Jürg Lehni 2669d06642 Merge Item#_remove() and Layer#_remove().
And add Project#_changed(), so it can be called through #_getOwner().
2016-01-16 14:21:05 +01:00

4221 lines
149 KiB

* Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting.
* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2016, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey
* &
* Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
* All rights reserved.
* @name Item
* @class The Item type allows you to access and modify the items in
* Paper.js projects. Its functionality is inherited by different project
* item types such as {@link Path}, {@link CompoundPath}, {@link Group},
* {@link Layer} and {@link Raster}. They each add a layer of functionality that
* is unique to their type, but share the underlying properties and functions
* that they inherit from Item.
var Item = Base.extend(Emitter, /** @lends Item# */{
statics: {
* Override Item.extend() to merge the subclass' _serializeFields with
* the parent class' _serializeFields.
* @private
extend: function extend(src) {
if (src._serializeFields)
src._serializeFields = new Base(
this.prototype._serializeFields, src._serializeFields);
return extend.base.apply(this, arguments);
* An object constant that can be passed to Item#initialize() to avoid
* insertion into the scene graph.
* @private
NO_INSERT: { insert: false }
_class: 'Item',
// All items apply their matrix by default.
// Exceptions are Raster, PlacedSymbol, Clip and Shape.
_applyMatrix: true,
_canApplyMatrix: true,
_canScaleStroke: false,
_boundsSelected: false,
_selectChildren: false,
// Provide information about fields to be serialized, with their defaults
// that can be ommited.
_serializeFields: {
name: null,
applyMatrix: null,
matrix: new Matrix(),
pivot: null,
locked: false,
visible: true,
blendMode: 'normal',
opacity: 1,
guide: false,
selected: false,
clipMask: false,
data: {}
initialize: function Item() {
// Do nothing, but declare it for named constructors.
* Private helper for #initialize() that tries setting properties from the
* passed props object, and apply the point translation to the internal
* matrix.
* @param {Object} props the properties to be applied to the item
* @param {Point} point the point by which to transform the internal matrix
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the properties were successfully be applied,
* or if none were provided}
_initialize: function(props, point) {
// Define this Item's unique id. But allow the creation of internally
// used paths with no ids.
var hasProps = props && Base.isPlainObject(props),
internal = hasProps && props.internal === true,
matrix = this._matrix = new Matrix(),
// Allow setting another project than the currently active one.
project = hasProps && props.project || paper.project;
this._id = internal ? null : UID.get();
this._parent = this._index = null;
// Inherit the applyMatrix setting from paper.settings.applyMatrix
this._applyMatrix = this._canApplyMatrix && paper.settings.applyMatrix;
// Handle matrix before everything else, to avoid issues with
// #addChild() calling _changed() and accessing _matrix already.
if (point)
matrix._owner = this;
this._style = new Style(project._currentStyle, this, project);
// Do not add to the project if it's an internal path, if props.insert
// is false, or if the props are setting a different parent anyway.
if (internal || hasProps && props.insert === false) {
} else {
(hasProps && props.parent || project)
._insertItem(undefined, this, true, true);
// Filter out Item.NO_INSERT before _set(), for performance reasons.
if (hasProps && props !== Item.NO_INSERT) {
// Filter out internal, insert, parent and project properties as
// these were handled above.
{ internal: true, insert: true, project: true, parent: true },
// Don't check for plain object, as that's handled by hasProps.
return hasProps;
_events: Base.each(['onMouseDown', 'onMouseUp', 'onMouseDrag', 'onClick',
'onDoubleClick', 'onMouseMove', 'onMouseEnter', 'onMouseLeave'],
function(name) {
this[name] = {
install: function(type) {
this.getView()._countItemEvent(type, 1);
uninstall: function(type) {
this.getView()._countItemEvent(type, -1);
}, {
onFrame: {
install: function() {
this.getView()._animateItem(this, true);
uninstall: function() {
this.getView()._animateItem(this, false);
// Only for external sources, e.g. Raster
onLoad: {}
_serialize: function(options, dictionary) {
var props = {},
that = this;
function serialize(fields) {
for (var key in fields) {
var value = that[key];
// Style#leading is a special case, as its default value is
// dependent on the fontSize. Handle this here separately.
if (!Base.equals(value, key === 'leading'
? fields.fontSize * 1.2 : fields[key])) {
props[key] = Base.serialize(value, options,
// Do not use compact mode for data
key !== 'data', dictionary);
// Serialize fields that this Item subclass defines first
// Serialize style fields, but only if they differ from defaults.
// Do not serialize styles on Groups and Layers, since they just unify
// their children's own styles.
if (!(this instanceof Group))
// There is no compact form for Item serialization, we always keep the
// class.
return [ this._class, props ];
* Private notifier that is called whenever a change occurs in this item or
* its sub-elements, such as Segments, Curves, Styles, etc.
* @param {ChangeFlag} flags describes what exactly has changed
_changed: function(flags) {
var symbol = this._parentSymbol,
cacheParent = this._parent || symbol,
project = this._project;
if (flags & /*#=*/ChangeFlag.GEOMETRY) {
// Clear cached bounds, position and decomposed matrix whenever
// geometry changes.
this._bounds = this._position = this._decomposed =
this._globalMatrix = undefined;
if (cacheParent
&& (flags & /*#=*/(ChangeFlag.GEOMETRY | ChangeFlag.STROKE))) {
// Clear cached bounds of all items that this item contributes to.
// We call this on the parent, since the information is cached on
// the parent, see getBounds().
if (flags & /*#=*/ChangeFlag.CHILDREN) {
// Clear cached bounds of all items that this item contributes to.
// Here we don't call this on the parent, since adding / removing a
// child triggers this notification on the parent.
if (project)
project._changed(flags, this);
// If this item is a symbol's definition, notify it of the change too
if (symbol)
* Sets those properties of the passed object literal on this item to
* the values defined in the object literal, if the item has property of the
* given name (or a setter defined for it).
* @param {Object} props
* @return {Item} the item itself
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Setting properties through an object literal
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 35
* });
* circle.set({
* strokeColor: 'red',
* strokeWidth: 10,
* fillColor: 'black',
* selected: true
* });
set: function(props) {
if (props)
return this;
* The unique id of the item.
* @bean
* @type Number
getId: function() {
return this._id;
* The class name of the item as a string.
* @name Item#className
* @type String
* @values 'Group', 'Layer', 'Path', 'CompoundPath', 'Shape', 'Raster',
* 'PlacedSymbol', 'PointText'
* The name of the item. If the item has a name, it can be accessed by name
* through its parent's children list.
* @bean
* @type String
* @example {@paperscript}
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 35
* });
* // Set the name of the path:
* = 'example';
* // Create a group and add path to it as a child:
* var group = new Group();
* group.addChild(path);
* // The path can be accessed by name:
* group.children['example'].fillColor = 'red';
getName: function() {
return this._name;
setName: function(name) {
// NOTE: Don't check if the name has changed and bail out if it has not,
// because setName is used internally also to update internal structures
// when an item is moved from one parent to another.
// If the item already had a name, remove the reference to it from the
// parent's children object:
if (this._name)
// See if the name is a simple number, which we cannot support due to
// the named lookup on the children array.
if (name === (+name) + '')
throw new Error(
'Names consisting only of numbers are not supported.');
var owner = this._getOwner();
if (name && owner) {
var children = owner._children,
namedChildren = owner._namedChildren;
(namedChildren[name] = namedChildren[name] || []).push(this);
// Only set this item if there isn't one under the same name already
if (!(name in children))
children[name] = this;
this._name = name || undefined;
* The path style of the item.
* @bean
* @name Item#getStyle
* @type Style
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Applying several styles to an item in one go, by passing an object
* // to its style property:
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 30
* });
* = {
* fillColor: 'blue',
* strokeColor: 'red',
* strokeWidth: 5
* };
* @example {@paperscript split=true height=100}
* // Copying the style of another item:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: [50, 50],
* radius: 30,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* var path2 = new Path.Circle({
* center: new Point(180, 50),
* radius: 20
* });
* // Copy the path style of path:
* =;
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Applying the same style object to multiple items:
* var myStyle = {
* fillColor: 'red',
* strokeColor: 'blue',
* strokeWidth: 4
* };
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: [50, 50],
* radius: 30
* });
* = myStyle;
* var path2 = new Path.Circle({
* center: new Point(150, 50),
* radius: 20
* });
* = myStyle;
getStyle: function() {
return this._style;
setStyle: function(style) {
// Don't access _style directly so Path#getStyle() can be overriden for
// CompoundPaths.
}, Base.each(['locked', 'visible', 'blendMode', 'opacity', 'guide'],
// Produce getter/setters for properties. We need setters because we want to
// call _changed() if a property was modified.
function(name) {
var part = Base.capitalize(name),
name = '_' + name;
this['get' + part] = function() {
return this[name];
this['set' + part] = function(value) {
if (value != this[name]) {
this[name] = value;
// #locked does not change appearance, all others do:
this._changed(name === '_locked'
? /*#=*/ChangeFlag.ATTRIBUTE : /*#=*/Change.ATTRIBUTE);
{}), /** @lends Item# */{
// Enforce creation of beans, as bean getters have hidden parameters.
// See #getPosition() below.
beans: true,
// NOTE: These properties have their getter / setters produced in the
// injection scope above.
* Specifies whether the item is locked.
* @name Item#locked
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* @ignore
_locked: false,
* Specifies whether the item is visible. When set to `false`, the item
* won't be drawn.
* @name Item#visible
* @type Boolean
* @default true
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Hiding an item:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: [50, 50],
* radius: 20,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* // Hide the path:
* path.visible = false;
_visible: true,
* The blend mode with which the item is composited onto the canvas. Both
* the standard canvas compositing modes, as well as the new CSS blend modes
* are supported. If blend-modes cannot be rendered natively, they are
* emulated. Be aware that emulation can have an impact on performance.
* @name Item#blendMode
* @type String
* @values 'normal', 'multiply', 'screen', 'overlay', 'soft-light', 'hard-
* light', 'color-dodge', 'color-burn', 'darken', 'lighten',
* 'difference', 'exclusion', 'hue', 'saturation', 'luminosity',
* 'color', 'add', 'subtract', 'average', 'pin-light', 'negation',
* 'source- over', 'source-in', 'source-out', 'source-atop',
* 'destination-over', 'destination-in', 'destination-out',
* 'destination-atop', 'lighter', 'darker', 'copy', 'xor'
* @default 'normal'
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Setting an item's blend mode:
* // Create a white rectangle in the background
* // with the same dimensions as the view:
* var background = new Path.Rectangle(view.bounds);
* background.fillColor = 'white';
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 35,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* var circle2 = new Path.Circle({
* center: new Point(120, 50),
* radius: 35,
* fillColor: 'blue'
* });
* // Set the blend mode of circle2:
* circle2.blendMode = 'multiply';
_blendMode: 'normal',
* The opacity of the item as a value between `0` and `1`.
* @name Item#opacity
* @type Number
* @default 1
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Making an item 50% transparent:
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 35,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* var circle2 = new Path.Circle({
* center: new Point(120, 50),
* radius: 35,
* fillColor: 'blue',
* strokeColor: 'green',
* strokeWidth: 10
* });
* // Make circle2 50% transparent:
* circle2.opacity = 0.5;
_opacity: 1,
// TODO: Implement guides
* Specifies whether the item functions as a guide. When set to `true`, the
* item will be drawn at the end as a guide.
* @name Item#guide
* @type Boolean
* @default true
* @ignore
_guide: false,
* Specifies whether the item is selected. This will also return `true` for
* {@link Group} items if they are partially selected, e.g. groups
* containing selected or partially selected paths.
* Paper.js draws the visual outlines of selected items on top of your
* project. This can be useful for debugging, as it allows you to see the
* construction of paths, position of path curves, individual segment points
* and bounding boxes of symbol and raster items.
* @bean
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* @see Project#selectedItems
* @see Segment#selected
* @see Curve#selected
* @see Point#selected
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Selecting an item:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 35
* });
* path.selected = true; // Select the path
isSelected: function() {
if (this._selectChildren) {
var children = this._children;
for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
if (children[i].isSelected())
return true;
return this._selected;
setSelected: function(selected, noChildren) {
// Don't recursively call #setSelected() if it was called with
// noChildren set to true, see #setFullySelected().
if (!noChildren && this._selectChildren) {
var children = this._children;
for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
if ((selected = !!selected) ^ this._selected) {
this._selected = selected;
var project = this._project;
if (project) {
_selected: false,
isFullySelected: function() {
var children = this._children;
if (children && this._selected) {
for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
if (!children[i].isFullySelected())
return false;
return true;
// If there are no children, this is the same as #selected
return this._selected;
setFullySelected: function(selected) {
var children = this._children;
if (children) {
for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
// Pass true for hidden noChildren argument
this.setSelected(selected, true);
* Specifies whether the item defines a clip mask. This can only be set on
* paths, compound paths, and text frame objects, and only if the item is
* already contained within a clipping group.
