Squashed commit of the following:

commit 97486ba2fe
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Mar 7 01:12:50 2012 +0200

    Bumped version to 0.3

commit 764ca1522f
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Mar 7 01:05:04 2012 +0200

    Readme updates

commit 2efa95b85c
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 6 23:28:12 2012 +0200

    Experimental requireGestureToFail API implemented

commit 4e02d4ae63
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 6 23:27:39 2012 +0200

    Reformat condition

commit 7cdec34be4
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 6 23:17:23 2012 +0200

    Swipe gesture algorithm rewritten for better recognition and failing

commit 9edcd04878
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 6 12:00:38 2012 +0200

    Tiny cleanup

commit b922057845
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 6 01:22:42 2012 +0200

    New gesture for free transformation

    more precise and performant then combination of 3

commit 5f28227c75
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 6 01:12:46 2012 +0200

    Using custom GestureEvent and TransformGestureEvent from now on

commit 06df91ce04
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 6 00:52:50 2012 +0200

    Custom GestureEvent and TransformGestureEvent

    because native one have useless phase and stupid constants

commit 398e41f610
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 6 00:51:25 2012 +0200

    TouchesManager should not clone touches

    because they must persist during touch session. also good for performance.

commit 49b1139b4f
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 6 00:50:34 2012 +0200

    Touch properties update

commit 242966790a
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Mar 3 17:41:29 2012 +0200

    New gesture state

commit 4d5bef0252
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 2 20:33:16 2012 +0200

    Touch properties updates (and corresponding gestures fixes)

commit b56107e059
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Mar 1 23:56:45 2012 +0200

    Minor cleanup for Gesture class

commit 51e8435b2d
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Mar 1 18:12:35 2012 +0200

    Input adapters initialization and disposing

commit 895e662bd5
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Feb 29 22:20:09 2012 +0200

    Minor performance fix for SwipeGesture

commit 3dcc78c267
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Feb 29 13:54:59 2012 +0200

    Added direction for PanGesture

commit 09dc1ddfc4
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 21 20:14:13 2012 +0200

    Touch#time fix (affects SwipeGesture)

commit 0532f4bfbb
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Feb 20 17:43:43 2012 +0200

    Moved some IGesturesManager methods under gestouch_internal namespace

commit 3ba8a3df86
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Feb 17 17:53:15 2012 +0200

    Put back automatic input adapter initialization

commit 6d8b733d51
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Feb 3 15:57:11 2012 +0200

    Moved input logic out to separate classes

commit ad767a4937
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Feb 2 16:57:16 2012 +0200

    Bugfix for mouse/finger release out of stage

commit 47f2f848e4
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 30 18:26:16 2011 +0200

    Optimized event dispatching

commit 3e1b5948b2
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 30 16:47:52 2011 +0200

    Small optimization for PanGesture

commit d950550d16
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 30 03:19:56 2011 +0200

    Catch all the Touch/Mouse events in capture phase

    GesturesManager now captures TOUCH_BEGIN or MOUSE_DOWN from the stage in capture phase to be able to prevent their propagation at the target without affecting the gesture regoznition.

commit 9d9fcd20ba
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Nov 22 10:40:42 2011 +0200

    Fix central point calculation for more precise transformations

commit a036db1aef
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Nov 22 02:54:11 2011 +0200

    Initial commit for the new architecture

commit 9144538e46
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Nov 1 14:10:05 2011 +0200

    Added Gesture#enabled property

commit d3ddb825b5
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 25 15:19:05 2011 +0300

    Fix condition for dispatching GestureTrackingEvent.GESTURE_TRACKING_END

commit fbc4ab7422
Merge: dc489ba e508862
Author: Pavel fljot <pavel.fljot@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 25 13:47:51 2011 +0300

    Merge branch 'refs/heads/master' into develop
This commit is contained in:
Pavel fljot 2012-03-07 01:20:58 +02:00
parent e508862f42
commit 99278b8ae0
45 changed files with 2827 additions and 2055 deletions

View file

@ -1,56 +1,109 @@
h2. Gestouch: NUI gestures detection framework for mouse, touch and multitouch AS3 development. h1. Gestouch: NUI gestures detection framework for mouse, touch and multitouch AS3 development.
Gestouch is a very basic framework that helps you to detect gestures when you develop NUI (Natural User Interface). Gestouch is a ActionScript library/framework that helps you to deal with single- and multitouch gestures for building better NUI (Natural User Interface).
Last versions of Flash Player and AIR have built-in touch and multitouch support, but the gestures support is quite poor: only small set of gestures are supported, they depend on OS, they are not customizable, only one can be processed at the same time and, finally, you are forced to use either raw TouchEvents, or gestures (@see http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/ui/Multitouch.html#inputMode).
This framework is aimed to simplify the process of detecting raw TouchEvents and processing them into a specific gesture(s). There are several built-in common gestures, but you are welcome write your own.
h3. Why? There's already gesture support in Flash/AIR!
Yes, last versions of Flash Player and AIR runtimes have built-in touch and multitouch support, but the gestures support is very poor: only small set of gestures are supported, they depend on OS, they are not customizable in any way, only one can be processed at the same time and, finally, you are forced to use either raw TouchEvents, or gestures (@see http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/ui/Multitouch.html#inputMode).
_Upd:_ With "native way" you also won't get anything out of Stage3D and of custom input like TUIO protocol.
h3. What Gestouch does in short?
Well basically there's 3 distinctive tasks to solve.
# To provide various input. It can be standard MouseEvents, TouchEvents or more complex things like custom input via TUIO protocol for your hand-made installation. So what we get here is Touches (touch points).
# To recognize gesture out of touch points. Each type of Gesture has it's own inner algorithms that ...
# To manage gestures relations. Because they may "overlap" and once some has been recognized probably we don't want other to do so.
Gestouch solves these 3 tasks.
I was hardly inspired by Apple team, how they solved this (quite recently to my big surprise! I thought they had it right from the beginning) in they Cocoa-touch UIKit framework. Gestouch is very similar in many ways. But I wouldn't call it "direct port" because 1) the whole architecture was implemented based just on conference videos and user documentation 2) flash platform is a different platform with own specialization, needs, etc.
So I want Gestouch to go far beyond that.
Features: Features:
* Pretty neat architecture! Very similar to Apple's UIGestureRecognizers (Cocoa-Touch UIKit)
* Doesn't require any additional software (may use runtime's build-in touch support)
* Works across all platforms (where Flash Player or AIR run of course) in exactly same way
* Doesn't break your DisplayList architecture (could be easily used for Flex development)
* Extendable. You can write your own application-specific gestures
* Open-source and free
* *_+Planning to make it work with Stage3D. Hello Starling!+_*
h3. Current state of the project
v0.3 introduces "new architecture". I'm planning to develop everything in develop branch and merge to master only release versions. Release versions suppose to be pretty stable. As much as I test them on the examples project.
Current plan is to fix possible bugs in v0.3.#, and I really want to introduce Stage3D support in v0.4. So watch both branches.
And I hope people to become giving some real feedback at least.
* Doesn't require any additional software (uses runtimes build-in touch support);
* Doesn't break your DisplayList architecture (doesn't require any wrappers, so could be easily used for Flex development);
* Basically allows you to write multi-user interfaces;
* Extendable. You can write your own application-specific gestures;
* Open-source and easy to use.
h3. Getting Started h3. Getting Started
* "Introduction video":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjkmB8rfQjY Like so:
* "Disclaimer and Architecture Overview":http://github.com/fljot/Gestouch/wiki/Overview <pre><code>var doubleTap:TapGesture = new TapGesture(myButton);
* "Usage":http://github.com/fljot/Gestouch/wiki/Usage doubleTap.numTapsRequired = 2;
doubleTap.addEventListener(TapGestureEvent.GESTURE_TAP, onDoubleTap);
private function onDoubleTap(event:TapGestureEvent):void
// handle double tap!
<pre><code>var freeTransform:TransformGesture = new TransformGesture(myImage);
freeTransform.addEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_TRANSFORM, onFreeTransform);
private function onFreeTransform(event:TransformGestureEvent):void
// move, rotate, scale — all at once for better performance!
* Check the "Gestouch Examples":http://github.com/fljot/GestouchExamples project for a quick jump-in
* *+Highly recommended+* to watch videos from Apple WWDC conferences as they explain all the concepts and show more or less real-life examples. @see links below
* "Introduction video":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjkmB8rfQjY - my first video, currently outdated
* TODO: wiki
h3. Code
* "Gestouch Framework":http://github.com/fljot/Gestouch
* "Gestouch Examples":http://github.com/fljot/GestouchExamples
h3. Roadmap, TODOs h3. Roadmap, TODOs
* Simulator (for testing multitouch gestures without special devices) * *Stage3D support.* Hello Starling! Must move away from target as InteractiveObject to some abstract adapters.
* Chained gestures concept / behaviors. * "Massive gestures" & Clusters. For bigger form-factor multitouch usage, when gestures must be a bit less about separate fingers but rather touch clusters (massive multitouch)
* -Simulator (for testing multitouch gestures without special devices)- With new architecture it must be relatively easy to create SimulatorInputAdapter
* Chained gestures concept? To transfer touches from one gesture to another. Example: press/hold for circular menu, then drag it around.
* 3-fingers (3D) gestures (two fingers still, one moving) * 3-fingers (3D) gestures (two fingers still, one moving)
h3. News
* "Follow me on Twitter":http://twitter.com/fljot for latest updates
* Don't forget about "issues":https://github.com/fljot/Gestouch/issues section as good platform for discussions.
h3. Contribution, Donations h3. Contribution, Donations
Contribute, share. Found it useful, nothing to add? Hire me for some project. Contribute, share. Found it useful, nothing to add? Hire me for some project.
h3. News:
* "Follow me on Twitter":http://twitter.com/fljot for latest updates h3. Links
* "Gestouch Examples":http://github.com/fljot/GestouchExamples
h3. Other Resources * "Apple WWDC 2011: Making the Most of Multi-Touch on iOS":https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2011/?id=118
* "Apple WWDC 2010: Simplifying Touch Event Handling with Gesture Recognizers":https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2010/?id=120
* "Apple WWDC 2010: Advanced Gesture Recognition":https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2010/?id=121
* "Event Handling Guide for iOS":https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/EventHandling/Conceptual/EventHandlingiPhoneOS/
* "UIGestureRecognizer Class Reference":https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIGestureRecognizer_Class/
* "GestureWorks":http://www.gestureworks.com
* "TUIO":http://www.tuio.org * "TUIO":http://www.tuio.org
* "Google: Flash + Multitouch":http://www.google.com/search?q=flash+multitouch
h2. License h2. License

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
package org.gestouch
public class Direction
public static const NONE:String = "none";
public static const LEFT:String = "left";
public static const RIGHT:String = "right";
public static const UP:String = "up";
public static const DOWN:String = "down";
public static const HORIZONTAL:String = "horizontal";
public static const VERTICAL:String = "vertical";
public static const STRAIGHT_AXES:String = "straightsAxes";
public static const DIAGONAL_AXES:String = "diagonalAxes";
public static const OCTO:String = "octo";
public static const ALL:String = "all";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package org.gestouch.core
* @author Pavel fljot
public class GestureState
public static const IDLE:uint = 1 << 0;//1
public static const POSSIBLE:uint = 1 << 1;//2
public static const RECOGNIZED:uint = 1 << 2;//4
public static const BEGAN:uint = 1 << 3;//8
public static const CHANGED:uint = 1 << 4;//16
public static const ENDED:uint = 1 << 5;//32
public static const CANCELLED:uint = 1 << 6;//64
public static const FAILED:uint = 1 << 7;//128

