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826 lines
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826 lines
25 KiB
* Script:
* Fuel.js - Language definition engine for Lighter.js
* License:
* MIT-style license.
* Author:
* José Prado
* Copyright:
* Copyright (©) 2009 [Jose Prado](http://pradador.com/).
* Changelog:
* 2009/03/21 (1.0.0)
* - Initial Release
Fuel = Base.extend(Callback, {
options: {
matchType: 'standard',
strict: false
language: '',
defaultFlame: 'standard',
patterns: new Hash(),
keywords: new Hash(),
rules: new Hash(),
delimiters: new Hash({
start: null,
end: null
* Common Regex Rules
common: {
slashComments: /(?:^|[^\\])\/\/.*$/gm, // Matches a C style single-line comment.
poundComments: /#.*$/gm, // Matches a Perl style single-line comment.
multiComments: /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//gm, // Matches a C style multi-line comment.
aposStrings: /'[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'/gm, // Matches a string enclosed by single quotes.
quotedStrings: /"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"/gm, // Matches a string enclosed by double quotes.
strings: /'[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'|"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"/gm, // Matches both.
properties: /\.([\w]+)\s*/gi, // Matches a property: .property style.
methodCalls: /\.([\w]+)\s*\(/gm, // Matches a method call: .methodName() style.
functionCalls: /\b([\w]+)\s*\(/gm, // Matches a function call: functionName() style.
brackets: /\{|\}|\(|\)|\[|\]/g, // Matches any of the common brackets.
numbers: /\b((?:(\d+)?\.)?[0-9]+|0x[0-9A-F]+)\b/gi // Matches integers, decimals, hexadecimals.
* Fuel Constructor
initialize: function(lighter, flame, options, wicks) {
this.wicks = wicks || [];
// Set Lighter/Fuel/Flame relationship.
this.lighter = lighter;
this.flame = flame;
// Set builder object for matchType.
this.builder = new Hash({
'standard': this.findMatches,
'lazy': this.findMatchesLazy
// Add delimiter rules if not in strict mode
if (!options.strict) {
if (this.delimiters.start) this.addFuel('delimBeg', this.delimiters.start, 'de1');
if (this.delimiters.end) this.addFuel('delimEnd', this.delimiters.end, 'de2');
// Set Keyword Rules from this.keywords object.
this.keywords.each(function(keywordSet, ruleName) {
if (keywordSet.csv != '') {
this.addFuel(ruleName, this.csvToRegExp(keywordSet.csv, "g"), keywordSet.alias);
}, this);
// Set Rules from this.patterns object.
this.patterns.each(function(regex, ruleName) {
this.addFuel(ruleName, regex.pattern, regex.alias);
}, this);
/** Process source code based on match type. */
var codeBeg = 0,
codeEnd = lighter.code.length,
codeSeg = '',
delim = this.delimiters,
matches = [],
match = null,
endMatch = null;
if (!options.strict) {
// Find matches through the complete source code.
matches.append(this.builder[options.matchType].bind(this, lighter.code)());
} else if (delim.start && delim.end) {
// Find areas between language delimiters and find matches there.
while ((match = delim.start.exec(lighter.code)) != null ) {
delim.end.lastIndex = delim.start.lastIndex;
if ((endMatch = delim.end.exec(lighter.code)) != null ) {
matches.push(new Wick(match[0], 'de1', match.index));
codeBeg = delim.start.lastIndex;
codeEnd = endMatch.index-1;
codeSeg = lighter.code.substring(codeBeg, codeEnd);
matches.append(this.builder[options.matchType].bind(this, codeSeg, codeBeg)());
matches.push(new Wick(endMatch[0], 'de2', endMatch.index));
this.wicks = matches;
* Regex Helper methods.
