap;
// var oldBM:BitmapData = opts.sub_bitmap;
// if(bm) {
// var w:int = Math.ceil(b.width), h:int = Math.ceil(b.height);
// if(oldBM && oldBM != bm && (w != oldBM.width || h != oldBM.height)) {
// oldBM.dispose();
// oldBM = opts.sub_bitmap = null;
// }
// if(!oldBM && (w < bm.width || h < bm.height)) {
// var cropR:Rectangle = b.clone();
// var rawBounds:Rectangle = renderOpts.raw_bounds;
// cropR.offset(-rawBounds.x, -rawBounds.y);
// var cropped:BitmapData = new BitmapData(w, h, true, 0);
// cropped.copyPixels(bm, cropR, new Point(0, 0));
// opts.sub_bitmap = cropped;
// }
// }
// else if(oldBM) {
// oldBM.dispose();
// opts.sub_bitmap = null;
// }
// }
for(var prop:String in renderOpts)
opts[prop] = renderOpts[prop];
// if(renderOpts && renderOpts.costume) {
// getB
// }
// Bitmaps can update their renders
if(dispObj is Bitmap)
unrenderedChildren[dispObj] = true;
public function updateCostume(dispObj:DisplayObject, costume:DisplayObject):void {
var rawBounds:Rectangle = costume.getBounds(costume);
var c:Object = costume as Object;
var s:Shape = c.getShape();
var bounds:Rectangle = s.getBounds(s);
var boundsOffset:Point = bounds.topLeft.subtract(rawBounds.topLeft);
// private var costumeBounds:Object = {};
// private function getBoundsFromCostume(costume:DisplayObject):void {
// var c:Object = costume as Object;
// if(!costumeBounds[c.baseLayerMD5]) {
// var rawBounds:Rectangle = costume.getBounds(costume);
// var s:Shape = c.getShape();
// var bounds:Rectangle = s.getBounds(s);
// var boundsOffset:Point = bounds.topLeft.subtract(rawBounds.topLeft);
// }
// }
public function updateFilters(dispObj:DisplayObject, effects:Object):void {
if(spriteRenderOpts[dispObj]) spriteRenderOpts[dispObj].effects = effects;
else spriteRenderOpts[dispObj] = {effects: effects};
public function updateGeometry(dispObj:DisplayObject):void
movedChildren[dispObj] = true;
// TODO: store multiple sizes of bitmaps?
private static var noTrans:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
private function checkChildRender(dispObj:DisplayObject):Boolean {
// TODO: Have updateRender send the new id instead of using ScratchSprite's internals
var id:String = spriteBitmaps[dispObj];
if(!id) {
if('img' in dispObj) return false;
id = spriteBitmaps[dispObj] = 'bm'+Math.random();
//trace('checkChildRender() '+Dbg.printObj(dispObj)+' with id: '+id);
var filters:Array = null;
var renderOpts:Object = spriteRenderOpts[dispObj];
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsDict[dispObj] || (boundsDict[dispObj] = renderOpts.bounds);
var dw:Number = bounds.width * dispObj.scaleX * scratchStage.scaleX;
var dh:Number = bounds.height * dispObj.scaleY * scratchStage.scaleY;
var effects:Object = null, s:Number = 0, srcWidth:Number = 0, srcHeight:Number = 0;
var mosaic:uint;
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var scale:Number = globalScale;
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var isNew:Boolean = false;
if(renderOpts) {
effects = renderOpts.effects;
if(renderOpts.bitmap != null) {
isNew = !bitmapsByID[id];
bitmapsByID[id] = renderOpts.bitmap;//renderOpts.sub_bitmap ? renderOpts.sub_bitmap : renderOpts.bitmap;
return (isNew || unrenderedChildren[dispObj]);
else if(effects && 'mosaic' in effects) {
2014-06-06 16:45:01 -04:00
s = scale * (renderOpts.isStage ? 1 : scratchStage.scaleX);
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
srcWidth = dw * s;
srcHeight = dh * s;
mosaic = Math.round((Math.abs(effects["mosaic"]) + 10) / 10);
mosaic = Math.max(1, Math.min(mosaic, Math.min(srcWidth, srcHeight)));
2014-06-06 16:45:01 -04:00
scale = scale / mosaic;
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
else if(dispObj is Bitmap) { // Remove else to allow graphics effects on video layer
isNew = !bitmapsByID[id];
bitmapsByID[id] = (dispObj as Bitmap).bitmapData;
if(unrenderedChildren[dispObj] && textureIndexByID.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
//trace('Should re-render '+Dbg.printObj(dispObj)+' with id '+id);
var texture:ScratchTextureBitmap = textures[textureIndexByID[id]];
texture.updateBitmap(id, bitmapsByID[id]);
return isNew;
// Hacky but should work
scratchStage.visible = true;
var width:Number = dw * scale;
var height:Number = dh * scale;
var bmd:BitmapData = bitmapsByID[id];
if(bmd) {
// If the bitmap changed or the sprite is now large than the stored render then re-render it
//trace(bounds2 + ' vs '+bmd.width+'x'+bmd.height);
if((id.indexOf('bm') != 0 || !unrenderedChildren[dispObj]) && bmd.width >= width && bmd.height >= height) {
//trace('USING existing bitmap');
scratchStage.visible = false;
return false;
else if(bmd is ChildRender) {
if((bmd as ChildRender).needsResize(width, height)) {
bmd = null;
else if((bmd as ChildRender).needsRender(dispObj, width, height, stagePenLayer)) {
(bmd as ChildRender).reset(dispObj, stagePenLayer);
if('clearCachedBitmap' in dispObj)
(dispObj as Object).clearCachedBitmap();
trace('Re-rendering part of large sprite! '+Dbg.printObj(dispObj));
else {
scratchStage.visible = false;
return false;
// Take the snapshot
// TODO: Remove ability to use sub-renders because it breaks image effects like whirls, mosaic, and fisheye
// OR disable whirl, mosaic, and fisheye for subrendered sprites
var flipped:Boolean = renderOpts && renderOpts.costumeFlipped;
if(flipped) {
(dispObj as Object).setRotationStyle("don't rotate");
bounds = (dispObj as Object).getVisibleBounds(dispObj);
var width2:Number = Math.max(1, width);
var height2:Number = Math.max(1, height);
var updateTexture:Boolean = !!bmd;
if(!bmd) bmd = new ChildRender(width2, height2, dispObj, stagePenLayer, bounds);
else bmd.fillRect(bmd.rect, 0x00000000);
if(bmd is ChildRender)
scale *= (bmd as ChildRender).scale;
var drawMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -bounds.x, -bounds.y);
if(bmd is ChildRender && (bmd as ChildRender).isPartial())
drawMatrix.translate(-(bmd as ChildRender).inner_x * bounds.width, -(bmd as ChildRender).inner_y * bounds.height);
drawMatrix.scale(dispObj.scaleX * scale * scratchStage.scaleX, dispObj.scaleY * scale * scratchStage.scaleY);
var oldAlpha:Number = dispObj.alpha;
dispObj.alpha = 1;
var oldImgTrans:ColorTransform = null;
if('img' in dispObj) {
oldImgTrans = (dispObj as Object).img.transform.colorTransform;
(dispObj as Object).img.transform.colorTransform = noTrans;
// Render to bitmap!
