mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 17:29:52 -04:00
Prebuilt module for commit e539633852
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 423 additions and 318 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* All rights reserved.
* Date: Tue Jul 19 10:24:37 2016 +0200
* Date: Tue Jul 19 13:08:21 2016 +0200
@ -39,8 +39,13 @@ var window = self.window,
var Base = new function() {
var hidden = /^(statics|enumerable|beans|preserve)$/,
array = [],
slice = array.slice,
create = Object.create,
describe = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
define = Object.defineProperty,
forEach = [].forEach || function(iter, bind) {
forEach = array.forEach || function(iter, bind) {
for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
iter.call(bind, this[i], i, this);
@ -53,10 +58,6 @@ var Base = new function() {
create = Object.create,
describe = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
define = Object.defineProperty,
set = Object.assign || function(dst) {
for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
var src = arguments[i];
@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ var Base = new function() {
return bind;
function inject(dest, src, enumerable, beans, preserve) {
var beansNames = {};
@ -216,6 +218,10 @@ var Base = new function() {
pick: function(a, b) {
return a !== undefined ? a : b;
slice: function(list, begin, end) {
return slice.call(list, begin, end);
@ -309,7 +315,7 @@ Base.inject({
return false;
read: function(list, start, options, length) {
read: function(list, start, options, amount) {
if (this === Base) {
var value = this.peek(list, start);
@ -317,24 +323,24 @@ Base.inject({
var proto = this.prototype,
readIndex = proto._readIndex,
index = start || readIndex && list.__index || 0;
if (!length)
length = list.length - index;
var obj = list[index];
begin = start || readIndex && list.__index || 0,
length = list.length,
obj = list[begin];
amount = amount || length - begin;
if (obj instanceof this
|| options && options.readNull && obj == null && length <= 1) {
|| options && options.readNull && obj == null && amount <= 1) {
if (readIndex)
list.__index = index + 1;
list.__index = begin + 1;
return obj && options && options.clone ? obj.clone() : obj;
obj = Base.create(this.prototype);
if (readIndex)
obj.__read = true;
obj = obj.initialize.apply(obj, index > 0 || length < list.length
? Array.prototype.slice.call(list, index, index + length)
: list) || obj;
obj = obj.initialize.apply(obj, begin > 0 || begin + amount < length
? Base.slice(list, begin, begin + amount)
: list) || obj;
if (readIndex) {
list.__index = index + obj.__read;
list.__index = begin + obj.__read;
obj.__read = undefined;
return obj;
@ -348,10 +354,12 @@ Base.inject({
return list.length - (list.__index || 0);
readAll: function(list, start, options) {
readList: function(list, start, options, amount) {
var res = [],
for (var i = start || 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
begin = start || 0,
end = amount ? begin + amount : list.length;
for (var i = begin; i < end; i++) {
res.push(Array.isArray(entry = list[i])
? this.read(entry, 0, options)
: this.read(list, i, options, 1));
@ -359,7 +367,7 @@ Base.inject({
return res;
readNamed: function(list, name, start, options, length) {
readNamed: function(list, name, start, options, amount) {
var value = this.getNamed(list, name),
hasObject = value !== undefined;
if (hasObject) {
@ -370,7 +378,7 @@ Base.inject({
filtered[name] = undefined;
return this.read(hasObject ? [value] : list, start, options, length);
return this.read(hasObject ? [value] : list, start, options, amount);
getNamed: function(list, name) {
@ -622,7 +630,7 @@ var Emitter = {
var handlers = this._callbacks && this._callbacks[type];
if (!handlers)
return false;
var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1),
var args = Base.slice(arguments, 1),
setTarget = event && event.target && !event.currentTarget;
handlers = handlers.slice();
if (setTarget)
@ -3860,13 +3868,13 @@ new function() {
return this.insertChildren(this._children.length, items, _preserve);
insertChildren: function(index, items, _preserve, _proto) {
insertChildren: function(index, items, _preserve) {
var children = this._children;
if (children && items && items.length > 0) {
items = Array.prototype.slice.apply(items);
items = Base.slice(items);
for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var item = items[i];
if (!item || _proto && !(item instanceof _proto)) {
if (!item) {
items.splice(i, 1);
} else {
item._remove(false, true);
@ -5432,27 +5440,25 @@ var Segment = Base.extend({
initialize: function Segment(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) {
var count = arguments.length,
point, handleIn, handleOut,
if (count === 0) {
} else if (count === 1) {
if (arg0 && 'point' in arg0) {
point = arg0.point;
handleIn = arg0.handleIn;
handleOut = arg0.handleOut;
selection = arg0.selection;
point, handleIn, handleOut, selection;
if (count > 0) {