addFuel: function(fuelName, RegEx, className) {
this.rules[fuelName] = RegEx;
this.flame.addAlias(fuelName, className);
csvToRegExp: function(csv, mod) {return new RegExp('\\b(' + csv.replace(/,\s*/g, '|') + ')\\b', mod);},
delimitedRegex: function(beg, esc, end, mod, suffix) {
beg = beg.escapeRegExp();
if (esc) esc = esc.escapeRegExp();
end = (end) ? end.escapeRegExp() : beg;
pat = (esc) ? beg+"[^"+end+esc+'\\n]*(?:'+esc+'.[^'+end+esc+'\\n]*)*'+end : beg+"[^"+end+'\\n]*'+end;
return new RegExp(pat+(suffix || ''), mod || '');
strictRegex: function() {
var regex = '(';
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
regex += arguments[i].escapeRegExp();
regex += (i < arguments.length - 1) ? '|' : '';
regex += ')';
return new RegExp(regex, "gim");
* Match finding Methods
findMatches: function(code, offset) {
var wicks = [],
startIndex = 0,
matchIndex = code.length
insertIndex = 0,
match = null,
type = null,
newWick = null,
rule = null,
rules = {},
currentMatch = null,
futureMatch = null;
offset = (offset) ? offset : 0;
this.rules.each(function(regex, rule) {
rules[rule] = {pattern: regex, enabled: true, lastIndex: 0};
}, this);
while(startIndex < code.length) {
matchIndex = code.length;
match = null;
for (rule in rules) {
rules[rule].pattern.lastIndex = startIndex;
currentMatch = rules[rule].pattern.exec(code);
if (currentMatch === null) {
delete rules[rule];
} else {
if (currentMatch.index < matchIndex) {
match = currentMatch;
type = rule;
matchIndex = currentMatch.index;
} else if (currentMatch.index == matchIndex && match[0].length < currentMatch[0].length) {
match = currentMatch;
type = rule;
matchIndex = currentMatch.index;
rules[rule].nextIndex = rules[rule].pattern.lastIndex - currentMatch[0].length;
if (match != null) {
index = (match[1] && match[0].contains(match[1])) ? match.index + match[0].indexOf(match[1]) : match.index;
newWick = new Wick(match[1] || match[0], type, index+offset);
futureMatch = rules[type].pattern.exec(code);
if (!futureMatch) {
rules[type].nextIndex = code.length;
} else {
rules[type].nextIndex = rules[type].pattern.lastIndex - futureMatch[0].length;
var min = code.length;
for (rule in rules) {
if (rules[rule].nextIndex < min) {
min = rules[rule].nextIndex;
startIndex = Math.max(min, newWick.end - offset);
} else {
return wicks;
findMatchesLazy: function(code, offset) {
var wicks = this.wicks,
match = null
index = 0;
offset = (offset) ? offset : 0;
this.rules.each(function(regex, rule) {
while ((match = regex.exec(code)) != null) {
index = (match[1] && match[0].contains(match[1])) ? match.index + match[0].indexOf(match[1]) : match.index;
wicks.push(new Wick(match[1] || match[0], rule, index + offset));
}, this);
return this.purgeWicks(wicks);
purgeWicks: function(wicks) {
wicks = wicks.sort(this.compareWicks);
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < wicks.length; i++) {
if (wicks[i] == null) continue;
for (j = i+1; j < wicks.length && wicks[i] != null; j++) {
if (wicks[j] == null) {continue;}
else if (wicks[j].isBeyond(wicks[i])) {break;}
else if (wicks[j].overlaps(wicks[i])) {wicks[i] = null;}
else if (wicks[i].contains(wicks[j])) {wicks[j] = null;}
return wicks.compact();
compareWicks: function(wick1, wick2) {return wick1.index - wick2.index;}
Fuel.standard = Fuel.extend({initialize: function(lighter, flame, options, wicks) {this.base(lighter, flame, options, wicks);}});
var Wick = Base.extend({
initialize: function(match, type, index) {
this.text = match;
this.type = type;
this.index = index;
this.length = this.text.length;
this.end = this.index + this.length;
contains: function(wick) {return (wick.index >= this.index && wick.index < this.end);},
isBeyond: function(wick) {return (this.index >= wick.end);},
overlaps: function(wick) {return (this.index == wick.index && this.length > wick.length);},
toString: function() {return this.index+' - '+this.text+' - '+this.end;}
* Script:
* Flame.js - Theme Engine for Lighter.js
* License:
* MIT-style license.
* Author:
* José Prado
* Copyright:
* Copyright (©) 2009 [Jose Prado](http://pradador.com/).