* @bean
* @type Boolean
* @default false
isClipMask: function() {
return this._clipMask;
setClipMask: function(clipMask) {
// On-the-fly conversion to boolean:
if (this._clipMask != (clipMask = !!clipMask)) {
this._clipMask = clipMask;
if (clipMask) {
// Tell the parent the clipping mask has changed
if (this._parent)
_clipMask: false,
// TODO: get/setIsolated (print specific feature)
// TODO: get/setKnockout (print specific feature)
// TODO: get/setAlphaIsShape
* A plain javascript object which can be used to store
* arbitrary data on the item.
* @bean
* @type Object
* @example
* var path = new Path();
* = 'milk';
* @example
* var path = new Path();
* = new Point(20, 30);
* console.log(; // 20
* @example
* var path = new Path();
* = {
* home: 'Omicron Theta',
* found: 2338,
* pets: ['Spot']
* };
* console.log(; // 1
* @example
* var path = new Path({
* data: {
* home: 'Omicron Theta',
* found: 2338,
* pets: ['Spot']
* }
* });
* console.log(; // 1
getData: function() {
if (!this._data)
this._data = {};
return this._data;
setData: function(data) {
this._data = data;
* {@grouptitle Position and Bounding Boxes}
* The item's position within the parent item's coordinate system. By
* default, this is the {@link Rectangle#center} of the item's
* {@link #bounds} rectangle.
* @bean
* @type Point
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Changing the position of a path:
* // Create a circle at position { x: 10, y: 10 }
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: new Point(10, 10),
* radius: 10,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* // Move the circle to { x: 20, y: 20 }
* circle.position = new Point(20, 20);
* // Move the circle 100 points to the right and 50 points down
* circle.position += new Point(100, 50);
* @example {@paperscript split=true height=100}
* // Changing the x coordinate of an item's position:
* // Create a circle at position { x: 20, y: 20 }
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: new Point(20, 20),
* radius: 10,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* // Move the circle 100 points to the right
* circle.position.x += 100;
getPosition: function(_dontLink) {
// Cache position value.
// Pass true for _dontLink in getCenter(), so receive back a normal point
var position = this._position,
ctor = _dontLink ? Point : LinkedPoint;
// Do not cache LinkedPoints directly, since we would not be able to
// use them to calculate the difference in #setPosition, as when it is
// modified, it would hold new values already and only then cause the
// calling of #setPosition.
if (!position) {
// If an pivot point is provided, use it to determine position
// based on the matrix. Otherwise use the center of the bounds.
var pivot = this._pivot;
position = this._position = pivot
? this._matrix._transformPoint(pivot)
: this.getBounds().getCenter(true);
return new ctor(position.x, position.y, this, 'setPosition');
setPosition: function(/* point */) {
// Calculate the distance to the current position, by which to
// translate the item. Pass true for _dontLink, as we do not need a
// LinkedPoint to simply calculate this distance.
* The item's pivot point specified in the item coordinate system, defining
* the point around which all transformations are hinging. This is also the
* reference point for {@link #position}. By default, it is set to `null`,
* meaning the {@link Rectangle#center} of the item's {@link #bounds}
* rectangle is used as pivot.
* @bean
* @type Point
* @default null
getPivot: function(_dontLink) {
var pivot = this._pivot;
if (pivot) {
var ctor = _dontLink ? Point : LinkedPoint;
pivot = new ctor(pivot.x, pivot.y, this, 'setPivot');
return pivot;
setPivot: function(/* point */) {
// Clone existing points since we're caching internally.
this._pivot =, 0, { clone: true, readNull: true });
// No need for _changed() since the only thing this affects is _position
this._position = undefined;
_pivot: null,
}, Base.each(['bounds', 'strokeBounds', 'handleBounds', 'roughBounds',
'internalBounds', 'internalHandleBounds', 'internalRoughBounds'],
function(key) {
// Produce getters for bounds properties. These handle caching, matrices
// and redirect the call to the private _getBounds, which can be
// overridden by subclasses, see below.
// Treat internalBounds and internalRoughBounds untransformed, as
// required by the code that uses these methods internally, but make
// sure they can be cached like all the others as well.
// Pass on the getter that these version actually use, untransformed,
// as internalGetter.
// NOTE: These need to be versions of other methods, as otherwise the
// cache gets messed up.
var getter = 'get' + Base.capitalize(key),
match = key.match(/^internal(.*)$/),
internalGetter = match ? 'get' + match[1] : null;
this[getter] = function(_matrix) {
var boundsGetter = this._boundsGetter,
// Allow subclasses to override _boundsGetter if they use the
// same calculations for multiple type of bounds.
// The default is getter:
name = !internalGetter && (typeof boundsGetter === 'string'
? boundsGetter : boundsGetter && boundsGetter[getter])
|| getter,
bounds = this._getCachedBounds(name, _matrix, this,
// If we're returning 'bounds', create a LinkedRectangle that uses
// the setBounds() setter to update the Item whenever the bounds are
// changed:
return key === 'bounds'
? new LinkedRectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width,
bounds.height, this, 'setBounds')
: bounds;
/** @lends Item# */{
// Enforce creation of beans, as bean getters have hidden parameters.
// See _matrix parameter above.
beans: true,
* Protected method used in all the bounds getters. It loops through all the
* children, gets their bounds and finds the bounds around all of them.
* Subclasses override it to define calculations for the various required
* bounding types.
_getBounds: function(getter, matrix, cacheItem) {
// NOTE: We cannot cache these results here, since we do not get
// _changed() notifications here for changing geometry in children.
// But cacheName is used in sub-classes such as PlacedSymbol and Raster.
var children = this._children;
// TODO: What to return if nothing is defined, e.g. empty Groups?
// Scriptographer behaves weirdly then too.
if (!children || children.length === 0)
return new Rectangle();
// Call _updateBoundsCache() even when the group is currently empty
// (or only holds empty / invisible items), so future changes in these
// items will cause right handling of _boundsCache.
Item._updateBoundsCache(this, cacheItem);
var x1 = Infinity,
x2 = -x1,
y1 = x1,
y2 = x2;
for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
var child = children[i];
if (child._visible && !child.isEmpty()) {
var rect = child._getCachedBounds(getter,
matrix && matrix.chain(child._matrix), cacheItem);
x1 = Math.min(rect.x, x1);
y1 = Math.min(rect.y, y1);
x2 = Math.max(rect.x + rect.width, x2);
y2 = Math.max(rect.y + rect.height, y2);
return isFinite(x1)
? new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
: new Rectangle();
setBounds: function(/* rect */) {
var rect =,
bounds = this.getBounds(),
matrix = new Matrix(),
center = rect.getCenter();
// Read this from bottom to top:
// Translate to new center:
// Scale to new Size, if size changes and avoid divisions by 0:
if (rect.width != bounds.width || rect.height != bounds.height) {
bounds.width !== 0 ? rect.width / bounds.width : 1,
bounds.height !== 0 ? rect.height / bounds.height : 1);
// Translate to bounds center:
center = bounds.getCenter();
matrix.translate(-center.x, -center.y);
// Now execute the transformation
* Private method that deals with the calling of _getBounds, recursive
* matrix concatenation and handles all the complicated caching mechanisms.
_getCachedBounds: function(getter, matrix, cacheItem, internalGetter) {
// See if we can cache these bounds. We only cache the bounds
// transformed with the internally stored _matrix, (the default if no
// matrix is passed).
matrix = matrix && matrix.orNullIfIdentity();
// Do not transform by the internal matrix if there is a internalGetter.
var _matrix = internalGetter ? null : this._matrix.orNullIfIdentity(),
cache = (!matrix || matrix.equals(_matrix)) && getter;
// NOTE: This needs to happen before returning cached values, since even
// then, _boundsCache needs to be kept up-to-date.
Item._updateBoundsCache(this._parent || this._parentSymbol, cacheItem);
if (cache && this._bounds && this._bounds[cache])
return this._bounds[cache].clone();
// If we're caching bounds on this item, pass it on as cacheItem, so the
// children can setup the _boundsCache structures for it.
// getInternalBounds is getBounds untransformed. Do not replace earlier,
// so we can cache both separately, since they're not in the same
// transformation space!
var bounds = this._getBounds(internalGetter || getter,
matrix || _matrix, cacheItem);
// If we can cache the result, update the _bounds cache structure
// before returning
if (cache) {
if (!this._bounds)
this._bounds = {};
var cached = this._bounds[cache] = bounds.clone();
// Mark as internal, so Item#transform() won't transform it!
cached._internal = !!internalGetter;
return bounds;
statics: {
* Set up a boundsCache structure that keeps track of items that keep
* cached bounds that depend on this item. We store this in the parent,
* for multiple reasons:
* The parent receives CHILDREN change notifications for when its
* children are added or removed and can thus clear the cache, and we
* save a lot of memory, e.g. when grouping 100 items and asking the
* group for its bounds. If stored on the children, we would have 100
* times the same structure.
_updateBoundsCache: function(parent, item) {
if (parent) {
// Set-up the parent's boundsCache structure if it does not
// exist yet and add the item to it.
var id = item._id,
ref = parent._boundsCache = parent._boundsCache || {
// Use a hash-table for ids and an array for the list,
// so we can keep track of items that were added already
ids: {},
list: []
if (!ref.ids[id]) {
ref.ids[id] = item;
* Clears cached bounds of all items that the children of this item are
* contributing to. See _updateBoundsCache() for an explanation why this
* information is stored on parents, not the children themselves.
_clearBoundsCache: function(item) {
// This is defined as a static method so Symbol can used it too.
// Clear the position as well, since it's depending on bounds.
var cache = item._boundsCache;
if (cache) {
// Erase cache before looping, to prevent circular recursion.
item._bounds = item._position = item._boundsCache = undefined;
for (var i = 0, list = cache.list, l = list.length; i < l; i++){
var other = list[i];
if (other !== item) {
other._bounds = other._position = undefined;
// We need to recursively call _clearBoundsCache, as
// when the cache for the other item's children is not
// valid anymore, that propagates up the scene graph.
if (other._boundsCache)
* The bounding rectangle of the item excluding stroke width.
* @name Item#bounds
* @type Rectangle
* The bounding rectangle of the item including stroke width.
* @name Item#strokeBounds
* @type Rectangle
* The bounding rectangle of the item including handles.
* @name Item#handleBounds
* @type Rectangle
* The rough bounding rectangle of the item that is sure to include all of
* the drawing, including stroke width.
* @name Item#roughBounds
* @type Rectangle
* @ignore
}), /** @lends Item# */{
// Enforce creation of beans, as bean getters have hidden parameters.
// See #getGlobalMatrix() below.
beans: true,
_decompose: function() {
return this._decomposed = this._matrix.decompose();
* The current rotation angle of the item, as described by its
* {@link #matrix}.
* @bean
* @type Number
getRotation: function() {
var decomposed = this._decomposed || this._decompose();
return decomposed && decomposed.rotation;
setRotation: function(rotation) {
var current = this.getRotation();
if (current != null && rotation != null) {
// Preserve the cached _decomposed values over rotation, and only
// update the rotation property on it.
var decomposed = this._decomposed;
this.rotate(rotation - current);
decomposed.rotation = rotation;
this._decomposed = decomposed;
* The current scale factor of the item, as described by its
* {@link #matrix}.
* @bean
* @type Point
getScaling: function(_dontLink) {
var decomposed = this._decomposed || this._decompose(),
scaling = decomposed && decomposed.scaling,
ctor = _dontLink ? Point : LinkedPoint;
return scaling && new ctor(scaling.x, scaling.y, this, 'setScaling');
setScaling: function(/* scaling */) {
var current = this.getScaling();
if (current) {
// Clone existing points since we're caching internally.
var scaling =, 0, { clone: true }),
// See #setRotation() for preservation of _decomposed.
decomposed = this._decomposed;
this.scale(scaling.x / current.x, scaling.y / current.y);
decomposed.scaling = scaling;
this._decomposed = decomposed;
* The item's transformation matrix, defining position and dimensions in
* relation to its parent item in which it is contained.
* @bean
* @type Matrix
getMatrix: function() {
return this._matrix;
setMatrix: function() {
// Use Matrix#initialize to easily copy over values.
// NOTE: calling initialize() also calls #_changed() for us, through its
// call to #set() / #reset(), and this also handles _applyMatrix for us.
var matrix = this._matrix;
matrix.initialize.apply(matrix, arguments);
* The item's global transformation matrix in relation to the global project
* coordinate space. Note that the view's transformations resulting from
* zooming and panning are not factored in.
