4124topic_53{"reply":"If you can see this, you've successfully set up a vagrant environment for discourse. By default this install includes a few topics and accounts to play around with.\\n\\nIf you're looking for an account to test out, you can create one or log in as one of the following with the password: `password`.\\n\\n- eviltrout **an admin**\\n- jatwood **regular user**\\n\\nFor the latest info, please check the [README.md](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/README.md) in the project. Thanks for checking out Discourse!\\n\\n---\\n\\n### The Production Dataset\\n\\nIf you want to get started without the test topics, this install also includes a base production database image. To install it execute the following commands:\\n\\n```bash\\nvagrant ssh\\ncd /vagrant\\npsql discourse_development < pg_dumps/production-image.sql\\nrake db:migrate\\n```\\n\\nIf you change your mind and want to use the test data again, just execute the above but using `pg_dumps/development-image.sql` instead.\\n","action":"edit","title":"Congratulations on getting Vagrant up!","postId":77,"archetypeId":"regular","metaData":null}2013-03-2022:54:39.7458962013-03-2022:59:05.8122973
163{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"Admin"}f2013-01-2409:00:43.5347082013-01-2409:00:43.534708161\N
2099{"topic_title":"Most important Sci-Fi movie of the 2000's?","display_username":"pekka.gaiser"}f2013-02-0114:06:39.1128492013-02-0114:06:39.112849275\N
46522{"topic_title":"A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.","display_username":"stienman"}f2013-02-0419:49:56.5536792013-02-0419:49:56.5536794828
366{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}t2013-01-2905:25:59.4985762013-01-2905:25:59.498576181\N
10911{"topic_title":"Why is uninhabited land in the US so closed off?","display_username":"jessamyn"}t2013-01-3122:10:16.6215952013-01-3122:10:16.621595262\N
24911{"topic_title":"Why is uninhabited land in the US so closed off?","display_username":"Clay"}t2013-02-0114:17:38.3767392013-02-0114:17:38.376739263\N
40621{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}t2013-02-0418:27:44.2905512013-02-0418:27:44.290551381\N
21211{"topic_title":"Most important Sci-Fi movie of the 2000's?","display_username":"Clay"}t2013-02-0114:12:42.2635582013-02-0114:12:42.263558276\N
3359{"topic_title":"Most important Sci-Fi movie of the 2000's?","display_username":"johnsmith"}f2013-02-0118:57:00.2498562013-02-0118:57:00.2498562725
2299{"topic_title":"Most important Sci-Fi movie of the 2000's?","display_username":"Clay"}f2013-02-0114:12:42.285222013-02-0114:12:42.28522276\N
48519{"topic_title":"A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.","display_username":"stienman"}f2013-02-0419:57:43.0928992013-02-0419:57:43.0928994839
19220{"topic_title":"Most important Sci-Fi movie of the 2000's?","display_username":"pekka.gaiser"}t2013-02-0114:06:39.0852182013-02-0114:06:39.085218275\N
41623{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}f2013-02-0418:41:40.7878652013-02-0418:41:40.787865401\N
2399{"topic_title":"Most important Sci-Fi movie of the 2000's?","display_username":"Clay"}f2013-02-0114:14:08.6197392013-02-0114:14:08.619739277\N
467{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}t2013-01-3119:46:05.001922013-01-3119:46:05.00192191\N
569{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}f2013-01-3120:15:19.2794282013-01-3120:15:19.279428201\N
6611{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}f2013-01-3120:25:33.8105932013-01-3120:25:33.810593211\N
7612{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}t2013-01-3120:38:43.7591982013-01-3120:38:43.759198221\N
8613{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}f2013-01-3121:51:25.116932013-01-3121:51:25.11693281\N
9614{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}f2013-01-3121:54:37.8263782013-01-3121:54:37.826378291\N
1199{"topic_title":"Most important Sci-Fi movie of the 2000's?","display_username":"lowell"}f2013-01-3122:11:11.1392512013-01-3122:11:11.139251273\N
12514{"topic_title":"Why is uninhabited land in the US so closed off?","display_username":"Gnoggo"}f2013-01-3122:16:50.6410912013-01-3122:16:50.6410912621
13615{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}t2013-01-3122:18:59.4699142013-01-3122:18:59.469914301\N
32920{"topic_title":"I have come to the conclusion that try2 is running old Discourse software","display_username":"johnsmith"}t2013-02-0118:56:27.4140562013-02-0118:56:27.414056362\N
25520{"topic_title":"Why is uninhabited land in the US so closed off?","display_username":"pekka.gaiser"}f2013-02-0116:56:34.1675942013-02-0116:56:34.1675942634
34920{"topic_title":"I have come to the conclusion that try2 is running old Discourse software","display_username":"admin"}t2013-02-0415:17:53.6398832013-02-0415:17:53.639883363\N
42911{"topic_title":"Why is uninhabited land in the US so closed off?","display_username":"stienman"}f2013-02-0418:56:50.0536482013-02-0418:56:50.053648264\N
3552{"topic_title":"I have come to the conclusion that try2 is running old Discourse software","display_username":"Clay"}t2013-02-0418:00:35.8951722013-02-0418:00:35.8951723636
14616{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}t2013-01-3123:45:27.976882013-01-3123:45:27.97688311\N
15619{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}f2013-02-0101:29:40.6494542013-02-0101:29:40.649454321\N
16620{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}t2013-02-0104:37:18.1789382013-02-0104:37:18.178938351\N
1899{"topic_title":"Most important Sci-Fi movie of the 2000's?","display_username":"Clay"}f2013-02-0104:38:45.493172013-02-0104:38:45.49317274\N
36622{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}t2013-02-0418:20:43.0358092013-02-0418:20:43.035809371\N
37520{"topic_title":"Most important Sci-Fi movie of the 2000's?","display_username":"clay_7"}f2013-02-0418:21:02.6449532013-02-0418:21:02.6449532777
38220{"topic_title":"Most important Sci-Fi movie of the 2000's?","display_username":"clay_7"}f2013-02-0418:21:14.4427552013-02-0418:21:14.442755278\N
47223{"topic_title":"A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.","display_username":"gknauss"}t2013-02-0419:51:59.9887482013-02-0419:51:59.988748483\N
3999{"topic_title":"Most important Sci-Fi movie of the 2000's?","display_username":"clay_7"}f2013-02-0418:21:14.4688192013-02-0418:21:14.468819278\N
1792{"topic_title":"Charlie The Unicorn 4","display_username":"Clay"}t2013-02-0104:37:48.6825112013-02-0104:37:48.682511152\N
44923{"topic_title":"A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.","display_username":"clay_7"}t2013-02-0419:43:40.5891082013-02-0419:43:40.589108482\N
43222{"topic_title":"MAC vs. Mac and the misuse of words","display_username":"gknauss1"}t2013-02-0419:40:13.7690632013-02-0419:40:13.769063392\N
4522{"topic_title":"Charlie The Unicorn 4","display_username":"gknauss"}t2013-02-0419:44:27.3834822013-02-0419:44:27.383482153\N
265{"topic_title":"Welcome to Try Discourse!","display_username":"admin"}t2013-01-2905:15:31.8255782013-01-2905:15:31.825578171\N
11http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam<divclass='onebox-result'>\n<divclass='source'>\n<divclass='info'>\n<ahref='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam'target="_blank">\n<imgclass='favicon'src="/assets/favicons/wikipedia-9450de5258defc03f2fc1312f4d81e53.png">wikipedia.org\n</a>\n</div>\n</div>\n<divclass='onebox-result-body'>\n\n<h3><ahref="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam"target="_blank">Freedomtoroam</a></h3>\n\nThefreedomtoroam,oreveryman's right is the general public'srighttoaccesscertainpublicorprivatelyownedlandforrecreationandexercise.Therightissometimescalledtherightofpublicaccesstothewildernessortherighttoroam.InEnglandandWalespublicaccessrightsapplytocertaincategoriesofmainlyuncultivatedland—specifically"mountain, moor, heath, down and registered common land."Developedland,gardensandcertainotherareasarespecificallyexcludedfromtherig...\n</div>\n<divclass='clearfix'></div>\n</div>\n2013-03-0114:16:11.7917672013-02-0114:16:11.7924152013-02-0114:16:11.792415\N
747501I'm not sure I understand how topics and posts I'vereadarebeingaccountedfor.\n\nWhatarethelittleribboniconsoneachpost.Howdoesthatwork?\n\nAlso,howdoesthisforumknowwhichtopicsI'm interested in? Do I have to click on each one somewhere to "subscribe" to topics? <p>I'mnotsureIunderstandhowtopicsandpostsI've read are being accounted for.</p>\n\n<p>What are the little ribbon icons on each post. How does that work?</p>\n\n<p>Also, how does this forum know which topics I'minterestedin?DoIhavetoclickoneachonesomewhereto"subscribe"totopics?</p>2013-02-0419:58:33.2871822013-02-0419:58:33.287182\N100\N0000\N0.20000000000000001111017f\N00002013-02-0419:58:33.286802f\N
7119153Theworstpartofhavingkidsishavingthemgrowintosentience,startusingtheInternetanddiscovermemes.CharlietheUnicornisn't nearly as funny when you hear it repeated, verbatim, by 13-year-olds over a week of dinners.\n\nDo you think kids in the 1600s did the same thing with the Bible? <p>The worst part of having kids is having them grow into sentience, start using the Internet and discover memes. Charlie the Unicorn isn'tnearlyasfunnywhenyouhearitrepeated,verbatim,by13-year-oldsoveraweekofdinners.</p>\n\n<p>Doyouthinkkidsinthe1600sdidthesamethingwiththeBible?</p>2013-02-0419:44:27.2766222013-02-0419:44:27.2766221100\N0000332.04999999999999982210319f\N00002013-02-0419:44:27.276264f2
192191Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse.Welcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nHereareafewquicktips:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse. Welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>Here are a few quick tips:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.</p>\n\n<p>We believe in <a href="/faq">civilized community behavior</a> at all times.</p>\n\n<p>Enjoy your stay!</p> 2013-01-31 19:46:04.965622 2013-01-31 19:46:04.965622 \N 1 0 0 \N 0 0 0 0 67 3.54999999999999982 1 1 0 1 2 f \N 0 0 0 0 2013-01-31 19:46:04.965622 f \N
572381Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse,andwelcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nThisprivatemessagehasafewquicktipstogetyoustarted:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\n**Where am I?**\n\n- To get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**\n\n- To search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.\n- While reading a topic, you can move to the top by clicking its title at the top of the page. To reach the *bottom*, click the down arrow on the topic progress indicator at the bottom of the page, or click the last post field on the topic summary under the first post.\n\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse, and welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't he
4111275[quote="Clay, post:4, topic:27, full:true"]I'm going to have to go with Moon. I can'tpostalinktoIMDBbecausethebody'has too many images.'[/quote]\n\nTryagain,itshouldworknow.<p></p><asideclass="quote"data-post="4"data-topic="27"data-full="true"><divclass="title">\n<divclass="quote-controls"></div>\n<imgwidth="20"height="20"src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7e75aa963fc927908a38ecede40f6b9d.png?s=40&r=pg&d=identicon"class="avatar "title="">\nClay\nsaid:\n</div>\n<blockquote>I'm going to have to go with Moon. I can'tpostalinktoIMDBbecausethebody'has too many images.'</blockquote>\n</aside><p></p>\n\n<p>Tryagain,itshouldworknow.</p>2013-02-0114:06:39.0271742013-02-0114:07:09.916174111\N000076.54999999999999982610511f\N00002013-02-0114:06:39.027174f20