var oldVis:Boolean = dispObj.visible;
dispObj.visible = false;
dispObj.visible = true;
//if('objName' in dispObj)
//trace(Dbg.printObj(dispObj)+' ('+(dispObj as Object).objName+' - '+id+') rendered @ '+bmd.width+'x'+bmd.height+' -- '+bounds+' -- '+(dispObj as Object).getVisibleBounds(dispObj));
bmd.draw(dispObj, drawMatrix, null, null, null, false);
dispObj.visible = oldVis;
dispObj.alpha = oldAlpha;
if('img' in dispObj)
(dispObj as Object).img.transform.colorTransform = oldImgTrans;
(dispObj as Object).setRotationStyle('left-right');
scratchStage.visible = false;
//trace('Rendered bitmap with id '+id);
//trace(Dbg.printObj(dispObj)+' Rendered '+Dbg.printObj(bmd)+' with id: '+id+' @ '+bmd.width+'x'+bmd.height);
//trace('Original render size was '+bounds2);
if(updateTexture && textureIndexByID.hasOwnProperty(id))
textures[textureIndexByID[id]].updateBitmap(id, bmd);
bitmapsByID[id] = bmd;
//movedChildren[dispObj] = true;
unrenderedChildren[dispObj] = false;
return !updateTexture;
public function spriteIsLarge(dispObj:DisplayObject):Boolean {
var id:String = spriteBitmaps[dispObj];
if(!id) return false;
var cr:ChildRender = bitmapsByID[id];
return (cr && cr.isPartial());
public var debugTexture:Boolean = false;
private function toggleTextureDebug(evt:KeyboardEvent):void {
if(evt.ctrlKey && evt.charCode == 108) {
debugTexture = !debugTexture;
private function packTextureBitmaps():void
var penID:String = spriteBitmaps[stagePenLayer];
if(textures.length < 1)
textures.push(new ScratchTextureBitmap(512, 512));
if(!penPacked && penID != null) {
var bmList:Object = {};
bmList[penID] = bitmapsByID[penID];
// TODO: Can we fit other small textures with the pen layer into the first bitmap?
(textures[0] as ScratchTextureBitmap).packBitmaps(bmList);
textureIndexByID[penID] = 0;
penPacked = true;
var cleanedUnused:Boolean = false;
while(true) {
var unpackedBMs:Object = {};
var bmsToPack:int = 0;
for (var k:Object in bitmapsByID)
if(k != penID) {// && (!textureIndexByID.hasOwnProperty(k) || textureIndexByID[k] < 0)) {
unpackedBMs[k] = bitmapsByID[k];
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2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
//trace('pack textures! ('+bmsToPack+')');
for(var i:int=1; i<6 && bmsToPack > 0; ++i) {
if(i >= textures.length)
textures.push(new ScratchTextureBitmap(texSize, texSize));
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2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
var newTex:ScratchTextureBitmap = textures[i];
var packedIDs:Array = newTex.packBitmaps(unpackedBMs);
for(var j:int=0; j<packedIDs.length; ++j) {
//trace('packed bitmap '+packedIDs[j]+': '+bitmapsByID[packedIDs[j]].rect);
textureIndexByID[packedIDs[j]] = i;
delete unpackedBMs[packedIDs[j]];
bmsToPack -= packedIDs.length;
if(debugTexture) {
var offset:Number = 0;
for(i=0; i<textures.length; ++i) {
newTex = textures[i];
if(i >= testBMs.length)
testBMs.push(new Bitmap(newTex));
var testBM:Bitmap = testBMs[i];
//testBM.scaleX = testBM.scaleY = 0.5;
2014-06-06 16:45:01 -04:00
testBM.x = offset;
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
// trace('Debugging '+Dbg.printObj(newTex));
2014-06-06 16:45:01 -04:00
testBM.y = -900;
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
testBM.bitmapData = newTex;
for (k in bitmapsByID) {
if(i == textureIndexByID[k]) {
var rect:Rectangle = newTex.getRect(k as String).clone();
uiContainer.graphics.drawRect(testBM.x + rect.x * testBM.scaleX, rect.y * testBM.scaleX, rect.width * testBM.scaleX, rect.height * testBM.scaleX);
offset += testBM.width;
if(bmsToPack > 0) {
if(!cleanedUnused) {
cleanedUnused = true;
else {
// Bail on 3D
throw Error('Unable to fit all bitmaps into the textures!');
else {
private var drawCount:uint = 0;
//private var lastTime:int = 0;
private function onRender(e:Event):void
if(!scratchStage) return;
//trace('frame was '+(getTimer() - lastTime)+'ms.');
//lastTime = getTimer();
if(scratchStage.stage.stage3Ds[0] == null || __context == null ||
__context.driverInfo == "Disposed") {
if(__context) __context.dispose();
__context = null;
if(!indexBuffer) checkBuffers();
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