* @bean
* @type Matrix
getGlobalMatrix: function(_dontClone) {
var matrix = this._globalMatrix,
updateVersion = this._project._updateVersion;
// If #_globalMatrix is out of sync, recalculate it now.
if (matrix && matrix._updateVersion !== updateVersion)
matrix = null;
if (!matrix) {
matrix = this._globalMatrix = this._matrix.clone();
var parent = this._parent;
if (parent)
matrix._updateVersion = updateVersion;
return _dontClone ? matrix : matrix.clone();
* Controls whether the transformations applied to the item (e.g. through
* {@link #transform(matrix)}, {@link #rotate(angle)},
* {@link #scale(scale)}, etc.) are stored in its {@link #matrix} property,
* or whether they are directly applied to its contents or children (passed
* on to the segments in {@link Path} items, the children of {@link Group}
* items, etc.).
* @bean
* @type Boolean
* @default true
getApplyMatrix: function() {
return this._applyMatrix;
setApplyMatrix: function(apply) {
// Tell #transform() to apply the internal matrix if _applyMatrix
// can be set to true.
if (this._applyMatrix = this._canApplyMatrix && !!apply)
this.transform(null, true);
* @bean
* @deprecated use {@link #applyMatrix} instead.
getTransformContent: '#getApplyMatrix',
setTransformContent: '#setApplyMatrix',
}, /** @lends Item# */{
* {@grouptitle Project Hierarchy}
* The project that this item belongs to.
* @type Project
* @bean
getProject: function() {
return this._project;
_setProject: function(project, installEvents) {
if (this._project !== project) {
// Uninstall events before switching project, then install them
// again.
// NOTE: _installEvents handles all children too!
if (this._project)
this._project = project;
var children = this._children;
for (var i = 0, l = children && children.length; i < l; i++)
// We need to call _installEvents(true) again, but merge it with
// handling of installEvents argument below.
installEvents = true;
if (installEvents)
* The view that this item belongs to.
* @type View
* @bean
getView: function() {
return this._project._view;
* Overrides Emitter#_installEvents to also call _installEvents on all
* children.
_installEvents: function _installEvents(install) {, install);
var children = this._children;
for (var i = 0, l = children && children.length; i < l; i++)
* The layer that this item is contained within.
* @type Layer
* @bean
getLayer: function() {
var parent = this;
while (parent = parent._parent) {
if (parent instanceof Layer)
return parent;
return null;
* The item that this item is contained within.
* @type Item
* @bean
* @example
* var path = new Path();
* // New items are placed in the active layer:
* console.log(path.parent == project.activeLayer); // true
* var group = new Group();
* group.addChild(path);
* // Now the parent of the path has become the group:
* console.log(path.parent == group); // true
* @example // Setting the parent of the item to another item
* var path = new Path();
* // New items are placed in the active layer:
* console.log(path.parent == project.activeLayer); // true
* var group = new Group();
* group.parent = path;
* // Now the parent of the path has become the group:
* console.log(path.parent == group); // true
* // The path is now contained in the children list of group:
* console.log(group.children[0] == path); // true
* @example // Setting the parent of an item in the constructor
* var group = new Group();
* var path = new Path({
* parent: group
* });
* // The parent of the path is the group:
* console.log(path.parent == group); // true
* // The path is contained in the children list of group:
* console.log(group.children[0] == path); // true
getParent: function() {
return this._parent;
setParent: function(item) {
return item.addChild(this);
* Private helper to return the owner, either the parent, or the project
* for top-level layers. See Layer#_getOwner()
_getOwner: '#getParent',
* The children items contained within this item. Items that define a
* {@link #name} can also be accessed by name.
* <b>Please note:</b> The children array should not be modified directly
* using array functions. To remove single items from the children list, use
* {@link Item#remove()}, to remove all items from the children list, use
* {@link Item#removeChildren()}. To add items to the children list, use
* {@link Item#addChild(item)} or {@link Item#insertChild(index,item)}.
* @type Item[]
* @bean
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Accessing items in the children array:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 35
* });
* // Create a group and move the path into it:
* var group = new Group();
* group.addChild(path);
* // Access the path through the group's children array:
* group.children[0].fillColor = 'red';
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Accessing children by name:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 35
* });
* // Set the name of the path:
* = 'example';
* // Create a group and move the path into it:
* var group = new Group();
* group.addChild(path);
* // The path can be accessed by name:
* group.children['example'].fillColor = 'orange';
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Passing an array of items to item.children:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 35
* });
* var group = new Group();
* group.children = [path];
* // The path is the first child of the group:
* group.firstChild.fillColor = 'green';
getChildren: function() {
return this._children;
setChildren: function(items, _preserve) {
this.addChildren(items, _preserve);
* The first item contained within this item. This is a shortcut for
* accessing `item.children[0]`.
* @type Item
* @bean
getFirstChild: function() {
return this._children && this._children[0] || null;
* The last item contained within this item.This is a shortcut for
* accessing `item.children[item.children.length - 1]`.
* @type Item
* @bean
getLastChild: function() {
return this._children && this._children[this._children.length - 1]
|| null;
* The next item on the same level as this item.
* @type Item
* @bean
getNextSibling: function() {
var owner = this._getOwner();
return owner && owner._children[this._index + 1] || null;
* The previous item on the same level as this item.
* @type Item
* @bean
getPreviousSibling: function() {
var owner = this._getOwner();
return owner && owner._children[this._index - 1] || null;
* The index of this item within the list of its parent's children.
* @type Number
* @bean
getIndex: function() {
return this._index;
equals: function(item) {
// NOTE: We do not compare name and selected state.
// TODO: Consider not comparing locked and visible also?
return item === this || item && this._class === item._class
&& this._style.equals(item._style)
&& this._matrix.equals(item._matrix)
&& this._locked === item._locked
&& this._visible === item._visible
&& this._blendMode === item._blendMode
&& this._opacity === item._opacity
&& this._clipMask === item._clipMask
&& this._guide === item._guide
&& this._equals(item)
|| false;
* A private helper for #equals(), to be overridden in sub-classes. When it
* is called, item is always defined, of the same class as `this` and has
* equal general state attributes such as matrix, style, opacity, etc.
_equals: function(item) {
return Base.equals(this._children, item._children);
* Clones the item within the same project and places the copy above the
* item.
* @param {Boolean} [insert=true] specifies whether the copy should be
* inserted into the scene graph. When set to `true`, it is inserted
* above the original
* @return {Item} the newly cloned item
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Cloning items:
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [50, 50],
* radius: 10,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* // Make 20 copies of the circle:
* for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
* var copy = circle.clone();
* // Distribute the copies horizontally, so we can see them:
* copy.position.x += i * copy.bounds.width;
* }
clone: function(insert) {
var copy = new this.constructor(Item.NO_INSERT),
children = this._children;
// On items with children, for performance reasons due to the way that
// styles are currently "flattened" into existing children, we need to
// clone attributes first, then content.
// For all other items, it's the other way around, since applying
// attributes might have an impact on their content.
if (children)
if (!children)
// Insert is true by default.
if (insert === undefined || insert)
// Make sure we're not overriding the original name in the same parent
var name = this._name,
parent = this._parent;
if (name && parent) {
var children = parent._children,
orig = name,
i = 1;
while (children[name])
name = orig + ' ' + (i++);
if (name !== orig)
return copy;
* Copies the content of the specified item over to this item.
* @param {Item} source the item to copy the content from
copyContent: function(source) {
var children = source._children;
// Clone all children and add them to the copy. tell #addChild we're
// cloning, as needed by CompoundPath#insertChild().
for (var i = 0, l = children && children.length; i < l; i++) {
this.addChild(children[i].clone(false), true);
* Copies all attributes of the specified item over to this item. This
* includes its style, visibility, matrix, pivot, blend-mode, opacity,
* selection state, data, name, etc.
* @param {Item} source the item to copy the attributes from
* @param {Boolean} excludeMatrix whether to exclude the transformation
* matrix when copying all attributes
copyAttributes: function(source, excludeMatrix) {
// Copy over style
// Only copy over these fields if they are actually defined in 'source',
// meaning the default value has been overwritten (default is on
// prototype).
var keys = ['_locked', '_visible', '_blendMode', '_opacity',
'_clipMask', '_guide'];
for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (source.hasOwnProperty(key))
this[key] = source[key];
// Use Matrix#initialize to easily copy over values.
if (!excludeMatrix)
// We can't just set _applyMatrix as many item types won't allow it,
// e.g. creating a Shape in Path#toShape().
// Using the setter instead takes care of it.
// NOTE: This will also bake in the matrix that we just initialized,
// in case #applyMatrix is true.
// Copy over the selection state, use setSelected so the item
// is also added to Project#selectedItems if it is selected.
// Copy over data and name as well.
var data = source._data,
name = source._name;
this._data = data ? Base.clone(data) : null;
if (name)
* Rasterizes the item into a newly created Raster object. The item itself
* is not removed after rasterization.
* @param {Number} [resolution=view.resolution] the resolution of the raster
* in pixels per inch (DPI). If not specified, the value of
* `view.resolution` is used.
* @param {Boolean} [insert=true] specifies whether the raster should be
* inserted into the scene graph. When set to `true`, it is inserted
* above the original
* @return {Raster} the newly created raster item
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Rasterizing an item:
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [50, 50],
* radius: 5,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* // Create a rasterized version of the path:
* var raster = circle.rasterize();
* // Move it 100pt to the right:
* raster.position.x += 100;
* // Scale the path and the raster by 300%, so we can compare them:
* circle.scale(5);
* raster.scale(5);
rasterize: function(resolution, insert) {
// TODO: Switch to options object for more descriptive call signature.
var bounds = this.getStrokeBounds(),
scale = (resolution || this.getView().getResolution()) / 72,
// Floor top-left corner and ceil bottom-right corner, to never
// blur or cut pixels.
topLeft = bounds.getTopLeft().floor(),
bottomRight = bounds.getBottomRight().ceil(),
size = new Size(bottomRight.subtract(topLeft)),
raster = new Raster(Item.NO_INSERT);
if (!size.isZero()) {
var canvas = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(size.multiply(scale)),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
matrix = new Matrix().scale(scale).translate(topLeft.negate());;
// See Project#draw() for an explanation of new Base()
this.draw(ctx, new Base({ matrices: [matrix] }));
// NOTE: We don't need to release the canvas since it belongs to the
// raster now!
raster.transform(new Matrix().translate(topLeft.add(size.divide(2)))
// Take resolution into account and scale back to original size.
.scale(1 / scale));
if (insert === undefined || insert)
return raster;
* Checks whether the item's geometry contains the given point.
* @example {@paperscript} // Click within and outside the star below
* // Create a star shaped path:
* var path = new Path.Star({
* center: [50, 50],
* points: 12,
* radius1: 20,
* radius2: 40,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // Whenever the user presses the mouse:
* function onMouseDown(event) {
* // If the position of the mouse is within the path,
* // set its fill color to red, otherwise set it to
* // black:
* if (path.contains(event.point)) {
* path.fillColor = 'red';
* } else {
* path.fillColor = 'black';
* }
* }
* @param {Point} point the point to check for
contains: function(/* point */) {
// See CompoundPath#_contains() for the reason for !!
return !!this._contains(
_contains: function(point) {
var children = this._children;
if (children) {
for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (children[i].contains(point))
return true;
return false;
// We only implement it here for items with rectangular content,
// for anything else we need to override #contains()
return point.isInside(this.getInternalBounds());
// DOCS:
// TEST:
* @param {Rectangle} rect the rectangle to check against
* @return {Boolean}
isInside: function(/* rect */) {
// Internal helper function, used at the moment for intersects check only.
// TODO: Move #getIntersections() to Item, make it handle all type of items
// through _asPathItem(), and support Group items as well, taking nested
// matrices into account properly!
_asPathItem: function() {
// Creates a temporary rectangular path item with this item's bounds.
return new Path.Rectangle({
rectangle: this.getInternalBounds(),
matrix: this._matrix,
insert: false,
// DOCS:
// TEST:
* @param {Item} item the item to check against
* @return {Boolean}
intersects: function(item, _matrix) {
if (!(item instanceof Item))
return false;
// Tell getIntersections() to return as soon as some intersections are
// found, because all we care for here is there are some or none:
return this._asPathItem().getIntersections(item._asPathItem(), null,
_matrix, true).length > 0;
* Perform a hit-test on the item (and its children, if it is a {@link
* Group} or {@link Layer}) at the location of the specified point.