View file

@ -1,371 +1,402 @@
package org.gestouch.core package org.gestouch.core
{ {
import org.gestouch.events.MouseTouchEvent; import org.gestouch.gestures.Gesture;
import org.gestouch.utils.ObjectPool; import org.gestouch.input.MouseInputAdapter;
import org.gestouch.input.TouchInputAdapter;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject; import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Stage; import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;
import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.TouchEvent;
import flash.ui.Multitouch; import flash.ui.Multitouch;
import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;
import flash.utils.Dictionary; import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
/** /**
* @author Pavel fljot * @author Pavel fljot
*/ */
public class GesturesManager implements IGesturesManager public class GesturesManager implements IGesturesManager
{ {
public static var implementation:IGesturesManager; public static var initDefaultInputAdapter:Boolean = true;
private static var _instance:IGesturesManager;
protected static var _impl:IGesturesManager; private static var _allowInstantiation:Boolean;
protected static var _initialized:Boolean = false;
protected const _touchesManager:ITouchesManager = TouchesManager.getInstance();
protected const _frameTickerShape:Shape = new Shape();
protected var _inputAdapters:Vector.<IInputAdapter> = new Vector.<IInputAdapter>();
protected var _stage:Stage; protected var _stage:Stage;
protected var _gestures:Vector.<IGesture> = new Vector.<IGesture>(); protected var _gestures:Vector.<Gesture> = new Vector.<Gesture>();
protected var _currGestures:Vector.<IGesture> = new Vector.<IGesture>(); protected var _gesturesForTouchMap:Array = [];
/** protected var _gesturesForTargetMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
* Maps (Dictionary[target] = gesture) by gesture type. protected var _dirtyGestures:Vector.<Gesture> = new Vector.<Gesture>();
*/ protected var _dirtyGesturesLength:uint = 0;
protected var _gestureMapsByType:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); protected var _dirtyGesturesMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
protected var _touchPoints:Vector.<TouchPoint> = new Vector.<TouchPoint>(Multitouch.maxTouchPoints);
protected var _touchPointsPool:ObjectPool = new ObjectPool(TouchPoint);
gestouch_internal static function addGesture(gesture:IGesture):IGesture public function GesturesManager()
{ {
if (!_impl) if (Object(this).constructor == GesturesManager && !_allowInstantiation)
{ {
_impl = implementation || new GesturesManager(); throw new Error("Do not instantiate GesturesManager directly.");
} }
return _impl.addGesture(gesture);
} }
public function get inputAdapters():Vector.<IInputAdapter>
return _inputAdapters.concat();
public static function setImplementation(value:IGesturesManager):void
if (!value)
throw new ArgumentError("value cannot be null.");
if (_instance)
throw new Error("Instance of GesturesManager is already created. If you want to have own implementation of single GesturesManager instace, you should set it earlier.");
_instance = value;
public static function getInstance():IGesturesManager
gestouch_internal static function removeGesture(gesture:IGesture):IGesture
{ {
return _impl.removeGesture(gesture); if (!_instance)
_allowInstantiation = true;
_instance = new GesturesManager();
_allowInstantiation = false;
return _instance;
public function addInputAdapter(inputAdapter:IInputAdapter):void
if (!inputAdapter)
throw new Error("Input adapter must be non null.");
if (_inputAdapters.indexOf(inputAdapter) > -1)
return;//TODO: throw Error or ignore?
inputAdapter.touchesManager = _touchesManager;
inputAdapter.gesturesManager = this;
} }
gestouch_internal static function removeGestureByTarget(gestureType:Class, target:InteractiveObject):IGesture public function removeInputAdapter(inputAdapter:IInputAdapter, dispose:Boolean = true):void
{ {
return _impl.removeGestureByTarget(gestureType, target); if (!inputAdapter)
throw new Error("Input adapter must be non null.");
var index:int = _inputAdapters.indexOf(inputAdapter);
if (index == -1)
throw new Error("This input manager is not registered.");
_inputAdapters.splice(index, 1);
if (dispose)
} }
gestouch_internal static function cancelGesture(gesture:IGesture):void
// Private methods
protected function installStage(stage:Stage):void
{ {
gestouch_internal static function addCurrentGesture(gesture:IGesture):void
gestouch_internal static function updateGestureTarget(gesture:IGesture, oldTarget:InteractiveObject, newTarget:InteractiveObject):void
_impl.updateGestureTarget(gesture, oldTarget, newTarget);
public function init(stage:Stage):void
Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;
_stage = stage; _stage = stage;
_stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, stage_mouseDownHandler);
_stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, stage_touchBeginHandler);
_stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, stage_touchMoveHandler);
_stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, stage_touchEndHandler, true);
public static function getTouchPoint(touchPointID:int):TouchPoint
return _impl.getTouchPoint(touchPointID);
public function addGesture(gesture:IGesture):IGesture
if (_gestures.indexOf(gesture) > -1)
throw new IllegalOperationError("Gesture instace '" + gesture + "' is already registered.");
return gesture;
public function removeGesture(gesture:IGesture):IGesture
var index:int = _gestures.indexOf(gesture);
if (index == -1)
throw new IllegalOperationError("Gesture instace '" + gesture + "' is not registered.");
_gestures.splice(index, 1);
index = _currGestures.indexOf(gesture);
if (index > -1)
_currGestures.splice(index, 1);
return gesture;
public function removeGestureByTarget(gestureType:Class, target:InteractiveObject):IGesture
var gesture:IGesture = getGestureByTarget(gestureType, target);
return removeGesture(gesture);
public function getGestureByTarget(gestureType:Class, target:InteractiveObject):IGesture
var gesturesOfTypeByTarget:Dictionary = _gestureMapsByType[gestureType] as Dictionary;
var gesture:IGesture = gesturesOfTypeByTarget ? gesturesOfTypeByTarget[target] as IGesture : null;
return gesture;
public function cancelGesture(gesture:IGesture):void
var index:int = _currGestures.indexOf(gesture);
if (index == -1)
return;// don't see point in throwing error
_currGestures.splice(index, 1);
public function addCurrentGesture(gesture:IGesture):void
if (_currGestures.indexOf(gesture) == -1)
public function updateGestureTarget(gesture:IGesture, oldTarget:InteractiveObject, newTarget:InteractiveObject):void
if (!_initialized && newTarget)
var stage:Stage = newTarget.stage;
if (stage)
_initialized = true;
newTarget.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, target_addedToStageHandler, false, 0, true);
var gesturesOfTypeByTarget:Dictionary = _gestureMapsByType[gesture.reflect()] as Dictionary;
if (!gesturesOfTypeByTarget)
gesturesOfTypeByTarget = _gestureMapsByType[gesture.reflect()] = new Dictionary();
else if (gesturesOfTypeByTarget[newTarget])
throw new IllegalOperationError("You cannot add two gestures of the same type to one target (it makes no sence).");
if (oldTarget)
oldTarget.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, target_addedToStageHandler);
delete gesturesOfTypeByTarget[oldTarget];
if (newTarget)
gesturesOfTypeByTarget[newTarget] = gesture;
public function getTouchPoint(touchPointID:int):TouchPoint
var p:TouchPoint = _touchPoints[touchPointID];
if (!p)
throw new ArgumentError("No touch point with ID " + touchPointID + " found.");
return p.clone() as TouchPoint;
private static function target_addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
var target:InteractiveObject = event.currentTarget as InteractiveObject;
target.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, target_addedToStageHandler);
if (!_initialized)
_initialized = true;
protected function stage_mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (Multitouch.supportsTouchEvents) if (Multitouch.supportsTouchEvents)
{ {
return; addInputAdapter(new TouchInputAdapter(stage));
} }
_stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, stage_mouseMoveHandler);
_stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stage_mouseUpHandler);
stage_touchBeginHandler(new MouseTouchEvent(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, event));
protected function stage_mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
stage_touchMoveHandler(new MouseTouchEvent(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, event));
protected function stage_mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
_stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, stage_mouseMoveHandler);
_stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stage_mouseUpHandler);
stage_touchEndHandler(new MouseTouchEvent(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, event));
protected function stage_touchBeginHandler(event:TouchEvent):void
var outOfRange:Boolean = (_touchPoints.length <= event.touchPointID);
var tp:TouchPoint = outOfRange ? null : _touchPoints[event.touchPointID];
if (!tp)
{ {
tp = _touchPointsPool.getObject() as TouchPoint; addInputAdapter(new MouseInputAdapter(stage));
tp.id = event.touchPointID;
if (outOfRange)
_touchPoints.length = tp.id + 1;
_touchPoints[tp.id] = tp;
tp.x = event.stageX;
tp.y = event.stageY;
tp.sizeX = event.sizeX;
tp.sizeY = event.sizeY;
tp.pressure = event.pressure;
tp.touchBeginPos.x = tp.x;
tp.touchBeginPos.y = tp.y;
tp.touchBeginTime = tp.lastTime = getTimer();
tp.moveOffset.x = tp.moveOffset.y = 0;
tp.lastMove.x = tp.lastMove.y = 0;
tp.velocity.x = tp.velocity.y = 0;
for each (var gesture:IGesture in _gestures)
if (gesture.target && gesture.shouldTrackPoint(event, tp))
// add gestures that are being tracked to the current gestures list
var n:uint = _gestures.length;
while (n-- > 0)
gesture = _gestures[n];
//TODO: which condition first (performance-wise)?
if (_currGestures.indexOf(gesture) == -1 && gesture.isTracking(tp.id))
} }
} }
protected function stage_touchMoveHandler(event:TouchEvent):void protected function resetDirtyGestures():void
{ {
var tp:TouchPoint = _touchPoints[event.touchPointID]; for each (var gesture:Gesture in _dirtyGestures)
var oldX:Number = tp.x;
var oldY:Number = tp.y;
tp.x = event.stageX;
tp.y = event.stageY;
tp.sizeX = event.sizeX;
tp.sizeY = event.sizeY;
tp.pressure = event.pressure;
// tp.moveOffset = tp.subtract(tp.touchBeginPos);
tp.moveOffset.x = tp.x - tp.touchBeginPos.x;
tp.moveOffset.y = tp.y - tp.touchBeginPos.y;
tp.lastMove.x = tp.x - oldX;
tp.lastMove.y = tp.y - oldY;
var now:uint = getTimer();
var dt:uint = now - tp.lastTime;
tp.lastTime = now;
tp.velocity.x = tp.lastMove.x / dt;
tp.velocity.y = tp.lastMove.y / dt;
for each (var gesture:IGesture in _currGestures)
{ {
if (gesture.isTracking(tp.id)) gesture.reset();
} }
_dirtyGestures.length = 0;
_dirtyGesturesLength = 0;
_dirtyGesturesMap = new Dictionary(true);
_frameTickerShape.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler);
} }
protected function stage_touchEndHandler(event:TouchEvent):void gestouch_internal function addGesture(gesture:Gesture):void
{ {
var tp:TouchPoint = _touchPoints[event.touchPointID]; if (!gesture)
tp.x = event.stageX;
tp.y = event.stageY;
tp.sizeX = event.sizeX;
tp.sizeY = event.sizeY;
tp.pressure = event.pressure;
tp.moveOffset = tp.subtract(tp.touchBeginPos);
for each (var gesture:IGesture in _currGestures)
{ {
if (gesture.isTracking(tp.id)) throw new ArgumentError("Argument 'gesture' must be not null.");
{ }
gesture.onTouchEnd(tp); if (_gestures.indexOf(gesture) > -1)
} {
throw new Error("This gesture is already registered.. something wrong.");
} }
var i:uint = 0; var targetGestures:Vector.<Gesture> = _gesturesForTargetMap[gesture.target] as Vector.<Gesture>;
for each (gesture in _currGestures.concat()) if (!targetGestures)
{ {
if (gesture.trackingPointsCount == 0) targetGestures = _gesturesForTargetMap[gesture.target] = new Vector.<Gesture>();
if (GesturesManager.initDefaultInputAdapter)
if (!_stage && gesture.target.stage)
{ {
_currGestures.splice(i, 1); installStage(gesture.target.stage);
} }
else else
{ {
i++; gesture.target.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, gestureTarget_addedToStageHandler);
} }
} }
} }
gestouch_internal function removeGesture(gesture:Gesture):void
if (!gesture)
throw new ArgumentError("Argument 'gesture' must be not null.");
var target:InteractiveObject = gesture.target;
var targetGestures:Vector.<Gesture> = _gesturesForTargetMap[target] as Vector.<Gesture>;
targetGestures.splice(targetGestures.indexOf(gesture), 1);
if (targetGestures.length == 0)
delete _gesturesForTargetMap[target];
target.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, gestureTarget_addedToStageHandler);
var index:int = _gestures.indexOf(gesture);
if (index > -1)
_gestures.splice(index, 1);
//TODO: decide about gesture state and _dirtyGestures
gestouch_internal function scheduleGestureStateReset(gesture:Gesture):void
if (!_dirtyGesturesMap[gesture])
_frameTickerShape.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler);
gestouch_internal function onGestureRecognized(gesture:Gesture):void
for each (var otherGesture:Gesture in _gestures)
// conditions for otherGesture "own properties"
if (otherGesture != gesture &&
otherGesture.enabled &&
otherGesture.state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)
// conditions for otherGesture target
if (otherGesture.target == gesture.target ||
(gesture.target is DisplayObjectContainer && (gesture.target as DisplayObjectContainer).contains(otherGesture.target)) ||
(otherGesture.target is DisplayObjectContainer && (otherGesture.target as DisplayObjectContainer).contains(gesture.target))
// conditions for gestures relations
if (gesture.canPreventGesture(otherGesture) &&
otherGesture.canBePreventedByGesture(gesture) &&
(!gesture.delegate || !gesture.delegate.gesturesShouldRecognizeSimultaneously(gesture, otherGesture)) &&
(!otherGesture.delegate || !otherGesture.delegate.gesturesShouldRecognizeSimultaneously(otherGesture, gesture)))
gestouch_internal function onTouchBegin(touch:Touch):void
if (_dirtyGesturesLength > 0)
var gesture:Gesture;
var i:uint;
// This vector will contain active gestures for specific touch (ID) during all touch session.
var gesturesForTouch:Vector.<Gesture> = _gesturesForTouchMap[touch.id] as Vector.<Gesture>;
if (!gesturesForTouch)
gesturesForTouch = new Vector.<Gesture>();
_gesturesForTouchMap[touch.id] = gesturesForTouch;
gesturesForTouch.length = 0;
// Create a sorted(!) list of gestures which are interested in this touch.
// Sorting priority: deeper target has higher priority, recently added gesture has higher priority.
var target:InteractiveObject = touch.target;
var gesturesForTarget:Vector.<Gesture>;
while (target)
gesturesForTarget = _gesturesForTargetMap[target] as Vector.<Gesture>;
if (gesturesForTarget)
i = gesturesForTarget.length;
while (i-- > 0)
gesture = gesturesForTarget[i] as Gesture;
if (gesture.enabled &&
(!gesture.delegate || gesture.delegate.gestureShouldReceiveTouch(gesture, touch)))
//TODO: optimize performance! decide between unshift() vs [i++] = gesture + reverse()
target = target.parent;
// Then we populate them with this touch and event.
// They might start tracking this touch or ignore it (via Gesture#ignoreTouch())
i = gesturesForTouch.length;
while (i-- > 0)
gesture = gesturesForTouch[i] as Gesture;
// Check for state because previous (i+1) gesture may already abort current (i) one
if (gesture.state != GestureState.FAILED)
gesturesForTouch.splice(i, 1);
gestouch_internal function onTouchMove(touch:Touch):void
if (_dirtyGesturesLength > 0)
var gesturesForTouch:Vector.<Gesture> = _gesturesForTouchMap[touch.id] as Vector.<Gesture>;
var gesture:Gesture;
var i:int = gesturesForTouch.length;
while (i-- > 0)
gesture = gesturesForTouch[i] as Gesture;
if (gesture.state != GestureState.FAILED && gesture.isTrackingTouch(touch.id))
// gesture is no more interested in this touch (e.g. ignoreTouch was called)
gesturesForTouch.splice(i, 1);
gestouch_internal function onTouchEnd(touch:Touch):void
if (_dirtyGesturesLength > 0)
var gesturesForTouch:Vector.<Gesture> = _gesturesForTouchMap[touch.id] as Vector.<Gesture>;
var gesture:Gesture;
var i:int = gesturesForTouch.length;
while (i-- > 0)
gesture = gesturesForTouch[i] as Gesture;
if (gesture.state != GestureState.FAILED && gesture.isTrackingTouch(touch.id))
gestouch_internal function onTouchCancel(touch:Touch):void
// Event handlers
protected function gestureTarget_addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
var target:DisplayObject = event.target as DisplayObject;
target.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, gestureTarget_addedToStageHandler);
if (!_stage && GesturesManager.initDefaultInputAdapter)
private function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
package org.gestouch.core
import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.events.TouchEvent;
* @author Pavel fljot
public interface IGesture extends IEventDispatcher
function get target():InteractiveObject;
function get trackingPoints():Vector.<TouchPoint>;
function get trackingPointsCount():uint;
function shouldTrackPoint(event:TouchEvent, tp:TouchPoint):Boolean;
function isTracking(touchPointID:uint):Boolean;
function cancel():void;
function pickAndContinue(gesture:IGesture):void;
function reflect():Class;
function dispose():void;
function onTouchBegin(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void;
function onTouchMove(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void;
function onTouchEnd(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void;
function onCancel():void;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package org.gestouch.core
import org.gestouch.gestures.Gesture;
* @author Pavel fljot
public interface IGestureDelegate
function gestureShouldReceiveTouch(gesture:Gesture, touch:Touch):Boolean;
function gestureShouldBegin(gesture:Gesture):Boolean;
function gesturesShouldRecognizeSimultaneously(gesture:Gesture, otherGesture:Gesture):Boolean;