// Invalidate cached renders
for(var o:Object in cachedOtherRenderBitmaps)
cachedOtherRenderBitmaps[o].inner_x = Number.NaN;
public function getRender(bmd:BitmapData):void
if (scratchStage.stage.stage3Ds[0] == null || __context == null ||
__context.driverInfo == "Disposed") {
if(!indexBuffer) checkBuffers();
__context.configureBackBuffer(bmd.width, bmd.height, 0, false);
scissorRect = null;
private var emptyStamp:BitmapData = new BitmapData(1, 1, true, 0);
public function getRenderedChild(dispObj:DisplayObject, width:Number, height:Number, for_carry:Boolean = false):BitmapData {
if(dispObj.parent != scratchStage || !__context)
return emptyStamp;
if(!spriteBitmaps[dispObj] || unrenderedChildren[dispObj] || !bitmapsByID[spriteBitmaps[dispObj]]) {
if(checkChildRender(dispObj)) {
// Check if we can use the cached stamp
var renderOpts:Object = spriteRenderOpts[dispObj];
var effects:Object = renderOpts ? renderOpts.effects : null;
var id:String = spriteBitmaps[dispObj];
var iw:int = Math.ceil(Math.round(width * 100) / 100);
var ih:int = Math.ceil(Math.round(height * 100) / 100);
if(iw<1 || ih<1) return emptyStamp;
if(stampsByID[id] && !for_carry) {
var changed:Boolean = (stampsByID[id].width != iw || stampsByID[id].height != ih);
if(!changed) {
var old_fx:Object = stampsByID[id].effects;
var prop:String;
if(old_fx) {
for(prop in old_fx) {
if(prop == 'ghost') continue;
if(old_fx[prop] == 0 && !effects) continue;
if(!effects || old_fx[prop] != effects[prop]) {
changed = true;
else {
for(prop in effects) {
if(prop == 'ghost') continue;
if(effects[prop] != 0) {
changed = true;
return stampsByID[id];
var bmd:BitmapData = new SpriteStamp(iw, ih, effects);
var rot:Number = dispObj.rotation;
dispObj.rotation = 0;
var oldScaleX:Number = dispObj.scaleX;
var oldScaleY:Number = dispObj.scaleY;
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsDict[dispObj];
2014-06-06 16:45:01 -04:00
dispObj.scaleX *= width / Math.floor(bounds.width * dispObj.scaleX * scratchStage.scaleX * globalScale);
dispObj.scaleY *= height / Math.floor(bounds.height * dispObj.scaleY * scratchStage.scaleY * globalScale);
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
var oldX:Number = dispObj.x;
var oldY:Number = dispObj.y;
dispObj.x = -bounds.x * dispObj.scaleX;
dispObj.y = -bounds.y * dispObj.scaleY;
vertexData.position = 0;
2014-06-06 16:45:01 -04:00
//pixelateAll = true;
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2014-06-06 16:45:01 -04:00
//pixelateAll = false;
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
dispObj.x = oldX;
dispObj.y = oldY;
dispObj.scaleX = oldScaleX;
dispObj.scaleY = oldScaleY;
dispObj.rotation = rot;
if(vertexData.position == 0)
return bmd;
// TODO: Find out why the index buffer isn't uploaded sometimes
indexBufferUploaded = false;
var changeBackBuffer:Boolean = (bmd.width > scissorRect.width || bmd.height > scissorRect.height);
if(changeBackBuffer) {
var newW:int = Math.max(scissorRect.width, bmd.width), newH:int = Math.max(scissorRect.height, bmd.height);
projMatrix = createOrthographicProjectionMatrix(newW, newH, 0, 0);
__context.configureBackBuffer(newW, newH, 0, false);
__context.setScissorRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmd.width+1, bmd.height+1));
render(1, false);
if(changeBackBuffer) {
scissorRect = null;
// Reset scissorRect and framebuffer size
if(!for_carry) stampsByID[id] = bmd;
return bmd;
// private var testTouchBM:Bitmap;
private var cachedOtherRenderBitmaps:Dictionary;
public function getOtherRenderedChildren(skipObj:DisplayObject, scale:Number):BitmapData {
if(skipObj.parent != scratchStage)
return null;
var bounds:Rectangle = boundsDict[skipObj];
var width:uint = Math.ceil(bounds.width * skipObj.scaleX * scale);
var height:uint = Math.ceil(bounds.height * skipObj.scaleY * scale);
var cr:ChildRender = cachedOtherRenderBitmaps[skipObj];
if(cr && cr.width == width && cr.height == height) {
// TODO: Can we efficiently cache this? we'd have to check every other position / effect / etc
if(cr.inner_x == skipObj.x && cr.inner_y == skipObj.y && cr.inner_w == skipObj.rotation)
return cr;
cr.fillRect(cr.rect, 0x00000000); // Is this necessary?
