mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 13:11:12 -05:00
Fixed whitespace in DisplayObjectContainerIn3D
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 55 additions and 55 deletions
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ package {
/** Context to create textures on */
private var __context:Context3D;
private var program:Program3D;
private var indexBuffer:IndexBuffer3D;
private var indexBuffer:IndexBuffer3D;
private var vertexBuffer:VertexBuffer3D;
private var fragmentShaderAssembler:AGALMiniAssembler;
private var vertexShaderAssembler:AGALMiniAssembler;
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ package {
else setRenderView();
//childrenChanged = true;
tlPoint = scratchStage.localToGlobal(originPt);
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ package {
for(var o:Object in cachedOtherRenderBitmaps)
cachedOtherRenderBitmaps = new Dictionary();
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ package {
base += 4;
vertexData.length = ovStride * numChildren << 2;
resized = true;
//trace('indexData resized');
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ package {
vertexBufferUploaded = false;
private var childrenDrawn:int = 0;
private var tlPoint:Point;
private function draw():void {
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ package {
var srcWidth:Number = dw * scale; // Is this right?
var srcHeight:Number = dh * scale;
hueShift = ((360.0 * effects["color"]) / 200.0) % 360.0;
var n:Number = Math.max(0, Math.min(effects['ghost'], 100));
alpha = 1.0 - (n / 100.0);
@ -558,13 +558,13 @@ package {
pixelX *= rect.width / srcWidth;
pixelY *= rect.height / srcHeight;
vertexData.writeFloat(TLx); // x
vertexData.writeFloat(TLy); // y
vertexData.writeFloat(TLx); // x
vertexData.writeFloat(TLy); // y
vertexData.writeFloat(0); // z - use index?
vertexData.writeFloat(0); // u
vertexData.writeFloat(0); // v
vertexData.writeFloat(left); // u0
vertexData.writeFloat(top); // v0
vertexData.writeFloat(top); // v0
vertexData.writeFloat(right - left); // w
vertexData.writeFloat(bottom - top); // h
@ -577,13 +577,13 @@ package {
vertexData.writeFloat(BLx); // x
vertexData.writeFloat(BLy); // y
vertexData.writeFloat(BLx); // x
vertexData.writeFloat(BLy); // y
vertexData.writeFloat(0); // u
vertexData.writeFloat(1); // v
vertexData.writeFloat(left); // u0
vertexData.writeFloat(top); // v0
vertexData.writeFloat(top); // v0
vertexData.writeFloat(right - left); // w
vertexData.writeFloat(bottom - top); // h
@ -596,13 +596,13 @@ package {
vertexData.writeFloat(BRx); // x
vertexData.writeFloat(BRy); // y
vertexData.writeFloat(BRx); // x
vertexData.writeFloat(BRy); // y
vertexData.writeFloat(1); // u
vertexData.writeFloat(1); // v
vertexData.writeFloat(left); // u0
vertexData.writeFloat(top); // v0
vertexData.writeFloat(top); // v0
vertexData.writeFloat(right - left); // w
vertexData.writeFloat(bottom - top); // h
@ -615,13 +615,13 @@ package {
vertexData.writeFloat(TRx); // x
vertexData.writeFloat(TRy); // y
vertexData.writeFloat(TRx); // x
vertexData.writeFloat(TRy); // y
vertexData.writeFloat(1); // u
vertexData.writeFloat(0); // v
vertexData.writeFloat(left); // u0
vertexData.writeFloat(top); // v0
vertexData.writeFloat(top); // v0
vertexData.writeFloat(right - left); // w
vertexData.writeFloat(bottom - top); // h
@ -634,21 +634,21 @@ package {
private function cleanupUnusedBitmaps():void {
var deletedBMs:Array = [];
for (var k:Object in bitmapsByID) {
var bmID:String = k as String;
var isUsed:Boolean = false;
for(var spr:Object in spriteBitmaps) {
if(spriteBitmaps[spr] == bmID) {
isUsed = true;
if(!isUsed) {
//trace('Deleting bitmap '+bmID);
if(bitmapsByID[bmID] is ChildRender)
@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ package {
for each(bmID in deletedBMs)
delete bitmapsByID[bmID];
@ -932,12 +932,12 @@ package {
unpackedBMs[k] = bitmapsByID[k];
//trace('pack textures! ('+bmsToPack+')');
for(var i:int=1; i<6 && bmsToPack > 0; ++i) {
if(i >= textures.length)
textures.push(new ScratchTextureBitmap(texSize, texSize));
var newTex:ScratchTextureBitmap = textures[i];
var packedIDs:Array = newTex.packBitmaps(unpackedBMs);
for(var j:int=0; j<packedIDs.length; ++j) {
@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ package {
// Invalidate cached renders
for(var o:Object in cachedOtherRenderBitmaps)
cachedOtherRenderBitmaps[o].inner_x = Number.NaN;
@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ package {
// assign shader program
// assign texture to texture sampler 0
for(var i:int=0; i<6; ++i) {
@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ package {
__context.clear(0, 0, 0, 0);
__context.drawTriangles(indexBuffer, 0, quadCount*2);
//trace('finished drawing() - '+drawCount);
//childrenChanged = false;
//movedChildren = new Dictionary();
@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@ package {
__context.setDepthTest(false, Context3DCompareMode.ALWAYS);
__context.enableErrorChecking = true;
program = __context.createProgram();
program.upload(vertexShaderAssembler.agalcode, fragmentShaderAssembler.agalcode);
@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ package {
"mov v2, va3\n"+ // copy p_x, p_y, whirlRadians, (push fisheye here?)