* Changelog:
* 2009/03/21 (1.0.0)
* - Initial Release
Flame = Base.extend(Callback, {
shortName: 'lt',
aliases: new Hash(),
containers: new Hash(),
common: new Hash(),
layout: new Hash(),
styles: new Hash(),
defaultStyles: new Hash({
de1: new Hash({}), // Beginning delimiter
de2: new Hash({}), // End delimiter
kw1: new Hash({'color': '#1b609a'}), // Keywords 1
kw2: new Hash({'color': '#9a6f1b'}), // Keywords 2
kw3: new Hash({'color': '#784e0c'}), // Keywords 3
co1: new Hash({'color': '#888888'}), // Comments 1
co2: new Hash({'color': '#888888'}), // Comments 2
st0: new Hash({'color': '#489a1b'}), // Strings 1
st1: new Hash({'color': '#70483d'}), // Strings 2
st2: new Hash({'color': '#70483d'}), // Strings 3
nu0: new Hash({'color': '#70483d'}), // Numbers
me0: new Hash({'color': '#666666'}), // Methods and Functions
br0: new Hash({'color': '#444444'}), // Brackets
sy0: new Hash({'color': '#444444'}), // Symbols
es0: new Hash({'color': '#444444'}), // Escape characters
re0: new Hash({'color': '#784e0c'}) // Regular Expressions
defaultCommon: new Hash({
'font-family': 'Monaco, Courier, Monospace',
'font-size': '10px',
'overflow': 'auto',
'white-space': 'pre-wrap',
'word-wrap': 'break-word'
layout: new Hash({
'numColor': new Hash({'background-color': '#f2f2f2'}),
'lineColor': new Hash({'background-color': '#fff'}),
'numStyles': new Hash({
'color': '#939393',
'font-size': '10px',
'list-style': 'decimal-leading-zero'
'lineStyles': new Hash({
'border-top': '1px solid #fff',
'border-bottom': '1px solid #fff',
'border-left': '1px solid #939393',
'padding': '0 3px 0 10px'
'alt': new Hash({
'border-top': '1px solid #eee',
'border-bottom': '1px solid #eee',
'background-color': '#F4F8FC'
'top': new Hash({'padding-top': '5px'}),
'right': new Hash({'padding-right': '5px'}),
'bottom': new Hash({'padding-bottom': '5px'}),
'left': new Hash({'padding-left': '15px'}),
'codeStyles': new Hash({
'color': 'black',
'font-size': '10px'
fixes: new Hash({
'div': new Hash({
'div': new Hash({
'clear': 'left',
'overflow': 'auto'
'num': new Hash({
'display': 'block',
'float': 'left',
'text-align': 'center',
'width': '30px'
'line': new Hash({
'display': 'block',
'margin-left': '30px'
'table': new Hash({
'num': new Hash({
'text-align': 'center',
'width': '30px'
'ol': new Hash({
'ol': new Hash({
'margin-left': '0',
'padding-left': '0'
'li': new Hash({
'margin-left': '40px'
initialize: function(lighter, fuel) {
// Setup Lighter/Fuel/Flame trio.
this.lighter = lighter;
this.fuel = fuel;
// Map general styles to their aliases.
this.defaultStyles.each(function(style, key) {
}, this);
// Insert stylesheet if in jsStyles mode
if (this.lighter.options.jsStyles && !$('style#lighter_' + this.lighter.options.mode)) this.injectTag();
addAlias: function(key, alias) {this.aliases[key] = alias || key;},
injectTag: function() {
var type = this.lighter.options.mode,
pfx = type+'.'+this.shortName+this.lighter.name,
pfx2 = pfx+' .'+this.shortName,
numCSS = this.layout['numStyles'].merge(this.layout.numColor),
lineCSS = this.layout['lineStyles'].merge(this.layout.lineColor),
padCSS = this.layout.left.merge(this.layout.right);
this.styleTag = new HtmlElement("style").setProperty('type','text/css').setProperty('id', 'lighter_' + this.lighter.options.mode).insertInside(DomElement.get('head'));
// General white-space/font styles.
