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synced 2025-01-22 07:19:57 -05:00
Switch to new cubic solver code by @hkrish.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 164 additions and 81 deletions
@ -62,28 +62,37 @@ var Numerical = new function() {
pow = Math.pow,
cos = Math.cos,
PI = Math.PI,
isFinite = Number.isFinite,
TOLERANCE = 10e-6,
EPSILON = 10e-12;
// Sets up min and max values for roots and returns a add() function that
// handles bounds checks and itself returns the amount of added roots.
function setupRoots(roots, min, max) {
var unbound = min === undefined,
minE = min - EPSILON,
maxE = max + EPSILON,
count = 0;
// Returns a function that adds roots with checks
return function(root) {
if (unbound || root > minE && root < maxE)
roots[count++] = root < min ? min : root > max ? max : root;
return count;
EPSILON = 1e-14,
MACHINE_EPSILON = 2.220446049250313e-16;
return /** @lends Numerical */{
// Precision when comparing against 0
// References:
// http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html
// http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/Math128/Cubic.pdf
* A very small absolute value used to check if a value is very close to
* zero. The value should be large enough to offset any floating point
* noise, but small enough to be meaningful in computation in a nominal
* range (see MACHINE_EPSILON).
* MACHINE_EPSILON for a double precision (Javascript Number) is
* 2.220446049250313e-16. (try this in the js console)
* (function(){for(var e=1;1<1+e/2;)e/=2;return e}())
* Here the constant MACHINE_EPSILON refers to the constants 'δ' and 'ε'
* such that, the error introduced by addition, multiplication
* on a 64bit float (js Number) will be less than δ and ε. That is to
* say, for all X and Y representable by a js Number object, S, D, and P
* be their 'exact' sum, difference, and product respectively, then
* |s - (x+y)| <= δ|s|, and |s - (x*y)| <= ε|s|
// Kappa, see: http://www.whizkidtech.redprince.net/bezier/circle/kappa/
KAPPA: 4 * (sqrt(2) - 1) / 3,
@ -146,82 +155,156 @@ var Numerical = new function() {
* Solves the quadratic polynomial with coefficients a, b, c for roots
* (zero crossings) and and returns the solutions in an array.
* Solve a quadratic equation in a numerically robust manner;
* given a quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0, find the values of x.
* a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0
* References:
* Kahan W. - "To Solve a Real Cubic Equation"
* http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/Math128/Cubic.pdf
* Blinn J. - "How to solve a Quadratic Equation"
* @param {Number} a The quadratic term.
* @param {Number} b The linear term.
* @param {Number} c The constant term.
* @param {Number[]} roots The array to store the roots in.
* @return {Number} The number of real roots found, or -1 if there are
* infinite solutions.
* @author Harikrishnan Gopalakrishnan
solveQuadratic: function(a, b, c, roots, min, max) {
var add = setupRoots(roots, min, max);
// Code ported over and adapted from Uintah library (MIT license).
// If a is 0, equation is actually linear, return 0 or 1 easy roots.
if (abs(a) < EPSILON) {
if (abs(b) >= EPSILON)
return add(-c / b);
// If all the coefficients are 0, we have infinite solutions!
return abs(c) < EPSILON ? -1 : 0; // Infinite or 0 solutions
var nRoots = 0,
x1, x2 = Infinity;
if (abs(a) < MACHINE_EPSILON) {
// This could just be a linear equation
if (abs(b) < MACHINE_EPSILON)
return abs(c) < MACHINE_EPSILON ? -1 : 0;
x1 = -c / b;
} else {
b /= 2;
var D = b * b - a * c; // Discriminant
// No real roots if D < 0
D = D < 0 ? 0 : D;
var R = sqrt(D);
// Try to minimise floating point noise.
x1 = abs(a) >= abs(c) ? R / a : -c / R;
x2 = -x1;
} else {
var q = -(b + (b < 0 ? -1 : 1) * R);
x1 = q / a;
x2 = c / q;
// Do we actually have two real roots?
// nRoots = D > MACHINE_EPSILON ? 2 : 1;
// Convert to normal form: x^2 + px + q = 0
var p = b / (2 * a);
var q = c / a;
var p2 = p * p;
if (p2 < q - EPSILON)
return 0;
var s = p2 > q ? sqrt(p2 - q) : 0,
count = add(s - p);
if (s > 0)
count = add(-s - p);
return count;
var unbound = min == null,
if (isFinite(x1) && (unbound || (x1 > minE && x1 < maxE)))
roots[nRoots++] = x1 < min ? min : x1 > max ? max : x1;
if (x2 !== x1 && isFinite(x2)
&& (unbound || (x2 > minE && x2 < maxE)))
roots[nRoots++] = x2 < min ? min : x2 > max ? max : x2;
return nRoots;
* Solves the cubic polynomial with coefficients a, b, c, d for roots
* (zero crossings) and and returns the solutions in an array.