if (arg0 == null || typeof arg0 === 'object') {
if (count === 1 && arg0 && 'point' in arg0) {
point = arg0.point;
handleIn = arg0.handleIn;
handleOut = arg0.handleOut;
selection = arg0.selection;
} else {
point = arg0;
handleIn = arg1;
handleOut = arg2;
selection = arg3;
} else {
point = arg0;
point = [ arg0, arg1 ];
handleIn = arg2 !== undefined ? [ arg2, arg3 ] : null;
handleOut = arg4 !== undefined ? [ arg4, arg5 ] : null;
} else if (arg0 == null || typeof arg0 === 'object') {
point = arg0;
handleIn = arg1;
handleOut = arg2;
selection = arg3;
} else {
point = arg0 !== undefined ? [ arg0, arg1 ] : null;
handleIn = arg2 !== undefined ? [ arg2, arg3 ] : null;
handleOut = arg4 !== undefined ? [ arg4, arg5 ] : null;
new SegmentPoint(point, this, '_point');
new SegmentPoint(handleIn, this, '_handleIn');
@ -7364,10 +7370,28 @@ var PathItem = Item.extend({
statics: {
create: function(pathData) {
var ctor = (pathData && pathData.match(/m/gi) || []).length > 1
|| /z\s*\S+/i.test(pathData) ? CompoundPath : Path;
return new ctor(pathData);
create: function(arg) {
var data,
if (Base.isPlainObject(arg)) {
segments = arg.segments;
data = arg.pathData;
} else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
segments = arg;
} else if (typeof arg === 'string') {
data = arg;
if (segments) {
var first = segments[0];
compound = first && Array.isArray(first[0]);
} else if (data) {
compound = (data.match(/m/gi) || []).length > 1
|| /z\s*\S+/i.test(data);
var ctor = compound ? CompoundPath : Path;
return new ctor(arg);
@ -7676,12 +7700,19 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend({
setSegments: function(segments) {
var fullySelected = this.isFullySelected();
var fullySelected = this.isFullySelected(),
length = segments && segments.length;
this._segments.length = 0;
this._segmentSelection = 0;
this._curves = undefined;
if (segments && segments.length > 0)
if (length) {
var last = segments[length - 1];
if (typeof last === 'boolean') {
this._add(Segment.readList(segments, 0, {}, length));
if (fullySelected)
@ -7764,13 +7795,13 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend({
dy = curY - prevY;
dx === 0 ? 'v' + f.number(dy)
: dy === 0 ? 'h' + f.number(dx)
: dy === 0 ? 'h' + f.number(dx)
: 'l' + f.pair(dx, dy));
} else {
parts.push('c' + f.pair(outX - prevX, outY - prevY)
+ ' ' + f.pair(inX - prevX, inY - prevY)
+ ' ' + f.pair(curX - prevX, curY - prevY));
+ ' ' + f.pair( inX - prevX, inY - prevY)
+ ' ' + f.pair(curX - prevX, curY - prevY));
prevX = curX;
@ -7872,13 +7903,13 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend({
add: function(segment1 ) {
return arguments.length > 1 && typeof segment1 !== 'number'
? this._add(Segment.readAll(arguments))
? this._add(Segment.readList(arguments))
: this._add([ Segment.read(arguments) ])[0];
insert: function(index, segment1 ) {
return arguments.length > 2 && typeof segment1 !== 'number'
? this._add(Segment.readAll(arguments, 1), index)
? this._add(Segment.readList(arguments, 1), index)
: this._add([ Segment.read(arguments, 1) ], index)[0];
@ -7891,11 +7922,11 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend({
addSegments: function(segments) {
return this._add(Segment.readAll(segments));
return this._add(Segment.readList(segments));
insertSegments: function(index, segments) {
return this._add(Segment.readAll(segments), index);
return this._add(Segment.readList(segments), index);
removeSegment: function(index) {
@ -9282,21 +9313,30 @@ var CompoundPath = PathItem.extend({
insertChildren: function insertChildren(index, items, _preserve) {
var list = items,
first = list[0];
if (first && typeof first[0] === 'number')
list = [list];
for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var item = items[i];
if (item instanceof CompoundPath) {
items = items.slice();
items.splice.apply(items, [i, 1].concat(item.removeChildren()));
var item = list[i];
if (list === items && !(item instanceof Path))
list = Base.slice(list);
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
var path = new Path({ segments: item, insert: false });
list[i] = path;
} else if (item instanceof CompoundPath) {
list.splice.apply(list, [i, 1].concat(item.removeChildren()));
items = insertChildren.base.call(this, index, items, _preserve, Path);
for (var i = 0, l = !_preserve && items && items.length; i < l; i++) {
var item = items[i];
list = insertChildren.base.call(this, index, list, _preserve);
for (var i = 0, l = !_preserve && list && list.length; i < l; i++) {
var item = list[i];
if (item._clockwise === undefined)
item.setClockwise(item._index === 0);
return items;
return list;
reduce: function reduce(options) {
@ -10793,8 +10833,7 @@ var Color = Base.extend(new function() {
_readIndex: true,
initialize: function Color(arg) {
var slice = Array.prototype.slice,
args = arguments,
var args = arguments,
reading = this.__read,
read = 0,
@ -10815,7 +10854,7 @@ var Color = Base.extend(new function() {
} else {
if (reading)
read = 1;
args = slice.call(args, 1);
args = Base.slice(args, 1);
