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* Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting.
* http://paperjs.org/
* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey
* http://scratchdisk.com/ & http://jonathanpuckey.com/
* Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
* All rights reserved.
// Register a jsDump parser for Base.
QUnit.jsDump.setParser('Base', function (obj, stack) {
// Just compare the string representation of classes inheriting from Base,
// since they hide the internal values.
return obj.toString();
// Override the default object parser to handle Base objects.
// We need to keep a reference to the previous implementation.
var objectParser = QUnit.jsDump.parsers.object;
QUnit.jsDump.setParser('object', function (obj, stack) {
return (obj instanceof Base
? QUnit.jsDump.parsers.Base
: objectParser).call(this, obj, stack);
var comparators = {
Null: QUnit.strictEqual,
Undefined: QUnit.strictEqual,
Boolean: QUnit.strictEqual,
Object: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
QUnit.push(Base.equals(actual, expected), actual, expected, message);
Base: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
comparators.Object(actual, expected, message, options);
Number: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
// Compare with a default tolerance of Numerical.TOLERANCE:
var ok = Math.abs(actual - expected)
<= Base.pick(options && options.tolerance, Numerical.TOLERANCE);
QUnit.push(ok, ok ? expected : actual, expected, message);
Array: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
QUnit.strictEqual(actual.length, expected.length,
(message || '') + ' length');
for (var i = 0, l = actual.length; i < l; i++) {
equals(actual[i], expected[i], (message || '') + ' [' + i + ']',
Point: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
comparators.Number(actual.x, expected.x, (message || '') + ' x',
comparators.Number(actual.y, expected.y, (message || '') + ' y',
Size: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
comparators.Number(actual.width, expected.width,
(message || '') + ' width', options);
comparators.Number(actual.height, expected.height,
(message || '') + ' height', options);
Rectangle: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
comparators.Point(actual, expected, message, options);
comparators.Size(actual, expected, message, options);
Matrix: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
comparators.Array(actual.values, expected.values, message, options);
Color: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
if (actual && expected) {
equals(actual.type, expected.type,
(message || '') + ' type', options);
// NOTE: This also compares gradients, with identity checks and all.
equals(actual.components, expected.components,
(message || '') + ' components', options);
} else {
equals(actual, expected, message, options);
Segment: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
Base.each(['handleIn', 'handleOut', 'point', 'selected'],
function(key) {
equals(actual[key], expected[key], (message || '') + ' ' + key);
SegmentPoint: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
comparators.Point(actual, expected, message, options);
comparators.Boolean(actual.selected, expected.selected,
(message || '') + ' selected', options);
var identicalAfterClone = {
Gradient: true,
Symbol: true
function getFunctionMessage(func) {
var message = func.toString().match(
.replace(/ /g, '')
.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if (/^return /.test(message)) {
message = message
.replace(/^return /, '')
.replace(/;$/, '');
return message;
// Override equals to convert functions to message and execute them as tests()
function equals(actual, expected, message, options) {
// Allow the use of functions for actual, which will get called and their
// source content extracted for readable reports.
if (typeof actual === 'function') {
if (!message)
message = getFunctionMessage(actual);
actual = actual();
// Get the comparator based on the expected value's type only and ignore the
// actual value's type.
