sasensi 2e75467fb4 Fix group selected bounds and position color
Group selected color was applied differently to its bounds and position
depending on whether it had children or not when selected color was set.
This resulted in an unpredictable behaviour from a user point of view.
To change that:
- When `item.setSelectedColor()` is called, value is now always stored
in `item._style._values`, independently from the fact that item has
children or not.
- An helper method `compareCanvas()` is added to the test suite to allow
comparing selection rendering of a known working case to a failing one.
Two provided callbacks are executed in a dedicated `<canvas>`/`Project`
context and both results are compared with `resemble.js`.
2018-11-06 11:26:12 +01:00

686 lines
24 KiB

* Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting.
* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2016, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey
* &
* Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
* All rights reserved.
var isNode = typeof global === 'object',
isPhantom = typeof window === 'object' && !!window.callPhantom,
if (isNode) {
scope = global;
// Resemble.js needs the Image constructor global.
global.Image = paper.window.Image;
} else {
scope = window;
// This is only required when running in the browser:
// Until window.history.pushState() works when running locally, we need to
// trick qunit into thinking that the feature is not present. This appears
// to work...
// TODO: Ideally we should fix this in QUnit instead.
delete window.history;
window.history = {};
QUnit.begin(function() {
if (QUnit.urlParams.hidepassed) {
document.getElementById('qunit-tests').className += ' hidepass';
// Some native javascript classes have name collisions with Paper.js classes.
// If they have not already been stored in src/load.js, we dot it now.
if (!isNode && typeof NativeClasses === 'undefined')
NativeClasses = {
Event: Event,
MouseEvent: MouseEvent
// The unit-tests expect the paper classes to be global.
// Override console.error, so that we can catch errors that are only logged to
// the console.
var errorHandler = console.error;
console.error = function() {
var current = QUnit.config.current;
if (current) {
QUnit.pushFailure([], ' '), current.stack);
errorHandler.apply(this, arguments);
var currentProject;
QUnit.done(function(details) {
console.error = errorHandler;
// Clear all event listeners after final test.
if (currentProject) {
// NOTE: In order to "export" all methods into the shared Prepro.js scope when
// using node-qunit, we need to define global functions as:
// `var name = function() {}`. `function name() {}` does not work!
var test = function(testName, expected) {
return QUnit.test(testName, function(assert) {
// Since tests can be asynchronous, remove the old project before
// running the next test.
if (currentProject) {
// This is needed for interactions tests, to make sure that test is
// run with a fresh state.
// Instantiate project with 100x100 pixels canvas instead of default
// 1x1 to make interactions tests simpler by working with integers.
currentProject = new Project(new Size(100, 100));
// Override equals to convert functions to message and execute them as tests()
var equals = function(actual, expected, message, options) {
// Allow the use of functions for actual, which will get called and their
// source content extracted for readable reports.
if (typeof actual === 'function') {
if (!message)
message = getFunctionMessage(actual);
actual = actual();
// Get the comparator based on the expected value's type only and ignore the
// actual value's type.
var type = typeof expected,
type = expected === null && 'Null'
|| type === 'number' && 'Number'
|| type === 'boolean' && 'Boolean'
|| type === 'undefined' && 'Undefined'
|| Array.isArray(expected) && 'Array'
|| expected instanceof window.Element && 'Element' // handle DOM Elements
|| (cls = expected && expected._class) // check _class 2nd last
|| type === 'object' && 'Object'; // Object as catch-all
var comparator = type && comparators[type];
if (!message)
message = type ? type.toLowerCase() : 'value';
if (comparator) {
comparator(actual, expected, message, options);
} else if (expected && expected.equals) {
// Fall back to equals
QUnit.push(expected.equals(actual), actual, expected, message);
} else {
// Finally perform a strict compare
QUnit.push(actual === expected, actual, expected, message);
if (options && options.cloned && cls) {
var identical = identicalAfterCloning[cls];
QUnit.push(identical ? actual === expected : actual !== expected,
actual, identical ? expected : 'not ' + expected,
message + ': identical after cloning');
// A list of classes that should be identical after their owners were cloned.
var identicalAfterCloning = {
Gradient: true,
SymbolDefinition: true
// Register a jsDump parser for Base.
QUnit.jsDump.setParser('Base', function (obj, stack) {
// Just compare the string representation of classes inheriting from Base,
// since they hide the internal values.
return obj.toString();
// Override the default object parser to handle Base objects.
