mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 19:45:44 -05:00
Merge branch 'new-winding' into develop
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 511 additions and 408 deletions
@ -618,6 +618,57 @@ statics: /** @lends Curve */{
* Splits the specified curve values into curves that are monotone in the
* specified coordinate direction.
* @param {Number[]} v the curve values, as returned by
* {@link Curve#getValues()}
* @param {Number} [dir=0] the direction in which the curves should be
* monotone, `0`: monotone in x-direction, `1`: monotone in y-direction
* @return {Number[][]} an array of curve value arrays of the resulting
* monotone curve. If the original curve was already monotone, an array
* only containing its values are returned.
getMonoCurves: function(v, dir) {
var curves = [],
// Determine the ordinate index in the curve values array.
io = dir ? 0 : 1,
o0 = v[io],
o1 = v[io + 2],
o2 = v[io + 4],
o3 = v[io + 6];
if ((o0 >= o1) === (o1 >= o2) && (o1 >= o2) === (o2 >= o3)
|| Curve.isStraight(v)) {
// Straight curves and curves with all involved points ordered
// in coordinate direction are guaranteed to be monotone.
} else {
var a = 3 * (o1 - o2) - o0 + o3,
b = 2 * (o0 + o2) - 4 * o1,
c = o1 - o0,
tMin = 4e-7,
tMax = 1 - tMin,
roots = [],
n = Numerical.solveQuadratic(a, b, c, roots, tMin, tMax);
if (n === 0) {
} else {
var t = roots[0],
parts = Curve.subdivide(v, t);
if (n > 1) {
t = (roots[1] - t) / (1 - t);
parts = Curve.subdivide(parts[1], t);
return curves;
// Converts from the point coordinates (p1, c1, c2, p2) for one axis to
// the polynomial coefficients and solves the polynomial for val
solveCubic: function (v, coord, val, roots, min, max) {
@ -144,8 +144,7 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend(/** @lends Path# */{
if (flags & /*#=*/ChangeFlag.GEOMETRY) {
// Clockwise state becomes undefined as soon as geometry changes.
// Also clear cached mono curves used for winding calculations.
this._length = this._area = this._clockwise = this._monoCurves =
this._length = this._area = this._clockwise = undefined;
if (flags & /*#=*/ChangeFlag.SEGMENTS) {
this._version++; // See CurveLocation
} else if (this._curves) {
@ -28,13 +28,16 @@
* http://hkrish.com/playground/paperjs/booleanStudy.html
PathItem.inject(new function() {
// Set up lookup tables for each operator, to decide if a given segment is
// to be considered a part of the solution, or to be discarded, based on its
// winding contribution, as calculated by propagateWinding().
var min = Math.min,
max = Math.max,
abs = Math.abs,
// Set up lookup tables for each operator, to decide if a given segment
// is to be considered a part of the solution, or to be discarded, based
// on its winding contribution, as calculated by propagateWinding().
// Boolean operators return true if a segment with the given winding
// contribution contributes to the final result or not. They are applied to
// for each segment after the paths are split at crossings.
var operators = {
// contribution contributes to the final result or not. They are applied
// to for each segment after the paths are split at crossings.
operators = {
unite: { 1: true },
intersect: { 2: true },
subtract: { 1: true },
@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
.transform(null, true, true);
if (closed)
return closed ? res.resolveCrossings() : res;
return closed ? res.resolveCrossings().reorient() : res;
function createResult(ctor, paths, reduce, path1, path2) {
@ -97,14 +100,14 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
var crossings = divideLocations(
segments = [],
// Aggregate of all curves in both operands, monotonic in y.
monoCurves = [];
// Aggregate of all curves in both operands.
curves = [];
function collect(paths) {
for (var i = 0, l = paths.length; i < l; i++) {
var path = paths[i];
segments.push.apply(segments, path._segments);
monoCurves.push.apply(monoCurves, path._getMonoCurves());
curves.push.apply(curves, path.getCurves());
// Keep track if there are valid intersections other than
// overlaps in each path.
path._overlapsOnly = path._validOverlapsOnly = true;
@ -120,7 +123,7 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
// First, propagate winding contributions for curve chains starting in
// all crossings:
for (var i = 0, l = crossings.length; i < l; i++) {
propagateWinding(crossings[i]._segment, _path1, _path2, monoCurves,
propagateWinding(crossings[i]._segment, _path1, _path2, curves,
// Now process the segments that are not part of any intersecting chains
@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
var segment = segments[i],
inter = segment._intersection;
if (segment._winding == null) {
propagateWinding(segment, _path1, _path2, monoCurves, operator);
propagateWinding(segment, _path1, _path2, curves, operator);
// See if there are any valid segments that aren't part of overlaps.