182181Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse.Welcome!\n\nHereareafewquicktipstogetthemostoutofthisforum:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nTherearenonextpagebuttonorpagenumbershere.Tokeepreading,justkeepscrollingdown,andmorecontentwillload!\n\nAsnewrepliescomein,theywillappearautomaticallyatthebottomofthetopic.Noneedtorefreshthepageorre-enterthetopictoseenewposts.\n\n**HowDoIReply?**\n\n-Toreplytoaspecificpost,usetheReplybuttonatthebottomofthatpost.\n\n-Ifyouwanttoreplytotheoverall*theme*ofthetopic,ratherthananyspecificpersoninthetopic,usetheReplybuttonattheverybottomofthetopic.\n\n-Ifyouwanttotaketheconversationinadifferentdirection,butkeepthemlinkedtogether,useReplyasNewTopictotherightofthepost.\n\n**WhoisTalkingtoMe?**\n\nWhensomeonerepliestoyourpost,quotesyou,ormentionsyour@username,anotificationwillappearatthetopofthepage.Clickortapthenotificationnumbertoseewho's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone'sname,starttyping`@`andanautocompleterwillpopup.\n\n-Toquoteanentirepost,usetheImportQuotebuttononthecomposertoolbar.\n\n-Toquotejustasectionofapost,highlightit,thenclicktheReplybuttonthatappearsoverthehighlight.\n\n**LookatThatPost!**\n\nToletsomeoneknowthatyouenjoyedtheirpost,clickthelikebuttonatthebottomofthepost.Ifyouseeaproblemwithapost,don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse. Welcome!</p>\n\n<p>Here are a few quick tips to get the most out of this forum:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There are no next page button or page numbers here. To keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who'stalkingtoyou,andwhere.Jointheconversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>Tomentionsomeone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don'thesitatetoclicktheflagbuttonandletthemoderators-- and your fellow community members -- know about it.</p>\n\n<p>We believe in <a href="/faq">civilized community behavior</a> at all times.</p>\n\n<p>Enjoy your stay!</p> 2013-01-29 05:25:59.472797 2013-01-29 05:25:59.472797 \N 1 0 0 \N 0 0 0 0 36 2 1 1 0 1 2 f \N 0 0 0 0 2013-01-29 05:25:59.472797 f \N
532363Tryisrunbythesamerubiesasdev.Aretherestillproblemsonlyaffectingtry2?I'll delete this thread otherwise so that it doesn'tgetcopiedtolocalhost:4000.<p>Tryisrunbythesamerubiesasdev.Aretherestillproblemsonlyaffectingtry2?I'll delete this thread otherwise so that it doesn'tgetcopiedtolocalhost:4000.</p>2013-02-0415:17:53.580212013-02-0415:17:53.58021\N100\N01003116.949999999999999321032f\N00002013-02-0415:17:53.579844f\N
527362Itisn't though, what you are seeing as "regressions" are forum-level config options. <p>It isn'tthough,whatyouareseeingas"regressions"areforum-levelconfigoptions.</p>2013-02-0118:56:27.3764072013-02-0118:56:27.376407\N100\N0000995.5499999999999998231027f\N00002013-02-0118:56:27.376407f\N
262281Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse,andwelcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nThisprivatemessagehasafewquicktipstogetyoustarted:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\n**Where am I?**\n\nTo get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**\n\nTo search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.\n\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse, and welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Where am I?</strong></p>\n\n<p>To get back to the home page at any time, <strong>click the icon at the upper left.</strong></p>\n\n<p>To search, vi
332311Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse,andwelcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nThisprivatemessagehasafewquicktipstogetyoustarted:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\n**Where am I?**\n\nTo get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**\n\nTo search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.\n\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse, and welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Where am I?</strong></p>\n\n<p>To get back to the home page at any time, <strong>click the icon at the upper left.</strong></p>\n\n<p>To search, vi
7319483Thecombinationofatreadmill(notadesk,justatreadmill),aniPadandvideostreaminghasbeen_great_forme.It's the only exercise I'vebeenabletosustainforlongerthanacoupleofweeksinthepast20years.Iwalk3.5mileseveryday-- takes an hour -- and while it hasn't helped my weight significantly, I'm very happy with being able to consistent get off my ass and move. (I am not a doctor, but if you're hugely out of shape, you should have a check-up before beginning any exercise regimen.) This year, my goal is 875 miles -- 3.5 miles every weekday for 50 weeks. I'm pretty sure I can do it.\n\nBonus upside: I'm catching up on all the cultural milestones -- well, video-based cultural milestones -- that I never had time for. <p>The combination of a treadmill (not a desk, just a treadmill), an iPad and video streaming has been <em>great</em> for me. It's the only exercise I've been able to sustain for longer than a couple of weeks in the past 20 years. I walk 3.5 miles every day -- takes an hour -- and while it hasn't helped my weight significantly, I'm very happy with being able to consistent get off my ass and move. (I am not a doctor, but if you're hugely out of shape, you should have a check-up before beginning any exercise regimen.) This year, my goal is 875 miles -- 3.5 miles every weekday for 50 weeks. I'm pretty sure I can do it.</p>\n\n<p>Bonus upside: I'm catching up on all the cultural milestones -- well, video-based cultural milestones -- that I never had time for.</p> 2013-02-04 19:51:59.86907 2013-02-04 19:51:59.86907 1 1 0 0 \N 0 1 0 0 \N 15.5999999999999996 3 1 0 3 19 f \N 0 0 0 0 2013-02-04 19:51:59.868704 f 23
4420263ThroughoutmuchofEurope,youhavewhattheScandinavianscall"Allmansretten,"ortheFreedomtoRoam:\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam\n\nHereintheUS,<s>weshoottrespasserswithglee</s>youaren't allowed to wander onto private property without permission. <p>Throughout much of Europe, you have what the Scandinavians call "Allmansretten," or the Freedom to Roam:</p>\n\n<p><div class="onebox-result">\n <div class="source">\n <div class="info">\n <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam" target="_blank">\n <img class="favicon" src="/assets/favicons/wikipedia-9450de5258defc03f2fc1312f4d81e53.png" /> wikipedia.org\n </a>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="onebox-result-body">\n \n <h3><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam" target="_blank">Freedom to roam</a></h3>\n \n The freedom to roam, or everyman'srightisthegeneralpublic's right to access certain public or privately owned land for recreation and exercise. The right is sometimes called the right of public access to the wilderness or the right to roam. In England and Wales public access rights apply to certain categories of mainly uncultivated land—specifically "mountain, moor, heath, down and registered common land." Developed land, gardens and certain other areas are specifically excluded from the rig...\n </div>\n <div class="clearfix"></div>\n</div>\n</p>\n\n<p>Here in the US, <s>we shoot trespassers with glee</s> you aren'tallowedtowanderontoprivatepropertywithoutpermission.</p>2013-02-0114:17:38.2860982013-02-0114:17:38.286098\N100\N01003917.9499999999999993510320f\N00002013-02-0114:17:38.286098f\N
212211Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse,andwelcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nThisprivatemessagehasafewquicktipstogetyoustarted:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\n**Where am I?**\n\nTo get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**\n\nTo search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.\n\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse, and welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Where am I?</strong></p>\n\n<p>To get back to the home page at any time, <strong>click the icon at the upper left.</strong></p>\n\n<p>To search, vi
767521Inoticedthatrepliesherearenotindenteddirectlyunderthethingtheyreplyto,asI'm used to in email\n\n> Someone says this\n> > Then I reply with this\n\nHow do I follow conversations when someome is replying to something that someone else wrote, and so forth? <p>I noticed that replies here are not indented directly under the thing they reply to, as I'musedtoinemail</p>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p>Someonesaysthis</p>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p>ThenIreplywiththis</p>\n</blockquote>\n</blockquote>\n\n<p>HowdoIfollowconversationswhensomeomeisreplyingtosomethingthatsomeoneelsewrote,andsoforth?</p>2013-02-0420:03:22.0586512013-02-0420:03:22.058651\N100\N0000\N\N11017f\N00002013-02-0420:03:22.058303f\N
727491I've seen a bunch of topics with pictures in them.\n\nHow do I add images to a post? Do I have to upload them somehow? <p>I'veseenabunchoftopicswithpicturesinthem.</p>\n\n<p>HowdoIaddimagestoapost?DoIhavetouploadthemsomehow?</p>2013-02-0419:51:47.9458222013-02-0419:51:47.945822\N100\N000071.1499999999999999141017f\N00002013-02-0419:51:47.945457f\N
6823481“Abear,howeverhardhetries,growstubbywithoutexercise.”\n―A.A.Milne,Winnie-the-Pooh\n\nAsaprogrammerIsitatadeskatwork,whichmeansI'm overweight, but worse - I'moutofshape.Iwouldn't mind the extra weight if I knew that my heart, kidneys and other internal organs also didn'tmind,butgiventhatIdolittleregularphysicalactivitythatgetsmyheartrateupfor30+minutesIknowthatI'm both fat and unfit.\n\nWhat are some suggestions on ways to get myself onto a road and in a set of habits that will, at minimum, keep me in shape so that I don'tdieofheartdiseaseinmy50's, or succumb to diabetes (as popular as it is, I think I'dliketooptoutthislifetime),orattractsomeotherillnessthatseemsinvariablydrawntotheunfitandoverweight.\n\nWhatdidyoudotobreakoutofyourcomfortzone?\n\nWasriskofshortenedlifespanenoughforyou,orareyouusingothermentaltrickstokeepyourselfmotivated?\n\nWhatbenefitsofregularaerobicexercisecanIexpecttogetthatmightalsomotivatemetodoso?\n\nDoyouevenlift,bro?<p>“Abear,howeverhardhetries,growstubbywithoutexercise.”<br>\n―A.A.Milne,Winnie-the-Pooh</p>\n\n<p>AsaprogrammerIsitatadeskatwork,whichmeansI'm overweight, but worse - I'moutofshape.Iwouldn't mind the extra weight if I knew that my heart, kidneys and other internal organs also didn'tmind,butgiventhatIdolittleregularphysicalactivitythatgetsmyheartrateupfor30+minutesIknowthatI'm both fat and unfit.</p>\n\n<p>What are some suggestions on ways to get myself onto a road and in a set of habits that will, at minimum, keep me in shape so that I don'tdieofheartdiseaseinmy50's, or succumb to diabetes (as popular as it is, I think I'dliketooptoutthislifetime),orattractsomeotherillnessthatseemsinvariablydrawntotheunfitandoverweight.</p>\n\n<p>Whatdidyoudotobreakoutofyourcomfortzone?</p>\n\n<p>Wasriskofshortenedlifespanenoughforyou,orareyouusingothermentaltrickstokeepyourselfmotivated?</p>\n\n<p>WhatbenefitsofregularaerobicexercisecanIexpecttogetthatmightalsomotivatemetodoso?</p>\n\n<p>Doyouevenlift,bro?</p>2013-02-0419:38:46.8356152013-02-0419:38:46.835615\N110\N00008610.3000000000000007510123f\N00002013-02-0419:38:46.835257f\N