* The options object allows you to control the specifics of the hit-test
* and may contain a combination of the following values:
* @option [options.tolerance={@link PaperScope#settings}.hitTolerance]
* {Number} the tolerance of the hit-test
* @option options.class {Function} only hit-test again a certain item class
* and its sub-classes: {@values Group, Layer, Path, CompoundPath,
* Shape, Raster, PlacedSymbol, PointText, ...}
* @option options.fill {Boolean} hit-test the fill of items
* @option options.stroke {Boolean} hit-test the stroke of path items,
* taking into account the setting of stroke color and width
* @option options.segments {Boolean} hit-test for {@link Segment#point} of
* {@link Path} items
* @option options.curves {Boolean} hit-test the curves of path items,
* without taking the stroke color or width into account
* @option options.handles {Boolean} hit-test for the handles ({@link
* Segment#handleIn} / {@link Segment#handleOut}) of path segments
* @option options.ends {Boolean} only hit-test for the first or last
* segment points of open path items
* @option options.bounds {Boolean} hit-test the corners and side-centers of
* the bounding rectangle of items ({@link Item#bounds})
* @option {Boolean} hit-test the {@link Rectangle#center} of
* the bounding rectangle of items ({@link Item#bounds})
* @option options.guides {Boolean} hit-test items that have {@link
* Item#guide} set to `true`
* @option options.selected {Boolean} only hit selected items
* @param {Point} point the point where the hit-test should be performed
* @param {Object} [options={ fill: true, stroke: true, segments: true,
* tolerance: 2 }]
* @return {HitResult} a hit result object that contains more information
* about what exactly was hit or `null` if nothing was hit
hitTest: function(/* point, options */) {
return this._hitTest(,
_hitTest: function(point, options) {
if (this._locked || !this._visible || this._guide && !options.guides
|| this.isEmpty())
return null;
// Check if the point is withing roughBounds + tolerance, but only if
// this item does not have children, since we'd have to travel up the
// chain already to determine the rough bounds.
var matrix = this._matrix,
parentTotalMatrix = options._totalMatrix,
view = this.getView(),
// Keep the accumulated matrices up to this item in options, so we
// can keep calculating the correct _tolerancePadding values.
totalMatrix = options._totalMatrix = parentTotalMatrix
? parentTotalMatrix.chain(matrix)
// If this is the first one in the recursion, factor in the
// zoom of the view and the globalMatrix of the item.
: this.getGlobalMatrix().preConcatenate(view._matrix),
// Calculate the transformed padding as 2D size that describes the
// transformed tolerance circle / ellipse. Make sure it's never 0
// since we're using it for division.
tolerancePadding = options._tolerancePadding = new Size(
Path._getPenPadding(1, totalMatrix.inverted())
Math.max(options.tolerance, /*#=*/Numerical.TOLERANCE)
// Transform point to local coordinates.
point = matrix._inverseTransform(point);
// If the matrix is non-reversible, point will now be `null`:
if (!point || !this._children && !this.getInternalRoughBounds()
return null;
// Filter for type, guides and selected items if that's required.
var checkSelf = !(options.guides && !this._guide
|| options.selected && !this._selected
// Support legacy Item#type property to match hyphenated
// class-names.
|| options.type && options.type !== Base.hyphenate(this._class)
|| options.class && !(this instanceof options.class)),
that = this,
function checkBounds(type, part) {
var pt = bounds['get' + part]();
// Since there are transformations, we cannot simply use a numerical
// tolerance value. Instead, we divide by a padding size, see above.
if (point.subtract(pt).divide(tolerancePadding).length <= 1)
return new HitResult(type, that,
{ name: Base.hyphenate(part), point: pt });
// Ignore top level layers by checking for _parent:
if (checkSelf && ( || options.bounds) && this._parent) {
// Don't get the transformed bounds, check against transformed
// points instead
var bounds = this.getInternalBounds();
if (
res = checkBounds('center', 'Center');
if (!res && options.bounds) {
// TODO: Move these into a private scope
var points = [
'TopLeft', 'TopRight', 'BottomLeft', 'BottomRight',
'LeftCenter', 'TopCenter', 'RightCenter', 'BottomCenter'
for (var i = 0; i < 8 && !res; i++)
res = checkBounds('bounds', points[i]);
var children = !res && this._children;
if (children) {
var opts = this._getChildHitTestOptions(options);
// Loop backwards, so items that get drawn last are tested first
for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0 && !res; i--)
res = children[i]._hitTest(point, opts);
if (!res && checkSelf)
res = this._hitTestSelf(point, options);
// Transform the point back to the outer coordinate system.
if (res && res.point)
res.point = matrix.transform(res.point);
// Restore totalMatrix for next child.
options._totalMatrix = parentTotalMatrix;
return res;
_getChildHitTestOptions: function(options) {
// This is overridden in CompoundPath, for treatment of type === 'path'.
return options;
_hitTestSelf: function(point, options) {
// The default implementation honly handles 'fill' through #_contains()
if (options.fill && this.hasFill() && this._contains(point))
return new HitResult('fill', this);
* {@grouptitle Fetching and matching items}
* Checks whether the item matches the criteria described by the given
* object, by iterating over all of its properties and matching against
* their values through {@link #matches(name, compare)}.
* See {@link Project#getItems(match)} for a selection of illustrated
* examples.
* @name Item#matches
* @function
* @param {Object|Function} match the criteria to match against
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the item matches all the criteria}
* @see #getItems(match)
* Checks whether the item matches the given criteria. Extended matching is
* possible by providing a compare function or a regular expression.
* Matching points, colors only work as a comparison of the full object, not
* partial matching (e.g. only providing the x-coordinate to match all
* points with that x-value). Partial matching does work for
* {@link Item#data}.
* See {@link Project#getItems(match)} for a selection of illustrated
* examples.
* @name Item#matches
* @function
* @param {String} name the name of the state to match against
* @param {Object} compare the value, function or regular expression to
* compare against
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the item matches the state}
* @see #getItems(match)
matches: function(name, compare) {
// matchObject() is used to match against objects in a nested manner.
// This is useful for matching against Item#data.
function matchObject(obj1, obj2) {
for (var i in obj1) {
if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var val1 = obj1[i],
val2 = obj2[i];
if (Base.isPlainObject(val1) && Base.isPlainObject(val2)) {
if (!matchObject(val1, val2))
return false;
} else if (!Base.equals(val1, val2)) {
return false;
return true;
var type = typeof name;
if (type === 'object') {
// `name` is the match object, not a string
for (var key in name) {
if (name.hasOwnProperty(key) && !this.matches(key, name[key]))
return false;
return true;
} else if (type === 'function') {
return name(this);
} else if (name === 'match') {
return compare(this);
} else {
var value = /^(empty|editable)$/.test(name)
// Handle boolean test functions separately, by calling them
// to get the value.
? this['is' + Base.capitalize(name)]()
// Support legacy Item#type property to match hyphenated
// class-names.
// TODO: Remove after December 2016.
: name === 'type'
? Base.hyphenate(this._class)
: this[name];
if (name === 'class') {
if (typeof compare === 'function')
return this instanceof compare;
// Compare further with the _class property value instead.
value = this._class;
if (compare instanceof RegExp) {
return compare.test(value);
} else if (typeof compare === 'function') {
return !!compare(value);
} else if (Base.isPlainObject(compare)) {
return matchObject(compare, value);
return Base.equals(value, compare);
* Fetch the descendants (children or children of children) of this item
* that match the properties in the specified object. Extended matching is
* possible by providing a compare function or regular expression. Matching
* points, colors only work as a comparison of the full object, not partial
* matching (e.g. only providing the x- coordinate to match all points with
* that x-value). Partial matching does work for {@link Item#data}.
* Matching items against a rectangular area is also possible, by setting
* either `match.inside` or `match.overlapping` to a rectangle describing
* the area in which the items either have to be fully or partly contained.
* See {@link Project#getItems(match)} for a selection of illustrated
* examples.
* @option [match.recursive=true] {Boolean} whether to loop recursively
* through all children, or stop at the current level
* @option match.match {Function} a match function to be called for each
* item, allowing the definition of more flexible item checks that are
* not bound to properties. If no other match properties are defined,
* this function can also be passed instead of the `match` object
* @option match.class {Function} the constructor function of the item type
* to match against
* @option match.inside {Rectangle} the rectangle in which the items need to
* be fully contained
* @option match.overlapping {Rectangle} the rectangle with which the items
* need to at least partly overlap
* @param {Object|Function} match the criteria to match against
* @return {Item[]} the list of matching descendant items
* @see #matches(match)
getItems: function(match) {
return Item._getItems(this, match, this._matrix);
* Fetch the first descendant (child or child of child) of this item
* that matches the properties in the specified object.
* Extended matching is possible by providing a compare function or
* regular expression. Matching points, colors only work as a comparison
* of the full object, not partial matching (e.g. only providing the x-
* coordinate to match all points with that x-value). Partial matching
* does work for {@link Item#data}.
* See {@link Project#getItems(match)} for a selection of illustrated
* examples.
* @param {Object|Function} match the criteria to match against
* @return {Item} the first descendant item matching the given criteria
* @see #getItems(match)
getItem: function(match) {
return Item._getItems(this, match, this._matrix, null, true)[0] || null;
statics: {
// NOTE: We pass children instead of item as first argument so the
// method can be used for Project#layers as well in Project.
_getItems: function _getItems(item, match, matrix, param, firstOnly) {
if (!param) {
// Set up a couple of "side-car" values for the recursive calls
// of _getItems below, mainly related to the handling of
// inside / overlapping:
var obj = typeof match === 'object' && match,
overlapping = obj && obj.overlapping,
inside = obj && obj.inside,
// If overlapping is set, we also perform the inside check:
bounds = overlapping || inside,
rect = bounds &&[bounds]);
param = {
items: [], // The list to contain the results.
recursive: obj && obj.recursive !== false,
inside: !!inside,
overlapping: !!overlapping,
rect: rect,
path: overlapping && new Path.Rectangle({
rectangle: rect,
insert: false
if (obj) {
// Create a copy of the match object that doesn't contain
// these special properties:
match = Base.set({}, match, {
recursive: true, inside: true, overlapping: true
var children = item._children,
items = param.items,
rect = param.rect;
matrix = rect && (matrix || new Matrix());
for (var i = 0, l = children && children.length; i < l; i++) {
var child = children[i],
childMatrix = matrix && matrix.chain(child._matrix),
add = true;
if (rect) {
var bounds = child.getBounds(childMatrix);
// Regardless of the setting of inside / overlapping, if the
// bounds don't even intersect, we can skip this child.
if (!rect.intersects(bounds))
if (!(rect.contains(bounds)
// First check the bounds, if the rect is fully
// contained, we are always overlapping, and don't
// need to perform further checks, otherwise perform
// a proper #intersects() check:
|| param.overlapping && (bounds.contains(rect)
|| param.path.intersects(child, childMatrix))))
add = false;
if (add && child.matches(match)) {
if (firstOnly)
if (param.recursive !== false) {
_getItems(child, match, childMatrix, param, firstOnly);
if (firstOnly && items.length > 0)
return items;
}, /** @lends Item# */{
* {@grouptitle Importing / Exporting JSON and SVG}
* Exports (serializes) the item with its content and child items to a JSON
* data string.
* @name Item#exportJSON
* @function
* @option [options.asString=true] {Boolean} whether the JSON is returned as
* a `Object` or a `String`
* @option [options.precision=5] {Number} the amount of fractional digits in
* numbers used in JSON data
* @param {Object} [options] the serialization options
* @return {String} the exported JSON data
* Imports (deserializes) the stored JSON data into this item. If the data
* describes an item of the same class or a parent class of the item, the
* data is imported into the item itself. If not, the imported item is added
* to this item's {@link Item#children} list. Note that not all type of
* items can have children.
* @param {String} json the JSON data to import from
importJSON: function(json) {
// Try importing into `this`. If another item is returned, try adding
// it as a child (this won't be successful on some classes, returning
// null).
var res = Base.importJSON(json, this);
return res !== this ? this.addChild(res) : res;
* Exports the item with its content and child items as an SVG DOM.
* @name Item#exportSVG
* @function
* @option [options.asString=false] {Boolean} whether a SVG node or a
* `String` is to be returned
* @option [options.precision=5] {Number} the amount of fractional digits in
* numbers used in SVG data
* @option [options.matchShapes=false] {Boolean} whether path items should
* tried to be converted to SVG shape items (rect, circle, ellipse,
* line, polyline, polygon), if their geometries match
* @option [options.embedImages=true] {Boolean} whether raster images should
* be embedded as base64 data inlined in the xlink:href attribute, or
* kept as a link to their external URL.