// This information is used to determine where to start tracing the
@ -222,6 +225,10 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
* @param {CurveLocation[]} locations an array of the locations to split the
* path-item at.
* @param {Function} [include] a function that determines if dividing should
* happen at a given location.
* @return {CurveLocation[]} the locations at which the involved path-items
* were divided
* @private
function divideLocations(locations, include) {
@ -300,143 +307,221 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
* Private method that returns the winding contribution of the given point
* with respect to a given set of monotonic curves.
* Returns the winding contribution number of the given point in respect
* to the shapes described by the passed curves.
* See #1073#issuecomment-226942348 and #1073#issuecomment-226946965 for a
* detailed description of the approach developed by @iconexperience to
* precisely determine the winding contribution in all known edge cases.
* @param {Point} point the location for which to determine the winding
* contribution
* @param {Curve[]} curves the curves that describe the shape against which
* to check, as returned by {@link Path#getCurves()} or
* {@link CompoundPath#getCurves()}
* @param {Number} [dir=0] the direction in which to determine the
* winding contribution, `0`: in x-direction, `1`: in y-direction
* @return {Object} an object containing the calculated winding number, as
* well as an indication whether the point was situated on the contour
* @private
function getWinding(point, curves, horizontal) {
function getWinding(point, curves, dir) {
var epsilon = /*#=*/Numerical.WINDING_EPSILON,
px = point.x,
py = point.y,
windLeft = 0,
windRight = 0,
length = curves.length,
roots = [],
abs = Math.abs;
// Horizontal curves may return wrong results, since the curves are
// monotonic in y direction and this is an indeterminate state.
if (horizontal) {
var yTop = -Infinity,
yBottom = Infinity,
yBefore = py - epsilon,
yAfter = py + epsilon;
// Find the closest top and bottom intercepts for the vertical line.
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var values = curves[i].values,
count = Curve.solveCubic(values, 0, px, roots, 0, 1);
for (var j = count - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
var y = Curve.getPoint(values, roots[j]).y;
if (y < yBefore && y > yTop) {
yTop = y;
} else if (y > yAfter && y < yBottom) {
yBottom = y;
// Determine the index of the abscissa and ordinate values in the
// curve values arrays, based on the direction:
ia = dir ? 1 : 0, // the abscissa index
io = dir ? 0 : 1, // the ordinate index
pv = [point.x, point.y],
pa = pv[ia], // the point's abscissa
po = pv[io], // the point's ordinate
paL = pa - epsilon,
paR = pa + epsilon,
windingL = 0,
windingR = 0,
pathWindingL = 0,
pathWindingR = 0,
onPathWinding = 0,
isOnPath = false,
function addWinding(v) {
var o0 = v[io],
o3 = v[io + 6];
if (o0 > po && o3 > po || o0 < po && o3 < po) {
// If curve is outside the ordinates' range, no intersection
// with the ray is possible.
return v;
var a0 = v[ia],
a1 = v[ia + 2],
a2 = v[ia + 4],
a3 = v[ia + 6];
if (o0 === o3) {
// A horizontal curve is not necessarily between two non-
// horizontal curves. We have to take cases like these into
// account:
// +-----+
// +----+ |
// +-----+
if (a1 < paR && a3 > paL || a3 < paR && a1 > paL) {
isOnPath = true;
// If curve does not change in ordinate direction, windings will
// be added by adjacent curves.
return vPrev;
// Shift the point lying on the horizontal curves by half of the
// closest top and bottom intercepts.