var type = typeof expected,
type = expected === null && 'Null'
|| type === 'number' && 'Number'
|| type === 'boolean' && 'Boolean'
|| type === 'undefined' && 'Undefined'
|| Array.isArray(expected) && 'Array'
|| (cls = expected && expected._class)
|| type === 'object' && 'Object';
var comparator = type && comparators[type];
if (comparator) {
comparator(actual, expected, message, options);
} else if (expected && expected.equals) {
// Fall back to equals
QUnit.push(expected.equals(actual), actual, expected, message);
} else {
// Finally perform a strict compare
QUnit.push(actual === expected, actual, expected, message);
if (options && options.cloned && cls) {
var identical = identicalAfterClone[cls];
QUnit.push(identical ? actual === expected : actual !== expected,
actual, identical ? expected : 'not ' + expected,
(message || '') + ' identity');
function test(testName, expected) {
return QUnit.test(testName, function() {
var project = new Project();
function asyncTest(testName, expected) {
return QUnit.asyncTest(testName, function() {
var project = new Project();
expected(function() {
function compareItems(item, item2, options) {
if (options && options.cloned)
QUnit.notStrictEqual(item.id, item2.id, 'Compare Item#id');
QUnit.strictEqual(item.constructor, item2.constructor,
'Compare Item#constructor');
// When item was cloned and had a name, the name will be versioned
equals(options && options.cloned && item.name ? item.name + ' 1'
: item.name, item2.name, 'Compare Item#name');
Base.each(['bounds', 'position', 'data', 'matrix', 'opacity', 'locked',
'visible', 'blendMode', 'selected', 'fullySelected', 'clipMask',
function(key) {
equals(item[key], item2[key], 'Compare Item#' + key, options);
// Style
Base.each(['fillColor', 'strokeColor', 'strokeCap', 'strokeJoin',
'dashArray', 'dashOffset', 'miterLimit',
'fontSize', 'font', 'leading', 'justification'],
function(key) {
equals(item.style[key], item2.style[key], 'Compare Style#' + key,
// Path specific
if (item instanceof Path) {
Base.each(['segments', 'closed', 'clockwise', 'length'],
function(key) {
equals(item[key], item2[key], 'Compare Path#' + key, options);
// Shape specific
if (item instanceof Shape) {
Base.each(['shape', 'size', 'radius'],
function(key) {
equals(item[key], item2[key], 'Compare Shape#' + key, options);
// Group specific
if (item instanceof Group) {
equals(item.clipped, item2.clipped, 'Compare Group#clipped', options);
// Layer specific
if (item instanceof Layer) {
equals(function() {
return options && options.dontShareProject
? item.project != item2.project
: item.project == item2.project;
}, true);
// PlacedSymbol specific
if (item instanceof PlacedSymbol) {
if (options.dontShareProject) {
compareItems(item.symbol.definition, item2.symbol.definition,
'Compare Symbol#definition');
} else {
equals(item.symbol, item2.symbol, 'Compare PlacedSymbol#symbol',
// Raster specific
if (item instanceof Raster) {
equals(item.size, item2.size, 'Compare Raster#size');
equals(item.width, item2.width, 'Compare Raster#width');
equals(item.height, item2.height, 'Compare Raster#height');
equals(item.ppi, item2.ppi, 'Compare Raster#ppi');
equals(item.source, item2.source, 'Compare Raster#source');
equals(item.image, item2.image, 'Compare Raster#image');
equals(item.toDataURL(), item2.toDataURL(),
'Compare Raster#toDataUrl()');
// TextItem specific:
if (item instanceof TextItem) {
equals(item.content, item2.content, 'Compare Item#content');
// PointText specific:
if (item instanceof PointText) {
equals(item.point, item2.point, 'Compare Item#point');
// Check length of children and recursively compare them:
if (item.children) {
equals(function() {
return item.children.length == item2.children.length;
}, true);
for (var i = 0, l = item.children.length; i < l; i++) {
compareItems(item.children[i], item2.children[i], options);
function compareProjects(project, project2) {
// Compare Project#symbols:
equals(function() {
return project.symbols.length == project2.symbols.length;
}, true);
for (var i = 0, l = project.symbols.length; i < l; i++) {
var definition1 = project.symbols[i].definition;
var definition2 = project2.symbols[i].definition;
compareItems(definition1, definition2, { dontShareProject: true },
'Compare Symbol#definition');
// Compare Project#layers:
equals(function() {
return project.layers.length == project2.layers.length;
}, true);
for (var i = 0, l = project.layers.length; i < l; i++) {
compareItems(project.layers[i], project2.layers[i],
{ dontShareProject: true });
// SVG
function createSVG(xml) {
return new DOMParser().parseFromString(
'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">' + xml + '</svg>',