argType = typeof arg;
@ -10838,7 +10877,7 @@ var Color = Base.extend(new function() {
: 1;
if (values.length > length)
values = slice.call(values, 0, length);
values = Base.slice(values, 0, length);
} else if (argType === 'string') {
type = 'rgb';
components = fromCSS(arg);
@ -11180,7 +11219,7 @@ var Gradient = Base.extend({
for (var i = 0, l = _stops.length; i < l; i++)
_stops[i]._owner = undefined;
_stops = this._stops = GradientStop.readAll(stops, 0, { clone: true });
_stops = this._stops = GradientStop.readList(stops, 0, { clone: true });
for (var i = 0, l = _stops.length; i < l; i++)
_stops[i]._owner = this;
@ -12363,7 +12402,7 @@ var CanvasView = View.extend({
if (size.isZero())
throw new Error(
'Cannot create CanvasView with the provided argument: '
+ [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ Base.slice(arguments, 1));
canvas = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(size);
var ctx = this._context = canvas.getContext('2d');
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
— an object literal containing properties to be set on the path
— an object containing properties to be set on the path
@ -5850,7 +5850,7 @@ path.on('mouseleave', function() {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -5997,7 +5997,7 @@ function onMouseDown(event) {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ function onFrame(event) {
— an object literal containing the properties to be set on the group
— an object containing the properties to be set on the group
@ -5720,7 +5720,7 @@ path.on('mouseleave', function() {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -5867,7 +5867,7 @@ function onMouseDown(event) {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -5343,7 +5343,7 @@ path.on('mouseleave', function() {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -5490,7 +5490,7 @@ function onMouseDown(event) {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Array of <a href="../classes/Item.html"><tt>Item</tt></a> objects
— an object literal containing the properties to be set on the layer
— an object containing the properties to be set on the layer
@ -5634,7 +5634,7 @@ path.on('mouseleave', function() {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -5781,7 +5781,7 @@ function onMouseDown(event) {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ path.strokeColor = 'black';</code></pre>
— an object literal containing properties to be set on the path
— an object containing properties to be set on the path
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ path.strokeColor = 'black';
— an object literal containing properties describing the path’s attributes
— an object containing properties describing the path’s attributes
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ path.strokeColor = 'black';
— an object literal containing properties describing the path’s attributes
— an object containing properties describing the path’s attributes
@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ path.strokeColor = 'black';
— an object literal containing properties describing the path’s attributes
— an object containing properties describing the path’s attributes
@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ path.fillColor = 'black';
— an object literal containing properties describing the path’s attributes
— an object containing properties describing the path’s attributes
@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ path.strokeColor = 'black';
— an object literal containing properties describing the path’s attributes
— an object containing properties describing the path’s attributes
@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ triangle.fillColor = 'black';
— an object literal containing properties describing the path’s attributes
— an object containing properties describing the path’s attributes
@ -1246,7 +1246,7 @@ path.fillColor = 'black';
— an object literal containing properties describing the path’s attributes
— an object containing properties describing the path’s attributes
@ -8601,7 +8601,7 @@ path.on('mouseleave', function() {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -8748,7 +8748,7 @@ function onMouseDown(event) {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -59,6 +59,37 @@
<div class="reference-members">
<h2>Static Properties</h2>
<div id="create-pathData" class="member">
<div class="member-link">
<a name="create-pathData" href="#create-pathData"><tt><b>PathItem.create</b></tt></a>
<div class="member-description hidden">
<div class="member-text">
<p>Creates a path item from the given SVG path-data, determining if the data describes a plain path or a compound-path with multiple sub-paths.</p>
<ul class="member-list">
<a href="../classes/Path.html"><tt>Path</tt></a>⟋<a href="../classes/CompoundPath.html"><tt>CompoundPath</tt></a>
<!-- ============================== methods ================================ -->
@ -1630,49 +1661,6 @@ path.smooth();
<div class="reference-members">
<h2>Static Methods</h2>