552371Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse,andwelcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nThisprivatemessagehasafewquicktipstogetyoustarted:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\n**Where am I?**\n\n- To get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**\n\n- To search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.\n- While reading a topic, you can move to the top by clicking its title at the top of the page. To reach the *bottom*, click the down arrow on the topic progress indicator at the bottom of the page, or click the last post field on the topic summary under the first post.\n\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse, and welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't he
757511Inoticedthere's a few different ways to reply. \n\nI'munclearwhichmethodofreplyingIshoulduse,andwhen.Cananyoneclarifythisforme?\n\nAlsohowdoIquotesomeoneelse's post, as I have seen others do in replies here? <p>I noticed there'safewdifferentwaystoreply.</p>\n\n<p>I'm unclear which method of replying I should use, and when. Can anyone clarify this for me?</p>\n\n<p>Also how do I quote someone else'spost,asIhaveseenothersdoinreplieshere?</p>2013-02-0420:00:06.8727412013-02-0420:00:06.872741\N100\N0000\N0.20000000000000001111017f\N00002013-02-0420:00:06.872415f\N
342321Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse,andwelcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nThisprivatemessagehasafewquicktipstogetyoustarted:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\n**Where am I?**\n\n- To get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**\n\n- To search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.\n- To reach the top of a topic, click the title. To reach the *bottom*, click the arrow on the topic progress indicator at the bottom of the page, the last post field on the topic summary under the first post, or the last post date in the topic list.\n\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse, and welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the
222221Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse,andwelcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nThisprivatemessagehasafewquicktipstogetyoustarted:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\n**Where am I?**\n\nTo get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**\n\nTo search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.\n\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse, and welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Where am I?</strong></p>\n\n<p>To get back to the home page at any time, <strong>click the icon at the upper left.</strong></p>\n\n<p>To search, vi
6919392PERLforPerlorperl.There's enormous nerd cultural sensitivity around it -- words have _meaning_, dammit! -- but I don'tseewheretheall-capsversioncamefrom.Theretconnedacronym,maybe?<p>PERLforPerlorperl.There's enormous nerd cultural sensitivity around it -- words have <em>meaning</em>, dammit! -- but I don'tseewheretheall-capsversioncamefrom.Theretconnedacronym,maybe?</p>2013-02-0419:40:13.6355582013-02-0419:40:13.6355581100\N0000181.30000000000000004210219f\N00002013-02-0419:40:13.635213f22
3012273I'm just testing something else. <p>I'mjusttestingsomethingelse.</p>2013-01-3122:11:11.0740182013-01-3122:11:11.074018\N100\N0000202.60000000000000009810312f\N00002013-01-3122:11:11.074018f\N
272291Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse,andwelcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nThisprivatemessagehasafewquicktipstogetyoustarted:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\n**Where am I?**\n\nTo get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**\n\nTo search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.\n\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse, and welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Where am I?</strong></p>\n\n<p>To get back to the home page at any time, <strong>click the icon at the upper left.</strong></p>\n\n<p>To search, vi
4020274I'm going to have to go with Moon. I can'tpostalinktoIMDBbecausethebody'has too many images.'<p>I'm going to have to go with Moon. I can'tpostalinktoIMDBbecausethebody'has too many images.'</p>2013-02-0104:38:45.3306642013-02-0104:38:45.330664\N110\N0000136.84999999999999964610420f\N00002013-02-0104:38:45.330664f\N
202201Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse,andwelcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nThisprivatemessagehasafewquicktipstogetyoustarted:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\n**Where am I?**\n\nTo get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**\n\nTo search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.\n\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse, and welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Where am I?</strong></p>\n\n<p>To get back to the home page at any time, <strong>click the icon at the upper left.</strong></p>\n\n<p>To search, vi
259271WhichSci-Fimovie(orseries)ofthe2000's mattered most to you? Which is the one that you think will come to your mind when asked about it in 20, 30, 40 years? <p>Which Sci-Fi movie (or series) of the 2000'smatteredmosttoyou?Whichistheonethatyouthinkwillcometoyourmindwhenaskedaboutitin20,30,40years?</p>2013-01-3121:45:18.0974622013-01-3122:04:44.604122\N200\N0000172.6499999999999999191019f\N00002013-01-3122:04:44.616199f\N
2914262I've traveled a lot in the US by car and done the same thing. It'spossiblebutitisalittlemoredifficultasyou've seen. It'sactuallyeasiertosleepinyourcarthefartheroffthebeatentrackyouare.Afewotherthingsthatwork\n\n-reststopsintheUSspecificallyallowsleepinginyourvehicleovernightunlessmarkedtothecontrary.Thisisusuallysetuponastatebystatebasis,somakesureyoucheckperstate.\n-WalmartusedtoletpeopleparkRVsintheirlots(andtravelvans)havenotkeptupwithwhethertheystilldothis\n-Nationalforestlandisusuallyokay/legaforthissortofthing\n\nButyeahIthinkpeopleintheUSarealittlemorenervyaboutstrangerdangerandourrelationshiptoprivateproperty.Ifyoudoalittlegooglingonthetopicof"boondocking"youcanreadaboutthewayalotofpeopledealwiththissortofthing.<p>I've traveled a lot in the US by car and done the same thing. It'spossiblebutitisalittlemoredifficultasyou've seen. It'sactuallyeasiertosleepinyourcarthefartheroffthebeatentrackyouare.Afewotherthingsthatwork</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li>reststopsintheUSspecificallyallowsleepinginyourvehicleovernightunlessmarkedtothecontrary.Thisisusuallysetuponastatebystatebasis,somakesureyoucheckperstate.</li>\n<li>WalmartusedtoletpeopleparkRVsintheirlots(andtravelvans)havenotkeptupwithwhethertheystilldothis</li>\n<li>Nationalforestlandisusuallyokay/legaforthissortofthing</li>\n</ul><p>ButyeahIthinkpeopleintheUSarealittlemorenervyaboutstrangerdangerandourrelationshiptoprivateproperty.Ifyoudoalittlegooglingonthetopicof"boondocking"youcanreadaboutthewayalotofpeopledealwiththissortofthing.</p>2013-01-3122:10:16.4601812013-01-3122:10:16.460181\N100\N01002418910214f\N00002013-01-3122:10:16.460181f\N
322301Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse,andwelcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nThisprivatemessagehasafewquicktipstogetyoustarted:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\n**Where am I?**\n\nTo get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**\n\nTo search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.\n\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse, and welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Where am I?</strong></p>\n\n<p>To get back to the home page at any time, <strong>click the icon at the upper left.</strong></p>\n\n<p>To search, vi
6023264Inthe1800's a lot of separate interests competed for land on the American frontier, leading farmers to fence in their land so it could be used in totality for their own interests, and not for fattening up cattle.\n\n> As settlers advanced into cattle country, a conflict was inevitable between the farmers who fenced their land with barbed wire and sought to control water sources and the ranchers whose livelihood depended on keeping the range open. But the so-called range wars also pitted cattlemen against sheepherders (sheep were notorious for eating grasses down to the stubble so that the land was unsuited for cattle grazing) and cattle barons against smaller ranchers. ([source][1])\n\nIn general, land that was not fenced and posted with signs claiming ownership would be exploited, so the practice of fencing and posting notices is ingrained into the US culture, particularly in the west.\n\nFurthermore, the laws that allow deadly force to be used on trespassers are much more prevalent in the US than other developed parts of the world, making it dangerous to cross fences and posted notices. These, again, come from a lot of the thieving and cattle wars that occurred in the early days of westward American expansion when there was little to no law enforcement, and one was only as safe as one could make themselves.\n\nEven now, though, there is another compelling reason. There are countless dangers to adventurous types, such as mines, wells, cliffs, etc, and successful lawsuits have been brought to bear against landowners who did not make their land safe for passers by, nor prevent them from entering the land. Liability now plays some role in the continued maintenance of those fences today.\n\n [1]: http://www.cliffsnotes.com/study_guide/The-Cattle-Kingdom.topicArticleId-25238,articleId-25174.html <p>In the 1800'salotofseparateinterestscompetedforlandontheAmericanfrontier,leadingfarmerstofenceintheirlandsoitcouldbeusedintotalityfortheirowninterests,andnotforfatteningupcattle.</p>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p>Assettlersadvancedintocattlecountry,aconflictwasinevitablebetweenthefarmerswhofencedtheirlandwithbarbedwireandsoughttocontrolwatersourcesandtherancherswhoselivelihooddependedonkeepingtherangeopen.Buttheso-calledrangewarsalsopittedcattlemenagainstsheepherders(sheepwerenotoriousforeatinggrassesdowntothestubblesothatthelandwasunsuitedforcattlegrazing)andcattlebaronsagainstsmallerranchers.(<ahref="http://www.cliffsnotes.com/study_guide/The-Cattle-Kingdom.topicArticleId-25238,articleId-25174.html">source</a>)</p>\n</blockquote>\n\n<p>Ingeneral,landthatwasnotfencedandpostedwithsignsclaimingownershipwouldbeexploited,sothepracticeoffencingandpostingnoticesisingrainedintotheUSculture,particularlyinthewest.</p>\n\n<p>Furthermore,thelawsthatallowdeadlyforcetobeusedontrespassersaremuchmoreprevalentintheUSthanotherdevelopedpartsoftheworld,makingitdangeroustocrossfencesandpostednotices.These,again,comefromalotofthethievingandcattlewarsthatoccurredintheearlydaysofwestwardAmericanexpansionwhentherewaslittletonolawenforcement,andonewasonlyassafeasonecouldmakethemselves.</p>\n\n<p>Evennow,though,thereisanothercompellingreason.Therearecountlessdangerstoadventuroustypes,suchasmines,wells,cliffs,etc,andsuccessfullawsuitshavebeenbroughttobearagainstlandownerswhodidnotmaketheirlandsafeforpassersby,norpreventthemfromenteringtheland.Liabilitynowplayssomeroleinthecontinuedmaintenanceofthosefencestoday.</p>2013-02-0418:56:49.7897412013-02-0418:58:29.497776\N100\N00001015.45000000000000018210423f\N00002013-02-0418:56:49.789349f\N