"mov v3, va4\n" // copy hueShift, fisheye, brightness, texture index
fragmentShaderAssembler.assemble( Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT,
// FC0 = (1, 2, 0, 0.5)
/*** Mosaic effect ***/
@ -1299,14 +1299,14 @@ package {
// Get the middle pixel
"div ft1.xyxy, v2.xyxy, fc0.yyyy\n"+
"add ft2.xyzw, ft2.xyxy, ft1.xyxy\n"+
// Use the pixelated UV?
"sge ft1.x, v2.x, fc0.z\n"+ // is pixelate_x >= 0?
"mul ft2.xyzw, ft2.xyzw, ft1.xxxx\n"+ // then use the pixelated UV
"slt ft1.x, v2.x, fc0.z\n"+ // is pixelate_x < 0?
"mul ft0.xyzw, ft0.xyzw, ft1.xxxx\n"+ // then use the pixelated UV
"add ft0.xyzw, ft0.xyzw, ft2.xyzw\n"+ // Add them together
/*** Whirl effect ***/
"mov ft0.zwzw, fc0.zzzz\n" +
"mov ft4.xyzw, ft0.xyzw\n" +
@ -1315,83 +1315,83 @@ package {
"sqt ft1.x, ft1.y\n" + // ft.x = d, len(uv) from center of texture (0.5, 0.5)
"div ft1.y, ft1.x, fc0.w\n" + // radius = 0.5 (to the edge)
"sub ft1.y, fc0.x, ft1.y\n" + // ft1.y = factor
"mul ft1.z, ft1.y, ft1.y\n" +
"mul ft1.z, ft1.z, v2.z\n" + // ft1.z = a, using v2.w for whirlRadians
"sin ft2.xyzw, ft1.zzzz\n" + // ft2.x = sinAngle
"cos ft2.yyyy, ft1.zzzz\n" + // ft2.y = cosAngle
"mul ft2.z, ft0.x, ft2.y\n" + // ft2.z = vec.x * cosAngle
"mul ft2.w, ft0.y, ft2.x\n" + // ft2.w = vec.y * sinAngle
"sub ft3.xyzw, ft2.zzzz, ft2.wwww\n" +
"mul ft2.z, ft0.x, ft2.x\n" + // ft2.z = vec.x * sinAngle
"mul ft2.w, ft0.y, ft2.y\n" + // ft2.w = vec.y * cosAngle
"add ft3.yyyy, ft2.zzzz, ft2.wwww\n" +
"add ft3.xy, ft3.xy, fc0.ww\n" + // ft3.y = p.y
"sge ft1.y, ft1.x, fc0.w\n" +
"mul ft4.xy, ft4.xy, ft1.yy\n" +
"slt ft1.y, ft1.x, fc0.w\n" +
"mul ft0.xy, ft3.xy, ft1.yy\n" +
"add ft0.xy, ft4.xy, ft0.xy\n" +
"sat ft0.xy, ft0.xy\n" +
/*** Fisheye effect ***/ // fisheye = v3.y
"sub ft1.xy, ft0.xy, fc0.ww\n" + // ft0.xy = vec = (uv - [0.5,0.5])
"div ft2.xy, ft1.xy, fc0.ww\n" + // vec = vec / [0.5, 0.5]
"mov ft2.zw, fc0.zz\n" +
"dp3 ft1.yyy, ft2.xyz, ft2.xyz\n" + // ft1.y = length(vec)^2
"sqt ft1.x, ft1.y\n" + // ft.x = length(vec)
// Prevent divide by zero
"seq ft3.y, ft1.x, fc0.z\n"+ //int len_eq_zero = (v == 0);
"mul ft3.x, fc3.w, ft3.y\n"+ //tiny = 0.000001 * len_eq_zero; = ft3.x
"add ft1.x, ft1.x, ft3.x\n"+ //len = len + tiny;
"div ft2.xy, ft2.xy, ft1.xx\n" + // vec2 = vec / len;
"pow ft1.y, ft1.x, v3.y\n" + // r = pow(len, scaledPower);
"mul ft2.xy, ft2.xy, ft1.yy\n" + // coords = center + (r * vec2 * center);
