mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 04:45:46 -04:00
Updated Vagrantfile to support Vagrant 1.1.2 - you will probably need to download
Vagrant again! http://downloads.vagrantup.com/
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 13654 additions and 184 deletions
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
# See https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/docs/VAGRANT.md
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.box = 'discourse-pre'
config.vm.box_url = 'http://www.discourse.org/vms/discourse-pre.box'
config.vm.box = 'discourse-0.8.4'
config.vm.box_url = 'http://www.discourse.org/vms/discourse-0.8.4.box'
# Make this VM reachable on the host network as well, so that other
# VM's running other browsers can access our dev server.
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
chef.cookbooks_path = chef_cookbooks_path
chef.add_recipe "recipe[apt]"
chef.add_recipe "recipe[build-essential]"
chef.add_recipe "recipe[phantomjs]"
chef.add_recipe "recipe[vim]"
@ -5,6 +5,5 @@ site 'http://community.opscode.com/api/v1'
cookbook 'apt'
cookbook 'vim'
cookbook 'phantomjs'
cookbook 'build-essential'
cookbook 'omnibus_updater'
@ -4,13 +4,11 @@ SITE
apt (1.8.4)
build-essential (1.3.4)
omnibus_updater (0.1.2)
phantomjs (0.0.10)
vim (1.0.2)
apt (>= 0)
build-essential (>= 0)
omnibus_updater (>= 0)
phantomjs (>= 0)
vim (>= 0)
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
phantomjs CHANGELOG
- Initial CHANGELOG created
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
phantomjs Cookbook
Installs the phantomjs cookbook and necessary packages. This repository also features a full test suite!
- `default['phantomjs']['version']` - the version number to install
1. Fork the project
2. Create a feature branch (i.e. `add_feature_x`)
3. Make your changes
4. Write or change specs as necessary
5. Ensure the specs pass:
$ bundle exec rspec
6. Submit a pull request on github
License and Authors
Author: [Seth Vargo](https://github.com/sethvargo)
Copyright 2012, CustomInk, LLC
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
default['phantomjs'] = {
'version' => '1.7.0'
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
"name": "phantomjs",
"description": "Installs/Configures phantomjs",
"long_description": "phantomjs Cookbook\n==================\n[](http://travis-ci.org/customink-webops/phantomjs)\n\nInstalls the phantomjs cookbook and necessary packages. This repository also features a full test suite!\n\nAttributes\n----------\n- `default['phantomjs']['version']` - the version number to install\n\nContributing\n------------\n1. Fork the project\n2. Create a feature branch (i.e. `add_feature_x`)\n3. Make your changes\n4. Write or change specs as necessary\n5. Ensure the specs pass:\n\n $ bundle exec rspec\n\n6. Submit a pull request on github\n\nLicense and Authors\n-------------------\nAuthor: [Seth Vargo](https://github.com/sethvargo)\n\nCopyright 2012, CustomInk, LLC\n",
"maintainer": "CustomInk",
"maintainer_email": "webops@customink.com",
"license": "Apache 2.0",
"platforms": {
"amazon": ">= 0.0.0",
"centos": ">= 0.0.0",
"debian": ">= 0.0.0",
"fedora": ">= 0.0.0",
"oracle": ">= 0.0.0",
"rhel": ">= 0.0.0",
"scientific": ">= 0.0.0",
"ubuntu": ">= 0.0.0"
"dependencies": {
"recommendations": {
"suggestions": {
"conflicting": {
"providing": {
"replacing": {
"attributes": {
"version": {
"display_name": "Version",
"description": "The Version of phantomjs to install",
"default": "1.7.0",
"choice": [
"calculated": false,
"type": "string",
"required": "optional",
"recipes": [
"groupings": {
"recipes": {
"phantomjs::default": "Install phantomjs binary"
"version": "0.0.10"
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
name 'phantomjs'
maintainer 'CustomInk'
maintainer_email 'webops@customink.com'
license 'Apache 2.0'
description 'Installs/Configures phantomjs'
long_description IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'README.md'))
version '0.0.10'
recipe 'phantomjs::default', 'Install phantomjs binary'
%w(amazon centos debian fedora oracle rhel scientific ubuntu).each do |os|