else {
if(cr) cr.dispose();
cr = cachedOtherRenderBitmaps[skipObj] = new ChildRender(width, height, skipObj, stagePenLayer, bounds);
var vis:Boolean = skipObj.visible;
var rot:Number = skipObj.rotation;
var childTL:Point = bounds.topLeft;
var scaleX:Number = scratchStage.scaleX * scratchStage.stage.scaleX;
var scaleY:Number = scratchStage.scaleY * scratchStage.stage.scaleY;
childTL.x *= skipObj.scaleX;
childTL.y *= skipObj.scaleY;
var oldProj:Matrix3D = projMatrix.clone();
projMatrix.prependScale(scale / scaleX, scale / scaleY, 1);
projMatrix.prependTranslation(-childTL.x, -childTL.y, 0);
projMatrix.prependRotation(-rot, Vector3D.Z_AXIS);
projMatrix.prependTranslation(-skipObj.x, -skipObj.y, 0);
skipObj.visible = false;
pixelateAll = true;
pixelateAll = false;
skipObj.visible = vis;
projMatrix = oldProj;
// if(!testTouchBM) {
// testTouchBM = new Bitmap(cr);
// scratchStage.stage.addChild(testTouchBM);
// }
// testTouchBM.bitmapData = cr;
cr.inner_x = skipObj.x;
cr.inner_y = skipObj.y;
cr.inner_w = skipObj.rotation;
//trace(drawCount + ' Rendered everything except '+Dbg.printObj(skipObj));
return cr;
private const FC0:Vector.<Number> = Vector.<Number>([1, 2, 0, 0.5]);
private const FC1:Vector.<Number> = Vector.<Number>([3.1415926535, 180, 60, 120]);
private const FC2:Vector.<Number> = Vector.<Number>([240, 3, 4, 5]);
private const FC3:Vector.<Number> = Vector.<Number>([6, 0.11, 0.09, 0.001]);
private const FC4:Vector.<Number> = Vector.<Number>([360, 0, 0, 0]);
public function render(quadCount:uint, blend:Boolean = true):void
// assign shader program
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// assign texture to texture sampler 0
for(var i:int=0; i<6; ++i) {
var tIdx:int = (i >= textures.length ? 0 : i);
__context.setTextureAt(i, (textures[tIdx] as ScratchTextureBitmap).getTexture(__context));
__context.setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(Context3DProgramType.VERTEX, 0, projMatrix, true);
// Constants for the fragment shader
__context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 0, FC0);
__context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 1, FC1);
__context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 2, FC2);
__context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 3, FC3);
__context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 4, FC4);
// x, y, z, {unused}
__context.setVertexBufferAt(0, vertexBuffer, 0, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
// u, v, u0, v0
__context.setVertexBufferAt(1, vertexBuffer, 3, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
// w, h, alpha, mosaic
__context.setVertexBufferAt(2, vertexBuffer, 7, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
// pixelate_x, pixelate_y, whirlRadians, {unused}
__context.setVertexBufferAt(3, vertexBuffer, 11, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
// hueShift, saturation, brightness, texture index
__context.setVertexBufferAt(4, vertexBuffer, 14, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
__context.setBlendFactors(Context3DBlendFactor.SOURCE_ALPHA, Context3DBlendFactor.ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_ALPHA);
__context.setBlendFactors(Context3DBlendFactor.SOURCE_ALPHA, Context3DBlendFactor.ZERO);
// draw all sprites
//trace('Drawing '+quadCount+' children');
__context.clear(0, 0, 0, 0);
__context.drawTriangles(indexBuffer, 0, quadCount*2);
//trace('finished drawing() - '+drawCount);
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2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
//childrenChanged = false;
//movedChildren = new Dictionary();
private function setupContext3D(e:Event = null):void {
if(!__context) {
//__context.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, setupContext3D);
//__context.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, onContextLoss);
__context.setDepthTest(false, Context3DCompareMode.ALWAYS);
__context.enableErrorChecking = true;
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2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
program = __context.createProgram();
program.upload(vertexShaderAssembler.agalcode, fragmentShaderAssembler.agalcode);
indexBuffer = __context.createIndexBuffer(indexData.length >> 1);
//trace('indexBuffer created');
indexBufferUploaded = false;
vertexBuffer = __context.createVertexBuffer((indexData.length/12)*4, vStride);
vertexBufferUploaded = false;
tlPoint = scratchStage.localToGlobal(originPt);
private function setupShaders():void {
vertexShaderAssembler.assemble( Context3DProgramType.VERTEX,
"m44 op, va0, vc0\n"+ // pos to clipspace
"mov v0, va1\n"+ // copy u,v, u0, v0
"mov v1, va2\n"+ // copy w, h, alpha, mosaic
"mov v2, va3\n"+ // copy p_x, p_y, whirlRadians, (push fisheye here?)
"mov v3, va4\n" // copy hueShift, fisheye, brightness, texture index
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
fragmentShaderAssembler.assemble( Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT,
// FC0 = (1, 2, 0, 0.5)
/*** Mosaic effect ***/
"mul ft0.xyzw, v0.xyxy, v1.wwww\n" +
"frc ft0.xyzw, ft0.xyzw\n" +
/*** Pixelate effect ***/
// Do xy = int(xy / pixels) * pixels
"div ft2.xyzw, ft0.xyxy, v2.xyxy\n" +
"frc ft1.xyzw, ft2.xyzw\n" +
"sub ft2.xyzw, ft2.xyzw, ft1.xyzw\n" +
"mul ft2.xyzw, ft2.xyzw, v2.xyxy\n" +
// Get the middle pixel
"div ft1.xyxy, v2.xyxy, fc0.yyyy\n"+
"add ft2.xyzw, ft2.xyxy, ft1.xyxy\n"+
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
// Use the pixelated UV?
"sge ft1.x, v2.x, fc0.z\n"+ // is pixelate_x >= 0?
"mul ft2.xyzw, ft2.xyzw, ft1.xxxx\n"+ // then use the pixelated UV
"slt ft1.x, v2.x, fc0.z\n"+ // is pixelate_x < 0?
