Introduce new Item#copyAttributes() & #copyContent(), and revamp #clone() handling.

This commit is contained in:
Jürg Lehni 2015-12-26 21:46:36 +01:00
parent 463f50a0c1
commit 2fea40f86f
13 changed files with 119 additions and 113 deletions

View file

@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ var Item = Base.extend(Emitter, /** @lends Item# */{
return this._name;
setName: function(name, unique) {
setName: function(name) {
// Note: Don't check if the name has changed and bail out if it has not,
// because setName is used internally also to update internal structures
// when an item is moved from one parent to another.
@ -326,12 +326,7 @@ var Item = Base.extend(Emitter, /** @lends Item# */{
var parent = this._parent;
if (name && parent) {
var children = parent._children,
namedChildren = parent._namedChildren,
orig = name,
i = 1;
// If unique is true, make sure we're not overriding other names
while (unique && children[name])
name = orig + ' ' + (i++);
namedChildren = parent._namedChildren;
(namedChildren[name] = namedChildren[name] || []).push(this);
children[name] = this;
@ -1437,61 +1432,82 @@ var Item = Base.extend(Emitter, /** @lends Item# */{
* }
clone: function(insert) {
return this._clone(new this.constructor(Item.NO_INSERT), insert);
* Clones the item within the same project and places the copy above the
* item.
* @param {Boolean} [insert=true] specifies whether the copy should be
* inserted into the DOM. When set to {@code true}, it is inserted above the
* original
* @return {Item} the newly cloned item
_clone: function(copy, insert, includeMatrix) {
var keys = ['_locked', '_visible', '_blendMode', '_opacity',
'_clipMask', '_guide'],
children = this._children;
// Copy over style
// Clone all children and add them to the copy. tell #addChild we're
// cloning, as needed by CompoundPath#insertChild().
for (var i = 0, l = children && children.length; i < l; i++) {
copy.addChild(children[i].clone(false), true);
// Only copy over these fields if they are actually defined in 'this',
// meaning the default value has been overwritten (default is on
// prototype).
for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (this.hasOwnProperty(key))
copy[key] = this[key];
// Use Matrix#initialize to easily copy over values.
if (includeMatrix !== false)
// In case of Path#toShape(), we can't just set _applyMatrix as
// Shape won't allow it. Using the setter instead takes care of it.
// NOTE: This will also bake in the matrix that we just initialized,
// in case #applyMatrix is true.
// Copy over the selection state, use setSelected so the item
// is also added to Project#selectedItems if it is selected.
// Copy over _data as well.
copy._data = this._data ? Base.clone(this._data) : null;
var copy = new this.constructor(Item.NO_INSERT);
// Insert is true by default.
if (insert || insert === undefined)
// Clone the name too, but make sure we're not overriding the original
// in the same parent, by passing true for the unique parameter.
if (this._name)
copy.setName(this._name, true);
// Make sure we're not overriding the original name in the same parent
var name = this._name,
parent = this._parent;
if (name && parent) {
var children = parent._children,
orig = name,
i = 1;
while (children[name])
name = orig + ' ' + (i++);
if (name !== orig)
return copy;
* Copies the content of the specified item over to this item.
* @param {Item} source the item to copy the content from
copyContent: function(source) {
var children = source._children;
// Clone all children and add them to the copy. tell #addChild we're
// cloning, as needed by CompoundPath#insertChild().
for (var i = 0, l = children && children.length; i < l; i++) {
this.addChild(children[i].clone(false), true);
* Copies all attributes of the specified item over to this item. This
* includes its style, visibility, matrix, pivot, blend-mode, opacity,
* selection state, data, name, etc.
* @param {Item} source the item to copy the attributes from
copyAttributes: function(source, _preConcatenate) {
// Copy over style
// Only copy over these fields if they are actually defined in 'source',
// meaning the default value has been overwritten (default is on
// prototype).
var keys = ['_locked', '_visible', '_blendMode', '_opacity',
'_clipMask', '_guide'];
for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (source.hasOwnProperty(key))
this[key] = source[key];
// Use Matrix#initialize to easily copy over values.
this._matrix[_preConcatenate ? 'preConcatenate' : 'initialize'](
// We can't just set _applyMatrix as many item types won't allow it,
// e.g. creating a Shape in Path#toShape().
// Using the setter instead takes care of it.
// NOTE: This will also bake in the matrix that we just initialized,
// in case #applyMatrix is true.
// Copy over the selection state, use setSelected so the item
// is also added to Project#selectedItems if it is selected.
// Copy over data and name as well.
var data = source._data,
name = source._name;
this._data = data ? Base.clone(data) : null;
if (name)
* When passed a project, copies the item to the project,
* or duplicates it within the same project. When passed an item,
@ -2299,7 +2315,7 @@ var Item = Base.extend(Emitter, /** @lends Item# */{
if (this._children && this._children.length === 1) {
var child = this._children[0].reduce();
return child;

