2013-04-26 09:55:21 +02:00

661 lines
23 KiB

* Vector boolean operations on paperjs objects
* This is mostly written for clarity (I hope it is clear) and compatibility,
* not optimised for performance, and has to be tested heavily for stability.
* (Looking up to Java's Area path boolean algorithms for stability,
* but the code is too complex —mainly because the operations are stored and
* enumerable, such as quadraticCurveTo, cubicCurveTo etc.; and is largely
* undocumented to directly adapt from)
* Supported
* - paperjs Path and CompoundPath objects
* - Boolean Union
* - Boolean Intersection
* - Boolean Subtraction
* - Resolving a self-intersecting Path
* Not supported yet ( which I would like to see supported )
* - Boolean operations on self-intersecting Paths, these has to be resolved first
* - Paths are clones of each other that ovelap exactly on top of each other!
* ------
* Harikrishnan Gopalakrishnan
* ------
* Paperjs
* Copyright (c) 2011, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey
* BooleanOps defines the boolean operator functions to use.
* A boolean operator is a function f( link:Link, isInsidePath1:Boolean, isInsidePath2:Boolean ) :
* should return a Boolean value indicating whether to keep the link or not.
* return true - keep the path
* return false - discard the path
var BooleanOps = {
Union: function( lnk, isInsidePath1, isInsidePath2 ){
if( isInsidePath1 || isInsidePath2 ){
return false;
return true;
Intersection: function( lnk, isInsidePath1, isInsidePath2 ){
if( !isInsidePath1 && !isInsidePath2 ){
return false;
return true;
// path1 - path2
Subtraction: function( lnk, isInsidePath1, isInsidePath2 ){
var lnkid =;
if( lnkid === 1 && isInsidePath2 ){
return false;
} else if( lnkid === 2 && !isInsidePath1 ){
return false;
return true;
* The datastructure for boolean computation:
* Graph - List of Links
* Link - Connects 2 Nodes, represents a Curve
* Node - Connects 2 Links, represents a Segment
var NORMAL_NODE = 1;
var IntersectionID = 1;
var UNIQUE_ID = 1;
* Nodes in the graph are analogous to Segment objects
* with additional linkage information to track intersections etc.
* (enough to do a complete graph traversal)
* @param {Point} _point
* @param {Point} _handleIn
* @param {Point} _handleOut
* @param {Any} _id
function Node( _point, _handleIn, _handleOut, _id, isBaseContour ){ = _id;
this.isBaseContour = isBaseContour;
this.type = NORMAL_NODE;
this.point = _point;
this.handleIn = _handleIn; // handleIn
this.handleOut = _handleOut; // handleOut
this.linkIn = null; // aka linkIn
this.linkOut = null; // linkOut
this.uniqueID = ++UNIQUE_ID;
// In case of an intersection this will be a merged node.
// And we need space to save the "other Node's" parameters before merging.
this.idB = null;
this.isBaseContourB = false;
// this.pointB = this.point; // point should be the same
this.handleBIn = null;
this.handleBOut = null;
this.linkBIn = null;
this.linkBOut = null;
this._segment = null;
this.getSegment = function( recalculate ){
if( this.type === INTERSECTION_NODE && recalculate ){
// point this.linkIn and this.linkOut to those active ones
// also point this.handleIn and this.handleOut to correct in and out handles
// If a link is null, make sure the corresponding handle is also null
this.handleIn = (this.linkIn)? this.handleIn : null;
this.handleOut = (this.linkOut)? this.handleOut : null;
this.handleBIn = (this.linkBIn)? this.handleBIn : null;
this.handleBOut = (this.linkBOut)? this.handleBOut : null;
// Select the valid links
this.linkIn = this.linkIn || this.linkBIn; // linkIn
this.linkOut = this.linkOut || this.linkBOut; // linkOut
// Also update the references in links to point to "this" Node
if( !this.linkIn || !this.linkOut ){
// markPoint( this.point, this._intersectionID );
throw { name: 'Boolean Error', message: 'No matching link found at ixID: ' +
this._intersectionID + " point: " + this.point.toString() };
this.linkIn.nodeOut = this; // linkIn.nodeEnd
this.linkOut.nodeIn = this; // linkOut.nodeStart
this.handleIn = this.handleIn || this.handleBIn;
this.handleOut = this.handleOut || this.handleBOut;
this.isBaseContour = this.isBaseContour | this.isBaseContourB;
this._segment = this._segment || new Segment( this.point, this.handleIn, this.handleOut );
return this._segment;
* Links in the graph are analogous to CUrve objects
* @param {Node} _nodeIn
* @param {Node} _nodeOut
* @param {Any} _id
function Link( _nodeIn, _nodeOut, _id, isBaseContour, _winding ) { = _id;
this.isBaseContour = isBaseContour;
this.winding = _winding;
this.nodeIn = _nodeIn; // nodeStart
this.nodeOut = _nodeOut; // nodeEnd
this.nodeIn.linkOut = this; // nodeStart.linkOut
this.nodeOut.linkIn = this; // nodeEnd.linkIn
this._curve = null;
this.intersections = [];
// for reusing the paperjs function we need to (temperorily) build a Curve object from this Link
// for performance reasons we cache it.