// We need to keep a reference to the previous implementation.
var objectParser = QUnit.jsDump.parsers.object;
QUnit.jsDump.setParser('object', function (obj, stack) {
return (obj instanceof Base
? QUnit.jsDump.parsers.Base
: objectParser).call(this, obj, stack);
var compareProperties = function(actual, expected, properties, message, options) {
for (var i = 0, l = properties.length; i < l; i++) {
var key = properties[i];
equals(actual[key], expected[key],
message + ' (#' + key + ')', options);
* Compare 2 image data with resemble.js library.
* When comparison fails, expected, actual and compared images are displayed.
* @param {ImageData} imageData1 the expected image data
* @param {ImageData} imageData2 the actual image data
* @param {number} tolerance
* @param {string} diffDetail text displayed when comparison fails
var compareImageData = function(imageData1, imageData2, tolerance, diffDetail) {
* Build an image element from a given image data.
* @param {ImageData} imageData
* @return {HTMLImageElement}
function image(imageData) {
var canvas = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(imageData.width, imageData.height);
canvas.getContext('2d').putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
var image = new Image();
image.src = canvas.toDataURL();
return image;
tolerance = (tolerance || 1e-4) * 100;
// Use resemble.js to compare image datas.
var id = QUnit.config.current.testId,
index = QUnit.config.current.assertions.length + 1,
if (!resemble._setup) {
resemble._setup = true;
errorColor: { red: 255, green: 51, blue: 0 },
errorType: 'flat',
transparency: 1
// When working with imageData, this call is synchronous:
.onComplete(function(data) { result = data; });
// Compare with tolerance in percentage...
var fixed = tolerance < 1 ? ((1 / tolerance) + '').length - 1 : 0,
identical = result ? 100 - result.misMatchPercentage : 0,
ok = Math.abs(100 - identical) <= tolerance,
text = identical.toFixed(fixed) + '% identical',
detail = text;
if (!ok && diffDetail) {
detail += diffDetail;
QUnit.push(ok, text, (100).toFixed(fixed) + '% identical');
if (!ok && result && !isNode) {
// Get the right entry for this unit test and assertion, and
// replace the results with images
var entry = document.getElementById('qunit-test-output-' + id)
.querySelector('li:nth-child(' + (index) + ')'),
bounds = result.diffBounds;
entry.querySelector('.test-expected td').appendChild(image(imageData1));
entry.querySelector('.test-actual td').appendChild(image(imageData2));
entry.querySelector('.test-diff td').innerHTML = '<pre>' + detail
+ '</pre><br>'
+ '<img src="' + result.getImageDataUrl() + '">';
var comparePixels = function(actual, expected, message, options) {
function rasterize(item, group, resolution) {
var raster = null;
if (group) {
var parent = item.parent,
index = item.index;
raster = group.rasterize(resolution, false);
if (parent) {
parent.insertChild(index, item);
} else {
return raster;
if (!expected) {
return QUnit.strictEqual(actual, expected, message, options);
} else if (!actual) {
// In order to compare pixels, just create an empty item that can be
// rasterized to an empty raster.
actual = new Group();
options = options || {};
// In order to properly compare pixel by pixel, we need to put each item
// into a group with a white background of the united dimensions of the
// bounds of both items before rasterizing.
var resolution = options.resolution || 72,
actualBounds = actual.strokeBounds,
expecedBounds = expected.strokeBounds,
bounds = actualBounds.isEmpty()
? expecedBounds
: expecedBounds.isEmpty()
? actualBounds
: actualBounds.unite(expecedBounds);
if (bounds.isEmpty()) {
QUnit.equal('empty', 'empty', message);
var group = actual && expected && new Group({
insert: false,
children: [
new Shape.Rectangle({
rectangle: bounds,
fillColor: 'white'
actualRaster = rasterize(actual, group, resolution),
expectedRaster = rasterize(expected, group, resolution);
if (!actualRaster || !expectedRaster) {
QUnit.push(false, null, null, 'Unable to compare rasterized items: ' +
(!actualRaster ? 'actual' : 'expected') + ' item is null',
} else {
// Compare the two rasterized items.