this.addCSS(pfx, this.common);
this.addCSS(pfx, new Hash({'white-space': '-moz-pre-wrap'}));
this.addCSS(pfx, new Hash({'white-space': '-pre-wrap'}));
this.addCSS(pfx, new Hash({'white-space': '-o-pre-wrap'}));
// Case specific styles for a common general style.
switch (type) {
case "pre":
padCSS = padCSS.merge(this.layout.top).merge(this.layout.bottom);
this.addCSS(pfx, this.layout.lineColor.merge(padCSS));
this.addCSS(pfx+' span', this.layout['codeStyles']);
case "ol":
this.addCSS(pfx, numCSS.merge(this.fixes['ol']['ol']));
this.addCSS(pfx+' li', lineCSS.merge(padCSS).merge(this.fixes['ol']['li']));
this.addCSS(pfx2+'first', this.layout['top']);
this.addCSS(pfx2+'last', this.layout['bottom']);
this.addCSS(pfx+' .alt', this.layout['alt']);
this.addCSS(pfx+' span', this.layout['codeStyles']);
case "div":
numCSS = numCSS.merge(this.fixes.div.num),
lineCSS = lineCSS.merge(this.fixes.div.line);
this.addCSS(pfx2+'num', numCSS);
this.addCSS(pfx2+'line', lineCSS.merge(padCSS));
this.addCSS(pfx+' div', this.fixes['div']['div'].merge(this.layout.numColor));
this.addCSS(pfx2+'first', this.layout['top']);
this.addCSS(pfx2+'last', this.layout['bottom']);
this.addCSS(pfx+' .alt', this.layout['alt']);
this.addCSS(pfx+' span', this.layout['codeStyles']);
case "table":
numCSS = numCSS.merge(this.fixes['table']['num']);
this.addCSS(pfx2+'num', numCSS);
this.addCSS(pfx2+'line', lineCSS.merge(padCSS));
this.addCSS(pfx2+'first', this.layout['top']);
this.addCSS(pfx2+'last', this.layout['bottom']);
this.addCSS(pfx+' .alt', this.layout['alt']);
this.addCSS(pfx+' span', this.layout['codeStyles']);
this.styles.each(function(stylesHash, styleName) {
this.addCSS(pfx+' .'+styleName, stylesHash);
}, this);
/** Code from horseweapon @ http://forum.mootools.net/viewtopic.php?id=6635 */
addCSS: function(styleName, stylesHash) {
//Create the CSS rule
var newStyle = "\n" + styleName + " {\n";
if (stylesHash) {
stylesHash.each(function(value, attribute) {
newStyle += "\t" + attribute + ": " + value + ";\n";
newStyle += "}\n";
// Insert into Flame's styleTag.
if (browserTrident()) {
this.styleTag.$.styleSheet.cssText += newStyle;
} else {
Flame.standard = Flame.extend({initialize: function(lighter, fuel) {this.base(lighter, fuel);}});
* Script:
* Flame.js - Syntax Highlighter written in MooTools.
* License:
* MIT-style license.
* Author:
* José Prado
* Copyright:
* Copyright (©) 2009 [Jose Prado](http://pradador.com/).
* Changelog:
* 2009/03/21 (1.0.0)
* - Initial Release
var $time = Date.now || function(){
return +new Date;
function browserTrident(){
return (!window.ActiveXObject) ? false : ((window.XMLHttpRequest) ? 5 : 4);
Lighter = Base.extend(Callback, {
name: 'Lighter',
options: {
altLines: '', // Pseudo-selector enabled.
container: null,
editable: false,
flame: 'standard',
fuel: 'standard',
id: null,
indent: -1,
jsStyles: true,
matchType: "standard",
mode: "pre",
path: "./",
strict: false
* Lighter Initialization
initialize: function(codeblock, options) {
options = this.options;
this.id = options.id || this.name + '_' + $time();
this.codeblock = $(codeblock)
this.code = codeblock.get('html').chop().replace(/</gim, '<').replace(/>/gim, '>').replace(/&/gim, '&');
this.container = $(this.options.container);
// Indent code if user option is set.
if (options.indent > -1) this.code = this.code.tabToSpaces(options.indent);
// Set builder options.