View file

@ -84,6 +84,10 @@ var PlacedSymbol = Item.extend(/** @lends PlacedSymbol# */{
return this._symbol === item._symbol;
copyContent: function(source) {
* The symbol that the placed symbol refers to.
@ -99,16 +103,11 @@ var PlacedSymbol = Item.extend(/** @lends PlacedSymbol# */{
clone: function(insert) {
var copy = new PlacedSymbol(Item.NO_INSERT);
return this._clone(copy, insert);
isEmpty: function() {
return this._symbol._definition.isEmpty();
_getBounds: function(getter, matrix, cacheItem) {
var definition = this.symbol._definition;
// Redirect the call to the symbol definition to calculate the bounds

View file

@ -101,21 +101,20 @@ var Raster = Item.extend(/** @lends Raster# */{
return this.getSource() === item.getSource();
clone: function(insert) {
var copy = new Raster(Item.NO_INSERT),
image = this._image,
canvas = this._canvas;
copyContent: function(source) {
var image = source._image,
canvas = source._canvas;
if (image) {
} else if (canvas) {
// If the Raster contains a Canvas object, we need to create a new
// one and draw this raster's canvas on it.
var copyCanvas = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(this._size);
var copyCanvas = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(source._size);
copyCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
copy._crossOrigin = this._crossOrigin;
return this._clone(copy, insert);
// TODO: Shouldn't this be copied with attributes instead of content?
this._crossOrigin = source._crossOrigin;

View file

@ -39,12 +39,10 @@ var Shape = Item.extend(/** @lends Shape# */{
&& Base.equals(this._radius, item._radius);
clone: function(insert) {
var copy = new Shape(Item.NO_INSERT);
return this._clone(copy, insert);
copyContent: function(source) {
@ -169,17 +167,20 @@ var Shape = Item.extend(/** @lends Shape# */{
* @see Path#toShape(insert)
toPath: function(insert) {
var path = this._clone(new Path[Base.capitalize(this._type)]({
// TODO: Move to Path.createTYPE creators instead of fake constructors.
var path = new Path[Base.capitalize(this._type)]({
center: new Point(),
size: this._size,
radius: this._radius,
insert: false
}), insert);
// The created path will inherit #applyMatrix from this Shape, hence it
// will always be false.
// Respect the setting of paper.settings.applyMatrix for new paths:
if (paper.settings.applyMatrix)
return path;

View file

@ -152,10 +152,8 @@ var CompoundPath = PathItem.extend(/** @lends CompoundPath# */{
if (children.length === 0) { // Replace with a simple empty Path
var path = new Path(Item.NO_INSERT);
// TODO: Consider using Item#_clone() for this, but find a way to
// not clone children / name (content).
return path;

