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synced 2025-03-13 16:33:28 -04:00
233 lines
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233 lines
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* Paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting.
* http://paperjs.org/
* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2020, Jürg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey
* http://juerglehni.com/ & https://puckey.studio/
* Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
* All rights reserved.
test('Import SVG line', function() {
var attrs = {
x1: 5,
x2: 45,
y1: 5,
y2: 45
var imported = paper.project.importSVG(createSVG('line', attrs));
var path = new Path.Line([attrs.x1, attrs.y1], [attrs.x2, attrs.y2]);
equals(imported, path);
test('Import SVG rect', function() {
var attrs = {
x: 25,
y: 25,
width: 100,
height: 100
var imported = paper.project.importSVG(createSVG('rect', attrs),
{ expandShapes: true });
var path = new Path.Rectangle(attrs);
equals(imported, path);
test('Import SVG round rect', function() {
var attrs = {
x: 25,
y: 25,
rx: 50,
ry: 50,
width: 100,
height: 100
var imported = paper.project.importSVG(createSVG('rect', attrs),
{ expandShapes: true });
var path = new Path.Rectangle(new Rectangle(attrs),
new Size(attrs.rx, attrs.ry));
equals(imported, path);
test('Import SVG ellipse', function() {
var attrs = {
cx: 300,
cy: 80,
rx: 100,
ry: 50
var imported = paper.project.importSVG(createSVG('ellipse', attrs),
{ expandShapes: true });
var path = new Path.Ellipse({
center: new Point(attrs.cx, attrs.cy),
radius: new Point(attrs.rx, attrs.ry)
equals(imported, path);
test('Import SVG circle', function() {
var attrs = {
cx: 100,
cy: 80,
r: 50
var imported = paper.project.importSVG(createSVG('circle', attrs),
{ expandShapes: true });
var path = new Path.Circle({
center: new Point(attrs.cx, attrs.cy),
radius: attrs.r
equals(imported, path);
function createPolyPath(str) {
var points = str.split(' ').map(function(point) {
return point.split(',').map(parseFloat);
var path = new Path();
for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++)
return path;
test('Import SVG polygon', function() {
var points = '100,10 40,180 190,60 10,60 160,180';
var imported = paper.project.importSVG(createSVG('polygon', {
points: points
var path = createPolyPath(points);
equals(imported, path);
test('Import SVG polyline', function() {
var points = '5,5 45,45 5,45 45,5';
var imported = paper.project.importSVG(createSVG('polyline', {
points: points
var path = createPolyPath(points);
equals(imported, path);
test('Import SVG Image', function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var svg = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><image style="overflow:visible;enable-background:new ;" width="300" height="67" id="e0" xlink:href="" transform="matrix(0.2149 0 0 0.2149 304.7706 197.8176)"></image></svg>';
var imported = paper.project.importSVG(svg);
var raster = imported.children[0];
raster.on('load', function() {
equals(raster.matrix, new Matrix(0.2149, 0, 0, 0.2149, 337.0056, 205.01675));
test('Import complex CompoundPath and clone', function() {
var svg = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path fill="red" d="M4,14h20v-2H4V14z M15,26h7v-2h-7V26z M15,22h9v-2h-9V22z M15,18h9v-2h-9V18z M4,26h9V16H4V26z M28,10V6H0v22c0,0,0,4,4,4 h25c0,0,3-0.062,3-4V10H28z M4,30c-2,0-2-2-2-2V8h24v20c0,0.921,0.284,1.558,0.676,2H4z"/></svg>';
var item = paper.project.importSVG(svg);
equals(item.clone(), item, null, { cloned: true });
test('Import SVG without insertion', function() {
var svg = createSVG('path', { d: '' });
var imported = paper.project.importSVG(svg, { insert: true });
equals(function() {
return imported.parent === project.activeLayer;
}, true);
var imported = paper.project.importSVG(svg, { insert: false });
equals(function() {
return imported.parent === null;
}, true);
test('Import SVG switch', function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var svg = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><switch><line x1="0" x2="10" y1="0" y2="10" fill="none"></line></switch></svg>';
paper.project.importSVG(svg, {
onLoad: function(item) {
equals(item.className, 'Group');
equals(item.children.length, 1);
equals(item.firstChild.className, 'Group');
equals(item.firstChild.children.length, 1);
equals(item.firstChild.firstChild, new Path([new Point(0, 0), new Point(10, 10)]));
test('Import SVG string with leading line-breaks', function() {
var svg = '\n<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">\n <rect fill="red" width="100" height="100"/>\n</svg>\n'
var imported = paper.project.importSVG(svg);
equals(imported.children.length, 1);
equals(imported.firstChild, new Shape.Rectangle({
size: [100, 100],
fillColor: 'red'
test('Import SVG with numeric ID', function() {
paper.project.importSVG(createSVG('circle', {
cx: 100,
cy: 100,
r: 50,
id: '1'
ok(true, 'Imports SVG with a numeric element ID without throwing.');
function importSVG(assert, url, message, options) {
var done = assert.async();
project.importSVG(url, {
applyMatrix: false,
onLoad: function(item, svg) {
if (!message) {
message = 'The imported SVG "' + url + '" should visually be '
+ 'the same as the rasterized original SVG data.';
compareSVG(done, item, svg, message, options);
onError: function(error) {
var ok = !!(options && options.expectError);
QUnit.push(ok, false, !ok, ok && message
|| 'Loading SVG from a valid URL should not give an error: ' +
if (!isNodeContext) {
// JSDom does not have SVG rendering, so we can't test there.
var svgFiles = {
'butterfly': { tolerance: 1e-2 },
'viewbox': { tolerance: 1e-2 },
'clipping': {},
'arcs': {},
'symbol': {},
'symbols': {},
'blendModes': {},
'gradients-1': {},
'gradients-2': !isPhantomContext && {},
'gradients-3': {},
'gradients-4': {}
Base.each(svgFiles, function(options, name) {
if (options) {
name += '.svg';
test('Import ' + name, function(assert) {
importSVG(assert, 'assets/' + name, null, options);
test('Import inexistent file', function(assert) {
importSVG(assert, 'assets/inexistent.svg',
'Load an inexistent SVG file should trigger an error',
{ expectError: true });