2411261I'm a European who had the privilege of travelling California, Nevada, and Arizona for a couple of weeks last fall. It was my first visit to the US. I was travelling by car, hoping to be able to sleep in it (or in a tent next to it) as often as possible to save money. I'maveryquiet,respectfultravelerwitha"leave nothing behind"approachsoIfeltthatwasokaytodo.\n\nHowever,thatwasn't as easy as I had anticipated! I was virtually unable to find any space off the main roads that wasn'tclosedoff,andmarked"private property."Idon't feel comfortable sleeping somewhere I'mnotsupposedtobe(eventhoughtheriskofgettingcaughtwasprobablyminimal)soIhadtolimitmyfreecampingmainlytothedesert.\n\nThiscameasabigsurprisetome,Ihadexpectedtheexactoppositebecausethecountryissovast.GermanyismuchmoredenselysettledthantheUS,andmuchofitsuninhabitedareaisprivateproperty,too.However,it's *way* more accessible. You find a huge network of dirt roads everywhere, going through every small forest, taking you far off the main roads. Private property is rarely marked, and rarely impassable (I think it'sgenerallyprohibitedtoblockitoff).Findingasecureplacetostayforthenightwhiletravelingbycarisreally,reallyeasy.\n\nWhydoyouthinkthisis?\n\n-Isthisatraditional,"keep off my lawn"thing,relatedtotheUS's cultural focus on private property?\n- Is it a recent thing, to do with liability / a heightened sense of fear from intruders / massive problems with vandalism and such?\n- Was I just in the wrong places? <p>I'maEuropeanwhohadtheprivilegeoftravellingCalifornia,Nevada,andArizonaforacoupleofweekslastfall.ItwasmyfirstvisittotheUS.Iwastravellingbycar,hopingtobeabletosleepinit(orinatentnexttoit)asoftenaspossibletosavemoney.I'm a very quiet, respectful traveler with a "leave nothing behind" approach so I felt that was okay to do. </p>\n\n<p>However, that wasn'taseasyasIhadanticipated!Iwasvirtuallyunabletofindanyspaceoffthemainroadsthatwasn't closed off, and marked "private property." I don'tfeelcomfortablesleepingsomewhereI'm not supposed to be (even though the risk of getting caught was probably minimal) so I had to limit my free camping mainly to the desert.</p>\n\n<p>This came as a big surprise to me, I had expected the exact opposite because the country is so vast. Germany is much more densely settled than the US, and much of its uninhabited area is private property, too. However, it's<em>way</em>moreaccessible.Youfindahugenetworkofdirtroadseverywhere,goingthrougheverysmallforest,takingyoufaroffthemainroads.Privatepropertyisrarelymarked,andrarelyimpassable(Ithinkit's generally prohibited to block it off). Finding a secure place to stay for the night while traveling by car is really, really easy.</p>\n\n<p>Why do you think this is?</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li>Is this a traditional, "keep off my lawn" thing, related to the US'sculturalfocusonprivateproperty?</li>\n<li>Isitarecentthing,todowithliability/aheightenedsenseoffearfromintruders/massiveproblemswithvandalismandsuch?</li>\n<li>WasIjustinthewrongplaces?</li>\n</ul>2013-01-3121:34:39.3751792013-01-3121:40:29.280896\N300\N0000263.10000000000000009910111f\N00002013-01-3121:40:29.300543f\N
289272I'm going to say *Children of Men*. I thought it was a complete stunner. The basic premise (mankind becomes infertile) is total Science Fiction of course, but a dystopian 2027 Britain is made utterly believable in so, so many small details, many of which you notice only when viewing it the third or fourth time. A heartbreaking story about a broken man; gripping drama to the end. \n\n... and one of the most goose-bumpy scenes I'veeverseeninamovie(you'll know what I'mtalkingaboutwhenyouseeit.)\n\nhttp://youtu.be/2VT2apoX90o<p>I'm going to say <em>Children of Men</em>. I thought it was a complete stunner. The basic premise (mankind becomes infertile) is total Science Fiction of course, but a dystopian 2027 Britain is made utterly believable in so, so many small details, many of which you notice only when viewing it the third or fourth time. A heartbreaking story about a broken man; gripping drama to the end. </p>\n\n<p>... and one of the most goose-bumpy scenes I'veeverseeninamovie(you'll know what I'mtalkingaboutwhenyouseeit.)</p>\n\n<p><iframewidth="480"height="270"src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2VT2apoX90o?feature=oembed"frameborder="0"allowfullscreen></iframe></p>2013-01-3121:56:35.8843182013-01-3121:58:31.282589\N100\N01403338.450000000000002891029f\N00002013-01-3121:56:35.884318f\N
172171Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse.Welcome!\n\nHereareafewquicktipstogetthemostoutofthisforum:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nTherearenonextpagebuttonorpagenumbershere.Tokeepreading,justkeepscrollingdown,andmorecontentwillload!\n\nAsnewrepliescomein,theywillappearautomaticallyatthebottomofthetopic.Noneedtorefreshthepageorre-enterthetopictoseenewposts.\n\n**HowDoIReply?**\n\n-Toreplytoaspecificpost,usetheReplybuttonatthebottomofthatpost.\n\n-Ifyouwanttoreplytotheoverall*theme*ofthetopic,ratherthananyspecificpersoninthetopic,usetheReplybuttonattheverybottomofthetopic.\n\n-Ifyouwanttotaketheconversationinadifferentdirection,butkeepthemlinkedtogether,useReplyasNewTopictotherightofthepost.\n\n**WhoisTalkingtoMe?**\n\nWhensomeonerepliestoyourpost,quotesyou,ormentionsyour@username,anotificationwillappearatthetopofthepage.Clickortapthenotificationnumbertoseewho's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone'sname,starttyping`@`andanautocompleterwillpopup.\n\n-Toquoteanentirepost,usetheImportQuotebuttononthecomposertoolbar.\n\n-Toquotejustasectionofapost,highlightit,thenclicktheReplybuttonthatappearsoverthehighlight.\n\n**LookatThatPost!**\n\nToletsomeoneknowthatyouenjoyedtheirpost,clickthelikebuttonatthebottomofthepost.Ifyouseeaproblemwithapost,don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse. Welcome!</p>\n\n<p>Here are a few quick tips to get the most out of this forum:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There are no next page button or page numbers here. To keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who'stalkingtoyou,andwhere.Jointheconversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>Tomentionsomeone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don'thesitatetoclicktheflagbuttonandletthemoderators-- and your fellow community members -- know about it.</p>\n\n<p>We believe in <a href="/faq">civilized community behavior</a> at all times.</p>\n\n<p>Enjoy your stay!</p> 2013-01-29 05:15:31.723979 2013-01-29 05:15:31.723979 \N 1 0 0 \N 0 0 0 0 \N 0 1 1 0 1 2 f \N 0 0 0 0 2013-01-29 05:15:31.723979 f \N
592401Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse,andwelcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nThisprivatemessagehasafewquicktipstogetyoustarted:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\n**Where am I?**\n\n- To get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**\n\n- To search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.\n- While reading a topic, you can move to the top by clicking its title at the top of the page. To reach the *bottom*, click the down arrow on the topic progress indicator at the bottom of the page, or click the last post field on the topic summary under the first post.\n\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse, and welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't he
382351Hithere!\n\nThanksforjoiningTryDiscourse,andwelcometoourdiscussionforum!\n\nThisprivatemessagehasafewquicktipstogetyoustarted:\n\n**KeepScrolling**\n\nThereisnonextpagebuttonorpagenumbers-- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!\n\nAs new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.\n\n**How Do I Reply?**\n\n- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.\n\n- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.\n\n- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.\n\n**Who is Talking to Me?**\n\nWhen someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!\n\n- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.\n\n- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.\n\n- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.\n\n**Look at That Post!**\n\nTo let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.\n\n**Where am I?**\n\n- To get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**\n\n- To search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.\n- While reading a topic, you can move to the top by clicking its title at the top of the page. To reach the *bottom*, click the down arrow on the topic progress indicator at the bottom of the page, or click the last post field on the topic summary under the first post.\n\n\nWe believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.\n\nEnjoy your stay! <p>Hi there!</p>\n\n<p>Thanks for joining Try Discourse, and welcome to our discussion forum!</p>\n\n<p>This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:</p>\n\n<p><strong>Keep Scrolling</strong></p>\n\n<p>There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!</p>\n\n<p>As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.</p>\n\n<p><strong>How Do I Reply?</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to reply to the overall <em>theme</em> of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.</p></li>\n<li><p>If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Who is Talking to Me?</strong></p>\n\n<p>When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your <span class="mention">@username</span>, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>To mention someone's name, start typing <code>@</code> and an autocompleter will pop up.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.</p></li>\n<li><p>To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.</p></li>\n</ul><p><strong>Look at That Post!</strong></p>\n\n<p>To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't he
2311251IlovemyiPad,it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\n\n Here'sapictureofitataStarbucksinSanBruno,CA,5,788milesfromhome:\n\n<imgsrc='http://localhost:4000/uploads/try2_discourse/7/blob.png'width='400'height='300'>\n\nHowever,Ioftenhitawallbecauseofitslimitedpossibilities.Itriedtouseitasafull-timeworkingtoolwhiletravelingandbasically,ImanagedtodoeverythingIneededto-E-Mail,writingsomedocuments,abitofphotography....butmyexperienceisthatnomatterhowhardItry,itseemsnevertobeafullreplacementformyhomedesktoporlaptop,thelatestwhenIhavetohandinatermpaper.I've never really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it'stoocomplicated.Whichisashame,becauseworkingontheiPadwithanexternalkeyboardismymostfavouritewayofworkingwithacomputer**ever!**\n\nI'd like to know whether any of you have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever, but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as **their only working device, successfully.** You have to be doing something non-trivial on it: just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn'tcount.Hasanyofyoureallymanagedtogetridofthe"big machine"?Anywriterswhomanagedrafts,research,andtheirfinalwork,onlyonatablet?Educatorswhomanagealltheirnotesanddataonone?Anybodyfromotherprofessionalgroups?\n\nWhat's your secret. What apps do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren'tcompletelyself-explanatorywhendonefromatablet,likeprintingorstoringtoanexternaldevice(inthecaseofiOSdevices)?Doyoukeepabigcomputersomewhereforemergencies?AretherereallypeopleouttherewhocreatefinalversionsofimportantdocumentsusingtheiOSPagesapporsimilar?<p>IlovemyiPad,it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.</p>\n\n<p>Here'sapictureofitataStarbucksinSanBruno,CA,5,788milesfromhome:</p>\n\n<p><imgsrc="http://localhost:4000/uploads/try2_discourse/7/blob.png"width="400"height="300"/></p>\n\n<p>However,Ioftenhitawallbecauseofitslimitedpossibilities.Itriedtouseitasafull-timeworkingtoolwhiletravelingandbasically,ImanagedtodoeverythingIneededto-E-Mail,writingsomedocuments,abitofphotography....butmyexperienceisthatnomatterhowhardItry,itseemsnevertobeafullreplacementformyhomedesktoporlaptop,thelatestwhenIhavetohandinatermpaper.I've never really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it'stoocomplicated.Whichisashame,becauseworkingontheiPadwithanexternalkeyboardismymostfavouritewayofworkingwithacomputer<strong>ever!</strong></p>\n\n<p>I'd like to know whether any of you have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever, but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as <strong>their only working device, successfully.</strong> You have to be doing something non-trivial on it: just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn'tcount.Hasanyofyoureallymanagedtogetridofthe"big machine"?Anywriterswhomanagedrafts,research,andtheirfinalwork,onlyonatablet?Educatorswhomanagealltheirnotesanddataonone?Anybodyfromotherprofessionalgroups?</p>\n\n<p>What's your secret. What apps do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren'tcompletelyself-explanatorywhendonefromatablet,likeprintingorstoringtoanexternaldevice(inthecaseofiOSdevices)?Doyoukeepabigcomputersomewhereforemergencies?AretherereallypeopleouttherewhocreatefinalversionsofimportantdocumentsusingtheiOSPagesapporsimilar?</p>2013-01-3121:04:37.6369472013-02-0101:13:15.474731\N900\N0000322.79999999999999982610111f\N00002013-02-0101:13:15.486068f\N