var detail = actual instanceof PathItem && expected instanceof PathItem
? '\nExpected:\n' + expected.pathData + '\nActual:\n' + actual.pathData
: '';
expectedRaster.getImageData(), options.tolerance, detail);
var compareItem = function(actual, expected, message, options, properties) {
options = options || {};
if (options.rasterize) {
comparePixels(actual, expected, message, options);
} else if (!actual || !expected) {
QUnit.strictEqual(actual, expected, message);
} else {
if (options.cloned)
message + ' (not #id)');
QUnit.strictEqual(actual.constructor, expected.constructor,
message + ' (#constructor)');
// When item is cloned and has a name, the name will be versioned:
options.cloned &&
? + ' 1' :,
message + ' (#name)');
compareProperties(actual, expected, ['children', 'bounds', 'position',
'matrix', 'data', 'opacity', 'locked', 'visible', 'blendMode',
'selected', 'fullySelected', 'clipMask', 'guide'],
message, options);
if (properties)
compareProperties(actual, expected, properties, message, options);
// Style
var styles = ['fillColor',
'strokeColor', 'strokeCap', 'strokeJoin', 'dashArray',
'dashOffset', 'miterLimit'];
if (expected instanceof TextItem)
styles.push('fontSize', 'font', 'leading', 'justification');
compareProperties(,, styles,
message + ' (#style)', options);
* Run each callback in a separated canvas context and compare both outputs.
* This can be used to do selection drawing tests as it is not possible with
* comparePixels() method which relies on the item.rasterize() method which
* ignores selection.
* @param width the width of the canvas
* @param height the height of the canvas
* @param expectedCallback the function producing the expected result
* @param actualCallback the function producing the actual result
var compareCanvas = function(width, height, expectedCallback, actualCallback) {
function getImageData(width, height, callback) {
var canvas = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(width, height);
var project = new Project(canvas);
var imageData = canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
return imageData;
getImageData(width, height, expectedCallback),
getImageData(width, height, actualCallback)
// A list of comparator functions, based on `expected` type. See equals() for
// an explanation of how the type is determined.
var comparators = {
Null: QUnit.strictEqual,
Undefined: QUnit.strictEqual,
Boolean: QUnit.strictEqual,
Object: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
QUnit.push(Base.equals(actual, expected), actual, expected, message);
Element: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
// Convention: Loop through the attribute lists of both actual and
// expected element, and compare values even if they may be inherited.
// This is to handle styling values on SVGElement items more flexibly.
equals(actual && actual.tagName, expected.tagName,
(message || '') + ' (#tagName)', options);
for (var i = 0; i < expected.attributes.length; i++) {
var attr = expected.attributes[i];
if (attr.specified) {
equals(actual && actual.getAttribute(, attr.value,
(message || '') + ' (#' + + ')', options);
for (var i = 0; i < actual && actual.attributes.length; i++) {
var attr = actual.attributes[i];
if (attr.specified) {
equals(attr.value, expected.getAttribute(
(message || '') + ' #(' + + ')', options);
Base: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
comparators.Object(actual, expected, message, options);
Number: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
// Compare with a default tolerance of 1e-5:
var ok = Math.abs(actual - expected)
<= Base.pick(options && options.tolerance, 1e-5);
QUnit.push(ok, ok ? expected : actual, expected, message);
Array: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
QUnit.strictEqual(actual.length, expected.length, message
+ ' (#length)');
for (var i = 0, l = actual.length; i < l; i++) {
equals(actual[i], expected[i], (message || '') + '[' + i + ']',
Point: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
comparators.Number(actual.x, expected.x, message + ' (#x)', options);
comparators.Number(actual.y, expected.y, message + ' (#y)', options);
Size: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
comparators.Number(actual.width, expected.width,
message + ' (#width)', options);
comparators.Number(actual.height, expected.height,
message + ' (#height)', options);
Rectangle: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
comparators.Point(actual, expected, message, options);
comparators.Size(actual, expected, message, options);
Matrix: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
comparators.Array(actual.values, expected.values, message, options);
Color: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
if (actual && expected) {
equals(actual.type, expected.type, message + ' (#type)', options);
// NOTE: This also compares gradients, with identity checks and all.