this.getCurve = function() {
this._curve = this._curve || new Curve( this.nodeIn.getSegment(), this.nodeOut.getSegment() );
return this._curve;
* makes a graph. Only works on paths, for compound paths we need to
* make graphs for each of the child paths and merge them.
* @param {Path} path
* @param {Integer} id
* @return {Array} Links
function makeGraph( path, id, isBaseContour ){
var graph = [];
var segs = path.segments, prevNode = null, firstNode = null, nuLink, nuNode,
winding = path.clockwise;
for( i = 0, l = segs.length; i < l; i++ ){
// var nuSeg = segs[i].clone();
var nuSeg = segs[i];
nuNode = new Node( nuSeg.point, nuSeg.handleIn, nuSeg.handleOut, id, isBaseContour );
if( prevNode ) {
nuLink = new Link( prevNode, nuNode, id, isBaseContour, winding );
graph.push( nuLink );
prevNode = nuNode;
if( !firstNode ){
firstNode = nuNode;
// the path is closed
nuLink = new Link( prevNode, firstNode, id, isBaseContour, winding );
graph.push( nuLink );
return graph;
* Calculates the Union of two paths
* Boolean API.
* @param {Path} path1
* @param {Path} path2
* @return {CompoundPath} union of path1 & path2
function boolUnion( path1, path2 ){
return computeBoolean( path1, path2, BooleanOps.Union );
* Calculates the Intersection between two paths
* Boolean API.
* @param {Path} path1
* @param {Path} path2
* @return {CompoundPath} Intersection of path1 & path2
function boolIntersection( path1, path2 ){
return computeBoolean( path1, path2, BooleanOps.Intersection );
* Calculates path1—path2
* Boolean API.
* @param {Path} path1
* @param {Path} path2
* @return {CompoundPath} path1 <minus> path2
function boolSubtract( path1, path2 ){
return computeBoolean( path1, path2, BooleanOps.Subtraction );
* To deal with a HTML canvas requirement where CompoundPaths' child contours
* has to be of different winding direction for correctly filling holes.
* But if some individual countours are disjoint, i.e. islands, we have to
* reorient them so that
* the holes have opposit winding direction ( already handled by paperjs )
* islands has to have same winding direction ( as the first child of the path )
* Does NOT handle selfIntersecting CompoundPaths.
* @param {CompoundPath} path Input CompoundPath, Note: This path could be modified if need be.
* @return {boolean} the winding direction of the base contour( true if clockwise )
function reorientCompoundPath( path ){
if( !(path instanceof CompoundPath) ){ return path.clockwise; }
var children = path.children, len = children.length, baseWinding;
var bounds = new Array( len );
var tmparray = new Array( len );
baseWinding = children[0].clockwise;
// Omit the first path
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
bounds[i] = children[i].bounds;
tmparray[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var p1 = children[i];
for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
var p2 = children[j];
if( i !== j && bounds[i].contains( bounds[j] ) ){
for (i = 1; i < len; i++) {
if ( tmparray[i] % 2 === 0 ) {
children[i].clockwise = baseWinding;
return baseWinding;
* Actual function that computes the boolean
* @param {Path} _path1 (cannot be self-intersecting at the moment)
* @param {Path} _path2 (cannot be self-intersecting at the moment)
* @param {BooleanOps type} operator
* @return {CompoundPath} boolean result
function computeBoolean( _path1, _path2, operator ){
IntersectionID = 1;
// We work on duplicate paths since the algorithm may modify the original paths
var path1 = _path1.clone();
var path2 = _path2.clone();
var i, j, k, l, lnk, crv, node, nuNode, leftLink, rightLink;
var path1Clockwise = true, path2Clockwise = true;
// If one of the operands is empty, resolve self-intersections on the second operand
var childCount1 = (_path1 instanceof CompoundPath)? _path1.children.length : _path1.curves.length;
var childCount2 = (_path2 instanceof CompoundPath)? _path2.children.length : _path2.curves.length;
var resolveSelfIntersections = !childCount1 | !childCount2;
// Reorient the compound paths, i.e. make all the islands wind in the same direction
// and holes in the opposit direction.