7724531Ifyoucanseethis,you've successfully set up a vagrant environment for discourse. By default this install includes a few topics and accounts to play around with.\n\nIf you'relookingforanaccounttotestout,youcancreateoneorloginasoneofthefollowingwiththepassword:`password`.\n\n-eviltrout**anadmin**\n-jatwood**regularuser**\n\nForthelatestinfo,pleasecheckthe[README.md](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/README.md)intheproject.ThanksforcheckingoutDiscourse!\n\n---\n\n### The Production Dataset\n\nIf you want to get started without the test topics, this install also includes a base production database image. To install it execute the following commands:\n\n```bash\nvagrant ssh\ncd /vagrant\npsql discourse_development < pg_dumps/production-image.sql\nrake db:migrate\nrake db:test:prepare\n```\n\nIf you change your mind and want to use the test data again, just execute the above but using `pg_dumps/development-image.sql` instead.\n <p>If you can see this, you've successfully set up a vagrant environment for discourse. By default this install includes a few topics and accounts to play around with.</p>\n\n<p>If you're looking for an account to test out, you can create one or log in as one of the following with the password: <code>password</code>.</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li>eviltrout <strong>an admin</strong>\n</li>\n<li>jatwood <strong>regular user</strong>\n</li>\n</ul><p>For the latest info, please check the <a href="https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/README.md" rel="nofollow">README.md</a> in the project. Thanks for checking out Discourse!</p>\n\n<hr><h3>The Production Dataset</h3>\n\n<p>If you want to get started without the test topics, this install also includes a base production database image. To install it execute the following commands:</p>\n\n<pre><code class="bash">vagrant ssh \ncd /vagrant \npsql discourse_development < pg_dumps/production-image.sql \nrake db:migrate \nrake db:test:prepare \n</code></pre>\n\n<p>If you change your mind and want to use the test data again, just execute the above but using <code>pg_dumps/development-image.sql</code> instead. </p> 2013-02-04 22:39:43.233076 2013-03-20 22:59:11.628399 \N 2 0 0 \N 0 0 0 0 \N \N 1 1 0 1 24 f \N 0 0 0 0 2013-03-20 22:58:35.140445 f \N
21OldSchoolDM2013-02-0418:10:14.842022013-02-0418:33:20.338235TheOldSchoolDMIwasprimarilyanAD&D1steditionDMandcampaigndesignerforover20yearsthen"retired"forabout10.I'm now getting back into it because my professional illustrator/daughter and I are building a game-world/campaign and we'rebuildingitfor4thedition.I've also developed a bit of a thing for paper terrain for my games 47 \N oldschooldm@mailinator.com c510193134d9347b917fde91ecfa63fd8580262ebbe757b911bfd0e3469daf3b 8c53b9af0df959d538fcb99ec20a9679 t oldschooldm 2013-02-04 20:03:24 http://cardboard-warriors.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=userrecentposts&user=oldschooldm f 2013-02-04 18:10:15.547097 t 1 <p>I was primarily an AD&D 1st edition DM and campaign designer for over 20 years then "retired" for about 10. I'mnowgettingbackintoitbecausemyprofessionalillustrator/daughterandIarebuildingagame-world/campaignandwe're building it for 4th edition. I'vealsodevelopedabitofathingforpaperterrainformygames</p>ttf\N\N227\N\N\N\N600000043198.234.248.204\Nftf
19gknauss2013-02-0101:28:51.1977142013-02-0419:47:08.936018GregKnaussHELLO\n=====472013-02-0419:51:59.86907gknauss@mailinator.comc510193134d9347b917fde91ecfa63fd8580262ebbe757b911bfd0e3469daf3b8c53b9af0df959d538fcb99ec20a9679tgknauss2013-02-0419:54:03http://--- f 2013-02-04 19:46:59.279009 t 1 <h1>HELLO </h1> t t f \N \N 7 20 7 2013-02-01 05:17:58 \N \N \N 60000 0 0 324148 2 \N f t f
523Post11User\N---\nraw:\n-!'I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\n\n\n However, its possibilities are limited. I tried to use it as a full-time working\n tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything I needed to - E-Mail,\n writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience is that no matter\n how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my home desktop or laptop,\n the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I''ve never really tried to use\n Pages on iPad for that. Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external\n keyboard is my favourite way of working with a computer **ever!**\n\n\n I''d like to know whether any of you have experience with working with a Tablet\n (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever, but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it\n has to be a mobile OS) as **their only working device.** You have to be doing something\n non-trivial on it: just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn''t count. Any writers\n out there who no longer need a "big" machine? Educators who manage all their notes\n and research on a tablet?'\n-!'I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\n\n\n However, I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use\n it as a full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything\n I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I''ve never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it''s too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my favourite\n way of working with a computer **ever!**\n\n\n I''d like to know whether any of you have experience with working with a Tablet\n (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever, but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it\n has to be a mobile OS) as **their only working device, successfully.** You have\n to be doing something non-trivial on it: just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn''t\n count. Any writers out there who no longer need a "big" machine? Educators who manage\n all their notes and research on a tablet?'\ncooked:\n-!'<p>I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.</p>\n\n\n <p>However, its possibilities are limited. I tried to use it as a full-time working\n tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything I needed to - E-Mail,\n writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience is that no matter\n how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my home desktop or laptop,\n the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I''ve never really tried to use\n Pages on iPad for that. Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external\n keyboard is my favourite way of working with a computer <strong>ever!</strong></p>\n\n\n <p>I''d like to know whether any of you have experience with working with a Tablet\n (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever, but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it\n has to be a mobile OS) as <strong>their only working device.</strong> You have to\n be doing something non-trivial on it: just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn''t\n count. Any writers out there who no longer need a "big" machine? Educators who manage\n all their notes and research on a tablet?</p>'\n-!'<p>I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.</p>\n\n\n <p>However, I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to\n use it as a full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do\n everything I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography....\n but my experience is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full\n replacement for my home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term\n
623Post11User\N---\nraw:\n-!'I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\n\n\n However, I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use\n it as a full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything\n I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I''ve never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it''s too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my favourite\n way of working with a computer **ever!**\n\n\n I''d like to know whether any of you have experience with working with a Tablet\n (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever, but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it\n has to be a mobile OS) as **their only working device, successfully.** You have\n to be doing something non-trivial on it: just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn''t\n count. Any writers out there who no longer need a "big" machine? Educators who manage\n all their notes and research on a tablet?'\n-!'I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\n\n\n However, I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use\n it as a full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything\n I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I''ve never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it''s too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my favourite\n way of working with a computer **ever!**\n\n\n I''d like to know whether any of you have experience with working with a Tablet\n (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever, but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it\n has to be a mobile OS) as **their only working device, successfully.** You have\n to be doing something non-trivial on it: just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn''t\n count. Has any of you really managed to get rid of the "big machine"? Any writers\n who manage drafts, research, and their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who\n manage all their notes and data on one? Anybody from other professional groups?\n What apps do you use, what does your working setup look like?'\ncooked:\n-!'<p>I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.</p>\n\n\n <p>However, I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to\n use it as a full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do\n everything I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography....\n but my experience is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full\n replacement for my home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term\n paper. I''ve never really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it''s\n too complicated. Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external\n keyboard is my favourite way of working with a computer <strong>ever!</strong></p>\n\n\n <p>I''d like to know whether any of you have experience with working with a Tablet\n (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever, but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it\n has to be a mobile OS) as <strong>their only working device, successfully.</strong>\n You have to be doing something non-trivial on it: just E-Mailing and browsing the\n web doesn''t count. Any writers out there who no longer need a "big" machine? Educators\n who manage all their notes and research on a tablet?</p>'\n-!'<p>I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.</p>\n\n\n <p>However, I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried
