improved version detection and added various control patches

This commit is contained in:
itsmattkc 2020-03-10 17:27:12 +11:00
parent 959d2dd508
commit e01f074c6d

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ using System.ComponentModel;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace Rebuilder
@ -29,14 +30,25 @@ namespace Rebuilder
string run_button_run = "Run";
string run_button_kill = "Kill";
bool aug_build = false;
private enum Version
kUnknown = -1,
// These must correspond to the `Version` enum above
private static string[] VersionHashes = {
public static string[] standard_hdd_dirs = {
"C:/Program Files (x86)/LEGO Island",
"C:/Program Files/LEGO Island",
"/Program Files (x86)/LEGO Island",
"/Program Files/LEGO Island"
"C:/Program Files (x86)/LEGO Island",
"C:/Program Files/LEGO Island",
"/Program Files (x86)/LEGO Island",
"/Program Files/LEGO Island"
public enum FPSLimitType
@ -46,31 +58,116 @@ namespace Rebuilder
public class PatchList {
decimal turn_speed = 1.0M;
decimal turn_max_speed = 20.0M;
[DisplayName("Turn Speed")]
[Description("Set the turn speed multiplier. LEGO Island ties its turn speed to the frame rate which " +
"is too fast on modern PCs. Use this value to correct it. (" +
"0.00 = No turning at all, " +
"0.35 = Recommended for modern PCs, " +
"1.00 = LEGO Island's default)")]
public decimal TurnSpeed
[DisplayName("Turning: Max Speed")]
[Description("Set the maximum turning speed. (Default = 20.0)")]
public decimal TurnMaxSpeed
get { return turn_speed; }
set { turn_speed = value; }
get { return turn_max_speed; }
set { turn_max_speed = value; }
decimal move_speed = 1.0M;
decimal turn_max_acceleration = 30.0M;
[DisplayName("Move Speed")]
[Description("Set the movement speed multiplier. This value does not affect other racers so it can " +
"be used to cheat (or cripple) your chances in races. (" +
"0.00 = No movement at all, " +
"1.00 = LEGO Island's default)")]
public decimal MoveSpeed
[DisplayName("Turning: Max Acceleration")]
[Description("Set the speed at which turning accelerates (requires 'Turning: Enable Velocity') (Default = 30.0)")]
public decimal TurnMaxAcceleration
get { return move_speed; }
set { move_speed = value; }
get { return turn_max_acceleration; }
set { turn_max_acceleration = value; }
decimal turn_min_acceleration = 15.0M;
[DisplayName("Turning: Min Acceleration")]
[Description("Set the speed at which turning accelerates (requires 'Turning: Enable Velocity') (Default = 30.0)")]
public decimal TurnMinAcceleration
get { return turn_min_acceleration; }
set { turn_min_acceleration = value; }
decimal turn_deceleration = 50.0M;
[DisplayName("Turning: Deceleration")]
[Description("Set the speed at which turning decelerates (requires 'Turning: Enable Velocity') (Default = 50.0)")]
public decimal TurnDeceleration
get { return turn_deceleration; }
set { turn_deceleration = value; }
bool turn_use_velocity = false;
[DisplayName("Turning: Enable Velocity")]
[Description("By default, LEGO Island ignores the turning acceleration/deceleration values. Set this to TRUE to utilize them (Default = FALSE)")]
public bool TurnUseVelocity
get { return turn_use_velocity; }
set { turn_use_velocity = value; }
decimal movement_max_speed = 40.0M;
[DisplayName("Movement: Max Speed")]
[Description("Set the movement maximum speed. (Default = 40.0)")]
public decimal MovementMaxSpeed
get { return movement_max_speed; }
set { movement_max_speed = value; }
decimal movement_max_acceleration = 15.0M;
[DisplayName("Movement: Max Acceleration")]
[Description("Set the movement acceleration speed (i.e. how long it takes to go from not moving to top speed) (Default = 15.0)")]
public decimal MovementMaxAcceleration
get { return movement_max_acceleration; }
set { movement_max_acceleration = value; }
decimal movement_min_acceleration = 4.0M;
[DisplayName("Movement: Min Acceleration")]
[Description("Set the movement acceleration speed (i.e. how long it takes to go from not moving to top speed) (Default = 15.0)")]
public decimal MovementMinAcceleration
get { return movement_min_acceleration; }
set { movement_min_acceleration = value; }
decimal movement_deceleration = 50.0M;
[DisplayName("Movement: Deceleration")]
[Description("Set the movement deceleration speed (i.e. how long it takes to slow to a stop after releasing the controls). " +
"Increase this value to stop faster, decrease it to stop slower. " +
"Usually this is set to a very high value making deceleration almost instant. (Default = 50.0)")]
public decimal MovementDeceleration
get { return movement_deceleration; }
set { movement_deceleration = value; }
int mouse_deadzone = 40;
[DisplayName("Mouse Deadzone")]
[Description("Sets the radius from the center of the screen where the mouse will do nothing (40 = default).")]