// Do this only if we are not resolving selfIntersections:
// Resolving self-intersections work on compound paths, but, we might get different results!
if( !resolveSelfIntersections ){
path1Clockwise = reorientCompoundPath( path1 );
path2Clockwise = reorientCompoundPath( path2 );
// Cache the bounding rectangle of paths
// so we can make the test for containment quite a bit faster
path1._bounds = (childCount1)? path1.bounds : null;
path2._bounds = (childCount2)? path2.bounds : null;
// Prepare the graphs. Graphs are list of Links that retains
// full connectivity information. The order of links in a graph is not important
// That allows us to sort and merge graphs and 'splice' links with their splits easily.
// Also, this is the place to resolve self-intersecting paths
var graph = [], path1Children, path2Children, base;
if( path1 instanceof CompoundPath ){
path1Children = path1.children;
for (i = 0, base = true, l = path1Children.length; i < l; i++, base = false) {
path1Children[i].closed = true;
graph = graph.concat( makeGraph( path1Children[i], 1, base ) );
} else {
path1.closed = true;
path1Clockwise = path1.clockwise;
// path1.clockwise = true;
graph = graph.concat( makeGraph( path1, 1, true ) );
// if operator === BooleanOps.Subtraction, then reverse path2
// so that the nodes and links will link correctly
var reverse = ( operator === BooleanOps.Subtraction )? true: false;
path2Clockwise = (reverse)? !path2Clockwise : path2Clockwise;
if( path2 instanceof CompoundPath ){
path2Children = path2.children;
for (i = 0, base = true, l = path2Children.length; i < l; i++, base = false) {
path2Children[i].closed = true;
if( reverse ){path2Children[i].reverse(); }
graph = graph.concat( makeGraph( path2Children[i], 2, base ) );
} else {
path2.closed = true;
// path2.clockwise = true;
if( reverse ){ path2.reverse(); }
path2Clockwise = path2.clockwise;
graph = graph.concat( makeGraph( path2, 2, true ) );
window.g = graph;
// Sort function to sort intersections according to the 'parameter'(t) in a link (curve)
function ixSort( a, b ){ return a.parameter - b.parameter; }
* Pass 1:
* Calculate the intersections for all graphs
var ixCount = 0;
for ( i = graph.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var c1 = graph[i].getCurve();
var v1 = c1.getValues();
for ( j = i -1; j >= 0; j-- ) {
if( !resolveSelfIntersections && graph[j].id === graph[i].id ){ continue; }
var c2 = graph[j].getCurve();
var v2 = c2.getValues();
var loc = [];
if( c1.isLinear() && c2.isLinear() ){
getLineIntersections( v1, v2, c1, loc );
} else {
Curve.getIntersections( v1, v2, c1, loc );
if( loc.length ){
for (k = 0, l=loc.length; k<l; k++) {
graph[i].intersections.push( loc[k] );
var loc2 = new CurveLocation( c2, null, loc[k].point );
loc2._id = loc[k]._id;
graph[j].intersections.push( loc2 );
* Pass 2:
* Walk the graph, sort the intersections on each individual link.
* for each link that intersects with another one, replace it with new split links.