723Post11User\N---\nraw:\n-!'I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\n\n\n However, I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use\n it as a full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything\n I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I''ve never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it''s too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my favourite\n way of working with a computer **ever!**\n\n\n I''d like to know whether any of you have experience with working with a Tablet\n (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever, but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it\n has to be a mobile OS) as **their only working device, successfully.** You have\n to be doing something non-trivial on it: just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn''t\n count. Has any of you really managed to get rid of the "big machine"? Any writers\n who manage drafts, research, and their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who\n manage all their notes and data on one? Anybody from other professional groups?\n What apps do you use, what does your working setup look like?'\n-!"I love my iPad, it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\\n\\nHowever,\n I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use it as a\n full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything\n I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I've never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it's too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my favourite\n way of working with a computer **ever!**\\n\\nI'd like to know whether any of you\n have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever,\n but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as **their only\n working device, successfully.** You have to be doing something non-trivial on it:\n just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn't count. Has any of you really managed\n to get rid of the \\"bigmachine\\"? Any writers who manage drafts, research, and\n their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who manage all their notes and data\n on one? Anybody from other professional groups? \\n\\nWhat's your secret. What apps\n do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren't\n completely trivial from a tablet, like printing or storing to an external device\n (in the case of iOS devices)?"\ncooked:\n-!'<p>I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.</p>\n\n\n <p>However, I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to\n use it as a full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do\n everything I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography....\n but my experience is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full\n replacement for my home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term\n paper. I''ve never really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it''s\n too complicated. Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external\n keyboard is my favourite way of working with a computer <strong>ever!</strong></p>\n\n\n <p>I''d like to know whether any of you have experience with working with a Tablet\n (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever, but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it\n has to be a mobile OS) as <strong>their only working device, successfully.</strong>\n You have to be doing something non-triv
823Post11User\N---\nraw:\n-!"I love my iPad, it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\\n\\nHowever,\n I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use it as a\n full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything\n I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I've never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it's too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my favourite\n way of working with a computer **ever!**\\n\\nI'd like to know whether any of you\n have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever,\n but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as **their only\n working device, successfully.** You have to be doing something non-trivial on it:\n just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn't count. Has any of you really managed\n to get rid of the \\"bigmachine\\"? Any writers who manage drafts, research, and\n their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who manage all their notes and data\n on one? Anybody from other professional groups? \\n\\nWhat's your secret. What apps\n do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren't\n completely trivial from a tablet, like printing or storing to an external device\n (in the case of iOS devices)?"\n-!"I love my iPad, it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\\n\\nHowever,\n I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use it as a\n full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything\n I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I've never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it's too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my most\n favourite way of working with a computer **ever!**\\n\\nI'd like to know whether any\n of you have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever,\n but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as **their only\n working device, successfully.** You have to be doing something non-trivial on it:\n just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn't count. Has any of you really managed\n to get rid of the \\"bigmachine\\"? Any writers who manage drafts, research, and\n their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who manage all their notes and data\n on one? Anybody from other professional groups? \\n\\nWhat's your secret. What apps\n do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren't\n completely trivial from a tablet, like printing or storing to an external device\n (in the case of iOS devices)?"\ncooked:\n-!'<p>I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.</p>\n\n\n <p>However, I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to\n use it as a full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do\n everything I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography....\n but my experience is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full\n replacement for my home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term\n paper. I''ve never really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it''s\n too complicated. Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external\n keyboard is my favourite way of working with a computer <strong>ever!</strong></p>\n\n\n <p>I''d like to know whether any of you have experience with working with a Tablet\n (iPad, iPhone or Android or w
3150Topic\N\N\N---\ntitle:\n-AfewqestionsaboutrememberingwhatI've read here\n- A few qestions about remembering what I'veread\n2\N\N2013-02-0420:00:23.4417312013-02-0420:00:23.441731
923Post11User\N---\nraw:\n-!"I love my iPad, it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\\n\\nHowever,\n I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use it as a\n full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything\n I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I've never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it's too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my most\n favourite way of working with a computer **ever!**\\n\\nI'd like to know whether any\n of you have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever,\n but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as **their only\n working device, successfully.** You have to be doing something non-trivial on it:\n just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn't count. Has any of you really managed\n to get rid of the \\"bigmachine\\"? Any writers who manage drafts, research, and\n their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who manage all their notes and data\n on one? Anybody from other professional groups? \\n\\nWhat's your secret. What apps\n do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren't\n completely trivial from a tablet, like printing or storing to an external device\n (in the case of iOS devices)?"\n-!"I love my iPad, it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\\n\\nHowever,\n I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use it as a\n full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything\n I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I've never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it's too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my most\n favourite way of working with a computer **ever!**\\n\\nI'd like to know whether any\n of you have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever,\n but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as **their only\n working device, successfully.** You have to be doing something non-trivial on it:\n just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn't count. Has any of you really managed\n to get rid of the \\"bigmachine\\"? Any writers who manage drafts, research, and\n their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who manage all their notes and data\n on one? Anybody from other professional groups? \\n\\nWhat's your secret. What apps\n do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren't\n completely self-explanatory when done from a tablet, like printing or storing to\n an external device (in the case of iOS devices)? Do you keep a big computer somewhere\n for emergencies? Are there really people out there who create final versions of\n important documents using the iOS Pages app or similar?"\ncooked:\n-!'<p>I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.</p>\n\n\n <p>However, I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to\n use it as a full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do\n everything I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography....\n but my experience is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full\n replacement for my home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term\n paper. I''ve never really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it''s\n too complicated. Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external\n ke