yTop = (yTop + py) / 2;
yBottom = (yBottom + py) / 2;
if (yTop > -Infinity)
windLeft = getWinding(new Point(px, yTop), curves).winding;
if (yBottom < Infinity)
windRight = getWinding(new Point(px, yBottom), curves).winding;
var roots = [],
a = po === o0 ? a0
: po === o3 ? a3
: paL > max(a0, a1, a2, a3) || paR < min(a0, a1, a2, a3)
? (a0 + a3) / 2
: Curve.solveCubic(v, io, po, roots, 0, 1) === 1
? Curve.getPoint(v, roots[0])[dir ? 'y' : 'x']
: (a0 + a3) / 2;
var winding = o0 > o3 ? 1 : -1,
windingPrev = vPrev[io] > vPrev[io + 6] ? 1 : -1,
a3Prev = vPrev[ia + 6];
if (po !== o0) {
// Standard case, curve is crossed by not at its start point.
if (a < paL) {
pathWindingL += winding;
} else if (a > paR) {
pathWindingR += winding;
} else {
var xBefore = px - epsilon,
xAfter = px + epsilon,
// Separately count the windings for points on curves.
windLeftOnCurve = 0,
windRightOnCurve = 0,
isOnCurve = false;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
isOnPath = true;
pathWindingL += winding;
pathWindingR += winding;
} else if (winding !== windingPrev) {
// Curve is crossed at start point and winding changes from
// previous. Cancel winding contribution from previous curve.
if (a3Prev < paR) {
pathWindingL += winding;
if (a3Prev > paL) {
pathWindingR += winding;
} else if (a3Prev < paL && a > paL || a3Prev > paR && a < paR) {
// Point is on a horizontal curve between the previous non-
// horizontal and the current curve.
isOnPath = true;
if (a3Prev < paL) {
// left winding was added before, now add right winding.
pathWindingR += winding;
} else if (a3Prev > paR) {
// right winding was added before, not add left winding.
pathWindingL += winding;
return v;
function handleCurve(v) {
// Get the ordinates:
var o0 = v[io],
o1 = v[io + 2],
o2 = v[io + 4],
o3 = v[io + 6];
// Only handle curves that can cross the point's ordinate.
if (po <= max(o0, o1, o2, o3) && po >= min(o0, o1, o2, o3)) {
// Get the abscissas:
var a0 = v[ia],
a1 = v[ia + 2],
a2 = v[ia + 4],
a3 = v[ia + 6],
// Get monotone curves. If the curve is outside the point's
// abscissa, it can be treated as a monotone curve:
monoCurves = paL > max(a0, a1, a2, a3) ||
paR < min(a0, a1, a2, a3)
? [v] : Curve.getMonoCurves(v, dir);
for (var i = 0, l = monoCurves.length; i < l; i++) {
vPrev = addWinding(monoCurves[i]);
for (var i = 0, l = curves.length; i < l; i++) {
var curve = curves[i],
winding = curve.winding,
values = curve.values,
yStart = values[1],
yEnd = values[7];
// The first curve of a loop holds the last curve with non-zero
// winding. Retrieve and use it here (See _getMonoCurve()).
if (curve.last) {
// Get the end x coordinate and winding of the last
// non-horizontal curve, which will be the previous
// non-horizontal curve for the first curve in the loop.
prevWinding = curve.last.winding;
prevXEnd = curve.last.values[6];
// Reset the on curve flag for each loop.
isOnCurve = false;
path = curve._path,
v = curve.getValues();
if (i === 0 || curves[i - 1]._path !== path) {
// We're on a new (sub-)path, so we need to determine values of
// the last non-horizontal curve on this path.
vPrev = null;
// If the path is not closed, connect the end points with a
// straight curve, just like how filling open paths works.
if (!path._closed) {
var p1 = path.getLastCurve().getPoint2(),
p2 = curve.getPoint1(),
x1 = p1._x, y1 = p1._y,
x2 = p2._x, y2 = p2._y;
vClose = [x1, y1, x1, y1, x2, y2, x2, y2];
// This closing curve is a potential candidate for the last
// non-horizontal curve.
if (vClose[io] !== vClose[io + 6]) {
vPrev = vClose;
// Since the curves are monotonic in y direction, we can just
// compare the endpoints of the curve to determine if the ray
// from query point along +-x direction will intersect the
// monotonic curve.
if (py >= yStart && py <= yEnd || py >= yEnd && py <= yStart) {
if (winding) {
// Calculate the x value for the ray's intersection.
var x = py === yStart ? values[0]
: py === yEnd ? values[6]
: Curve.solveCubic(values, 1, py, roots, 0, 1) === 1
? Curve.getPoint(values, roots[0]).x
: null;
if (x != null) {
// Test if the point is on the current mono-curve.
if (x >= xBefore && x <= xAfter) {
isOnCurve = true;
} else if (
// Count the intersection of the ray with the
// monotonic curve if the crossing is not the
// start of the curve, except if the winding
// changes...
