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synced 2025-01-20 22:39:50 -05:00
First cut at a new winding number calculation algorithm
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 159 additions and 55 deletions
@ -255,62 +255,17 @@ var PathItem = Item.extend(/** @lends PathItem# */{
* Returns the winding contribution of the given point with respect to this
* PathItem.
* @param {Object} point Point to determine the winding direction
* about.
* @param {Boolean} horizontal Boolean value indicating if we need to
* consider this point as part of a
* horizontal curve.
* @return {Number} Winding number.
_getWinding: function(point, isHorizontal) {
var v,
curves = this._getMonotoneCurves(),
tolerance = /*#=*/ Numerical.TOLERANCE;
var i, li, t, x0, ty, wind,
tolMin = -tolerance,
tolMax = 1 + -tolerance,
xAfter = point.x + tolerance,
xBefore = point.x - tolerance,
tMin = tolMin,
tMax = tolerance,
tVal = 0,
y = point.y,
winding = 0,
roots = [];
// Adjustment for horizontal curve. Here, we will miss to count
// atleast one intercept since we only account for y intercepts
// on other curves excluding the end point of those curves.
if (isHorizontal){
tolMin = tolerance;
tolMax = 1 + tolerance;
tMin = 1 - tolerance;
tMax = tolMax;
tVal = 1;
var check = point.x === 217.32504322936848 && point.y === 354.67997242479777;
// Find the winding number for right hand side of the curve,
// inclusive of the curve itself, while tracing along its direction.
for (i = 0, li = curves.length; i < li; i++) {
v = curves[i];
if (Curve.solveCubic(v, 1, y, roots, tolMin, tolMax) === 1) {
t = roots[0];
if ( t >= tMin && t <= tMax)
t = tVal;
x0 = Curve.evaluate(v, t, 0).x;
ty = Curve.evaluate(v, t, 1).y;
// wind = v[8];
// if (check && (x0 >= xAfter || (x0 >= xBefore && wind > 0))){
// hilightCrv(v);
// markPoint(Curve.evaluate(v, 0.5, 0), t.toFixed(1), null, 0.01);
// // markPoint(new paper.Point(x0, y), t.toFixed(1), null, 0.001);
// console.log(t.toFixed(1), ty, v[8]);
// }
wind = v[8];
if (x0 >= xAfter){
winding += wind;
} else if (x0 >= xBefore && wind > 0) {
winding += wind;
return Math.abs(winding);
_getWinding: function(point, horizontal) {
var curves = this._getMonotoneCurves();
return PathItem._getWindingNumber(point, curves, horizontal);
_contains: function(point) {
@ -328,6 +283,155 @@ var PathItem = Item.extend(/** @lends PathItem# */{
var winding = this._getWinding(point);
return !!(this.getWindingRule() === 'evenodd' ? winding & 1 : winding);
/*#*/ } // !__options.nativeContains
* Private static method that returns the winding contribution of the
* given point with respect to a given set of monotone curves
_getWindingNumber: function(point, curves, horizontal) {
function getTangent(v, t) {
var tan, sign, i;
sign = t === 0 ? 2 : (t === 1 ? -2 : 0);
if (sign !== 0) {
i = sign > 0 ? 0 : 6;
if (Curve.isLinear(v)) {
// Return slope from this point that follows the direction
// of the line
sign *= 3;
tan = new Point(v[i+sign] - v[i], v[i+sign+1] - v[i+1]);
} else {
// Return the first or last handle
tan = new Point(v[i+sign] - v[i], v[i+sign+1] - v[i+1]);
} else {
tan = Curve.evaluate(v, t, 1);
return tan;
var i, j, li, t, x0, y0, wind, v, slope, stationary,
tolerance = /*#=*/ Numerical.TOLERANCE,
x = point.x,
y = point.y,
xAfter = x + tolerance,
xBefore = x - tolerance,
windLeft = 0,
windRight = 0,
roots = [],
abs = Math.abs;
// DEBUG:--------------------------------------------------
// var check = point.equals([258.2966200492805, 258.54834923463017]);
// var check = window.__checkPoint && point.equals(window.__checkPoint);
// if (check) {
// window.__windLine && window.__windLine.remove();
// window.__windLine = new paper.Path.Line(point.add([-1000, 0]), point.add([1000, 0]));
// window.__windLine.style = style3;
// paper.view.draw();
// }
// DEBUG:-------------------------------------------------
// Absolutely horizontal curves may return wrong results, since
// the curves are monotonic in y direction and this is an
// indeterminate state.