* @param {Object} [options] the export options
* @return {SVGElement} the item converted to an SVG node
* Converts the provided SVG content into Paper.js items and adds them to
* the this item's children list. Note that the item is not cleared first.
* You can call {@link Item#removeChildren()} to do so.
* @name Item#importSVG
* @function
* @option [options.expandShapes=false] {Boolean} whether imported shape
* items should be expanded to path items
* @option [options.onLoad] {Function} the callback function to call once
* the SVG content is loaded from the given URL. Only required when
* loading from external files.
* @option [options.applyMatrix={@link PaperScope#settings}.applyMatrix]
* {Boolean} whether imported items should have their transformation
* matrices applied to their contents or not
* @param {SVGElement|String} svg the SVG content to import, either as a SVG
* DOM node, a string containing SVG content, or a string describing the
* URL of the SVG file to fetch.
* @param {Object} [options] the import options
* @return {Item} the newly created Paper.js item containing the converted
* SVG content
* Imports the provided external SVG file, converts it into Paper.js items
* and adds them to the this item's children list. Note that the item is not
* cleared first. You can call {@link Item#removeChildren()} to do so.
* @name Item#importSVG
* @function
* @param {SVGElement|String} svg the URL of the SVG file to fetch.
* @param {Function} onLoad the callback function to call once the SVG
* content is loaded from the given URL.
* @return {Item} the newly created Paper.js item containing the converted
* SVG content
* {@grouptitle Hierarchy Operations}
* Adds the specified item as a child of this item at the end of the its
* children list. You can use this function for groups, compound paths and
* layers.
* @param {Item} item the item to be added as a child
* @return {Item} the added item, or `null` if adding was not possible
addChild: function(item, _preserve) {
return this.insertChild(undefined, item, _preserve);
* Inserts the specified item as a child of this item at the specified index
* in its {@link #children} list. You can use this function for groups,
* compound paths and layers.
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Item} item the item to be inserted as a child
* @return {Item} the inserted item, or `null` if inserting was not possible
insertChild: function(index, item, _preserve) {
var res = item ? this.insertChildren(index, [item], _preserve) : null;
return res && res[0];
* Adds the specified items as children of this item at the end of the its
* children list. You can use this function for groups, compound paths and
* layers.
* @param {Item[]} items the items to be added as children
* @return {Item[]} the added items, or `null` if adding was not possible
addChildren: function(items, _preserve) {
return this.insertChildren(this._children.length, items, _preserve);
* Inserts the specified items as children of this item at the specified
* index in its {@link #children} list. You can use this function for
* groups, compound paths and layers.
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Item[]} items the items to be appended as children
* @return {Item[]} the inserted items, or `null` if inserted was not
* possible
insertChildren: function(index, items, _preserve, _proto) {
// CompoundPath#insertChildren() requires _preserve and _type:
// _preserve avoids changing of the children's path orientation
// _proto enforces the prototype of the inserted items, as used by
// CompoundPath#insertChildren()
var children = this._children;
if (children && items && items.length > 0) {
// We need to clone items because it might be
// an Item#children array. Also, we're removing elements if they
// don't match _type. Use Array.prototype.slice because items can be
// an arguments object.
items = Array.prototype.slice.apply(items);
// Remove the items from their parents first, since they might be
// inserted into their own parents, affecting indices.
// Use the loop also to filter out wrong _type.
for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var item = items[i];
if (_proto && !(item instanceof _proto)) {
items.splice(i, 1);
} else {
// If the item is removed and inserted it again further
/// above, the index needs to be adjusted accordingly.
var shift = item._parent === this && item._index < index;
// Notify parent of change. Don't notify item itself yet,
// as we're doing so when adding it to the new parent below.
if (item._remove(false, true) && shift)
Base.splice(children, items, index, 0);
var project = this._project,
// See #_remove() for an explanation of this:
notifySelf = project && project._changes;
for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
var item = items[i];
item._parent = this;
item._setProject(this._project, true);
// Setting the name again makes sure all name lookup structures
// are kept in sync.
if (item._name)
if (notifySelf)
} else {
items = null;
return items;
// Internal alias, so both Project and Item can be used in #copyTo(), and
// through _getOwner() in the various Item#insert*() methods.
_insertItem: '#insertChild',
* Inserts this item above the specified item.
* @param {Item} item the item above which it should be inserted
* @return {Item} the inserted item, or `null` if inserting was not possible
insertAbove: function(item, _preserve) {
var owner = item && item._getOwner();
return owner ? owner._insertItem(item._index + 1, this, _preserve)
: null;
* Inserts this item below the specified item.
* @param {Item} item the item below which it should be inserted
* @return {Item} the inserted item, or `null` if inserting was not possible
insertBelow: function(item, _preserve) {
var owner = item && item._getOwner();
return owner ? owner._insertItem(item._index, this, _preserve) : null;
* Sends this item to the back of all other items within the same parent.
sendToBack: function() {
var owner = this._getOwner();
return owner ? owner._insertItem(0, this) : null;
* Brings this item to the front of all other items within the same parent.
bringToFront: function() {
var owner = this._getOwner();
return owner ? owner._insertItem(undefined, this) : null;
* Inserts the specified item as a child of this item by appending it to
* the list of children and moving it above all other children. You can
* use this function for groups, compound paths and layers.
* @function
* @param {Item} item the item to be appended as a child
* @deprecated use {@link #addChild(item)} instead.
appendTop: '#addChild',
* Inserts the specified item as a child of this item by appending it to
* the list of children and moving it below all other children. You can
* use this function for groups, compound paths and layers.
* @param {Item} item the item to be appended as a child
* @deprecated use {@link #insertChild(index, item)} instead.
appendBottom: function(item) {
return this.insertChild(0, item);
* Moves this item above the specified item.
* @function
* @param {Item} item the item above which it should be moved
* @return {Boolean} {@true if it was moved}
* @deprecated use {@link #insertAbove(item)} instead.
moveAbove: '#insertAbove',
* Moves the item below the specified item.
* @function
* @param {Item} item the item below which it should be moved
* @return {Boolean} {@true if it was moved}
* @deprecated use {@link #insertBelow(item)} instead.
moveBelow: '#insertBelow',
* When passed a project, copies the item to the project,
* or duplicates it within the same project. When passed an item,
* copies the item into the specified item.
* @param {Project|Layer|Group|CompoundPath} owner the item or project to
* copy the item to
* @return {Item} the new copy of the item
copyTo: function(owner) {
// Pass false for insert, since we're inserting at a specific location.
return owner._insertItem(undefined, this.clone(false));
* If this is a group, layer or compound-path with only one child-item,
* the child-item is moved outside and the parent is erased. Otherwise, the
* item itself is returned unmodified.
* @return {Item} the reduced item
reduce: function(options) {
var children = this._children;
if (children && children.length === 1) {
var child = children[0].reduce(options);
// Make sure the reduced item has the same parent as the original.
if (this._parent) {
} else {
return child;
return this;
* Removes the item from its parent's named children list.
_removeNamed: function() {
var owner = this._getOwner();
if (owner) {
var children = owner._children,
namedChildren = owner._namedChildren,
name = this._name,
namedArray = namedChildren[name],
index = namedArray ? namedArray.indexOf(this) : -1;
if (index !== -1) {
// Remove the named reference
if (children[name] == this)
delete children[name];
// Remove this entry
namedArray.splice(index, 1);
// If there are any items left in the named array, set the first
// of them to be children[]
if (namedArray.length) {
children[name] = namedArray[0];
} else {
// Otherwise delete the empty array
delete namedChildren[name];
* Removes the item from its parent's children list.
_remove: function(notifySelf, notifyParent) {
var owner = this._getOwner(),
project = this._project,
index = this._index;
if (owner && index != null) {
// Only required for layers, but not enough to merit an override.
if (project._activeLayer === this)
project._activeLayer = this.getNextSibling()
|| this.getPreviousSibling();
if (this._name)
Base.splice(owner._children, null, index, 1);
// Notify self of the insertion change. We only need this
// notification if we're tracking changes for now.
if (notifySelf && project._changes)
// Notify owner of changed children (this can be the project too).
if (notifyParent)
owner._changed(/*#=*/Change.CHILDREN, this);
this._parent = null;
return true;
return false;
* Removes the item and all its children from the project. The item is not
* destroyed and can be inserted again after removal.
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the item was removed}
remove: function() {
// Notify self and parent of change:
return this._remove(true, true);
* Replaces this item with the provided new item which will takes its place
* in the project hierarchy instead.
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the item was replaced}
replaceWith: function(item) {
var ok = item && item.insertBelow(this);
if (ok)
return ok;
* Removes all of the item's {@link #children} (if any).
* @name Item#removeChildren
* @alias Item#clear
* @function
* @return {Item[]} an array containing the removed items
* Removes the children from the specified `start` index to and excluding
* the `end` index from the parent's {@link #children} array.
* @name Item#removeChildren
* @function
* @param {Number} start the beginning index, inclusive
* @param {Number} [end=children.length] the ending index, exclusive
* @return {Item[]} an array containing the removed items
removeChildren: function(start, end) {
if (!this._children)
return null;
start = start || 0;
end = Base.pick(end, this._children.length);
// Use Base.splice(), which adjusts #_index for the items above, and
// deletes it for the removed items. Calling #_remove() afterwards is
// fine, since it only calls Base.splice() if #_index is set.
var removed = Base.splice(this._children, null, start, end - start);
for (var i = removed.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Don't notify parent each time, notify it separately after.
removed[i]._remove(true, false);
if (removed.length > 0)
return removed;
// DOCS Item#clear()
clear: '#removeChildren',
* Reverses the order of the item's children
reverseChildren: function() {
if (this._children) {
// Adjust indices
for (var i = 0, l = this._children.length; i < l; i++)
this._children[i]._index = i;
* {@grouptitle Tests}
* Specifies whether the item has any content or not. The meaning of what
* content is differs from type to type. For example, a {@link Group} with
* no children, a {@link TextItem} with no text content and a {@link Path}
* with no segments all are considered empty.
* @return Boolean
isEmpty: function() {
return !this._children || this._children.length === 0;
* Checks whether the item is editable.
* @return {Boolean} {@true when neither the item, nor its parents are
* locked or hidden}
* @ignore
// TODO: Item#isEditable is currently ignored in the documentation, as
// locking an item currently has no effect
isEditable: function() {
var item = this;
while (item) {
if (!item._visible || item._locked)
return false;
item = item._parent;
return true;
* Checks whether the item is valid, i.e. it hasn't been removed.
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the item is valid}
// TODO: isValid / checkValid
* {@grouptitle Style Tests}
* Checks whether the item has a fill.
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the item has a fill}
hasFill: function() {
return this.getStyle().hasFill();
* Checks whether the item has a stroke.
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the item has a stroke}
hasStroke: function() {
return this.getStyle().hasStroke();
* Checks whether the item has a shadow.
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the item has a shadow}
hasShadow: function() {
return this.getStyle().hasShadow();
* Returns -1 if 'this' is above 'item', 1 if below, 0 if their order is not
* defined in such a way, e.g. if one is a descendant of the other.
_getOrder: function(item) {
// Private method that produces a list of anchestors, starting with the
// root and ending with the actual element as the last entry.
function getList(item) {
var list = [];
do {
} while (item = item._parent);
return list;
var list1 = getList(this),
list2 = getList(item);
for (var i = 0, l = Math.min(list1.length, list2.length); i < l; i++) {
if (list1[i] != list2[i]) {
// Found the position in the parents list where the two start
// to differ. Look at who's above who.
return list1[i]._index < list2[i]._index ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
* {@grouptitle Hierarchy Tests}
* Checks if the item contains any children items.
* @return {Boolean} {@true it has one or more children}
hasChildren: function() {
return this._children && this._children.length > 0;
* Checks whether the item and all its parents are inserted into scene graph
* or not.
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the item is inserted into the scene graph}
isInserted: function() {
return this._parent ? this._parent.isInserted() : false;
* Checks if this item is above the specified item in the stacking order
* of the project.
* @param {Item} item the item to check against
* @return {Boolean} {@true if it is above the specified item}
isAbove: function(item) {
return this._getOrder(item) === -1;
* Checks if the item is below the specified item in the stacking order of
* the project.
* @param {Item} item the item to check against
* @return {Boolean} {@true if it is below the specified item}
isBelow: function(item) {
return this._getOrder(item) === 1;
* Checks whether the specified item is the parent of the item.
* @param {Item} item the item to check against
* @return {Boolean} {@true if it is the parent of the item}
isParent: function(item) {
return this._parent === item;
* Checks whether the specified item is a child of the item.
* @param {Item} item the item to check against
* @return {Boolean} {@true it is a child of the item}
isChild: function(item) {
return item && item._parent === this;
* Checks if the item is contained within the specified item.