"mul ft0.xyzw, ft0.xyzw, ft1.xxxx\n"+ // then use the pixelated UV
"add ft0.xyzw, ft0.xyzw, ft2.xyzw\n"+ // Add them together
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
/*** Whirl effect ***/
"mov ft0.zwzw, fc0.zzzz\n" +
"mov ft4.xyzw, ft0.xyzw\n" +
"sub ft0.xy, ft0.xy, fc0.ww\n" + // ft0.xy = vec
"dp3 ft1.yyy, ft0.xyz, ft0.xyz\n" +
"sqt ft1.x, ft1.y\n" + // ft.x = d, len(uv) from center of texture (0.5, 0.5)
"div ft1.y, ft1.x, fc0.w\n" + // radius = 0.5 (to the edge)
"sub ft1.y, fc0.x, ft1.y\n" + // ft1.y = factor
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"mul ft1.z, ft1.y, ft1.y\n" +
"mul ft1.z, ft1.z, v2.z\n" + // ft1.z = a, using v2.w for whirlRadians
"sin ft2.xyzw, ft1.zzzz\n" + // ft2.x = sinAngle
"cos ft2.yyyy, ft1.zzzz\n" + // ft2.y = cosAngle
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"mul ft2.z, ft0.x, ft2.y\n" + // ft2.z = vec.x * cosAngle
"mul ft2.w, ft0.y, ft2.x\n" + // ft2.w = vec.y * sinAngle
"sub ft3.xyzw, ft2.zzzz, ft2.wwww\n" +
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"mul ft2.z, ft0.x, ft2.x\n" + // ft2.z = vec.x * sinAngle
"mul ft2.w, ft0.y, ft2.y\n" + // ft2.w = vec.y * cosAngle
"add ft3.yyyy, ft2.zzzz, ft2.wwww\n" +
"add ft3.xy, ft3.xy, fc0.ww\n" + // ft3.y = p.y
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"sge ft1.y, ft1.x, fc0.w\n" +
"mul ft4.xy, ft4.xy, ft1.yy\n" +
"slt ft1.y, ft1.x, fc0.w\n" +
"mul ft0.xy, ft3.xy, ft1.yy\n" +
"add ft0.xy, ft4.xy, ft0.xy\n" +
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"sat ft0.xy, ft0.xy\n" +
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
/*** Fisheye effect ***/ // fisheye = v3.y
"sub ft1.xy, ft0.xy, fc0.ww\n" + // ft0.xy = vec = (uv - [0.5,0.5])
"div ft2.xy, ft1.xy, fc0.ww\n" + // vec = vec / [0.5, 0.5]
"mov ft2.zw, fc0.zz\n" +
"dp3 ft1.yyy, ft2.xyz, ft2.xyz\n" + // ft1.y = length(vec)^2
"sqt ft1.x, ft1.y\n" + // ft.x = length(vec)
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
// Prevent divide by zero
"seq ft3.y, ft1.x, fc0.z\n"+ //int len_eq_zero = (v == 0);
"mul ft3.x, fc3.w, ft3.y\n"+ //tiny = 0.000001 * len_eq_zero; = ft3.x
"add ft1.x, ft1.x, ft3.x\n"+ //len = len + tiny;
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"div ft2.xy, ft2.xy, ft1.xx\n" + // vec2 = vec / len;
"pow ft1.y, ft1.x, v3.y\n" + // r = pow(len, scaledPower);
"mul ft2.xy, ft2.xy, ft1.yy\n" + // coords = center + (r * vec2 * center);
"mul ft2.xy, ft2.xy, fc0.ww\n" +
"add ft2.xy, ft2.xy, fc0.ww\n" +
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"sge ft1.x, ft1.y, fc0.x\n" +
"mul ft0.xy, ft0.xy, ft1.xx\n" +
"slt ft1.y, ft1.y, fc0.x\n" +
"mul ft2.xy, ft2.xy, ft1.yy\n" +
"add ft0.xy, ft2.xy, ft0.xy\n" +
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
/*** Move the texture coordinates into the sub-texture space ***/
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"mul ft0.xyzw, ft0.xyzw, v1.xyxy\n" +
"add ft0.xy, ft0.xy, v0.zw\n" +
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
/*** Select texture to use ***/
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
// Get the texture pixel using ft0.xy as the coordinates
"seq ft5, v3.w, fc0.z\n"+ // Use texture 0?
"tex ft1, ft0, fs0 <2d,clamp,linear,nomip>\n"+
"mul ft1, ft1, ft5\n"+
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"seq ft5, v3.w, fc0.x\n"+ // Use texture 1?
"tex ft2, ft0, fs1 <2d,clamp,linear,nomip>\n"+
"mul ft2, ft2, ft5\n"+
"add ft1, ft1, ft2\n"+
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"seq ft5, v3.w, fc0.y\n"+ // Use texture 2?
"tex ft3, ft0, fs2 <2d,clamp,linear,nomip>\n"+
"mul ft3, ft3, ft5\n"+
"add ft1, ft1, ft3\n"+
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"seq ft5, v3.w, fc2.y\n"+ // Use texture 3?
"tex ft4, ft0, fs3 <2d,clamp,linear,nomip>\n"+
"mul ft4, ft4, ft5\n"+
"add ft1, ft1, ft4\n"+
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"seq ft5, v3.w, fc2.z\n"+ // Use texture 4?
"tex ft4, ft0, fs4 <2d,clamp,linear,nomip>\n"+
"mul ft4, ft4, ft5\n"+
"add ft1, ft1, ft4\n"+
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
"seq ft5, v3.w, fc2.w\n"+ // Use texture 5?