equals(actual.components, expected.components,
message + ' (#components)', options);
} else {
QUnit.strictEqual(actual, expected, message);
Segment: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
compareProperties(actual, expected, ['handleIn', 'handleOut', 'point',
'selected'], message, options);
SegmentPoint: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
comparators.Point(actual, expected, message, options);
comparators.Boolean(actual.selected, expected.selected,
message + ' (#selected)', options);
Item: compareItem,
Group: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
compareItem(actual, expected, message, options, ['clipped']);
Layer: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
compareItem(actual, expected, message, options);
var sameProject = actual.project === expected.project;
var sharedProject = !(options && options.dontShareProject);
QUnit.push(sharedProject ? sameProject : !sameProject,
sharedProject ? expected.project : 'not ' + expected.project,
message + ' (#project)');
Path: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
compareItem(actual, expected, message, options,
['segments', 'closed', 'clockwise']);
CompoundPath: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
compareItem(actual, expected, message, options);
Raster: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
var pixels = options && options.pixels,
properties = ['size', 'width', 'height', 'resolution'];
if (!pixels)
properties.push('source', 'image');
compareItem(actual, expected, message, options, properties);
if (pixels) {
comparePixels(actual, expected, message, options);
} else {
equals(actual.toDataURL(), expected.toDataURL(),
message + ' (#toDataUrl())');
Shape: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
compareItem(actual, expected, message, options,
['shape', 'size', 'radius']);
PointText: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
compareItem(actual, expected, message, options,
['content', 'point']);
SymbolItem: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
compareItem(actual, expected, message,
// Cloning SymbolItems does not result in cloned
// SymbolDefinitions
options && options.cloned
? Base.set({}, options, { cloned: false })
: options,
SymbolDefinition: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
equals(actual.definition, expected.definition,
message + ' (#definition)', options);
Project: function(actual, expected, message, options) {
compareProperties(actual, expected, ['layers'], message, options);
// Some other helpers:
var getFunctionMessage = function(func) {
var message = func.toString().match(
.replace(/ /g, '')
.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if (/^return /.test(message)) {
message = message
.replace(/^return /, '')
.replace(/;$/, '');
return message;
var compareBoolean = function(actual, expected, message, options) {
expected = typeof expected === 'string'
? PathItem.create(expected)
: expected;
if (typeof actual === 'function') {
if (!message)
message = getFunctionMessage(actual);
actual = actual();
var parent,
style = {
strokeColor: 'black',
fillColor: expected && (expected.closed
|| expected.firstChild && expected.firstChild.closed && 'yellow')
|| null
if (actual) {
parent = actual.parent;
index = actual.index;
// Remove it from parent already now, in case we're comparing children
// of compound-paths, so we can apply styling to them.
if (parent && parent instanceof CompoundPath) {
} else {
parent = null;
} = style;
if (expected) { = style;
equals(actual, expected, message, Base.set({ rasterize: true }, options));
if (parent) {
// Insert it back.
parent.insertChild(index, actual);
var createSVG = function(str, attrs) {
// Similar to SvgElement.create():
var node = document.createElementNS('', str);
for (var key in attrs)
node.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]);
// Paper.js paths do not have a fill by default, SVG does.
node.setAttribute('fill', 'none');
return node;
var compareSVG = function(done, actual, expected, message, options) {
function getItem(item) {
return item instanceof Item
? item
: typeof item === 'string'
? new Raster({
source: 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + window.btoa(item),
insert: false
: null;
actual = getItem(actual);
expected = getItem(expected);
actual.position = expected.position;
if (typeof actual === 'function') {
if (!message)
message = getFunctionMessage(actual);
actual = actual();
function compare() {
comparePixels(actual, expected, message, Base.set({
tolerance: 1e-3,
resolution: 72
}, options));
if (expected instanceof Raster) {
expected.onLoad = compare;
} else if (actual instanceof Raster) {
actual.onLoad = compare;
} else {
// Interactions helpers
var MouseEventPolyfill = function(type, params) {
var mouseEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
return mouseEvent;
MouseEventPolyfill.prototype = typeof NativeClasses !== 'undefined'
&& NativeClasses.Event.prototype || Event.prototype;
var triggerMouseEvent = function(type, point, target) {
// Depending on event type, events have to be triggered on different
// elements due to the event handling implementation (see `viewEvents`
// and `docEvents` in View.js). And we cannot rely on the fact that event
// will bubble from canvas to document, since the canvas used in tests is
// not inserted in DOM.
target = target || (type === 'mousedown' ? view._element : document);
// If `gulp load` was run, there is a name collision between paper Event /
// MouseEvent and native javascript classes. In this case, we need to use
// native classes stored in global NativeClasses object instead.
var constructor = typeof NativeClasses !== 'undefined'
&& NativeClasses.MouseEvent || MouseEvent;
// MouseEvent class does not exist in PhantomJS, so in that case, we need to
// use a polyfill method.
if (typeof constructor !== 'function') {
constructor = MouseEventPolyfill;
var event = new constructor(type, {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
composed: true,
clientX: point.x,
clientY: point.y,
screenX: point.x,
screenY: point.y