"mul ft2.xy, ft2.xy, fc0.ww\n" +
"add ft2.xy, ft2.xy, fc0.ww\n" +
"sge ft1.x, ft1.y, fc0.x\n" +
"mul ft0.xy, ft0.xy, ft1.xx\n" +
"slt ft1.y, ft1.y, fc0.x\n" +
"mul ft2.xy, ft2.xy, ft1.yy\n" +
"add ft0.xy, ft2.xy, ft0.xy\n" +
/*** Move the texture coordinates into the sub-texture space ***/
/*** Move the texture coordinates into the sub-texture space ***/
"mul ft0.xyzw, ft0.xyzw, v1.xyxy\n" +
"add ft0.xy, ft0.xy, v0.zw\n" +
/*** Select texture to use ***/
/*** Select texture to use ***/
// Get the texture pixel using ft0.xy as the coordinates
"seq ft5, v3.w, fc0.z\n"+ // Use texture 0?
"tex ft1, ft0, fs0 <2d,clamp,linear,nomip>\n"+
"mul ft1, ft1, ft5\n"+
"seq ft5, v3.w, fc0.x\n"+ // Use texture 1?
"tex ft2, ft0, fs1 <2d,clamp,linear,nomip>\n"+
"mul ft2, ft2, ft5\n"+
"add ft1, ft1, ft2\n"+
"seq ft5, v3.w, fc0.y\n"+ // Use texture 2?
"tex ft3, ft0, fs2 <2d,clamp,linear,nomip>\n"+
"mul ft3, ft3, ft5\n"+
"add ft1, ft1, ft3\n"+
"seq ft5, v3.w, fc2.y\n"+ // Use texture 3?
"tex ft4, ft0, fs3 <2d,clamp,linear,nomip>\n"+
"mul ft4, ft4, ft5\n"+
"add ft1, ft1, ft4\n"+
"seq ft5, v3.w, fc2.z\n"+ // Use texture 4?
"tex ft4, ft0, fs4 <2d,clamp,linear,nomip>\n"+
"mul ft4, ft4, ft5\n"+
"add ft1, ft1, ft4\n"+
"seq ft5, v3.w, fc2.w\n"+ // Use texture 5?
"tex ft4, ft0, fs5 <2d,clamp,linear,nomip>\n"+
"mul ft4, ft4, ft5\n"+
@ -1592,8 +1592,8 @@ package {
"sat ft1.xyz, ft7.xyz\n"+ // Move the shifted color into ft1
/*** Ghost effect ***/
"mul ft1.w, ft1.w, v1.z\n"+ // varying alpha in v1.z
"mov oc, ft1\n" // fill ft0.x with v0.x and ft0.w with v0.w
"mul ft1.w, ft1.w, v1.z\n"+ // varying alpha in v1.z
"mov oc, ft1\n" // fill ft0.x with v0.x and ft0.w with v0.w
@ -1687,8 +1687,8 @@ package {
if(!e) requestContext3D();
private static var sRawData:Vector.<Number> =
private static var sRawData:Vector.<Number> =
new <Number>[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
private function createOrthographicProjectionMatrix(width:Number, height:Number, x:Number, y:Number):Matrix3D
@ -1715,7 +1715,7 @@ internal final class Dbg
public static function printObj(obj:*):String
var memoryHash:String;
@ -1724,7 +1724,7 @@ internal final class Dbg
memoryHash = String(e).replace(/.*([@|\$].*?) to .*$/gi, '$1');
return flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName(obj) + memoryHash;
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