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synced 2025-01-08 05:42:07 -05:00
285 lines
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285 lines
8.7 KiB
function runTests() {
var caption, pathA, pathB, group;
var container = document.getElementById( 'container' );
caption = prepareTest( 'Find Curve Intersections - 10,000 times.', container );
// pathA = new Path.Circle(new Point(70, 110), 50);
// pathA.rotate( 45 );
// pathB = new Path.Circle(new Point(160, 110), 50);
// pathB.rotate( 45 );
// // pathB.segments[3].point = pathB.segments[3].point.add( [10, -120] );
// // pathB.translate( [ -20, -30 ] );
// // pathB.segments[0].handleIn = pathB.segments[0].handleIn.add( [-100, 30] );
// // pathB.translate( [ 20, -30 ] );
// // testIntersection( pathA, pathB, caption );
pathA = new Path();
pathA.add( new Segment( [47, 93], [-89, 100], [240, -239] ) );
pathA.add( new Segment( [173, 44], [-281, 268], [-86, 152] ) );
pathA.closed = true;
pathB = pathA.clone();
pathB.rotate( -90 );
pathA.translate( [-10,0] );
pathB.translate( [10,0] );
window.a = pathA;
window.b = pathB;
window.setTimeout( function(){doTest( pathA, pathB, 1000 )}, 10 );
// var v1 = [84.625,79.375,51,130.5,22.5,178,163,44];
// var v2 = [91.81412502271213,92.91643774058434,142.93912502271212,126.54143774058434,190.43912502271212,155.04143774058434,56.43912502271214,14.541437740584342]
// var c1 = new Curve( 84.625,79.375,51,130.5,22.5,178,163,44 );
// var c2 = new Curve( 91.81412502271213,92.91643774058434,142.93912502271212,126.54143774058434,190.43912502271212,155.04143774058434,56.43912502271214,14.541437740584342);
// var p1 = new Path( c1.segment1, c1.segment2 );
// var p2 = new Path( c2.segment1, c2.segment2 );
// p1.style = p2.style = pathStyleBoolean;
// var loc = [];
// Curve.getIntersections2( v1, v2, c1, c2, loc );
// console.log( loc )
function prepareTest( testName, parentNode ){
console.log( '\n' + testName );
var caption = document.createElement('h3');
caption.appendChild( document.createTextNode( testName ) );
var canvas = document.createElement('CANVAS');
parentNode.appendChild( caption );
parentNode.appendChild( canvas );
paper.setup( canvas );
return caption;
var pathStyleIx = {
fillColor: new Color( 0.8, 0, 0 ),
strokeColor: new Color( 0, 0, 0 )
var pathStyleNormal = {
strokeColor: new Color( 0, 0, 0 ),
fillColor: new Color( 0, 0, 0, 0.1 ),
strokeWidth: 1
var pathStyleBoolean = {
strokeColor: new Color( 0,0,0,0.4 ),
fillColor: new Color( 0, 0, 0, 0.0 ),
strokeWidth: 1
function doTest( pathA, pathB, count ){
var _p1U = new Path( pathA.segments[0], pathA.segments[1] );
// var _p1U = new Path( pathA.segments[1], pathA.segments[2] );
// _p1U.reverse();
var _p2U = new Path( pathB.segments[0], pathB.segments[1] );
// var _p2U = new Path( pathB.segments[3], pathB.segments[0] );
_p1U.style = _p2U.style = pathStyleBoolean;
// for (var i = 0; i < crvs.length; i++) {
// drawFatline( _p1U.curves[0].getValues() );
// drawFatline( _p2U.curves[0].getValues() );
// }
var maxCount = count || 1, count = maxCount, loc, loc2;
var v1 = _p1U.curves[0].getValues(), v2 = _p2U.curves[0].getValues();
while( count-- ){
loc = [];
Curve.getIntersections2( v1, v2, _p1U.curves[0], _p2U.curves[0], loc );
// Curve.getIntersections2( v2, v1, _p2U.curves[0], _p1U.curves[0], loc );
// var ret = _clipFatLine( v1, v2, 0, 1, 0, 1, true, crvs[0], _p1U.curves[0], loc );
count = maxCount;
while( count-- ){
loc2 = [];
Curve.getIntersections( v1, v2, _p1U.curves[0], _p2U.curves[0], loc2 );
console.log( ' ' );
for( i =0; i < loc2.length; i++){
markPoint( loc2[i].point, ' ', '#00f' );
// markPoint( loc2[i].point, loc2[i].parameter, '#00f' );
console.log( 'paperjs t = ' + loc2[i].parameter + ' , u = ' + loc2[i].getIntersection().parameter );
for( i =0; i < loc.length; i++){
// console.log( loc[i].point )
markPoint( loc[i].point, ' ', '#f00' );
// markPoint( loc[i].point, loc[i].parameter, '#f00' );
console.log( 'fatline t = ' + loc[i].parameter + ' , u = ' + loc[i].getIntersection().parameter );