* @param {Item} item the item to check against
* @return {Boolean} {@true if it is inside the specified item}
isDescendant: function(item) {
var parent = this;
while (parent = parent._parent) {
if (parent === item)
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the item is an ancestor of the specified item.
* @param {Item} item the item to check against
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the item is an ancestor of the specified
* item}
isAncestor: function(item) {
return item ? item.isDescendant(this) : false;
* Checks if the item is an a sibling of the specified item.
* @param {Item} item the item to check against
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the item is aa sibling of the specified item}
isSibling: function(item) {
return this._parent === item._parent;
* Checks whether the item is grouped with the specified item.
* @param {Item} item
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the items are grouped together}
isGroupedWith: function(item) {
var parent = this._parent;
while (parent) {
// Find group parents. Check for parent._parent, since don't want
// top level layers, because they also inherit from Group
if (parent._parent
&& /^(Group|Layer|CompoundPath)$/.test(parent._class)
&& item.isDescendant(parent))
return true;
// Keep walking up otherwise
parent = parent._parent;
return false;
// Document all style properties which get injected into Item by Style:
* {@grouptitle Stroke Style}
* The color of the stroke.
* @name Item#strokeColor
* @property
* @type Color
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Setting the stroke color of a path:
* // Create a circle shaped path at { x: 80, y: 50 }
* // with a radius of 35:
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 35
* });
* // Set its stroke color to RGB red:
* circle.strokeColor = new Color(1, 0, 0);
* The width of the stroke.
* @name Item#strokeWidth
* @property
* @type Number
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Setting an item's stroke width:
* // Create a circle shaped path at { x: 80, y: 50 }
* // with a radius of 35:
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 35,
* strokeColor: 'red'
* });
* // Set its stroke width to 10:
* circle.strokeWidth = 10;
* The shape to be used at the beginning and end of open {@link Path} items,
* when they have a stroke.
* @name Item#strokeCap
* @property
* @type String
* @values 'round', 'square', 'butt'
* @default 'butt'
* @example {@paperscript height=200}
* // A look at the different stroke caps:
* var line = new Path({
* segments: [[80, 50], [420, 50]],
* strokeColor: 'black',
* strokeWidth: 20,
* selected: true
* });
* // Set the stroke cap of the line to be round:
* line.strokeCap = 'round';
* // Copy the path and set its stroke cap to be square:
* var line2 = line.clone();
* line2.position.y += 50;
* line2.strokeCap = 'square';
* // Make another copy and set its stroke cap to be butt:
* var line2 = line.clone();
* line2.position.y += 100;
* line2.strokeCap = 'butt';
* The shape to be used at the segments and corners of {@link Path} items
* when they have a stroke.
* @name Item#strokeJoin
* @property
* @type String
* @values 'miter', 'round', 'bevel'
* @default 'miter'
* @example {@paperscript height=120}
* // A look at the different stroke joins:
* var path = new Path({
* segments: [[80, 100], [120, 40], [160, 100]],
* strokeColor: 'black',
* strokeWidth: 20,
* // Select the path, in order to see where the stroke is formed:
* selected: true
* });
* var path2 = path.clone();
* path2.position.x += path2.bounds.width * 1.5;
* path2.strokeJoin = 'round';
* var path3 = path2.clone();
* path3.position.x += path3.bounds.width * 1.5;
* path3.strokeJoin = 'bevel';
* The dash offset of the stroke.
* @name Item#dashOffset
* @property
* @type Number
* @default 0
* Specifies whether the stroke is to be drawn taking the current affine
* transformation into account (the default behavior), or whether it should
* appear as a non-scaling stroke.
* @name Item#strokeScaling
* @property
* @type Boolean
* @default true
* Specifies an array containing the dash and gap lengths of the stroke.
* @example {@paperscript}
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 40,
* strokeWidth: 2,
* strokeColor: 'black'
* });
* // Set the dashed stroke to [10pt dash, 4pt gap]:
* path.dashArray = [10, 4];
* @name Item#dashArray
* @property
* @type Array
* @default []
* The miter limit of the stroke.
* When two line segments meet at a sharp angle and miter joins have been
* specified for {@link Item#strokeJoin}, it is possible for the miter to
* extend far beyond the {@link Item#strokeWidth} of the path. The
* miterLimit imposes a limit on the ratio of the miter length to the
* {@link Item#strokeWidth}.
* @name Item#miterLimit
* @property
* @type Number
* @default 10
* {@grouptitle Fill Style}
* The fill color of the item.
* @name Item#fillColor
* @property
* @type Color
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Setting the fill color of a path to red:
* // Create a circle shaped path at { x: 80, y: 50 }
* // with a radius of 35:
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 35
* });
* // Set the fill color of the circle to RGB red:
* circle.fillColor = new Color(1, 0, 0);
* The fill-rule with which the shape gets filled. Please note that only
* modern browsers support fill-rules other than `'nonzero'`.
* @name Item#fillRule
* @property
* @type String
* @values 'nonzero', 'evenodd'
* @default 'nonzero'
* {@grouptitle Shadow Style}
* The shadow color.
* @property
* @name Item#shadowColor
* @type Color
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Creating a circle with a black shadow:
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 35,
* fillColor: 'white',
* // Set the shadow color of the circle to RGB black:
* shadowColor: new Color(0, 0, 0),
* // Set the shadow blur radius to 12:
* shadowBlur: 12,
* // Offset the shadow by { x: 5, y: 5 }
* shadowOffset: new Point(5, 5)
* });
* The shadow's blur radius.
* @property
* @name Item#shadowBlur
* @type Number
* @default 0
* The shadow's offset.
* @property
* @name Item#shadowOffset
* @type Point
* @default 0
// TODO: Find a better name than selectedColor. It should also be used for
// guides, etc.
* {@grouptitle Selection Style}
* The color the item is highlighted with when selected. If the item does
* not specify its own color, the color defined by its layer is used instead.
* @name Item#selectedColor
* @property
* @type Color
* {@grouptitle Transform Functions}
* Translates (moves) the item by the given offset point.
* @param {Point} delta the offset to translate the item by
translate: function(/* delta */) {
var mx = new Matrix();
return this.transform(mx.translate.apply(mx, arguments));
* Rotates the item by a given angle around the given point.
* Angles are oriented clockwise and measured in degrees.
* @param {Number} angle the rotation angle
* @param {Point} [center={@link Item#position}]
* @see Matrix#rotate
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Rotating an item:
* // Create a rectangle shaped path with its top left
* // point at {x: 80, y: 25} and a size of {width: 50, height: 50}:
* var path = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(80, 25), new Size(50, 50));
* path.fillColor = 'black';
* // Rotate the path by 30 degrees:
* path.rotate(30);
* @example {@paperscript height=200}
* // Rotating an item around a specific point:
* // Create a rectangle shaped path with its top left
* // point at {x: 175, y: 50} and a size of {width: 100, height: 100}:
* var topLeft = new Point(175, 50);
* var size = new Size(100, 100);
* var path = new Path.Rectangle(topLeft, size);
* path.fillColor = 'black';
* // Draw a circle shaped path in the center of the view,
* // to show the rotation point:
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center:,
* radius: 5,
* fillColor: 'white'
* });
* // Each frame rotate the path 3 degrees around the center point
* // of the view:
* function onFrame(event) {
* path.rotate(3,;
* }
rotate: function(angle /*, center */) {
return this.transform(new Matrix().rotate(angle,, 1, { readNull: true })
|| this.getPosition(true)));
}, Base.each(['scale', 'shear', 'skew'], function(name) {
this[name] = function() {
// See Matrix#scale for explanation of this:
var point =,
center =, 0, { readNull: true });
return this.transform(new Matrix()[name](point,
center || this.getPosition(true)));
}, /** @lends Item# */{
* Scales the item by the given value from its center point, or optionally
* from a supplied point.
* @name Item#scale
* @function
* @param {Number} scale the scale factor
* @param {Point} [center={@link Item#position}]
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Scaling an item from its center point:
* // Create a circle shaped path at { x: 80, y: 50 }
* // with a radius of 20:
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 20,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* // Scale the path by 150% from its center point
* circle.scale(1.5);
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Scaling an item from a specific point:
* // Create a circle shaped path at { x: 80, y: 50 }
* // with a radius of 20:
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 20,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* // Scale the path 150% from its bottom left corner
* circle.scale(1.5, circle.bounds.bottomLeft);
* Scales the item by the given values from its center point, or optionally
* from a supplied point.
* @name Item#scale
* @function
* @param {Number} hor the horizontal scale factor
* @param {Number} ver the vertical scale factor
* @param {Point} [center={@link Item#position}]
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Scaling an item horizontally by 300%:
* // Create a circle shaped path at { x: 100, y: 50 }
* // with a radius of 20:
* var circle = new Path.Circle({
* center: [100, 50],
* radius: 20,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* // Scale the path horizontally by 300%
* circle.scale(3, 1);
// TODO: Add test for item shearing, as it might be behaving oddly.
* Shears the item by the given value from its center point, or optionally
* by a supplied point.
* @name Item#shear
* @function
* @param {Point} shear the horziontal and vertical shear factors as a point
* @param {Point} [center={@link Item#position}]
* @see Matrix#shear
* Shears the item by the given values from its center point, or optionally
* by a supplied point.
* @name Item#shear
* @function
* @param {Number} hor the horizontal shear factor
* @param {Number} ver the vertical shear factor
* @param {Point} [center={@link Item#position}]
* @see Matrix#shear
* Skews the item by the given angles from its center point, or optionally
* by a supplied point.
* @name Item#skew
* @function
* @param {Point} skew the horziontal and vertical skew angles in degrees
* @param {Point} [center={@link Item#position}]
* @see Matrix#shear
* Skews the item by the given angles from its center point, or optionally
* by a supplied point.
* @name Item#skew
* @function
* @param {Number} hor the horizontal skew angle in degrees
* @param {Number} ver the vertical sskew angle in degrees
* @param {Point} [center={@link Item#position}]
* @see Matrix#shear
}), /** @lends Item# */{
* Transform the item.
* @param {Matrix} matrix the matrix by which the item shall be transformed
// TODO: Implement flags:
// @param {String[]} flags array of any of the following: 'objects',
// 'children', 'fill-gradients', 'fill-patterns', 'stroke-patterns',
// 'lines'. Default: ['objects', 'children']
transform: function(matrix, _applyMatrix, _applyRecursively,
_setApplyMatrix) {
// If no matrix is provided, or the matrix is the identity, we might
// still have some work to do in case _applyMatrix is true
if (matrix && matrix.isIdentity())
matrix = null;
var _matrix = this._matrix,
applyMatrix = (_applyMatrix || this._applyMatrix)
// Don't apply _matrix if the result of concatenating with
// matrix would be identity.
&& ((!_matrix.isIdentity() || matrix)
// Even if it's an identity matrix, we still need to
// recursively apply the matrix to children.
|| _applyMatrix && _applyRecursively && this._children);
// Bail out if there is nothing to do.
if (!matrix && !applyMatrix)
return this;
// Simply preconcatenate the internal matrix with the passed one:
if (matrix)
// Call #_transformContent() now, if we need to directly apply the
// internal _matrix transformations to the item's content.
// Application is not possible on Raster, PointText, PlacedSymbol, since
// the matrix is where the actual transformation state is stored.
if (applyMatrix = applyMatrix && this._transformContent(_matrix,
_applyRecursively, _setApplyMatrix)) {
// When the _matrix could be applied, we also need to transform
// color styles (only gradients so far) and pivot point:
var pivot = this._pivot,
style = this._style,
// pass true for _dontMerge so we don't recursively transform
// styles on groups' children.
fillColor = style.getFillColor(true),
strokeColor = style.getStrokeColor(true);
if (pivot)
_matrix._transformPoint(pivot, pivot, true);
if (fillColor)
if (strokeColor)
// Reset the internal matrix to the identity transformation if it
// was possible to apply it.
// Set the internal _applyMatrix flag to true if we're told to do so
if (_setApplyMatrix && this._canApplyMatrix)
this._applyMatrix = true;
// Calling _changed will clear _bounds and _position, but depending
// on matrix we can calculate and set them again, so preserve them.
var bounds = this._bounds,
position = this._position;
// We always need to call _changed since we're caching bounds on all
// items, including Group.
