2011-08-13 12:26:43 -04:00
var fs = require('fs'),
vm = require('vm'),
path = require('path');
// Create the context within which we will run the source files:
var context = vm.createContext({
2011-08-10 15:02:32 -04:00
options: {
server: true,
version: 'dev'
2011-08-13 12:26:43 -04:00
// Node Canvas library: https://github.com/learnboost/node-canvas
2011-08-10 15:02:32 -04:00
Canvas: require('canvas'),
2011-08-13 12:26:43 -04:00
// Copy over global variables:
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console: console,
require: require,
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__dirname: __dirname,
__filename: __filename,
// Used to load and run source files within the same context:
2011-08-10 15:02:32 -04:00
include: function(uri) {
2011-08-13 12:26:43 -04:00
var source = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, uri), 'utf8');
// For relative includes, we save the current directory and then
// add the uri directory to __dirname:
2011-08-10 15:02:32 -04:00
var oldDirname = __dirname;
2011-08-13 12:26:43 -04:00
__dirname = path.resolve(__dirname, path.dirname(uri));
vm.runInContext(source, context, uri);
2011-08-10 15:02:32 -04:00
__dirname = oldDirname;
context.Base.each(context, function(val, key) {
if (val && val.prototype instanceof context.Base) {
val._name = key;
// Export all classes through PaperScope:
context.PaperScope.prototype[key] = val;
context.PaperScope.prototype['Canvas'] = context.Canvas;
2011-08-13 12:26:43 -04:00
require.extensions['.pjs'] = function(module, uri) {
var source = context.PaperScript.compile(fs.readFileSync(uri, 'utf8'));
var envVars = 'var __dirname = \'' + path.dirname(uri) + '\';' +
'var __filename = \'' + uri + '\';';
vm.runInContext(envVars, context);
var scope = new context.PaperScope();
context.PaperScript.evaluate(source, scope);
module.exports = scope;
2011-08-10 15:02:32 -04:00
module.exports = new context.PaperScope();