1224Post11User\N---\nraw:\n-!"I'm a European who had the privilege of travelling California, Nevada, and Arizona\n for a couple of weeks last fall. It was my first visit to the US. I was travelling\n by car, hoping to be able to sleep in it (or in a tent next to it) as often as possible\n to save money. I'm a very quiet, respectful traveler with a \\"leavenothingbehind\\"\n approach so I felt that was okay to do. \\n\\nHowever, that wasn't as easy as I had\n anticipated. Quite the contrary! I was virtually unable to find any space off the\n main roads that wasn't closed off, and marked \\"privateproperty.\\" I don't feel\n comfortable sleeping somewhere I'm not supposed to be (even though the risk of getting\n caught was probably minimal) so I had to limit my free camping mainly to the desert.\\n\\nThis\n came as a big surprise to me. Germany is much more densely settled than the US,\n and much of its uninhabited area is private property, too. However, it's *way* more\n accessible. You find a huge network of dirt roads everywhere, going through every\n small forest, taking you far off the main roads. Private property is rarely marked,\n and rarely impassable (I think it's prohibited to make it so in most cases). Finding\n a secure place for the night to stay (away from prying eyes, and invisible to the\n main road) when traveling by car is really, really easy.\\n\\nWhy do you think this\n is?\\n\\n- Is this a traditional thing, related to the US's cultural appreciation\n of private property?\\n- Is it a recent thing, to do with liability / a heightened\n sense of fear from intruders?\\n- Was I just in the wrong places?"\n-!"I'm a European who had the privilege of travelling California, Nevada, and Arizona\n for a couple of weeks last fall. It was my first visit to the US. I was travelling\n by car, hoping to be able to sleep in it (or in a tent next to it) as often as possible\n to save money. I'm a very quiet, respectful traveler with a \\"leavenothingbehind\\"\n approach so I felt that was okay to do. \\n\\nHowever, that wasn't as easy as I had\n anticipated! I was virtually unable to find any space off the main roads that wasn't\n closed off, and marked \\"privateproperty.\\" I don't feel comfortable sleeping somewhere\n I'm not supposed to be (even though the risk of getting caught was probably minimal)\n so I had to limit my free camping mainly to the desert.\\n\\nThis came as a big surprise\n to me. Germany is much more densely settled than the US, and much of its uninhabited\n area is private property, too. However, it's *way* more accessible. You find a huge\n network of dirt roads everywhere, going through every small forest, taking you far\n off the main roads. Private property is rarely marked, and rarely impassable (I\n think it's generally prohibited to block it off). Finding a secure place to stay\n for the night while traveling by car is really, really easy.\\n\\nWhy do you think\n this is?\\n\\n- Is this a traditional, \\"keepoffmylawn\\" thing, related to the\n US's cultural focus on private property?\\n- Is it a recent thing, to do with liability\n / a heightened sense of fear from intruders / massive problems with vandalism and\n such?\\n- Was I just in the wrong places?"\ncooked:\n-!'<p>I''m a European who had the privilege of travelling California, Nevada, and\n Arizona for a couple of weeks last fall. It was my first visit to the US. I was\n travelling by car, hoping to be able to sleep in it (or in a tent next to it) as\n often as possible to save money. I''m a very quiet, respectful traveler with a "leave\n nothing behind" approach so I felt that was okay to do. </p>\n\n\n <p>However, that wasn''t as easy as I had anticipated. Quite the contrary! I was\n virtually unable to find any space off the main roads that wasn''t closed off, and\n marked "private property." I don''t feel comfortable sleeping somewhere I''m not\n supposed to be (even though the risk of getting caught was probably minimal) so\n I had to limit my free camping m
1324Post11User\N---\nraw:\n-!"I'm a European who had the privilege of travelling California, Nevada, and Arizona\n for a couple of weeks last fall. It was my first visit to the US. I was travelling\n by car, hoping to be able to sleep in it (or in a tent next to it) as often as possible\n to save money. I'm a very quiet, respectful traveler with a \\"leavenothingbehind\\"\n approach so I felt that was okay to do. \\n\\nHowever, that wasn't as easy as I had\n anticipated! I was virtually unable to find any space off the main roads that wasn't\n closed off, and marked \\"privateproperty.\\" I don't feel comfortable sleeping somewhere\n I'm not supposed to be (even though the risk of getting caught was probably minimal)\n so I had to limit my free camping mainly to the desert.\\n\\nThis came as a big surprise\n to me. Germany is much more densely settled than the US, and much of its uninhabited\n area is private property, too. However, it's *way* more accessible. You find a huge\n network of dirt roads everywhere, going through every small forest, taking you far\n off the main roads. Private property is rarely marked, and rarely impassable (I\n think it's generally prohibited to block it off). Finding a secure place to stay\n for the night while traveling by car is really, really easy.\\n\\nWhy do you think\n this is?\\n\\n- Is this a traditional, \\"keepoffmylawn\\" thing, related to the\n US's cultural focus on private property?\\n- Is it a recent thing, to do with liability\n / a heightened sense of fear from intruders / massive problems with vandalism and\n such?\\n- Was I just in the wrong places?"\n-!"I'm a European who had the privilege of travelling California, Nevada, and Arizona\n for a couple of weeks last fall. It was my first visit to the US. I was travelling\n by car, hoping to be able to sleep in it (or in a tent next to it) as often as possible\n to save money. I'm a very quiet, respectful traveler with a \\"leavenothingbehind\\"\n approach so I felt that was okay to do. \\n\\nHowever, that wasn't as easy as I had\n anticipated! I was virtually unable to find any space off the main roads that wasn't\n closed off, and marked \\"privateproperty.\\" I don't feel comfortable sleeping somewhere\n I'm not supposed to be (even though the risk of getting caught was probably minimal)\n so I had to limit my free camping mainly to the desert.\\n\\nThis came as a big surprise\n to me, I had expected the exact opposite because the country is so vast. Germany\n is much more densely settled than the US, and much of its uninhabited area is private\n property, too. However, it's *way* more accessible. You find a huge network of dirt\n roads everywhere, going through every small forest, taking you far off the main\n roads. Private property is rarely marked, and rarely impassable (I think it's generally\n prohibited to block it off). Finding a secure place to stay for the night while\n traveling by car is really, really easy.\\n\\nWhy do you think this is?\\n\\n- Is this\n a traditional, \\"keepoffmylawn\\" thing, related to the US's cultural focus on\n private property?\\n- Is it a recent thing, to do with liability / a heightened sense\n of fear from intruders / massive problems with vandalism and such?\\n- Was I just\n in the wrong places?"\ncooked:\n-!'<p>I''m a European who had the privilege of travelling California, Nevada, and\n Arizona for a couple of weeks last fall. It was my first visit to the US. I was\n travelling by car, hoping to be able to sleep in it (or in a tent next to it) as\n often as possible to save money. I''m a very quiet, respectful traveler with a "leave\n nothing behind" approach so I felt that was okay to do. </p>\n\n\n <p>However, that wasn''t as easy as I had anticipated! I was virtually unable to\n find any space off the main roads that wasn''t closed off, and marked "private property."\n I don''t feel comfortable sleeping somewhere I''m not supposed to be (even though\n the risk of getting caught was probably minimal) so I h
1627Topic\N\N\N---\ntitle:\n-WhichSci-Fimovieisthemostimportantoneofthe2000's and why?\n- Most important Sci-Fi movie of the 2000's?\n3\N\N2013-01-3122:04:33.6978822013-01-3122:04:33.697882
1725Post9User\N---\nraw:\n-WhichSci-Fimovie(orseries)ofthe2000's mattered most to you? Which is the\n one that you think will come to your mind when asked about it 20, 30, 40 years?\n- Which Sci-Fi movie (or series) of the 2000'smatteredmosttoyou?Whichisthe\nonethatyouthinkwillcometoyourmindwhenaskedaboutitin20,30,40years?\ncooked:\n-<p>WhichSci-Fimovie(orseries)ofthe2000's mattered most to you? Which is the\n one that you think will come to your mind when asked about it 20, 30, 40 years?</p>\n- <p>Which Sci-Fi movie (or series) of the 2000'smatteredmosttoyou?Whichisthe\nonethatyouthinkwillcometoyourmindwhenaskedaboutitin20,30,40years?</p>\ncached_version:\n-1\n-2\n2\N\N2013-01-3122:04:44.6161992013-01-3122:04:44.616199
1823Post11User\N---\nraw:\n-!"I love my iPad, it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\\n\\nHowever,\n I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use it as a\n full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything\n I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I've never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it's too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my most\n favourite way of working with a computer **ever!**\\n\\nI'd like to know whether any\n of you have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever,\n but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as **their only\n working device, successfully.** You have to be doing something non-trivial on it:\n just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn't count. Has any of you really managed\n to get rid of the \\"bigmachine\\"? Any writers who manage drafts, research, and\n their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who manage all their notes and data\n on one? Anybody from other professional groups? \\n\\nWhat's your secret. What apps\n do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren't\n completely self-explanatory when done from a tablet, like printing or storing to\n an external device (in the case of iOS devices)? Do you keep a big computer somewhere\n for emergencies? Are there really people out there who create final versions of\n important documents using the iOS Pages app or similar?"\n-!"I love my iPad, it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\\n\\n Here's\n a picture of it at a Starbucks in San Bruno, CA, 5,788 miles from home:\\n\\n<img\n src='/uploads/try2_discourse/6/blob.png' width='400' height='300'>\\n\\nHowever, I\n often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use it as a full-time\n working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything I needed\n to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I've never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it's too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my most\n favourite way of working with a computer **ever!**\\n\\nI'd like to know whether any\n of you have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever,\n but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as **their only\n working device, successfully.** You have to be doing something non-trivial on it:\n just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn't count. Has any of you really managed\n to get rid of the \\"bigmachine\\"? Any writers who manage drafts, research, and\n their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who manage all their notes and data\n on one? Anybody from other professional groups? \\n\\nWhat's your secret. What apps\n do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren't\n completely self-explanatory when done from a tablet, like printing or storing to\n an external device (in the case of iOS devices)? Do you keep a big computer somewhere\n for emergencies? Are there really people out there who create final versions of\n important documents using the iOS Pages app or similar?"\ncooked:\n-!'<p>I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.</p>\n\n\n <p>However, I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to\n use it as a full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do\n everything I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a