<div id="create-pathData" class="member">
<div class="member-link">
<a name="create-pathData" href="#create-pathData"><tt><b>PathItem.create</b>(pathData)</tt></a>
<div class="member-description hidden">
<div class="member-text">
<p>Creates a path item from the given SVG path-data, determining if the data describes a plain path or a compound-path with multiple sub-paths.</p>
<ul class="member-list">
— the SVG path-data to parse
<ul class="member-list">
<tt><a href="../classes/Path.html"><tt>Path</tt></a>⟋<a href="../classes/CompoundPath.html"><tt>CompoundPath</tt></a></tt> — the newly created path item
<!-- =========================== inherited properties ====================== -->
@ -7134,7 +7122,7 @@ path.on('mouseleave', function() {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -7281,7 +7269,7 @@ function onMouseDown(event) {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ text.content = 'The contents of the point text';
— an object literal containing properties describing the path’s attributes
— an object containing properties describing the path’s attributes
@ -5643,7 +5643,7 @@ path.on('mouseleave', function() {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -5790,7 +5790,7 @@ function onMouseDown(event) {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -6456,7 +6456,7 @@ path.on('mouseleave', function() {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -6603,7 +6603,7 @@ function onMouseDown(event) {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ path.strokeColor = 'black';
— an object literal containing properties to be set on the segment
— an object containing properties to be set on the segment
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ shape.strokeColor = 'black';
— an object literal containing properties describing the shape’s attributes
— an object containing properties describing the shape’s attributes
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ shape.strokeColor = 'black';
— an object literal containing properties describing the shape’s attributes
— an object containing properties describing the shape’s attributes
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ shape.fillColor = 'black';
— an object literal containing properties describing the shape’s attributes
— an object containing properties describing the shape’s attributes
@ -6198,7 +6198,7 @@ path.on('mouseleave', function() {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -6345,7 +6345,7 @@ function onMouseDown(event) {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -5614,7 +5614,7 @@ path.on('mouseleave', function() {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -5761,7 +5761,7 @@ function onMouseDown(event) {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -5731,7 +5731,7 @@ path.on('mouseleave', function() {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -5878,7 +5878,7 @@ function onMouseDown(event) {
— an object literal containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
— an object containing one or more of the following properties: <tt>frame</tt>, <tt>mousedown</tt>, <tt>mouseup</tt>, <tt>mousedrag</tt>, <tt>click</tt>, <tt>doubleclick</tt>, <tt>mousemove</tt>, <tt>mouseenter</tt>, <tt>mouseleave</tt>
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* All rights reserved.
* Date: Tue Jul 19 10:24:37 2016 +0200
* Date: Tue Jul 19 13:08:21 2016 +0200
@ -39,8 +39,13 @@ var window = self.window,
var Base = new function() {
var hidden = /^(statics|enumerable|beans|preserve)$/,
array = [],
slice = array.slice,
create = Object.create,
describe = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
define = Object.defineProperty,
forEach = [].forEach || function(iter, bind) {
forEach = array.forEach || function(iter, bind) {
for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
iter.call(bind, this[i], i, this);
@ -53,10 +58,6 @@ var Base = new function() {
create = Object.create,
describe = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
define = Object.defineProperty,
set = Object.assign || function(dst) {
for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
var src = arguments[i];
@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ var Base = new function() {
return bind;
function inject(dest, src, enumerable, beans, preserve) {
var beansNames = {};
@ -216,6 +218,10 @@ var Base = new function() {
pick: function(a, b) {
return a !== undefined ? a : b;
slice: function(list, begin, end) {
return slice.call(list, begin, end);
@ -309,7 +315,7 @@ Base.inject({
return false;
read: function(list, start, options, length) {
read: function(list, start, options, amount) {
if (this === Base) {
var value = this.peek(list, start);
@ -317,24 +323,24 @@ Base.inject({
var proto = this.prototype,
readIndex = proto._readIndex,
index = start || readIndex && list.__index || 0;
if (!length)
length = list.length - index;
var obj = list[index];
begin = start || readIndex && list.__index || 0,
length = list.length,
obj = list[begin];
amount = amount || length - begin;