View file

@ -1,24 +1,17 @@
package org.gestouch.core package org.gestouch.core
{ {
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.display.Stage;
/** /**
* @author Pavel fljot * The class that implements this interface must also
* implement next methods under gestouch_internal namespace:
* function addGesture(gesture:Gesture):void;
* function removeGesture(gesture:Gesture):void;
* function scheduleGestureStateReset(gesture:Gesture):void;
* function onGestureRecognized(gesture:Gesture):void;
*/ */
public interface IGesturesManager public interface IGesturesManager
{ {
function init(stage:Stage):void; function addInputAdapter(inputAdapter:IInputAdapter):void;
function removeInputAdapter(inputAdapter:IInputAdapter, dispose:Boolean = true):void;
function addGesture(gesture:IGesture):IGesture;
function removeGesture(gesture:IGesture):IGesture;
function removeGestureByTarget(gestureType:Class, target:InteractiveObject):IGesture;
function getGestureByTarget(gestureType:Class, target:InteractiveObject):IGesture;
function cancelGesture(gesture:IGesture):void;
function addCurrentGesture(gesture:IGesture):void;
function updateGestureTarget(gesture:IGesture, oldTarget:InteractiveObject, newTarget:InteractiveObject):void;
function getTouchPoint(touchPointID:int):TouchPoint;
} }
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package org.gestouch.core
* @author Pavel fljot
public interface IInputAdapter
function set touchesManager(value:ITouchesManager):void;
function set gesturesManager(value:IGesturesManager):void;
function init():void;
function dispose():void;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package org.gestouch.core
* @author Pavel fljot
public interface ITouchesManager
function get activeTouchesCount():uint;
function createTouch():Touch;
function addTouch(touch:Touch):Touch;
function removeTouch(touch:Touch):Touch;
function getTouch(touchPointID:int):Touch;
function hasTouch(touchPointID:int):Boolean;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
package org.gestouch.core
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.geom.Point;
* - maybe add "phase" (began, moved, stationary, ended)?
* @author Pavel fljot
public class Touch
* Touch point ID.
public var id:uint;
* The original event target for this touch (touch began with).
public var target:InteractiveObject;
public var sizeX:Number;
public var sizeY:Number;
public var pressure:Number;
// public var lastMove:Point;
public function Touch(id:uint = 0)
this.id = id;
protected var _location:Point;
public function get location():Point
return _location.clone();
gestouch_internal function setLocation(value:Point):void
_location = value;
_beginLocation = _location.clone();
_previousLocation = _location.clone();
gestouch_internal function updateLocation(x:Number, y:Number):void
if (_location)
_previousLocation.x = _location.x;
_previousLocation.y = _location.y;
_location.x = x;
_location.y = y;
gestouch_internal::setLocation(new Point(x, y));
protected var _previousLocation:Point;
public function get previousLocation():Point
return _previousLocation.clone();
protected var _beginLocation:Point;
public function get beginLocation():Point
return _beginLocation.clone();
public function get locationOffset():Point
return _location.subtract(_beginLocation);
protected var _time:uint;
public function get time():uint
return _time;
gestouch_internal function setTime(value:uint):void
_time = value;
protected var _beginTime:uint;
public function get beginTime():uint
return _beginTime;
gestouch_internal function setBeginTime(value:uint):void
_beginTime = value;
public function clone():Touch
var touch:Touch = new Touch(id);
touch._location = _location;
touch._beginLocation = _beginLocation;
touch.target = target;
touch.sizeX = sizeX;
touch.sizeY = sizeY;
touch.pressure = pressure;
touch._time = _time;
touch._beginTime = _beginTime;
return touch;
public function toString():String
return "Touch [id: " + id + ", location: " + location + ", ...]";

View file

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
package org.gestouch.core
import flash.geom.Point;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class TouchPoint extends Point
public var id:uint;
public var localX:Number;
public var localY:Number;
public var sizeX:Number;
public var sizeY:Number;
public var pressure:Number;
public var touchBeginPos:Point;
public var touchBeginTime:uint;
public var moveOffset:Point;
public var lastMove:Point;
public var lastTime:uint;
public var velocity:Point;
public function TouchPoint(id:uint = 0, x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0,
sizeX:Number = NaN, sizeY:Number = NaN,
pressure:Number = NaN,
touchBeginPos:Point = null, touchBeginTime:uint = 0,
moveOffset:Point = null,
lastMove:Point = null, lastTime:uint = 0, velocity:Point = null)
super(x, y);
this.id = id;
this.sizeX = sizeX;
this.sizeY = sizeY;
this.pressure = pressure;
this.touchBeginPos = touchBeginPos || new Point();
this.touchBeginTime = touchBeginTime;
this.moveOffset = moveOffset || new Point();
this.lastMove = lastMove || new Point();
this.lastTime = lastTime;
this.velocity = velocity || new Point();
override public function clone():Point
var p:TouchPoint = new TouchPoint(id, x, y, sizeX, sizeY, pressure,
touchBeginPos.clone(), touchBeginTime,
lastMove.clone(), lastTime, velocity.clone());
return p;
public function reset():void
override public function toString():String
return "Touch point [id: " + id + ", x: " + x + ", y: " + y + ", ...]";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package org.gestouch.core
import flash.ui.Multitouch;
import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class TouchesManager implements ITouchesManager
private static var _instance:ITouchesManager;
private static var _allowInstantiation:Boolean;
protected var _touchesMap:Object = {};
Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;
public function TouchesManager()
if (Object(this).constructor == TouchesManager && !_allowInstantiation)
throw new Error("Do not instantiate TouchesManager directly.");
protected var _activeTouchesCount:uint;
public function get activeTouchesCount():uint
return _activeTouchesCount;
public static function setImplementation(value:ITouchesManager):void
if (!value)
throw new ArgumentError("value cannot be null.");
if (_instance)
throw new Error("Instance of TouchesManager is already created. If you want to have own implementation of single TouchesManager instace, you should set it earlier.");
_instance = value;
public static function getInstance():ITouchesManager
if (!_instance)
_allowInstantiation = true;
_instance = new TouchesManager();
_allowInstantiation = false;
return _instance;
public function createTouch():Touch
//TODO: pool
return new Touch();
public function addTouch(touch:Touch):Touch
if (_touchesMap.hasOwnProperty(touch.id))
throw new Error("Touch with id " + touch.id + " is already registered.");
_touchesMap[touch.id] = touch;
return touch;
public function removeTouch(touch:Touch):Touch
if (!_touchesMap.hasOwnProperty(touch.id))
throw new Error("Touch with id " + touch.id + " is not registered.");
delete _touchesMap[touch.id];
return touch;
public function hasTouch(touchPointID:int):Boolean
return _touchesMap.hasOwnProperty(touchPointID);
public function getTouch(touchPointID:int):Touch
return _touchesMap[touchPointID] as Touch;

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package org.gestouch.events
import flash.events.GestureEvent;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class DoubleTapGestureEvent extends GestureEvent
public static const GESTURE_DOUBLE_TAP:String = "gestureDoubleTap";
public function DoubleTapGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = true, cancelable:Boolean = false, phase:String = null, localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0, ctrlKey:Boolean = false, altKey:Boolean = false, shiftKey:Boolean = false)
super(type, bubbles, cancelable, phase, localX, localY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey);

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package org.gestouch.events
import flash.events.TransformGestureEvent;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class DragGestureEvent extends TransformGestureEvent
public static const GESTURE_DRAG:String = "gestureDrag";
public function DragGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = true, cancelable:Boolean = false, phase:String = null, localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0, scaleX:Number = 1.0, scaleY:Number = 1.0, rotation:Number = 0, offsetX:Number = 0, offsetY:Number = 0, ctrlKey:Boolean = false, altKey:Boolean = false, shiftKey:Boolean = false, commandKey:Boolean = false, controlKey:Boolean = false)
super(type, bubbles, cancelable, phase, localX, localY, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, offsetX, offsetY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package org.gestouch.events
import flash.events.Event;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class GestureEvent extends Event
public var gestureState:uint;
public var stageX:Number;
public var stageY:Number;
public var localX:Number;
public var localY:Number;
public function GestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false,
gestureState:uint = 0,
stageX:Number = 0, stageY:Number = 0,
localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0)
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
this.gestureState = gestureState;
this.stageX = stageX;
this.stageY = stageY;
this.localX = localX;
this.localY = localY;
override public function clone():Event
return new GestureEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY);
override public function toString():String
return formatToString("org.gestouch.events.GestureEvent", "bubbles", "cancelable",
"gestureState", "stageX", "stageY", "localX", "localY");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package org.gestouch.events
import flash.events.Event;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class GestureStateEvent extends Event
public static const STATE_CHANGE:String = "stateChange";
public var newState:uint;
public var oldState:uint;
public function GestureStateEvent(type:String, newState:uint, oldState:uint)
super(type, false, false);
this.newState = newState;
this.oldState = oldState;
override public function clone():Event
return new GestureStateEvent(type, newState, oldState);
override public function toString():String
return formatToString("GestureStateEvent", newState, oldState);

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
package org.gestouch.events
import flash.events.Event;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class GestureTrackingEvent extends Event
public static const GESTURE_TRACKING_BEGIN:String = "gestureTrackingBegin";
public static const GESTURE_TRACKING_END:String = "gestureTrackingEnd";
public function GestureTrackingEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false)
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
override public function clone():Event
return new GestureTrackingEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
override public function toString():String
return formatToString("GestureTrackingEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "eventPhase");

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package org.gestouch.events package org.gestouch.events
{ {
import flash.events.GestureEvent; import flash.events.Event;
/** /**
@ -10,10 +10,25 @@ package org.gestouch.events
{ {
public static const GESTURE_LONG_PRESS:String = "gestureLongPress"; public static const GESTURE_LONG_PRESS:String = "gestureLongPress";
//TODO: default
public function LongPressGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = true, cancelable:Boolean = false, phase:String = "begin", localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0, ctrlKey:Boolean = false, altKey:Boolean = false, shiftKey:Boolean = false) public function LongPressGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false,
gestureState:uint = 0,
stageX:Number = 0, stageY:Number = 0,
localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0)
{ {
super(type, bubbles, cancelable, phase, localX, localY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey); super(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY);
override public function clone():Event
return new LongPressGestureEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, localX, localY);
override public function toString():String
return super.toString().replace("GestureEvent", "LongPressGestureEvent");
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
package org.gestouch.events
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.TouchEvent;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class MouseTouchEvent extends TouchEvent
public function MouseTouchEvent(type:String, event:MouseEvent)
super(type, event.bubbles, event.cancelable, 0, true, event.localX, event.localY, NaN, NaN, NaN, event.relatedObject, event.ctrlKey, event.altKey, event.shiftKey);
_target = event.target;
_stageX = event.stageX;
_stageY = event.stageY;
protected var _target:Object;
override public function get target():Object
return _target;
protected var _stageX:Number;
override public function get stageX():Number
return _stageX;
protected var _stageY:Number;
override public function get stageY():Number
return _stageY;
override public function clone():Event
return super.clone();
override public function toString():String
return super.toString() + " *faked";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package org.gestouch.events
import flash.events.Event;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class PanGestureEvent extends TransformGestureEvent
public static const GESTURE_PAN:String = "gesturePan";
public function PanGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false,
gestureState:uint = 0,
stageX:Number = 0, stageY:Number = 0,
localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0,
offsetX:Number = 0, offsetY:Number = 0)
super(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY, 1, 1, 0, offsetX, offsetY);
override public function clone():Event
return new PanGestureEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY, offsetX, offsetY);
override public function toString():String
return super.toString().replace("TransformGestureEvent", "PanGestureEvent");

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package org.gestouch.events package org.gestouch.events
{ {
import flash.events.TransformGestureEvent; import flash.events.Event;
/** /**
@ -11,9 +11,25 @@ package org.gestouch.events
public static const GESTURE_ROTATE:String = "gestureRotate"; public static const GESTURE_ROTATE:String = "gestureRotate";
public function RotateGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = true, cancelable:Boolean = false, phase:String = null, localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0, scaleX:Number = 1.0, scaleY:Number = 1.0, rotation:Number = 0, offsetX:Number = 0, offsetY:Number = 0, ctrlKey:Boolean = false, altKey:Boolean = false, shiftKey:Boolean = false, commandKey:Boolean = false, controlKey:Boolean = false) public function RotateGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false,
gestureState:uint = 0,
stageX:Number = 0, stageY:Number = 0,
localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0,
rotation:Number = 0)
{ {
super(type, bubbles, cancelable, phase, localX, localY, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, offsetX, offsetY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey); super(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY, 1, 1, rotation);
override public function clone():Event
return new RotateGestureEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY, rotation);
override public function toString():String
return super.toString().replace("TransformGestureEvent", "RotateGestureEvent");
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package org.gestouch.events package org.gestouch.events
{ {
import flash.events.TransformGestureEvent; import flash.events.Event;
/** /**
@ -11,9 +11,25 @@ package org.gestouch.events
public static const GESTURE_SWIPE:String = "gestureSwipe"; public static const GESTURE_SWIPE:String = "gestureSwipe";
public function SwipeGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = true, cancelable:Boolean = false, phase:String = null, localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0, scaleX:Number = 1.0, scaleY:Number = 1.0, rotation:Number = 0, offsetX:Number = 0, offsetY:Number = 0, ctrlKey:Boolean = false, altKey:Boolean = false, shiftKey:Boolean = false, commandKey:Boolean = false, controlKey:Boolean = false) public function SwipeGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false,
gestureState:uint = 0,
stageX:Number = 0, stageY:Number = 0,
localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0,
offsetX:Number = 0, offsetY:Number = 0)
{ {
super(type, bubbles, cancelable, phase, localX, localY, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, offsetX, offsetY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey); super(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY, 1, 1, 0, offsetX, offsetY);
override public function clone():Event
return new SwipeGestureEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY, offsetX, offsetY);
override public function toString():String
return super.toString().replace("TransformGestureEvent", "SwipeGestureEvent");
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package org.gestouch.events
import flash.events.Event;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class TapGestureEvent extends GestureEvent
public static const GESTURE_TAP:String = "gestureTap";
public function TapGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false,
gestureState:uint = 0, stageX:Number = 0, stageY:Number = 0,
localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0)
super(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY);
override public function clone():Event
return new TapGestureEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY);
override public function toString():String
return super.toString().replace("GestureEvent", "TapGestureEvent");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package org.gestouch.events
import flash.events.Event;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class TransformGestureEvent extends GestureEvent
public static const GESTURE_TRANSFORM:String = "gestureTransform";
public var scaleX:Number;
public var scaleY:Number;
public var rotation:Number;
public var offsetX:Number;
public var offsetY:Number;
public function TransformGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false,
gestureState:uint = 0,
stageX:Number = 0, stageY:Number = 0,
localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0,
scaleX:Number = 1.0, scaleY:Number = 1.0,
rotation:Number = 0,
offsetX:Number = 0, offsetY:Number = 0)
super(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY);
this.scaleX = scaleX;
this.scaleY = scaleY;
this.rotation = rotation;
this.offsetX = offsetX;
this.offsetY = offsetY;
override public function clone():Event
return new TransformGestureEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState,
stageX, stageY, localX, localY, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, offsetX, offsetY);
override public function toString():String
return formatToString("org.gestouch.events.TransformGestureEvent", "bubbles", "cancelable",
"gestureState", "stageX", "stageY", "localX", "localY", "scaleX", "scaleY", "offsetX", "offsetY", "rotation");

