Update ja.coffee

Updated misc translations.
This commit is contained in:
Coderaulic 2015-02-02 20:13:58 -08:00
parent 60d68ca23c
commit d8cdb6960c

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@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
# tome_help: "Help"
# tome_current_method: "Current Method"
hud_continue_short: "コンテニュー"
# code_saved: "Code Saved"
code_saved: "コードがセーブされました"
skip_tutorial: "スキップ (esc)"
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Key Shortcuts"
# loading_ready: "Ready!"
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
purchasing: "購入中..."
declined: "カードが拒否されました。"
retrying: "サーバーエラー、再試行中。"
prompt_title: "ジェムがりません。"
prompt_title: "ジェムが"
prompt_body: "もっと購入しますか?"
prompt_button: "ショップに入る"
recovered: "前のジェム購入をリカバリーしました。ページを更新してください。"
@ -432,43 +432,43 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
level_to_unlock: "アンロックレベル:" # Label for which level you have to beat to unlock a particular hero (click a locked hero in the store to see)
restricted_to_certain_heroes: "特定のヒーローのみ、このレベルをプレイする事が出来ます。"
# skill_docs:
# writable: "writable" # Hover over "attack" in Your Skills while playing a level to see most of this
# read_only: "read-only"
# action_name: "name"
# action_cooldown: "Takes"
# action_specific_cooldown: "Cooldown"
# action_damage: "Damage"
# action_range: "Range"
# action_radius: "Radius"
# action_duration: "Duration"
# example: "Example"
# ex: "ex" # Abbreviation of "example"
read_only: "リードオンリー"
action_name: "ネーム"
action_cooldown: "テイク"
action_specific_cooldown: "クールダウン"
action_damage: "ダメージ"
action_range: "レンジ"
action_radius: "ラジウス"
action_duration: "デュレーション"
example: ""
ex: "" # Abbreviation of "example"
# current_value: "Current Value"
# default_value: "Default value"
# parameters: "Parameters"
# returns: "Returns"
parameters: "パラメータ"
returns: "リターン"
# granted_by: "Granted by"
# save_load:
# granularity_saved_games: "Saved"
# granularity_change_history: "History"
granularity_saved_games: "セーブされました"
granularity_change_history: "履歴"
# general_options: "General Options" # Check out the Options tab in the Game Menu while playing a level
# volume_label: "Volume"
# music_label: "Music"
# music_description: "Turn background music on/off."
# autorun_label: "Autorun"
# autorun_description: "Control automatic code execution."
general_options: "一般設定" # Check out the Options tab in the Game Menu while playing a level
volume_label: "音量"
music_label: "音楽"
music_description: "BGMをオン/オフ"
autorun_label: "オートラン"
autorun_description: "自動コード実行の設定"
editor_config: "エディター設定"
editor_config_title: "エディターの設定"
# editor_config_level_language_label: "Language for This Level"
editor_config_level_language_label: "このレベルの言語"
# editor_config_level_language_description: "Define the programming language for this particular level."
# editor_config_default_language_label: "Default Programming Language"
editor_config_default_language_label: "デフォルトプログラミング言語"
# editor_config_default_language_description: "Define the programming language you want to code in when starting new levels."
# editor_config_keybindings_label: "Key Bindings"
# editor_config_keybindings_default: "Default (Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_label: "キーバインディング"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "デフォルト(エース)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
# editor_config_livecompletion_label: "Live Autocompletion"
# editor_config_livecompletion_description: "Displays autocomplete suggestions while typing."
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
save_version_title: "新しいバージョンをセーブ"
new_major_version: "メジャーバージョンを新しくする"
# submitting_patch: "Submitting Patch..."
submitting_patch: "パッチを送信中..."
cla_prefix: "変更を適用するには, 私達のCLAに同意する必要があります。"
cla_url: "CLA"
# cla_suffix: "."
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
forum_page: "こちらのフォーラム"
forum_suffix: " でお願いします。"
# faq_prefix: "There's also a"
# faq: "FAQ"
faq: "よくある質問(FAQ)"
# subscribe_prefix: "If you need help figuring out a level, please"
# subscribe: "buy a CodeCombat subscription"
# subscribe_suffix: "and we'll be happy to help you with your code."
@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
autosave: "変更は自動的にセーブします"
me_tab: "自分"
picture_tab: "画像"
# upload_picture: "Upload a picture"
upload_picture: "画像をアップロード"
password_tab: "パスワード"
emails_tab: "メール"
admin: "管理者"
@ -591,8 +591,8 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
# email_notifications_summary: "Controls for personalized, automatic email notifications related to your CodeCombat activity."
# email_any_notes: "Any Notifications"
# email_any_notes_description: "Disable to stop all activity notification emails."
# email_news: "News"
# email_recruit_notes: "Job Opportunities"
email_news: "ニュース"
email_recruit_notes: "求人"
# email_recruit_notes_description: "If you play really well, we may contact you about getting you a (better) job."
contributor_emails: "開発を手伝ってくれる人向けのメール"
contribute_prefix: "私達は開発を手伝ってくれる人を探しています。 詳しくは "
@ -606,15 +606,15 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
job_profile: "求職情報" # Rest of this section (the job profile stuff and wizard stuff) is deprecated
job_profile_approved: "CodeCombatは、あなたの求職情報を承りました。無効にする、もしくは4週間の間変更をしなければ雇用者はあなたの求職情報を見ることができなくなります。"
# job_profile_explanation: "Hi! Fill this out, and we will get in touch about finding you a software developer job."
# sample_profile: "See a sample profile"
# view_profile: "View Your Profile"
sample_profile: "サンプルプロファイルを参照してください"
view_profile: "あなたのプロフィールを表示"
# keyboard_shortcuts:
# keyboard_shortcuts: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
# space: "Space"
# enter: "Enter"
# escape: "Escape"
# shift: "Shift"
keyboard_shortcuts: "キーボードショートカット"
space: "スペース"
enter: "エンター"
escape: "エスケープ"
shift: "シフト"
# run_code: "Run current code."
# run_real_time: "Run in real time."
# continue_script: "Continue past current script."
@ -648,22 +648,22 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
# contribute_to_the_project: "Contribute to the project"
# archmage_title: "Archmage"
archmage_title: "アークメイジ"
archmage_title_description: "(コーダー)"
# archmage_summary: "If you are a developer interested in coding educational games, become an archmage to help us build CodeCombat!"
# artisan_title: "Artisan"
artisan_title: "アーチザン"
artisan_title_description: "(レベルの製作者)"
# artisan_summary: "Build and share levels for you and your friends to play. Become an Artisan to learn the art of teaching others to program."
adventurer_title: "Adventurer"
adventurer_title: "冒険者"
adventurer_title_description: "(レベルのテストプレイヤー)"
# adventurer_summary: "Get our new levels (even our subscriber content) for free one week early and help us work out bugs before our public release."
# scribe_title: "Scribe"
scribe_title: "代書人"
scribe_title_description: "(記事の編集者)"
# scribe_summary: "Good code needs good documentation. Write, edit, and improve the docs read by millions of players across the globe."
# diplomat_title: "Diplomat"
diplomat_title: "外交官"
diplomat_title_description: "(翻訳者)"
# diplomat_summary: "CodeCombat is localized in 45+ languages by our Diplomats. Help us out and contribute translations."
# ambassador_title: "Ambassador"
ambassador_title: "大使"
ambassador_title_description: "(サポート)"
# ambassador_summary: "Tame our forum users and provide direction for those with questions. Our ambassadors represent CodeCombat to the world."