if (obj instanceof this
|| options && options.readNull && obj == null && length <= 1) {
|| options && options.readNull && obj == null && amount <= 1) {
if (readIndex)
list.__index = index + 1;
list.__index = begin + 1;
return obj && options && options.clone ? obj.clone() : obj;
obj = Base.create(this.prototype);
if (readIndex)
obj.__read = true;
obj = obj.initialize.apply(obj, index > 0 || length < list.length
? Array.prototype.slice.call(list, index, index + length)
: list) || obj;
obj = obj.initialize.apply(obj, begin > 0 || begin + amount < length
? Base.slice(list, begin, begin + amount)
: list) || obj;
if (readIndex) {
list.__index = index + obj.__read;
list.__index = begin + obj.__read;
obj.__read = undefined;
return obj;
@ -348,10 +354,12 @@ Base.inject({
return list.length - (list.__index || 0);
readAll: function(list, start, options) {
readList: function(list, start, options, amount) {
var res = [],
for (var i = start || 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
begin = start || 0,
end = amount ? begin + amount : list.length;
for (var i = begin; i < end; i++) {
res.push(Array.isArray(entry = list[i])
? this.read(entry, 0, options)
: this.read(list, i, options, 1));
@ -359,7 +367,7 @@ Base.inject({
return res;
readNamed: function(list, name, start, options, length) {
readNamed: function(list, name, start, options, amount) {
var value = this.getNamed(list, name),
hasObject = value !== undefined;
if (hasObject) {
@ -370,7 +378,7 @@ Base.inject({
filtered[name] = undefined;
return this.read(hasObject ? [value] : list, start, options, length);
return this.read(hasObject ? [value] : list, start, options, amount);
getNamed: function(list, name) {
@ -622,7 +630,7 @@ var Emitter = {
var handlers = this._callbacks && this._callbacks[type];
if (!handlers)
return false;
var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1),
var args = Base.slice(arguments, 1),
setTarget = event && event.target && !event.currentTarget;
handlers = handlers.slice();
if (setTarget)
@ -3860,13 +3868,13 @@ new function() {
return this.insertChildren(this._children.length, items, _preserve);
insertChildren: function(index, items, _preserve, _proto) {
insertChildren: function(index, items, _preserve) {
var children = this._children;
if (children && items && items.length > 0) {
items = Array.prototype.slice.apply(items);
items = Base.slice(items);
for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var item = items[i];
if (!item || _proto && !(item instanceof _proto)) {
if (!item) {
items.splice(i, 1);
} else {
item._remove(false, true);
@ -5432,27 +5440,25 @@ var Segment = Base.extend({
initialize: function Segment(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) {
var count = arguments.length,
point, handleIn, handleOut,
if (count === 0) {
} else if (count === 1) {
if (arg0 && 'point' in arg0) {
point = arg0.point;
handleIn = arg0.handleIn;
handleOut = arg0.handleOut;
selection = arg0.selection;
point, handleIn, handleOut, selection;
if (count > 0) {
if (arg0 == null || typeof arg0 === 'object') {
if (count === 1 && arg0 && 'point' in arg0) {
point = arg0.point;
handleIn = arg0.handleIn;
handleOut = arg0.handleOut;
selection = arg0.selection;
} else {
point = arg0;
handleIn = arg1;
handleOut = arg2;
selection = arg3;
} else {
point = arg0;
point = [ arg0, arg1 ];
handleIn = arg2 !== undefined ? [ arg2, arg3 ] : null;
handleOut = arg4 !== undefined ? [ arg4, arg5 ] : null;
} else if (arg0 == null || typeof arg0 === 'object') {
point = arg0;
handleIn = arg1;
handleOut = arg2;
selection = arg3;
} else {
point = arg0 !== undefined ? [ arg0, arg1 ] : null;
handleIn = arg2 !== undefined ? [ arg2, arg3 ] : null;
handleOut = arg4 !== undefined ? [ arg4, arg5 ] : null;
new SegmentPoint(point, this, '_point');
new SegmentPoint(handleIn, this, '_handleIn');
@ -7364,10 +7370,28 @@ var PathItem = Item.extend({
statics: {
create: function(pathData) {
var ctor = (pathData && pathData.match(/m/gi) || []).length > 1
|| /z\s*\S+/i.test(pathData) ? CompoundPath : Path;
return new ctor(pathData);
create: function(arg) {
var data,
if (Base.isPlainObject(arg)) {
segments = arg.segments;
data = arg.pathData;
} else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
segments = arg;
} else if (typeof arg === 'string') {
data = arg;
if (segments) {
var first = segments[0];
compound = first && Array.isArray(first[0]);
} else if (data) {
compound = (data.match(/m/gi) || []).length > 1
|| /z\s*\S+/i.test(data);
var ctor = compound ? CompoundPath : Path;
return new ctor(arg);
@ -7676,12 +7700,19 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend({
setSegments: function(segments) {
var fullySelected = this.isFullySelected();
var fullySelected = this.isFullySelected(),
length = segments && segments.length;
this._segments.length = 0;
this._segmentSelection = 0;
this._curves = undefined;
if (segments && segments.length > 0)
if (length) {
var last = segments[length - 1];
if (typeof last === 'boolean') {
