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synced 2025-01-22 07:19:57 -05:00
Improve fat-line charts for better comparison of results.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 122 additions and 120 deletions
@ -235,40 +235,40 @@ function runTests() {
prepareTest('Results - Boolean tests (Time taken per test)', container, 'big');
var x = 80.5, y = 15.5, width = 500, height = 190, i, txt, ny,
yy = y + height, xx = x + width;
var ppaperfill = new Path(), pfatfill = new Path();
var ppaper = new Path(), pfat = new Path();
var max = testdata.reduce(function(a, b) { return Math.max(a, b.paperTime + b.fatTime); }, 0) + 20;
var ppaper = new Path(),
pfat = new Path();
var max = testdata.reduce(function(a, b) {
return Math.max(a, b.paperTime + b.fatTime);
}, 0) + 20;
var vscale = height / max, hscale = width / testdata.length;
var caxes = '#999', ctxt = '#222', ctxt2 = '#555', cpaper = '#268BD2', cpaperfill ='#B5E1FF',
cfat = '#D33682', cfatfill = '#FFADD4';
new Path.Line(x, yy, xx, yy).style.strokeColor = caxes;
new Path.Line(x, yy, x, y).style.strokeColor = caxes;
new Path.Line(x, yy, xx, yy).strokeColor = caxes;
new Path.Line(x, yy, x, y).strokeColor = caxes;
for (i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) {
ny = yy - vscale * max * i / 10;
new Path.Line(x, ny, x-5, ny).style.strokeColor = caxes;
new Path.Line(x, ny, x-5, ny).strokeColor = caxes;
txt = new PointText([x-10, ny]);
txt.justification = 'right';
txt.fillColor = (i%2)? ctxt: ctxt2;
txt.content = (max * i / 10).toFixed(1) + ((!i)? ' ms' : '');
ppaperfill.add(new Segment(x, yy));
pfatfill.add(new Segment(x, yy));
ppaper.add(x, yy);
pfat.add(x, yy);
var vx = x, clr = ctxt;
var coords = [], avgPaper = 0, avgFat = 0,
maxSpeedup = -Infinity, minSpeedup = Infinity, avgSpeedup = 0;
testdata.map(function(data) {
avgPaper += data.paperTime;
ny = yy - (data.paperTime + data.fatTime) * vscale;
ppaper.add(new Segment([vx, ny]));
ppaperfill.add(new Segment([vx, ny]));
ny = yy - (data.paperTime /*+ data.fatTime */) * vscale;
ppaper.add(vx, ny);
var np = new Point(vx, ny);
np._data = data;
np._datatype = 'paper';
avgFat += data.fatTime;
ny = yy - (data.fatTime) * vscale;
pfat.add(new Segment([vx, ny]));
pfatfill.add(new Segment([vx, ny]));
pfat.add(vx, ny);
np = new Point(vx, ny);
np._data = data;
np._datatype = 'fat';
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ function runTests() {
if (speedup < minSpeedup) minSpeedup = speedup;
avgSpeedup += speedup;
new Path.Line(vx, yy, vx, yy + 5).style.strokeColor = caxes;
new Path.Line(vx, yy, vx, yy + 5).strokeColor = caxes;
txt = new PointText([vx, yy+18]);
txt.justification = 'left';
txt.fillColor = clr;
@ -288,23 +288,25 @@ function runTests() {
if (!data.success) {
var p = new Path.Line(vx, y, vx, yy);
p.style.strokeWidth = 5;
p.style.strokeColor = '#f00';
p.strokeWidth = 5;
p.strokeColor = '#f00';
clr = (clr === ctxt)? ctxt2 : ctxt;
vx += hscale;
ppaper.style.strokeWidth = 2;
ppaper.style.strokeColor = cpaper;
ppaperfill.add(new Segment(vx-hscale, yy));
ppaperfill.closed = true;
ppaperfill.style.fillColor = cpaperfill;
pfat.style.strokeWidth = 2;
pfat.style.strokeColor = cfat;