* Solve a cubic equation, using numerically stable methods,
* given an equation of the form ax³ + bx² + cx + d = 0.
* a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d = 0
* This algorithm avoids the trigonometric/inverse trigonometric
* calculations required by the "Italins"' formula. Cardano's method
* works well enough for exact computations, this method takes a
* numerical approach where the double precision error bound is kept
* very low.
* References:
* Kahan W. - "To Solve a Real Cubic Equation"
* http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/Math128/Cubic.pdf
* W. Kahan's paper contains inferences on accuracy of cubic
* zero-finding methods. Also testing methods for robustness.
* @param {Number} a The cubic term (x³ term).
* @param {Number} b The quadratic term (x² term).
* @param {Number} c The linear term (x term).
* @param {Number} d The constant term.
* @param {Number[]} roots The array to store the roots in.
* @return {Number} The number of real roots found, or -1 if there are
* infinite solutions.
* @author Harikrishnan Gopalakrishnan
solveCubic: function(a, b, c, d, roots, min, max) {
// If a is 0, equation is actually quadratic.
if (abs(a) < EPSILON)
return Numerical.solveQuadratic(b, c, d, roots, min, max);
// Code ported over and adapted from Uintah library (MIT license).
// Normalize to form: x^3 + b x^2 + c x + d = 0:
b /= a;
c /= a;
d /= a;
var add = setupRoots(roots, min, max),
// Compute discriminants
bb = b * b,
p = (bb - 3 * c) / 9,
q = (2 * bb * b - 9 * b * c + 27 * d) / 54,
// Use Cardano's formula
ppp = p * p * p,
D = q * q - ppp;
// Substitute x = y - b/3 to eliminate quadric term: x^3 +px + q = 0
b /= 3;
if (abs(D) < EPSILON) {
if (abs(q) < EPSILON) // One triple solution.
return add(-b);
// One single and one double solution.
var sqp = sqrt(p),
snq = q > 0 ? 1 : -1;
add(-snq * 2 * sqp - b);
return add(snq * sqp - b);
var x, b1, c2, nRoots = 0;
if (a === 0 || d ===0) {
// We only need to solve a quadratic.
// So we set the coefficients appropriately.
if (a === 0) {
a = b;
b1 = c;
c2 = d;
x = Infinity;
} else {
b1 = b;
c2 = c;
x = 0;
} else {
var ec = 1 + MACHINE_EPSILON, // 1.000...002
x0, q, qd, t, r, s, tmp;
// Here onwards we iterate for the leftmost root. Proceed to
// deflate the cubic into a quadratic (as a side effect to the
// iteration) and solve the quadratic.
x = -(b / a) / 3;
// Evaluate q, q', b1 and c2 at x
tmp = a * x,
b1 = tmp + b,
c2 = b1 * x + c,
qd = (tmp + b1) * x + c2,
q = c2 * x + d;
// Get a good initial approximation.
t = q /a;
r = pow(abs(t), 1/3);
s = t < 0 ? -1 : 1;
t = -qd / a;
// See Kahan's notes on why 1.324718*... works.
r = t > 0 ? 1.3247179572 * Math.max(r, sqrt(t)) : r;
x0 = x - s * r;
if (x0 !== x) {
do {
x = x0;
// Evaluate q, q', b1 and c2 at x
tmp = a * x,
b1 = tmp + b,
c2 = b1 * x + c,
qd = (tmp + b1) * x + c2,
q = c2 * x + d;
// Newton's. Divide by ec to avoid x0 crossing over a
// root.
x0 = qd === 0 ? x : x - q / qd / ec;
if (x0 === x) {
x = x0;
} while (s * x0 > s * x);
// Adjust the coefficients for the quadratic.
if (abs(a) * x * x > abs(d / x)) {
c2 = -d / x;
b1 = (c2 - c) / x;
if (D < 0) { // Casus irreducibilis: three real solutions
var sqp = sqrt(p),
phi = Math.acos(q / (sqp * sqp * sqp)) / 3,
t = -2 * sqp,
o = 2 * PI / 3;
add(t * cos(phi) - b);
add(t * cos(phi + o) - b);
return add(t * cos(phi - o) - b);
// One real solution
var A = (q > 0 ? -1 : 1) * pow(abs(q) + sqrt(D), 1 / 3);
return add(A + p / A - b);
// The cubic has been deflated to a quadratic.
var nRoots = Numerical.solveQuadratic(a, b1, c2, roots, min, max);
if (isFinite(x) && (nRoots === 0 || x !== roots[nRoots - 1])
&& (min == null || (x > min - MACHINE_EPSILON
&& x < max + MACHINE_EPSILON)))
roots[nRoots++] = x < min ? min : x > max ? max : x;
return nRoots;
Reference in a new issue