this._add(Segment.readList(segments, 0, {}, length));
if (fullySelected)
@ -7764,13 +7795,13 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend({
dy = curY - prevY;
dx === 0 ? 'v' + f.number(dy)
: dy === 0 ? 'h' + f.number(dx)
: dy === 0 ? 'h' + f.number(dx)
: 'l' + f.pair(dx, dy));
} else {
parts.push('c' + f.pair(outX - prevX, outY - prevY)
+ ' ' + f.pair(inX - prevX, inY - prevY)
+ ' ' + f.pair(curX - prevX, curY - prevY));
+ ' ' + f.pair( inX - prevX, inY - prevY)
+ ' ' + f.pair(curX - prevX, curY - prevY));
prevX = curX;
@ -7872,13 +7903,13 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend({
add: function(segment1 ) {
return arguments.length > 1 && typeof segment1 !== 'number'
? this._add(Segment.readAll(arguments))
? this._add(Segment.readList(arguments))
: this._add([ Segment.read(arguments) ])[0];
insert: function(index, segment1 ) {
return arguments.length > 2 && typeof segment1 !== 'number'
? this._add(Segment.readAll(arguments, 1), index)
? this._add(Segment.readList(arguments, 1), index)
: this._add([ Segment.read(arguments, 1) ], index)[0];
@ -7891,11 +7922,11 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend({
addSegments: function(segments) {
return this._add(Segment.readAll(segments));
return this._add(Segment.readList(segments));
insertSegments: function(index, segments) {
return this._add(Segment.readAll(segments), index);
return this._add(Segment.readList(segments), index);
removeSegment: function(index) {
@ -9282,21 +9313,30 @@ var CompoundPath = PathItem.extend({
insertChildren: function insertChildren(index, items, _preserve) {
var list = items,
first = list[0];
if (first && typeof first[0] === 'number')
list = [list];
for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var item = items[i];
if (item instanceof CompoundPath) {
items = items.slice();
items.splice.apply(items, [i, 1].concat(item.removeChildren()));
var item = list[i];
if (list === items && !(item instanceof Path))
list = Base.slice(list);
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
var path = new Path({ segments: item, insert: false });
list[i] = path;
} else if (item instanceof CompoundPath) {
list.splice.apply(list, [i, 1].concat(item.removeChildren()));
items = insertChildren.base.call(this, index, items, _preserve, Path);
for (var i = 0, l = !_preserve && items && items.length; i < l; i++) {
var item = items[i];
list = insertChildren.base.call(this, index, list, _preserve);
for (var i = 0, l = !_preserve && list && list.length; i < l; i++) {
var item = list[i];
if (item._clockwise === undefined)
item.setClockwise(item._index === 0);
return items;
return list;
reduce: function reduce(options) {
@ -10793,8 +10833,7 @@ var Color = Base.extend(new function() {
_readIndex: true,
initialize: function Color(arg) {
var slice = Array.prototype.slice,
args = arguments,
var args = arguments,
reading = this.__read,
read = 0,
@ -10815,7 +10854,7 @@ var Color = Base.extend(new function() {
} else {
if (reading)
read = 1;
args = slice.call(args, 1);
args = Base.slice(args, 1);
argType = typeof arg;
@ -10838,7 +10877,7 @@ var Color = Base.extend(new function() {
: 1;
if (values.length > length)
values = slice.call(values, 0, length);
values = Base.slice(values, 0, length);
} else if (argType === 'string') {
type = 'rgb';
components = fromCSS(arg);
@ -11180,7 +11219,7 @@ var Gradient = Base.extend({
for (var i = 0, l = _stops.length; i < l; i++)
_stops[i]._owner = undefined;
_stops = this._stops = GradientStop.readAll(stops, 0, { clone: true });
_stops = this._stops = GradientStop.readList(stops, 0, { clone: true });
for (var i = 0, l = _stops.length; i < l; i++)
_stops[i]._owner = this;
@ -12363,7 +12402,7 @@ var CanvasView = View.extend({
if (size.isZero())
throw new Error(
'Cannot create CanvasView with the provided argument: '
+ [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ Base.slice(arguments, 1));
canvas = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(size);
var ctx = this._context = canvas.getContext('2d');
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* All rights reserved.
* Date: Tue Jul 19 10:24:37 2016 +0200
* Date: Tue Jul 19 13:08:21 2016 +0200
@ -39,8 +39,13 @@ var window = self.window,
var Base = new function() {
var hidden = /^(statics|enumerable|beans|preserve)$/,
array = [],
slice = array.slice,
create = Object.create,
describe = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
define = Object.defineProperty,
forEach = [].forEach || function(iter, bind) {
forEach = array.forEach || function(iter, bind) {
for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
iter.call(bind, this[i], i, this);
@ -53,10 +58,6 @@ var Base = new function() {
create = Object.create,
describe = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
define = Object.defineProperty,
set = Object.assign || function(dst) {
for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
var src = arguments[i];
@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ var Base = new function() {