(py !== yStart || winding !== prevWinding)
// ...and the point is not on the curve or on
// the horizontal connection between the last
// non-horizontal curve's end point and the
// current curve's start point.
&& !(py === yStart
&& (px - x) * (px - prevXEnd) < 0)) {
if (x < xBefore) {
windLeft += winding;
} else if (x > xAfter) {
windRight += winding;
if (!vPrev) {
// Walk backwards through list of the path's curves until we
// find one that is not horizontal.
// Fall-back to the first curve's values if none is found:
vPrev = v;
var prev = path.getLastCurve();
while (prev && prev !== curve) {
var v2 = prev.getValues();
if (v2[io] !== v2[io + 6]) {
vPrev = v2;
prev = prev.getPrevious();
// Update previous winding and end coordinate whenever
// the ray intersects a non-horizontal curve.
prevWinding = winding;
prevXEnd = values[6];
// Test if the point is on the horizontal curve.
} else if ((px - values[0]) * (px - values[6]) <= 0) {
isOnCurve = true;
if (i + 1 === l || curves[i + 1]._path !== path) {
// We're at the last curve of the current (sub-)path. If a
// closing curve was calculated at the beginning of it, handle
// it now to treat the path as closed:
if (vClose) {
vClose = null;
if (!pathWindingL && !pathWindingR && isOnPath) {
// Use the on-path windings if no other intersections
// were found or if they canceled each other.
var add = path.isClockwise() ? 1 : -1;
// windingL += add;
// windingR -= add;
onPathWinding += add;
} else {
windingL += pathWindingL;
windingR += pathWindingR;
pathWindingL = pathWindingR = 0;
isOnPath = false;
// If we are at the end of a loop and the point was on a curve
// of the loop, we increment / decrement the on-curve winding
// numbers as if the point was inside the path.
if (isOnCurve && (i >= length - 1 || curves[i + 1].last)) {
windLeftOnCurve += 1;
windRightOnCurve -= 1;
// Use the on-curve windings if no other intersections were found or
// if they canceled each other. On single paths this ensures that
// the overall winding is 1 if the point was on a monotonic curve.
if (windLeft === 0 && windRight === 0) {
windLeft = windLeftOnCurve;
windRight = windRightOnCurve;
if (!windingL && !windingR) {
windingL = windingR = onPathWinding;
windingL = windingL && (2 - abs(windingL) % 2);
windingR = windingR && (2 - abs(windingR) % 2);
// Return both the calculated winding contribution, and also detect if
// we are on the contour of the area by comparing windLeft & windRight.
// we are on the contour of the area by comparing windingL and windingR.
// This is required when handling unite operations, where a winding
// contribution of 2 is not part of the result unless it's the contour:
return {
winding: Math.max(abs(windLeft), abs(windRight)),
contour: !windLeft ^ !windRight
winding: max(windingL, windingR),
contour: !windingL ^ !windingR
function propagateWinding(segment, path1, path2, monoCurves, operator) {
function propagateWinding(segment, path1, path2, curves, operator) {
// Here we try to determine the most likely winding number contribution
// for the curve-chain starting with this segment. Once we have enough
// confidence in the winding contribution, we can propagate it until the
@ -463,17 +548,20 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
parent = path._parent,
t = curve.getTimeAt(length),
pt = curve.getPointAtTime(t),
hor = Math.abs(curve.getTangentAtTime(t).y)
// Determine the direction in which to check the winding
// from the point (horizontal or vertical), based on the
// curve's direction at that point.
dir = abs(curve.getTangentAtTime(t).normalize().y) < 0.5
? 1 : 0;
if (parent instanceof CompoundPath)
path = parent;
// While subtracting, we need to omit this curve if it is
// contributing to the second operand and is outside the
// first operand.
winding = !(operator.subtract && path2 && (
path === path1 && path2._getWinding(pt, hor) ||
path === path2 && !path1._getWinding(pt, hor)))
? getWinding(pt, monoCurves, hor)
path === path1 && path2._getWinding(pt, dir) ||
path === path2 && !path1._getWinding(pt, dir)))
? getWinding(pt, curves, dir)
: { winding: 0 };
@ -545,6 +633,17 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
return null;
// Sort segments to give non-ambiguous segments the preference as
// starting points when tracing: prefer segments with no intersections
// over intersections, and process intersections with overlaps last:
segments.sort(function(a, b) {
var i1 = a._intersection,
i2 = b._intersection,
o1 = !!(i1 && i1._overlap),
o2 = !!(i2 && i2._overlap);
return !i1 && !i2 ? -1 : o1 ^ o2 ? o1 ? 1 : -1 : 0;
for (var i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
var path = null,
finished = false,
@ -579,8 +678,7 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
// contribution but are part of the contour (excludeContour=true).