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package org.gestouch.events package org.gestouch.events
{ {
import flash.events.TransformGestureEvent; import flash.events.Event;
/** /**
@ -11,9 +11,25 @@ package org.gestouch.events
public static const GESTURE_ZOOM:String = "gestureZoom"; public static const GESTURE_ZOOM:String = "gestureZoom";
public function ZoomGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = true, cancelable:Boolean = false, phase:String = null, localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0, scaleX:Number = 1.0, scaleY:Number = 1.0, rotation:Number = 0, offsetX:Number = 0, offsetY:Number = 0, ctrlKey:Boolean = false, altKey:Boolean = false, shiftKey:Boolean = false, commandKey:Boolean = false, controlKey:Boolean = false) public function ZoomGestureEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false,
gestureState:uint = 0,
stageX:Number = 0, stageY:Number = 0,
localX:Number = 0, localY:Number = 0,
scaleX:Number = 1.0, scaleY:Number = 1.0)
{ {
super(type, bubbles, cancelable, phase, localX, localY, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, offsetX, offsetY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey); super(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY, scaleX, scaleY);
override public function clone():Event
return new ZoomGestureEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, gestureState, stageX, stageY, localX, localY, scaleX, scaleY);
override public function toString():String
return super.toString().replace("TransformGestureEvent", "ZoomGestureEvent");
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures
import org.gestouch.core.GesturesManager;
import org.gestouch.core.TouchPoint;
import org.gestouch.core.gestouch_internal;
import org.gestouch.events.DoubleTapGestureEvent;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.events.GesturePhase;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.utils.Timer;
[Event(name="gestureDoubleTap", type="org.gestouch.events.DoubleTapGestureEvent")]
* DoubleTapGesture tracks quick double-tap (double-click).
* <p>Gesture-specific configuratin properties:<br/><br/>
* timeThreshold time between first touchBegin and second touchEnd events,<br/><br/>
* moveThreshold maximum allowed distance between two taps.</p>
* @author Pavel fljot
public class DoubleTapGesture extends Gesture
* Time in milliseconds between touchBegin and touchEnd events for gesture to be detected.
* <p>For multitouch usage this is a bit more complex then "first touchBeing and second touchEnd":
* Taps are counted once <code>minTouchPointsCount</code> of touch points are down and then fully released.
* So it's time in milliseconds between full press and full release events for gesture to be detected.</p>
* @default 400
public var timeThreshold:uint = 400;
* Maximum allowed distance between two taps for gesture to be detected.
* @default Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP &#42; 3
* @see org.gestouch.gestures.Gesture#DEFAULT_SLOP
public var moveThreshold:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP * 3;
* Timer used to track time between taps.
protected var _thresholdTimer:Timer;
* Count taps (where tap is an action of changing _touchPointsCount from 0 to minTouchPointsCount
* and back to 0. For single touch gesture it would be common tap, for 2-touch gesture it would be
* both fingers down, then both fingers up, etc...)
protected var _tapCounter:int = 0;
* Flag to detect "complex tap".
protected var _minTouchPointsCountReached:Boolean;
* Used to check moveThreshold.
protected var _prevCentralPoint:Point;
* Used to check moveThreshold.
protected var _lastCentralPoint:Point;
public function DoubleTapGesture(target:InteractiveObject = null, settings:Object = null)
super(target, settings);
// Static methods
public static function add(target:InteractiveObject, settings:Object = null):DoubleTapGesture
return new DoubleTapGesture(target, settings);
public static function remove(target:InteractiveObject):DoubleTapGesture
return GesturesManager.gestouch_internal::removeGestureByTarget(DoubleTapGesture, target) as DoubleTapGesture;
// Public methods
override public function reflect():Class
return DoubleTapGesture;
override public function onTouchBegin(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
// No need to track more points than we need
if (_trackingPointsCount == maxTouchPointsCount)
if (_trackingPointsCount == minTouchPointsCount)
if (!_thresholdTimer.running)
// first touchBegin combo (all the required fingers are on the screen)
_tapCounter = 0;
_thresholdTimer.delay = timeThreshold;
_minTouchPointsCountReached = true;
if (moveThreshold > 0)
// calculate central point for future moveThreshold comparsion
// save points for later comparsion with moveThreshold
_prevCentralPoint = _lastCentralPoint;
_lastCentralPoint = _centralPoint.clone();
override public function onTouchMove(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
// nothing to do here
override public function onTouchEnd(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
// As we a here, this means timer hasn't fired yet (and therefore hasn't cancelled this gesture)
// if last finger released
if (_trackingPointsCount == 0)
if (_minTouchPointsCountReached)
// reset for next "all fingers down"
_minTouchPointsCountReached = false;
if (_tapCounter >= 2)
// double tap combo recognized
if ((moveThreshold > 0 && _lastCentralPoint.subtract(_prevCentralPoint).length < moveThreshold)
|| isNaN(moveThreshold) || moveThreshold <= 0)
_dispatch(new DoubleTapGestureEvent(DoubleTapGestureEvent.GESTURE_DOUBLE_TAP, true, false, GesturePhase.ALL, _lastLocalCentralPoint.x, _lastLocalCentralPoint.y));
// Protected methods
override protected function _preinit():void
_thresholdTimer = new Timer(timeThreshold, 1);
_thresholdTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, _thresholdTimer_timerCompleteHandler);
_propertyNames.push("timeThreshold", "moveThreshold");
override protected function _reset():void
_tapCounter = 0;
_minTouchPointsCountReached = false;
// Event handlers
protected function _thresholdTimer_timerCompleteHandler(event:TimerEvent):void

View file

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures
import org.gestouch.core.GesturesManager;
import org.gestouch.core.TouchPoint;
import org.gestouch.core.gestouch_internal;
import org.gestouch.events.DragGestureEvent;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.events.GesturePhase;
import flash.geom.Point;
[Event(name="gestureDrag", type="org.gestouch.events.DragGestureEvent")]
* Tracks the drag. Event works nice with minTouchPointsCount = 1 and maxTouchPoaintsCount > 1.
* <p>DragGestureEvent has 3 possible phases: GesturePhase.BEGIN, GesturePhase.UPDATE, GesturePhase.END</p>
* @see org.gestouch.events.DragGestureEvent
* @see http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/events/GestureEvent.html#phase
* @see http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/events/GesturePhase.html
* @author Pavel fljot
public class DragGesture extends MovingGestureBase
public function DragGesture(target:InteractiveObject = null, settings:Object = null)
super(target, settings);
// Static methods
public static function add(target:InteractiveObject, settings:Object = null):DragGesture
return new DragGesture(target, settings);
public static function remove(target:InteractiveObject):DragGesture
return GesturesManager.gestouch_internal::removeGestureByTarget(DragGesture, target) as DragGesture;
// Public methods
override public function reflect():Class
return DragGesture;
override public function onTouchBegin(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
// No need to track more points than we need
if (_trackingPointsCount == maxTouchPointsCount)
if (_trackingPointsCount > 1)
_centralPoint.lastMove.x = _centralPoint.lastMove.y = 0;
override public function onTouchMove(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
// do calculations only when we track enough points
if (_trackingPointsCount < minTouchPointsCount)
if (!_slopPassed)
_slopPassed = _checkSlop(_centralPoint.moveOffset);
if (_slopPassed)
var slopVector:Point = slop > 0 ? null : new Point();
if (!slopVector)
if (_canMoveHorizontally && _canMoveVertically)
slopVector = _centralPoint.moveOffset.clone();
slopVector.x = Math.round(slopVector.x);
slopVector.y = Math.round(slopVector.y);
else if (_canMoveVertically)
slopVector = new Point(0, _centralPoint.moveOffset.y >= slop ? slop : -slop);
else if (_canMoveHorizontally)
slopVector = new Point(_centralPoint.moveOffset.x >= slop ? slop : -slop, 0);
_centralPoint.lastMove = _centralPoint.moveOffset.subtract(slopVector);
_dispatch(new DragGestureEvent(DragGestureEvent.GESTURE_DRAG, true, false, GesturePhase.BEGIN, _lastLocalCentralPoint.x, _lastLocalCentralPoint.y, 1, 1, 0, _centralPoint.lastMove.x, _centralPoint.lastMove.y));
_dispatch(new DragGestureEvent(DragGestureEvent.GESTURE_DRAG, true, false, GesturePhase.UPDATE, _lastLocalCentralPoint.x, _lastLocalCentralPoint.y, 1, 1, 0, _centralPoint.lastMove.x, _centralPoint.lastMove.y));
override public function onTouchEnd(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
var ending:Boolean = (_slopPassed && _trackingPointsCount == minTouchPointsCount);
if (ending)
_dispatch(new DragGestureEvent(DragGestureEvent.GESTURE_DRAG, true, false, GesturePhase.END, _lastLocalCentralPoint.x, _lastLocalCentralPoint.y, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));

