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synced 2024-12-29 09:22:22 -05:00
Tests: Improve QUnit test logging and various cleanup on helpers.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 215 additions and 194 deletions
@ -13,16 +13,7 @@
var gulp = require('gulp'),
gulp_qunit = require('gulp-qunit'),
node_qunit = require('qunit'),
gutil = require('gulp-util'),
extend = require('extend'),
minimist = require('minimist');
// Support simple command line options to pass on to test:node, to display
// errors selectively, e.g.:
// gulp test:node --assertions
var options = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
boolean: true
gutil = require('gulp-util');
gulp.task('test', ['test:browser']);
@ -32,12 +23,11 @@ gulp.task('test:browser', ['minify:acorn'], function() {
gulp.task('test:node', ['minify:acorn'], function(callback) {
var name = 'node-qunit';
log: extend({ errors: true }, options)
// Use the correct working directory for tests:
// Deactivate all logging since we're doing our own directly to gutil.log()
// from helpers.js
node_qunit.setup({ log: {} });
maxBlockDuration: 100 * 1000,
deps: [
@ -55,24 +45,7 @@ gulp.task('test:node', ['minify:acorn'], function(callback) {
// for the loading, which was requested above.
code: 'load.js'
}, function(err, stats) {
var result;
if (err) {
result = new gutil.PluginError(name, err);
} else {
// Imitate the way gulp-qunit formats results and errors.
var color = gutil.colors[stats.failed > 0 ? 'red' : 'green'];
gutil.log('Took ' + stats.runtime + ' ms to run ' +
gutil.colors.blue(stats.assertions) + ' tests. ' +
color(stats.passed + ' passed, ' + stats.failed + ' failed.'));
if (stats.failed > 0) {
err = 'QUnit assertions failed';
gutil.log(name + ': ' + gutil.colors.red('✖ ') + err);
result = new gutil.PluginError(name, err);
} else {
gutil.log(name + ': ' + gutil.colors.green('✔ ') +
'QUnit assertions all passed');
err = err || stats.failed > 0 && 'QUnit assertions failed';
callback(err && new gutil.PluginError('node-qunit', err));
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"gulp": "^3.9.0",
"gulp-cached": "^1.1.0",
"gulp-jshint": "^2.0.0",
"gulp-prepro": "^2.1.0",
"gulp-prepro": "^2.2.0",
"gulp-qunit": "git://github.com/lehni/gulp-qunit.git#459c5603ceac460327a40dc89df6f19c786dc61b",
"gulp-rename": "^1.2.2",
"gulp-rimraf": "^0.2.0",
@ -56,8 +56,7 @@
"jshint": "2.8.x",
"jshint-summary": "^0.4.0",
"merge-stream": "^1.0.0",
"minimist": "^1.2.0",
"prepro": "^2.1.0",
"prepro": "^2.2.0",
"qunit": "^0.7.7",
"qunitjs": "^1.20.0",
"require-dir": "^0.3.0",
@ -15,8 +15,52 @@ var isNode = typeof global === 'object',
if (isNode) {
root = global;
// Resemble.js needs the Image constructor this global.
// Resemble.js needs the Image constructor global.
global.Image = paper.window.Image;
// Handle logging to gulp directly from here, imitating the way gulp-qunit
// logs and formats results and errors:
var gutil = require('gulp-util'),
colors = gutil.colors,
done = false;
QUnit.log(function(details) {
if (!details.result) {
var lines = [
colors.red('Test failed') + ': ' + details.module + ': '
+ details.name
var line = 'Failed assertion: ' + (details.message || '');
if (details.expected !== undefined) {
line += ', expected: ' + details.expected + ', but was: '
+ details.actual;
if (details.source) {
lines = lines.concat(details.source.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/mg));
lines.forEach(function(line) {
} else if (false) {
gutil.log(colors.green('Test succeeded') + ': ' + details.module
+ ': ' + details.name +': ' + (details.message || ''));
QUnit.done(function(details) {
if (done)
var color = colors[details.failed > 0 ? 'red' : 'green'];
gutil.log('Took ' + details.runtime + 'ms to run '
+ colors.blue(details.total) + ' tests. ' + color(details.passed
+ ' passed, ' + details.failed + ' failed.'));
if (details.failed > 0) {
gutil.log('node-qunit: ' + gutil.colors.red('✖')
+ ' QUnit assertions failed');
} else {
gutil.log('node-qunit: ' + gutil.colors.green('✔')
+ ' QUnit assertions all passed');
done = true;
} else {
root = window;
// This is only required when running in the browser:
@ -26,20 +70,10 @@ if (isNode) {
// TODO: Ideally we should fix this in QUnit instead.