// - Do not start in overlaps, unless all segments are part of
// overlaps, in which case we have no other choice.
if (!isValid(seg, true)
|| !seg._path._validOverlapsOnly && inter && inter._overlap)
if (!isValid(seg, true))
start = otherStart = null;
while (true) {
@ -657,7 +755,7 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
// location, but the winding calculation still produces a valid
// number due to their slight differences producing a tiny area.
var area = path.getArea(true);
if (Math.abs(area) >= /*#=*/Numerical.GEOMETRIC_EPSILON) {
if (abs(area) >= /*#=*/Numerical.GEOMETRIC_EPSILON) {
// This path wasn't finished and is hence invalid.
// Report the error to the console for the time being.
console.error('Boolean operation resulted in open path',
@ -682,17 +780,17 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
return /** @lends PathItem# */{
* Returns the winding contribution of the given point with respect to
* this PathItem.
* Returns the winding contribution number of the given point in respect
* to this PathItem.
* @param {Point} point the location for which to determine the winding
* direction
* @param {Boolean} horizontal whether we need to consider this point as
* part of a horizontal curve
* contribution
* @param {Number} [dir=0] the direction in which to determine the
* winding contribution, `0`: in x-direction, `1`: in y-direction
* @return {Number} the winding number
_getWinding: function(point, horizontal) {
return getWinding(point, this._getMonoCurves(), horizontal).winding;
_getWinding: function(point, dir) {
return getWinding(point, this.getCurves(), dir).winding;
@ -756,17 +854,13 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
* Resolves all crossings of a path item, first by splitting the path or
* compound-path in each self-intersection and tracing the result, then
* fixing the orientation of the resulting sub-paths by making sure that
* all sub-paths are of different winding direction than the first path,
* except for when individual sub-paths are disjoint, i.e. islands,
* which are reoriented so that:
* - The holes have opposite winding direction.
* - Islands have to have the same winding direction as the first child.
* Resolves all crossings of a path item by splitting the path or
* compound-path in each self-intersection and tracing the result.
* If possible, the existing path / compound-path is modified if the
* amount of resulting paths allows so, otherwise a new path /
* compound-path is created, replacing the current one.
* @return {PahtItem} the resulting path item
resolveCrossings: function() {
var children = this._children,
@ -783,8 +877,8 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
var hasOverlaps = false,
hasCrossings = false,
intersections = this.getIntersections(null, function(inter) {
return inter._overlap && (hasOverlaps = true)
|| inter.isCrossing() && (hasCrossings = true);
return inter._overlap && (hasOverlaps = true) ||
inter.isCrossing() && (hasCrossings = true);
intersections = CurveLocation.expand(intersections);
if (hasOverlaps) {
@ -834,72 +928,11 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
this.push.apply(this, path._segments);
}, []));
// By now, all paths are non-overlapping, but might be fully
// contained inside each other.
// Next we adjust their orientation based on on further checks:
// Determine how to return the paths: First try to recycle the
// current path / compound-path, if the amount of paths does not
// require a conversion.
var length = paths.length,
if (length > 1) {
// First order the paths by the area of their bounding boxes.
// Make a clone of paths as it may still be the children array.
paths = paths.slice().sort(function (a, b) {
return b.getBounds().getArea() - a.getBounds().getArea();
var first = paths[0],
items = [first],
excluded = {},
isNonZero = this.getFillRule() === 'nonzero',
windings = isNonZero && Base.each(paths, function(path) {
this.push(path.isClockwise() ? 1 : -1);
}, []);
// Walk through paths, from largest to smallest.