"tex ft4, ft0, fs5 <2d,clamp,linear,nomip>\n"+
"mul ft4, ft4, ft5\n"+
"add ft1, ft1, ft4\n"+
/*** ft1 == (r, g, b, a) ***/
// Now de-multiply the color values that Flash pre-multiplied
// TODO: De-multiply the color values BEFORE texture atlasing
"seq ft3.y, ft1.w, fc0.z\n"+ //int alpha_eq_zero = (alpha == 0); alpha_eq_zero = ft3.y
"sne ft3.z, ft1.w, fc0.z\n"+ //int alpha_neq_zero = (alpha != 0); alpha_neq_zero = ft3.z
"mul ft3.x, fc3.w, ft3.y\n"+ //tiny = 0.000001 * alpha_eq_zero; tiny = ft3.x
"add ft1.w, ft1.w, ft3.x\n"+ //alpha = alpha + tiny; Avoid division by zero, alpha != 0
"div ft2.xyz, ft1.xyz, ft1.www\n"+ //new_rgb = rgb / alpha
"mul ft2.xyz, ft2.xyz, ft3.zzz\n"+ //new_rgb = new_rgb * alpha_neq_zero
"mul ft1.xyz, ft1.xyz, ft3.yyy\n"+ //rgb = rgb * alpha_eq_zero
"add ft1.xyz, ft1.xyz, ft2.xyz\n"+ //rgb = rgb + new_rgb
// Clamp the color
"sat ft1, ft1\n" +
/*** Color effect ***/
// compute h, s, v dst = ft1
// float v = max(r, max(g, b));
"max ft2.z, ft1.y, ft1.z\n"+ //float v = max(dst.g, dst.b); v = ft2.z
"max ft2.z, ft1.x, ft2.z\n"+ //v = max(dst.r, v);
// float span = v - min(r, min(g, b));
"min ft2.w, ft1.y, ft1.z\n"+ //float span = min(dst.g, dst.b); span = ft2.w
"min ft2.w, ft1.x, ft2.w\n"+ //span = min(dst.r, span);
"sub ft2.w, ft2.z, ft2.w\n"+ //span = v - span;
// if (span == 0.0) {
// h = s = 0.0;
// } else {
// if (r == v) h = 60.0 * ((g - b) / span);
// else if (g == v) h = 120.0 + (60.0 * ((b - r) / span));
// else if (b == v) h = 240.0 + (60.0 * ((r - g) / span));
// s = span / v;
// }
"seq ft3.y, ft2.z, fc0.z\n"+ //int v_eq_zero = (v == 0);
"mul ft3.x, fc3.w, ft3.y\n"+ //tiny = 0.000001 * v_eq_zero; tiny = ft3.x
"add ft2.z, ft2.z, ft3.x\n"+ //v = v + tiny; Avoid division by zero, v != 0
"seq ft3.y, ft2.w, fc0.z\n"+ //int span_eq_zero = (span == 0); span_eq_zero= ft3.y
"sne ft2.y, ft2.w, fc0.z\n"+ //int span_not_zero = (span != 0.0); span_not_zero = ft2.y
"seq ft3.y, ft1.x, ft2.z\n"+ //int r_eq_v = (dst.r == v); r_eq_v = ft3.y
"sne ft4.x, ft1.x, ft2.z\n"+ //int r_not_v = (dst.r != v); r_not_v = ft4.x
"seq ft3.z, ft1.y, ft2.z\n"+ //int g_eq_v = (dst.g == v); g_eq_v = ft3.z
"mul ft3.z, ft3.z, ft4.x\n"+ //g_eq_v = g_eq_v * r_not_v
"seq ft3.w, ft1.z, ft2.z\n"+ //int b_eq_v = (dst.b == v); b_eq_v = ft3.w
"add ft4.y, ft3.y, ft3.z\n"+ //int not_g_eq_v_or_r_eq_v = r_eq_v + g_eq_v not_g_eq_v_or_r_eq_v = ft4.y
"seq ft4.y, ft4.y, fc0.z\n"+ //not_g_eq_v_or_r_eq_v = (not_g_eq_v_or_r_eq_v == 0)
"mul ft3.w, ft3.w, ft4.y\n"+ //b_eq_v = b_eq_v * not_g_eq_v_or_r_eq_v // (b==v) is only valid when the other two are not
"mul ft3.x, fc3.w, ft3.y\n"+ //tiny = 0.000001 * span_eq_zero; tiny = ft3.x
"add ft2.w, ft2.w, ft3.x\n"+ //span = span + tiny; Avoid division by zero, span != 0
"mul ft3.y, ft3.y, ft2.y\n"+ //r_eq_v = r_eq_v * span_not_zero;
"mul ft3.z, ft3.z, ft2.y\n"+ //g_eq_v = g_eq_v * span_not_zero;
"mul ft3.w, ft3.w, ft2.y\n"+ //b_eq_v = b_eq_v * span_not_zero;
"div ft4.x, fc1.z, ft2.w\n"+ //float 60_div_span = 60 / span; 60_div_span = ft4.x
"sub ft4.y, ft1.y, ft1.z\n"+ //float h_r_eq_v = dst.g - dst.b; h_r_eq_v = ft4.y
"mul ft4.y, ft4.y, ft4.x\n"+ //h_r_eq_v = h_r_eq_v * 60_div_span;
"mul ft4.y, ft4.y, ft3.y\n"+ //h_r_eq_v = h_r_eq_v * r_eq_v;
"sub ft4.z, ft1.z, ft1.x\n"+ //float h_g_eq_v = dst.b - dst.r; h_g_eq_v = ft4.z
"mul ft4.z, ft4.z, ft4.x\n"+ //h_g_eq_v = h_g_eq_v * 60_div_span;
"add ft4.z, ft4.z, fc1.w\n"+ //h_g_eq_v = h_g_eq_v + 120;
"mul ft4.z, ft4.z, ft3.z\n"+ //h_g_eq_v = h_g_eq_v * g_eq_v;
"sub ft4.w, ft1.x, ft1.y\n"+ //float h_b_eq_v = dst.r - dst.g; h_b_eq_v = ft4.w
"mul ft4.w, ft4.w, ft4.x\n"+ //h_b_eq_v = h_b_eq_v * 60_div_span;
"add ft4.w, ft4.w, fc2.x\n"+ //h_b_eq_v = h_b_eq_v + 240;
"mul ft4.w, ft4.w, ft3.w\n"+ //h_b_eq_v = h_b_eq_v * b_eq_v;
/*** ft2 == (h, s, v) ***/
"mov ft2.x, ft4.y\n"+ //float h = h_r_eq_v; h = ft2.x