delete window.history;
window.history = {};
QUnit.begin(function() {
if (QUnit.urlParams.hidepassed) {
document.getElementById('qunit-tests').className += ' hidepass';
errorColor: {
red: 255,
green: 51,
blue: 0
errorType: 'flat',
transparency: 1
@ -47,50 +81,50 @@ if (isNode) {
if (!('Base' in root))
// Override console.error, so that we can catch errors that are only logged to
// the console.
var errorHandler = console.error;
console.error = function() {
QUnit.pushFailure([].join.call(arguments, ' '), QUnit.config.current.stack);
errorHandler.apply(this, arguments);
QUnit.done(function(details) {
console.error = errorHandler;
var currentProject,
// In case we're stuck with an old QUnit, use a fake assert object with just
// the functions that we need:
// For now, a async() function returning a done() function:
fakeAssert = {
async: function() {
return function() {
// NOTE: In order to "export" all methods into the shared Prepro.js scope when
// using node-qunit, we need to define global functions as:
// `var name = function() {}`. `function name() {}` does not work!
var currentProject;
var test = function(testName, expected) {
var parameters = expected.toString().match(/^\s*function[^\(]*\(([^\)]*)/)[1];
// If this is running on an older version of QUnit (e.g. node-qunit is stuck
// with v1.10 for now), emulate the new assert.async() syntax through
// QUnit.asyncTest() and QUnit.start();
if (!QUnit.async && parameters === 'assert') {
return QUnit.asyncTest(testName, function() {
// Since tests may be asynchronous, remove the old project before
// running the next test.
if (currentProject)
currentProject = new Project();
// Pass a fake assert object with just the functions that we need,
// so far a async() function returning a done() function:
async: function() {
return function() {
} else {
return QUnit.test(testName, function(assert) {
// Since tests may be asynchronous, remove the old project before
// running the next test.
if (currentProject)
currentProject = new Project();
var emulate = !QUnit.async && 'assert' ===
// Get the parameter list from the passed function to see if we're
// expecting the assert object to do async...
return QUnit[emulate ? 'asyncTest' : 'test'](testName, function(assert) {
// Since tests can be asynchronous, remove the old project before
// running the next test.
if (currentProject)
currentProject = new Project();
expected(emulate ? fakeAssert : assert);
// Override equals to convert functions to message and execute them as tests()
@ -140,33 +174,6 @@ var identicalAfterCloning = {
Symbol: true
var getFunctionMessage = function(func) {
var message = func.toString().match(
.replace(/ /g, '')
.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if (/^return /.test(message)) {
message = message
.replace(/^return /, '')
.replace(/;$/, '');
return message;
var createSVG = function(str, attrs) {
if (attrs) {
// Similar to SVGExport's createElement / setAttributes.
var node = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', str);
for (var key in attrs)
node.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]);
return node;
} else {
return new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(
'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">' + str + '</svg>',
// Register a jsDump parser for Base.
QUnit.jsDump.setParser('Base', function (obj, stack) {
// Just compare the string representation of classes inheriting from Base,
@ -191,8 +198,7 @@ var compareProperties = function(actual, expected, properties, message, options)
var compareItem = function(actual, expected, message, options, properties) {
options = options || {};
var compareRasterized = function(actual, expected, message, options) {
function rasterize(item, group, resolution) {
var raster = null;
@ -209,92 +215,104 @@ var compareItem = function(actual, expected, message, options, properties) {
+ '" src="' + raster.source + '">';
if (options.rasterize) {
// In order to properly compare pixel by pixel, we need to put each item
// into a group with a white background of the united dimensions of the
// bounds of both items before rasterizing.