// The first, largest child can be skipped.
for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) {
var path = paths[i],
point = path.getInteriorPoint(),
isContained = false,
container = null,
exclude = false;
for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0 && !container; j--) {
// We run through the paths from largest to smallest,
// meaning that for any current path, all potentially
// containing paths have already been processed and
// their orientation has been fixed. Since we want to
// achieve alternating orientation of contained paths,
// all we have to do is to find one include path that
// contains the current path, and then set the
// orientation to the opposite of the containing path.
if (paths[j].contains(point)) {
if (isNonZero && !isContained) {
windings[i] += windings[j];
// Remove path if rule is nonzero and winding
// of path and containing path is not zero.
if (windings[i] && windings[j]) {
exclude = excluded[i] = true;
isContained = true;
// If the containing path is not excluded, we're
// done searching for the orientation defining path.
container = !excluded[j] && paths[j];
if (!exclude) {
// Set to the opposite orientation of containing path,
// or the same orientation as the first path if the path
// is not contained in any other path.
path.setClockwise(container ? !container.isClockwise()
: first.isClockwise());
// Replace paths with the processed items list:
paths = items;
length = items.length;
// First try to recycle the current path / compound-path, if the
// amount of paths do not require a conversion.
if (length > 1 && children) {
if (paths !== children) {
// TODO: Fix automatic child-orientation in CompoundPath,
@ -922,111 +955,79 @@ PathItem.inject(new function() {
return item;
Path.inject(/** @lends Path# */{
* Private method that returns and caches all the curves in this Path,
* which are monotonically decreasing or increasing in the y-direction.
* Used by getWinding().
* Fixes the orientation of the sub-paths of a compound-path, by first
* ordering them according to the area they cover, and then making sure
* that all sub-paths are of different winding direction than the first,
* biggest path, except for when individual sub-paths are disjoint,
* i.e. islands, which are reoriented so that:
* - The holes have opposite winding direction.
* - Islands have to have the same winding direction as the first child.
* @return {PahtItem} a reference to the item itself, reoriented
_getMonoCurves: function() {
var monoCurves = this._monoCurves,
// Insert curve values into a cached array
function insertCurve(v) {
var y0 = v[1],
y1 = v[7],
// Look at the slope of the line between the mono-curve's anchor
// points with some tolerance to decide if it is horizontal.
winding = Math.abs((y0 - y1) / (v[0] - v[6]))
< /*#=*/Numerical.GEOMETRIC_EPSILON
? 0 // Horizontal
: y0 > y1
? -1 // Decreasing
: 1, // Increasing
curve = { values: v, winding: winding };
// Keep track of the last non-horizontal curve (with winding).
if (winding)
last = curve;
// Handle bezier curves. We need to chop them into smaller curves with
// defined orientation, by solving the derivative curve for y extrema.
function handleCurve(v) {
// Filter out curves of zero length.
// TODO: Do not filter this here.
if (Curve.getLength(v) === 0)
var y0 = v[1],
y1 = v[3],
y2 = v[5],
y3 = v[7];
if (Curve.isStraight(v)
|| y0 >= y1 === y1 >= y2 && y1 >= y2 === y2 >= y3) {
// Straight curves and curves with end and control points sorted
// in y direction are guaranteed to be monotonic in y direction.
} else {
// Split the curve at y extrema, to get bezier curves with clear
// orientation: Calculate the derivative and find its roots.
var a = 3 * (y1 - y2) - y0 + y3,
b = 2 * (y0 + y2) - 4 * y1,
c = y1 - y0,
tMin = /*#=*/Numerical.CURVETIME_EPSILON,
tMax = 1 - tMin,
roots = [],
// Keep then range to 0 .. 1 (excluding) in the search for y
// extrema.
n = Numerical.solveQuadratic(a, b, c, roots, tMin, tMax);
if (n < 1) {
} else {
var t = roots[0],
parts = Curve.subdivide(v, t);
if (n > 1) {
// If there are two extrema, renormalize t to the range
// of the second range and split again.
t = (roots[1] - t) / (1 - t);
// Since we already processed parts[0], we can override
// the parts array with the new pair now.
parts = Curve.subdivide(parts[1], t);
reorient: function() {
var children = this._children;
if (children && children.length > 1) {
// First order the paths by their areas.
children = this.removeChildren().sort(function (a, b) {
return abs(b.getArea()) - abs(a.getArea());
var first = children[0],
paths = [first],
excluded = {},
isNonZero = this.getFillRule() === 'nonzero',
windings = isNonZero && Base.each(children, function(path) {
this.push(path.isClockwise() ? 1 : -1);
}, []);
// Walk through children, from largest to smallest.