View file

@ -1,30 +1,33 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures package org.gestouch.gestures
{ {
import org.gestouch.core.GestureState;
import org.gestouch.core.GesturesManager; import org.gestouch.core.GesturesManager;
import org.gestouch.core.IGesture; import org.gestouch.core.IGestureDelegate;
import org.gestouch.core.TouchPoint; import org.gestouch.core.IGesturesManager;
import org.gestouch.core.ITouchesManager;
import org.gestouch.core.Touch;
import org.gestouch.core.TouchesManager;
import org.gestouch.core.gestouch_internal; import org.gestouch.core.gestouch_internal;
import org.gestouch.events.GestureTrackingEvent; import org.gestouch.events.GestureStateEvent;
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject; import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher; import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.events.GestureEvent;
import flash.events.TouchEvent;
import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.system.Capabilities; import flash.system.Capabilities;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
[Event(name="gestureTrackingBegin", type="org.gestouch.events.GestureTrackingEvent")] [Event(name="stateChange", type="org.gestouch.events.GestureStateEvent")]
[Event(name="gestureTrackingEnd", type="org.gestouch.events.GestureTrackingEvent")]
/** /**
* Base class for all gestures. Gesture is essentially a detector that tracks touch points * Base class for all gestures. Gesture is essentially a detector that tracks touch points
* in order detect specific gesture motion and form gesture event on target. * in order detect specific gesture motion and form gesture event on target.
* *
* -
* @author Pavel fljot * @author Pavel fljot
*/ */
public class Gesture extends EventDispatcher implements IGesture public class Gesture extends EventDispatcher
{ {
/** /**
* Threshold for screen distance they must move to count as valid input * Threshold for screen distance they must move to count as valid input
@ -33,81 +36,32 @@ package org.gestouch.gestures
*/ */
public static const DEFAULT_SLOP:uint = Math.round(20 / 252 * flash.system.Capabilities.screenDPI); public static const DEFAULT_SLOP:uint = Math.round(20 / 252 * flash.system.Capabilities.screenDPI);
* Array of configuration properties (Strings). public var delegate:IGestureDelegate;
protected var _propertyNames:Array = ["minTouchPointsCount", "maxTouchPointsCount"]; protected const _touchesManager:ITouchesManager = TouchesManager.getInstance();
protected const _gesturesManager:IGesturesManager = GesturesManager.getInstance();
/** /**
* Map (generic object) of tracking touch points, where keys are touch points IDs. * Map (generic object) of tracking touch points, where keys are touch points IDs.
*/ */
protected var _trackingPointsMap:Object = {}; protected var _touchesMap:Object = {};
protected var _trackingPointsCount:int = 0; protected var _centralPoint:Point = new Point();
protected var _firstTouchPoint:TouchPoint; protected var _localLocation:Point;
protected var _lastLocalCentralPoint:Point; /**
* List of gesture we require to fail.
* @see requireGestureToFail()
protected var _gesturesToFail:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
protected var _pendingRecognizedState:uint;
public function Gesture(target:InteractiveObject = null, settings:Object = null) public function Gesture(target:InteractiveObject = null)
{ {
// Check if gesture reflects it's class properly super();
GesturesManager.gestouch_internal::addGesture(this); preinit();
this.target = target; this.target = target;
if (settings != null)
/** @private */
private var _minTouchPointsCount:uint = 1;
* Minimum amount of touch points required for gesture.
* @default 1
public function get minTouchPointsCount():uint
return _minTouchPointsCount;
public function set minTouchPointsCount(value:uint):void
if (_minTouchPointsCount == value) return;
_minTouchPointsCount = value;
if (maxTouchPointsCount < minTouchPointsCount)
maxTouchPointsCount = minTouchPointsCount;
/** @private */
private var _maxTouchPointsCount:uint = 1;
* Maximum amount of touch points required for gesture.
* @default 1
public function get maxTouchPointsCount():uint
return _maxTouchPointsCount;
public function set maxTouchPointsCount(value:uint):void
if (value < minTouchPointsCount)
throw new IllegalOperationError("maxTouchPointsCount can not be less then minTouchPointsCount");
if (_maxTouchPointsCount == value) return;
_maxTouchPointsCount = value;
} }
@ -131,72 +85,78 @@ package org.gestouch.gestures
} }
public function set target(value:InteractiveObject):void public function set target(value:InteractiveObject):void
{ {
if (target == value) return; if (_target == value)
GesturesManager.gestouch_internal::updateGestureTarget(this, target, value); uninstallTarget(target);
// if GesturesManager hasn't thrown any error we can safely continue
_target = value; _target = value;
_installTarget(target); installTarget(target);
} }
/** /** @private */
* Storage for the trackingPoints property. protected var _enabled:Boolean = true;
* @default true
*/ */
protected var _trackingPoints:Vector.<TouchPoint> = new Vector.<TouchPoint>(); public function get enabled():Boolean
* Vector of tracking touch points touch points this gesture is interested in.
* <p>For the most gestures these points are which on top of the target.</p>
* @see #isTracking()
* @see #shouldTrackPoint()
public function get trackingPoints():Vector.<TouchPoint>
{ {
return _trackingPoints.concat(); return _enabled;
} }
public function set enabled(value:Boolean):void
* Amount of currently tracked touch points. Cached value of trackingPoints.length
* @see #trackingPoints
public function get trackingPointsCount():uint
{ {
return _trackingPointsCount; if (_enabled == value)
_enabled = value;
if (!_enabled && state != GestureState.IDLE)
} }
protected var _state:uint = GestureState.IDLE;
public function get state():uint
return _state;
protected var _touchesCount:uint = 0;
/** /**
* Storage for centralPoint property. * Amount of currently tracked touch points.
* @see #_touches
*/ */
protected var _centralPoint:TouchPoint; public function get touchesCount():uint
return _touchesCount;
protected var _location:Point = new Point();
/** /**
* Virtual central touch point among all tracking touch points (geometrical center). * Virtual central touch point among all tracking touch points (geometrical center).
* <p>Designed for multitouch gestures, where center could be used for
* approximation or anchor. Use _adjustCentralPoint() method for updating centralPoint.</p>
* @see #_adjustCentralPoint()
*/ */
public function get centralPoint():TouchPoint public function get location():Point
{ {
return _centralPoint; //TODO: to clone or not clone? performance & convention or ...
return _location.clone();
} }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// Public methods // Public methods
// //
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Abstract] [Abstract]
/** /**
* Reflects gesture class (for better perfomance). * Reflects gesture class (for better perfomance).
@ -211,44 +171,9 @@ package org.gestouch.gestures
} }
/** public function isTrackingTouch(touchID:uint):Boolean
* Used by GesturesManager to check wether this gesture is interested in
* tracking this touch point upon this event (of type TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN).
* <p>Most of the gestures check, if event.target is target or target contains event.target.</p>
* <p>No need to use it directly.</p>
* @see org.gestouch.core.GesturesManager
* @see http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/events/TouchEvent.html
public function shouldTrackPoint(event:TouchEvent, tp:TouchPoint):Boolean
{ {
// No need to track more points than we need return (_touchesMap[touchID] != undefined);
if (_trackingPointsCount == maxTouchPointsCount)
return false;
//By default gesture is interested only in those touchpoints on top of target
var touchTarget:InteractiveObject = event.target as InteractiveObject;
if (touchTarget != target && !(target is DisplayObjectContainer && (target as DisplayObjectContainer).contains(touchTarget)))
return false;
return true;
* Used by GesturesManager to check wether this gesture is tracking this touch point.
* (Not to invoke onTouchBegin, onTouchMove and onTouchEnd methods with no need)
* @see org.gestouch.core.GesturesManager
public function isTracking(touchPointID:uint):Boolean
return (_trackingPointsMap[touchPointID] === true);
} }
@ -257,23 +182,22 @@ package org.gestouch.gestures
* *
* <p>Could be useful to "stop" gesture for the current interaction cycle.</p> * <p>Could be useful to "stop" gesture for the current interaction cycle.</p>
*/ */
public function cancel():void public function reset():void
{ {
GesturesManager.gestouch_internal::cancelGesture(this); //FIXME: proper state change?
} _location.x = 0;
_location.y = 0;
_touchesMap = {};
/** _touchesCount = 0;
* TODO: write description, decide wethere this API is good.
public function pickAndContinue(gesture:IGesture):void
for each (var tp:TouchPoint in gesture.trackingPoints) for (var key:* in _gesturesToFail)
{ {
onTouchBegin(tp); var gestureToFail:Gesture = key as Gesture;
gestureToFail.removeEventListener(GestureStateEvent.STATE_CHANGE, gestureToFail_stateChangeHandler);
} }
_pendingRecognizedState = 0;
} }
@ -284,69 +208,35 @@ package org.gestouch.gestures
*/ */
public function dispose():void public function dispose():void
{ {
_reset(); //TODO
target = null; target = null;
try _gesturesToFail = null;
catch (err:Error)
// do nothing
// GesturesManager may throw Error if this gesture is already removed:
// in case dispose() is called by GesturesManager upon GestureClass.remove(target)
// this part smells a bit, eh?
} }
[Abstract] public function canBePreventedByGesture(preventingGesture:Gesture):Boolean
* Internal method, used by GesturesManager.
* <p><b>NB!</b> This is abstract method and must be overridden.</p>
public function onTouchBegin(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
{ {
return true;
} }
[Abstract] public function canPreventGesture(preventedGesture:Gesture):Boolean
* Internal method, used by GesturesManager.
* <p><b>NB!</b> This is abstract method and must be overridden.</p>
public function onTouchMove(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
{ {
} return true;
* Internal method, used by GesturesManager.
* <p><b>NB!</b> This is abstract method and must be overridden.</p>
public function onTouchEnd(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
} }
/** /**
* Internal method, used by GesturesManager. Called upon gesture is cancelled. * <b>NB! Current implementation is highly experimental!</b> See examples for more info.
* @see #cancel()
*/ */
public function onCancel():void public function requireGestureToFail(gesture:Gesture):void
{ {
_reset(); //TODO
_gesturesToFail[gesture] = true;
} }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -357,14 +247,8 @@ package org.gestouch.gestures
/** /**
* First method, called in constructor. * First method, called in constructor.
* <p>Good place to put gesture configuration related code. For example (abstract):</p>
* <listing version="3.0">
minTouchPointsCount = 2;
_propertyNames.push("timeThreshold", "moveThreshold");
* </listing>
*/ */
protected function _preinit():void protected function preinit():void
{ {
} }
@ -374,214 +258,265 @@ _propertyNames.push("timeThreshold", "moveThreshold");
* *
* @see http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/display/InteractiveObject.html * @see http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/display/InteractiveObject.html
*/ */
protected function _installTarget(target:InteractiveObject):void protected function installTarget(target:InteractiveObject):void
{ {
if (target)
} }
/** /**
* Called internally when changing the target. * Called internally when changing the target.
* *
* <p>You should remove all listeners from target here.</p>
* @see http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/display/InteractiveObject.html * @see http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/display/InteractiveObject.html
*/ */
protected function _uninstallTarget(target:InteractiveObject):void protected function uninstallTarget(target:InteractiveObject):void
{ {
if (target)
} }
/** /**
* Dispatches gesture event on gesture and on target. * TODO: clarify usage. For now it's supported to call this method in onTouchBegin with return.
* <p>Why dispatching event on gesture? Because it make sense to dispatch event from
* detector object (gesture) and we can add [Event] metatag for better autocompletion.</p>
* <p>Why dispatching event on target? Becase it supposed to be like this in
* comparsion to native way, and it also make sense as similar to mouse and touch events.</p>
* @param event GestureEvent to be dispatched
* @see http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/events/GestureEvent.html
*/ */
protected function _dispatch(event:GestureEvent):void protected function ignoreTouch(touch:Touch):void
{ {
if (hasEventListener(event.type)) if (_touchesMap.hasOwnProperty(touch.id))
{ {
dispatchEvent(event); delete _touchesMap[touch.id];
* <p><b>NB!</b> This is abstract method and must be overridden.</p>
protected function onTouchBegin(touch:Touch):void
* <p><b>NB!</b> This is abstract method and must be overridden.</p>
protected function onTouchMove(touch:Touch):void
* <p><b>NB!</b> This is abstract method and must be overridden.</p>
protected function onTouchEnd(touch:Touch):void
protected function setState(newState:uint):Boolean
if (_state == newState && _state == GestureState.CHANGED)
return true;
} }
// event is almost always bubbles, so no point for optimization //TODO: is state sequence validation needed? e.g.:
target.dispatchEvent(event); //POSSIBLE should be followed by BEGAN or RECOGNIZED or FAILED
} //BEGAN should be follwed by CHANGED or ENDED or CANCELLED
//CHANGED should be followed by CHANGED or ENDED or CANCELLED
* Parses settings and configures the gesture. if (newState == GestureState.BEGAN || newState == GestureState.RECOGNIZED)
* @param settings Generic object with configuration properties
protected function _parseSettings(settings:Object):void
for each (var propertyName:String in _propertyNames)
{ {
if (settings.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) var gestureToFail:Gesture;
// first we check if other required-to-fail gestures recognized
// TODO: is this really necessary? using "requireGestureToFail" API assume that
// required-to-fail gesture always recognizes AFTER this one.
for (var key:* in _gesturesToFail)
{ {
this[propertyName] = settings[propertyName]; gestureToFail = key as Gesture;
if (gestureToFail.state != GestureState.IDLE && gestureToFail.state != GestureState.POSSIBLE
&& gestureToFail.state != GestureState.FAILED)
// Looks like other gesture won't fail,
// which means the required condition will not happen, so we must fail
return false;
// then we check of other required-to-fail gestures are actually tracked (not IDLE)
// and not still not recognized (e.g. POSSIBLE state)
for (key in _gesturesToFail)
gestureToFail = key as Gesture;
if (gestureToFail.state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)
// Other gesture might fail soon, so we postpone state change
_pendingRecognizedState = newState;
return false;
// else if gesture is in IDLE state it means it doesn't track anything,
// so we simply ignore it as it doesn't seem like conflict from this perspective
// (perspective of using "requireGestureToFail" API)
if (delegate && !delegate.gestureShouldBegin(this))
return false;
} }
} }
var oldState:uint = _state;
_state = newState;
if (((GestureState.CANCELLED | GestureState.RECOGNIZED | GestureState.ENDED | GestureState.FAILED) & _state) > 0)
//TODO: what if RTE happens in event handlers?
if (hasEventListener(GestureStateEvent.STATE_CHANGE))
dispatchEvent(new GestureStateEvent(GestureStateEvent.STATE_CHANGE, _state, oldState));
if (_state == GestureState.BEGAN || _state == GestureState.RECOGNIZED)
return true;
} }
/** gestouch_internal function setState_internal(state:uint):void
* Saves touchPoint for tracking for the current gesture cycle.
* <p>If this is the first touch point, it updates _firstTouchPoint and _centralPoint.</p>
* @see #_firstTouchPoint
* @see #centralPoint
* @see #trackingPointsCount
protected function _trackPoint(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
{ {
_trackingPointsMap[touchPoint.id] = true; setState(state);
var index:uint = _trackingPoints.push(touchPoint);
if (index == 1)
_firstTouchPoint = touchPoint;
_centralPoint = touchPoint.clone() as TouchPoint;
else if (_trackingPointsCount == minTouchPointsCount)
_centralPoint.touchBeginPos.x = _centralPoint.x;
_centralPoint.touchBeginPos.y = _centralPoint.y;
_centralPoint.moveOffset.x = 0;
_centralPoint.moveOffset.y = 0;
_centralPoint.lastMove.x = 0;
_centralPoint.lastMove.y = 0;
else if (_trackingPointsCount > minTouchPointsCount)
if (_trackingPointsCount == minTouchPointsCount)
if (hasEventListener(GestureTrackingEvent.GESTURE_TRACKING_BEGIN))
dispatchEvent(new GestureTrackingEvent(GestureTrackingEvent.GESTURE_TRACKING_BEGIN));
} }
/** protected function updateCentralPoint():void
* Removes touchPoint from the list of tracking points.
* <p>If this is the first touch point, it updates _firstTouchPoint and _centralPoint.</p>
* @see #trackingPoints
* @see #_trackingPointsMap
* @see #trackingPointsCount
protected function _forgetPoint(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
delete _trackingPointsMap[touchPoint.id];
_trackingPoints.splice(_trackingPoints.indexOf(touchPoint), 1);
if (_trackingPointsCount == minTouchPointsCount + 1)
if (hasEventListener(GestureTrackingEvent.GESTURE_TRACKING_END))
dispatchEvent(new GestureTrackingEvent(GestureTrackingEvent.GESTURE_TRACKING_END));
* Updates _centralPoint and all it's properties
* (such as positions, offsets, velocity, etc...).
* Also updates _lastLocalCentralPoint (used for dispatching events).
* @see #centralPoint
* @see #_lastLocalCentralPoint
* @see #trackingPoints
protected function _updateCentralPoint():void
{ {
var touchLocation:Point;
var x:Number = 0; var x:Number = 0;
var y:Number = 0; var y:Number = 0;
var velX:Number = 0; for (var touchID:String in _touchesMap)
var velY:Number = 0;