// Detect matrices that contain only translations and scaling
// and transform the cached _bounds and _position without having to
// fully recalculate each time.
var decomp = bounds && matrix && matrix.decompose();
if (decomp && !decomp.shearing && decomp.rotation % 90 === 0) {
// Transform the old bound by looping through all the cached bounds
// in _bounds and transform each.
for (var key in bounds) {
var rect = bounds[key];
// If these are internal bounds, only transform them if this
// item applied its matrix.
if (applyMatrix || !rect._internal)
matrix._transformBounds(rect, rect);
// If we have cached bounds, update _position again as its
// center. We need to take into account _boundsGetter here too, in
// case another getter is assigned to it, e.g. 'getStrokeBounds'.
var getter = this._boundsGetter,
rect = bounds[getter && getter.getBounds || getter || 'getBounds'];
if (rect)
this._position = rect.getCenter(true);
this._bounds = bounds;
} else if (matrix && position) {
// Transform position as well.
this._position = matrix._transformPoint(position, position);
// Allow chaining here, since transform() is related to Matrix functions
return this;
_transformContent: function(matrix, applyRecursively, setApplyMatrix) {
var children = this._children;
if (children) {
for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
children[i].transform(matrix, true, applyRecursively,
return true;
* Converts the specified point from global project coordinate space to the
* item's own local coordinate space.
* @param {Point} point the point to be transformed
* @return {Point} the transformed point as a new instance
globalToLocal: function(/* point */) {
return this.getGlobalMatrix(true)._inverseTransform(;
* Converts the specified point from the item's own local coordinate space
* to the global project coordinate space.
* @param {Point} point the point to be transformed
* @return {Point} the transformed point as a new instance
localToGlobal: function(/* point */) {
return this.getGlobalMatrix(true)._transformPoint(;
* Converts the specified point from the parent's coordinate space to
* item's own local coordinate space.
* @param {Point} point the point to be transformed
* @return {Point} the transformed point as a new instance
parentToLocal: function(/* point */) {
return this._matrix._inverseTransform(;
* Converts the specified point from the item's own local coordinate space
* to the parent's coordinate space.
* @param {Point} point the point to be transformed
* @return {Point} the transformed point as a new instance
localToParent: function(/* point */) {
return this._matrix._transformPoint(;
* Transform the item so that its {@link #bounds} fit within the specified
* rectangle, without changing its aspect ratio.
* @param {Rectangle} rectangle
* @param {Boolean} [fill=false]
* @example {@paperscript height=100}
* // Fitting an item to the bounding rectangle of another item's bounding
* // rectangle:
* // Create a rectangle shaped path with its top left corner
* // at {x: 80, y: 25} and a size of {width: 75, height: 50}:
* var path = new Path.Rectangle({
* point: [80, 25],
* size: [75, 50],
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // Create a circle shaped path with its center at {x: 80, y: 50}
* // and a radius of 30.
* var circlePath = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 30,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* // Fit the circlePath to the bounding rectangle of
* // the rectangular path:
* circlePath.fitBounds(path.bounds);
* @example {@paperscript height=100}
* // Fitting an item to the bounding rectangle of another item's bounding
* // rectangle with the fill parameter set to true:
* // Create a rectangle shaped path with its top left corner
* // at {x: 80, y: 25} and a size of {width: 75, height: 50}:
* var path = new Path.Rectangle({
* point: [80, 25],
* size: [75, 50],
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // Create a circle shaped path with its center at {x: 80, y: 50}
* // and a radius of 30.
* var circlePath = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 30,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* // Fit the circlePath to the bounding rectangle of
* // the rectangular path:
* circlePath.fitBounds(path.bounds, true);
* @example {@paperscript height=200}
* // Fitting an item to the bounding rectangle of the view
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: [80, 50],
* radius: 30,
* fillColor: 'red'
* });
* // Fit the path to the bounding rectangle of the view:
* path.fitBounds(view.bounds);
fitBounds: function(rectangle, fill) {
// TODO: Think about passing options with various ways of defining
// fitting.
rectangle =;
var bounds = this.getBounds(),
itemRatio = bounds.height / bounds.width,
rectRatio = rectangle.height / rectangle.width,
scale = (fill ? itemRatio > rectRatio : itemRatio < rectRatio)
? rectangle.width / bounds.width
: rectangle.height / bounds.height,
newBounds = new Rectangle(new Point(),
new Size(bounds.width * scale, bounds.height * scale));
* {@grouptitle Event Handlers}
* Item level handler function to be called on each frame of an animation.
* The function receives an event object which contains information about
* the frame event:
* @option event.count {Number} the number of times the frame event was
* fired
* @option event.time {Number} the total amount of time passed since the
* first frame event in seconds
* @option {Number} the time passed in seconds since the last
* frame event
* @see View#onFrame
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Creating an animation:
* // Create a rectangle shaped path with its top left point at:
* // {x: 50, y: 25} and a size of {width: 50, height: 50}
* var path = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(50, 25), new Size(50, 50));
* path.fillColor = 'black';
* path.onFrame = function(event) {
* // Every frame, rotate the path by 3 degrees:
* this.rotate(3);
* }
* @name Item#onFrame
* @property
* @type Function
* The function to be called when the mouse button is pushed down on the
* item. The function receives a {@link MouseEvent} object which contains
* information about the mouse event.
* @name Item#onMouseDown
* @property
* @type Function
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Press the mouse button down on the circle shaped path, to make it red:
* // Create a circle shaped path at the center of the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center:,
* radius: 25,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // When the mouse is pressed on the item,
* // set its fill color to red:
* path.onMouseDown = function(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'red';
* }
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Press the mouse on the circle shaped paths to remove them:
* // Loop 30 times:
* for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
* // Create a circle shaped path at a random position
* // in the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: Point.random() * view.size,
* radius: 25,
* fillColor: 'black',
* strokeColor: 'white'
* });
* // When the mouse is pressed on the item, remove it:
* path.onMouseDown = function(event) {
* this.remove();
* }
* }
* The function to be called when the mouse position changes while the mouse
* is being dragged over the item. The function receives a {@link
* MouseEvent} object which contains information about the mouse event.
* @name Item#onMouseDrag
* @property
* @type Function
* @example {@paperscript height=240}
* // Press and drag the mouse on the blue circle to move it:
* // Create a circle shaped path at the center of the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center:,
* radius: 50,
* fillColor: 'blue'
* });
* // Install a drag event handler that moves the path along.
* path.onMouseDrag = function(event) {
* path.position +=;
* }
* The function to be called when the mouse button is released over the item.
* The function receives a {@link MouseEvent} object which contains
* information about the mouse event.
* @name Item#onMouseUp
* @property
* @type Function
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Release the mouse button over the circle shaped path, to make it red:
* // Create a circle shaped path at the center of the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center:,
* radius: 25,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // When the mouse is released over the item,
* // set its fill color to red:
* path.onMouseUp = function(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'red';
* }
* The function to be called when the mouse clicks on the item. The function
* receives a {@link MouseEvent} object which contains information about the
* mouse event.
* @name Item#onClick
* @property
* @type Function
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Click on the circle shaped path, to make it red:
* // Create a circle shaped path at the center of the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center:,
* radius: 25,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // When the mouse is clicked on the item,
* // set its fill color to red:
* path.onClick = function(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'red';
* }
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Click on the circle shaped paths to remove them:
* // Loop 30 times:
* for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
* // Create a circle shaped path at a random position
* // in the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: Point.random() * view.size,
* radius: 25,
* fillColor: 'black',
* strokeColor: 'white'
* });
* // When the mouse clicks on the item, remove it:
* path.onClick = function(event) {
* this.remove();
* }
* }
* The function to be called when the mouse double clicks on the item. The
* function receives a {@link MouseEvent} object which contains information
* about the mouse event.
* @name Item#onDoubleClick
* @property
* @type Function
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Double click on the circle shaped path, to make it red:
* // Create a circle shaped path at the center of the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center:,
* radius: 25,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // When the mouse is double clicked on the item,
* // set its fill color to red:
* path.onDoubleClick = function(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'red';
* }
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Double click on the circle shaped paths to remove them:
* // Loop 30 times:
* for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
* // Create a circle shaped path at a random position
* // in the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: Point.random() * view.size,
* radius: 25,
* fillColor: 'black',
* strokeColor: 'white'
* });
* // When the mouse is double clicked on the item, remove it:
* path.onDoubleClick = function(event) {
* this.remove();
* }
* }
* The function to be called repeatedly when the mouse moves on top of the
* item. The function receives a {@link MouseEvent} object which contains
* information about the mouse event.
* @name Item#onMouseMove
* @property
* @type Function
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Move over the circle shaped path, to change its opacity:
* // Create a circle shaped path at the center of the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center:,
* radius: 25,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // When the mouse moves on top of the item, set its opacity
* // to a random value between 0 and 1:
* path.onMouseMove = function(event) {
* this.opacity = Math.random();
* }
* The function to be called when the mouse moves over the item. This
* function will only be called again, once the mouse moved outside of the
* item first. The function receives a {@link MouseEvent} object which
* contains information about the mouse event.
* @name Item#onMouseEnter
* @property
* @type Function
* @example {@paperscript}
* // When you move the mouse over the item, its fill color is set to red.
* // When you move the mouse outside again, its fill color is set back
* // to black.
* // Create a circle shaped path at the center of the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center:,
* radius: 25,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // When the mouse enters the item, set its fill color to red:
* path.onMouseEnter = function(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'red';
* }
* // When the mouse leaves the item, set its fill color to black:
* path.onMouseLeave = function(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'black';
* }
* @example {@paperscript}
* // When you click the mouse, you create new circle shaped items. When you
* // move the mouse over the item, its fill color is set to red. When you
* // move the mouse outside again, its fill color is set back
* // to black.
* function enter(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'red';
* }
* function leave(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'black';
* }
* // When the mouse is pressed:
* function onMouseDown(event) {
* // Create a circle shaped path at the position of the mouse:
* var path = new Path.Circle(event.point, 25);
* path.fillColor = 'black';
* // When the mouse enters the item, set its fill color to red:
* path.onMouseEnter = enter;
* // When the mouse leaves the item, set its fill color to black:
* path.onMouseLeave = leave;
* }
* The function to be called when the mouse moves out of the item.
* The function receives a {@link MouseEvent} object which contains
* information about the mouse event.
* @name Item#onMouseLeave
* @property
* @type Function
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Move the mouse over the circle shaped path and then move it out
* // of it again to set its fill color to red:
* // Create a circle shaped path at the center of the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center:,
* radius: 25,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // When the mouse leaves the item, set its fill color to red:
* path.onMouseLeave = function(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'red';
* }
* {@grouptitle Event Handling}
* Attaches an event handler to the item.
* @name Item#on
* @function
* @param {String} type the type of event: {@values 'frame', mousedown',
* 'mouseup', 'mousedrag', 'click', 'doubleclick', 'mousemove',
* 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave'}
* @param {Function} function the function to be called when the event
* occurs, receiving a {@link MouseEvent} or {@link Event} object as its
* sole argument
* @return {Item} this item itself, so calls can be chained
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Change the fill color of the path to red when the mouse enters its
* // shape and back to black again, when it leaves its shape.
* // Create a circle shaped path at the center of the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center:,
* radius: 25,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // When the mouse enters the item, set its fill color to red:
* path.on('mouseenter', function() {
* this.fillColor = 'red';
* });
* // When the mouse leaves the item, set its fill color to black:
* path.on('mouseleave', function() {
* this.fillColor = 'black';
* });
* Attaches one or more event handlers to the item.
* @name Item#on
* @function
* @param {Object} object an object literal containing one or more of the
* following properties: {@values frame, mousedown, mouseup, mousedrag,
* click, doubleclick, mousemove, mouseenter, mouseleave}
* @return {Item} this item itself, so calls can be chained
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Change the fill color of the path to red when the mouse enters its
* // shape and back to black again, when it leaves its shape.
* // Create a circle shaped path at the center of the view:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center:,
* radius: 25
* });
* path.fillColor = 'black';
* // When the mouse enters the item, set its fill color to red:
* path.on({
* mouseenter: function(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'red';
* },
* mouseleave: function(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'black';
* }
* });
* @example {@paperscript}
* // When you click the mouse, you create new circle shaped items. When you
* // move the mouse over the item, its fill color is set to red. When you
* // move the mouse outside again, its fill color is set black.
* var pathHandlers = {
* mouseenter: function(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'red';
* },
* mouseleave: function(event) {
* this.fillColor = 'black';
* }
* }
* // When the mouse is pressed:
* function onMouseDown(event) {
* // Create a circle shaped path at the position of the mouse:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: event.point,
* radius: 25,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // Attach the handers inside the object literal to the path:
* path.on(pathHandlers);
* }
* Detach an event handler from the item.
* @name Item#off
* @function
* @param {String} type the type of event: {@values 'frame', mousedown',
* 'mouseup', 'mousedrag', 'click', 'doubleclick', 'mousemove',
* 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave'}
* @param {Function} function the function to be detached
* @return {Item} this item itself, so calls can be chained
* Detach one or more event handlers to the item.
