Make Paper.js work on Node.js.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Puckey 2011-07-30 02:04:30 +02:00
parent d61f70f443
commit ddec658653
3 changed files with 121 additions and 4 deletions

View file

@ -104,8 +104,15 @@ var paper = new function() {
/*#*/ if (options.browser) {
/*#*/ include('browser/DomElement.js');
/*#*/ include('browser/DomEvent.js');
/*#*/ } // options.browser
/*#*/ if (options.server) {
var Canvas = this.Canvas = require('canvas');
/*#*/ } // options.server
/*#*/ include('ui/View.js');
/*#*/ if (options.browser) {
/*#*/ include('ui/Event.js');
/*#*/ include('ui/KeyEvent.js');
/*#*/ include('ui/Key.js');
@ -130,3 +137,7 @@ var paper = new function() {
return new (PaperScope.inject(this));
/*#*/ } // options.version != 'dev'
/*#*/ if (options.server) {
module.exports = paper;
/*#*/ } // options.server

View file

@ -35,6 +35,26 @@ var View = this.View = Base.extend(/** @lends View# */{
this._index = this._scope.views.push(this) - 1;
// Handle canvas argument
var size;
/*#*/ if (options.server) {
if (canvas && canvas instanceof Canvas) {
this._canvas = canvas;
size = Size.create(canvas.width, canvas.height);
} else {
// 2nd argument onwards could be view size, otherwise use default:
size =, 1);
if (size.isZero())
size = new Size(1024, 768);
this._canvas = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(size);
// Generate an id for this view / canvas if it does not have one
this._id =;
if (this._id == null) = this._id = 'canvas-' + View._id++;
/*#*/ } // options.server
/*#*/ if (options.browser) {
if (canvas && canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) {
this._canvas = canvas;
// If the canvas has the resize attribute, resize the it to fill the
@ -88,6 +108,8 @@ var View = this.View = Base.extend(/** @lends View# */{
this._id = this._canvas.getAttribute('id');
if (this._id == null)
this._canvas.setAttribute('id', this._id = 'canvas-' + View._id++);
/*#*/ } // options.browser
// Link this id to our view
View._views[this._id] = this;
this._viewSize = LinkedSize.create(this, 'setViewSize',
@ -95,11 +117,15 @@ var View = this.View = Base.extend(/** @lends View# */{
this._context = this._canvas.getContext('2d');
this._matrix = new Matrix();
this._zoom = 1;
/*#*/ if (options.browser) {
this._events = this._createEvents();
DomEvent.add(this._canvas, this._events);
// Make sure the first view is focused for keyboard input straight away
if (!View._focused)
View._focused = this;
/*#*/ } // options.browser
// As soon as a new view is added we need to mark the redraw as not
// motified, so the next call loops through all the views again.
this._scope._redrawNotified = false;
@ -338,6 +364,7 @@ var View = this.View = Base.extend(/** @lends View# */{
delete this._onFrameCallback;
/*#*/ if (options.browser) {
var that = this,
requested = false,
@ -371,8 +398,83 @@ var View = this.View = Base.extend(/** @lends View# */{
// of onFrame calls.
if (!requested)
/*#*/ } // options.browser
// TODO: support exporting of jpg
exportFrames: function(param) {
/*#*/ if (options.server) {
param = Base.merge({
fps: 30,
prefix: 'frame-',
amount: 1
}, param);
if (!
throw new Error('Missing');
var view = this,
count = 0,
fs = require('fs'),
frameDuration = 1 / param.fps,
lastTime = startTime =;
// Start exporting frames by exporting the first frame:
// Utility function that converts a number to a string with
// x amount of padded 0 digits:
function toPaddedString(number, length) {
var str = number.toString(10);
for (var i = 0, l = length - str.length; i < l; i++) {
str = '0' + str;
return str;
function exportFrame(param) {
if (view.onFrame) {
var then = new Date();
delta: frameDuration,
time: frameDuration * count,
count: count
console.log(new Date() - then, ' onFrame');
var filename = param.prefix + toPaddedString(count, 6) + '.png',
uri = + '/' + filename,
out = fs.createWriteStream(uri),
stream = view._canvas.createPNGStream();
// Pipe the png stream to the write stream:
// When the file has been closed, export the next fame:
out.on('close', function() {
var now =;
if (param.onProgress) {
count: count,
amount: param.amount,
percentage: Math.round(count / param.amount * 10000) / 100,
time: now - startTime,
delta: now - lastTime
lastTime = now;
if (count < param.amount) {
} else {
// Call onComplete handler when finished:
if (param.onComplete) {
/*#*/ } // options.server
* Handler function that is called whenever a view is resized.
@ -391,7 +493,13 @@ var View = this.View = Base.extend(/** @lends View# */{
* @type Function
onResize: null
}, {
statics: {
_views: {},
_id: 0
}, new function() { // Injection scope for mouse handlers
/*#*/ if (options.browser) {
var tool,
@ -518,8 +626,6 @@ var View = this.View = Base.extend(/** @lends View# */{
statics: {
_views: {},
_id: 0,
* Loops through all scopes and their views and sets the focus on
@ -528,4 +634,5 @@ var View = this.View = Base.extend(/** @lends View# */{
updateFocus: updateFocus
/*#*/ } // options.browser

View file

@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ var CanvasProvider = {
canvas.height = size.height;
return canvas;
/*#*/ } else { // !options.browser
// Only rhino-canvas for now:
return new Image(size.width, size.height);
return new Canvas(size.width, size.height);
/*#*/ } // !options.browser