
76 lines
4.6 KiB

log = require 'winston'
async = require 'async'
errors = require '../../commons/errors'
scoringUtils = require './scoringUtils'
LevelSession = require '../../levels/sessions/LevelSession'
module.exports = getTwoGames = (req, res) ->
#if isUserAnonymous req then return errors.unauthorized(res, 'You need to be logged in to get games.')
humansGameID = req.body.humansGameID
ogresGameID = req.body.ogresGameID
return if scoringUtils.simulatorIsTooOld req, res
#ladderGameIDs = ['greed', 'criss-cross', 'brawlwood', 'dungeon-arena', 'gold-rush', 'sky-span'] # Let's not give any extra simulations to old ladders.
ladderGameIDs = ['dueling-grounds', 'cavern-survival', 'multiplayer-treasure-grove', 'harrowland', 'zero-sum']
levelID = _.sample ladderGameIDs
unless ogresGameID and humansGameID
recentHumans = Math.random() < 0.5 # We pick one session favoring recent submissions, then find another one uniformly to play against [{levelID: levelID, team: 'humans', favorRecent: recentHumans}, {levelID: levelID, team: 'ogres', favorRecent: not recentHumans}], findRandomSession, (err, sessions) ->
if err then return errors.serverError(res, "Couldn't get two games to simulate for #{levelID}.")
unless sessions.length is 2
res.send(204, 'No games to score.')
return res.end()
taskObject = messageGenerated:, sessions: (scoringUtils.formatSessionInformation session for session in sessions)
#console.log 'Dispatching random game between', taskObject.sessions[0].creatorName, 'and', taskObject.sessions[1].creatorName
scoringUtils.sendResponseObject req, res, taskObject
#console.log "Directly simulating #{humansGameID} vs. #{ogresGameID}."
selection = 'team totalScore transpiledCode submittedCodeLanguage teamSpells levelID creatorName creator submitDate'
LevelSession.findOne(_id: humansGameID).select(selection).lean().exec (err, humanSession) =>
if err? then return errors.serverError(res, 'Couldn\'t find the human game')
LevelSession.findOne(_id: ogresGameID).select(selection).lean().exec (err, ogreSession) =>
if err? then return errors.serverError(res, 'Couldn\'t find the ogre game')
taskObject = messageGenerated:, sessions: (scoringUtils.formatSessionInformation session for session in [humanSession, ogreSession])
scoringUtils.sendResponseObject req, res, taskObject
earliestSubmissionCache = {}
findEarliestSubmission = (queryParams, callback) ->
cacheKey = JSON.stringify queryParams
return callback null, cached if cached = earliestSubmissionCache[cacheKey]
LevelSession.findOne(queryParams).sort(submitDate: 1).lean().exec (err, earliest) ->
return callback err if err
result = earliestSubmissionCache[cacheKey] = earliest?.submitDate
callback null, result
findRecentRandomSession = (queryParams, callback) ->
# We pick a random submitDate between the first submit date for the level and now, then do a $lt fetch to find a session to simulate.
# We bias it towards recently submitted sessions.
findEarliestSubmission queryParams, (err, startDate) ->
return callback err, null unless startDate
now = new Date()
interval = now - startDate
cutoff = new Date now - Math.pow(Math.random(), 4) * interval
queryParams.submitDate = $gte: startDate, $lt: cutoff
selection = 'team totalScore transpiledCode submittedCodeLanguage teamSpells levelID creatorName creator submitDate'
LevelSession.findOne(queryParams).sort(submitDate: -1).select(selection).lean().exec (err, session) ->
return callback err if err
callback null, session
findRandomSession = (queryParams, callback) ->
# In MongoDB 3.2, we will be able to easily get a random document with aggregate $sample:
queryParams.submitted = true
favorRecent = queryParams.favorRecent
delete queryParams.favorRecent
if favorRecent
return findRecentRandomSession queryParams, callback
queryParams.randomSimulationIndex = $lte: Math.random()
selection = 'team totalScore transpiledCode submittedCodeLanguage teamSpells levelID creatorName creator submitDate'
sort = randomSimulationIndex: -1
LevelSession.findOne(queryParams).sort(sort).select(selection).lean().exec (err, session) ->
return callback err if err
return callback null, session if session
delete queryParams.randomSimulationIndex # Just find the highest-indexed session, if our randomSimulationIndex was lower than the lowest one.
LevelSession.findOne(queryParams).sort(sort).select(selection).lean().exec (err, session) ->
return callback err if err
callback null, session