supports os
attribute 'version',
:display_name => 'Version',
:description => 'The Version of phantomjs to install',
:default => '1.7.0'
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# Cookbook Name:: phantomjs
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright 2012, CustomInk
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Packages
case node['platform_family']
when 'debian'
%w(fontconfig libfreetype6).each do |package|
package package
when 'fedora','rhel'
%w(fontconfig freetype).each do |package|
package package
basename = "phantomjs-#{node['phantomjs']['version']}-linux-#{node['kernel']['machine']}"
# Download the tarball
remote_file "/usr/local/src/#{basename}.tar.bz2" do
action :create_if_missing
backup false
mode '0644'
checksum node['phantomjs']['checksum'] if node['phantomjs']['checksum']
source "https://phantomjs.googlecode.com/files/#{basename}.tar.bz2"
# Install phantomjs
execute 'Install phantomjs' do
command "tar -xvjf /usr/local/src/#{basename}.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local/"
not_if "test -d /usr/local/#{basename}"
# Set up the symbolic link
link '/usr/local/bin/phantomjs' do
to "/usr/local/#{basename}/bin/phantomjs"
@ -11,18 +11,17 @@ to rails, you are likely much better off with our **[Discourse Vagrant Developer
3. Clone the project.
4. Create development and test databases in postgres.
5. Copy `config/database.yml.sample` and `config/redis.yml.sample` to `config/database.yml` and `config/redis.yml` and input the correct values to point to your postgres and redis instances.
6. We recommend starting with seed data to play around in your development environment. [Download Seed SQL Data](http://www.discourse.org/vms/dev-discourse-seed.sql). Install it into postgres using a command like this: `psql -d discourse_development < dev-discourse-seed.sql`.
6. Install the seed data to set up an admin account and meta topic: `psql DATABASE_NAME < pg_dumps/production-image.sql`
## Before you start Rails
1. `bundle install`
2. `rake db:create`
3. `rake db:migrate`
4. `rake db:test:prepare`
5. `rake db:seed_fu`
6. Try running the specs: `bundle exec rspec`
7. `bundle exec rails server`
2. `rake db:migrate`
3. `rake db:test:prepare`
4. `rake db:seed_fu`
5. Try running the specs: `bundle exec rspec`
6. `bundle exec rails server`
You should now be able to connect to rails on http://localhost:3000 - try it out! The seed data includes a pinned topic that explains how to get an admin account, so start there! Happy hacking!
@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ Here are the steps we used to create the **[Vagrant Virtual Machine](https://git
## Base box
Vagrant version 1.0.5. With this Vagrantfile:
Vagrant version 1.1.2. With this Vagrantfile:
Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
config.vm.box = 'precise32'
@ -77,8 +76,8 @@ Vagrant version 1.0.5. With this Vagrantfile:
adduser vagrant rvm
source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
su - vagrant -c "rvm pkg install libyaml"
su - vagrant -c "rvm install 1.9.3-p374"
su - vagrant -c "rvm use 1.9.3-p374 --default"
su - vagrant -c "rvm install 2.0.0-turbo"
su - vagrant -c "rvm use 2.0.0-turbo --default"
echo "gem: --no-rdoc --no-ri" >> /etc/gemrc
su - vagrant -c "echo 'gem: --no-rdoc --no-ri' >> ~/.gemrc"
@ -93,6 +92,7 @@ Configure so that the vagrant user doesn't need to provide username and password
psql -c "ALTER USER vagrant WITH PASSWORD 'password';"
createdb vagrant
psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;"
psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm;"
psql -c "ALTER USER vagrant CREATEDB"
psql -c "create database discourse_development owner vagrant encoding 'UTF8' TEMPLATE template0;"
psql -c "create database discourse_test owner vagrant encoding 'UTF8' TEMPLATE template0;"
@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ Edit /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf to have this:
host all all ::1/128 trust
host all all trust # wide-open
Download a database image from [http://discourse.org/vms/dev-discourse-seed.sql][seed_download].