// Better if path1 and path2 fit nicely inside a 200x200 pixels rect
function testIntersection( path1, path2, caption ) {
path1.style = path2.style = pathStyleNormal;
var _p1U = path1.clone().translate( [250, 0] );
var _p2U = path2.clone().translate( [250, 0] );
_p1U.style = _p2U.style = pathStyleBoolean;
console.time( 'New' );
var ixs = getIntersections2( _p1U, _p2U );
console.timeEnd( 'New' );
var _p1I = path1.clone().translate( [500, 0] );
// _p1I.reverse();
var _p2I = path2.clone().translate( [500, 0] );
_p1I.style = _p2I.style = pathStyleBoolean;
console.time( 'Paperjs' );
ixs = _p1I.getIntersections( _p2I );
console.timeEnd( 'Paperjs' );
// markIntersections(ixs);
var vals = ixs[0].curve.getValues();
var section = Curve.getPart( vals, ixs[1].parameter, ixs[0].parameter );
markPoint( new Point(section[0], section[1]), ixs[0].parameter );
markPoint( new Point(section[6], section[7]), ixs[1].parameter );
} catch( e ){
console.error( e.name + ": " + e.message );
if( caption ) { caption.className += ' error'; }
// paper.project.view.element.className += ' hide';
} finally {
console.timeEnd( 'New' );
console.timeEnd( 'Paperjs' );
function markIntersections( ixs ){
for (i = 0, len = ixs.length; i < len; i++) {
markPoint( ixs[i].point, ixs[i].parameter );
// ==============================================================
// On screen debug helpers
function markPoint( pnt, t, c, tc, remove ) {
if( !pnt ) return;
c = c || '#000';
if( remove === undefined ){ remove = true; }
var cir = new Path.Circle( pnt, 2 );
cir.style.fillColor = c;
cir.style.strokeColor = tc;
if( t !== undefined || t !== null ){
var text = new PointText( pnt.add([0, -3]) );
text.justification = 'center';
text.fillColor = c;
text.content = t;
if( remove ){
if( remove ) {
function markCurve( crv, c, flag) {
if( !crv ) return;
c = c || '#000';
if( flag ){
if( window.__p1 ) window.__p1.remove();
window.__p1 = new Path(
new Segment( [crv[0], crv[1]], null, [crv[2] - crv[0], crv[3] - crv[1]] ),
new Segment( [crv[6], crv[7]], [crv[4] - crv[6], crv[5] - crv[7]], null )
window.__p1.style.strokeColor = c;
} else {
if( window.__p2 ) window.__p2.remove();
window.__p2 = new Path(
new Segment( [crv[0], crv[1]], null, [crv[2] - crv[0], crv[3] - crv[1]] ),
new Segment( [crv[6], crv[7]], [crv[4] - crv[6], crv[5] - crv[7]], null )
window.__p2.style.strokeColor = c;
function waitFor( time ){
var st = new Date();
while( new Date() - st < time ){}
function annotatePath( path, t, c, tc, remove ) {
if( !path ) return;
var crvs = path.curves;
for (i = crvs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
annotateCurve( crvs[i], t, c, tc, remove );
var segs = path.segments;
for (i = segs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
annotateSegment( segs[i], t, c, tc, remove, true );
function annotateSegment( s, t, c, tc, remove, skipCurves ) {
if( !s ) return;
c = c || '#000';
tc = tc || '#ccc';
t = t || s.index;
if( remove === undefined ){ remove = true; }
var crv = s.curve;
var t1 = crv.getNormal( 0 ).normalize( 10 );
var p = s.point.clone().add( t1 );
var cir = new Path.Circle( s.point, 2 );
cir.style.fillColor = c;
cir.style.strokeColor = tc;
var text = new PointText( p );
text.justification = 'center';
text.fillColor = c;
text.content = t;
if( remove ) {
if( !skipCurves ) {
annotateCurve( s.curveIn, null, c, tc, remove );
annotateCurve( s.curveOut, null, c, tc, remove );
function annotateCurve( crv, t, c, tc, remove ) {
if( !crv ) return;
c = c || '#000';
tc = tc || '#ccc';
t = t || crv.index;
if( remove === undefined ){ remove = true; }
var p = crv.getPoint( 0.57 );
var t1 = crv.getTangent( 0.57 ).normalize( -10 );
var p2 = p.clone().add( t1 );
var l = new Path.Line( p, p2 ).rotate( 30, p );
var l2 = new Path.Line( p, p2 ).rotate( -30, p );
p = crv.getPoint( 0.43 );
var cir = new Path.Circle( p, 8 );
var text = new PointText( p.subtract( [0, -4] ) );
text.justification = 'center';
text.fillColor = tc;
text.content = t;
l.style.strokeColor = l2.style.strokeColor = c;
cir.style.fillColor = c;
if( remove ) {