var resolution = options.rasterize === true ? 72 : options.rasterize,
actualBounds = actual.strokeBounds,
expecedBounds = expected.strokeBounds,
bounds = actualBounds.isEmpty()
? expecedBounds
: expecedBounds.isEmpty()
? actualBounds
: actualBounds.unite(expecedBounds);
if (bounds.isEmpty()) {
QUnit.push(true, 'empty', 'empty', message);
var group = actual && expected && new Group({
insert: false,
children: [
new Shape.Rectangle({
rectangle: bounds,
fillColor: 'white'
actual = rasterize(actual, group, resolution),
expected = rasterize(expected, group, resolution);
if (!actual || !expected) {
QUnit.pushFailure('Unable to compare rasterized items: ' +
(!actual ? 'actual' : 'expected') + ' item is null',
} else {
// Use resemble.js to compare the two rasterized items.
var id = QUnit.config.current.testId,
index = QUnit.config.current.assertions.length + 1,
// When working with imageData, this call is synchronous:
.onComplete(function(data) { result = data; });
var tolerance = (options.tolerance || 1e-4) * 100, // percentages...
fixed = ((1 / tolerance) + '').length - 1,
identical = result ? 100 - result.misMatchPercentage : 0,
reached = identical.toFixed(fixed),
hundred = (100).toFixed(fixed),
ok = reached == hundred;
QUnit.push(ok, reached + '% identical', hundred + '% identical',
if (!ok && result && !isNode) {
// Get the right entry for this unit test and assertion, and
// replace the results with images
var entry = document.getElementById('qunit-test-output-' + id)
.querySelector('li:nth-child(' + (index) + ')'),
bounds = result.diffBounds;
entry.querySelector('.test-expected td').innerHTML =
entry.querySelector('.test-actual td').innerHTML =
entry.querySelector('.test-diff td').innerHTML = '<pre>' + text
+ '</pre><br>'
+ '<img src="' + result.getImageDataUrl() + '">';
} else {
if (options.cloned)
QUnit.notStrictEqual(actual.id, expected.id,
'not ' + message + '.id');
QUnit.strictEqual(actual.constructor, expected.constructor,
message + '.constructor');
// When item is cloned and has a name, the name will be versioned:
options.cloned && expected.name
? expected.name + ' 1' : expected.name,
message + '.name');
compareProperties(actual, expected, ['children', 'bounds', 'position',
'matrix', 'data', 'opacity', 'locked', 'visible', 'blendMode',
'selected', 'fullySelected', 'clipMask', 'guide'],
message, options);
if (properties)
compareProperties(actual, expected, properties, message, options);
// Style
compareProperties(actual.style, expected.style, ['fillColor',
'strokeColor', 'strokeCap', 'strokeJoin', 'dashArray',
'dashOffset', 'miterLimit', 'fontSize', 'font', 'leading',
'justification'], message + '.style', options);
// In order to properly compare pixel by pixel, we need to put each item
// into a group with a white background of the united dimensions of the
// bounds of both items before rasterizing.
var resolution = options.rasterize === true ? 72 : options.rasterize,
actualBounds = actual.strokeBounds,
expecedBounds = expected.strokeBounds,
bounds = actualBounds.isEmpty()
? expecedBounds
: expecedBounds.isEmpty()
? actualBounds
: actualBounds.unite(expecedBounds);
if (bounds.isEmpty()) {
QUnit.push(true, 'empty', 'empty', message);
var group = actual && expected && new Group({
insert: false,
children: [
new Shape.Rectangle({
rectangle: bounds,
fillColor: 'white'
actual = rasterize(actual, group, resolution),
expected = rasterize(expected, group, resolution);
if (!actual || !expected) {
QUnit.pushFailure('Unable to compare rasterized items: ' +
(!actual ? 'actual' : 'expected') + ' item is null',
} else {
// Use resemble.js to compare the two rasterized items.
var id = QUnit.config.current.testId,
index = QUnit.config.current.assertions.length + 1,
if (!resemble._setup) {
resemble._setup = true;
errorColor: { red: 255, green: 51, blue: 0 },
errorType: 'flat',
transparency: 1
// When working with imageData, this call is synchronous:
.onComplete(function(data) { result = data; });
var tolerance = (options.tolerance || 1e-4) * 100, // percentages...