Load the seed data (as vagrant user):
Load it (as vagrant user):
psql -d discourse_development < pg_dump/development-image.sql
psql -d discourse_development < dev-discourse-seed.sql
(You may wish to try the `production-image.sql` file for a good seed for a production database.)
## Redis
@ -129,4 +129,3 @@ Load it (as vagrant user):
# Press enter to accept all the defaults
/etc/init.d/redis_6379 start
[seed_download]: (http://discourse.org/vms/dev-discourse-seed.sql)
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Discourse Developer Install Guide (Vagrant)
**We require Vagrant 1.1.2+ for our Vagrant image to work. You may have to upgrade if you are running
an earlier release.**
If you'd like to set up a development environment for Discourse, the easiest way is by using a virtual machine.
If you have experience setting up Rails projects, you might want to take a look at our **[Discourse Advanced Developer Guide](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/docs/DEVELOPER-ADVANCED.md)**.
It also contains instructions on building your own Vagrant VM.
@ -26,9 +29,9 @@ Vagrant will prompt you for your admin password. This is so it can mount your lo
(The first time you do this, it will take a while as it downloads the VM image and installs it. Go grab a coffee.)
If you are having **trouble** downloading the VM:
- Download this file: http://www.discourse.org/vms/discourse-pre.box using your favorite web browser/download tool.
- Add it to vagrant: `vagrant box add discourse-pre /path/to/the/downloaded/discourse-pre.box`.
If you are having **trouble** downloading the VM:
- Download this file: http://www.discourse.org/vms/discourse-0.8.4.box using your favorite web browser/download tool.
- Add it to vagrant: `vagrant box add discourse-0.8.4 /path/to/the/downloaded/discourse-0.8.4.box virtualbox`.
**Note to OSX/Linux users**: Vagrant will mount your local files via an NFS share. Therefore, make sure that NFS is installed or else you'll receive the error message:
@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ vagrant ssh
`vagrant ssh` isn't available on the Windows platform. You are still able
to SSH into the virtual machine if you get a Windows SSH client (such as
to SSH into the virtual machine if you get a Windows SSH client (such as
PuTTY). The authentication information is shown below:
@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ PuTTYGen to import the insecure_private_key file](http://jason.sharonandjason.co
### Keeping your VM up to date
Now you're in a virtual machine is almost ready to start developing. It's a good idea to perform the following instructions
*every time* you pull from master to ensure your environment is still up to date.
*every time* you pull from master to ensure your environment is still up to date.
bundle install
@ -91,6 +94,22 @@ In a few seconds, rails will start serving pages. To access them, open a web bro
You can now edit files on your local file system, using your favorite text editor or IDE. When you reload your web browser, it should have the latest changes.
### Changing the Seed Data
By default, the Vagrant virtual machine comes seeded with test data. You'll have a few topics to play around with
and some user accounts. If you'd like to use the default production seed data instead you can execute the following
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
psql discourse_development < pg_dumps/production-image.sql
rake db:migrate
rake db:test:prepare
If you change your mind and want to use the test data again, just execute the above but using `pg_dumps/development-image.sql` instead.
### Guard + Rspec
If you're actively working on Discourse, we recommend that you run Guard. It'll automatically run our unit tests over and over, and includes support
@ -131,7 +150,7 @@ Sent emails will be received by mailcatcher and shown in its web ui.
When you're done working on Discourse, you can shut down Vagrant like so:
vagrant halt
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Reference in a new issue