// The first, largest child can be skipped.
for (var i = 1, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
var path = children[i],
point = path.getInteriorPoint(),
isContained = false,
container = null,
exclude = false;
for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0 && !container; j--) {
// We run through the paths from largest to smallest,
// meaning that for any current path, all potentially
// containing paths have already been processed and
// their orientation has been fixed. Since we want to
// achieve alternating orientation of contained paths,
// all we have to do is to find one include path that
// contains the current path, and then set the
// orientation to the opposite of the containing path.
if (children[j].contains(point)) {
if (isNonZero && !isContained) {
windings[i] += windings[j];
// Remove path if rule is nonzero and winding
// of path and containing path is not zero.
if (windings[i] && windings[j]) {
exclude = excluded[i] = true;
if (!monoCurves) {
// Insert curves that are monotonic in y direction into cached array
monoCurves = this._monoCurves = [];
var curves = this.getCurves(),
segments = this._segments;
for (var i = 0, l = curves.length; i < l; i++)
// If the path is not closed, we need to join the end points with a
// straight line, just like how filling open paths works.
if (!this._closed && segments.length > 1) {
var p1 = segments[segments.length - 1]._point,
p2 = segments[0]._point,
p1x = p1._x, p1y = p1._y,
p2x = p2._x, p2y = p2._y;
handleCurve([p1x, p1y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p2x, p2y]);
if (monoCurves.length > 0) {
// Add information about the last curve with non-zero winding,
// as required in getWinding().
monoCurves[0].last = last;
isContained = true;
// If the containing path is not excluded, we're
// done searching for the orientation defining path.
container = !excluded[j] && children[j];
return monoCurves;
if (!exclude) {
// Set to the opposite orientation of containing path,
// or the same orientation as the first path if the path
// is not contained in any other path.
path.setClockwise(container ? !container.isClockwise()
: first.isClockwise());
this.setChildren(paths, true); // Preserve orientation
return this;
@ -1040,42 +1041,47 @@ Path.inject(/** @lends Path# */{
point = bounds.getCenter(true);
if (!this.contains(point)) {
// Since there is no guarantee that a poly-bezier path contains
// the center of its bounding rectangle, we shoot a ray in
// +x direction from the center and select a point between
// consecutive intersections of the ray.
var curves = this._getMonoCurves(),
roots = [],
// the center of its bounding rectangle, we shoot a ray in x
// direction and select a point between the first consecutive
// intersections of the ray on the left.
var curves = this.getCurves(),
y = point.y,
intercepts = [];
intercepts = [],
roots = [];
// Process all y-monotone curves that intersect the ray at y:
for (var i = 0, l = curves.length; i < l; i++) {
var values = curves[i].values;
if (curves[i].winding === 1
&& y > values[1] && y <= values[7]
|| y >= values[7] && y < values[1]) {
var count = Curve.solveCubic(values, 1, y, roots, 0, 1);
for (var j = count - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
intercepts.push(Curve.getPoint(values, roots[j]).x);
var v = curves[i].getValues(),
o0 = v[1],
o1 = v[3],
o2 = v[5],
o3 = v[7];
if (y >= min(o0, o1, o2, o3) && y <= max(o0, o1, o2, o3)) {
var monos = Curve.getMonoCurves(v);
for (var j = 0, m = monos.length; j < m; j++) {
var mv = monos[j],
mo0 = mv[1],
mo3 = mv[7];
// Only handle curves that are not horizontal and
// that can cross the point's ordinate.
if ((mo0 !== mo3) &&
(y >= mo0 && y <= mo3 || y >= mo3 && y <= mo0)){
var x = y === mo0 ? mv[0]
: y === mo3 ? mv[6]
: Curve.solveCubic(mv, 1, y, roots, 0, 1)
=== 1
? Curve.getPoint(mv, roots[0]).x
: (mv[0] + mv[6]) / 2;
if (intercepts.length > 1) {
intercepts.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; });
point.x = (intercepts[0] + intercepts[1]) / 2;
return point;
CompoundPath.inject(/** @lends CompoundPath# */{
* Private method that returns all the curves in this CompoundPath, which
* are monotonically decreasing or increasing in the 'y' direction.