if (horizontal) {
var yTop = -Infinity,
yBot = Infinity;
// Find the closest yIntercepts in the same vertical line
for (i = 0, li = curves.length-1; i <= li; i++) {
v = curves[i];
if (Curve.solveCubic(v, 0, x, roots, 0, 1) > 0) {
for (j = roots.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
t = roots[j];
y0 = Curve.evaluate(v, t, 0).y;
// DEBUG: ------------------------------------------------
// if (check)
// markPoint(new Point(x, y0), null, null, 0.5);
// DEBUG: ------------------------------------------------
if (y0 > y+tolerance && y0 < yBot) {
yBot = y0;
} else if (y0 < y-tolerance && y0 > yTop) {
yTop = y0;
// yTop = yTop === -Infinity ? y : yTop;
// yBot = yBot === Infinity ? y : yBot;
// DEBUG: ------------------------------------------------
// var p1 = new Point(x, yTop);
// drawSlopes(point, new Point(x, yTop).subtract(point));
// drawSlopes(point, new Point(x, yBot).subtract(point));
// DEBUG: ------------------------------------------------
// Shift the point lying on the horizontal curves by
// half of closest top and bottom intercepts.
yTop = (yTop + y) / 2;
yBot = (yBot + y) / 2;
// DEBUG: ------------------------------------------------
// markPoint(new Point(x, yTop), null, null, 0.5);
// markPoint(new Point(x, yBot), null, null, 0.5);
// DEBUG: ------------------------------------------------
windLeft = yTop > -Infinity
? PathItem._getWindingNumber(new Point(x, yTop), curves)
: 0;
windRight = yBot < Infinity
? PathItem._getWindingNumber(new Point(x, yBot), curves)
: 0;
return Math.max(windLeft, windRight);
// Find the winding number for right hand side of the curve,
// inclusive of the curve itself, while tracing along its ±x direction.
for (i = 0, li = curves.length-1; i <= li; i++) {
v = curves[i];
if (Curve.solveCubic(v, 1, y, roots, -tolerance, 1 + -tolerance) === 1) {
t = roots[0];
if ( t >= -tolerance && t <= tolerance)
t = 0;
x0 = Curve.evaluate(v, t, 0).x;
slope = getTangent(v, t).y;
stationary = !Curve.isLinear(v) && abs(slope) < tolerance;
// Take care of cases where the curve and the preceeding
// curve merely touches the ray towards ±x direction, but
// proceeds to the same side of the ray. This essentially is
// not a crossing.
if (t === 0){
// The previous curve's reference is stored at index:9,
// see Path#_getMonotoneCurves for details.
var v2 = v[9];
if (abs(v2[6] - v[0]) < tolerance && abs(v2[7] - v[1]) < tolerance){
var slope2 = getTangent(v2, 1).y;
if(slope * slope2 > 0)
stationary = true;
// DEBUG:-----------------------
// wind = v[8];
// if (check && (x0 >= xAfter || x0 <= xBefore)){
// if(slope2 && v2) {
// drawSlopes(new paper.Point(x0, y), getTangent(v, t));
// drawSlopes(new paper.Point(v2[6], v2[7]), getTangent(v2, 1));
// }
// hilightCrv(v);
// markPoint(new paper.Point(x0, y), wind, null, 0.01);
// markPoint(Curve.evaluate(v, 0.5, 0), stationary, null, 0.01);
// console.log(t, x0, wind, stationary);
// }
// DEBUG: ----------------
wind = v[8];
if (x0 <= xBefore && !stationary)
windLeft += wind;
if (x0 >= xAfter && !stationary)
windRight += wind;
// check && console.log(windLeft, windRight);
// check && console.log(intercepts);
return Math.max(abs(windLeft), abs(windRight));
Reference in a new issue