pfatfill.add(new Segment(vx-hscale, yy));
pfatfill.closed = true;
pfatfill.style.fillColor = cfatfill;
ppaper.strokeWidth = 2;
ppaper.strokeColor = cpaper;
ppaper.add(vx-hscale, yy);
ppaper.closed = true;
ppaper.fillColor = cpaperfill;
ppaper.opacity = 0.75;
pfat.strokeWidth = 2;
pfat.strokeColor = cfat;
pfat.add(vx-hscale, yy);
pfat.closed = true;
pfat.fillColor = cfatfill;
pfat.opacity = 0.75;
avgPaper/= testdata.length;
avgFat/= testdata.length;
@ -312,13 +314,13 @@ function runTests() {
maxSpeedup = Math.round(maxSpeedup);
minSpeedup = Math.round(minSpeedup);
ny = Math.round(yy - avgPaper * vscale) + 0.5;
new Path.Line(x, ny, xx, ny).style.strokeColor = cpaper;
new Path.Line(x, ny, xx, ny).strokeColor = cpaper;
txt = new PointText([xx, ny]);
txt.justification = 'right';
txt.fillColor = cpaper;
txt.content = avgPaper.toFixed(1);
ny = Math.round(yy - avgFat * vscale) + 0.5;
new Path.Line(x, ny, xx, ny).style.strokeColor = cfat;
new Path.Line(x, ny, xx, ny).strokeColor = cfat;
txt = new PointText([xx, ny]);
txt.justification = 'right';
txt.fillColor = cfat;
@ -358,10 +360,10 @@ function runTests() {
if (dist > 500) { return; }
if (pnt && data) {
var p = new Path.Line(pnt.x+0.5, y, pnt.x+0.5, yy);
p.style.strokeColor = '#000';
p.strokeColor = '#000';
p = new Path.Circle(pnt, 3);
p.style.fillColor = (type === 'fat')? '#D33682' :'#268BD2';
p.fillColor = (type === 'fat')? '#D33682' :'#268BD2';
var txt = new PointText([ 500, 20 ]);
txt.content = 'subdiv : ' + data.paperTime.toFixed(1) + ' ms';
@ -563,8 +565,8 @@ function markPoint(pnt, t, c, tc, remove) {
c = c || '#000';
if (remove === undefined) { remove = true; }
var cir = new Path.Circle(pnt, 2);
cir.style.fillColor = c;
cir.style.strokeColor = tc;
cir.fillColor = c;
cir.strokeColor = tc;
if (t !== undefined || t !== null) {
var text = new PointText(pnt.add([0, -3]));
text.justification = 'center';
@ -588,7 +590,7 @@ function markCurve(crv, c, flag) {
new Segment([crv[0], crv[1]], null, [crv[2] - crv[0], crv[3] - crv[1]]),
new Segment([crv[6], crv[7]], [crv[4] - crv[6], crv[5] - crv[7]], null)
window.__p1.style.strokeColor = c;
window.__p1.strokeColor = c;
// window.__p1.fullySelected = true;
} else {
if (window.__p2) window.__p2.remove();
@ -596,7 +598,7 @@ function markCurve(crv, c, flag) {
new Segment([crv[0], crv[1]], null, [crv[2] - crv[0], crv[3] - crv[1]]),
new Segment([crv[6], crv[7]], [crv[4] - crv[6], crv[5] - crv[7]], null)
window.__p2.style.strokeColor = c;
window.__p2.strokeColor = c;
// window.__p2.fullySelected = true;
@ -624,8 +626,8 @@ function annotateSegment(s, t, c, tc, remove, skipCurves) {
var t1 = crv.getNormal(0).normalize(10);
var p = s.point.clone().add(t1);
var cir = new Path.Circle(s.point, 2);
cir.style.fillColor = c;
cir.style.strokeColor = tc;
cir.fillColor = c;
cir.strokeColor = tc;
var text = new PointText(p);
text.justification = 'center';
text.fillColor = c;
@ -657,8 +659,8 @@ function annotateCurve(crv, t, c, tc, remove) {
text.justification = 'center';
text.fillColor = tc;
text.content = t;
l.style.strokeColor = l2.style.strokeColor = c;
cir.style.fillColor = c;
l.strokeColor = l2.strokeColor = c;
cir.fillColor = c;