View file

@ -131,13 +131,12 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend(/** @lends Path# */{
&& Base.equals(this._segments, item._segments);
clone: function(insert) {
var copy = new Path(Item.NO_INSERT);
copy._closed = this._closed;
if (this._clockwise !== undefined)
copy._clockwise = this._clockwise;
return this._clone(copy, insert);
copyContent: function(source) {
this._closed = source._closed;
var clockwise = source._clockwise;
if (clockwise !== undefined)
this._clockwise = clockwise;
_changed: function _changed(flags) {
@ -1247,8 +1246,7 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend(/** @lends Path# */{
// Pass true for _preserve, in case of CompoundPath, to avoid
// reversing of path direction, which would mess with segments!
path.insertAbove(this, true);
// Use _clone to copy over all other attributes, including style
path._add(segs, 0);
// Add dividing segment again. In case of a closed path, that's the
@ -1496,14 +1494,17 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend(/** @lends Path# */{
if (type) {
var center = this.getPosition(true),
shape = this._clone(new type({
shape = new type({
center: center,
size: size,
radius: radius,
insert: false
}), insert, false);
// Pass `true` to preconcatenate the matrix to the center-transform.
shape.copyAttributes(this, true);
// Determine and apply the shape's angle of rotation.
shape.rotate(topCenter.subtract(center).getAngle() + 90);
return shape;
return null;

View file

@ -67,9 +67,7 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
&& path1.getIndex() < path2.getIndex()
? path2 : path1);
// Copy over the left-hand item's style and we're done.
// TODO: Consider using Item#_clone() for this, but find a way to not
// clone children / name (content).
return result;
@ -861,9 +859,7 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
item = new CompoundPath(Item.NO_INSERT);
item = item.reduce();
// TODO: Consider using Item#_clone() for this, but find a way to
// not clone children / name (content).
return item;

View file

@ -58,10 +58,6 @@ var PointText = TextItem.extend(/** @lends PointText# */{
TextItem.apply(this, arguments);
clone: function(insert) {
return this._clone(new PointText(Item.NO_INSERT), insert);
* The PointText's anchor point

View file

@ -50,9 +50,8 @@ var TextItem = Item.extend(/** @lends TextItem# */{
return this._content === item._content;
_clone: function _clone(copy, insert, includeMatrix) {
return, copy, insert, includeMatrix);
copyContent: function(source) {

View file

@ -39,9 +39,10 @@ function compareItem(actual, expected, message, options, properties) {
QUnit.notStrictEqual(, 'not ' +, message + '.id');
QUnit.strictEqual(actual.constructor, expected.constructor,
message + '.constructor');
// When item was cloned and had a name, the name will be versioned
equals(options && options.cloned && ? + ' 1'
// When item was cloned and had a name, the name will be versioned
options && options.cloned &&
? + ' 1' :,
message + '.name');
compareProperties(actual, expected, ['children', 'bounds', 'position',
'matrix', 'data', 'opacity', 'locked', 'visible', 'blendMode',

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function cloneAndCompare(item) {
return copy.parent.children[] == copy;
}, true);
equals(item, copy, 'item.clone()', { cloned: true });
equals(copy, item, 'item.clone()', { cloned: true });
// Remove the cloned item to restore the document:

View file

@ -117,5 +117,5 @@ test('Import SVG polyline', function() {
test('Import complex CompoundPath and clone', function() {
var svg = createSVG('<path id="path" fill="red" d="M4,14h20v-2H4V14z M15,26h7v-2h-7V26z M15,22h9v-2h-9V22z M15,18h9v-2h-9V18z M4,26h9V16H4V26z M28,10V6H0v22c0,0,0,4,4,4 h25c0,0,3-0.062,3-4V10H28z M4,30c-2,0-2-2-2-2V8h24v20c0,0.921,0.284,1.558,0.676,2H4z"/>;');
var item = paper.project.importSVG(svg.getElementById('path'));
equals(item, item.clone(), null, { cloned: true });
equals(item.clone(), item, null, { cloned: true });

View file

@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ test('shape.toPath().toShape()', function() {
Base.each(shapes, function(shape, name) {
equals(shape, shape.toPath().toShape(), name + '.toPath().toShape()');
equals(shape.toPath().toShape(), shape, name + '.toPath().toShape()');