* @name Item#off
* @function
* @param {Object} object an object literal containing one or more of the
* following properties: {@values frame, mousedown, mouseup, mousedrag,
* click, doubleclick, mousemove, mouseenter, mouseleave}
* @return {Item} this item itself, so calls can be chained
* Emit an event on the item.
* @name Item#emit
* @function
* @param {String} type the type of event: {@values 'frame', mousedown',
* 'mouseup', 'mousedrag', 'click', 'doubleclick', 'mousemove',
* 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave'}
* @param {Object} event an object literal containing properties describing
* the event
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the event had listeners}
* Check if the item has one or more event handlers of the specified type.
* @name Item#responds
* @function
* @param {String} type the type of event: {@values 'frame', mousedown',
* 'mouseup', 'mousedrag', 'click', 'doubleclick', 'mousemove',
* 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave'}
* @return {Boolean} {@true if the item has one or more event handlers of
* the specified type}
* Private method that sets Path related styles on the canvas context.
* Not defined in Path as it is required by other classes too,
* e.g. PointText.
_setStyles: function(ctx) {
// We can access internal properties since we're only using this on
// items without children, where styles would be merged.
var style = this._style,
fillColor = style.getFillColor(),
strokeColor = style.getStrokeColor(),
shadowColor = style.getShadowColor();
if (fillColor)
ctx.fillStyle = fillColor.toCanvasStyle(ctx);
if (strokeColor) {
var strokeWidth = style.getStrokeWidth();
if (strokeWidth > 0) {
ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor.toCanvasStyle(ctx);
ctx.lineWidth = strokeWidth;
var strokeJoin = style.getStrokeJoin(),
strokeCap = style.getStrokeCap(),
miterLimit = style.getMiterLimit();
if (strokeJoin)
ctx.lineJoin = strokeJoin;
if (strokeCap)
ctx.lineCap = strokeCap;
if (miterLimit)
ctx.miterLimit = miterLimit;
if ( {
var dashArray = style.getDashArray(),
dashOffset = style.getDashOffset();
if (dashArray && dashArray.length) {
if ('setLineDash' in ctx) {
ctx.lineDashOffset = dashOffset;
} else {
ctx.mozDash = dashArray;
ctx.mozDashOffset = dashOffset;
if (shadowColor) {
var shadowBlur = style.getShadowBlur();
if (shadowBlur > 0) {
ctx.shadowColor = shadowColor.toCanvasStyle(ctx);
ctx.shadowBlur = shadowBlur;
var offset = this.getShadowOffset();
ctx.shadowOffsetX = offset.x;
ctx.shadowOffsetY = offset.y;
draw: function(ctx, param, parentStrokeMatrix) {
// Each time the project gets drawn, it's _updateVersion is increased.
// Keep the _updateVersion of drawn items in sync, so we have an easy
// way to know for which selected items we need to draw selection info.
var updateVersion = this._updateVersion = this._project._updateVersion;
// Now bail out if no actual drawing is required.
if (!this._visible || this._opacity === 0)
// Keep calculating the current global matrix, by keeping a history
// and pushing / popping as we go along.
var matrices = param.matrices,
viewMatrix = param.viewMatrix,
matrix = this._matrix,
globalMatrix = matrices[matrices.length - 1].chain(matrix);
// If this item is not invertible, do not draw it. It appears to be a
// good idea generally to not draw in such circumstances, e.g. SVG
// handles it the same way.
if (!globalMatrix.isInvertible())
// Since globalMatrix does not take the view's matrix into account (we
// could have multiple views with different zooms), we may have to
// pre-concatenate the view's matrix.
// Note that it's only provided if it isn't the identity matrix.
function getViewMatrix(matrix) {
return viewMatrix ? viewMatrix.chain(matrix) : matrix;
// Only keep track of transformation if told so. See Project#draw()
if (param.updateMatrix) {
// Update the cached _globalMatrix and keep it versioned.
globalMatrix._updateVersion = updateVersion;
this._globalMatrix = globalMatrix;
// If the item has a blendMode or is defining an opacity, draw it on
// a temporary canvas first and composite the canvas afterwards.
// Paths with an opacity < 1 that both define a fillColor
// and strokeColor also need to be drawn on a temporary canvas
// first, since otherwise their stroke is drawn half transparent
// over their fill.
// Exclude Raster items since they never draw a stroke and handle
// opacity by themselves (they also don't call _setStyles)
var blendMode = this._blendMode,
opacity = this._opacity,
normalBlend = blendMode === 'normal',
nativeBlend = BlendMode.nativeModes[blendMode],
// Determine if we can draw directly, or if we need to draw into a
// separate canvas and then composite onto the main canvas.
direct = normalBlend && opacity === 1
|| param.dontStart // e.g. CompoundPath
|| param.clip
// If native blending is possible, see if the item allows it
|| (nativeBlend || normalBlend && opacity < 1)
&& this._canComposite(),
pixelRatio = param.pixelRatio || 1,
mainCtx, itemOffset, prevOffset;
if (!direct) {
// Apply the parent's global matrix to the calculation of correct
// bounds.
var bounds = this.getStrokeBounds(getViewMatrix(globalMatrix));
if (!bounds.width || !bounds.height)
// Store previous offset and save the main context, so we can
// draw onto it later.
prevOffset = param.offset;
// Floor the offset and ceil the size, so we don't cut off any
// antialiased pixels when drawing onto the temporary canvas.
itemOffset = param.offset = bounds.getTopLeft().floor();
// Set ctx to the context of the temporary canvas, so we draw onto
// it, instead of the mainCtx.
mainCtx = ctx;
ctx = CanvasProvider.getContext(bounds.getSize().ceil().add(1)
if (pixelRatio !== 1)
ctx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
// Get the transformation matrix for non-scaling strokes.
var strokeMatrix = parentStrokeMatrix
? parentStrokeMatrix.chain(matrix)
// pass `true` for dontMerge
: this._canScaleStroke && !this.getStrokeScaling(true)
&& getViewMatrix(globalMatrix),
// If we're drawing into a separate canvas and a clipItem is defined
// for the current rendering loop, we need to draw the clip item
// again.
clip = !direct && param.clipItem,
// If we're drawing with a strokeMatrix, the CTM is reset either way
// so we don't need to set it, except when we also have to draw a
// clipItem.
transform = !strokeMatrix || clip;
// If drawing directly, handle opacity and native blending now,
// otherwise we will do it later when the temporary canvas is composited.
if (direct) {
ctx.globalAlpha = opacity;
if (nativeBlend)
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = blendMode;
} else if (transform) {
// Translate the context so the topLeft of the item is at (0, 0)
// on the temporary canvas.
ctx.translate(-itemOffset.x, -itemOffset.y);
// Apply globalMatrix when drawing into temporary canvas.
if (transform)
(direct ? matrix : getViewMatrix(globalMatrix)).applyToContext(ctx);
if (clip)
param.clipItem.draw(ctx, param.extend({ clip: true }));
if (strokeMatrix) {
// Reset the transformation but take HiDPI pixel ratio into account.
ctx.setTransform(pixelRatio, 0, 0, pixelRatio, 0, 0);
// Also offset again when drawing non-directly.
// NOTE: Don't use itemOffset since offset might be from the parent,
// e.g. CompoundPath
var offset = param.offset;
if (offset)
ctx.translate(-offset.x, -offset.y);
this._draw(ctx, param, strokeMatrix);
if (param.clip && !param.dontFinish)
// If a temporary canvas was created, composite it onto the main canvas:
if (!direct) {
// Use BlendMode.process even for processing normal blendMode with
// opacity.
BlendMode.process(blendMode, ctx, mainCtx, opacity,
// Calculate the pixel offset of the temporary canvas to the
// main canvas. We also need to factor in the pixel-ratio.
// Return the temporary context, so it can be reused
// Restore previous offset.
param.offset = prevOffset;
* Checks the _updateVersion of the item to see if it got drawn in the draw
* loop. If the version is out of sync, the item is either not in the scene
* graph anymore or is invisible.
_isUpdated: function(updateVersion) {
var parent = this._parent;
// For compound-paths, use the _updateVersion of the parent, because the
// shape gets drawn at once at might get cached (e.g. Path2D soon).
if (parent instanceof CompoundPath)
return parent._isUpdated(updateVersion);
// In case a parent is visible but isn't drawn (e.g. opacity == 0), the
// _updateVersion of all its children will not be updated, but the
// children should still be considered updated, and selections should be
// drawn for them. Excluded are only items with _visible == false:
var updated = this._updateVersion === updateVersion;
if (!updated && parent && parent._visible
&& parent._isUpdated(updateVersion)) {
this._updateVersion = updateVersion;
updated = true;
return updated;
_drawSelection: function(ctx, matrix, size, selectedItems, updateVersion) {
if ((this._drawSelected || this._boundsSelected)
&& this._isUpdated(updateVersion)) {
// Allow definition of selected color on a per item and per
// layer level, with a fallback to #009dec
var layer,
color = this.getSelectedColor(true)
|| (layer = this.getLayer()) && layer.getSelectedColor(true),
mx = matrix.chain(this.getGlobalMatrix(true));
ctx.strokeStyle = ctx.fillStyle = color
? color.toCanvasStyle(ctx) : '#009dec';
if (this._drawSelected)
this._drawSelected(ctx, mx, selectedItems);
if (this._boundsSelected) {
var half = size / 2,
coords = mx._transformCorners(this.getInternalBounds());
// Now draw a rectangle that connects the transformed
// bounds corners, and draw the corners.
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
ctx[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](coords[i], coords[++i]);
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
ctx.fillRect(coords[i] - half, coords[++i] - half,
size, size);
_canComposite: function() {
return false;
}, Base.each(['down', 'drag', 'up', 'move'], function(name) {
this['removeOn' + Base.capitalize(name)] = function() {
var hash = {};
hash[name] = true;
return this.removeOn(hash);
}, /** @lends Item# */{
* {@grouptitle Remove On Event}
* Removes the item when the events specified in the passed options object
* occur.
* @option options.move {Boolean) remove the item when the next {@link
* Tool#onMouseMove} event is fired.
* @option options.drag {Boolena) remove the item when the next {@link
* Tool#onMouseDrag} event is fired.
* @option options.down {Boolean) remove the item when the next {@link
* Tool#onMouseDown} event is fired.
* @option options.up {Boolean) remove the item when the next {@link
* Tool#onMouseUp} event is fired.
* @name Item#removeOn
* @function
* @param {Object} options
* @example {@paperscript height=200}
* // Click and drag below:
* function onMouseDrag(event) {
* // Create a circle shaped path at the mouse position,
* // with a radius of 10:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: event.point,
* radius: 10,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // Remove the path on the next onMouseDrag or onMouseDown event:
* path.removeOn({
* drag: true,
* down: true
* });
* }
* Removes the item when the next {@link Tool#onMouseMove} event is fired.
* @name Item#removeOnMove
* @function
* @example {@paperscript height=200}
* // Move your mouse below:
* function onMouseMove(event) {
* // Create a circle shaped path at the mouse position,
* // with a radius of 10:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: event.point,
* radius: 10,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // On the next move event, automatically remove the path:
* path.removeOnMove();
* }
* Removes the item when the next {@link Tool#onMouseDown} event is fired.
* @name Item#removeOnDown
* @function
* @example {@paperscript height=200}
* // Click a few times below:
* function onMouseDown(event) {
* // Create a circle shaped path at the mouse position,
* // with a radius of 10:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: event.point,
* radius: 10,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // Remove the path, next time the mouse is pressed:
* path.removeOnDown();
* }
* Removes the item when the next {@link Tool#onMouseDrag} event is fired.
* @name Item#removeOnDrag
* @function
* @example {@paperscript height=200}
* // Click and drag below:
* function onMouseDrag(event) {
* // Create a circle shaped path at the mouse position,
* // with a radius of 10:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: event.point,
* radius: 10,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // On the next drag event, automatically remove the path:
* path.removeOnDrag();
* }
* Removes the item when the next {@link Tool#onMouseUp} event is fired.
* @name Item#removeOnUp
* @function
* @example {@paperscript height=200}
* // Click a few times below:
* function onMouseDown(event) {
* // Create a circle shaped path at the mouse position,
* // with a radius of 10:
* var path = new Path.Circle({
* center: event.point,
* radius: 10,
* fillColor: 'black'
* });
* // Remove the path, when the mouse is released:
* path.removeOnUp();
* }
// TODO: implement Item#removeOnFrame
removeOn: function(obj) {
for (var name in obj) {
if (obj[name]) {
var key = 'mouse' + name,
project = this._project,
sets = project._removeSets = project._removeSets || {};
sets[key] = sets[key] || {};
sets[key][this._id] = this;
return this;