public int MouseDeadzone
get { return mouse_deadzone; }
set { mouse_deadzone = value; }
bool unhook_turn_speed = false;
[DisplayName("Turning: Unhook From Frame Rate")]
[Description("LEGO Island contains a bug where the turning speed is influenced by the frame rate. Enable this to make the turn speed independent of the frame rate.")]
public bool UnhookTurnSpeed
get { return unhook_turn_speed; }
set { unhook_turn_speed = value; }
bool full_screen = true;
@ -202,7 +299,7 @@ namespace Rebuilder
get { return fov_multiplier; }
set { fov_multiplier = value; }
PatchList patch_config = new PatchList();
@ -367,41 +464,148 @@ namespace Rebuilder
return ((DisplayNameAttribute)typeof(PatchList).GetProperty(property).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), true)[0]).DisplayName;
private static Version DetermineVersion(string lego1dll_url)
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(lego1dll_url, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
using (BufferedStream bs = new BufferedStream(fs))
using (SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed())
byte[] hash = sha1.ComputeHash(bs);
StringBuilder formatted = new StringBuilder(2 * hash.Length);
foreach (byte b in hash)
formatted.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", b);
string final_hash = formatted.ToString();
Version v = (Version) Array.IndexOf(VersionHashes, final_hash);
if (v == Version.kUnknown) {
if (MessageBox.Show("The version of LEGO Island you have installed is unknown to Rebuilder. This may result in unpredictable behavior. Would you like to continue?\n\n"
+ "Your version is: " + final_hash,
"Unknown Version",
MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes)
return Version.kEnglishv11;
return v;
private bool Patch(string source_dir, string dir)
string incompatibilities = "";
using (FileStream lego1dll = File.Open(dir + "/LEGO1.DLL", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
using (FileStream isleexe = File.Open(dir + "/ISLE.EXE", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
// Crude check if the build is September or August
lego1dll.Position = 0x54083;
aug_build = (lego1dll.ReadByte() == 0x7E);
// Write turn/movement speed hack (this frees up 12 bytes of code)
long turn_speed_offset = aug_build ? 0x54083 : 0x54323;
Write(lego1dll, new byte[] { 0x7E, 0x04, 0x2B, 0xD1, 0xEB, 0x0A, 0x89, 0xC8, 0xF7, 0xD8, 0x39, 0xD0, 0x7E, 0x50, 0x01, 0xCA, 0x29, 0xCE, 0x89, 0x54, 0x24, 0x04, 0xDB, 0x44, 0x24, 0x04, 0x89, 0x74, 0x24, 0x04, 0xDA, 0x74, 0x24, 0x04, 0x3D, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x74, 0x0A, 0xC7, 0x44, 0x24, 0x04 }, turn_speed_offset);
WriteFloat(lego1dll, (float)patch_config.TurnSpeed);
Write(lego1dll, new byte[] { 0xEB, 0x08, 0xC7, 0x44, 0x24, 0x04 });
WriteFloat(lego1dll, (float)patch_config.MoveSpeed);
Write(lego1dll, new byte[] { 0xD8, 0x4C, 0x24, 0x04, 0xD8, 0x4C, 0x24, 0x14, 0xD9, 0x5C, 0x24, 0x04, 0xD9, 0x44, 0x24, 0x04, 0xEB, 0x19 });
WriteManyBytes(lego1dll, 0x90, 17);
Write(lego1dll, new byte[] { 0x89, 0x7C, 0x24, 0x04, 0xD9, 0x44, 0x24, 0x04, 0x5E, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04, 0xC2, 0x0C, 0x00 });
string isleexe_url = dir + "/ISLE.EXE";
string lego1dll_url = dir + "/LEGO1.DLL";
Version version = DetermineVersion(lego1dll_url);
if (version == Version.kUnknown)
return false;
using (FileStream lego1dll = File.Open(lego1dll_url, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
using (FileStream isleexe = File.Open(isleexe_url, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
long nav_offset, fov_offset_1, fov_offset_2;
switch (version) {
case Version.kEnglishv10:
nav_offset = 0xF2C28;
fov_offset_1 = 0xA1D67;
fov_offset_2 = 0xA1D32;
case Version.kEnglishv11:
nav_offset = 0xF3228;
fov_offset_1 = 0xA22D7;
fov_offset_2 = 0xA22A2;
WriteInt32(lego1dll, (Int32)patch_config.MouseDeadzone, nav_offset);
// Skip zero threshold
lego1dll.Position += 4;
WriteFloat(lego1dll, (float)patch_config.MovementMaxSpeed);
WriteFloat(lego1dll, (float)patch_config.TurnMaxSpeed);
WriteFloat(lego1dll, (float)patch_config.MovementMaxAcceleration);
WriteFloat(lego1dll, (float)patch_config.TurnMaxAcceleration);
WriteFloat(lego1dll, (float)patch_config.MovementMinAcceleration);
WriteFloat(lego1dll, (float)patch_config.TurnMinAcceleration);
WriteFloat(lego1dll, (float)patch_config.MovementDeceleration);
WriteFloat(lego1dll, (float)patch_config.TurnDeceleration);
// Skip 0.4 value that we don't know yet
lego1dll.Position += 4;
