Move event handling from Tool to DocumentView.

This commit is contained in:
Jürg Lehni 2011-05-15 22:25:46 +01:00
parent f0e8c54008
commit e8033730c8
2 changed files with 96 additions and 101 deletions

View file

@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ var DocumentView = this.DocumentView = Base.extend({
this._context = this._canvas.getContext('2d');
this._matrix = new Matrix();
this._zoom = 1;
this._events = this._createEvents();
DomEvent.add(this._canvas, this._events);
getDocument: function() {
@ -133,7 +135,9 @@ var DocumentView = this.DocumentView = Base.extend({
remove: function() {
var res = Base.splice(this._document.views, null, this._index, 1);
this._document = null;
// Uninstall event handlers again for this view.
DomEvent.remove(this._canvas, this._events);
this._document = this._canvas = this._events = null;
return !!res.length;
@ -156,10 +160,81 @@ var DocumentView = this.DocumentView = Base.extend({
// TODO: getMousePoint
// TODO: artworkToView(rect)
artworkToView: function(point) {
return this._matrix._transformPoint(point);
return this._matrix._transformPoint(;
viewToArtwork: function(point) {
return this._getInverse()._transformPoint(point);
return this._getInverse()._transformPoint(;
_createEvents: function() {
var scope = this._document._scope,
dragging = false,
that = this;
function viewToArtwork(event) {
return that.viewToArtwork(DomEvent.getOffset(event));
function mousedown(event) {
if (!(tool = scope.tool))
curPoint = viewToArtwork(event);
tool.onHandleEvent('mousedown', curPoint, event);
if (tool.onMouseDown)
if (that.eventInterval != null) {
this.timer = setInterval(events.mousemove, that.eventInterval);
dragging = true;
function mousemove(event) {
if (!(tool = scope.tool))
// If the event was triggered by a touch screen device, prevent the
// default behaviour, as it will otherwise scroll the page:
if (event && event.targetTouches)
var point = event && viewToArtwork(event);
var onlyMove = !!(!tool.onMouseDrag && tool.onMouseMove);
if (dragging && !onlyMove) {
curPoint = point || curPoint;
if (curPoint)
tool.onHandleEvent('mousedrag', curPoint, event);
if (tool.onMouseDrag)
// PORT: If there is only an onMouseMove handler, also call it when
// the user is dragging:
} else if (!dragging || onlyMove) {
tool.onHandleEvent('mousemove', point, event);
if (tool.onMouseMove)
function mouseup(event) {
if (!dragging || !tool) {
dragging = false;
curPoint = null;
if (that.eventInterval != null)
tool.onHandleEvent('mouseup', viewToArtwork(event), event);
if (tool.onMouseUp)
return {
mousedown: mousedown,
mousemove: mousemove,
mouseup: mouseup,
touchstart: mousedown,
touchmove: mousemove,
touchend: mouseup

View file

@ -14,105 +14,25 @@
* All rights reserved.
var Tool = this.Tool = ToolHandler.extend(new function() {
function viewToArtwork(event, document) {
// TODO: always the active view?
return document.activeView.viewToArtwork(DomEvent.getOffset(event));
var Tool = this.Tool = ToolHandler.extend({
beans: true,
return {
beans: true,
initialize: function(handlers, doc) {
this.base(handlers, doc._scope);
this._document = doc;
initialize: function(handlers, doc) {
this.base(handlers, doc._scope);
this._document = doc;
getDocument: function() {
return this._document;
var curPoint;
var dragging = false;
var that = this;
// TODO: Move event handling to DocumentView
var events = {
mousedown: function(event) {
curPoint = viewToArtwork(event, that._document);
that.onHandleEvent('mousedown', curPoint, event);
if (that.onMouseDown) {
if (that.eventInterval != null) {
this.timer = setInterval(events.mousemove,
dragging = true;
mousemove: function(event) {
// If the event was triggered by a touch screen device,
// prevent the default behaviour, as it will otherwise
// scroll the page:
if (event && event.targetTouches) {
var point = event && viewToArtwork(event, that._document);
var onlyMove = !!(!that.onMouseDrag && that.onMouseMove);
if (dragging && !onlyMove) {
curPoint = point || curPoint;
if (curPoint) {
that.onHandleEvent('mousedrag', curPoint, event);
if (that.onMouseDrag)
// PORT: If there is only an onMouseMove handler, also
// call it when the user is dragging:
} else if (!dragging || onlyMove) {
that.onHandleEvent('mousemove', point, event);
if (that.onMouseMove)
mouseup: function(event) {
if (dragging) {
curPoint = null;
if (that.eventInterval != null) {
viewToArtwork(event, that._document), event);
if (that.onMouseUp) {
dragging = false;
touchmove: function(event) {
touchstart: function(event) {
touchend: function(event) {
DomEvent.add(doc.activeView._canvas, events);
getDocument: function() {
return this._document;
* The fixed time delay between each call to the {@link #onMouseDrag}
* event. Setting this to an interval means the {@link #onMouseDrag}
* event is called repeatedly after the initial {@link #onMouseDown}
* until the user releases the mouse.
* @return the interval time in milliseconds
eventInterval: null
* The fixed time delay between each call to the {@link #onMouseDrag}
* event. Setting this to an interval means the {@link #onMouseDrag}
* event is called repeatedly after the initial {@link #onMouseDown}
* until the user releases the mouse.
* @return the interval time in milliseconds
eventInterval: null