for each (var tp:TouchPoint in _trackingPoints)
{ {
x += tp.x; touchLocation = (_touchesMap[int(touchID)] as Touch).location;
y += tp.y; x += touchLocation.x;
velX += tp.velocity.x; y += touchLocation.y;
velY += tp.velocity.y;
} }
x /= _trackingPointsCount; _centralPoint.x = x / _touchesCount;
y /= _trackingPointsCount; _centralPoint.y = y / _touchesCount;
var lastMoveX:Number = x - _centralPoint.x;
var lastMoveY:Number = y - _centralPoint.y;
velX /= _trackingPointsCount;
velY /= _trackingPointsCount;
_centralPoint.x = x;
_centralPoint.y = y;
_centralPoint.lastMove.x = lastMoveX;
_centralPoint.lastMove.y = lastMoveY;
_centralPoint.velocity.x = velX;
_centralPoint.velocity.y = velY;
// tp.moveOffset = tp.subtract(tp.touchBeginPos);
_centralPoint.moveOffset.x = x - _centralPoint.touchBeginPos.x;
_centralPoint.moveOffset.y = y - _centralPoint.touchBeginPos.y;
_lastLocalCentralPoint = target.globalToLocal(_centralPoint);
} }
protected function _adjustCentralPoint():void protected function updateLocation():void
{ {
var oldCentralPoint:TouchPoint = _centralPoint.clone() as TouchPoint; updateCentralPoint();
_updateCentralPoint(); _location.x = _centralPoint.x;
var centralPointChange:Point = _centralPoint.subtract(oldCentralPoint); _location.y = _centralPoint.y;
_centralPoint.touchBeginPos = _centralPoint.touchBeginPos.add(centralPointChange); _localLocation = target.globalToLocal(_location);
// fix moveOffset according to fixed touchBeginPos
_centralPoint.moveOffset.x = _centralPoint.x - _centralPoint.touchBeginPos.x;
_centralPoint.moveOffset.y = _centralPoint.y - _centralPoint.touchBeginPos.y;
// restore original lastMove
_centralPoint.lastMove.x = oldCentralPoint.lastMove.x;
_centralPoint.lastMove.y = oldCentralPoint.lastMove.y;
} }
/** /**
* Reset data for the current tracking (interaction) cycle. * Executed once requiredToFail gestures have been failed and
* * pending (delayed) recognized state has been entered.
* <p>Clears up _trackingPointsMap, _trackingPoints, _trackingPointsCount * You must dispatch gesture event here.
* and other custom gestures-specific things.</p>
* <p>Generally invoked in onCancel method and when certain conditions of gesture
* have been failed and gesture doesn't need to continue processsing
* (e.g. timer has completed in DoubleTapGesture)</p>
* @see #trackingPoints
* @see #trackingPointsCount
* @see #onCancel()
*/ */
protected function _reset():void protected function onDelayedRecognize():void
{ {
// forget all touch points
_trackingPointsMap = {}; }
_trackingPoints.length = 0;
_trackingPointsCount = 0;
// Event handlers
gestouch_internal function touchBeginHandler(touch:Touch):void
_touchesMap[touch.id] = touch;
if (_touchesCount == 1 && state == GestureState.IDLE)
for (var key:* in _gesturesToFail)
var gestureToFail:Gesture = key as Gesture;
gestureToFail.addEventListener(GestureStateEvent.STATE_CHANGE, gestureToFail_stateChangeHandler, false, 0, true);
gestouch_internal function touchMoveHandler(touch:Touch):void
_touchesMap[touch.id] = touch;
gestouch_internal function touchEndHandler(touch:Touch):void
delete _touchesMap[touch.id];
protected function gestureToFail_stateChangeHandler(event:GestureStateEvent):void
if (state != GestureState.POSSIBLE)
return;//just in case..FIXME?
if (!_pendingRecognizedState)
if (event.newState == GestureState.FAILED)
for (var key:* in _gesturesToFail)
var gestureToFail:Gesture = key as Gesture;
if (gestureToFail.state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)
// we're still waiting for some gesture to fail
if (setState(_pendingRecognizedState))
else if (event.newState != GestureState.POSSIBLE)
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,149 +1,164 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures package org.gestouch.gestures
{ {
import org.gestouch.core.GesturesManager; import org.gestouch.core.GestureState;
import org.gestouch.core.TouchPoint; import org.gestouch.core.Touch;
import org.gestouch.core.gestouch_internal;
import org.gestouch.events.LongPressGestureEvent; import org.gestouch.events.LongPressGestureEvent;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject; import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.events.GesturePhase;
import flash.events.TimerEvent; import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.utils.Timer; import flash.utils.Timer;
[Event(name="gestureLongPress", type="org.gestouch.events.LongPressGestureEvent")]
/** /**
* * TODO: -location
* - check on iOS (Obj-C) what happens when numTouchesRequired=2, two finger down, then quickly release one.
* *
* @author Pavel fljot * @author Pavel fljot
*/ */
public class LongPressGesture extends Gesture public class LongPressGesture extends Gesture
{ {
public var numTouchesRequired:uint = 1;
/** /**
* Default value 1000ms * The minimum time interval in millisecond fingers must press on the target for the gesture to be recognized.
*/ *
public var timeThreshold:uint = 500; * @default 500
/** */
* Deafult value is Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP public var minPressDuration:uint = 500;
* @see org.gestouchers.core.Gesture#DEFAULT_SLOP
public var slop:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP; public var slop:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP;
protected var _thresholdTimer:Timer; protected var _timer:Timer;
protected var _numTouchesRequiredReached:Boolean;
public function LongPressGesture(target:InteractiveObject = null, settings:Object = null) public function LongPressGesture(target:InteractiveObject = null)
{ {
super(target, settings); super(target);
} }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// Static methods // Public methods
// //
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static function add(target:InteractiveObject, settings:Object = null):LongPressGesture
return new LongPressGesture(target, settings);
public static function remove(target:InteractiveObject):LongPressGesture
return GesturesManager.gestouch_internal::removeGestureByTarget(LongPressGesture, target) as LongPressGesture;
// Public methods
override public function reflect():Class override public function reflect():Class
{ {
return LongPressGesture; return TapGesture;
override public function reset():void
_numTouchesRequiredReached = false;
} }
override public function onTouchBegin(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
override protected function preinit():void
{ {
// No need to track more points than we need super.preinit();
if (_trackingPointsCount == maxTouchPointsCount)
_timer = new Timer(minPressDuration, 1);
_timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, timer_timerCompleteHandler);
override protected function onTouchBegin(touch:Touch):void
if (touchesCount > numTouchesRequired)
{ {
if (state == GestureState.BEGAN || state == GestureState.CHANGED)
return; return;
} }
_trackPoint(touchPoint); if (touchesCount == numTouchesRequired)
if (_trackingPointsCount == minTouchPointsCount)
{ {
_thresholdTimer.reset(); _numTouchesRequiredReached = true;
_thresholdTimer.delay = timeThreshold; _timer.reset();
_thresholdTimer.start(); _timer.delay = minPressDuration;
} if (minPressDuration > 0)
override public function onTouchMove(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
// faster isNaN
if (_thresholdTimer.currentCount == 0 && slop == slop)
if (touchPoint.moveOffset.length > slop)
{ {
cancel(); _timer.start();
} }
} }
} }
override public function onTouchEnd(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void override protected function onTouchMove(touch:Touch):void
{ {
_forgetPoint(touchPoint); if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE && slop > 0 && touch.locationOffset.length > slop)
var held:Boolean = (_thresholdTimer.currentCount > 0);
if (held)
{ {
_updateCentralPoint(); setState(GestureState.FAILED);
_reset(); }
_dispatch(new LongPressGestureEvent(LongPressGestureEvent.GESTURE_LONG_PRESS, true, false, GesturePhase.END, _lastLocalCentralPoint.x, _lastLocalCentralPoint.y)); else if (state == GestureState.BEGAN || state == GestureState.CHANGED)
if (setState(GestureState.CHANGED) && hasEventListener(LongPressGestureEvent.GESTURE_LONG_PRESS))
dispatchEvent(new LongPressGestureEvent(LongPressGestureEvent.GESTURE_LONG_PRESS, false, false, GestureState.CHANGED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y));
} }
} }
override protected function onTouchEnd(touch:Touch):void
// Protected methods
override protected function _preinit():void
{ {
super._preinit(); //TODO: check proper condition (behavior) on iOS native
if (_numTouchesRequiredReached)
_thresholdTimer = new Timer(timeThreshold, 1); {
_thresholdTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, _onThresholdTimerComplete); if (((GestureState.BEGAN | GestureState.CHANGED) & state) > 0)
_propertyNames.push("timeThreshold", "slop"); updateLocation();
if (setState(GestureState.ENDED) && hasEventListener(LongPressGestureEvent.GESTURE_LONG_PRESS))
dispatchEvent(new LongPressGestureEvent(LongPressGestureEvent.GESTURE_LONG_PRESS, false, false, GestureState.ENDED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y));
} }
override protected function _reset():void override protected function onDelayedRecognize():void
{ {
super._reset(); if (hasEventListener(LongPressGestureEvent.GESTURE_LONG_PRESS))
_thresholdTimer.reset(); dispatchEvent(new LongPressGestureEvent(LongPressGestureEvent.GESTURE_LONG_PRESS, false, false, GestureState.BEGAN,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y));
} }
@ -154,11 +169,18 @@ package org.gestouch.gestures
// Event handlers // Event handlers
// //
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected function _onThresholdTimerComplete(event:TimerEvent):void protected function timer_timerCompleteHandler(event:TimerEvent = null):void
{ {
_updateCentralPoint(); if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)
_dispatch(new LongPressGestureEvent(LongPressGestureEvent.GESTURE_LONG_PRESS, true, false, GesturePhase.BEGIN, _lastLocalCentralPoint.x, _lastLocalCentralPoint.y)); {
if (setState(GestureState.BEGAN) && hasEventListener(LongPressGestureEvent.GESTURE_LONG_PRESS))
dispatchEvent(new LongPressGestureEvent(LongPressGestureEvent.GESTURE_LONG_PRESS, false, false, GestureState.BEGAN,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y));
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.geom.Point;
import org.gestouch.Direction;
* Base class for those gestures where you have to move finger/mouse,
* i.e. DragGesture, SwipeGesture
* @author Pavel fljot
public class MovingGestureBase extends Gesture
* Threshold for screen distance they must move to count as valid input
* (not an accidental offset on touch). Once this distance is passed,
* gesture starts more intensive and specific processing in onTouchMove() method.
* @default Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP
* @see org.gestouch.gestures.Gesture#DEFAULT_SLOP
public var slop:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP;
protected var _slopPassed:Boolean = false;
protected var _canMoveHorizontally:Boolean = true;
protected var _canMoveVertically:Boolean = true;
public function MovingGestureBase(target:InteractiveObject = null, settings:Object = null)
super(target, settings);
if (reflect() == MovingGestureBase)
throw new Error("This is abstract class and cannot be instantiated.");
* @private
* Storage for direction property.
protected var _direction:String = Direction.ALL;
* Allowed direction for this gesture. Used to determine slop overcome
* and could be used for specific calculations (as in SwipeGesture for example).
* @default Direction.ALL
* @see org.gestouch.Direction
* @see org.gestouch.gestures.SwipeGesture
public function get direction():String
return _direction;
public function set direction(value:String):void
if (_direction == value) return;
_direction = value;
_canMoveHorizontally = (_direction != Direction.VERTICAL);
_canMoveVertically = (_direction != Direction.HORIZONTAL);
// Protected methods
override protected function _preinit():void
_propertyNames.push("slop", "direction");
override protected function _reset():void
_slopPassed = false;
* Validates direction property (in setter) to help
* developer prevent accidental mistake (Strings suck).
* @see org.gestouch.Direction
protected function _validateDirection(value:String):void
if (value != Direction.HORIZONTAL &&
value != Direction.VERTICAL &&
value != Direction.STRAIGHT_AXES &&
value != Direction.DIAGONAL_AXES &&
value != Direction.OCTO &&
value != Direction.ALL)
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid direction value \"" + value + "\".");
* Checks wether slop has been overcome.
* Typically used in onTouchMove() method.
* @param moveDelta offset of touch point / central point
* starting from beginning of interaction cycle.
* @see #onTouchMove()
protected function _checkSlop(moveDelta:Point):Boolean
var slopPassed:Boolean = false;
if (!(slop > 0))
// return true immideately if slop is 0 or NaN
return true;
if (_canMoveHorizontally && _canMoveVertically)
slopPassed = moveDelta.length > slop;
else if (_canMoveHorizontally)
slopPassed = Math.abs(moveDelta.x) > slop;
else if (_canMoveVertically)
slopPassed = Math.abs(moveDelta.y) > slop;
if (slopPassed)
var slopVector:Point;
if (_canMoveHorizontally && _canMoveVertically)
slopVector = moveDelta.clone();
slopVector.x = Math.round(slopVector.x);
slopVector.y = Math.round(slopVector.y);
else if (_canMoveHorizontally)
slopVector = new Point(moveDelta.x >= slop ? slop : -slop, 0);
else if (_canMoveVertically)
slopVector = new Point(0, moveDelta.y >= slop ? slop : -slop);
// _gestureAnchorPoint = _touchPoint.add(slopVector);
// startGestureTrack();
return slopPassed;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures
import org.gestouch.core.GestureState;
import org.gestouch.core.Touch;
import org.gestouch.events.PanGestureEvent;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.geom.Point;
[Event(name="gesturePan", type="org.gestouch.events.PanGestureEvent")]
* -location
* -check native behavior on iDevice
* @author Pavel fljot
public class PanGesture extends Gesture
public var slop:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP;
* Used for initial slop overcome calculations only.
public var direction:uint = PanGestureDirection.NO_DIRECTION;
protected var _gestureBeginOffsetX:Number;
protected var _gestureBeginOffsetY:Number;
public function PanGesture(target:InteractiveObject = null)
/** @private */
private var _maxNumTouchesRequired:uint = 1;
public function get maxNumTouchesRequired():uint
return _maxNumTouchesRequired;
public function set maxNumTouchesRequired(value:uint):void
if (_maxNumTouchesRequired == value)
if (value < minNumTouchesRequired)
throw ArgumentError("maxNumTouchesRequired must be not less then minNumTouchesRequired");
_maxNumTouchesRequired = value;
/** @private */
private var _minNumTouchesRequired:uint = 1;
public function get minNumTouchesRequired():uint
return _minNumTouchesRequired;
public function set minNumTouchesRequired(value:uint):void
if (_minNumTouchesRequired == value)
if (value > maxNumTouchesRequired)
throw ArgumentError("minNumTouchesRequired must be not greater then maxNumTouchesRequired");
_minNumTouchesRequired = value;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
override public function reflect():Class
return PanGesture;
override public function reset():void
_gestureBeginOffsetX = NaN;
_gestureBeginOffsetY = NaN;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
override protected function onTouchBegin(touch:Touch):void
if (touchesCount > maxNumTouchesRequired)
if (touchesCount >= minNumTouchesRequired)
override protected function onTouchMove(touch:Touch):void
if (touchesCount < minNumTouchesRequired)
var prevLocationX:Number;
var prevLocationY:Number;
var offsetX:Number;
var offsetY:Number;
if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)
// Check if finger moved enough for gesture to be recognized
var locationOffset:Point = touch.locationOffset;
if (direction == PanGestureDirection.VERTICAL)
locationOffset.x = 0;
else if (direction == PanGestureDirection.HORIZONTAL)
locationOffset.y = 0;
if (locationOffset.length > slop || slop != slop)//faster isNaN(slop)
prevLocationX = _location.x;
prevLocationY = _location.y;
offsetX = _location.x - prevLocationX;
offsetY = _location.y - prevLocationY;
// acummulate begin offsets for the case when this gesture recognition is delayed by requireGestureToFail
_gestureBeginOffsetX = (_gestureBeginOffsetX != _gestureBeginOffsetX) ? offsetX : _gestureBeginOffsetX + offsetX;
_gestureBeginOffsetY = (_gestureBeginOffsetY != _gestureBeginOffsetY) ? offsetY : _gestureBeginOffsetY + offsetY;
if (setState(GestureState.BEGAN) && hasEventListener(PanGestureEvent.GESTURE_PAN))
dispatchEvent(new PanGestureEvent(PanGestureEvent.GESTURE_PAN, false, false, GestureState.BEGAN,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, offsetX, offsetY));
else if (state == GestureState.BEGAN || state == GestureState.CHANGED)
prevLocationX = _location.x;
prevLocationY = _location.y;
offsetX = _location.x - prevLocationX;
offsetY = _location.y - prevLocationY;
if (setState(GestureState.CHANGED) && hasEventListener(PanGestureEvent.GESTURE_PAN))
dispatchEvent(new PanGestureEvent(PanGestureEvent.GESTURE_PAN, false, false, GestureState.CHANGED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, offsetX, offsetY));
override protected function onTouchEnd(touch:Touch):void
if (touchesCount < minNumTouchesRequired)
if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)
if (setState(GestureState.ENDED) && hasEventListener(PanGestureEvent.GESTURE_PAN))
dispatchEvent(new PanGestureEvent(PanGestureEvent.GESTURE_PAN, false, false, GestureState.ENDED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, 0, 0));
override protected function onDelayedRecognize():void
if (hasEventListener(PanGestureEvent.GESTURE_PAN))
dispatchEvent(new PanGestureEvent(PanGestureEvent.GESTURE_PAN, false, false, GestureState.BEGAN,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, _gestureBeginOffsetX, _gestureBeginOffsetY));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures
* @author Pavel fljot
public class PanGestureDirection
public static const NO_DIRECTION:uint = 0;
public static const VERTICAL:uint = 1 << 0;
public static const HORIZONTAL:uint = 1 << 1;