"add ft2.x, ft2.x, ft4.z\n"+ //h = h + h_g_eq_v;
"add ft2.x, ft2.x, ft4.w\n"+ //h = h + h_b_eq_v;
"div ft3.z, ft2.w, ft2.z\n"+ //float s_span_not_zero = span / v; s_span_not_zero= ft3.z
"mul ft2.y, ft3.z, ft2.y\n"+ //float s = s_span_not_zero * span_not_zero; s = ft2.y
// if (hueShift != 0.0 && v < 0.11) { v = 0.11; s = 1.0; }
/*** ft3 is now free ***/ // Check this section for accuracy / mistakes
"sne ft3.y, v3.x, fc0.z\n"+ //int hs_not_zero = (hueShift != 0.0); hs_not_zero = ft3.y
"slt ft3.z, ft2.z, fc3.y\n"+ //int v_lt_0_11 = (v < 0.11); v_lt_0_11 = ft3.z
"mul ft3.z, ft3.z, ft3.y\n"+ //v_lt_0_11 = v_lt_0_11 * hs_not_zero;
"seq ft3.w, ft3.z, fc0.z\n"+ //int !v_lt_0_11 !v_lt_0_11 = ft3.w
"mul ft2.z, ft2.z, ft3.w\n"+ //v = v * !v_lt_0_11
"mul ft3.x, fc3.y, ft3.z\n"+ //float vv = 0.11 * v_lt_0_11; vv = ft3.x
"add ft2.z, ft2.z, ft3.x\n"+ //v = v + vv;
"mul ft2.y, ft2.y, ft3.w\n"+ //s = s * !v_lt_0_11
"add ft2.y, ft2.y, ft3.z\n"+ //s = s + v_lt_0_11;
// if (hueShift != 0.0 && s < 0.09) s = 0.09;
"slt ft3.w, ft2.y, fc3.z\n"+ //int s_lt_0_09 = (s < 0.09); s_lt_0_09 = ft3.w
"mul ft3.w, ft3.w, ft3.y\n"+ //s_lt_0_09 = s_lt_0_09 * hs_not_zero;
"seq ft3.z, ft3.w, fc0.z\n"+ //int !s_lt_0_09 !s_lt_0_09 = ft3.z
"mul ft2.y, ft2.y, ft3.z\n"+ //s = s * !s_lt_0_09
"mul ft3.x, fc3.z, ft3.w\n"+ //float ss = 0.09 * s_lt_0_09; ss = ft3.x
"add ft2.y, ft2.y, ft3.x\n"+ //s = s + ss;
// if (hueShift != 0.0 && (v == 0.11 || s == 0.09)) h = 0.0;
"seq ft4.x, ft2.z, fc3.y\n"+ //int v_eq_0_11 = (v == 0.11); v_eq_0_11 = ft4.x
"seq ft4.y, ft2.y, fc3.z\n"+ //int s_eq_0_09 = (s == 0.09); s_eq_0_09 = ft4.y
"add ft4.z, ft4.x, ft4.y\n"+ //int v_eq_0_11_or_s_eq_0_09 = v_eq_0_11 + s_eq_0_09; v_eq_0_11_or_s_eq_0_09 = ft4.z
"mul ft4.z, ft4.z, ft3.y\n"+ //v_eq_0_11_or_s_eq_0_09 = v_eq_0_11_or_s_eq_0_09 * hs_not_zero;
// Multiply h by !v_eq_0_11_or_s_eq_0_09. if v_eq_0_11_or_s_eq_0_09 is true, then h=0, otherwise it's untouched.
"seq ft4.z, ft4.z, fc0.z\n"+ //v_eq_0_11_or_s_eq_0_09 = !v_eq_0_11_or_s_eq_0_09
"mul ft2.x, ft2.x, ft4.z\n"+ //h = h * (!v_eq_0_11_or_s_eq_0_09);
// h = mod(h + hueShift, 360.0);
"add ft2.x, ft2.x, v3.x\n"+ //h = h + hueShift;
"div ft2.x, ft2.x, fc4.x\n"+ //h = h / 360;
"frc ft2.x, ft2.x\n"+ //h = frc h;
"mul ft2.x, ft2.x, fc4.x\n"+ //h = h * 360;
// if (h < 0.0) h += 360.0;
"slt ft4.y, ft2.x, fc0.z\n"+ //int h_lt_0 = (h < 0.0); h_lt_0 = ft4.y
"mul ft4.x, fc4.x, ft4.y\n"+ //float hh = 360 * h_lt_0; hh = ft4.x
"add ft2.x, ft2.x, ft4.x\n"+ //h = h + hh;
// s = max(0.0, min(s, 1.0));
"sat ft2.y, ft2.y\n"+ //s = sat(s);
// v = max(0.0, min(v + brightnessShift, 1.0));
"add ft2.z, ft2.z, v3.z\n"+ //v = v + brightnessShift;
"sat ft2.z, ft2.z\n"+ //v = sat(v);
// int i = int(floor(h / 60.0));
// float f = (h / 60.0) - float(i);
"div ft3.x, ft2.x, fc1.z\n"+ //float h_div_60 = h / 60; h_div_60 = ft3.x
"frc ft3.y, ft3.x\n"+ //float f = frc(h_div_60); f = ft3.y
"sub ft3.x, ft3.x, ft3.y\n"+ //float i = h_div_60 - f; i = ft3.x
// float p = v * (1.0 - s);
// float q = v * (1.0 - (s * f));
// float t = v * (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - f)));
/*** ft5 = [p, q, t, v] ***/
"sub ft5.x, fc0.x, ft2.y\n"+ //ft5.x = 1.0 - s; // p
"mul ft5.x, ft5.x, ft2.z\n"+ //ft5.x = ft5.x * v;
"mul ft5.y, ft2.y, ft3.y\n"+ //ft5.y = (s * f); // q
"sub ft5.y, fc0.x, ft5.y\n"+ //ft5.y = 1.0 - ft5.y;
"mul ft5.y, ft5.y, ft2.z\n"+ //ft5.y = ft5.y * v;
"sub ft5.z, fc0.x, ft3.y\n"+ //ft5.z = 1.0 - f; // t
"mul ft5.z, ft2.y, ft5.z\n"+ //ft5.z = s * ft5.z;
"sub ft5.z, fc0.x, ft5.z\n"+ //ft5.z = 1.0 - ft5.z;
"mul ft5.z, ft5.z, ft2.z\n"+ //ft5.z = ft5.z * v;
"mov ft5.w, ft2.z\n"+ //mov ft5.w, v; // v
/*** FIX i to be an integer on Intel Graphics 3000 with Chrome Pepper Flash ***/
"add ft3.x, ft3.x, fc0.w\n"+ // fix i?
"frc ft3.y, ft3.x\n"+ // fix i?
"sub ft3.x, ft3.x, ft3.y\n"+ // fix i?