var ix, ixPoint, ixHandleI, ixHandleOut, param, isLinear, parts, left, right;
var values, nix, niy,nox, noy, niho, nohi, nihox, nihoy, nohix, nohiy;
for ( i = graph.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if( graph[i].intersections.length ){
ix = graph[i].intersections;
// Sort the intersections if there is more than one
if( graph[i].intersections.length > 1 ){ ix.sort( ixSort ); }
// Remove the graph link, this link has to be split and replaced with the splits
lnk = graph.splice( i, 1 )[0];
nix = lnk.nodeIn.point.x; niy = lnk.nodeIn.point.y;
nox = lnk.nodeOut.point.x; noy = lnk.nodeOut.point.y;
niho = lnk.nodeIn.handleOut; nohi = lnk.nodeOut.handleIn;
nihox = nihoy = nohix = nohiy = 0;
isLinear = true;
if( niho ){ nihox = niho.x; nihoy = niho.y; isLinear = false; }
if( nohi ){ nohix = nohi.x; nohiy = nohi.y; isLinear = false; }
values = [ nix, niy, nihox + nix, nihoy + niy,
nohix + nox, nohiy + noy, nox, noy ];
for (j =0, l=ix.length; j<l && lnk; j++) {
param = ix[j].parameter;
// param = crv.getParameterOf( ix[j].point );
if( param === 0.0 || param === 1.0) {
// Intersection falls on an existing node
// there is no need to split the link
nuNode = ( param === 0.0 )? lnk.nodeIn : lnk.nodeOut;
nuNode._intersectionID = ix[j]._id;
if( param === 1.0 ){
leftLink = null;
rightLink = lnk;
} else {
leftLink = lnk;
rightLink = null;
} else {
parts = Curve.subdivide(values, param);
left = parts[0];
right = parts[1];
// Make new link and convert handles from absolute to relative
ixPoint = new Point( left[6], left[7] );
if( !isLinear ){
ixHandleIn = new Point(left[4] - ixPoint.x, left[5] - ixPoint.y);
ixHandleOut = new Point(right[2] - ixPoint.x, right[3] - ixPoint.y);
} else {
ixHandleIn = ixHandleOut = null;
right[2] = right[0];
right[3] = right[1];
nuNode = new Node( ixPoint, ixHandleIn, ixHandleOut,, lnk.isBaseContour );
nuNode._intersectionID = ix[j]._id;
// clear the cached Segment on original end nodes and Update their handles
lnk.nodeIn._segment = null;
lnk.nodeOut._segment = null;
if( !isLinear ){
var tmppnt = lnk.nodeIn.point;
lnk.nodeIn.handleOut = new Point( left[2] - tmppnt.x, left[3] - tmppnt.y );
tmppnt = lnk.nodeOut.point;
lnk.nodeOut.handleIn = new Point( right[4] - tmppnt.x, right[5] - tmppnt.y );
// Make new links after the split
leftLink = new Link( lnk.nodeIn, nuNode,, lnk.isBaseContour, lnk.winding );
rightLink = new Link( nuNode, lnk.nodeOut,, lnk.isBaseContour, lnk.winding );
values = right;
// Add the first split link back to the graph, since we sorted the intersections
// already, this link should contain no more intersections to the left.
if( leftLink ){
graph.splice( i, 0, leftLink );
// continue with the second split link, to see if
// there are more intersections to deal with
lnk = rightLink;
// Interpolate the rest of the parameters
if( lnk ) {
var one_minus_param = (1.0 - param);
for (k =j + 1, l=ix.length; k<l; k++) {
ix[k]._parameter = ( ix[k].parameter - param ) / one_minus_param;
// Add the last split link back to the graph
if( lnk ){
graph.splice( i, 0, lnk );
* Pass 3:
* Merge matching intersection Node Pairs (type is INTERSECTION_NODE &&
* a._intersectionID == b._intersectionID )
* Mark each Link(Curve) according to whether it is
* case 1. inside Path1 ( and only Path1 )
* 2. inside Path2 ( and only Path2 )
* 3. outside (normal case)
* Take a test function "operator" which will discard links
* according to the above
* * Union -> discard cases 1 and 2
* * Intersection -> discard case 3
* * Path1-Path2 -> discard cases 2, 3[Path2]
// step 1: discard invalid links according to the boolean operator
for ( i = graph.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
var insidePath1 = false, insidePath2 = false, contains;
lnk = graph[i];
// if( lnk.SKIP_OPERATOR ) { continue; }
if( !lnk.INVALID ) {
crv = lnk.getCurve();
// var midPoint = new Point(lnk.nodeIn.point);
var midPoint = crv.getPoint( 0.5 );
// If on a base curve, consider points on the curve and inside,
// if not —for example a hole, points on the curve falls outside
if( !== 1 ){
contains = path1.contains( midPoint );
insidePath1 = (lnk.winding === path1Clockwise)? contains :