this.builder = new Hash({
'pre': this.createLighter.bind(this),
'ol': this.createLighterWithLines.bind(this, ['ol'], ['li']),
'div': this.createLighterWithLines.bind(this, ['div'], ['div', 'span'], true, 'span'),
'table': this.createLighterWithLines.bind(this, ['table', 'tbody'], ['tr', 'td'], true, 'td')
// Extract fuel/flame names. Precedence: className > options > standard.
var ff = this.codeblock.get('class').split(':');
if (!ff[0]) ff[0] = this.options.fuel;
if (!ff[1]) ff[1] = this.options.flame;
// Load flame to start chain of loads.
loadFlameSrc: function(ff) {
if (!$check(Flame[ff[1]])) {
var flameScript = Asset.script(this.options.path+'Flames/Flame.'+ff[1]+'.js', {
onLoad: function() {
onError: function() {
ff[1] = 'standard';
} else {
loadFlame: function(ff) {
this.flame = new Flame[ff[1]](this);
loadFuelSrc: function(ff) {
if (!$check(Fuel[ff[0]])) {
var fuelScript = Asset.script(this.options.path+'Fuels/Fuel.'+ff[0]+'.js', {
onLoad: function() {
onError: function() {
ff[0] = 'standard';
} else {
loadFuel: function(ff) {
this.fuel = new Fuel[ff[0]](this, this.flame, {
matchType: this.options.matchType,
strict: this.options.strict
light: function() {
// Build highlighted code object.
this.element = this.toElement();
// Insert lighter in the right spot.
if (this.container) {
} else {
this.codeblock.setStyle('display', 'none');
* Lighter creation methods
createLighter: function() {
var lighter = new HtmlElement('pre', {'class': this.flame.shortName + this.name}),
pointer = 0;
// If no matches were found, insert code plain text.
if (this.fuel.wicks[0] == undefined) {
} else {
this.fuel.wicks.each(function(match) {
lighter.appendText(this.code.substring(pointer, match.index));
this.insertAndKeepEl(lighter, match.text, match.type);
pointer = match.index + match.text.length;
}, this);
// Add last unmatched code segment if it exists.
if (pointer < this.code.length) {
lighter.appendText(this.code.substring(pointer, this.code.length));
//lighter.set('text', lighter.get('html'));
return lighter;
createLighterWithLines: function(parent, child, addLines, lineType) {
var lighter = new HtmlElement(parent[0], {'class': this.flame.shortName + this.name, 'id': this.id}),
newLine = new HtmlElement(child[0]),
lineNum = 1,
pointer = 0,
text = null;
if (parent[0] == "table") lighter.set("cellpadding", 0).set("cellspacing", 0).set("border", 0);
if (parent[1]) lighter = new HtmlElement(parent[1]).insertInside(lighter);
if (child[1]) newLine = new HtmlElement(child[1]).insertInside(newLine);
newLine.addClass(this.flame.shortName + 'line');
if (addLines) lineNum = this.insertLineNum(newLine, lineNum, lineType);
this.fuel.wicks.each(function(match) {
// Create and insert un-matched source code bits.
if (pointer != match.index) {
text = this.code.substring(pointer, match.index).split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
if (i < text.length - 1) {
if (text[i] == '') text[i] = ' ';
newLine = this.insertAndMakeEl(newLine, lighter, text[i], child);
if (addLines) lineNum = this.insertLineNum(newLine, lineNum, lineType);
} else {
this.insertAndKeepEl(newLine, text[i]);
// Create and insert matched symbol.
text = match.text.split('\n');
for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
if (i < text.length - 1) {
newLine = this.insertAndMakeEl(newLine, lighter, text[i], child, match.type);
if (addLines) lineNum = this.insertLineNum(newLine, lineNum, lineType);
} else {
this.insertAndKeepEl(newLine, text[i], match.type);
pointer = match.end;
}, this);
// Add last unmatched code segment if it exists.
if (pointer <= this.code.length) {
text = this.code.substring(pointer, this.code.length).split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
newLine = this.insertAndMakeEl(newLine, lighter, text[i], child);
if (addLines) lineNum = this.insertLineNum(newLine, lineNum, lineType);
// Add alternate line styles based on pseudo-selector.