View file

@ -1,68 +1,42 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures package org.gestouch.gestures
{ {
import org.gestouch.GestureUtils; import org.gestouch.core.GestureState;
import org.gestouch.core.GesturesManager; import org.gestouch.core.Touch;
import org.gestouch.core.TouchPoint;
import org.gestouch.core.gestouch_internal;
import org.gestouch.events.RotateGestureEvent; import org.gestouch.events.RotateGestureEvent;
import org.gestouch.utils.GestureUtils;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject; import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.events.GesturePhase;
import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Point;
[Event(name="gestureRotate", type="org.gestouch.events.RotateGestureEvent")] [Event(name="gestureRotate", type="org.gestouch.events.RotateGestureEvent")]
/** /**
* -check native behavior on iDevice
* @author Pavel fljot * @author Pavel fljot
*/ */
public class RotateGesture extends Gesture public class RotateGesture extends Gesture
{ {
public var slop:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP >> 1;
protected var _currVector:Point = new Point(); protected var _touch1:Touch;
protected var _lastVector:Point = new Point(); protected var _touch2:Touch;
protected var _transformVector:Point;
public function RotateGesture(target:InteractiveObject, settings:Object = null) public function RotateGesture(target:InteractiveObject = null)
{ {
super(target, settings); super(target);
} }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// Static methods // Public methods
// //
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static function add(target:InteractiveObject = null, settings:Object = null):RotateGesture
return new RotateGesture(target, settings);
public static function remove(target:InteractiveObject):RotateGesture
return GesturesManager.gestouch_internal::removeGestureByTarget(RotateGesture, target) as RotateGesture;
// Public methods
override public function onCancel():void
override public function reflect():Class override public function reflect():Class
{ {
@ -70,70 +44,113 @@ package org.gestouch.gestures
} }
override public function onTouchBegin(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
override protected function onTouchBegin(touch:Touch):void
{ {
// No need to track more points than we need if (touchesCount > 2)
if (_trackingPointsCount == maxTouchPointsCount)
{ {
return; return;
} }
_trackPoint(touchPoint); if (touchesCount == 1)
if (_trackingPointsCount == minTouchPointsCount)
{ {
_lastVector.x = _trackingPoints[1].x - _trackingPoints[0].x; _touch1 = touch;
_lastVector.y = _trackingPoints[1].y - _trackingPoints[0].y; }
_touch2 = touch;
_updateCentralPoint(); _transformVector = _touch2.location.subtract(_touch1.location);
_dispatch(new RotateGestureEvent(RotateGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE, true, false, GesturePhase.BEGIN, _lastLocalCentralPoint.x, _lastLocalCentralPoint.y));
} }
} }
override public function onTouchMove(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void override protected function onTouchMove(touch:Touch):void
{ {
// do calculations only when we track enough points if (touchesCount < 2)
if (_trackingPointsCount < minTouchPointsCount)
return; return;
_updateCentralPoint(); var recognized:Boolean = true;
_currVector.x = _trackingPoints[1].x - _trackingPoints[0].x; if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE && slop > 0 && touch.locationOffset.length < slop)
_currVector.y = _trackingPoints[1].y - _trackingPoints[0].y;
var a1:Number = Math.atan2(_lastVector.y, _lastVector.x);
var a2:Number = Math.atan2(_currVector.y, _currVector.x);
var angle:Number = a2 - a1;
angle *= GestureUtils.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
_lastVector.x = _currVector.x;
_lastVector.y = _currVector.y;
_dispatch(new RotateGestureEvent(RotateGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE, true, false, GesturePhase.UPDATE, _lastLocalCentralPoint.x, _lastLocalCentralPoint.y, 1, 1, angle));
override public function onTouchEnd(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
var ending:Boolean = (_trackingPointsCount == minTouchPointsCount);
if (ending)
{ {
_dispatch(new RotateGestureEvent(RotateGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE, true, false, GesturePhase.END, _lastLocalCentralPoint.x, _lastLocalCentralPoint.y)); recognized = false;
if (recognized)
var currTransformVector:Point = _touch2.location.subtract(_touch1.location);
var rotation:Number = Math.atan2(currTransformVector.y, currTransformVector.x) - Math.atan2(_transformVector.y, _transformVector.x);
rotation *= GestureUtils.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
_transformVector.x = currTransformVector.x;
_transformVector.y = currTransformVector.y;
if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)
if (setState(GestureState.BEGAN) && hasEventListener(RotateGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE))
dispatchEvent(new RotateGestureEvent(RotateGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE, false, false, GestureState.BEGAN,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, rotation));
if (setState(GestureState.CHANGED) && hasEventListener(RotateGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE))
dispatchEvent(new RotateGestureEvent(RotateGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE, false, false, GestureState.CHANGED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, rotation));
} }
} }
override protected function _preinit():void override protected function onTouchEnd(touch:Touch):void
{ {
super._preinit(); if (touchesCount == 0)
minTouchPointsCount = 2; if (state == GestureState.BEGAN || state == GestureState.CHANGED)
if (setState(GestureState.ENDED) && hasEventListener(RotateGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE))
dispatchEvent(new RotateGestureEvent(RotateGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE, false, false, GestureState.ENDED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, 0));
else if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)
else// == 1
if (touch == _touch1)
_touch1 = _touch2;
_touch2 = null;
if (state == GestureState.BEGAN || state == GestureState.CHANGED)
if (setState(GestureState.CHANGED) && hasEventListener(RotateGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE))
dispatchEvent(new RotateGestureEvent(RotateGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATE, false, false, GestureState.CHANGED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, 0));
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,180 +1,243 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures package org.gestouch.gestures
{ {
import org.gestouch.Direction; import org.gestouch.core.GestureState;
import org.gestouch.GestureUtils; import org.gestouch.core.Touch;
import org.gestouch.core.GesturesManager;
import org.gestouch.core.TouchPoint;
import org.gestouch.core.gestouch_internal;
import org.gestouch.events.SwipeGestureEvent; import org.gestouch.events.SwipeGestureEvent;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject; import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.events.GesturePhase;
import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
[Event(name="gestureSwipe", type="org.gestouch.events.SwipeGestureEvent")] [Event(name="gestureSwipe", type="org.gestouch.events.SwipeGestureEvent")]
/** /**
* SwipeGesture detects <i>swipe</i> motion (also known as <i>flick</i> or <i>flig</i>). * TODO:
* * -check native behavior on iDevice
* <p>I couldn't find any certain definition of <i>Swipe</i> except for it's defined as <i>quick</i>.
* So I've implemented detection via two threshold velocities one is in the direction of the movement,
* and second is the "side"-one (orthogonal). They form a velocity rectangle, where you have to move
* with a velocity greater then velocityThreshold value and less then sideVelocityThreshold.</p>
* *
* @author Pavel fljot * @author Pavel fljot
*/ */
public class SwipeGesture extends MovingGestureBase public class SwipeGesture extends Gesture
{ {
public var moveThreshold:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP; public var slop:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP;
public var minTimeThreshold:uint = 50; public var numTouchesRequired:uint = 1;
public var velocityThreshold:Number = 7 * GestureUtils.IPS_TO_PPMS; public var minVelocity:Number = 0.8;
public var sideVelocityThreshold:Number = 2 * GestureUtils.IPS_TO_PPMS; public var minOffset:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP;
public var direction:uint = SwipeGestureDirection.ORTHOGONAL;
public var maxDirectionalOffset:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP << 1;
protected var _startTime:uint; protected var _offset:Point = new Point();
protected var _startTime:int;
protected var _noDirection:Boolean;
protected var _avrgVel:Point = new Point();
protected var _prevAvrgVel:Point = new Point();
protected var _decelerationCounter:uint = 0;
public function SwipeGesture(target:InteractiveObject = null, settings:Object = null) public function SwipeGesture(target:InteractiveObject = null)
{ {
super(target, settings); super(target);
} }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// Static methods // Public methods
// //
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static function add(target:InteractiveObject, settings:Object = null):SwipeGesture
return new SwipeGesture(target, settings);
public static function remove(target:InteractiveObject):SwipeGesture
return GesturesManager.gestouch_internal::removeGestureByTarget(SwipeGesture, target) as SwipeGesture;
// Public methods
override public function reflect():Class override public function reflect():Class
{ {
return SwipeGesture; return SwipeGesture;
} }
override public function onTouchBegin(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
// No need to track more points than we need
if (_trackingPointsCount == maxTouchPointsCount)
_trackPoint(touchPoint); override public function reset():void
_startTime = 0;
_offset.x = 0;
_offset.y = 0;
_decelerationCounter = 0;
} }
override public function onTouchMove(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
override protected function onTouchBegin(touch:Touch):void
{ {
// do calculations only when we track enought points if (touchesCount > numTouchesRequired)
if (_trackingPointsCount < minTouchPointsCount)
{ {
//TODO: or ignore?
return; return;
} }
_updateCentralPoint(); if (touchesCount == 1)
if (!_slopPassed)
{ {
_slopPassed = _checkSlop(_centralPoint.moveOffset); // Because we want to fail as quick as possible
_startTime = touch.time;
if (touchesCount == numTouchesRequired)
_avrgVel.x = _avrgVel.y = 0;
// cache direction condition for performance
_noDirection = (SwipeGestureDirection.ORTHOGONAL & direction) == 0;
override protected function onTouchMove(touch:Touch):void
if (touchesCount < numTouchesRequired)
var prevCentralPointX:Number = _centralPoint.x;
var prevCentralPointY:Number = _centralPoint.y;
_offset.x = _centralPoint.x - _location.x;
_offset.y = _centralPoint.y - _location.y;
var offsetLength:Number = _offset.length;
if (offsetLength < slop)
// no need in processing - we're in the very beginning of movement
} }
if (_slopPassed) // average velocity (total offset to total duration)
_prevAvrgVel.x = _avrgVel.x;
_prevAvrgVel.y = _avrgVel.y;
var absPrevAvrgVel:Number = _prevAvrgVel.length;
var totalTime:int = touch.time - _startTime;
_avrgVel.x = _offset.x / totalTime;
_avrgVel.y = _offset.y / totalTime;
var avrgVel:Number = _avrgVel.length;
if (avrgVel * 0.95 < absPrevAvrgVel)
{ {
var velocity:Point = _centralPoint.velocity; _decelerationCounter++;
if (_decelerationCounter > 5 || avrgVel < 0.1)
if (_noDirection)
// We should quickly fail if we have noticable deceleration
// or first movement happend way later after touch
var foo:Number = _centralPoint.moveOffset.length;//FIXME! if (avrgVel >= minVelocity && (minOffset != minOffset || offsetLength >= minOffset))
var swipeDetected:Boolean = false;
if (getTimer() - _startTime > minTimeThreshold && foo > 10)
{ {
var lastMoveX:Number = 0; if (setState(GestureState.RECOGNIZED) && hasEventListener(SwipeGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE))
var lastMoveY:Number = 0;
if (_canMoveHorizontally && _canMoveVertically)
{ {
lastMoveX = _centralPoint.lastMove.x; _localLocation = target.globalToLocal(_location);//refresh local location in case target moved
lastMoveY = _centralPoint.lastMove.y; dispatchEvent(new SwipeGestureEvent(SwipeGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, false, false, GestureState.RECOGNIZED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, _offset.x, _offset.y));
if (direction == Direction.STRAIGHT_AXES)
// go to logic below: if (!swipeDetected && _canMove*)..
else if (direction == Direction.OCTO)
swipeDetected = velocity.length >= velocityThreshold;
if (Math.abs(velocity.y) < sideVelocityThreshold)
// horizontal swipe
lastMoveY = 0;
else if (Math.abs(velocity.x) < sideVelocityThreshold)
// vertical swipe
lastMoveX = 0;
// free direction swipe
swipeDetected = velocity.length >= velocityThreshold;
if (!swipeDetected && _canMoveHorizontally)
swipeDetected = Math.abs(velocity.x) >= velocityThreshold &&
Math.abs(velocity.y) < sideVelocityThreshold;
lastMoveX = _centralPoint.lastMove.x;
lastMoveY = 0;
if (!swipeDetected && _canMoveVertically)
swipeDetected = Math.abs(velocity.y) >= velocityThreshold &&
Math.abs(velocity.x) < sideVelocityThreshold;
lastMoveX = 0;
lastMoveY = _centralPoint.lastMove.y;
if (swipeDetected)
// trace("swipe detected:", lastMoveX, lastMoveY);
_dispatch(new SwipeGestureEvent(SwipeGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, true, false, GesturePhase.ALL, target.mouseX, target.mouseY, 1, 1, 0, lastMoveX, lastMoveY));
} }
} }
} }
var recentOffsetX:Number = _centralPoint.x - prevCentralPointX;
var recentOffsetY:Number = _centralPoint.y - prevCentralPointY;
//faster Math.abs()
var absVelX:Number = _avrgVel.x > 0 ? _avrgVel.x : -_avrgVel.x;
var absVelY:Number = _avrgVel.y > 0 ? _avrgVel.y : -_avrgVel.y;
if (absVelX > absVelY)
var absOffsetX:Number = _offset.x > 0 ? _offset.x : -_offset.x;
if ((SwipeGestureDirection.HORIZONTAL & direction) == 0)
// horizontal velocity is greater then vertical, but we're not interested in any horizontal direction
else if (recentOffsetX < 0 && (direction & SwipeGestureDirection.LEFT) == 0 ||
recentOffsetX > 0 && (direction & SwipeGestureDirection.RIGHT) == 0 ||
Math.abs(_offset.y) > maxDirectionalOffset)
// movement in opposite direction
// or too much diagonally
else if (absVelX >= minVelocity && (minOffset != minOffset || absOffsetX >= minOffset))
_offset.y = 0;
if (setState(GestureState.RECOGNIZED) && hasEventListener(SwipeGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE))
_localLocation = target.globalToLocal(_location);//refresh local location in case target moved
dispatchEvent(new SwipeGestureEvent(SwipeGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, false, false, GestureState.RECOGNIZED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, _offset.x, _offset.y));
else if (absVelY > absVelX)
var absOffsetY:Number = _offset.y > 0 ? _offset.y : -_offset.y;
if ((SwipeGestureDirection.VERTICAL & direction) == 0)
// horizontal velocity is greater then vertical, but we're not interested in any horizontal direction
else if (recentOffsetY < 0 && (direction & SwipeGestureDirection.UP) == 0 ||
recentOffsetY > 0 && (direction & SwipeGestureDirection.DOWN) == 0 ||
Math.abs(_offset.x) > maxDirectionalOffset)
// movement in opposite direction
// or too much diagonally
else if (absVelY >= minVelocity && (minOffset != minOffset || absOffsetY >= minOffset))
_offset.x = 0;
if (setState(GestureState.RECOGNIZED) && hasEventListener(SwipeGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE))
_localLocation = target.globalToLocal(_location);//refresh local location in case target moved
dispatchEvent(new SwipeGestureEvent(SwipeGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, false, false, GestureState.RECOGNIZED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, _offset.x, _offset.y));
override protected function onTouchEnd(touch:Touch):void
if (touchesCount < numTouchesRequired)
} }
override public function onTouchEnd(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void override protected function onDelayedRecognize():void
{ {
_forgetPoint(touchPoint); if (hasEventListener(SwipeGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE))
_localLocation = target.globalToLocal(_location);//refresh local location in case target moved
dispatchEvent(new SwipeGestureEvent(SwipeGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, false, false, GestureState.RECOGNIZED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, _offset.x, _offset.y));
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures
* @author Pavel fljot
public class SwipeGestureDirection
public static const RIGHT:uint = 1 << 0;
public static const LEFT:uint = 1 << 1;
public static const UP:uint = 1 << 2;
public static const DOWN:uint = 1 << 3;
public static const NO_DIRECTION:uint = 0;
public static const HORIZONTAL:uint = RIGHT | LEFT;
public static const VERTICAL:uint = UP | DOWN;
public static const ORTHOGONAL:uint = RIGHT | LEFT | UP | DOWN;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures
import org.gestouch.core.GestureState;
import org.gestouch.core.Touch;
import org.gestouch.events.TapGestureEvent;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.utils.Timer;
[Event(name="gestureTap", type="org.gestouch.events.TapGestureEvent")]
* TODO: check failing conditions (iDevice)
* @author Pavel fljot
public class TapGesture extends Gesture
public var numTouchesRequired:uint = 1;
public var numTapsRequired:uint = 1;
public var slop:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP;
public var maxTapDelay:uint = 400;
public var maxTapDuration:uint = 1500;
protected var _timer:Timer;
protected var _numTouchesRequiredReached:Boolean;
protected var _tapCounter:uint = 0;
public function TapGesture(target:InteractiveObject = null)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
override public function reflect():Class
return TapGesture;
override public function reset():void
_numTouchesRequiredReached = false;
_tapCounter = 0;
override public function canPreventGesture(preventedGesture:Gesture):Boolean
if (preventedGesture is TapGesture &&
(preventedGesture as TapGesture).numTapsRequired > this.numTapsRequired)
return false;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
override protected function preinit():void
_timer = new Timer(maxTapDelay, 1);
_timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, timer_timerCompleteHandler);
override protected function onTouchBegin(touch:Touch):void
if (touchesCount > numTouchesRequired)
// We put more fingers then required at the same time,
// so treat that as failed
if (touchesCount == 1)
_timer.delay = maxTapDuration;
if (touchesCount == numTouchesRequired)
_numTouchesRequiredReached = true;
override protected function onTouchMove(touch:Touch):void
if (slop >= 0 && touch.locationOffset.length > slop)
override protected function onTouchEnd(touch:Touch):void
if (!_numTouchesRequiredReached)
//TODO: check this condition on iDevice
else if (touchesCount == 0)
// reset flag for the next "full press" cycle
_numTouchesRequiredReached = false;
if (_tapCounter == numTapsRequired)
if (setState(GestureState.RECOGNIZED) && hasEventListener(TapGestureEvent.GESTURE_TAP))
dispatchEvent(new TapGestureEvent(TapGestureEvent.GESTURE_TAP, false, false, GestureState.RECOGNIZED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y));
_timer.delay = maxTapDelay;
override protected function onDelayedRecognize():void
if (hasEventListener(TapGestureEvent.GESTURE_TAP))
dispatchEvent(new TapGestureEvent(TapGestureEvent.GESTURE_TAP, false, false, GestureState.RECOGNIZED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y));
// Event handlers
protected function timer_timerCompleteHandler(event:TimerEvent):void
if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures
import org.gestouch.core.GestureState;
import org.gestouch.core.Touch;
import org.gestouch.events.TransformGestureEvent;
import org.gestouch.utils.GestureUtils;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.geom.Point;
[Event(name="gestureTransform", type="org.gestouch.events.TransformGestureEvent")]
* @author Pavel fljot
public class TransformGesture extends Gesture
public var slop:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP;
protected var _touch1:Touch;
protected var _touch2:Touch;
protected var _transformVector:Point;
public function TransformGesture(target:InteractiveObject = null)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
override public function reflect():Class
return TransformGesture;
override public function reset():void
_touch1 = null;
_touch2 = null;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
override protected function onTouchBegin(touch:Touch):void
if (touchesCount > 2)
//TODO: to ignore or to keep this touch somewhere?
if (touchesCount == 1)
_touch1 = touch;
_touch2 = touch;
_transformVector = _touch2.location.subtract(_touch1.location);
if (state == GestureState.BEGAN || state == GestureState.CHANGED)
if (setState(GestureState.CHANGED) && hasEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_TRANSFORM))
dispatchEvent(new TransformGestureEvent(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_TRANSFORM, false, false, GestureState.CHANGED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y));
override protected function onTouchMove(touch:Touch):void
var prevLocation:Point = _location.clone();
var recognized:Boolean = true;
if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE && slop > 0 && touch.locationOffset.length < slop)
recognized = false;
if (recognized)
var prevLocalLocation:Point;
var offsetX:Number = _location.x - prevLocation.x;
var offsetY:Number = _location.y - prevLocation.y;
var scale:Number = 1;
var rotation:Number = 0;
if (_touch2)
var currTransformVector:Point = _touch2.location.subtract(_touch1.location);
rotation = Math.atan2(currTransformVector.y, currTransformVector.x) - Math.atan2(_transformVector.y, _transformVector.x);
rotation *= GestureUtils.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
scale = currTransformVector.length / _transformVector.length;
_transformVector = _touch2.location.subtract(_touch1.location);
if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)
if (setState(GestureState.BEGAN) && hasEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_TRANSFORM))
// Note that we dispatch previous location point which gives a way to perform
// accurate UI redraw. See examples project for more info.
prevLocalLocation = target.globalToLocal(prevLocation);
dispatchEvent(new TransformGestureEvent(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_TRANSFORM, false, false, GestureState.BEGAN,
prevLocation.x, prevLocation.y, prevLocalLocation.x, prevLocalLocation.y, scale, scale, rotation, offsetX, offsetY));
if (setState(GestureState.CHANGED) && hasEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_TRANSFORM))
// Note that we dispatch previous location point which gives a way to perform
// accurate UI redraw. See examples project for more info.
prevLocalLocation = target.globalToLocal(prevLocation);
dispatchEvent(new TransformGestureEvent(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_TRANSFORM, false, false, GestureState.CHANGED,
prevLocation.x, prevLocation.y, prevLocalLocation.x, prevLocalLocation.y, scale, scale, rotation, offsetX, offsetY));
override protected function onTouchEnd(touch:Touch):void
if (touchesCount == 0)
if (state == GestureState.BEGAN || state == GestureState.CHANGED)
if (setState(GestureState.ENDED) && hasEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_TRANSFORM))
dispatchEvent(new TransformGestureEvent(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_TRANSFORM, false, false, GestureState.ENDED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y));
else if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)
else// == 1
if (touch == _touch1)
_touch1 = _touch2;
_touch2 = null;
if (state == GestureState.BEGAN || state == GestureState.CHANGED)
if (setState(GestureState.CHANGED) && hasEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_TRANSFORM))
dispatchEvent(new TransformGestureEvent(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_TRANSFORM, false, false, GestureState.CHANGED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y));