if (remove) {
@ -677,11 +679,11 @@ function plotDataRandom(testdata) {
testdata.sort(function(a,b) { return a.ratio - b.ratio; });
var vscale = height / max, hscale = width / testdata.length;
var caxes = '#999', ctxt = '#222', cpaper = '#268BD2', cfat = '#D33682';
new Path.Line(x, yy, xx, yy).style.strokeColor = caxes;
new Path.Line(x, yy, x, y).style.strokeColor = caxes;
new Path.Line(x, yy, xx, yy).strokeColor = caxes;
new Path.Line(x, yy, x, y).strokeColor = caxes;
for (i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) {
ny = yy - vscale * max * i / 10;
new Path.Line(x, ny, x-5, ny).style.strokeColor = caxes;
new Path.Line(x, ny, x-5, ny).strokeColor = caxes;
txt = new PointText([x-10, ny]);
txt.justification = 'right';
txt.fillColor = ctxt;
@ -699,13 +701,13 @@ function plotDataRandom(testdata) {
var avgPaper = 0, avgFat = 0;
testdata.map(function(data) {
avgPaper += data.paperTime;
ny = yy - (data.paperTime + data.fatTime) * vscale;
ppaper.add(new Segment([vx, ny]));
ny = yy - (data.paperTime /* + data.fatTime*/) * vscale;
ppaper.add(vx, ny);
avgFat += data.fatTime;
ny = yy - (data.fatTime) * vscale;
pfat.add(new Segment([vx, ny]));
pfat.add(vx, ny);
new Path.Line(vx, yy, vx, yy + 5 + ((count%2)? step:0)).style.strokeColor = caxes;
new Path.Line(vx, yy, vx, yy + 5 + ((count%2)? step:0)).strokeColor = caxes;
txt = new PointText([vx, yy+18 + ((count%2)? step:0) ]);
txt.justification = 'center';
txt.fillColor = ctxt;
@ -718,29 +720,31 @@ function plotDataRandom(testdata) {
if (!data.success) {
var p = new Path.Line(vx, y, vx, yy);
p.style.strokeWidth = 5;
p.style.strokeColor = '#f00';
p.strokeWidth = 5;
p.strokeColor = '#f00';
vx += hscale;
ppaper.style.strokeWidth = 2;
ppaper.style.strokeColor = cpaper;
ppaper.strokeWidth = 2;
ppaper.strokeColor = cpaper;
ppaper.opacity = 0.75;
pfat.style.strokeWidth = 2;
pfat.style.strokeColor = cfat;
pfat.strokeWidth = 2;
pfat.strokeColor = cfat;
pfat.opacity = 0.75;
avgPaper/= testdata.length;
avgFat/= testdata.length;
ny = Math.round(yy - avgPaper * vscale) + 0.5;
new Path.Line(x, ny, xx, ny).style.strokeColor = cpaper;
new Path.Line(x, ny, xx, ny).strokeColor = cpaper;
txt = new PointText([xx, ny]);
txt.justification = 'right';
txt.fillColor = cpaper;
txt.content = avgPaper.toFixed(1);
ny = Math.round(yy - avgFat * vscale) + 0.5;
new Path.Line(x, ny, xx, ny).style.strokeColor = cfat;
new Path.Line(x, ny, xx, ny).strokeColor = cfat;
txt = new PointText([xx, ny]);
txt.justification = 'right';
txt.fillColor = cfat;
@ -749,8 +753,6 @@ function plotDataRandom(testdata) {
function drawFatline(v1) {
function signum(num) {
return (num > 0)? 1 : (num < 0)? -1 : 0;
@ -771,7 +773,7 @@ function drawFatline(v1) {
var ll = new Path.Line(v1[0], v1[1], v1[6], v1[7]);
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].style.strokeColor = new Color(0,0,0.9, 0.8);
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].strokeColor = new Color(0,0,0.9, 0.8);
var lp1 = ll.segments[0].point;
var lp2 = ll.segments[1].point;
var pm = l.vector, pm1 = pm.rotate(signum(dmin) * -90), pm2 = pm.rotate(signum(dmax) * -90);
@ -780,15 +782,15 @@ function drawFatline(v1) {