WriteInt32(lego1dll, Convert.ToInt32(patch_config.TurnUseVelocity));
// Patch EXE to read from HKCU instead of HKLM
WriteByte(isleexe, 0x01, 0x1B5F);
if (patch_config.UnhookTurnSpeed)
// Write turn speed unhook routine
long turn_speed_routine_loc;
switch (version) {
case Version.kEnglishv10:
turn_speed_routine_loc = 0x54258;
case Version.kEnglishv11:
turn_speed_routine_loc = 0x544F8;
// Write routine to use frame delta time to adjust the turn speed
Write(lego1dll, new byte[] { 0xD9, 0x46, 0x24, 0xD8, 0x4C, 0x24, 0x14, 0xD8, 0x4E, 0x34 }, turn_speed_routine_loc);
// Frees up 26 bytes
WriteManyBytes(lego1dll, 0x90, 26);
if (patch_config.StayActiveWhenDefocused)
long dsoundoffs1, dsoundoffs2, dsoundoffs3;
switch (version) {
case Version.kEnglishv10:
dsoundoffs1 = 0xB48FB;
dsoundoffs2 = 0xB48F1;
dsoundoffs3 = 0xAD7D3;
case Version.kEnglishv11:
dsoundoffs1 = 0xB120B;
dsoundoffs2 = 0xB1201;
dsoundoffs3 = 0xADD43;
// Remove code that writes focus value to memory, effectively keeping it always true - frees up 3 bytes
Write(isleexe, new byte[] { 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 }, 0x1363);
// Write DirectSound flags to allow audio to play while the window is defocused
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x80, aug_build ? 0xB48FB : 0xB120B);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x80, dsoundoffs1);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x80, 0x5B96);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x80, aug_build ? 0xB48F1 : 0xB1201);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x80, aug_build ? 0xAD7D3 : 0xADD43);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x80, dsoundoffs2);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x80, dsoundoffs3);
if (patch_config.MultipleInstances)
@ -419,31 +623,38 @@ namespace Rebuilder
Uri relative = uri2.MakeRelativeUri(uri1);
string jukebox_path = "\\" + Uri.UnescapeDataString(relative.ToString()).Replace("/", "\\");
if (aug_build)
long jukebox_path_offset;
switch (version) {
case Version.kEnglishv10:
jukebox_path_offset = 0xD28F6;
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0xF6, 0x51EF5);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x34);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x0D);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x10);
case Version.kEnglishv11:
jukebox_path_offset = 0xD2E66;
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x66, 0x52195);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x3A);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x0D);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x10);
WriteString(lego1dll, jukebox_path, aug_build ? 0xD28F6 : 0xD2E66);
WriteString(lego1dll, jukebox_path, jukebox_path_offset);
// FOV Patch
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0xEB, aug_build ? 0xA1D67 : 0xA22D7);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0xEB, fov_offset_1);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0xC9);
//WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x90);
//WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x90);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x68, aug_build ? 0xA1D32 : 0xA22A2);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x68, fov_offset_2);
WriteFloat(lego1dll, (float)patch_config.FOVMultiplier);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0xD8);
WriteByte(lego1dll, 0x0C);
@ -468,8 +679,20 @@ namespace Rebuilder
if (patch_config.FPSLimit != FPSLimitType.Default)
long remove_fps_limit;
switch (version) {
case Version.kEnglishv10:
remove_fps_limit = 0x7A68B;
case Version.kEnglishv11:
remove_fps_limit = 0x7ABAB;
// Disables 30 FPS limit in Information Center when using software mode
WriteManyBytes(lego1dll, 0x90, 8, aug_build ? 0x7A68B : 0x7ABAB);
WriteManyBytes(lego1dll, 0x90, 8, remove_fps_limit);
// INCOMPLETE: Resolution hack:
@ -511,14 +734,15 @@ namespace Rebuilder
if (aug_build && patch_config.RedirectSaveData)
if (version == Version.kEnglishv10 && patch_config.RedirectSaveData)
incompatibilities += "- " + GetDisplayNameOfProperty("RedirectSaveData") + "\n";
patch_config.RedirectSaveData = false;
if (patch_config.DisableAutoFinishBuilding)
if (aug_build)
if (version == Version.kEnglishv10)
incompatibilities += "- " + GetDisplayNameOfProperty("DisableAutoFinishBuilding") + "\n";
@ -738,7 +962,7 @@ namespace Rebuilder
if (!patch_config.RedirectSaveData || aug_build)
if (!patch_config.RedirectSaveData)
compat_string += " RUNASADMIN";