return bind;
function inject(dest, src, enumerable, beans, preserve) {
var beansNames = {};
@ -216,6 +218,10 @@ var Base = new function() {
pick: function(a, b) {
return a !== undefined ? a : b;
slice: function(list, begin, end) {
return slice.call(list, begin, end);
@ -309,7 +315,7 @@ Base.inject({
return false;
read: function(list, start, options, length) {
read: function(list, start, options, amount) {
if (this === Base) {
var value = this.peek(list, start);
@ -317,24 +323,24 @@ Base.inject({
var proto = this.prototype,
readIndex = proto._readIndex,
index = start || readIndex && list.__index || 0;
if (!length)
length = list.length - index;
var obj = list[index];
begin = start || readIndex && list.__index || 0,
length = list.length,
obj = list[begin];
amount = amount || length - begin;
if (obj instanceof this
|| options && options.readNull && obj == null && length <= 1) {
|| options && options.readNull && obj == null && amount <= 1) {
if (readIndex)
list.__index = index + 1;
list.__index = begin + 1;
return obj && options && options.clone ? obj.clone() : obj;
obj = Base.create(this.prototype);
if (readIndex)
obj.__read = true;
obj = obj.initialize.apply(obj, index > 0 || length < list.length
? Array.prototype.slice.call(list, index, index + length)
: list) || obj;
obj = obj.initialize.apply(obj, begin > 0 || begin + amount < length
? Base.slice(list, begin, begin + amount)
: list) || obj;
if (readIndex) {
list.__index = index + obj.__read;
list.__index = begin + obj.__read;
obj.__read = undefined;
return obj;
@ -348,10 +354,12 @@ Base.inject({
return list.length - (list.__index || 0);
readAll: function(list, start, options) {
readList: function(list, start, options, amount) {
var res = [],
for (var i = start || 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
begin = start || 0,
end = amount ? begin + amount : list.length;
for (var i = begin; i < end; i++) {
res.push(Array.isArray(entry = list[i])
? this.read(entry, 0, options)
: this.read(list, i, options, 1));
@ -359,7 +367,7 @@ Base.inject({
return res;
readNamed: function(list, name, start, options, length) {
readNamed: function(list, name, start, options, amount) {
var value = this.getNamed(list, name),
hasObject = value !== undefined;
if (hasObject) {
@ -370,7 +378,7 @@ Base.inject({
filtered[name] = undefined;
return this.read(hasObject ? [value] : list, start, options, length);
return this.read(hasObject ? [value] : list, start, options, amount);
getNamed: function(list, name) {
@ -622,7 +630,7 @@ var Emitter = {
var handlers = this._callbacks && this._callbacks[type];
if (!handlers)
return false;
var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1),
var args = Base.slice(arguments, 1),
setTarget = event && event.target && !event.currentTarget;
handlers = handlers.slice();
if (setTarget)
@ -3860,13 +3868,13 @@ new function() {
return this.insertChildren(this._children.length, items, _preserve);
insertChildren: function(index, items, _preserve, _proto) {
insertChildren: function(index, items, _preserve) {
var children = this._children;
if (children && items && items.length > 0) {
items = Array.prototype.slice.apply(items);
items = Base.slice(items);
for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var item = items[i];
if (!item || _proto && !(item instanceof _proto)) {
if (!item) {
items.splice(i, 1);
} else {
item._remove(false, true);
@ -5432,27 +5440,25 @@ var Segment = Base.extend({
initialize: function Segment(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) {
var count = arguments.length,
point, handleIn, handleOut,
if (count === 0) {
} else if (count === 1) {
if (arg0 && 'point' in arg0) {
point = arg0.point;
handleIn = arg0.handleIn;
handleOut = arg0.handleOut;
selection = arg0.selection;
point, handleIn, handleOut, selection;
if (count > 0) {
if (arg0 == null || typeof arg0 === 'object') {
if (count === 1 && arg0 && 'point' in arg0) {
point = arg0.point;
handleIn = arg0.handleIn;
handleOut = arg0.handleOut;
selection = arg0.selection;
} else {
point = arg0;
handleIn = arg1;
handleOut = arg2;
selection = arg3;
} else {
point = arg0;
point = [ arg0, arg1 ];
handleIn = arg2 !== undefined ? [ arg2, arg3 ] : null;
handleOut = arg4 !== undefined ? [ arg4, arg5 ] : null;
} else if (arg0 == null || typeof arg0 === 'object') {
point = arg0;
handleIn = arg1;
handleOut = arg2;
selection = arg3;
} else {
point = arg0 !== undefined ? [ arg0, arg1 ] : null;
handleIn = arg2 !== undefined ? [ arg2, arg3 ] : null;
handleOut = arg4 !== undefined ? [ arg4, arg5 ] : null;
new SegmentPoint(point, this, '_point');
new SegmentPoint(handleIn, this, '_handleIn');
@ -7364,10 +7370,28 @@ var PathItem = Item.extend({
statics: {
create: function(pathData) {
var ctor = (pathData && pathData.match(/m/gi) || []).length > 1
|| /z\s*\S+/i.test(pathData) ? CompoundPath : Path;
return new ctor(pathData);
create: function(arg) {
var data,
if (Base.isPlainObject(arg)) {
segments = arg.segments;
data = arg.pathData;
} else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