contains && !testOnCurve( path1, midPoint );
if( !== 2 ){
contains = path2.contains( midPoint );
insidePath2 = (lnk.winding === path2Clockwise)? contains :
contains && !testOnCurve( path2, midPoint );
if( lnk.INVALID || !operator( lnk, insidePath1, insidePath2 ) ){
// lnk = graph.splice( i, 1 )[0];
lnk.INVALID = true;
lnk.nodeIn.linkOut = null;
lnk.nodeOut.linkIn = null;
// step 2: Match nodes according to their _intersectionID and merge them together
var len = graph.length;
while( len-- ){
node = graph[len].nodeIn;
if( node.type === INTERSECTION_NODE ){
var otherNode = null;
for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var tmpnode = graph[i].nodeIn;
if( tmpnode._intersectionID === node._intersectionID &&
tmpnode.uniqueID !== node.uniqueID ) {
otherNode = tmpnode;
if( otherNode ) {
//Check if it is a self-intersecting Node
if( === ){
// Swap the outgoing links, this will resolve a knot and create two paths,
// the portion of the original path on one side of a self crossing is counter-clockwise,
// so one of the resulting paths will also be counter-clockwise
var tmp = otherNode.linkOut;
otherNode.linkOut = node.linkOut;
node.linkOut = tmp;
tmp = otherNode.handleOut;
otherNode.handleOut = node.handleOut;
node.handleOut = tmp;
node.type = otherNode.type = NORMAL_NODE;
node._intersectionID = null;
node._segment = otherNode._segment = null;
} else {
// Merge the nodes together, by adding this node's information to the other node
otherNode.idB =;
otherNode.isBaseContourB = node.isBaseContour;
otherNode.handleBIn = node.handleIn;
otherNode.handleBOut = node.handleOut;
otherNode.linkBIn = node.linkIn;
otherNode.linkBOut = node.linkOut;
otherNode._segment = null;
if( node.linkIn ){ node.linkIn.nodeOut = otherNode; }
if( node.linkOut ){ node.linkOut.nodeIn = otherNode; }
// Clear this node's intersectionID, so that we won't iterate over it again
node._intersectionID = null;
// Final step: Retrieve the resulting paths from the graph
var boolResult = new CompoundPath();
var firstNode = true, nextNode, foundBasePath = false;
while( firstNode ){
firstNode = nextNode = null;
len = graph.length;
while( len-- ){
lnk = graph[len];
if( !lnk.INVALID && !lnk.nodeIn.visited && !firstNode ){
if( !foundBasePath && lnk.isBaseContour ){
firstNode = lnk.nodeIn;
foundBasePath = true;
} else if(foundBasePath){
firstNode = lnk.nodeIn;
if( firstNode ){
var path = new Path();
path.add( firstNode.getSegment( true ) );
firstNode.visited = true;
nextNode = firstNode.linkOut.nodeOut;
var linkCount = graph.length + 1;
while( firstNode.uniqueID !== nextNode.uniqueID && linkCount-- ){
path.add( nextNode.getSegment( true ) );
nextNode.visited = true;
if( !nextNode.linkOut ){
throw { name: 'Boolean Error', message: 'No link found at node id: ' + };
nextNode = nextNode.linkOut.nodeOut;
path.closed = true;
// path.clockwise = true;
if( path.segments.length > 1 && linkCount > 0 ){ // avoid stray segments and incomplete paths
if( path.segments.length === 2 ){
if( path.segments.length > 2 || !path.curves[0].isLinear() ){
boolResult.addChild( path );
boolResult = boolResult.reduce();
// Remove the paths we duplicated
return boolResult;
var getLineIntersections = function(v1, v2, curve, locations) {
var result, a1x, a2x, b1x, b2x, a1y, a2y, b1y, b2y;
a1x = v1[0]; a1y = v1[1];
a2x = v1[6]; a2y = v1[7];
b1x = v2[0]; b1y = v2[1];
b2x = v2[6]; b2y = v2[7];
var ua_t = (b2x - b1x) * (a1y - b1y) - (b2y - b1y) * (a1x - b1x);
var ub_t = (a2x - a1x) * (a1y - b1y) - (a2y - a1y) * (a1x - b1x);
var u_b = (b2y - b1y) * (a2x - a1x) - (b2x - b1x) * (a2y - a1y);
if ( u_b !== 0 ) {
var ua = ua_t / u_b;
var ub = ub_t / u_b;
if ( 0 <= ua && ua <= 1 && 0 <= ub && ub <= 1 ) {
locations.push( new CurveLocation(curve, null, new Point(a1x + ua * (a2x - a1x), a1y + ua * (a2y - a1y))) );
function testOnCurve( path, point ){
var res = 0;
var crv = path.getCurves();
var i = 0;
var bounds = path._bounds;
if( bounds && bounds.contains( point ) ){
for( i = 0; i < crv.length && !res; i++ ){
var crvi = crv[i];
if( crvi.bounds.contains( point ) && crvi.getParameterOf( point ) ){
res = 1;
return res;