fixed = ((1 / tolerance) + '').length - 1,
identical = result ? 100 - result.misMatchPercentage : 0,
reached = identical.toFixed(fixed),
hundred = (100).toFixed(fixed),
ok = reached == hundred;
QUnit.push(ok, reached + '% identical', hundred + '% identical',
if (!ok && result && !isNode) {
// Get the right entry for this unit test and assertion, and
// replace the results with images
var entry = document.getElementById('qunit-test-output-' + id)
.querySelector('li:nth-child(' + (index) + ')'),
bounds = result.diffBounds;
entry.querySelector('.test-expected td').innerHTML =
entry.querySelector('.test-actual td').innerHTML =
entry.querySelector('.test-diff td').innerHTML = '<pre>' + text
+ '</pre><br>'
+ '<img src="' + result.getImageDataUrl() + '">';
var compareItem = function(actual, expected, message, options, properties) {
options = options || {};
if (options.rasterize) {
return compareRasterized(actual, expected, message, options);
if (options.cloned)
QUnit.notStrictEqual(actual.id, expected.id,
'not ' + message + '.id');
QUnit.strictEqual(actual.constructor, expected.constructor,
message + '.constructor');
// When item is cloned and has a name, the name will be versioned:
options.cloned && expected.name
? expected.name + ' 1' : expected.name,
message + '.name');
compareProperties(actual, expected, ['children', 'bounds', 'position',
'matrix', 'data', 'opacity', 'locked', 'visible', 'blendMode',
'selected', 'fullySelected', 'clipMask', 'guide'],
message, options);
if (properties)
compareProperties(actual, expected, properties, message, options);
// Style
compareProperties(actual.style, expected.style, ['fillColor',
'strokeColor', 'strokeCap', 'strokeJoin', 'dashArray',
'dashOffset', 'miterLimit', 'fontSize', 'font', 'leading',
'justification'], message + '.style', options);
// A list of comparator functions, based on `expected` type. See equals() for
@ -453,3 +471,33 @@ var comparators = {
message, options);
// Some other helpers:
var getFunctionMessage = function(func) {
var message = func.toString().match(
.replace(/ /g, '')
.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if (/^return /.test(message)) {
message = message
.replace(/^return /, '')
.replace(/;$/, '');
return message;
var createSVG = function(str, attrs) {
if (attrs) {
// Similar to SVGExport's createElement / setAttributes.
var node = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', str);
for (var key in attrs)
node.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]);
return node;
} else {
return new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(
'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">' + str + '</svg>',
@ -11,5 +11,7 @@
/*#*/ include('helpers.js');
// We need to load resemble.js after helpers.js, since for Node, helpers makes
// sure window, document and Image are made global first.
/*#*/ include('../node_modules/resemblejs/resemble.js', { namespace: 'resemble' });
/*#*/ include('tests/load.js');
@ -115,8 +115,7 @@ test('Import SVG polyline', function() {
test('Import complex CompoundPath and clone', function() {
var svg = createSVG('<path fill="red" d="M4,14h20v-2H4V14z M15,26h7v-2h-7V26z M15,22h9v-2h-9V22z M15,18h9v-2h-9V18z M4,26h9V16H4V26z M28,10V6H0v22c0,0,0,4,4,4 h25c0,0,3-0.062,3-4V10H28z M4,30c-2,0-2-2-2-2V8h24v20c0,0.921,0.284,1.558,0.676,2H4z"/>;');
var item = paper.project.importSVG(svg.firstChild);
var svg = createSVG('<path fill="red" d="M4,14h20v-2H4V14z M15,26h7v-2h-7V26z M15,22h9v-2h-9V22z M15,18h9v-2h-9V18z M4,26h9V16H4V26z M28,10V6H0v22c0,0,0,4,4,4 h25c0,0,3-0.062,3-4V10H28z M4,30c-2,0-2-2-2-2V8h24v20c0,0.921,0.284,1.558,0.676,2H4z"/>');
var item = paper.project.importSVG(svg);
equals(item.clone(), item, null, { cloned: true });
Reference in a new issue