segments = arg;
} else if (typeof arg === 'string') {
data = arg;
if (segments) {
var first = segments[0];
compound = first && Array.isArray(first[0]);
} else if (data) {
compound = (data.match(/m/gi) || []).length > 1
|| /z\s*\S+/i.test(data);
var ctor = compound ? CompoundPath : Path;
return new ctor(arg);
@ -7676,12 +7700,19 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend({
setSegments: function(segments) {
var fullySelected = this.isFullySelected();
var fullySelected = this.isFullySelected(),
length = segments && segments.length;
this._segments.length = 0;
this._segmentSelection = 0;
this._curves = undefined;
if (segments && segments.length > 0)
if (length) {
var last = segments[length - 1];
if (typeof last === 'boolean') {
this._add(Segment.readList(segments, 0, {}, length));
if (fullySelected)
@ -7764,13 +7795,13 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend({
dy = curY - prevY;
dx === 0 ? 'v' + f.number(dy)
: dy === 0 ? 'h' + f.number(dx)
: dy === 0 ? 'h' + f.number(dx)
: 'l' + f.pair(dx, dy));
} else {
parts.push('c' + f.pair(outX - prevX, outY - prevY)
+ ' ' + f.pair(inX - prevX, inY - prevY)
+ ' ' + f.pair(curX - prevX, curY - prevY));
+ ' ' + f.pair( inX - prevX, inY - prevY)
+ ' ' + f.pair(curX - prevX, curY - prevY));
prevX = curX;
@ -7872,13 +7903,13 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend({
add: function(segment1 ) {
return arguments.length > 1 && typeof segment1 !== 'number'
? this._add(Segment.readAll(arguments))
? this._add(Segment.readList(arguments))
: this._add([ Segment.read(arguments) ])[0];
insert: function(index, segment1 ) {
return arguments.length > 2 && typeof segment1 !== 'number'
? this._add(Segment.readAll(arguments, 1), index)
? this._add(Segment.readList(arguments, 1), index)
: this._add([ Segment.read(arguments, 1) ], index)[0];
@ -7891,11 +7922,11 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend({
addSegments: function(segments) {
return this._add(Segment.readAll(segments));
return this._add(Segment.readList(segments));
insertSegments: function(index, segments) {
return this._add(Segment.readAll(segments), index);
return this._add(Segment.readList(segments), index);
removeSegment: function(index) {
@ -9282,21 +9313,30 @@ var CompoundPath = PathItem.extend({
insertChildren: function insertChildren(index, items, _preserve) {
var list = items,
first = list[0];
if (first && typeof first[0] === 'number')
list = [list];
for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var item = items[i];
if (item instanceof CompoundPath) {
items = items.slice();
items.splice.apply(items, [i, 1].concat(item.removeChildren()));
var item = list[i];
if (list === items && !(item instanceof Path))
list = Base.slice(list);
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
var path = new Path({ segments: item, insert: false });
list[i] = path;
} else if (item instanceof CompoundPath) {
list.splice.apply(list, [i, 1].concat(item.removeChildren()));
items = insertChildren.base.call(this, index, items, _preserve, Path);
for (var i = 0, l = !_preserve && items && items.length; i < l; i++) {
var item = items[i];
list = insertChildren.base.call(this, index, list, _preserve);
for (var i = 0, l = !_preserve && list && list.length; i < l; i++) {
var item = list[i];
if (item._clockwise === undefined)
item.setClockwise(item._index === 0);
return items;
return list;
reduce: function reduce(options) {
@ -10793,8 +10833,7 @@ var Color = Base.extend(new function() {
_readIndex: true,
initialize: function Color(arg) {
var slice = Array.prototype.slice,
args = arguments,
var args = arguments,
reading = this.__read,
read = 0,
@ -10815,7 +10854,7 @@ var Color = Base.extend(new function() {
} else {
if (reading)
read = 1;
args = slice.call(args, 1);
args = Base.slice(args, 1);
argType = typeof arg;
@ -10838,7 +10877,7 @@ var Color = Base.extend(new function() {
: 1;
if (values.length > length)
values = slice.call(values, 0, length);
values = Base.slice(values, 0, length);
} else if (argType === 'string') {
type = 'rgb';
components = fromCSS(arg);
@ -11180,7 +11219,7 @@ var Gradient = Base.extend({
for (var i = 0, l = _stops.length; i < l; i++)
_stops[i]._owner = undefined;
_stops = this._stops = GradientStop.readAll(stops, 0, { clone: true });
_stops = this._stops = GradientStop.readList(stops, 0, { clone: true });
for (var i = 0, l = _stops.length; i < l; i++)
_stops[i]._owner = this;
@ -12363,7 +12402,7 @@ var CanvasView = View.extend({
if (size.isZero())
throw new Error(
'Cannot create CanvasView with the provided argument: '
+ [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ Base.slice(arguments, 1));
canvas = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(size);
var ctx = this._context = canvas.getContext('2d');
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"resemblejs": "^2.2.1",
"run-sequence": "^1.2.2",
"stats.js": "0.16.0",
"straps": "^2.0.1"
"straps": "^2.1.0"
"browser": {
"canvas": false,
Reference in a new issue