var p21 = lp1.add(pm2.normalize(Math.abs(dmax)));
var p22 = lp2.add(pm2.normalize(Math.abs(dmax)));
window.__p3.push(new Path.Line(p11, p12));
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].style.strokeColor = new Color(0,0,0.9);
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].strokeColor = new Color(0,0,0.9);
window.__p3.push(new Path.Line(p21, p22));
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].style.strokeColor = new Color(0,0,0.9);
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].strokeColor = new Color(0,0,0.9);
function plotD_vs_t(x, y, arr, arr2, v, dmin, dmax, tmin, tmax, yscale, tvalue) {
yscale = yscale || 1;
new Path.Line(x, y-100, x, y+100).style.strokeColor = '#aaa';
new Path.Line(x, y, x + 200, y).style.strokeColor = '#aaa';
new Path.Line(x, y-100, x, y+100).strokeColor = '#aaa';
new Path.Line(x, y, x + 200, y).strokeColor = '#aaa';
var clr = (tvalue)? '#a00' : '#00a';
if (window.__p3) window.__p3.map(function(a) {a.remove();});
@ -798,31 +800,31 @@ function plotD_vs_t(x, y, arr, arr2, v, dmin, dmax, tmin, tmax, yscale, tvalue)
window.__p3.push(new Path.Line(x, y + dmin * yscale, x + 200, y + dmin * yscale));
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].style.strokeColor = '#000';
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].strokeColor = '#000';
window.__p3.push(new Path.Line(x, y + dmax * yscale, x + 200, y + dmax * yscale));
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].style.strokeColor = '#000';
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].strokeColor = '#000';
window.__p3.push(new Path.Line(x + tmin * 190, y-100, x + tmin * 190, y+100));
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].style.strokeColor = clr;
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].strokeColor = clr;
window.__p3.push(new Path.Line(x + tmax * 190, y-100, x + tmax * 190, y+100));
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].style.strokeColor = clr;
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].strokeColor = clr;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
window.__p3.push(new Path.Line(new Point(x + arr[i][0] * 190, y + arr[i][1] * yscale),
new Point(x + arr[i][2] * 190, y + arr[i][3] * yscale)));
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].style.strokeColor = '#999';
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].strokeColor = '#999';
var pnt = [];
var arr2x = [ 0.0, 0.333333333, 0.6666666666, 1.0 ];
for (var i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
pnt.push(new Point(x + arr2x[i] * 190, y + arr2[i] * yscale));
window.__p3.push(new Path.Circle(pnt[pnt.length-1], 2));
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].style.fillColor = '#000';
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].fillColor = '#000';
// var pth = new Path(pnt[0], pnt[1], pnt[2], pnt[3]);
// pth.closed = true;
window.__p3.push(new Path(
new Segment(pnt[0], null, pnt[1].subtract(pnt[0])),
new Segment(pnt[3], pnt[2].subtract(pnt[3]), null)));
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].style.strokeColor = clr;
window.__p3[window.__p3.length-1].strokeColor = clr;
Reference in a new issue