View file

@ -1,60 +1,42 @@
package org.gestouch.gestures package org.gestouch.gestures
{ {
import org.gestouch.core.GesturesManager; import org.gestouch.core.GestureState;
import org.gestouch.core.TouchPoint; import org.gestouch.core.Touch;
import org.gestouch.core.gestouch_internal;
import org.gestouch.events.ZoomGestureEvent; import org.gestouch.events.ZoomGestureEvent;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject; import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.events.GesturePhase;
import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Point;
[Event(name="gestureZoom", type="org.gestouch.events.ZoomGestureEvent")] [Event(name="gestureZoom", type="org.gestouch.events.ZoomGestureEvent")]
/** /**
* -check native behavior on iDevice
* @author Pavel fljot * @author Pavel fljot
*/ */
public class ZoomGesture extends Gesture public class ZoomGesture extends Gesture
{ {
public var slop:Number = Gesture.DEFAULT_SLOP >> 1;
public var lockAspectRatio:Boolean = true; public var lockAspectRatio:Boolean = true;
protected var _currVector:Point = new Point(); protected var _touch1:Touch;
protected var _lastVector:Point = new Point(); protected var _touch2:Touch;
protected var _transformVector:Point;
public function ZoomGesture(target:InteractiveObject, settings:Object = null) public function ZoomGesture(target:InteractiveObject = null)
{ {
super(target, settings); super(target);
} }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// Static methods // Public methods
// //
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static function add(target:InteractiveObject = null, settings:Object = null):ZoomGesture
return new ZoomGesture(target, settings);
public static function remove(target:InteractiveObject):ZoomGesture
return GesturesManager.gestouch_internal::removeGestureByTarget(ZoomGesture, target) as ZoomGesture;
// Public methods
override public function reflect():Class override public function reflect():Class
{ {
@ -62,79 +44,123 @@ package org.gestouch.gestures
} }
override public function onTouchBegin(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
override protected function onTouchBegin(touch:Touch):void
{ {
// No need to track more points than we need if (touchesCount > 2)
if (_trackingPointsCount == maxTouchPointsCount)
{ {
return; return;
} }
_trackPoint(touchPoint); if (touchesCount == 1)
if (_trackingPointsCount == minTouchPointsCount)
{ {
_lastVector.x = _trackingPoints[1].x - _trackingPoints[0].x; _touch1 = touch;
_lastVector.y = _trackingPoints[1].y - _trackingPoints[0].y; }
else// == 2
_touch2 = touch;
_updateCentralPoint(); _transformVector = _touch2.location.subtract(_touch1.location);
_dispatch(new ZoomGestureEvent(ZoomGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM, true, false, GesturePhase.BEGIN, _lastLocalCentralPoint.x, _lastLocalCentralPoint.y));
} }
} }
override public function onTouchMove(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void override protected function onTouchMove(touch:Touch):void
{ {
// do calculations only when we track enought points if (touchesCount < 2)
if (_trackingPointsCount < minTouchPointsCount)
return; return;
var recognized:Boolean = true;
if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE && slop > 0 && touch.locationOffset.length < slop)
recognized = false;
} }
_updateCentralPoint(); if (recognized)
_currVector.x = _trackingPoints[1].x - _trackingPoints[0].x;
_currVector.y = _trackingPoints[1].y - _trackingPoints[0].y;
var scaleX:Number = _currVector.x / _lastVector.x;
var scaleY:Number = _currVector.y / _lastVector.y;
if (lockAspectRatio)
{ {
scaleX = scaleY = _currVector.length / _lastVector.length; var currTransformVector:Point = _touch2.location.subtract(_touch1.location);
} var scaleX:Number;
else var scaleY:Number;
{ if (lockAspectRatio)
scaleX = _currVector.x / _lastVector.x; {
scaleY = _currVector.y / _lastVector.y; scaleX = scaleY = currTransformVector.length / _transformVector.length;
} }
_lastVector.x = _currVector.x; {
_lastVector.y = _currVector.y; scaleX = currTransformVector.x / _transformVector.x;
scaleY = currTransformVector.y / _transformVector.y;
_dispatch(new ZoomGestureEvent(ZoomGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM, true, false, GesturePhase.UPDATE, _lastLocalCentralPoint.x, _lastLocalCentralPoint.y, scaleX, scaleY)); }
_transformVector.x = currTransformVector.x;
_transformVector.y = currTransformVector.y;
override public function onTouchEnd(touchPoint:TouchPoint):void
{ updateLocation();
var ending:Boolean = (_trackingPointsCount == minTouchPointsCount);
_forgetPoint(touchPoint); if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)
if (ending) if (setState(GestureState.BEGAN) && hasEventListener(ZoomGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM))
{ {
_dispatch(new ZoomGestureEvent(ZoomGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM, true, false, GesturePhase.END, _lastLocalCentralPoint.x, _lastLocalCentralPoint.y)); dispatchEvent(new ZoomGestureEvent(ZoomGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM, false, false, GestureState.BEGAN,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, scaleX, scaleY));
if (setState(GestureState.CHANGED) && hasEventListener(ZoomGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM))
dispatchEvent(new ZoomGestureEvent(ZoomGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM, false, false, GestureState.CHANGED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, scaleX, scaleY));
} }
} }
override protected function _preinit():void override protected function onTouchEnd(touch:Touch):void
{ {
super._preinit(); if (touchesCount == 0)
minTouchPointsCount = 2; if (state == GestureState.BEGAN || state == GestureState.CHANGED)
_propertyNames.push("lockAspectRatio"); if (setState(GestureState.ENDED) && hasEventListener(ZoomGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM))
dispatchEvent(new ZoomGestureEvent(ZoomGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM, false, false, GestureState.ENDED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, 1, 1));
else if (state == GestureState.POSSIBLE)
else//== 1
if (touch == _touch1)
_touch1 = _touch2;
_touch2 = null;
if (state == GestureState.BEGAN || state == GestureState.CHANGED)
if (setState(GestureState.CHANGED) && hasEventListener(ZoomGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM))
dispatchEvent(new ZoomGestureEvent(ZoomGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM, false, false, GestureState.CHANGED,
_location.x, _location.y, _localLocation.x, _localLocation.y, 1, 1));
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package org.gestouch.input
import org.gestouch.core.IGesturesManager;
import org.gestouch.core.IInputAdapter;
import org.gestouch.core.ITouchesManager;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class AbstractInputAdapter implements IInputAdapter
protected var _touchesManager:ITouchesManager;
protected var _gesturesManager:IGesturesManager;
public function AbstractInputAdapter()
if (Object(this).constructor == AbstractInputAdapter)
throw new Error("This is abstract class and should not be directly instantiated.");
public function set touchesManager(value:ITouchesManager):void
_touchesManager = value;
public function set gesturesManager(value:IGesturesManager):void
_gesturesManager = value;
public function init():void
throw new Error("This is abstract method.");
public function dispose():void
throw new Error("This is abstract method.");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package org.gestouch.input
import org.gestouch.core.Touch;
import org.gestouch.core.gestouch_internal;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.events.EventPhase;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class MouseInputAdapter extends AbstractInputAdapter
private static const PRIMARY_TOUCH_POINT_ID:uint = 0;
protected var _stage:Stage;
public function MouseInputAdapter(stage:Stage)
if (!stage)
throw new Error("Stage must be not null.");
_stage = stage;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler, true);
override public function init():void
_stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler, true);
override public function dispose():void
_stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler, true);
protected function installStageListeners():void
// Maximum priority to prevent event hijacking
_stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler, true, int.MAX_VALUE);
_stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler, true, int.MAX_VALUE);
// To catch event out of stage
_stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler, false, int.MAX_VALUE);
protected function uninstallStageListeners():void
_stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler, true);
_stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler, true);
_stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
protected function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
// Way to prevent MouseEvent/TouchEvent collisions.
// Also helps to ignore possible fake events.
if (_touchesManager.hasTouch(PRIMARY_TOUCH_POINT_ID))
var touch:Touch = _touchesManager.createTouch();
touch.id = 0;
touch.target = event.target as InteractiveObject;
touch.gestouch_internal::setLocation(new Point(event.stageX, event.stageY));
protected function mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
// Way to prevent MouseEvent/TouchEvent collisions.
// Also helps to ignore possible fake events.
if (!_touchesManager.hasTouch(PRIMARY_TOUCH_POINT_ID))
var touch:Touch = _touchesManager.getTouch(PRIMARY_TOUCH_POINT_ID);
touch.gestouch_internal::updateLocation(event.stageX, event.stageY);
protected function mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
// If event happens outside of stage it will be with AT_TARGET phase
if (event.eventPhase == EventPhase.BUBBLING_PHASE)
// Way to prevent MouseEvent/TouchEvent collisions.
// Also helps to ignore possible fake events.
if (!_touchesManager.hasTouch(PRIMARY_TOUCH_POINT_ID))
var touch:Touch = _touchesManager.getTouch(PRIMARY_TOUCH_POINT_ID);
touch.gestouch_internal::updateLocation(event.stageX, event.stageY);
if (_touchesManager.activeTouchesCount == 0)

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package org.gestouch.input
import org.gestouch.input.AbstractInputAdapter;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class TUIOInputAdapter extends AbstractInputAdapter
public function TUIOInputAdapter()

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@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
package org.gestouch.input
import org.gestouch.core.Touch;
import org.gestouch.core.gestouch_internal;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.events.EventPhase;
import flash.events.TouchEvent;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
* @author Pavel fljot
public class TouchInputAdapter extends AbstractInputAdapter
protected var _stage:Stage;
* The hash map of touches instantiated via TouchEvent.
* Used to avoid collisions (double processing) with MouseInputAdapter.
* TODO: any better way?
protected var _touchesMap:Object = {};
public function TouchInputAdapter(stage:Stage)
if (!stage)
throw new Error("Stage must be not null.");
_stage = stage;
override public function init():void
_stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, touchBeginHandler, true);
override public function dispose():void
_stage.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, touchBeginHandler, true);
protected function installStageListeners():void
// Maximum priority to prevent event hijacking
_stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, touchMoveHandler, true, int.MAX_VALUE);
_stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, touchEndHandler, true, int.MAX_VALUE);
// To catch event out of stage
_stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, touchEndHandler, false, int.MAX_VALUE);
protected function uninstallStageListeners():void
_stage.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, touchMoveHandler, true);
_stage.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, touchEndHandler, true);
_stage.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, touchEndHandler);
protected function touchBeginHandler(event:TouchEvent):void
// Way to prevent MouseEvent/TouchEvent collisions.
// Also helps to ignore possible fake events.
if (_touchesManager.hasTouch(event.touchPointID))
var touch:Touch = _touchesManager.createTouch();
touch.id = event.touchPointID;
touch.target = event.target as InteractiveObject;
touch.gestouch_internal::setLocation(new Point(event.stageX, event.stageY));
touch.sizeX = event.sizeX;
touch.sizeY = event.sizeY;
touch.pressure = event.pressure;
//TODO: conditional compilation?
if (event.hasOwnProperty("timestamp"))
_touchesMap[touch.id] = true;
protected function touchMoveHandler(event:TouchEvent):void
// Way to prevent MouseEvent/TouchEvent collisions.
// Also helps to ignore possible fake events.
if (!_touchesManager.hasTouch(event.touchPointID) || !_touchesMap.hasOwnProperty(event.touchPointID))
var touch:Touch = _touchesManager.getTouch(event.touchPointID);
touch.gestouch_internal::updateLocation(event.stageX, event.stageY);
touch.sizeX = event.sizeX;
touch.sizeY = event.sizeY;
touch.pressure = event.pressure;
//TODO: conditional compilation?
if (event.hasOwnProperty("timestamp"))
protected function touchEndHandler(event:TouchEvent):void
// If event happens outside of stage it will be with AT_TARGET phase
if (event.eventPhase == EventPhase.BUBBLING_PHASE)
// Way to prevent MouseEvent/TouchEvent collisions.
// Also helps to ignore possible fake events.
if (!_touchesManager.hasTouch(event.touchPointID))
var touch:Touch = _touchesManager.getTouch(event.touchPointID);
touch.gestouch_internal::updateLocation(event.stageX, event.stageY);
touch.sizeX = event.sizeX;
touch.sizeY = event.sizeY;
touch.pressure = event.pressure;
//TODO: conditional compilation?
if (event.hasOwnProperty("timestamp"))
delete _touchesMap[touch.id];
if (_touchesManager.activeTouchesCount == 0)
// TODO: handle cancelled touch:
// if (event.hasOwnProperty("isTouchPointCanceled") && event["isTouchPointCanceled"] && ...

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package org.gestouch package org.gestouch.utils
{ {
import flash.system.Capabilities; import flash.system.Capabilities;
/** /**

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@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
package org.gestouch.utils
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
* @author Pavel fljot
* "inspired" by Jonnie Hallman
* @link http://destroytoday.com
* @link https://github.com/destroytoday
* Added some optimization and changes.
public class ObjectPool
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Properties
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected var _type:Class;
protected var objectList:Array = [];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function ObjectPool(type:Class, size:uint = 0)
_type = type;
if (size > 0)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Getters / Setters
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function get type():Class
return _type;
public function get numObjects():uint
return objectList.length;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public Methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function hasObject(object:Object):Boolean
return objectList.indexOf(object) > -1;
public function getObject():*
return numObjects > 0 ? objectList.pop() : createObject();
public function disposeObject(object:Object):void
if (!(object is type))
throw new TypeError("Disposed object type mismatch. Expected " + type + ", got " + getQualifiedClassName(object));
public function empty():void
objectList.length = 0;
// Protected methods
protected function addObject(object:Object):*
if (!hasObject(object))
objectList[objectList.length] = object;
return object;
protected function createObject():*
return new type();
protected function allocate(value:uint):void
var n:int = value - numObjects;
while (n-- > 0)

View file

@ -1 +1 @@
project.version = 0.2 project.version = 0.3