* Used by getWinding().
_getMonoCurves: function() {
var children = this._children,
monoCurves = [];
for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
monoCurves.push.apply(monoCurves, children[i]._getMonoCurves());
return monoCurves;
@ -146,21 +146,21 @@ var Numerical = new function() {
* The epsilon to be used when performing "geometric" checks, such as
* distances between points and lines.
GEOMETRIC_EPSILON: 2e-7, // NOTE: 1e-7 doesn't work in some edge-cases
* The epsilon to be used when performing winding contribution checks.
WINDING_EPSILON: 2e-7, // NOTE: 1e-7 doesn't work in some edge-cases
* The epsilon to be used when performing "trigonometric" checks, such
* as examining cross products to check for collinearity.
* The epsilon to be used when comparing curve-time parameters in the
* fat-line clipping code.
* Kappa is the value which which to scale the curve handles when
* drawing a circle with bezier curves.
@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ test('Path#contains() (straight curves with zero-winding: #943)', function() {
test('CompoundPath#contains() (nested touching circles: #944)', function() {
var c1 = new Path.Circle({
center: [200, 200],
@ -294,21 +295,22 @@ test('CompoundPath#contains() (nested touching circles: #944)', function() {
var cp = new CompoundPath([c1, c2]);
testPoint(cp, new Point(100, 200), true);
test('Path#contains() with Path#interiorPoint', function() {
var path = new paper.Path({
segments: [
[100, 100],
[150, 100],
[150, 180],
[200, 180],
[200, 100],
[250, 100],
[250, 200],
[100, 200]
closed: true
testPoint(path, path.interiorPoint, true,
'The path\'s interior point should actually be inside the path');
test('Path#contains() with Path#interiorPoint: #854, #1064', function() {
var paths = [
'M214.48881,363.27884c-0.0001,-0.00017 -0.0001,-0.00017 0,0z',
'M289.92236,384.04631c0.00002,0.00023 0.00002,0.00023 0,0z',
'M195.51448,280.25264c-0.00011,0.00013 -0.00011,0.00013 0,0z',
'M514.7818,183.0217c-0.00011,-0.00026 -0.00011,-0.00026 0,0z',
'M471.91288,478.44229c-0.00018,0.00022 -0.00018,0.00022 0,0z'
for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
var path = PathItem.create(paths[i]);
testPoint(path, path.interiorPoint, true, 'The path[' + i +
']\'s interior point should actually be inside the path');
@ -524,6 +524,19 @@ test('#968', function() {
'M352,280l0,64c0,0 -13.69105,1.79261 -31.82528,4.17778c-15.66463,-26.96617 31.82528,-89.12564 31.82528,-68.17778z');
test('#973', function() {
var path = new Path.Ellipse(100, 100, 150, 110);
path.segments[1].point.y += 60;
path.segments[3].point.y -= 60;
var resolved = path.resolveCrossings();
var orientation = resolved.children.map(function(child) {
return child.isClockwise();
equals(orientation, [true, false, true],
'children orientation after calling path.resolveCrossings()');
test('#1054', function() {
var p1 = new Path({
segments: [
@ -574,6 +587,38 @@ test('#1059', function() {
'M428.48409,189.03444c-21.46172,0 -42.92343,8.188 -59.29943,24.56401c-32.75202,32.75202 -32.75202,85.84686 0,118.59888l-160,0c0,0 -32.75202,-85.84686 0,-118.59888l0,0c16.37601,-16.37601 37.83772,-24.56401 59.29944,-24.56401z');
test('#1075', function() {
var p1 = new paper.Path({
segments: [
[150, 120],
[150, 85],
[178, 85],
[178, 110],
[315, 110],
[315, 85],
[342, 85],
[342, 120],
closed: true
var p2 = new paper.Path({
segments: [
[350, 60],
[350, 125],
[315, 125],
[315, 85],
[178, 85],
[178, 125],
[140, 125],
[140, 60]
closed: true
compareBoolean(function() { return p1.unite(p2); },
'M140,125l0,-65l210,0l0,65l-35,0l0,-5l-137,0l0,5z M315,85l-137,0l0,25l137,0z');
test('frame.intersect(rect);', function() {
var frame = new CompoundPath();
frame.addChild(new Path.Rectangle(new Point(140, 10), [100, 300]));
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