if (this.options.altLines !== '') {
if (this.options.altLines == 'hover') {
'mouseover': function() {this.toggleClass('alt');},
'mouseout': function() {this.toggleClass('alt');}
} else {
if (child[1]) {
} else {
// Add first/last line classes based on mode.
if (child[1]) {
} else {
if (parent[1]) lighter = lighter.getParent();
return lighter;
/** Helper function to insert new code segment into existing line. */
insertAndKeepEl: function(el, text, alias) {
if (text.length > 0) {
var span = new HtmlElement('span');
span.set('text', text);
if (alias) {span.addClass(this.flame.aliases[alias]);}
/** Helper function to insert new code segment into existing line and create new line. */
insertAndMakeEl: function(el, group, text, child, alias) {
this.insertAndKeepEl(el, text, alias);
if (child[1]) el = el.getParent();
var newLine = new HtmlElement(child[0]);
if (child[1]) newLine = new HtmlElement(child[1]).insertInside(newLine);
return newLine;
/** Helper funciton to insert line number into line. */
insertLineNum: function(el, lineNum, lineType) {
var newNum = new HtmlElement(lineType, {
'text': lineNum++,
'class': this.flame.shortName+ 'num'
return lineNum;
* Element Methods
toElement: function() {
if (!this.element) {
this.element = this.builder[this.options.mode]();
if (this.options.editable) {this.element.set('contenteditable', 'true');}
return this.element;
replaces: function(element){
element = $(element, true);
element.parentNode.replaceChild(this.toElement(), element);
return this;
/** Element Native extensions */
light: function(options) {
return new Lighter(this, options);
/** String Native extensions */
chop: function() {return this.replace(/(^\s*\n|\n\s*$)/gi, '');},
tabToSpaces: function(spaces) {
for (var i = 0, indent = ''; i < spaces; i++) {indent += ' ';}
return this.replace(/\t/g, indent);
* Script:
* Fuel.js.js - JavaScript language file for Lighter.js
* License:
* MIT-style license.
* Author:
* José Prado
* Copyright:
* Copyright (©) 2009 [Jose Prado](http://pradador.com/).
* Changelog:
* 2009/03/21 (1.0.0)
* - Initial Release
Fuel.js = Fuel.extend({
language: 'js',
initialize: function(lighter, flame, options) {
// Keywords Rule Set
this.keywords = new Hash({
commonKeywords: {
csv: "as, break, case, catch, continue, delete, do, else, eval, finally, for, if, in, is, instanceof, return, switch, this, throw, try, typeof, void, while, write, with",
alias: 'kw1'
langKeywords: {
csv: "class, const, default, debugger, export, extends, false, function, import, namespace, new, null, package, private, protected, public, super, true, use, var",
alias: 'kw2'
windowKeywords: {
csv: "alert, back, blur, close, confirm, focus, forward, home, navigate, onblur, onerror, onfocus, onload, onmove, onresize, onunload, open, print, prompt, scroll, status, stop",
alias: 'kw3'
// RegEx Rule Set
this.patterns = new Hash({
'slashComments': {pattern: this.common.slashComments, alias: 'co1'},
'multiComments': {pattern: this.common.multiComments, alias: 'co2'},
'strings': {pattern: this.common.strings, alias: 'st0'},
'methodCalls': {pattern: this.common.properties, alias: 'me0'},
'brackets': {pattern: this.common.brackets, alias: 'br0'},
'numbers': {pattern: /\b((([0-9]+)?\.)?[0-9_]+([e][-+]?[0-9]+)?|0x[A-F0-9]+)\b/gi, alias: 'nu0'},
'regex': {pattern: this.delimitedRegex("/", "\\", "/", "g", "[gimy]*"), alias: 're0'},
'symbols': {pattern: /\+|-|\*|\/|%|!|@|&|\||\^|\<|\>|=|,|\.|;|\?|:/g, alias: 'sy0'}
// Delimiters
this.delimiters = new Hash({
start: this.strictRegex('<script type="text/javascript">', '<script language="javascript">'),
end: this.strictRegex('</script>')
this.base(lighter, flame, options);