"seq ft3.y, ft3.x, fc0.z\n"+ //int i_eq_0 = (i == 0); i_eq_0 = ft3.y
"mul ft3.y, ft3.y, fc3.x\n"+ //i_eq_0 = i_eq_0 * 6;
"add ft3.x, ft3.x, ft3.y\n"+ //i = i + i_eq_0; -- Now i is only 1,2,3,4,5, or 6
"seq ft3.y, ft3.x, fc0.x\n"+ //int i_eq_1 = (i == 1); i_eq_1 = ft3.y
"seq ft3.z, ft3.x, fc0.y\n"+ //int i_eq_2 = (i == 2); i_eq_2 = ft3.z
"seq ft3.w, ft3.x, fc2.y\n"+ //int i_eq_3 = (i == 3); i_eq_3 = ft3.w
"seq ft4.x, ft3.x, fc2.z\n"+ //int i_eq_4 = (i == 4); i_eq_4 = ft4.x
"seq ft4.y, ft3.x, fc2.w\n"+ //int i_eq_5 = (i == 5); i_eq_5 = ft4.y
"seq ft4.z, ft3.x, fc3.x\n"+ //int i_eq_6 = (i == 6); i_eq_6 = ft4.z
// Write to ft7.w ?
// if ((i == 0) || (i == 6)) dst.rgb = float3(v, t, p);
"mul ft7.xyz, ft4.zzz, ft5.wzx\n"+ //ft7 = i_eq_6 * ft5.wzx
// else if (i == 1) dst.rgb = float3(q, v, p);
"mul ft6.xyz, ft3.yyy, ft5.ywx\n"+ //ft6 = i_eq_1 * ft5.ywx
"add ft7.xyz, ft7.xyz, ft6.xyz\n"+ //ft7 = ft7 + ft6
// else if (i == 2) dst.rgb = float3(p, v, t);
"mul ft6.xyz, ft3.zzz, ft5.xwz\n"+ //ft6 = i_eq_2 * ft5.xwz
"add ft7.xyz, ft7.xyz, ft6.xyz\n"+ //ft7 = ft7 + ft6
// else if (i == 3) dst.rgb = float3(p, q, v);
"mul ft6.xyz, ft3.www, ft5.xyw\n"+ //ft6 = i_eq_3 * ft5.xyw
"add ft7.xyz, ft7.xyz, ft6.xyz\n"+ //ft7 = ft7 + ft6
// else if (i == 4) dst.rgb = float3(t, p, v);
"mul ft6.xyz, ft4.xxx, ft5.zxw\n"+ //ft6 = i_eq_4 * ft5.zxw
"add ft7.xyz, ft7.xyz, ft6.xyz\n"+ //ft7 = ft7 + ft6
// else if (i == 5) dst.rgb = float3(v, p, q);
"mul ft6.xyz, ft4.yyy, ft5.wxy\n"+ //ft6 = i_eq_5 * ft5.wxy
"add ft7.xyz, ft7.xyz, ft6.xyz\n"+ //ft7 = ft7 + ft6
"sat ft1.xyz, ft7.xyz\n"+ // Move the shifted color into ft1
/*** Ghost effect ***/
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
"mul ft1.w, ft1.w, v1.z\n"+ // varying alpha in v1.z
"mov oc, ft1\n" // fill ft0.x with v0.x and ft0.w with v0.w
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
private function context3DCreated(e:Event):void {
if(!contextRequested) {
contextRequested = false;
if(!scratchStage) {
__context = null;
(e.currentTarget as Stage3D).context3D.dispose();
2014-06-06 16:45:01 -04:00
else {
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
scratchStage.visible = false;
2014-06-06 16:45:01 -04:00
globalScale = ('contentsScaleFactor' in scratchStage.stage ? scratchStage.stage['contentsScaleFactor'] : 1.0);
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
__context = (e.currentTarget as Stage3D).context3D;
if(__context.driverInfo.toLowerCase().indexOf('software') > -1) {
if(!callbackCalled) {
callbackCalled = true;
setStage(null, null);
scratchStage.visible = false;
if(!callbackCalled) {
callbackCalled = true;
private var callbackCalled:Boolean;
private function requestContext3D():void
if(contextRequested || !stage3D) return;
stage3D.addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, context3DCreated, false, 0, true);
stage3D.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, onStage3DError, false, 0, true);
contextRequested = true;
private function onStage3DError(e:Event):void {
scratchStage.visible = true;
if(!callbackCalled) {
callbackCalled = true;
setStage(null, null);
private function onContextLoss(e:Event = null):void {
for(var i:int=0; i<textures.length; ++i)
(textures[i] as ScratchTextureBitmap).disposeTexture();
if(vertexBuffer) {
vertexBuffer = null;
if(indexBuffer) {
//trace('disposing of indexBuffer!');
//trace('indexBuffer disposed');
indexBuffer = null;
for(var id:String in bitmapsByID)
if(bitmapsByID[id] is ChildRender)
bitmapsByID = {};
for(id in stampsByID)
stampsByID = {};
indexBufferUploaded = false;
vertexBufferUploaded = false;
scissorRect = null;
if(!e) requestContext3D();
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
private static var sRawData:Vector.<Number> =
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
new <Number>[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
private function createOrthographicProjectionMatrix(width:Number, height:Number, x:Number, y:Number):Matrix3D
// this is a projection matrix that gives us an orthographic view of the world (meaning there's no perspective effect)
// the view is defined with (0,0) being in the middle,
// (-viewWidth / 2, -viewHeight / 2) at the top left,
// (viewWidth / 2, viewHeight / 2) at the bottom right,
// and 'near' and 'far' giving limits to the range of z values for objects to appear.
var m:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
sRawData[0] = 2.0/width;
sRawData[1] = 0;
sRawData[4] = 0;
sRawData[5] = -2.0/height;
sRawData[12] = -(2*x + width) / width;
sRawData[13] = (2*y + height) / height;
return m;
internal final class Dbg
public static function printObj(obj:*):String
var memoryHash:String;
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
catch (e:Error)
memoryHash = String(e).replace(/.*([@|\$].*?) to .*$/gi, '$1');
2014-06-24 12:55:53 -04:00
2014-05-12 12:24:39 -04:00
return flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName(obj) + memoryHash;
internal final class FakeClass { }