1923Post11User\N---\nraw:\n-!"I love my iPad, it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\\n\\n Here's\n a picture of it at a Starbucks in San Bruno, CA, 5,788 miles from home:\\n\\n<img\n src='/uploads/try2_discourse/6/blob.png' width='400' height='300'>\\n\\nHowever, I\n often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use it as a full-time\n working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything I needed\n to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I've never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it's too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my most\n favourite way of working with a computer **ever!**\\n\\nI'd like to know whether any\n of you have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever,\n but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as **their only\n working device, successfully.** You have to be doing something non-trivial on it:\n just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn't count. Has any of you really managed\n to get rid of the \\"bigmachine\\"? Any writers who manage drafts, research, and\n their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who manage all their notes and data\n on one? Anybody from other professional groups? \\n\\nWhat's your secret. What apps\n do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren't\n completely self-explanatory when done from a tablet, like printing or storing to\n an external device (in the case of iOS devices)? Do you keep a big computer somewhere\n for emergencies? Are there really people out there who create final versions of\n important documents using the iOS Pages app or similar?"\n-!"I love my iPad, it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\\n\\n Here's\n a picture of it at a Starbucks in San Bruno, CA, 5,788 miles from home:\\n\\n<img\n src='/uploads/try2_discourse/7/blob.png' width='400' height='300'>\\n\\nHowever, I\n often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use it as a full-time\n working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything I needed\n to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I've never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it's too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my most\n favourite way of working with a computer **ever!**\\n\\nI'd like to know whether any\n of you have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever,\n but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as **their only\n working device, successfully.** You have to be doing something non-trivial on it:\n just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn't count. Has any of you really managed\n to get rid of the \\"bigmachine\\"? Any writers who manage drafts, research, and\n their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who manage all their notes and data\n on one? Anybody from other professional groups? \\n\\nWhat's your secret. What apps\n do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren't\n completely self-explanatory when done from a tablet, like printing or storing to\n an external device (in the case of iOS devices)? Do you keep a big computer somewhere\n for emergencies? Are there really people out there who create final versions of\n important documents using the iOS Pages app or similar?"\ncooked:\n-!'<p>I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.</p>\n\n\n <p>Here''s a picture of it at a Starbucks in San Bruno, CA,
2023Post11User\N---\nraw:\n-!"I love my iPad, it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\\n\\n Here's\n a picture of it at a Starbucks in San Bruno, CA, 5,788 miles from home:\\n\\n<img\n src='/uploads/try2_discourse/7/blob.png' width='400' height='300'>\\n\\nHowever, I\n often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use it as a full-time\n working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything I needed\n to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I've never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it's too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my most\n favourite way of working with a computer **ever!**\\n\\nI'd like to know whether any\n of you have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever,\n but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as **their only\n working device, successfully.** You have to be doing something non-trivial on it:\n just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn't count. Has any of you really managed\n to get rid of the \\"bigmachine\\"? Any writers who manage drafts, research, and\n their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who manage all their notes and data\n on one? Anybody from other professional groups? \\n\\nWhat's your secret. What apps\n do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren't\n completely self-explanatory when done from a tablet, like printing or storing to\n an external device (in the case of iOS devices)? Do you keep a big computer somewhere\n for emergencies? Are there really people out there who create final versions of\n important documents using the iOS Pages app or similar?"\n-!"I love my iPad, it's been a faithful companion to me for a long time.\\n\\n Here's\n a picture of it at a Starbucks in San Bruno, CA, 5,788 miles from home:\\n\\n<img\n src='http://localhost:4000/uploads/try2_discourse/7/blob.png' width='400' height='300'>\\n\\nHowever,\n I often hit a wall because of its limited possibilities. I tried to use it as a\n full-time working tool while traveling and basically, I managed to do everything\n I needed to - E-Mail, writing some documents, a bit of photography.... but my experience\n is that no matter how hard I try, it seems never to be a full replacement for my\n home desktop or laptop, the latest when I have to hand in a term paper. I've never\n really tried to use Pages on iPad for that because I fear it's too complicated.\n Which is a shame, because working on the iPad with an external keyboard is my most\n favourite way of working with a computer **ever!**\\n\\nI'd like to know whether any\n of you have experience with working with a Tablet (iPad, iPhone or Android or whatever,\n but not a Slate PC running a desktop OS, it has to be a mobile OS) as **their only\n working device, successfully.** You have to be doing something non-trivial on it:\n just E-Mailing and browsing the web doesn't count. Has any of you really managed\n to get rid of the \\"bigmachine\\"? Any writers who manage drafts, research, and\n their final work, only on a tablet? Educators who manage all their notes and data\n on one? Anybody from other professional groups? \\n\\nWhat's your secret. What apps\n do you use, what does your working setup look like? How do you do things that aren't\n completely self-explanatory when done from a tablet, like printing or storing to\n an external device (in the case of iOS devices)? Do you keep a big computer somewhere\n for emergencies? Are there really people out there who create final versions of\n important documents using the iOS Pages app or similar?"\ncooked:\n-!'<p>I love my iPad, it''s been a faithful companion to me for a long time.</p>\n\n\n <p>Here''s a picture of it at a Starbu
3377Post24User\N---\nraw:\n-|-\nIfyoucanseethis,you've successfully set up a vagrant environment for discourse.\n\n If you'relookingforanaccounttotestout,youcancreateoneorloginasoneofthefollowingwiththepassword:`password`.\n\n-eviltrout**anadmin**\n-tinkertim**regularuser**\n-jatwood**regularuser**\n\nForthelatestinfo,pleasechecktheREADME.mdintheproject.ThanksforcheckingoutDiscourse!\n-|\nIfyoucanseethis,you've successfully set up a vagrant environment for discourse. By default this install includes a few topics and accounts to play around with.\n\n If you'relookingforanaccounttotestout,youcancreateoneorloginasoneofthefollowingwiththepassword:`password`.\n\n-eviltrout**anadmin**\n-jatwood**regularuser**\n\nForthelatestinfo,pleasecheckthe[README.md](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/README.md)intheproject.ThanksforcheckingoutDiscourse!\n\n---\n\n### Production Images\n\n If you want to get started without the test topics, this install also includes a base production database image. To install it execute the following commands:\n\n ```bash\n vagrant ssh\n cd /vagrant\n psql discourse_development < pg_dumps/production-image.sql\n ```\n\n If you change your mind and want to use the test data again, just execute the above but using `pg_dumps/development-image.sql` instead.\ncooked:\n- |-\n <p>If you can see this, you've successfully set up a vagrant environment for discourse.</p>\n\n <p>If you're looking for an account to test out, you can create one or log in as one of the following with the password: <code>password</code>.</p>\n\n <ul>\n <li>eviltrout <strong>an admin</strong>\n </li>\n <li>tinkertim <strong>regular user</strong>\n </li>\n <li>jatwood <strong>regular user</strong>\n </li>\n </ul><p>For the latest info, please check the README.md in the project. Thanks for checking out Discourse!</p>\n- "<p>If you can see this, you've successfully set up a vagrant environment for discourse.\n By default this install includes a few topics and accounts to play around with.</p>\\n\\n<p>If\n you're looking for an account to test out, you can create one or log in as one of\n the following with the password: <code>password</code>.</p>\\n\\n<ul>\\n<li>eviltrout\n <strong>an admin</strong>\\n</li>\\n<li>jatwood <strong>regular user</strong>\\n</li>\\n</ul><p>For\n the latest info, please check the <a href=\\"https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/README.md\\"\n rel=\\"nofollow\\">README.md</a> in the project. Thanks for checking out Discourse!</p>\\n\\n<hr><h3>Production\n Images</h3>\\n\\n<p>If you want to get started without the test topics, this install\n also includes a base production database image. To install it execute the following\n commands:</p>\\n\\n<pre><code class=\\"bash\\">vagrant ssh \\ncd /vagrant \\npsql discourse_development\n < pg_dumps/production-image.sql \\n</code></pre>\\n\\n<p>If you change your mind\n and want to use the test data again, just execute the above but using <code>pg_dumps/development-image.sql</code>\n instead. </p>"\ncached_version:\n- 1\n- 2\nlast_version_at:\n- 2013-02-04 22:39:43.232568000 Z\n- 2013-03-20 22:58:35.140445191 Z\n 2 \N \N 2013-03-20 22:58:35.268019 2013-03-20 22:58:35.268019